Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interessado
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interessado
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interessado
    * * *
    ['intristid] adj 1 interessado, interesseiro. 2 empregado, participante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interested

  • 2 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interessado
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interessado
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interessado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > interested

  • 3 interested parties

    in.terest.ed par.ties
    ['intristid pa:tiz] n pl partes interessadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interested parties

  • 4 not particularly interested

    not particularly interested
    não muito interessado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > not particularly interested

  • 5 peculiarly interested

    peculiarly interested
    particularmente interessado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > peculiarly interested

  • 6 to be interested in

    to be interested in
    estar interessado em.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to be interested in

  • 7 to get interested in

    to get interested in
    Com ficar interessado, ficar sócio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to get interested in

  • 8 self-interested

    [self'intristid] adj de auto-interesse.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > self-interested

  • 9 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) interesse
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) interesse
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) juro
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) acções
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) sociedade
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) interessar
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) interessar
    - interesting
    - interestingly
    - in one's own interest
    - in one's interest
    - in the interests of
    - in the interest of
    - lose interest
    - take an interest
    * * *
    ['intrist] n 1 interesse, atração. he showed a great interest for my case / ele demonstrou grande interesse pelo meu caso. the book has lost all interest for me / o livro não me atrai mais. 2 Com ação, parte, porção. 3 coisa que interessa. 4 sociedade. 5 vantagem, benefício (próprio). 6 força (moral), influência, importância. he has no interest in the town / ele não possui influência na cidade. it is only of small interest to know / é de somenos importância saber. 7 Econ juros. he cannot pay the interest on the capital / ele não pode pagar os juros sobre o capital. he lends at interest / ele empresta dinheiro a juros. 8 Com lucro. • vt 1 interessar, atrair, cativar. 2 importar, concernir, atingir, comover. I interest myself in eu me interesso por. in my (your) interest em meu (seu) interesse. in the interest of em benefício de. the landed interest os latifundiários. to be interested in estar interessado em. to have someone’s interests at heart importar-se com alguém, tentar ajudar alguém. to take no interest in não interessar-se por.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interest

  • 10 conservationist

    noun (a person who is interested in conservation.) ecologista
    * * *
    [kɔnsəv'eiʃənist] n conservacionista: defensor da conservação das matas e riquezas naturais do país.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > conservationist

  • 11 curious

    1) (strange; odd: a curious habit.) curioso
    2) (anxious or interested (to learn): I'm curious (to find out) whether he passed his exams.) curioso
    - curiosity
    * * *
    [kj'uəriəs] adj curioso: 1 desejoso de saber ou de ver. 2 indiscreto. 3 interessante, raro, estranho, singular. 4 muito cuidadoso, exato. 5 coll excêntrico, esquisito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > curious

  • 12 egocentric

    [eɡə'sentrik, ]( American[) i:ɡou-]
    adjective (interested in oneself only.) egocêntrico
    * * *
    [i:gous'entrik] adj egocêntrico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > egocentric

  • 13 extrovert

    noun, adjective
    ((a person) more interested in what happens around him than his own ideas and feelings: An extrovert (person) is usually good company.) extrovertido
    * * *
    ['ekstr2v2:t] adj Psych extrovertido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > extrovert

  • 14 fashion

    1) (the style and design of clothes: Are you interested in fashion?; ( also adjective) a fashion magazine.) moda
    2) (the way of behaving, dressing etc which is popular at a certain time: Fashions in music and art are always changing.) moda
    3) (a way of doing something: She spoke in a very strange fashion.) modo
    - fashionably
    - after a fashion
    - all the fashion
    - in fashion
    - out of fashion
    * * *
    [f'æʃən] n 1 moda, uso, costume, bom-tom. out of fashion / fora de moda. a man of fashion / homem elegante, na moda. 2 talhe, corte (do vestido). 3 forma, feitio, feição. 4 padrão, estilo, modelo. she launched the fashion / ela introduziu a moda. she sets the fashion / dar o exemplo na moda ou no comportamento. 5 maneira, modo. in a fashion, after a fashion / de certo modo. in such a fashion / de tal maneira ou modo. after the fashion of / como, a modo de. • vt 1 formar, dar feitio. 2 moldar, amoldar, talhar, modelar. 3 acomodar, adaptar, conformar, ajustar. parrot fashion (repetir) como papagaio. people of fashion, rank and fashion alta sociedade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fashion

  • 15 fauna

    (the animals of a district or country as a whole: She is interested in South American fauna.) fauna
    * * *
    [f'ɔ:nə] n fauna.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fauna

  • 16 get

    past tense - got; verb
    1) (to receive or obtain: I got a letter this morning.) receber
    2) (to bring or buy: Please get me some food.) arranjar
    3) (to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc: He couldn't get across the river; I got the book down from the shelf.) tirar
    4) (to cause to be in a certain condition etc: You'll get me into trouble.) pôr
    5) (to become: You're getting old.) ficar
    6) (to persuade: I'll try to get him to go.) convencer
    7) (to arrive: When did they get home?) chegar
    8) (to succeed (in doing) or to happen (to do) something: I'll soon get to know the neighbours; I got the book read last night.) conseguir
    9) (to catch (a disease etc): She got measles last week.) apanhar
    10) (to catch (someone): The police will soon get the thief.) apanhar
    11) (to understand: I didn't get the point of his story.) compreender
    - get-together
    - get-up
    - be getting on for
    - get about
    - get across
    - get after
    - get ahead
    - get along
    - get around
    - get around to
    - get at
    - get away
    - get away with
    - get back
    - get by
    - get down
    - get down to
    - get in
    - get into
    - get nowhere
    - get off
    - get on
    - get on at
    - get out
    - get out of
    - get over
    - get round
    - get around to
    - get round to
    - get there
    - get through
    - get together
    - get up
    - get up to
    * * *
    [get] n cria, gets filhotes. • vt+vi (ps got pp got, Amer gotten) 1 receber, obter, ganhar, alcançar. 2 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. they got to be friends / eles ficaram amigos. 3 aprender, decorar. 4 adquirir, contrair, apanhar, pegar. 5 suceder, conseguir. he got there / ele chegou lá (conseguiu o seu intento). 6 buscar, pegar, arranjar, procurar, transportar, levar, trazer. 7 tomar, comer. get your breakfast! / tome seu café da manhã! 8 induzir, persuadir, convencer. you must get him to do it / você tem que convencê-lo a fazer isso. 9 causar, motivar. 10 mandar, mandar fazer, providenciar. 11 criar, dar à luz. 12 mover, trazer, tirar. 13 coll ser obrigado a, ter de. 14 chegar, vir, ir, partir, alcançar. he got as far as Rio de Janeiro / ele chegou até o Rio de Janeiro. 15 sl bater, surrar, matar. 16 compreender, entender. do you get me? / você me compreende? now I get it / agora entendi. 17 ter, possuir. 18 engendrar, procriar. 19 coll ser bem-sucedido. 20 coll levar a melhor. 21 achar. 22 pegar, colher, surpreender. 23 comover. 24 Amer sl assassinar. 25 tratar de, encarregar-se de. 26 irritar, confundir. don’t let it get you! Amer coll não se deixe dominar. get a move on! vá para frente! avante! get going! vamos!, ande! get you gone! saia! he gets on my nerves ele deixa-me nervoso. he got better ele melhorou. he got her with child coll ele a engravidou. he got his face slapped ele recebeu uma bofetada. he got the idea into his head ele está com esta idéia na cabeça. I get your number eu tenho a sua ficha, eu te conheço. I got it quite right acertei isto bem. I got out of bed on the wrong side saí da cama com o pé esquerdo. I got to hear fiquei sabendo, soube. I have got you agora o peguei. I must get ready preciso me aprontar. it’s getting on for 12 são quase 12 horas. she’s getting her nails done ela está fazendo as unhas (com uma manicure). the ship got clear of the harbour o navio saiu do porto. they get things done eles resolvem tudo. they got married eles se casaram. they got talking eles entabularam conversa. to get about 1 viajar. he gets about a lot / ele viaja muito. 2 espalhar (boatos, informações, notícias), circular. the rumor gets about / o boato está circulando. 3 ter relações sexuais com diferentes pessoas. to get above someone estar cheio de si. to get across comunicar muito bem, fazer compreender. to get ahead prosperar, progredir. to get along 1 dar-se bem com alguém. he is not easy to get along with / não é fácil lidar com ele. 2 sair-se, progredir, passar bem. how’s your son getting along at university? / como o seu filho está se saindo na universidade? 3 continuar a fazer algo que você estava fazendo. I can’t stop to talk to you because I really must get along / não posso parar para falar com você porque eu realmente tenho que ir andando. to get around 1 viajar. 2 espalhar, circular (boatos, informações, notícias). 3 persuadir alguém. 4 lidar com um problema (geralmente evitando-o). to get at 1 alcançar. you’ll need a ladder to get at the top shelf / você precisará de uma escada para alcançar a prateleira de cima. 2 criticar. why do you always get at your wife? / por que você sempre critica sua esposa? 3 querer dizer, significar. what are you trying to get at? / o que você está querendo dizer? 4 começar. 5 ofender verbalmente. 6 influenciar por meio de ameaças, persuadir. can you get at him? / você pode persuadi-lo?, suborná-lo? 7 descobrir a verdade. to get away 1 escapar, fugir. the thieves got away / os ladrões escaparam. 2 partir, sair. I could get away after the meeting / consegui sair depois da reunião. 3 sair de férias. she’ll get away next week / ela sairá de férias na próxima semana. 4 imperativ saia!, fora! 5 interj não diga!, impossível! to get away with 1 não ser punido ou pego por ter feito algo, sair impune. you can’t get away with that / você vai pagar por isso. 2 fazer algo mesmo que "não seja a melhor opção". to get away with murder Amer sl sair impune. to get back 1 voltar (para um lugar). 2 refazer ou voltar a falar de um assunto novamente. 3 ter, receber de volta. to get back at vingar-se de. to get back to telefonar novamente mais tarde. to get behind ficar atrás, atrasar. to get by conseguir sobreviver, Braz coll virar-se, arranjar-se, passar. I don’t know how she can get by with her salary / não sei como ela consegue sobreviver (se virar) com o salário. to get by heart aprender de cor. to get change receber troco. to get clear esclarecer, ficar solto. to get down 1 ficar infeliz e cansado. the job is getting him down / o trabalho está acabando com ele. 2 anotar. 3 engolir. to get down to começar a fazer, Braz coll colocar a mão na massa. let’s get down to business / vamos tratar do assunto. to get dressed vestir-se. to get drunk embriagar-se. to get forward progredir, avançar, apressar um trabalho. to get home chegar em casa. to get hungy ficar com fome. to get in 1 conseguir entrar. 2 ser eleito. 3 chegar em casa. 4 coletar, juntar. 5 mandar chamar. 6 conseguir fazer. to get in on fazer parte de, ajuntar-se a. can’t I get in on it, too? / não poderei tomar parte nisso também? to get interested in Com ficar interessado, ficar sócio. to get into debt fazer dívidas. to get into huddle mexericar, bisbilhotar, caluniar. to get into the habit of swearing adquirir o hábito de praguejar. to get in with fazer amizade. I got in bad with him / fiquei de mal com ele. to get it on or off with 1 ter relações sexuais com. 2 ficar sob o efeito de drogas. to get late ficar tarde. to get off 1 escapar. 2 ir, começar uma viagem. 3 fazer dormir, cair no sono. 4 aprender, memorizar. 5 ter um orgasmo. 6 começar a sair com alguém. I got off with him / comecei a namorá-lo. 7 terminar o trabalho, sair do trabalho. 8 descer, sair (meio de transporte). I got off from the bus / desci do ônibus. to get off the fence coll descer do muro, tomar um partido. to get on 1 proceder, avançar. 2 prosperar, progredir. he is getting on in life / ele está progredindo na vida. 3 concordar, associar-se harmoniosamente. 4 conseguir. 5 dar-se bem com. he gets on with her / ele se dá bem com ela. 6 continuar a fazer. 7 vestir-se. he got on his clothes / ele vestiu-se. to get oneself together começar a controlar a vida, as emoções. to get out 1 escapar. 2 ajudar alguém a escapar. 3 divulgar, soltar um segredo. I got it out of him / arranquei o segredo dele. 4 publicar. to get out of 1 livrar-se de. how can we get out of this? / como é que vamos sair dessa? 2 ter prazer ou graça. what can young people get out of listening to that kind of music? / que prazer os jovens têm em escutar aquele tipo de música? 3 persuadir alguém para ter algo em troca, Braz coll ganhar. what do I get out of it? / o que ganho com isso? to get over 1 recuperar-se, restabelecer-se de. she got over her sorrow / ela se recuperou do sofrimento. 2 impressionar-se. 3 lidar com os problemas e resolvê-los. 4 comunicar-se. to get rid of someone livrar-se de alguém. to get round 1 soltar uma informação, boato, notícia. 2 resolver um problema tentando evitá-lo. 3 persuadir. to get round to conseguir fazer. to get the best of it vencer, levar vantagem. to get the fire under dominar o incêndio. to get the hang of chegar a entender, perceber o truque. to get the worst of it ser derrotado ou aniquilado, levar a pior. to get through 1 terminar. 2 chegar a um destino. 3 receber aprovação. 4 conectar, transferir (telefone), conseguir falar. I got through to him / eu consegui falar com ele. 5 comunicar-se. 6 gastar, esbanjar dinheiro. 7 passar em um exame, teste. to get tired ficar cansado. to get to alcançar, chegar, começar. I got to London / cheguei a Londres. to get together 1 encontrar com alguém. 2 namorar. 3 juntar, reunir, chegar a um acordo. I must get the facts together / tenho de reunir os fatos. to get under subjugar, controlar. to get up 1 levantar da cama, levantar-se. 2 organizar, preparar algo. they are getting up a party / eles estão preparando uma festa. to get up speed/ steam começar a viajar mais rápido. to get up to tramar. to get warm ficar quente. to get wind tornar-se público, recobrar fôlego. to get wind of receber informações sobre. to have got ter. to have got to ter de. you’ll get it (hot)! espere!, você vai apanhar! you’ve got me there não sei a resposta para a sua pergunta, Braz coll você me pegou.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > get

  • 17 hooked

    1) (curved like a hook: a hooked nose.) adunco
    2) ((with on) slang for very interested in, or showing a great liking for; addicted to: He's hooked on modern art; He's hooked on marijuana.) viciado
    * * *
    [hukt] adj 1 curvo. 2 que tem ganchos. 3 coll atraído, encantado por. 4 viciado, obcecado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hooked

  • 18 keen on

    (very enthusiastic about, interested in or fond of: She's keen on sailing; She's been keen on that boy for years.) interessado em
    * * *
    keen on
    coll muito interessado, devotado a, desejoso de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keen on

  • 19 natural

    ['næ ərəl] 1. adjective
    1) (of or produced by nature, not made by men: Coal, oil etc are natural resources; Wild animals are happier in their natural state than in a zoo.) natural
    2) (born in a person: natural beauty; He had a natural ability for music.) natural
    3) ((of manner) simple, without pretence: a nice, natural smile.) simples
    4) (normal; as one would expect: It's quite natural for a boy of his age to be interested in girls.) natural
    5) (of a musical note, not sharp or flat: G natural is lower in pitch than G sharp.) natural
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is naturally good at something.) talento
    2) (in music (a sign () indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat.)
    - naturally
    - natural gas
    - natural history
    - natural resources
    * * *
    [n'ætʃərəl] n 1 aquele ou aquilo que é natural. 2 idiota, imbecil. 3 Mus bequadro. 4 o que é esperto por natureza. 5 um sucesso absoluto. 6 tecla branca de piano ou órgão. • adj 1 natural, originário, oriundo. 2 nativo. 3 ingênito, inato, inerente. 4 primitivo, inculto. 5 espontâneo. 6 normal, comum. 7 instintivo. 8 parecido, semelhante. 9 não afetado. 10 ilegítimo, bastardo. 11 não espiritual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > natural

  • 20 ornithology

    (the scientific study of birds and their behaviour: He is interested in ornithology.) ornitologia
    - ornithologist
    * * *
    [ɔ:niθ'ɔlədʒi] n ornitologia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ornithology

См. также в других словарях:

  • interested — in·ter·est·ed adj: having a recognizable interest in a matter compare interest 2 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. interested …   Law dictionary

  • Interested — In ter*est*ed ([i^]n t[ e]r*[e^]st*[e^]d), a. [See {Interest}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Having the attention engaged; having emotion or passion excited; as, an interested listener. [1913 Webster] 2. Having an interest; concerned in a cause or in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interested — interested; un·interested; …   English syllables

  • interested — (adj.) motivated by self interest, 1705; having an interest or stake (in something); from pp. of INTEREST (Cf. interest) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • interested — [adj] concerned, curious absorbed, affected, attentive, attracted, awakened, biased, caught, drawn, eat sleep and breathe*, engrossed, enticed, excited, fascinated, fired*, gone*, hooked*, implicated, impressed, inspired, inspirited, intent,… …   New thesaurus

  • interested — [in′trəstid] adj. 1. having an interest or share; concerned 2. influenced by personal interest; biased or prejudiced 3. feeling or showing interest, or curiosity interestedly adv. interestedness n …   English World dictionary

  • interested */*/*/ — UK [ˈɪntrəstɪd] / US [ˈɪntrəstəd] adjective Collocations: Interested describes how you feel: I am extremely interested in art. ♦ She didn t look very interested. Interesting describes things or situations that make you feel interested: I find art …   English dictionary

  • interested — in|terest|ed W2S1 [ˈıntrıstıd] adj 1.) giving a lot of attention to something because you want to find out more about it or because you enjoy it ≠ ↑uninterested, bored ↑bored interested in ▪ I ve always been interested in music. ▪ All she s… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • interested — in|ter|est|ed [ ıntrəstəd ] adjective *** 1. ) not usually before noun wanting to know about or take part in something: interested in: interested in sports be interested to hear/know/learn/see etc.: I d be interested to hear what you think. not… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • interested — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get ▪ She got very interested in politics …   Collocations dictionary

  • interested*/*/*/ — [ˈɪntrəstɪd] adj 1) wanting to know about or take part in something Ant: uninterested Joe s always been interested in politics.[/ex] 2) willing or keen to do something We re going to the cinema. Are you interested (= would you like to come… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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