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с английского на арабский


  • 21 bowler

    I noun
    لاعِبٌ، رامي الكُرَه
    III [ˈbəulə] noun
    ( also bowler hat) a type of hard, round felt hat.
    نَوْعٌ من قُبَّعات الرِّجال

    Arabic-English dictionary > bowler

  • 22 bust

    I [bast] noun
    1) a woman's chest:

    She has a very small bust.

    2) a sculpture of a person's head and shoulders:

    a bust of Julius Caesar.

    تِمْثالٌ نِصْفي II [bast] past participle bust or busted verb
    1) (slang)
    2) to arrest someone:

    Two drug dealers were busted in a police raid.

    يَعْتَقِل، يُلْقي القَبْضَ على
    3) to break something:

    The firemen busted the door.

    يَكْسِرُ ، يُحَطِّمُ III [bast] adjective
    (slang) broken; not working:

    Try that phone. This one is bust.


    Arabic-English dictionary > bust

  • 23 cashier

    I [kæˈʃɪə] noun
    a person who receives and pays out money (eg in a bank), works at a cash register etc:

    a cashier in a supermarket.

    أمين صُنْدوق II
    III [kæˈʃɪə] verb
    to dismiss (a military officer) from a post in disgrace.
    يَطْرُدُ مِن مَنْصِبٍ عَسْكَري لِسوء التَّصَرُّف

    Arabic-English dictionary > cashier

  • 24 caster

    I [ˈkaːstə]
    II III [ˈkaːstə] noun
    a small wheel on the legs of furniture to make it easier to move.
    عَجَلَةٌ فس أسْفَلِ الكُرْسي لِتَحْريكِها

    Arabic-English dictionary > caster

  • 25 clove

    I [kləuv] noun
    the flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice.
    قُرُنْفُل II [kləuv] noun
    a section of a bulb:

    a clove of garlic.

    سِن ثوم III

    Arabic-English dictionary > clove

  • 26 counter

    I noun
    a token used in numbering or playing certain games; counters for playing ludo etc.
    عَدّاد، جِهاز العَد II
    III [ˈkauntə]
    1. adverb
    (with to) in the opposite direction or manner to:

    The election is running counter to the forecasts.

    عَكْس، ضِد
    2. verb

    He successfully countered all criticisms.

    يُخالِف، يعاكِس IV [ˈkauntə] noun
    a kind of table or surface on which goods are laid:

    Can you get me some sweets from the confectionery counter?

    منضَده، منصّـه

    Arabic-English dictionary > counter

  • 27 die

    I [daɪ] present participle dying [ˈdaɪɪŋ]: past tense, past participle died verb
    1) to lose life; to stop living and become dead:

    She died of old age.

    2) to fade; to disappear:

    The daylight was dying fast.

    يخْتَفي، يَذوب، يَضْمَحِل
    3) to have a strong desire (for something or to do something):

    I'm dying to see her.

    يُريد بِرَغْبَةٍ شَديدَه II [daɪ] noun
    a stamp or punch for making raised designs on money, paper etc.
    قالِب لِسَك المَعادِن III

    Arabic-English dictionary > die

  • 28 fast

    I [faːst]
    1. adjective
    1) quick-moving:

    a fast car.

    سَريع الحَرَكَه
    2) quick:

    a fast worker.

    سَريع العَمَل
    3) (of a clock, watch etc) showing a time in advance of the correct time:

    My watch is five minutes fast.

    السّاعه مُتَقَدِّمَه
    2. adverb

    She speaks so fast I can't understand her.

    بِسُرْعَه II [faːst]
    1. verb
    to go without food, especially for religious or medical reasons:

    Muslims fast during the festival of Ramadan.

    2. noun
    a time or act of fasting:

    She has just finished two days' fast.

    صِيام III [faːst] adjective
    1) (of a dye) fixed; that will not come out of a fabric when it is washed.
    2) firm; fixed:

    She made her end of the rope fast to a tree.

    مُحْكَم، ثابِت، مَشْدود

    Arabic-English dictionary > fast

  • 29 file

    I [faɪl]
    1. noun
    a line of soldiers etc walking one behind the other.
    رَتْل، طابور، صَف طويل
    2. verb
    to walk in a file:

    They filed across the road.

    يَسير في طابور II [faɪl]
    1. noun
    1) a folder, loose-leaf book etc to hold papers.
    2) a collection of papers on a particular subject (kept in such a folder).
    3) in computing, a collection of data stored eg on a disc.
    مَلَف في الحاسوب
    2. verb
    1) to put (papers etc) in a file:

    He filed the letter under P.

    يَضَعُ في مَلَف
    2) to bring (a suit) before a law court:

    to file (a suit) for divorce.

    يُقَدَّم ملَف الدَّعْوى أمام المَحْكَمَه III [faɪl]
    1. noun
    a steel tool with a rough surface for smoothing or rubbing away wood, metal etc.
    2. verb
    to cut or smooth with a file:

    She filed her nails.


    Arabic-English dictionary > file

  • 30 foil

    I [fɔɪl] verb
    to defeat; to disappoint:

    She was foiled in her attempt to become President.

    يُحْبِط، يُعَطِّل II [fɔɪl] noun
    1) extremely thin sheets of metal that resemble paper:

    silver foil.

    صَفيحَه فِضِّيَّه
    2) a dull person or thing against which someone or something else seems brighter:

    She acted as a foil to her beautiful sister.

    مُقارَنَه تُبْرِز الفرْق III [fɔɪl] noun
    a blunt sword with a button at the end, used in the sport of fencing.
    سَيْف أو شيش المبارَزَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > foil

  • 31 forge

    I [fɔːdʒ]
    1. noun

    Steel is manufactured in a forge.

    أتون ، كور الحِدادَه
    2. verb
    to shape metal by heating and hammering:

    He forged a horse-shoe out of an iron bar.

    يَصْهَر، يَسْبِك II [fɔːdʒ] verb
    to copy (eg a letter or a signature) and pretend that it is genuine, usually for illegal purposes:

    He forged my signature.

    يُزَوِّر III [fɔːdʒ] verb
    to move steadily:

    they forged ahead with their plans.

    يَسيرُ قُدُما، يَتَقَدَّم بِثَبات

    Arabic-English dictionary > forge

  • 32 grating

    I adjective
    (of sounds) unpleasant.
    ذو صَرير، مُزْعِج II
    III [ˈgreɪtɪŋ] noun

    a grating in the road.

    حاجِز مُشَبَّك

    Arabic-English dictionary > grating

  • 33 gravity

    I [ˈgræ-] noun

    The gravity of the situation was clear to us all.

    جاذِبِيَّه II
    III [ˈgrævətɪ] noun
    the force which attracts things towards the Earth and causes them to fall to the ground.
    قُوة الجاذبيَّه

    Arabic-English dictionary > gravity

  • 34 king

    [kɪŋ] noun
    1) a male ruler of a nation, who inherits his position by right of birth:

    King Charles III.

    2) the playing-card with the picture of a king:

    I have two cards – the ten of spades and the king of diamonds.

    الريَّه او الشايِب في ورق اللعِب
    3) the most important piece in chess.
    الشاه في لُعْبَة الشَّطْرَنْج

    Arabic-English dictionary > king

  • 35 lay

    I [leɪ] past tense, past participle laid [leɪd] verb
    1) to place, set or put (down), often carefully:

    She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair

    She laid her report before the committee.

    2) to place in a lying position:

    She laid the baby on his back.

    يُلْقي، يُمَدِّد
    3) to put in order or arrange:

    to lay one's plans / a trap.

    4) to flatten:

    The wind laid the corn flat.

    يَمُدُّ، يُسَوِّي
    5) to cause to disappear or become quiet:

    to lay a ghost / doubts.

    يَهْدأ، يُبْعِد
    6) (of a bird) to produce (eggs):

    My hens are laying well.

    تَضَعُ بيضا
    7) to bet:

    I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.

    يُراهِن II
    III [leɪ] adjective
    1) not a member of the clergy:

    lay preachers.

    راهِب غَيْر مَرْسوم
    2) not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject):

    Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.

    غَيْر مِهَني IV [leɪ] noun
    an epic poem.
    قِصَّة شِعْرِيَّه مَلْحَمِيَّه قَصيرَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > lay

  • 36 light

    I [laɪt]
    1. noun
    1) the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen:

    Sunlight streamed into the room.


    Suddenly all the lights went out.

    مِصْباح، قِنْديل
    3) something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame:

    Have you got a light for my cigarette?

    وَسيلَة إشْعال
    4) a way of viewing or regarding:

    He regarded her action in a favourable light.

    2. adjective
    1) having light; not dark:

    The studio was a large, light room.

    2) (of a colour) pale; closer to white than black:

    light green.

    3. verb
    past tense, past participle litlit, ˈlighted
    1) to give light to:

    The room was lit only by candles.

    2) to (make something) catch fire:

    I think this match is damp, because it won't light.

    يَشْتَعِل II [laɪt] adjective
    1) easy to lift or carry; of little weight:

    I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.

    خَفيف، غَيْر ثَقيل
    2) easy to bear, suffer or do:

    Next time the punishment will not be so light.

    خَفيف، غَيْر شَديد
    3) (of food) easy to digest:

    a light meal.

    سَهْل الهَضْم
    4) of less weight than it should be:

    The load of grain was several kilos light.

    أخَف من اللازِم
    5) of little weight:

    Aluminium is a light metal.

    خَفيف الوَزْن
    6) lively or agile:

    She was very light on her feet.

    رَشيق ، حَيَوي
    7) cheerful; not serious:

    light music.

    خَفيف، مَرِح
    8) little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc:

    light rain.

    قليل الكَثافَه، خَفيف
    9) (of soil) containing a lot of sand.
    كَثير الذَّرّات III [laɪt]

    Arabic-English dictionary > light

  • 37 lighten

    I verb
    to make or become brighter:

    The sky was lightening.

    يُضيء، يُنير II verb
    to make or become less heavy:

    The postman's bag of parcels lightened as he went from house to house.

    يَخِف وزنُه III
    light, ~ light

    Arabic-English dictionary > lighten

  • 38 lime

    I [laɪm] noun
    the white substance left after heating limestone, used in making cement.
    كِلْس، جير II [laɪm] noun
    1) a type of small, very sour, yellowish-green citrus fruit related to the lemon.
    لَيْمون حامِض
    2) ( also adjective) (of) the colour of this fruit:

    lime walls.

    بِلَوْن الليْمون III [laɪm] noun
    a tree with rough bark and small heart-shaped leaves.

    Arabic-English dictionary > lime

  • 39 liner

    I noun
    a ship or aircraft of a regular line or company:

    They sailed to America in a large liner.

    باخِرَه او طائِرَة رُكّاب فَخْمَه II noun
    something used for lining:

    a nappy liner.

    شَيئ يُسْتَعْمَل كَبِطانَه III
    line, ~ line

    Arabic-English dictionary > liner

  • 40 lower

    I verb
    1) to make or become less high:

    She lowered her voice.

    2) to let down:

    He lowered the blinds.

    يُذِل، يَحُط من قَدْر II [ˈlauə] verb
    (of the sky etc) to become dark or threatening.
    يُظْلِم، يَتَجَهَّم، يَعْبِس III

    Arabic-English dictionary > lower

См. также в других словарях:

  • III — steht für: Drei, altrömische Schreibweise der Zahl III ist die Signatur folgender Personen: Jack White (Gitarrist) (* 1975), US amerikanischer Songwriter, Sänger und Gitarrist Hank Williams III (* 1972), US amerikanischer Rock Sänger Siehe auch:… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • III — (as used in expressions) Abd al Rahman III Afonso III Alexander III Amenhotep III Andronicus III Palaeologus Antiochus III Augustus III Cabell Calloway III Casimir III Charles III Christian III …   Universalium

  • III — Not to be confused with Ill (ill, ILL). III (iii) is the Roman number for three, but may also refer to: * III, official artist name for the Inti Creates sound team * III (Download album), an album by the band Download * III (Chad Brock album), an …   Wikipedia

  • III — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Acid King III, album de Gui Boratto III, album de Bob Sinclar Catégorie : Homonymie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • iii — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code : iii ISO 639 2/T Code : iii ISO 639 1 Code : ii Scope : Individual Language Type : Living Language Name : Sichuan Yi …   Names of Languages ISO 639-3

  • III. РОССИЯ. СССР. СНГ - полный — III.1. Племенные союзы восточных славян …   Правители Мира

  • III.6. Правительства периода гражданской войны — ⇑ III. РОССИЯ. СССР. СНГ III.6.1. Европейская Россия III.6.1.1. Юг России III.6.1.2. Дон III.6.1.3. Кубань …   Правители Мира

  • III.9. Содружество независимых государств (СНГ) — ⇑ III. РОССИЯ. СССР. СНГ …   Правители Мира

  • III. Kerületi TVE — III. Kerületi TUE Nombre completo III. Kerületi TVE Futball Club Obuda Fundación 24 de enero de 1887 (124 años) Estadio Hévízi út, Budapest (Hungría) …   Wikipedia Español

  • III Comando Administrativo Aéreo — Activa 4 de febrero de 1938 1944 País Alemania Nazi …   Wikipedia Español

  • III. Korps (Bundeswehr) — III. Korps Verbandsabzeichen Aktiv 6. Apr. 1957–31. Mär. 1994 Land …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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