1 functional\ style
функциональный стиль, стиль речиa) a system of interrelated language means which serves a definite aim of communicationb) includes: official style, scientific style, publicist style, newspaper style, belles-lettres stylec) the co-ordination of the language means and stylistic devices which shapes the distinctive features of each style, and not the language means or SD themselvesd) a patterned variety of literary text characterised by the greater or lesser typification of its constituents, supra-phrasal units, in which the choice and arrangement of interdependent and interwoven language media are calculated to secure the purport of the communicationSource: I.R.G.••- научный, разговорный, деловой, поэтический, ораторский, публицистический - являются подсистемами языка, каждая из которых обладает своими специфическими особенностями в лексике и фразеологии, в синтаксических конструкциям, а иногда и в фонетике.Стили различаются между собой не столько наличием специфических элементов, сколько специфическим их распределением. Поэтому наиболее показательной характеристикой функционального стиля является характеристика статистическая.Source: I.V.A.See: stylistic device, individual style, StylisticsEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > functional\ style
2 functional style
1) Архитектура: функционализм2) Реклама: функциональный стиль -
3 functional style
4 style\ of\ imaginative\ literature
embracing numerous and versatile genres of imaginative writing (V.A.K.)••The purpose (the cognitive function) is not to prove but only to suggest a possible *interpretation of the phenomena of life by forcing the reader to see the viewpoint of the writer.- features of belles-lettres styleSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > style\ of\ imaginative\ literature
5 style\ of\ official\ documents
represented in all kinds of official documents and papers (V.A.K.)••The main aim is to state the conditions binding two parties in an undertaking (the state and the citizen, citizen and citizen, the society and its members, two or more enterprises or bodies, a person and subordinates)- the aim is to reach agreement between two contracting parties.- features of official styleSubstyles: the language of business documents, the language of legal documents, the language of diplomacy, the language of military documentsSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > style\ of\ official\ documents
6 style\ of\ language
is a system of co-ordinated, interrelated and inter-conditioned language means intended to fulfil a specific function of communication and aiming at a definite effect (I.R.G.)наука о подсистемах литературного языка (стилях языка) и о средствах языкового выражения, применением которых обусловлен требуемый эффект (цель) высказывания. (I.R.G.)••Стилистикой называется отрасль лингвистики, исследующая принципы и эффект выбора и использования лексических, грамматических, фонетических и вообще языковых средств для передачи мысли и эмоции в разных условиях общения. (I.V.A.)See: practical stylistic, stylistic device, expressive means, functional style, stylistic norm, phono-graphical level, morphological level, lexical level, syntactical levelEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > style\ of\ language
7 functional
ˈfʌŋkʃənl (математика) функционал функциональный - * architecture функционально-направленная архитектура - * style( архитектура) функциональный стиль - * modern furniture функциональная современная мебель - * disturbance (медицина) расстройство функции - * disease функциональное заболевание - * heart-trouble функциональное сердечное заболевание - * calculus( математика) функциональное исчисление, исчисление предикатов официальный, деловой профессиональный, особ узкопрофессиональный - * training обучение по узкой специальности - * representation представительство по профессиям (а не по территориальному признаку) applicative ~ аппликативный функциионал functional архит. конструктивный, без украшательства ~ официальный ~ профессиональный ~ функциональный (тж. физиол. и мат.) ~ функциональныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > functional
8 publicist\ style
covering such genres as essay, feature article, most writing of "new journalism", public speeches, etc. (V.A.K.)••The general aim is to exert a constant and deep influence on public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that the interpretation given by the writer of the speaker is the only correct one and to cause him to accept the point of view... not merely by logical argumentation, but by emotional appeal as well (brain-washing function).- features of publicist styleSubstyles: oratorical (direct contact with the listeners); radio commentary; essay (moral, philosophical, literary; book review in journals and magazines, pamphlets); articles (political, social, economic).Source: I.R.G.See: publicist style••имеет своей основной функцией воздействие на волю, сознание и чувства слушателя или читателя (I.V.A.)See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > publicist\ style
9 belles-lettres\ style
embracing numerous and versatile genres of imaginative writing (V.A.K.)••The purpose (the cognitive function) is not to prove but only to suggest a possible *interpretation of the phenomena of life by forcing the reader to see the viewpoint of the writer.- features of belles-lettres styleSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > belles-lettres\ style
10 newspaper\ style
1) observed in the majority of information materials printed in newspapers (V.A.K.)••2) a system of interrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means which is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that basically serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader. (I.R.G.)- primary function is to impart information, seeks to influence public opinion on political and other matters (brief news items and communiques, press reports, purely informational, advertisement and announcements, editorials) (I.R.G.)- features of newspaper style••- особенности газетного стиляSee: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > newspaper\ style
11 official\ style
represented in all kinds of official documents and papers (V.A.K.)••The main aim is to state the conditions binding two parties in an undertaking (the state and the citizen, citizen and citizen, the society and its members, two or more enterprises or bodies, a person and subordinates)- the aim is to reach agreement between two contracting parties.- features of official styleSubstyles: the language of business documents, the language of legal documents, the language of diplomacy, the language of military documentsSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > official\ style
12 scientific\ style
found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific and academic publications (V.A.K.)••The aim is to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose the internal laws of existence, development, relations between different phenomena, etc. (I.R.G.)- features of scientific style••характерен для текстов, предназначенных для сообщения точных сведений из какой-либо специально области и для закрепления процесса познания;- общие особенности научного стиля- лексические особенности научного стиля
- морфологические особенности научного стиля
- синтаксические особенности научного стиляSource: I.V.A.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > scientific\ style
13 the\ style\ of\ imaginative\ literature
embracing numerous and versatile genres of imaginative writing (V.A.K.)••The purpose (the cognitive function) is not to prove but only to suggest a possible *interpretation of the phenomena of life by forcing the reader to see the viewpoint of the writer.- features of belles-lettres styleSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > the\ style\ of\ imaginative\ literature
14 the\ style\ of\ official\ documents
represented in all kinds of official documents and papers (V.A.K.)••The main aim is to state the conditions binding two parties in an undertaking (the state and the citizen, citizen and citizen, the society and its members, two or more enterprises or bodies, a person and subordinates)- the aim is to reach agreement between two contracting parties.- features of official styleSubstyles: the language of business documents, the language of legal documents, the language of diplomacy, the language of military documentsSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > the\ style\ of\ official\ documents
15 officialese
represented in all kinds of official documents and papers (V.A.K.)••The main aim is to state the conditions binding two parties in an undertaking (the state and the citizen, citizen and citizen, the society and its members, two or more enterprises or bodies, a person and subordinates)- the aim is to reach agreement between two contracting parties.- features of official styleSubstyles: the language of business documents, the language of legal documents, the language of diplomacy, the language of military documentsSource: I.R.G.See: functional style, stylistic deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > officialese
16 Stylistics
is a system of co-ordinated, interrelated and inter-conditioned language means intended to fulfil a specific function of communication and aiming at a definite effect (I.R.G.)наука о подсистемах литературного языка (стилях языка) и о средствах языкового выражения, применением которых обусловлен требуемый эффект (цель) высказывания. (I.R.G.)••Стилистикой называется отрасль лингвистики, исследующая принципы и эффект выбора и использования лексических, грамматических, фонетических и вообще языковых средств для передачи мысли и эмоции в разных условиях общения. (I.V.A.)See: practical stylistic, stylistic device, expressive means, functional style, stylistic norm, phono-graphical level, morphological level, lexical level, syntactical levelEnglish-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > Stylistics
17 language
1) языка) естественный язык, средство человеческого общенияб) система знаков, жестов или сигналов для передачи или хранения информациив) стильг) речь2) языкознание, лингвистика•- actor language
- agent communication language
- a-hardware programming language - application-oriented language
- applicative language
- a-programming language
- artificial language
- assembler language
- assembly language
- assignment language
- author language
- authoring language - business-oriented programming language
- categorical language - configuration language
- constraint language
- combined programming language
- command language
- common language
- common business-oriented language
- compiled language
- compiler language
- computer language
- computer-dependent language - computer-oriented language
- computer-sensitive language
- concurrent language - context- sensitive language
- conversational language
- coordinate language
- database language
- database query language - data structure language
- digital system design language
- declarative language
- declarative markup language
- definitional language
- definitional constraint language
- design language
- device media control language - dynamically scoped language - elementary formalized language
- embedding language
- event-driven language
- expression language
- extensible language - formalized language - functional language
- functional programming language - graph-oriented language - high-order language
- host language - hypersymbol language
- imperative language
- in-line language
- input language
- intelligent language
- interactive language - interpreted language - Java programming language - lexically scoped language
- list-processing language
- low-level language
- machine language
- machine-independent language
- machine-oriented language
- macro language
- manipulator language - meta language
- mnemonic language
- musical language - native-mode language
- natural language - nonprocedural language
- object language
- object-oriented language - physical language
- picture query language
- portable language
- portable standard language
- polymorphic language - print control language
- problem-oriented language
- problem statement language
- procedural language
- procedure-oriented language
- program language
- programming language
- publishing language
- query language
- question-answering language
- register-transfer language
- regular language
- relational language
- right-associative language
- robot language
- robot-level language
- robotic control language
- rule language
- rule-oriented language
- scientific programming language
- script language
- scripting language - sign language
- single-assignment language
- software command language
- source language
- special-purpose programming language
- specification language - stratified language
- stream language
- string-handling language - strongly-typed language - symbolic language - thing language - tone language
- two-dimensional pictorial query language
- typed language
- typeless language
- unchecked language
- unformalized language
- universal language
- unstratified language
- untyped language
- user-oriented language
- very high-level language - well-structured programming language -
18 language
1) языка) естественный язык, средство человеческого общенияб) система знаков, жестов или сигналов для передачи или хранения информациив) стильг) речь2) языкознание, лингвистика•- a programming language
- abstract machine language
- actor language
- agent communication language
- algebraic logic functional language
- algorithmic language
- amorhic language
- application-oriented language
- applicative language
- artificial language
- assembler language
- assembly language
- assignment language
- author language
- authoring language
- axiomatic architecture description language
- basic combined programming language
- block-structured language
- boundary scan description language
- business-oriented language
- business-oriented programming language
- categorical abstract machine language
- categorical language
- cellular language
- combined programming language
- command language
- common business-oriented language
- common language
- compiled language
- compiler language
- computer hardware description language
- computer language
- computer-dependent language
- computer-independent language
- computer-oriented language
- computer-sensitive language
- concurrent language
- configuration language
- constraint language
- context-free language
- context-sensitive language
- conversational language
- coordinate language
- data definition language
- data description language
- data manipulation language
- data structure language
- database language
- database query language
- declarative language
- declarative markup language
- definitional constraint language
- definitional language
- design language
- device media control language
- digital system design language
- document style semantics and specification language
- domain-specific language
- dynamic hypertext markup language
- dynamic simulation language
- dynamically scoped language
- elementary formalized language
- embedding language
- event-driven language
- expression language
- extensible hypertext markup language
- extensible language
- extensible markup language
- fabricated language
- fifth-generation language
- first-generation language
- formal language
- formalized language
- fourth-generation language
- frame language
- function graph language
- functional language
- functional programming language
- geometrical layout description language
- graphics language
- graph-oriented language
- hardware description language
- Hewlett-Packard graphics language
- Hewlett-Packard printer control language
- high-level language
- high-order language
- host language
- hypersymbol language
- hypertext markup language plus
- hypertext markup language
- imperative language
- in-line language
- input language
- intelligent language
- interactive language
- interactive set language
- intermediate language
- interpreted language
- Java interface definition language
- Java language
- Java programming language
- job control language
- Jules' own version of the international algorithmic language
- knowledge query and manipulation language
- left-associative language
- lexically scoped language
- list-processing language
- low-level language
- machine language
- machine-independent language
- machine-oriented language
- macro language
- manipulator language
- man-machine language
- mathematical markup language
- matrix-based programming language
- meta language
- mnemonic language
- musical language
- my favorite toy language
- native language
- native-mode language
- natural language
- network control language
- network description language
- noninteractive language
- nonprocedural language
- object language
- object-oriented language
- page description language
- parallel object-oriented language
- partial differential equation language
- pattern-matching language
- physical language
- picture query language
- polymorphic language
- portable language
- portable standard language
- practical extraction and report language
- prescriptive language
- print control language
- problem statement language
- problem-oriented language
- procedural language
- procedure-oriented language
- program language
- programming language
- publishing language
- query language
- question-answering language
- register-transfer language
- regular language
- relational language
- right-associative language
- robot language
- robotic control language
- robot-level language
- rule language
- rule-oriented language
- scientific programming language
- script language
- scripting language
- second-generation language
- sense language
- server-parsed hypertext markup language
- set language
- sign language
- simulation language
- single-assignment language
- software command language
- source language
- special-purpose programming language
- specification and assertion language
- specification language
- stack-based language
- standard generalized markup language
- statically scoped language
- stratified language
- stream language
- string-handling language
- string-oriented symbolic language
- string-processing language
- strongly-typed language
- structural design language
- structured query language
- subset language
- symbolic language
- symbolic layout description language
- synchronized multimedia integration language
- target language
- thing language
- third-generation language
- threaded language
- tone language
- two-dimensional pictorial query language
- typed language
- typeless language
- unchecked language
- unformalized language
- universal language
- unstratified language
- untyped language
- user-oriented language
- very high-level language
- very-high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language
- Vienna definition language
- virtual reality modeling language
- visual language
- well-structured programming language
- wireless markup languageThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > language
19 block
1) преграда; затор || перекрывать; заклинивать(ся)2) засорять(ся); забивать(ся); закупоривать(ся)4) горн. блок; выемочный участок5) горн. глыба8) лесн. короткий толстый сортимент; кряж9) чушка, заготовка, литой сляб10) сил. брус11) волочильный стан барабанного типа; волочильный барабан13) кессон головки ( мартеновской печи)15) квартал19) блок; шкив; ролик20) машиностр. кадр ( управляющей программы)21) слипаться, склеиваться (о свежеокрашенных поверхностях, плёнках)22) возд. упорная колодка ( под колесо) || устанавливать упорные колодки ( под колесо)23) пакет (напр. символов)24) электрон., связь группа (напр. каналов); узел25) запирающий сигнал || запирать26) блокировка || блокировать27) вчт. группа, блок (напр. данных или ячеек памяти) || объединять в блоки; составлять блоки28) ж.-д. блок-участок; блок-пост; блокировка29) полигр. печатная форма высокой печати30) клише; подставка для клише31) корпус ( пищекомбината)33) швейн. рассекание настила•block for gun stock production — ружейный кряж;block for pencil production — карандашный кряж;to block off — отсекать, перекрывать;-
adjustable index block
adjustment block
adjustment key block
adobe block
air block
alternate block
analysis block
anchor block
angle block
anvil block
apparatus studio block
apron block
architrave block
automatic block
back block
backing block
backup block
baffle block
base block
basic block
bearing block
bilge block
bin block
block of flats
block of houses
boat block
boom sheave block
bootstrap block
brake block
breeze block
bridge block
building block
built-in block
bull block
cable sheave block
canal block
cap block
car-top block
cartridge block
casting block
cavity block
cement block
chain block
chimney block
chock block
chopping block
chuck block
chute block
cinder block
clapper block
clinker block
clutch block
coil block
combination block
commercial block
concrete block
cone impression block
connecting block
connector block
contact block
control and program studio block
control block
coping block
copy block
corner return block
corner block
corridor-type block of flats
coupler bearing block
crown block
cushion push block
cutter block
cutting block
cylinder block
cylinder impression block
data block
data control block
dead block
decision-maklng block
decision block
derailing block
dice block
dichroic block
die block
differential pulley block
discharge-end block
distributor block
dock block
dog block
dolly block
double block
double draft bull block
double drawing block
double-line block
drawing block
dressing block
editing block
electric hoist block
emulsion block
end block
engine basic block
erroneous block
extension hand-wheel block
fault-tolerant building block
filler block
filling block
finishing block
fixed block
fixed-length block
fixing block
flashing block
flat impression block
floor block
flux block
foam glass block
focusing block
follower bearing block
foot block
forest block
friction block
fuel block
functional electronic block
fuse block
gage block
gallery-access block of flats
gas block
gin block
glass block
glue block
granite block
graphite block
gravity block
group block
guide block
gypsum block
half-tone block
hammer block
hand block
head block
hedgehog-type block
heel block
hoisting block
hollow block
home block
hook block
hydrate block
hydraulic sandwich mobile control block
impression block
information block
input block
interface block
interlocking block
intermediate block
internal ribbing block
junction block
justificaiton block
keel block
key block
knife block
knock-off block
label block
labeled block
laser head block
launching block
layout block
lead impression block
lens block
line control block
linerless block
linoleum block
lintel block
load sheave block
lock block
logging block
made block
manifold block
manual block
marvering block
melt block
memory block
message block
metal block
milling block
miter block
moderating block
modular block
multiple tool block
nailing block
NC program block
NC block
nonslip bull block
nose ring block
nostril block
no-twist finishing block
nozzles-pocket block
occupied block
oil pump block
one-piece casting block
optic block
output block
oven-sole block
packing block
parquet block
paving block
peephole block
physical block
pillow block
pilot block
plinth block
point block of flats
primary block
printing block
processing block
program block
programmable building block
pulley block
pump block
push block
raggle block
rammed block
raw block
reactor block
read-in block
receiving block
record block
reflector block
refractory block
regular block
reinforcement spring stop block
relay-type block
relay block
replaceable block
request block
reversed block
road block
row block of flats
rubber block
rubbing block
running block
runoff block
sand block
saw block
secondary block
section block
shaping block
sheave block
shock-absorbing skid block
silent block
sill block
single block
single horizontal block
single vertical block
single-line block
single-spindle wire block
sister block
skimmer block
skirting block
slab block of flats
slag concrete block
slag block
slide block
slider block
sliding block
slip-cast block
snatch block
solid-state block
spacer block
spare block
spindle block
spinner block
spinneret block
splash block
splicing block
spooler block
springing block
starting block
station block
stationary key block
station-to-station block
stone block
stop block
storage block
strike block
swivel block
table block
tail block
takeup block
tank block
tapered wedge block
taphole block
task-control block
terminal block
text block
threading block
throttling lubricating block
thrust block
tilting block
tilt block
toe block
tool block
tool holder block
traffic block
traveling block
tube block
tubing block
turret block
tuyere block
type style card block
undertube base block
undertube block
unlabeled block
valve block
variable block
variable-length block
vertical inverted block
vitrified block
water block
wedge block
wedge gage block
wedging block
wood block -
20 box
1) ящик; коробка || упаковывать в ящик или коробку2) втулка; гнездо3) кожух; корпус5) камера; шкаф; бокс7) будка (напр. телефонная)8) метр. (измерительный) магазин13) обойма ( щёткодержателя)14) связь ячейка ( области)15) электрон., вчт. блок16) прямоугольник ( блок-схемы); рамка ( машинного графика)17) ячейка ( наборной кассы)18) полигр. рамка19) ж.-д. букса21) с.-х. стойло•-
accessory box
accumulator box
acoustically insulated box
anechoic box
annealing box
ash box
attenuation box
axle box
balance box
ballast box
band box
base box
battery box
bellows style box
black box
bliss box
book box
branch box
brush box
Buffalo box
built-up molding box
cable box
call box
cam box
camera box
capacitance box
carburizing box
cardboard box
casting box
center special slotting box
centrifugal box
cess box
charging box
chill box
circular box
cleanout box
cleated fiberboard box
cleated plywood box
cleated wood box
coking box
cold box
cold storage box
collapsible box
common antenna distribution box
compression box
condenser box
connecting box
control box
core box
coupling box
crimp box
culvert box
curb-stop box
curb box
curved plane box
decade box
decision box
dehydration box
delivery box
descaling box
dialogue box
die box
discharge box
display outer box
distribution box
dividing box
division box
double cover box
double-cutting planer tool box
drawing box
drop-end box
dry box
dry hot box
drying box
dump box
dusting box
dustproof box
echo box
effects box
ejector box
end signal box
engine oil pressure test box
exhaust box
extracting box
fancy box
feed box
feeder box
feeding box
film box
folding box
free-water knockoutbox
freezer box
full-flap slotted box
functional box
function box
fuse box
gear box
germinating box
gland box
glove box
graded-scrap box
gravel box
half-part molding box
half-slotted box
hand-held box
haulage box
Hogness box
horizontal locking box
hot box
hydrant street box
inductance box
inlet box
interlocking double cover box
interlocking signal box
jack box
jig box
joint box
journal box
junction box
key box
knife box
knock-down box
knockout box
label box
light-tight box
load box
lock bottom box
lock corner box
locking box
mail box
mailing box
matte box
measuring box
miter box
mixing box
mold box
molding box
monitor box
mud box
multiple core box
numbering box
oil distributing box
overlap slotted box
packer box
pallet box
pedestal journal box
phase segregated terminal box
phase separated terminal box
pouring box
power box
pressing box
Pribnow box
proof box
public-call box
pull-through box
receiving box
recessed end box
refrigerator box
relay box
resistance box
reverse box
rose box
rotor gear box
run-down box
runner box
salt-spray box
sand box
sealing box
sediment box
separator box
service box
settling box
set-up box
shell-and-slide box
shielded box
shunt box
shuttle box
side tool box
sieve box
signal box
single-cavity core box
skid box
slide box
smoke box
soap box
speed-change box
speed box
spinning box
splice box
spreading box
starting box
steam box
steam cooking box
steering box
stern tube stuffing box
still cheese box
stilling box
stone-filled box
storage box
straining box
stripping box
strum box
stuffing box
stunt box
switch box
telescope box
terminal box
tolerance box
tool box
tool joint box
top molding box
Topham box
torque box
track box
traction gear box
traffic controlling box
transfer box
twin-cell bulk box
type box
underwater box
vertical locking box
video tape box
voltage control box
voltage-ratio box
walk-in box
water box
weighing box
weight box
weir box
wide-angle matte box
wind box
wire-bound wooden box
wire-stitched cardboard box
wood-reinforced fiberboard box
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Functional programming — In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. It emphasizes the application of functions, in contrast with the… … Wikipedia
Functional Programming — Le Functional Programming, abrégé FP, est un langage créé par John Backus en 1977 dans son article intitulé Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style ? : a functional style and its algebra of programs (en français :… … Wikipédia en Français
Functional — Func tion*al (f[u^][ng]k sh[u^]n*al), a. 1. Pertaining to, or connected with, a function or duty; official. [1913 Webster] 2. (Pathology, Physiol.) Pertaining to the function of an organ or part, or to the functions in general; involving or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Functional disease — Functional Func tion*al (f[u^][ng]k sh[u^]n*al), a. 1. Pertaining to, or connected with, a function or duty; official. [1913 Webster] 2. (Pathology, Physiol.) Pertaining to the function of an organ or part, or to the functions in general;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Functional illiteracy — refers to the inability of an individual to use reading, writing, and computational skills efficiently in everyday life situations. Illiteracy is the inability to read or write simple sentences in any language.CharacteristicsWhen illiterate, one… … Wikipedia
Functional specialization (brain) — This article is about specialization of function among regions of the brain generally. For the particular topic of left right brain specialization, see Lateralization of brain function. Functional specialization suggests that different areas in… … Wikipedia
Functional compiler — External links= A functional compiler is a compiler for a functional programming language. Functional compilers perform such transformation on source code which transform it to continuation passing style or administrative normal form and need to… … Wikipedia
Functional spinal unit — A functional spinal unit (FSU) is the smallest physiological motion unit of the spine to exhibit biomechanical characteristics similar to those of the entire spine. [cite book | author = White AA, Panjabi MM. | year = 1990 | title = Clinical… … Wikipedia
Style de vie homosexuel — Homosexualité Sexologie et sexualité Sexualité Sexualité humaine Amour Libido … Wikipédia en Français
functional programming — noun Programming in a style that, in lieu of assignment, uses procedure calls to bind variables to values … Wiktionary
Monad (functional programming) — In functional programming, a monad is a programming structure that represents computations. Monads are a kind of abstract data type constructor that encapsulate program logic instead of data in the domain model. A defined monad allows the… … Wikipedia