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с английского на словенский


  • 1 màzati

    màzati Grammatical information: v. Accent paradigm: a Proto-Slavic meaning: `smear, anoint'
    Page in Trubačev: XVIII 23-25
    Old Church Slavic:
    mazati `anoint' [verb], mažǫ [1sg]
    mázat' `smear, oil, grease' [verb], mážu [1sg], mážet [3sg]
    mazati `smear, oil, defile' [verb]
    mazat' `smear' [verb]
    mazać `smear' [verb]
    mȁzati `smear, grease, paint' [verb], mȁžēm [1sg];
    Čak. mȁzati (Vrgada) `soil, besmirch' [verb], mȁžeš [2sg];
    mȁzati `smear, grease, paint' [verb];
    Čak. mȁzat (Orbanići) `smear, grease' [verb], mȃžen [1sg]
    mázati `smear, grease, paint' [verb], mȃžem [1sg]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: moʔź-
    mė́žti `manure, muck out'
    mêzt `muck out, sweep' [verb];
    muõzêt `gobble, pound, fool, harass, beat' [verb]
    Page in Pokorny: 696
    Comments: For the time being I have grouped together Slavic *màzati and Lith. mė́žti `manure, muck out', Latv. mêzt `muck out, sweep' and muõzêt `gobble, pound etc.' (cf. Oštir 1912: 214, Fraenkel I: 444). It seems to me that the Baltic words can be linked semantically to *màzati `smear' if we start from a meaning `smear, wipe, sweep' (for the semantic development attested in muõzêt, cf. Ru. smázat' `strike a blow', MoDu. (dial.) afsmeren `give s.o. a beating'). Another possibility would be to connect *màzati with Gk. μάσσω (aor. pass. μαγη̃ναι) `knead' (provided that the root is not μακ- instead of μαγ-, which, according to Chantraine (670), cannot be determined), Arm. macanim `thicken, stick together' and OHG mahhōn, OS makōn etc. `make'. This would entail a reconstruction *meh₂ǵ- (*maǵ- in Pokorny), which would preclude a connection with mė́žti, Latv. mêzt.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > màzati

  • 2 drobìti

    drobìti Grammatical information: v. Proto-Slavic meaning: `crumble, crush'
    Page in Trubačev: V 119
    Old Church Slavic:
    droběi (Supr.) `crushing' [pprsa]
    Church Slavic:
    drobiti `crumble, chop, break' [verb]
    drobít' `crush' [verb], drobljú [1sg], drobít [3sg]
    drobiti `crumble, chop, crush' [verb]
    drobit' `crumble, chop, crush' [verb]
    drobić `crumble' [verb]
    dròbiti `crush, crumble' [verb], drȍbīm [1sg];
    Čak. drobȉti (Vrgada) `crush, crumble' [verb], drobĩš [2sg];
    Čak. drobȉt (Vrgada) `pulverize, crush' [verb], drobĩn [1sg]
    drobíti `crumble, mince' [verb], drobím [1sg]
    drobjá `crumble' [verb]
    Certainty: -
    Page in Pokorny: 272
    Comments: LIV (153) reconstructs * dʰreb- on the basis of Germanic forms such as OIc. drepa `beat, kill', OHG treffan `hit'. Since this proto-form is in conflict with Winter's law, I reconstruct *dʰrobʰ-eie- for Slavic. The discrepancy between Slavic may have something to do with the fact that the etymon is of non-Indo-European origin or Kluge's law may have played a role.
    Other cognates:
    Go. gadraban `cut out' [verb] \{1\}
    \{1\} Unless this is a mistake for gagraban.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > drobìti

  • 3 diriti

    diriti Grammatical information: v. Proto-Slavic meaning: `look for'
    Page in Trubačev: V 31
    dírja `look for, seek, strive for' [verb]
    dyrė́ti (coll.) `look out (for), watch (for), stare, gape, be in hiding' [verb]
    Comments: According to the ESSJa, the Slavic and Baltic verbs are possibly cognate with -> *dьrati `tear'. In that case the i would have to originate from the iterative. The connection with Germanic, as advocated by Stang (1972: ??), is not unattractive, however. One might reconstruct *dei(H)r- or * deih₂-r-, cf. Skt. dayi `shine, radiate'.
    Other cognates:
    Nw. (dial.) tira `look, shine, beam' [verb]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > diriti

См. также в других словарях:

  • have it out — ► have it out informal attempt to resolve a dispute by confrontation. Main Entry: ↑have …   English terms dictionary

  • have it out — index bicker Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • have it out — phrasal : to settle or clear up a matter of contention by free discussion or a fight * * * have it out To discuss a point of contention, etc explicitly and exhaustively • • • Main Entry: ↑have * * * informal attempt to resolve a contentious… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ˌhave sth ˈout — phrasal verb 1) to have a tooth removed from your mouth or an organ removed from your body 2) have it out to talk to someone honestly about a disagreement between you He decided to have it out with Rose there and then.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • have it out — {v. phr.} To settle a difference by a free discussion or by a fight. * /Joe called Bob a bad name, so they went back of the school and had it out. Joe got a bloody nose and Bob got a black eye./ * /The former friends finally decided to have it… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have it out — {v. phr.} To settle a difference by a free discussion or by a fight. * /Joe called Bob a bad name, so they went back of the school and had it out. Joe got a bloody nose and Bob got a black eye./ * /The former friends finally decided to have it… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have\ it\ out — v. phr. To settle a difference by a free discussion or by a fight. Joe called Bob a bad name, so they went back of the school and had it out. Joe got a bloody nose and Bob got a black eye. The former friends finally decided to have it out in a… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • have something out with somebody — ˌhave sth ˈout (with sb) derived to try to settle a disagreement by discussing or arguing about it openly • I need to have it out with her once and for all. Main entry: ↑havederived …   Useful english dictionary

  • have it out — argue, fight, settle it    Jake and Dan had it out. They argued for more than an hour …   English idioms

  • have it out — informal attempt to resolve a contentious matter by open confrontation. → have …   English new terms dictionary

  • have something out — undergo an operation to extract a part of one s body. → have …   English new terms dictionary

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