Перевод: с русского на все языки

со всех языков на русский


  • 1 (с неопределенными местоимениями вм . himself) себя сами

    Colloquial: themselves (в 3-м л. мн. ч.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (с неопределенными местоимениями вм . himself) себя сами

  • 2 A political pundit or commentator who is unable to think for her/himself.

    Current usage: politiclone (example: "Fox News uses the opinions of politiclones to bolster support for the Bush Administration. ")

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > A political pundit or commentator who is unable to think for her/himself.

  • 3 Call made by the fighter stating the fighter will position himself in azimuth and GCI will provide range info to the target from the fighter

    Aviation: judy angle

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Call made by the fighter stating the fighter will position himself in azimuth and GCI will provide range info to the target from the fighter

  • 4 a bloke who is always enjoying himself

    Australian slang: larrikin

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > a bloke who is always enjoying himself

  • 5 contractor's access to satisfy himself

    право потенциального подрядчика на предварительное ознакомление с характером и местом исполнения работ

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > contractor's access to satisfy himself

  • 6 insurance coverage needed by the contractor to protect himself against direct losses

    страхование, обеспечивающее защиту подрядчика от прямых убытков

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > insurance coverage needed by the contractor to protect himself against direct losses

  • 7 самим собой

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > самим собой

  • 8 сам

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > сам

  • 9 ся


    Новый русско-английский словарь > ся

  • 10 В-159

    ВЛАДЕТЬ СОБОЙ VP subj: human usu. this WO to be able to suppress one's feelings, hold back the expression of one's emotions
    X владеет собой = X has self-control
    X has control of himself X controls himself X is in command (in possession) of himself
    учись владеть собой - you must learn to exercise self-control
    Neg X не владеет собой \В-159 X has lost self-control
    X cannot (is not able to) control himself.
    Луи Блан - и это большая сила и очень редкое свойство -мастерски владеет собой, в нём много выдержки, и он... никогда не выходит из себя в споре, не перестаёт весело улыбаться... (Герцен 3). Louis Blanc-and it is a great strength and a very rare quality—has complete self-control, he has a great deal of firmness and...never loses his temper in argument, never stops smiling good-humouredly... (3a).
    (Соня:) У меня уже нет гордости, нет сил владеть собой... (Чехов 3). (S.:) I have no pride left, по strength to control myself... (За).
    Видно было, что он (Ор-сини)... никогда вполне не отдаётся и удивительно владеет собой... (Герцен 2). It was evident that he (Orsini)...never fully let himself go and was wonderfully in command of himself... (2a).
    ...Вместо плакавшей сейчас в каком-то надрыве своего чувства бедной оскорблённой девушки явилась вдруг женщина, совершенно владеющая собой... (Достоевский 1)—Instead of the poor, insulted girl who had just been crying in a sort of strain of emotion, there suddenly appeared a woman in complete possession of herself... (1a).
    ...Злоба вскипала в нём (Орозкуле) ко всем и ко всему... Пусть провалится этот мир, где всё устроено не так, как требуется, не так, как положено Ороз-кулу по его достоинствам и по должности! Уже не владея собой, Орозкул повёл коня по кустарнику прямо на крутой спуск (Айтматов 1)....Anger boiled within him (Orozkul) against everything and every body.... To hell with the whole world, where everything was wrong, where Orozkul was not appreciated according to his merits and position. No longer able to control himself, Orozkul led the horse across the underbrush directly to a steep descent (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-159

  • 11 П-553

    1. to return to a conscious state (after having been unconscious) or to a fully alert state (after having been very drunk, very drowsy etc)
    X пришел в себя ' (in refer, to returning to consciousness) X came to his senses
    X came to (himself) X came (a)round X regained consciousness (after being drunk) X sobered up (after drowsiness) X roused himself X brightened (perked) up again.
    «Около десяти часов вечера она пришла в себя мы сидели у постели...» (Лермонтов 1). "Around ten at night she came to, we were sitting by her bed..." (1a).
    Отогревшись у мельничного костра, Харлампо пришел в себя... (Искандер 5). When he was warmed up beside the mill fire, Harlampo regained consciousness (5a).
    2. (more often pfvj to come out of a state of intense nervousness, fright, worry, surprise etc, settle down
    X пришел в себя = X calmed down
    X recovered (from a shock etc) X pulled himself together X regained his composure X was (became) himself (his old self) again X felt more like himself (again) X came to his senses X got over it (the shock etc).
    Весь ещё во власти раздражения, он мало-помалу приходил в себя (Максимов 3). Не was still in the grip of his irritation, but gradually calmed down (3a).
    ...Почтенные представители долго еще не могли прийти в себя от удивления (Салтыков-Щедрин 2)... The worthy representatives did not recover from their surprise for some time (2a).
    Рвацкий меня изумил, а я Рвацкого испугал... когда я объяснил, что пришёл подписать договор с ним на печатание моего романа в издаваемом им журнале. Но тем не менее он быстро пришел в себя... (Булгаков 12). If Rvatsky astonished me, I clearly terrified Rvatsky...when I explained that I had come to sign a contract with him for my novel which was going to be printed in the magazine he published. However, he quickly pulled himself together (12a).
    Егор тараторил, асам, похоже, приходил пока в себя - гость был и вправду нежданный (Шукшин 1). Egor chattered on while making an effort to regain his composure: the guest was indeed most unexpected (1a).
    Оставшись один, он (Голубев) немного пришел в себя и стал раскладывать лежавшую на столе груду бумаг (Войнович 2). Left alone, Golubev began to feel more like himself and started to arrange the heap of papers on his desk (2a).
    3. to overcome one's fatigue by taking a short rest
    X пришел в себя - X caught his breath
    X rested up (in limited contexts) X got his bearings.
    Я устал с дороги. Дай мне в себя прийти, а потом поговорим. I'm tired from the trip. Let me catch my breath, and then we'll talk
    ...Войдя в избу, Михаил поставил на пол плетенную из бересты корзину... «Самовар ставить или баню затоплять?» - спросила она (мать). «Погоди маленько. Дай в себя прийти» (Абрамов 1). When he got inside, Mikhail put down his birch-bark basket... "Shall I put on the samovar or heat up the bathhouse?" she (his mother) asked. "Wait a bit. Give me some time to get my bearings" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-553

  • 12 владеть собой

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    to be able to suppress one's feelings, hold back the expression of one's emotions:
    - X владеет собой X has self-control;
    || Neg X не владеет собой X has lost self-control;
    - X cannot (is not able to) control himself.
         ♦ Луи Блан - и это большая сила и очень редкое свойство - мастерски владеет собой, в нём много выдержки, и он... никогда не выходит из себя в споре, не перестаёт весело улыбаться... (Герцен 3). Louis Blanc-and it is a great strength and a very rare quality - has complete self-control; he has a great deal of firmness and...never loses his temper in argument, never stops smiling good-humouredly... (3a).
         ♦ [Соня:] У меня уже нет гордости, нет сил владеть собой... (Чехов 3). [S.:] I have no pride left, no strength to control myself... (За).
         ♦ Видно было, что он [Орсини]... никогда вполне не отдаётся и удивительно владеет собой... (Герцен 2). It was evident that he [Orsini]... never fully let himself go and was wonderfully in command of himself... (2a).
         ♦...Вместо плакавшей сейчас в каком-то надрыве своего чувства бедной оскоролённой девушки явилась вдруг женщина, совершенно владеющая собой... (Достоевский 1) - Instead of the poor, insulted girl who had just been crying in a sort of strain of emotion, there suddenly appeared a woman in complete possession of herself... (1a).
         ♦...Злоба вскипала в нём [Орозкуле] ко всем и ко всему... Пусть провалится этот мир, где всё устроено не так, как требуется, не так, как положено Орозкулу по его достоинствам и по должности! Уже не владея собой, Орозкул повёл коня по кустарнику прямо на крутой спуск (Айтматов 1)....Anger boiled within him [Orozkul] against everything and every body.... To hell with the whole world, where everything was wrong, where Orozkul was not appreciated according to his merits and position. No longer able to control himself, Orozkul led the horse across the underbrush directly to a steep descent (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > владеть собой

  • 13 прийти в себя

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to return to a conscious state (after having been unconscious) or to a fully alert state (after having been very drunk, very drowsy etc): X пришел в себя [in refer, to returning to consciousness]
    X came to his senses; X came to (himself); X came (a)round; X regained consciousness; [after being drunk] X sobered up; [after drowsiness] X roused himself; X brightened (perked) up again.
         ♦ "Около десяти часов вечера она пришла в себя; мы сидели у постели..." (Лермонтов 1). "Around ten at night she came to, we were sitting by her bed..." (1a).
         ♦ Отогревшись у мельничного костра, Харлампо пришел в себя... (Искандер 5). When he was warmed up beside the mill fire, Harlampo regained consciousness (5a).
    2. [more often pfv]
    to come out of a state of intense nervousness, fright, worry, surprise etc, settle down:
    - X пришел в себя X calmed down;
    - X recovered (from a shock etc);
    - X got over it (the shock etc).
         ♦ Весь ещё во власти раздражения, он мало-помалу приходил в себя (Максимов 3). He was still in the grip of his irritation, but gradually calmed down (3a).
         ♦...Почтенные представители долго еще не могли прийти в себя от удивления (Салтыков-Щедрин 2)... The worthy representatives did not recover from their surprise for some time (2a).
         ♦ Рвацкий меня изумил, а я Рвацкого испугал... когда я объяснил, что пришёл подписать договор с ним на печатание моего романа в издаваемом им журнале. Но тем не менее он быстро пришел в себя... (Булгаков 12). If Rvatsky astonished me, I clearly terrified Rvatsky...when I explained that I had come to sign a contract with him for my novel which was going to be printed in the magazine he published. However, he quickly pulled himself together (12a).
         ♦ Егор тараторил, асам, похоже, приходил пока в себя - гость был и вправду нежданный (Шукшин 1). Egor chattered on while making an effort to regain his composure: the guest was indeed most unexpected (1a).
         ♦ Оставшись один, он [Голубев] немного пришел в себя и стал раскладывать лежавшую на столе груду бумаг (Войнович 2). Left alone, Golubev began to feel more like himself and started to arrange the heap of papers on his desk (2a).
    3. to overcome one's fatigue by taking a short rest:
    - X пришел в себя X caught his breath;
    - [in limited contexts] X got his bearings.
         ♦ Я устал с дороги. Дай мне в себя прийти, а потом поговорим. I'm tired from the trip. Let me catch my breath, and then we'll talk
         ♦...Войдя в избу, Михаил поставил на пол плетенную из бересты корзину... "Самовар ставить или баню затоплять?" - спросила она [ мать]. "Погоди маленько. Дай в себя прийти" (Абрамов 1). When he got inside, Mikhail put down his birch-bark basket... "Shall I put on the samovar or heat up the bathhouse?" she [his mother] asked. "Wait a bit. Give me some time to get my bearings" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > прийти в себя

  • 14 приходить в себя

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to return to a conscious state (after having been unconscious) or to a fully alert state (after having been very drunk, very drowsy etc): X пришел в себя [in refer, to returning to consciousness]
    X came to his senses; X came to (himself); X came (a)round; X regained consciousness; [after being drunk] X sobered up; [after drowsiness] X roused himself; X brightened (perked) up again.
         ♦ "Около десяти часов вечера она пришла в себя; мы сидели у постели..." (Лермонтов 1). "Around ten at night she came to, we were sitting by her bed..." (1a).
         ♦ Отогревшись у мельничного костра, Харлампо пришел в себя... (Искандер 5). When he was warmed up beside the mill fire, Harlampo regained consciousness (5a).
    2. [more often pfv]
    to come out of a state of intense nervousness, fright, worry, surprise etc, settle down:
    - X пришел в себя X calmed down;
    - X recovered (from a shock etc);
    - X got over it (the shock etc).
         ♦ Весь ещё во власти раздражения, он мало-помалу приходил в себя (Максимов 3). He was still in the grip of his irritation, but gradually calmed down (3a).
         ♦...Почтенные представители долго еще не могли прийти в себя от удивления (Салтыков-Щедрин 2)... The worthy representatives did not recover from their surprise for some time (2a).
         ♦ Рвацкий меня изумил, а я Рвацкого испугал... когда я объяснил, что пришёл подписать договор с ним на печатание моего романа в издаваемом им журнале. Но тем не менее он быстро пришел в себя... (Булгаков 12). If Rvatsky astonished me, I clearly terrified Rvatsky...when I explained that I had come to sign a contract with him for my novel which was going to be printed in the magazine he published. However, he quickly pulled himself together (12a).
         ♦ Егор тараторил, асам, похоже, приходил пока в себя - гость был и вправду нежданный (Шукшин 1). Egor chattered on while making an effort to regain his composure: the guest was indeed most unexpected (1a).
         ♦ Оставшись один, он [Голубев] немного пришел в себя и стал раскладывать лежавшую на столе груду бумаг (Войнович 2). Left alone, Golubev began to feel more like himself and started to arrange the heap of papers on his desk (2a).
    3. to overcome one's fatigue by taking a short rest:
    - X пришел в себя X caught his breath;
    - [in limited contexts] X got his bearings.
         ♦ Я устал с дороги. Дай мне в себя прийти, а потом поговорим. I'm tired from the trip. Let me catch my breath, and then we'll talk
         ♦...Войдя в избу, Михаил поставил на пол плетенную из бересты корзину... "Самовар ставить или баню затоплять?" - спросила она [ мать]. "Погоди маленько. Дай в себя прийти" (Абрамов 1). When he got inside, Mikhail put down his birch-bark basket... "Shall I put on the samovar or heat up the bathhouse?" she [his mother] asked. "Wait a bit. Give me some time to get my bearings" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > приходить в себя

  • 15 О-43

    to overcome one's agitation, nervousness, distress etc and gain control of o.s.: X овладел собой = X recovered his self-control
    X composed (collected) himself X regained control of himself (his composure) X took himself in hand X pulled himself together X got a grip on himself.
    ...Иван Федорович, по-видимому, совсем уже успел овладеть собой (Достоевский 2)....Ivan Fyodorovich had now apparently managed to regain control of himself (2a).
    He дождавшись приглашения, Ефим сам придвинул стул, сел, поставил портфель на колени и, почти овладев собой, умильно посмотрел на Андрея Андреевича (Войнович 6). Without an invitation, then, Yefim pulled up a chair, sat down, put his attache case on his lap, and, regaining some of his composure, smiled ingratiatingly at Andrey Andreevich (6a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-43

  • 16 Р-279

    БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ СЕБЙ В РУКИ VP subj: human, more often pfv fixed WO
    to regain control of one's feelings, mood, or actions ( usu. after a shock, when suppressing one's extreme reaction, emotional outburst etc, or when attempting to become more focused, goal-oriented)
    X взял себя в руки = X took himself in hand
    X got a grip on himself X got (a) hold of himself X pulled himself together X got control of himself.
    ...Виктор стоял, стиснув в кулаке записки, и чувствовал себя болваном, и знал, что красен, что вид имеет растерянный и жалкий, но он взял себя в руки, сунул записки в карман и спустился со сцены (Стругацкие 1). Victor stood, crumpling the notes in his hand, feeling like an idiot. He knew that he was red in the face, that he looked lost and pathetic, but he took himself in hand, stuffed the notes into his pocket, and left the stage (1a).
    Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить. Я спрячусь, забаррикадируюсь, я пересижу у себя в комнате. Я не хочу умирать. Не хочу!.. Стоп! Надо взять себя в руки (Аржак 1). I couldn't let them kill me! I must live. I'll go into hiding, I'll barricade myself, I'll sit it out in my room. I don't want to die. / do not want to... Stop' I must get a grip on myself (1a).
    Чувствую, что меня все время заносит, а остановиться не могу. Надо сейчас же взять себя в руки и немедленно вернуться в строгие рамки сюжета (Искандер 4). I keep feeling myself getting carried away, and I can't stop. I must get hold of myself immediately and return forthwith to the strict framework of the plot (4a).
    На минуту меня охватывает панический ужас. А вдруг они меня зовут сейчас не в Бутырки, а в подвал? В знаменитый Лефортовский подвал, где расстреливают под шум заведенных тракторов... Невообразимым усилием воли... беру себя в руки (Гинзбург 1). For а second I panicked. Suppose it was not to Butyrki they were taking me, but to the cellars? The famous Lefort cellars where...they used the noise of tractor engines to drown that of shooting....It took an unbelievable effort to pull myself together (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-279

  • 17 овладевать собой

    [VP; subj: human; fixed WO]
    to overcome one's agitation, nervousness, distress etc and gain control of o.s.:
    - X овладел собой X recovered his self-control;
    - X got a grip on himself.
         ♦...Иван Федорович, по-видимому, совсем уже успел овладеть собой (Достоевский 2)....Ivan Fyodorovich had now apparently managed to regain control of himself (2a).
         ♦ Не дождавшись приглашения, Ефим сам придвинул стул, сел, поставил портфель на колени и, почти овладев собой, умильно посмотрел на Андрея Андреевича (Войнович 6). Without an invitation, then, Yefim pulled up a chair, sat down, put his attache case on his lap, and, regaining some of his composure, smiled ingratiatingly at Andrey Andreevich (6a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > овладевать собой

  • 18 овладеть собой

    [VP; subj: human; fixed WO]
    to overcome one's agitation, nervousness, distress etc and gain control of o.s.:
    - X овладел собой X recovered his self-control;
    - X got a grip on himself.
         ♦...Иван Федорович, по-видимому, совсем уже успел овладеть собой (Достоевский 2)....Ivan Fyodorovich had now apparently managed to regain control of himself (2a).
         ♦ Не дождавшись приглашения, Ефим сам придвинул стул, сел, поставил портфель на колени и, почти овладев собой, умильно посмотрел на Андрея Андреевича (Войнович 6). Without an invitation, then, Yefim pulled up a chair, sat down, put his attache case on his lap, and, regaining some of his composure, smiled ingratiatingly at Andrey Andreevich (6a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > овладеть собой

  • 19 справиться с собой

    [VP; subj: human; fixed WO]
    to overcome one's agitation, nervousness, distress etc and gain control of o.s.:
    - X овладел собой X recovered his self-control;
    - X got a grip on himself.
         ♦...Иван Федорович, по-видимому, совсем уже успел овладеть собой (Достоевский 2)....Ivan Fyodorovich had now apparently managed to regain control of himself (2a).
         ♦ Не дождавшись приглашения, Ефим сам придвинул стул, сел, поставил портфель на колени и, почти овладев собой, умильно посмотрел на Андрея Андреевича (Войнович 6). Without an invitation, then, Yefim pulled up a chair, sat down, put his attache case on his lap, and, regaining some of his composure, smiled ingratiatingly at Andrey Andreevich (6a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > справиться с собой

  • 20 справляться с собой

    [VP; subj: human; fixed WO]
    to overcome one's agitation, nervousness, distress etc and gain control of o.s.:
    - X овладел собой X recovered his self-control;
    - X got a grip on himself.
         ♦...Иван Федорович, по-видимому, совсем уже успел овладеть собой (Достоевский 2)....Ivan Fyodorovich had now apparently managed to regain control of himself (2a).
         ♦ Не дождавшись приглашения, Ефим сам придвинул стул, сел, поставил портфель на колени и, почти овладев собой, умильно посмотрел на Андрея Андреевича (Войнович 6). Without an invitation, then, Yefim pulled up a chair, sat down, put his attache case on his lap, and, regaining some of his composure, smiled ingratiatingly at Andrey Andreevich (6a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > справляться с собой

См. также в других словарях:

  • Himself — Him*self , pron. 1. An emphasized form of the third person masculine pronoun; used as a subject usually with he; as, he himself will bear the blame; used alone in the predicate, either in the nominative or objective case; as, it is himself who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • himself — [him self′] pron. [OE him selfum, dat. sing. of he self: see HIM & SELF] a form of HE1, used: a) as an intensifier [he said so himself] b) as a reflexive [he hurt himself] c) wi …   English World dictionary

  • Himself — Him*self , Himselve Him*selve , Himselven Him*selv en (?), pron. pl. Themselves. See {Hemself}. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • himself — O.E. him selfum, from HIM (Cf. him), dative/accusative personal pronoun, + SELF (Cf. self), here used as an inflected adjective …   Etymology dictionary

  • himself — ► PRONOUN (third person sing. ) 1) (reflexive ) used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned as the subject of the clause. 2) (emphatic ) he or him personally …   English terms dictionary

  • himself — him|self [ weak ım self, strong hım self ] pronoun *** Himself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of he. It is used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same male who is the subject of the sentence or… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • himself */*/*/ — strong UK [hɪmˈself] / US weak UK [ɪmˈself] / US pronoun Summary: Himself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of he. It is used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same male who is the subject of the… …   English dictionary

  • himself — [[t]hɪmse̱lf[/t]] ♦ (Himself is a third person singular reflexive pronoun. Himself is used when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same person as the subject of the verb, except in meaning 4.) 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON You… …   English dictionary

  • himself — him|self W1S1 [ım self strong hım self] pron [reflexive form of he ] 1.) a) used to show that the man or boy who does something is affected by his own action ▪ In despair, the young boy had hanged himself. ▪ His name is James but he calls himself …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • himself — /Im self/; strong / hIm / pronoun 1 used to emphasize the pronoun he , a male name etc: To her surprise it was the President himself who opened the door. | It must be true, he said so himself. | How can he criticise her work when he has been… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • himself */*/*/ — weak [ɪmˈself] , strong [hɪmˈself] pronoun 1) the REFLEXIVE form of ‘he , used for showing that the man, boy, or male animal that does something is also affected by what he does William slipped once, but he didn t hurt himself.[/ex] That man… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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