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  • 1 गुणवत्

    mfn. « furnished with a thread orᅠ string» andᅠ « endowed with good qualities» Pañcat. ṠārṇgP. Subh. ;

    endowed with the five qualities orᅠ attributes of elements Sāṃkhyak. 60 ;
    endowed with good qualities orᅠ virtues orᅠ merits orᅠ excellences, excellent, perfect MBh. R. etc.;
    m. N. of a son of Guṇavatī Hariv. 8840 ;
    () f. N. of a combination of three Ṡlokas forming all one phrase Kāvyâd. I, 13 Sch. ;
    of a daughter (of Sunābha andᅠ wife of Sāmba Hariv. 8762; 8779; 8840 ;
    of the prince Guṇa-sāgara Kathās. CXXIII);
    - tama mfn. (superl.) most excellent Yājñ. II, 78 ;
    - tara mfn. (compar.) more excellent Mn. V, 113 R. III Pañcat. ;
    - f. the state of possessing qualities W. ;
    possession of good qualities orᅠ virtues, excellence MBh. XIV, 86 R. II Ragh. VIII ;
    - tva n. the state of possessing qualities Sāh. I, 2/3, 37 f.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गुणवत्

  • 2 सुशील

    mfn. well-disposed, goodtempered, having an amiable disposition MBh. Kāv. etc.;

    tractable (as a cow) Yājñ. ;
    well conducted, well made, well shaped MW. ;
    m. N. of a son of Kauṇḍinya Hit. ;
    of various kings Kāv. ;
    (ā) f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv. ;
    of a female attending on Rādhā Pañcar. ;
    of the wife of Yama L. ;
    of a daughter of Hari-svāmin Cat. ;
    n. good temper orᅠ disposition MBh. Pañcar. ;
    - guṇa-vat mfn. having an amiable temper andᅠ other good qualities Subh. ;
    - f. - tva n. excellence of temper orᅠ disposition, good morals, natural amiability Kād. Vet. Hcat. ;
    - vat m. well-disposed, good-tempered Mṛicch. ;
    -lâ̱ntaka m. N. of a minister Kautukar. ;
    - lin mfn. (= - la-vat) MārkP.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सुशील

  • 3 अगुणवत्

    mfn. destitute of qualities;

    without good qualities

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अगुणवत्

  • 4 गुणगण

    m. a number orᅠ series of good qualities BhP. V, 3, 11 ;

    - vat mfn. endowed with a number of good qualities Bhām. I, 19.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गुणगण

  • 5 प्रकर्ष


    m. pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, excess, intensity, high degree MBh. Kāv. etc. (often ifc. e.g.. adhva-pr-, a great distance R. ;
    kāla-pr-, a long time Suṡr. ;
    guṇa-pr-, extraordinary qualities Mṛicch. ;
    phala-pr- mfn. consisting chiefly in fruit Suṡr. ;
    ṡakti-pr-, possessing extraordinary power Inscr.);
    length of time, duration Car. ;
    absoluteness, definitiveness W. ;
    (in gram.) the effect of the prefix pra upon roots ib. ;
    ibc. andᅠ (āt, orᅠ eṇa) ind. eminently, intensely, thoroughly, in a high degree MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    - gamana n. going absolutely orᅠ finally, departure W. ;
    - tantra mfn. dependent on excellence orᅠ superior strength MW. ;
    - vat mfn. pre-eminent, excelling by orᅠ in (comp.) Ṡaṃk.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > प्रकर्ष

  • 6 विग्रह

    1) mfn. freed from « the Seizer» i.e. Rāhu (said of the moon) R. ;

    2) m. keeping apart orᅠ asunder, isolation Nir. BhP. ;

    division, Bh. ;
    distribution (esp. of fluids cf. vi-grah) KātyṠr. ;
    (in gram.) independence (of a word, as opp. to composition) APrāt. ;
    separation, resolution, analysis, resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts, the separation orᅠ analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are Kṛidantas, Taddhitas, all Samāsas orᅠ compound words, Ekaṡeshas, andᅠ all derivative verbs like desideratives etc.;
    the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb, the singular of the noun, andᅠ a few indeclinables not derived from roots;
    all compounds being called nitya orᅠ « fixed», when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts;
    cf. jamad-agni) Pāṇ. Sch. Ṡaṃk. etc.;
    discord, quarrel, contest, strife, war with (instr. with orᅠ without saha, sâ̱rdham orᅠ sākam loc. gen. with upari, orᅠ comp.) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    (one of the 6 Guṇas orᅠ measures of policy Mn. VII, 160 ;
    <cf. under guṇa>, alsoᅠ applied to the conflict of hostile planets, in this sense alsoᅠ n. Sūryas. R. ;
    acc. with kṛi, to make orᅠ wage war);
    separate i.e. individual form orᅠ shape, form, figure, the body Up. MBh. etc. ( alsoᅠ applied to the shape of a rainbow;
    acc. with grah, pari-grah, kṛi, upâ̱-dā, to assume a form);
    an ornament, decoration MBh. R. ;
    (in Sāṃkhya) an element;
    N. of Ṡiva MBh. ;
    of one of Skanda's attendants ib. ;
    - grahaṇa n. the assumption of a form Sarvad. ;
    - dhyāna n. N. of a Stotra;
    - para mfn. intent on war, engaged in fighting MW. ;
    - parigraha m. = - grahaṇa Sarvad. ;
    - pāla-deva m. N. of a king Col.;
    - rāja m. N. of various kings Rājat. ;
    of a poet Cat. ;
    - vat mfn. having form orᅠ figure, embodied, incarnate MBh. R. etc.;
    having a handsome form orᅠ shape, fine, beautiful MW. ;
    - vyāvartanī f. N. of wk.;
    -hâ̱vara n. « hinder part of the body», the back L. ;
    - hêcchu mfn. eager for combat Mcar.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विग्रह

  • 7 विशेष

    m. (once in Pañcat. n.;

    ifc. f. ā) distinction, difference between (two gen., two loc., orᅠ gen. andᅠ instr.) GṛṠrS. MBh. etc.;
    characteristic difference, peculiar mark, special property, speciality, peculiarity Mn. MBh. etc.;
    a kind, species, individual (e.g.. vṛiksha-v-, a species of tree, in comp. often alsoᅠ = special, peculiar, particular, different, e.g.. chando-v-, a particular metre, vñviṡesha-maṇḍana, a peculiar ornament;
    argha-viṡeshāḥ, different prices) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    (pl.) various objects Megh. ;
    distinction, peculiar merit, excellence, superiority (in comp. often= excellent, superior, choice, distinguished e.g.. ākṛiti-v-, « an excellent form» ;
    cf. vñviṡesha-pratipatti) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    (in gram.) a word which defines orᅠ limits the meaning of another word (cf. vi-ṡeshaka andᅠ vi-ṡeshaṇa);
    (in phil.) particularity, individuality, essential difference orᅠ individual essence (with the Vaiṡeshikas the 5th cate gory orᅠ Padârtha, belonging to the 9 eternal substances orᅠ Dravyas,
    viz. soul, time, place, ether, andᅠ the 5 atoms of earth, water, light, air, andᅠ mind, which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other) IW. 66 etc.. ;
    (in medicine) a favourable turn orᅠ crisis of a sickness Suṡr. ;
    (in rhet.) statement of difference orᅠ distinction, individualization, variation Kuval. (cf. viṡeshôkti);
    a sectarian mark, any mark on the forehead (= tilaka) L. ;
    (in geom.) the hypotenuse Ṡulbas. ;
    N. of the primary elements orᅠ Mahā-bhūtas (q.v.) MaitrUp. ;
    the earth as an element BhP. ;
    the mundane egg ib. ;
    - virāj ib. ;
    (ibc., ena orᅠ āt ind. exceedingly, especially, particularly, even more Mn. MBh. etc.;
    āt ifc., by reason orᅠ in consequence of. VarBṛS. ;
    yenayenaviṡesheṇa, in any way whatever MBh.);
    mf (ā)n. extraordinary, abundant Ragh. II, 14 ( B. viṡeshāt for viṡeshā);
    - karaṇa n. making better, improvement Mālav. ;
    - kṛit mfn. making a distinction, distinguishing RPrāt. ;
    - garhaṇīya mfn. especially reprehensible, even more blamable Kuval.;
    - guṇa m. a special orᅠ distinct quality Nīlak. ;
    (in phil.) a substance of a distinct kind (as soul, time, space, ether, andᅠ the five atoms enumerated above) W. ;
    - jña mfn. knowing distinctions, judicious Kāv. Kathās. ;
    (ifc.) knowing various kinds of. R. ;
    jñāna-vādâ̱rtha m. N. of wk.;
    - tac ind. according to the difference of. in proportion to (comp.) Mn. XI, 2 ;
    especially, particularly, above all Mn. MBh. etc.;
    individually, singly, Vedantas. ;
    - tva n. distinction, notion of the particular L. ;
    - driṡya mfn. of splendid aspect orᅠ appearance Ragh. ;
    - dharma m. a peculiar orᅠ different duty W. ;
    a special law MW. ;
    niyama m. a partic. observance MBh. ;
    - nirukti f. (ibc.) « explanation of differences» ;
    N. of wk. (- kroḍa m. - ṭīkā f. - prakāṡa, m.;
    - tyāloka m. N. of wks.);
    - patanīya n. a partic. crime orᅠ sin Yājñ. III, 298 ;
    -padâ̱rtha m. (in Nyāya) the category of particularity (cf. above under viṡesha);
    - pratipatti f. a special mark of honour orᅠ respect Ragh. ;
    - pratishedha m. a special exception MW. ;
    - pramāṇa n. special authority ib. ;
    - bhāga m. a partic. part of an elephant's fore-foot L. ;
    - bhāvanā f. reflecting on orᅠ perceiving difference W. ;
    (in arithm.) a partic. operation in extracting roots, composition by the difference of the products ib. ;
    - bhūta-pariṡishṭa n. N. of wk.;
    - maṇḍana n. a peculiar ornament Ṡak. ;
    - mati m. N. of a Bodhisattva andᅠ of another man Buddh. ;
    - mitra m. N. of a man Buddh. ;
    - ramaṇīya mfn. especially delightful, particularly pleasant Vikr. ;
    - lakshaṇa n. any specific orᅠ characteristic mark orᅠ sign W. ;
    (- ṇāṭīkā f. N. of wk.);
    liṅga n. a partic. mark, specific property, attribute of a subordinate class Kap. ;
    - vacana n. « distinguishing orᅠ defining word», an adjective, apposition Pāṇ. 8-1, 74 ;
    a special text, special rule orᅠ precept W. ;
    - vat mfn. pursuing something particular MBh. II, 849 ;
    possessed of some distinguishing property orᅠ specific quality BhP. ;
    excellent, superior, better than (abl.) MBh. Hariv. ;
    making a difference ( seeᅠ a-v-);
    - vāda m. the above doctrine of the Vaiṡeshikas;
    (- ṭīkā f. N. of wk.;
    - din m. an adherent of that doctrine Sāṃkhyak. Sch.);
    - vikrama-ruci mfn. taking delight in splendid heroism Bhartṛ. ;
    - vid mfn. = jña MBh. ;
    - vidvas m. « eminently learned», a sage, philosopher W. ;
    - vidhi m. a special rule orᅠ observance W. ;
    - vyāpti f. (in logic) a form of Vyāpti orᅠ pervasion L. ;
    N. of wk. ( alsoᅠ - rahasya n.);
    - ṡārṅgadhara m. N. of wk.;
    - ṡālin mfn. possessing peculiar merit orᅠ excellence Kir. ;
    - ṡāstra n. (in gram.) a special rule(= apavāda) MW. ;
    - sthu mfn. being (found only) in excellent persons orᅠ things Kāvyâd. II, 170 ;
    -shâ̱tideṡa m. a special supplementary rule ib. ;
    -shâ̱mṛita n. N. of wk.;
    -shâ̱rtha m. the sense orᅠ essence of distinction, difference (am ind. for the sake of difference MW.);
    - prakāṡikā f. - bodhikā f. N. of wks.;
    -shâ̱rthin mfn. seeking for excellence orᅠ distinction MBh. ;
    particular in searching for anything MW. ;
    (- thi) - f. the searching for something better Pañcat. ;
    -shâ̱vasyakaniryukti f. N. of wk.;
    - shôkti f. « mention of difference»
    N. of a figure of speech (in which the excellence of a thing is implied by comparing it to some highly prized object, yet mentioning the difference
    e.g.. dyūtaṉnāmapurushasyâ̱siṉhâ̱sanaṉrājyam, « truly gambling is a man's throneless kingdom» Mṛicch. II, 6/7) Vām. IV, 3, 23 (cf. Kāvyad. II, 323 etc..);
    enumeration of merits, panegyric W. ;
    -shâ̱cchvasita n. the peculiar breath orᅠ life, cherished object), a peculiar treasure (applied to an object especially dear) MW. ;
    - shôddeṡa m. (in Nyāya) a partic. kind of enunciation ib.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विशेष

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