1 inflow
inflow:proprioceptive inflow проприоцептивная импульсацияrapid inflow быстрое заполнение (сердца)venous inflow венозный приток (к сердцу)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > inflow
2 inflow
inflow [ˊɪnfləυ] n1) впаде́ние; втека́ние2) прито́к; наплы́в -
3 inflow
- inflow
- nприток; водоприток, поступление воды
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 inflow
5 inflow
inflow nприток -
6 inflow
nприток, прилив; наплыв
- capital inflow
- cash inflow
- foreign exchange inflow
- gold inflow
- investment inflow
- net inflow
- steady inflow
- inflow of applications
- inflow of bad money
- inflow of capital
- inflow of capital into a country
- inflow of deposits
- inflow of earnings
- inflow of foreign currency
- inflow of gold
- inflow of money
- inflow of orders
- inflow of savings
- inflow of short-term speculative capital
- inflow of visitorsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > inflow
7 inflow
1) впуск; подача2) приток (воды, воздуха, жидкого флюида в скважину); приточность•-
air inflow
- average annual inflow -
channel inflow
coal inflow
commercial inflow
cumulative inflow
fload inflow
groundwater inflow
import inflow
lateral inflow
local inflow
mine inflow
oil inflow
reservoir inflow
surplus inflow
water inflow -
8 inflow
[ˈɪnfləu]capital inflow приток капитала equity capital inflow приток акционерного капитала foreign exchange inflow приток иностранной валюты inflow вливание inflow наплыв inflow прилив inflow приток inflow in the form of financial loans вливание в форме финансовых займов inflow of capital приток капитала inflow of currency приток валюты inflow of foreign exchange приток иностранной валюты inflow of orders поток заказов net capital inflow чистый приток капитала -
9 inflow
приток, прилив; наплыв• -
10 inflow
впуск (жидкости или газа)
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
поступление жидкости в скважину
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
приток воды
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
1) Water other than wastewater that enters a sewer system (including sewer service connections) from sources such as, but not limited to, roof leaders, cellars drains, yard drains, area drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross connections between storm sewers and sanitary sewers, catch basins, cooling towers, storm waters, surface runoff, street wash waters, or drainage. Inflow does not include, and is distinguished from, infiltration. 2) Action of flowing in; an inflow of effluent into a river. (Source: JJK / PHC)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > inflow
11 inflow
12 inflow
nприлив, поступление, приток -
13 inflow
14 inflow
приток; втекание (воды, пара); напуск; втекающий поток; течение на входе; впуск; засасывание (воздуха); подача; подпитка (напр. током); II втекать- inflow oiling angle - inflow performance - inflow valve - air inflow - lateral inflow -
15 inflow
прилив ; поступление ; приток ; ? inflow of capital ; ? inflow of commodities ; ? gold inflow ; ? net inflows ; ? net money inflow ; ? total inflow on current account ; -
16 inflow
1. приток (воды) 2. втекание, впадение
homopycnal inflow гомопикнальный приток
hyperpycnal inflow гиперпикнальный приток
hypopycnal inflow гипопикнальный приток
mine inflow приток (воды) в горную выработку
water inflow приток воды
* * *• подток -
17 inflow
приток; водоприток, поступление воды -
18 inflow
приток; приточный метод -
19 inflow
подпитка; впуск; подача; приток -
20 inflow
приток; втекание; поступление жидкости в скважину; впуск ( жидкости или газа)
* * *
приток, поступление жидкости ( в скважину); подток, подтекание
* * *
приток; втекание; поступление (/i]); впуск ()- oil inflow
- water inflow* * *• впуск• подсос• приток
См. также в других словарях:
inflow — in‧flow [ˈɪnfləʊ ǁ floʊ] noun [countable] COMMERCE FINANCE a steady movement of something such as money or goods into a place, economy, activity etc: • A stable dollar and a strong economy would encourage an inflow of foreign investment. • He… … Financial and business terms
Inflow — (contrasted with outflow) may refer to: *Capital inflow an economic term describing capital flowing into (or entering) a particular economy. *Inflow (hydrology) In hydrology, the source of the water in a body of water *Inflow (meteorology), in… … Wikipedia
Inflow — In*flow , v. i. To flow in. Wiseman. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inflow — I noun approach, arrival, coming in, entrance, entry, immigration, importation, incoming, incursion, induction, infiltration, influx, ingoing, ingress, ingression, initiation, inpour, inpouring, inroad, inrush, insertion, introduction,… … Law dictionary
inflow — (n.) 1839, from IN (Cf. in) + FLOW (Cf. flow) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
inflow — [in′flō΄] n. 1. a flowing in or into 2. anything that flows in … English World dictionary
inflow — [[t]ɪ̱nfloʊ[/t]] inflows N COUNT: usu N of n If there is an inflow of money or people into a place, a large amount of money or people move into a place. The Swiss wanted to discourage an inflow of foreign money. ...the inflow of immigrants from… … English dictionary
inflow — UK [ˈɪnfləʊ] / US [ˈɪnˌfloʊ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms inflow : singular inflow plural inflows an amount of something such as money or goods that comes into a place an inflow of foreign investment … English dictionary
inflow — noun Date: 1839 a flowing in < the inflow of air > < an inflow of funds > … New Collegiate Dictionary
inflow — in|flow [ˈınfləu US flou] n 1.) the movement of people, money, goods etc into a place ≠ ↑outflow inflow of ▪ an inflow of funds from abroad 2.) [singular, U] the flow of water into a place ≠ ↑outflow … Dictionary of contemporary English
inflow — noun a) The act of process of flowing in or into The inflow of air b) Anything which flows in or into Syn: influx Ant: outflow, outflux … Wiktionary