1 формульный
2 шаблонный
3 полученный по формуле
formulaic вчт.Русско-английский словарь по электронике > полученный по формуле
4 расчетный
formulaic вчт. -
5 полученный по формуле
formulaic вчт.Русско-английский словарь по радиоэлектронике > полученный по формуле
6 расчетный
formulaic вчт. -
7 формульный
formulaic; formula (attr) -
8 делать в точности
Phraseological unit: by the numbers (To do something exactly, precisely, or in a formulaic way.) -
9 клише
1) General subject: bromide, cliche, hackneyed phrases, officialese (о словах, словосочетаниях и т. п. в документах официально-делового стиля), printing block (товарного знака), stock phrase, topos (речевое)2) Naval: raster3) Engineering: engraving, etching, photoengraving, printing block4) Architecture: clichu5) Polygraphy: block, block pull, cut form, letterpress engraving, plate, relief block, relief etching, type-plate, mould6) Literature: formulaic7) Cartography: master plate, printing plate8) Advertising: cut9) Patents: printing blocks10) Mass media: printing block11) Business: set phrase -
10 на предсказуемой основе
Phraseological unit: by-the-numbers (Done in a predictable manner; formulaic.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > на предсказуемой основе
11 написанный по определённому стандарту
General subject: formulaicУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > написанный по определённому стандарту
12 состоящий из избитых выражений
Literature: formulaicУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > состоящий из избитых выражений
13 стереотипный
1) General subject: cardboard, cliche'd, cliched, formulaic, stage, stereo, stereotype, stereotyped, straight from central casting2) Sports: stereotypical3) Psychology: stereotypic5) Phraseological unit: by-the-numbers -
14 стихоплётство
1) General subject: formulaic poetry2) Obsolete: balladry -
15 талбийа
Religion: talbiyah (In Islam, the formulaic pronouncement, "at your service, O Lord, at your service", recited especially during a pilgrimage when pious Muslimswalk around the sacred shrine of the Ka'bah) -
16 теория формульности языка
Linguistics: formulaic theoryУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > теория формульности языка
17 формульная теория
Linguistics: formulaic theory -
18 шаблонный
1) General subject: cardboard, characterless, common or garden, conventional (he made a very conventional speech - в своей речи он ничего нового не сказал), copy-book, cut and dried, cut-and-dried, everyday, formulaic, hackneyed, ready made, ready-made, rinky-dink, routine, stage, stereo, stereotype, stereotyped, stock, textbookish, trite, worn, worn down, worn out, worn-out, cut and dry, corny2) Computers: template4) Electronics: form-wound5) Makarov: set6) Phraseological unit: by-the-numbers -
19 язык формул общения
Linguistics: formulaic languageУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > язык формул общения
20 Ц-4
В НЕКОТОРОМ ЦАРСТВЕ, В НЕКОТОРОМ ГОСУДАРСТВЕ folk poet PrepP Invar adv fixed WOthe formulaic beginning of many Russian folk talesonce upon a time (in a faraway kingdom)a long time ago in a land far away long ago and far away.(Марат:) В некотором царстве, в некотором государстве жил старик со своей старухой... (Арбузов 4). (М.:) Once upon а time there lived an old man with his old woman... (4a).
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
formulaic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) constituting or containing a set form of words. 2) produced in accordance with a slavishly followed rule or style: much romantic fiction is formulaic. DERIVATIVES formulaically adverb … English terms dictionary
formulaic — (adj.) 1882, from FORMULA (Cf. formula) + IC (Cf. ic) … Etymology dictionary
formulaic — ☆ formulaic [fôr΄myo͞o lā′ik, fôr΄myəlā′ik ] adj. consisting of, or made or expressed according to, a formula or formulas … English World dictionary
formulaic — formulaically, adv. /fawr myeuh lay ik/, adj. 1. made according to a formula; composed of formulas: a formulaic plot. 2. being or constituting a formula: formulaic instructions. [1880 85; FORMULA + IC] * * * … Universalium
formulaic — [[t]fɔ͟ː(r)mjʊle͟ɪɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe a way of saying or doing something as formulaic, you are criticizing it because it is not original and has been used many times before in similar situations. His paintings are… … English dictionary
formulaic — adjective /ˌfɔrmjəˈleɪ.ɪk/ closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original , That TV series has become awfully formulaic in the last couple of seasons. See Also: formula … Wiktionary
formulaic — for|mu|la|ic [ˌfo:mjuˈleı ık US ˌfo:r ] adj formal containing or made from ideas or expressions that have been used many times before and are therefore not very new or interesting ▪ Children love jokes and riddles that are heavily formulaic … Dictionary of contemporary English
formulaic — [ˌfɔ:mjʊ leɪɪk] adjective constituting or containing a set form of words. ↘produced in accordance with a mechanically followed rule or style: formulaic, disposable pop. Derivatives formulaically adverb … English new terms dictionary
formulaic — adjective formal containing or made from ideas or expressions that have been used many times before and are therefore not very imaginative: formulaic verse … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
formulaic — for•mu•la•ic [[t]ˌfɔr myəˈleɪ ɪk[/t]] adj. made according to a formula: a formulaic plot[/ex] • Etymology: 1880–85 for mu•la′i•cal•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
formulaic — adjective see formula I … New Collegiate Dictionary