1 heat
2 heat caused by friction
nTHERMO calor causado por fricción mEnglish-Spanish technical dictionary > heat caused by friction
3 loss
12 nELEC of synchronism pérdida fELEC ENG atenuación fMECH ENG pérdida f, trabajo perjudicial m, energía disipada sin efectuar trabajo útil fOPT atenuación f, pérdida fPETR TECH, TELECOM pérdida f -
4 air
12 nGAS gas de aire mTV aire m3 vtCOAL, CONST, PRINT, RECYCL, SAFE, THERMO airearWATER TRANSP hold, bilges airear, ventilar45 -
5 produce
1. prə'dju:s verb1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) sacar, extraer2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) tener, dar a luz3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) provocar, producir4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producir, fabricar5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producir6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) poner en escena (teatro); producir
2. 'prodju:s noun(something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) productos (agrícolas)- producer- product
- production
- productive
- productivity
produce1 n productosproduce2 vb1. producir / fabricar2. producir / dar3. producir / poner en escena4. sacar / enseñar1 (gen) producir; (manufacture) producir, fabricar2 (give birth to) tener3 (show) enseñar, presentar; (bring out) sacar4 (cause) producir, causar1 productos nombre masculino plural1) exhibit: presentar, mostrar2) yield: producir3) cause: producir, causar4) create: producirto produce a poem: escribir un poema5) : poner en escena (una obra de teatro), producir (una película)produce ['prɑ.du:s, 'pro:-, -.dju:s] n: productos mpl agrícolasn.• producción s.f.• producto s.m.v.• fabricar v.• hacer v.(§pres: hago, haces...) pret: hic-pp: hechofut/c: har-•)• ocasionar v.• presentar v.• procurar v.• producir v.(§pres: produzco, produces...) pret: produj-•)• rendir v.• rentar v.• sacar v.• surtir v.
I prə'duːs, prə'djuːs1)a) (manufacture, yield) \<\<cars/cloth\>\> producir*, fabricar*; \<\<coal/grain/beef\>\> producir*; \<\<fruit\>\> \<\<country/region\>\> producir*; \<\<tree/bush\>\> dar*, producir*b) (create, give) \<\<energy/sound\>\> producir*; \<\<interest\>\> producir*, dar*, devengar*a university which has produced many great scientists — una universidad que ha dado or de donde han salido muchos grandes científicos
c) ( cause) \<\<joy/reaction\>\> producir*, causar; \<\<effect\>\> surtir, producir*d) ( give birth to) \<\<young\>\> tener*2) (show, bring out) \<\<ticket/document\>\> presentar; \<\<evidence/proof\>\> presentar, aportar; \<\<gun/knife\>\> sacar*3)a) (Cin, TV) producir*, realizar*; ( Theat) \<\<play\>\> poner* en escena; \<\<show\>\> montar, poner* en escenab) (Rad, Theat) ( direct) dirigir*
II 'prɑːduːs, 'prɒdjuːsmass noun productos mpl (alimenticios)1. [prǝ'djuːs]VT1) (=yield) [+ coal, crop, electricity, sound] producir; [+ milk] [farm] producir; [cow] dar; [+ interest] rendir, producir; [+ profit, benefits] producir, reportaroil-producing countries — países mpl productores de petróleo
2) (=manufacture) [+ cars, weapons, drugs] fabricar, producir3) (=create) [+ novel] escribir; [+ magazine] publicar; [+ musical work] componerhe is the most creative novelist this century has produced — es el novelista más creativo que nos ha dado este siglo
4) (=give birth to) [+ offspring] [animal] parir; [woman] tener, dar a luz a; [parents] tener5) (=bring out, supply) [+ gift, handkerchief, gun] sacar; [+ ticket, documents, evidence, proof] presentar; [+ argument] dar, presentar; [+ witness] nombrar; [+ meal] preparar6) (Cine, Theat) [+ film, play, show] producir; (TV, Rad) realizar; (Publishing) [+ magazine] publicar; (Mus) [+ record] producir7) (=cause) [+ symptoms] producir, causar; [+ response] provocar, producirit produced a sensation of drowsiness — producía or causaba una sensación de somnolencia
the photographer used a special lens to produce that effect — el fotógrafo usó una lente especial para producir ese efecto
by combining the two kinds of paint you can produce some interesting effects — combinando las dos clases de pintura puedes conseguir efectos interesantes
you may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect — puedes encontrarte con que amenazar este procedimiento producirá el efecto deseado
8) (Geom) [+ line, plane] prolongar2. [prǝ'djuːs]VI1) [mine, oil well, factory] producir; [land, tree] dar fruto(s); [cow] dar leche; [person] rendir2) (Theat, Cine) producir; (TV, Rad) realizar3.['prɒdjuːs]N (Agr) productos mpl agrícolas, productos mpl del campoproduce of Turkey — producto m de Turquía
dairy 2., farm 4.produce of more than one country — producto m elaborado en varios países
4.['prɒdjuːs]CPDproduce counter N — (US) mostrador m de verdura
produce store N — (US) verdulería f
* * *
I [prə'duːs, prə'djuːs]1)a) (manufacture, yield) \<\<cars/cloth\>\> producir*, fabricar*; \<\<coal/grain/beef\>\> producir*; \<\<fruit\>\> \<\<country/region\>\> producir*; \<\<tree/bush\>\> dar*, producir*b) (create, give) \<\<energy/sound\>\> producir*; \<\<interest\>\> producir*, dar*, devengar*a university which has produced many great scientists — una universidad que ha dado or de donde han salido muchos grandes científicos
c) ( cause) \<\<joy/reaction\>\> producir*, causar; \<\<effect\>\> surtir, producir*d) ( give birth to) \<\<young\>\> tener*2) (show, bring out) \<\<ticket/document\>\> presentar; \<\<evidence/proof\>\> presentar, aportar; \<\<gun/knife\>\> sacar*3)a) (Cin, TV) producir*, realizar*; ( Theat) \<\<play\>\> poner* en escena; \<\<show\>\> montar, poner* en escenab) (Rad, Theat) ( direct) dirigir*
II ['prɑːduːs, 'prɒdjuːs]mass noun productos mpl (alimenticios) -
6 atmosphere
* -
7 belt
12 nAIR TRANSP, GEOL, HEAT ENG cinturón mMECH, MECH ENG cinta f, correa f, correa de transmisión fPETR TECH cinturón mPROD of machine correa de transmisión fRAD PHYS, TRANSP, VEH cinturón m -
8 sensitive
См. также в других словарях:
Friction stir welding — (FSW) is a solid state joining process (meaning the metal is not melted during the process) and is used for applications where the original metal characteristics must remain unchanged as far as possible. This process is primarily used on aluminum … Wikipedia
Friction welding — (FW) is a class of solid state welding processes that generates heat through mechanical friction between a moving workpiece and a stationary component, with the addition of a lateral force called upset to plastically displace and fuse the… … Wikipedia
Heat-shrink tubing — (or commonly heat shrink ) is a tube which shrinks in diameter when heated. Its diameter and thickness can vary, and there are three main categories, thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tube. Heat shrink is used to insulate wires, connections,… … Wikipedia
Heat lightning — is a misnomer for the faint flashes of lightning on the horizon or other clouds from distant thunderstorms that do not have accompanying sounds of thunder. Heat lightning was named because it often occurs on hot summer nights, and to distinguish… … Wikipedia
Heat — Heat, v. i. 1. To grow warm or hot by the action of fire or friction, etc., or the communication of heat; as, the iron or the water heats slowly. [1913 Webster] 2. To grow warm or hot by fermentation, or the development of heat by chemical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Friction — For other uses, see Friction (disambiguation). Classical mechanics … Wikipedia
friction saw — noun : a toothless circular saw used for cutting metals or other materials by fusion in the cut due to frictional heat • friction sawing noun * * * a high speed circular saw, usually toothless, that is used for cutting metals by using frictional… … Useful english dictionary
friction heat — trinties šiluma statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. friction heat; frictional heat vok. Reibungswärme, f rus. теплота трения, f pranc. chaleur de friction, f; chaleur de frottement, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
friction — The resistance to movement between any two objects when placed in contact with each other. Friction causes wear and heat. In an engine, it robs it of some of its potential power. Friction is not constant but depends on the materials, type of… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Heat engine — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Heat exchanger — An interchangeable plate heat exchanger Tubular heat exchan … Wikipedia