Перевод: с английского на чешский

с чешского на английский


  • 1 boss

    [bos] 1. noun
    (the master or manager: the boss of the factory.) šéf
    2. verb
    ((usually with about/around) to order: Stop bossing everyone about!) řídit (koho), poroučet (komu)
    - bossily
    - bossiness
    * * *
    • šéf
    • pán

    English-Czech dictionary > boss

  • 2 suck up to

    ((slang) to do or say things to please one's boss etc for one's own benefit: They despise him because he's always sucking up to the boss.) podlézat (komu)

    English-Czech dictionary > suck up to

  • 3 act as

    (to do the work or duties of: He acts as head of department when his boss is away.) jednat jako
    * * *
    • vykonávat funkci
    • zastupovat
    • působit jako
    • splňovat účel
    • jednat jako
    • být činný jako

    English-Czech dictionary > act as

  • 4 advance

    1. verb
    1) (to move forward: The army advanced towards the town; Our plans are advancing well; He married the boss's daughter to advance (= improve) his chances of promotion.) pokročit; zlepšit
    2) (to supply (someone) with (money) on credit: The bank will advance you $500.) vyplatit předem
    2. noun
    1) (moving forward or progressing: We've halted the enemy's advance; Great advances in medicine have been made in this century.) postup, pokrok
    2) (a payment made before the normal time: Can I have an advance on my salary?) záloha
    3) ((usually in plural) an attempt at (especially sexual) seduction.) pokus o sblížení
    3. adjective
    1) (made etc before the necessary or agreed time: an advance payment.) předčasný
    2) (made beforehand: an advance booking.) předem
    3) (sent ahead of the main group or force: the advance guard.) předvojový
    - in advance
    * * *
    • záloha
    • zálohovat
    • pokročit
    • pokrok
    • postupovat
    • navrhovat
    • dát zálohu
    • dělat pokroky

    English-Czech dictionary > advance

  • 5 blunder

    1. verb
    1) (to stumble (about or into something): He blundered into the door.) motat se, vrazit
    2) (to make a (bad) mistake: He really blundered when he insulted the boss's wife.) zpackat, chybit
    2. noun
    (a (bad) mistake.) hrubý omyl, bota
    * * *
    • omyl

    English-Czech dictionary > blunder

  • 6 contradict

    (to say the opposite of; to argue or disagree with: It's unwise to contradict your boss.) odporovat
    - contradictory
    * * *
    • popírat
    • odmlouvat
    • odporovat
    • oponovat

    English-Czech dictionary > contradict

  • 7 democratic

    1) (belonging to, governed by or typical of democracy: a democratic country.) demokratický
    2) (believing in equal rights and privileges for all: The boss is very democratic.) demokratický
    * * *
    • demokratický

    English-Czech dictionary > democratic

  • 8 deputy

    noun (someone appointed to help a person and take over some of his jobs if necessary: While the boss was ill, his deputy ran the office.) zástupce
    * * *
    • zástupce
    • poslanec
    • náměstek

    English-Czech dictionary > deputy

  • 9 disillusion

    (to destroy the false but pleasant beliefs (held by a person): I hate to disillusion you, but your boss isn't the perfect person you think she is.) rozčarovat, zbavit iluzí
    * * *
    • rozčarovat
    • deziluze

    English-Czech dictionary > disillusion

  • 10 forget

    past tense - forgot; verb
    1) (to fail to remember: He has forgotten my name.) zapomenout
    2) (to leave behind accidentally: She has forgotten her handbag.) zapomenout
    3) (to lose control of (oneself), act in an undignified manner: She forgot herself and criticized her boss during the company party.) zapomenout se
    - forgetfully
    * * *
    • zapomenout na
    • zapomínat
    • zapomenout
    • zapomínat na
    • forget/forgot/forgotten

    English-Czech dictionary > forget

  • 11 grim

    1) (horrible; very unpleasant: The soldiers had a grim task looking for bodies in the wrecked houses.) příšerný, neradostný
    2) (angry; fierce-looking; not cheerful: The boss looks a bit grim this morning.) hrozivý, vzteklý
    3) (stubborn, unyielding: grim determination.) nekompromisní
    - grimly
    - like grim death
    * * *
    • neradostný
    • chmurný

    English-Czech dictionary > grim

  • 12 intention

    noun (what a person plans or intends to do: He has no intention of leaving; He went to see the boss with the intention of asking for a pay rise; If I have offended you, it was quite without intention; good intentions.) záměr, úmysl
    * * *
    • účel
    • úmysl
    • záměr

    English-Czech dictionary > intention

  • 13 raise

    [reiz] 1. verb
    1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) zvednout, vztyčit
    2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) zvýšit
    3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) pěstovat, chovat
    4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) vychovat
    5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) vznést
    6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) sebrat; shromáždit se
    7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) vyvolat
    8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) zvednout, způsobit
    9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) postavit
    10) (to give (a shout etc).) vydat
    11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) navázat spojení
    2. noun
    (an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) zvýšení platu
    - raise hell/Cain / the roof
    - raise someone's spirits
    * * *
    • vychovat
    • vypěstovat
    • zdvihat
    • zvedat
    • zvednout
    • zdvihnout
    • zvýšit

    English-Czech dictionary > raise

  • 14 real

    [riəl] 1. adjective
    1) (which actually exists: There's a real monster in that cave.) skutečný
    2) (not imitation; genuine: real leather; Is that diamond real?) pravý
    3) (actual: He may own the factory, but it's his manager who is the real boss.) opravdový
    4) (great: a real surprise/problem.) skutečný
    2. adverb
    ((especially American) very; really: a real nice house.) opravdu
    - realism
    - realistic
    - realistically
    - reality
    - really
    3. interjection
    (an expression of surprise, protest, doubt etc: `I'm going to be the next manager.' `Oh really?'; Really! You mustn't be so rude!) opravdu
    - for real
    - in reality
    * * *
    • pravý
    • přirozený
    • realitní
    • reálný
    • skutečný
    • opravdový
    • fyzický
    • nemovitý

    English-Czech dictionary > real

  • 15 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) stoupat
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) stoupat
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) vstávat
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) vstát
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) vycházet
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) zvedat se
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) povstat
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) povýšit
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) pramenit
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) zdvíhat se; sílit
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) vyrůst (budova), být postaven
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) vstát z mrtvých
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) vzestup
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) zvýšení (platu)
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) stoupání, návrší
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) počátek, vzestup
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) stoupající, nastupující, nadějný
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion
    * * *
    • tyčit se
    • vzrůstat
    • vstal
    • vstát
    • vzestup
    • vzrůst
    • vstane
    • zvýšení
    • povstání
    • povstat
    • rise/rose/risen
    • stoupání
    • stoupat

    English-Czech dictionary > rise

  • 16 snide

    (sneering or critical in a sly, not open, manner: He made a snide remark about her relationship with the boss.) jízlivý
    * * *
    • posměšný

    English-Czech dictionary > snide

  • 17 workmate

    noun (one of the people who work in the same place of employment as oneself: Her workmates teased her about being the boss's favourite.) spoluzaměstnanec
    * * *
    • spolupracovník

    English-Czech dictionary > workmate

  • 18 at short notice

    (without much warning time for preparation etc: He had to make the speech at very short notice when his boss suddenly fell ill.) na poslední chvíli, během krátké lhůty

    English-Czech dictionary > at short notice

  • 19 cross swords

    (to quarrel or disagree: I try not to cross swords with my boss.) křížit meče

    English-Czech dictionary > cross swords

  • 20 curry favour

    ( with with) (to seek (a) favour by flattery: She's currying favour with the boss.) podlézat, umět to s

    English-Czech dictionary > curry favour

См. также в других словарях:

  • Boss Hoss — is a motorcycle company, founded by Monte Warne in 1990 and based in Dyersburg, Tennessee, that distinguishes itself for making motorcycles and trikes equipped with General Motors V8 engines and semi automatic transmissions. By the mid 90 s, Boss …   Wikipedia

  • Boss — (englisch: Chef) bezeichnet: umgangssprachlich einen Vorgesetzten, siehe Vorgesetzter einen Bekleidungshersteller, siehe Hugo Boss einen Hersteller von elektronischen Geräten für Musiker, siehe BOSS eine Holzachterbahn, siehe The Boss (Six Flags… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Boss Radio — was the name chosen to promote two new radio programming formats which were both launched in May 1965 on both KHJ AM broadcasting from Los Angeles and on Swinging Radio England broadcasting from the motor vessel Laissez Faire anchored three and a …   Wikipedia

  • Boss der Bosse — Studioalbum von Kollegah Veröffentlichung 2006 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • boss — [ bɔs ] n. m. • 1869, répandu XXe; mot angl. amér., du holl. ♦ Fam. Patron, chef d une entreprise. ⇒ singe. « Enfin, si mon boss est heureux avec ça, c est le principal, au fond » (Sarrazin). Des boss. ⊗ HOM. Bosse. ● boss nom masculin (américain …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Boss (Transformers) — Boss is a fictional character in the various Transformers universes. He was sold under the name Blizzard in France (as the same character) and under the name Mach Road in Japan (as a new character).Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character …   Wikipedia

  • Boss of Me — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Boss Of Me EP de They Might Be Giants Publicación 16 de julio, 2001 Género(s) Rock alternativo …   Wikipedia Español

  • BOSS — (homonymie)  Pour les articles homophones, voir Bosse et Beauce. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Boss, « patron » en argot anglais, peut faire référence à : dans le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Boss (Homonymie) —  Pour les articles homophones, voir Bosse et Beauce. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Boss, « patron » en argot anglais, peut faire référence à : dans le langage… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Boss Hog — Pays d’origine  États Unis Genre musical Rock indépendant, blues, punk Années d activité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Boss Media — AB with its main headquarters in Växjö, Sweden, is a developer of software and systems for digitally distributed gaming entertainment. Boss Media was publicly traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange from 1999 to 2008, when GEMed bought the company …   Wikipedia

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