Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 forehead

    ['forid, 'fo:(r)hed]
    (the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow: Her hair covers her forehead.) testa
    * * *
    [f'ɔrid] n 1 testa, fronte. 2 fig desfaçatez, impudência.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forehead

  • 2 forehead

    ['forid, 'fo:(r)hed]
    (the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow: Her hair covers her forehead.) testa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > forehead

  • 3 forehead

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > forehead

  • 4 frown

    1. verb
    (to make the forehead wrinkle and the eyebrows move down (as a sign of worry, disapproval, deep thought etc): He frowned at her bad behaviour.) franzir a testa
    2. noun
    (such a movement of the forehead and eyebrows: a frown of disapproval.) carranca
    * * *
    [fraun] n 1 franzimento das sobrancelhas. 2 carranca, olhar de censura e reprovação. • vt+vi 1 franzir as sobrancelhas, o sobrolho, carranquear. 2 olhar com expressão carrancuda, mostrar desagrado, olhar com ira, não ver com bons olhos (seguido de at/on/ upon), desaprovar. 3 exprimir desagrado por meio do olhar. she frowned at/on/ upon us ela nos olhou com desagrado. she frowned them down ela os intimidou com seus olhares.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > frown

  • 5 frown

    1. verb
    (to make the forehead wrinkle and the eyebrows move down (as a sign of worry, disapproval, deep thought etc): He frowned at her bad behaviour.) franzir a testa
    2. noun
    (such a movement of the forehead and eyebrows: a frown of disapproval.) cenho

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > frown

  • 6 brow

    1) (the eyebrow: huge, bushy brows.) sobrolho
    2) (the forehead.) fronte
    3) (the top (of a hill): over the brow of the hill.) cume
    * * *
    [brau] n 1 testa, fronte. 2 sobrancelha, supercílio. 3 fig expressão, fisionomia. 4 borda, canto, cume. he bent, knit, wrinkled his brows ele fez carranca, ele enrugou a testa. his brow cleared seu rosto desanuviou-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brow

  • 7 bruise

    [bru:z] 1. noun
    (an injury caused by a blow to a person or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour: bruises all over his legs; apples covered in bruises.) negra
    2. verb
    (to cause or develop such a mark on the skin: She bruised her forehead; She bruises easily.) magoar-se
    * * *
    [bru:z] n 1 contusão, pisadura. 2 machucadura, esmagamento (em fruta). 3 injúria (aos sentimentos de alguém). • vt+vi 1 contundir, machucar, ferir. I bruised my nose / feri, machuquei meu nariz (contra alguma coisa). 2 fig ofender. 3 esmagar, triturar, moer. 4 socar, esmurrar. they bruised along Sport eles correram a cavalo a toda a brida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bruise

  • 8 domed

    adjective (having or resembling a dome: a domed forehead.) abaulado
    * * *
    [doumd] adj cupulado, abobadado, que tem cúpula, cupuliforme, que tem forma de cúpula.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > domed

  • 9 face

    [feis] 1. noun
    1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) rosto
    2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) superfície
    3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) frente
    2. verb
    1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) dar para
    2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) enfrentar
    3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) enfrentar
    - - faced
    - facial
    - facing
    - facecloth
    - facelift
    - face-powder
    - face-saving
    - face value
    - at face value
    - face the music
    - face to face
    - face up to
    - in the face of
    - lose face
    - make/pull a face
    - on the face of it
    - put a good face on it
    - save one's face
    * * *
    [feis] n 1 face: a) cara, rosto. b) fisionomia, semblante. c) careta. d) Poet presença. 2 aspecto: a) vista, configuração, aparência. b) situação ou estado de certos assuntos, idéias ou questões. 3 expressão de atitude moral: a) descaramento, audácia, atrevimento. b) dignidade, prestígio. 4 parte principal ou dianteira de alguma coisa: a) frente. b) fachada, paramento de parede. c) parte anterior de uma pedra aparelhada. d) lugar de extração numa galeria de mina. e) Tech espelho. 5 parte principal ou lateral de alguma coisa: a) anverso de cristais ou moedas. b) mostrador de relógio. c) Typogr olho de tipo. d) Geol fácies. e) Geom face, superfície de um sólido plano. f) face (de porca). g) corte (de lâmina, faca, etc.). • vt 1 encarar, enfrentar, afrontar, apresentar-se. he must face the facts / ele tem de encarar os fatos. 2 fazer face a, opor-se, resistir. to face the enemy / encarar (ou enfrentar) o inimigo. 3 ficar em frente de. the window faces the garden / a janela dá para o jardim. 4 defrontar-se com. to be faced with ruin / estar diante da derrota, da destruição, da falência. 5 virar de face para cima (por exemplo, cartas). 6 orientar uma casa em relação aos pontos cardeais. 7 voltar-se para, estar com a frente para. 8 Tech facear, fazer faces ou lados em, polir. about face! meia-volta volver! before my face diante dos meus olhos. boldface Typogr negrito. for his fair face pelos seus lindos olhos. full face vista de frente. half face perfil. in face of mediante. in the face of diante de, em face de, em virtude de. in the face of the day às claras, abertamente. left face! à esquerda volver! on the face of it a julgar pela aparência. right face! à direita volver! she made up her face ela maquilou o rosto. to carry two faces ter duas caras, ser ambíguo. to face about, left, right fazer meia-volta, esquerda volver, direita volver. to face down 1 alisar. 2 fig suster com audácia ou imprudência. to face out persistir descaradamente. to face out a lie mentir desavergonhadamente. to face the music Amer enfrentar as conseqüências, aceitar o inevitável destemidamente. to face up to enfrentar corajosamente. to flee from someone’s face fugir de alguém. to fly into one’s face atacar alguém. to fly into the face of decency pecar contra a decência. to have a face of fingir. to have the face to do something ter o atrevimento de fazer alguma coisa. to look a person in the face encarar alguém. to lose face desprestigiar-se, ser humilhado. to make a face fazer caretas. to put a good (bold) face on enfrentar algo com coragem. to put a new face on dar novo aspecto. to save one’s face salvar as aparências. to set one’s face against opor-se tenazmente. to shut the door in a person’s face bater a porta na cara de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > face

  • 10 fringe

    [frin‹] 1. noun
    1) (a border of loose threads on a carpet, shawl etc: Her red shawl has a black fringe.) franja
    2) (hair cut to hang over the forehead: You should have your fringe cut before it covers your eyes.) franja
    3) (the outer area; the edge; the part farthest from the main part or centre of something: on the fringe of the city.) orla
    2. verb
    (to make or be a border around: Trees fringed the pond.) orlar
    * * *
    [frindʒ] n franja: a) cadilhos de linho, seda, ouro, etc. para enfeite. b) qualquer coisa semelhante a franja: orla, fímbria, borda, margem. debrum. c) cabelo puxado para a testa e aparado. d) periferia. e) Pol ala, facção. • vt franjar, orlar, debruar, guarnecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fringe

  • 11 furrow

    1. noun
    1) (a line cut into the earth by a plough: The farmer planted potatoes in the furrows.) rego
    2) (a line in the skin of the face; a wrinkle: The furrows in her forehead made her look older.) sulco
    2. verb
    (to make furrows in: Her face was furrowed with worry.) sulcar
    * * *
    [f'∧rou] n 1 sulco, rego, leira. 2 estria, ranhura. 3 caril, rodeira. 4 esteira de navio, entalho, malhete. 5 ruga (na face). • vt+vi 1 sulcar. 2 arar, lavrar. 3 estriar, entalhar. 4 vincar, enrugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > furrow

  • 12 hairline

    noun (the line along the forehead where the hair begins to grow.) limite do couro cabeludo
    * * *
    [h'ɛəlain] n traço, linha muito fina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hairline

  • 13 recede

    1) (to go or move back: When the rain stopped, the floods receded; His hair is receding from his forehead.) retroceder
    2) (to become distant: The coast receded behind us as we sailed away.) afastar-se
    * * *
    [ris'i:d] vi 1 retroceder, recuar. 2 desistir, renunciar, voltar atrás. 3 desaparecer, sumir. 4 fig regredir.
    [ri:s'i:d] vt devolver, restituir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > recede

  • 14 salute

    [sə'lu:t] 1. verb
    1) ((especially in the forces) to raise the (usually right) hand to the forehead to show respect: They saluted their commanding officer.) fazer continência
    2) (to honour by firing eg large guns: They saluted the Queen by firing one hundred guns.) saudar
    2. noun
    (an act of saluting: The officer gave a salute; a 21-gun salute.) saudação
    * * *
    [səl'u:t] n 1 saudação, cumprimento. 2 Mil continência. 3 salva. • vt 1 saudar. 2 fazer continência, apresentar armas. 3 cumprimentar. to take the salute of the troops passar em revista as tropas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > salute

  • 15 temple

    I ['templ] noun
    (a building in which people worship, usually as part of a non-Christian religion: a Greek/Hindu temple.) templo
    II ['templ] noun
    (either of the flat parts of the head at the side of the forehead: The stone hit him on the temple.) fonte
    * * *
    [t'empəl] n 1 templo, igreja. 2 local devotado a um propósito especial.
    [t'empəl] n Anat têmpora.
    [t'empəl] n Weav tempereiro: ferro do tear que as tecedeiras prendem à ourela do pano.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > temple

  • 16 unicorn

    (in mythology, an animal like a horse, but with one straight horn on the forehead.) unicórnio
    * * *
    [j'u:nikɔ:n] n unicórnio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unicorn

  • 17 brow

    1) (the eyebrow: huge, bushy brows.) sobrancelha
    2) (the forehead.) testa
    3) (the top (of a hill): over the brow of the hill.) cume

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > brow

  • 18 bruise

    [bru:z] 1. noun
    (an injury caused by a blow to a person or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour: bruises all over his legs; apples covered in bruises.) equimose
    2. verb
    (to cause or develop such a mark on the skin: She bruised her forehead; She bruises easily.) equimosear(-se)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bruise

  • 19 domed

    adjective (having or resembling a dome: a domed forehead.) abaulado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > domed

  • 20 face

    [feis] 1. noun
    1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) rosto
    2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) face
    3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) frente de trabalho
    2. verb
    1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) dar de frente para
    2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) encarar
    3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) enfrentar
    - - faced
    - facial - facing - facecloth - facelift - face-powder - face-saving - face value - at face value - face the music - face to face - face up to - in the face of - lose face - make/pull a face - on the face of it - put a good face on it - save one's face

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > face

См. также в других словарях:

  • Forehead — Fore head (?; 277), n. 1. The front of that part of the head which incloses the brain; that part of the face above the eyes; the brow. [1913 Webster] 2. The aspect or countenance; assurance. [1913 Webster] To look with forehead bold and big… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forehead — (n.) O.E. forheafod, from FORE (Cf. fore ) + heafod (see HEAD (Cf. head) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • forehead — The pronunciation faw hed, reflecting the word s spelling, is now much more usual than fo rid, which was once favoured and is still recommended by some dictionaries …   Modern English usage

  • forehead — ► NOUN ▪ the part of the face above the eyebrows …   English terms dictionary

  • forehead — [fôr′ed΄, fôr′hed΄; fär′ed΄; fôr′id, fär′id] n. [ME forhed < OE forheafod: see FORE & HEAD] 1. the part of the face between the eyebrows and the line where the hair normally begins 2. Old Poet. the front part of anything …   English World dictionary

  • forehead — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ broad, high, wide ▪ sloping ▪ furrowed, wrinkled ▪ smooth ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Forehead — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = frons GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Actor Patrick Stewart, who has a very prominent forehead. Caption2 = Precursor = System = Unknown, none Artery = supraorbital, supratrochlear Vein = supraorbital,… …   Wikipedia

  • forehead — A phylactery [[➝ phylacteries]] was to be worn on the forehead of a Hebrew man (Exod. 13:9, 16; Deut. 6:8), and in Ezekiel s vision of the future (9:4) the righteous are to be branded on the forehead with the letter Taw (a cross, X, in the old… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • forehead */*/ — UK [ˈfɒrɪd] / UK [ˈfɔː(r)ˌhed] / US [ˈfɔrəd] / US [ˈfɔrˌhed] noun [countable] Word forms forehead : singular forehead plural foreheads the upper part of your face between your eyes and your hair She had a long face, with a high forehead. Carter… …   English dictionary

  • Forehead —    The practice common among Oriental nations of colouring the forehead or impressing on it some distinctive mark as a sign of devotion to some deity is alluded to in Rev. 13:16, 17; 14:9; 17:5; 20:4.    The jewel on thy forehead mentioned in… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • forehead — n. a high forehead * * * [ fɒrɪd] a high forehead …   Combinatory dictionary

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