1 flounce
verb((usually with out, away etc) to move (away) in anger, impatience etc: She flounced out of the room.) salir/entrar airadamente
noun(a decorative strip of material usually frilled: There are flounces at the bottom of her evening skirt.) volante- flouncedtr[flaʊns]1 SMALLSEWING/SMALL volante nombre masculino2 (jerk) gesto exagerado, gesto de enfado1 moverse exageradamenteshe flounced into the room: entró en la sala haciendo aspavientosflounce n1) ruffle: volante m2) flourish: aspaviento mn.• faralá s.m.v.• adornar con volantes v.• andar exagerando los movimientos del cuerpo v.
I flaʊnsintransitive verb (+ adv compl)to flounce in/out — entrar/salir* indignado (or airado etc)
[flaʊns]N (=frill) volante m
[flaʊns]VIto flounce in/out — entrar/salir haciendo aspavientos
* * *
I [flaʊns]intransitive verb (+ adv compl)to flounce in/out — entrar/salir* indignado (or airado etc)
2 flounce
s.1 cenefa.2 volante fruncido, olán, holán, volante.v.adornar con volantes, pernear. (pt & pp flounced) -
3 flounce in
v.entrar haciendo aspavientos. -
4 flounce off
VI + ADV (=leave in a huff) salir haciendo aspavientosshe will flounce off and argue when asked to leave the room — sale haciendo aspavientos y discutiendo cuando le pidan que abandone la sala
5 flounce out
v.salir haciendo aspavientos, salir airadamente. -
6 to flounce in / flounce out
7 volante
volante sustantivo masculino 1 (Auto) steering wheel;◊ ir/ponerse al volante to be at/to take the wheel2 3 ( en costura) flounce 4 (Dep) shuttlecock
I adjetivo flying
II sustantivo masculino
1 (de automóvil) steering wheel
coger el/ ponerse al/ir al volante, to take the wheel: José iba al volante, José was driving
2 Cost ruffle, flounce, frill
3 (para el médico) referral note ' volante' also found in these entries: Spanish: habilidad - platillo - timón - dar - girar - ovni English: flying saucer - frill - roadhog - ruffle - saucer - shuttlecock - spin - steer - steering wheel - UFO - flier - flounce - flying - fly - loosen - road - shuttle - steering - unidentified - wheel -
8 volado
Del verbo volar: ( conjugate volar) \ \
volado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: volado volar
volado sustantivo masculinoa) (Méx fam) ( con moneda):echar un volado to toss o flip a coin
volar ( conjugate volar) verbo intransitivo 1 [pájaro/avión] to fly 2◊ ¡cómo vuela el tiempo! doesn't time fly!;las malas noticias vuelan bad news travels fastb)se fue volando he/she rushed off; sus clases se me pasan volando her classes seem to go so quickly 3 verbo transitivo 1 ‹puente/edificio› to blow up; ‹ caja fuerte› to blow 2 (Méx, Ven fam) ( robar) to swipe (colloq), to nick (BrE colloq) volarse verbo pronominal 1 2
I verbo intransitivo
1 (un avión, ave, insecto) to fly: la mosca echó a volar, the fly flew off
2 (apresuradamente) volando, in a flash, in a hurry: nos fuimos volando, we rushed off
3 fam (terminarse, desaparecer) to disappear, vanish: todo el dinero que tenía voló en cuestión de meses, he blew all his money in a question of months
II vtr (usando explosivos: una casa, fábrica, etc) to blow up (: una caja blindada, etc) to blow open ' volado' also found in these entries: English: flip - flounce - frill - ruffle - stoned -
9 flounced
adj.1 avolantado(a) (skirt)2 adornado con volantes.pp.participio pasado del verbo FLOUNCE.pt.pretérito del verbo FLOUNCE. -
10 flounced
11 ruffle
(to make wrinkled or uneven, especially hair, feathers etc: The wind ruffled her hair; The bird ruffled its feathers in anger.) alborotar, despeinar; encrespar, erizartr['rʌfəl]1 (on shirt front) chorrera2 (on cuffs) volante nombre masculino2 (annoy) irritar, alterar, hacer perder la calma1) agitate: agitar, rizar (agua)2) rumple: arrugar (ropa), despeinar (pelo)3) erect: erizar (plumas)4) vex: alterar, irritar, perturbar5) : fruncir volantes en (tela)ruffle nflounce: volante mn.• faralá s.m.• volante s.m.v.• encrespar v.• fruncir v.• perturbar v.
I 'rʌfəl
a) (disturb, mess) \<\<hair\>\> alborotar, despeinar; \<\<feathers\>\> erizar*; \<\<clothes\>\> arrugar*b) (irritate, upset) \<\<person\>\> alterar, contrariar['rʌfl]1.N arruga f ; (Sew) volante m fruncido; (=ripple) rizo m2.VT [+ surface of water] agitar, rizar; [+ hair] despeinar; [+ feathers] erizar; [+ fabric] fruncir; [+ bedclothes] arrugar- ruffle sb's feathers- smooth sb's ruffled feathers* * *
I ['rʌfəl]
a) (disturb, mess) \<\<hair\>\> alborotar, despeinar; \<\<feathers\>\> erizar*; \<\<clothes\>\> arrugar*b) (irritate, upset) \<\<person\>\> alterar, contrariar -
12 valance
tr['væləns]1 (of bed) cenefa, doseleravalance ['vælənts, 'veɪ-] n1) flounce: volante m (de una cama, etc.)2) : galería f de cortina (sobre una ventana)n.• cenefa s.f.• doselera s.f.'vælənsa) ( frill) cenefa fb) ( on curtain rail) galería f, bastidor m['vælǝns]N (on bed) cenefa f ; (on curtains) [of wood] galería f ; [of fabric] cenefa f* * *['væləns]a) ( frill) cenefa fb) ( on curtain rail) galería f, bastidor m -
13 airado
14 enfadado
Del verbo enfadar: ( conjugate enfadar) \ \
enfadado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: enfadado enfadar
◊ -da adjetivo (esp Esp) angry;( en menor grado) annoyed; está enfadado contigo he's angry/annoyed with you
enfadar ( conjugate enfadar) verbo transitivo (esp Esp) ( enojar) to anger, make … angry; ( en menor grado) to annoy enfadarse verbo pronominal (esp Esp) ( en menor grado) to get annoyed, get cross (BrE colloq); enfadadose con algn to get angry/annoyed with sb
enfadado,-a adjetivo angry: él y su mujer están enfadados, he and his wife have fallen out
enfadar verbo transitivo to make angry ' enfadado' also found in these entries: Spanish: causa - enfadada - hosca - hosco - molesta - molesto - mosca - mosqueada - mosqueado - no - parecerse - sentir - acalorado - peleado - picado English: angry - be - cross - flounce - huff - mad - mighty - myself - sore - vexed - wild - annoyed -
15 entrar
entrar ( conjugate entrar) verbo intransitivo 1 ( acercándose) to come in; ( alejándose) to go in; hazla entrar tell her to come in, show her in; entró corriendo he ran in, he came running in; ¿se puede entrar con el coche? can you drive in?; había gente entrando y saliendo there were people coming and going; ¿cómo entró? how did he get in?; entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo ‹a edificio/habitación› to go into sth; entró en el or al banco she went into the bank 2 (en etapa, estado) entrar en algo ‹en periodo/guerra/negociaciones› to enter sth; entró en coma he went into a coma 3a) (introducirse, meterse):◊ cierra la puerta, que entra frío close the door, you're letting the cold in;me entró arena en los zapatos I've got sand in my shoesb) ( poderse meter):◊ ¿entrará por la puerta? will it get through the door?;(+ me/te/le etc): el zapato no le entra he can't get his shoe on; no me entra la segunda (Auto) I can't get it into second (gear) 4 [ hambre] (+ me/te/le etc):◊ le entró hambre she felt o got hungry;me ha entrado la duda I'm beginning to have my doubts; me entró sueño I got o began to feel sleepy 5 ( empezar) to start, begin;◊ entró de aprendiz he started o began as an apprentice6 ( incorporarse) entrar en or (esp AmL) a algo ‹en empresa/ejército/club› to join sth; ‹ en convento› to enter sth; el año que entré en or a la universidad the year I started college I've just joined the association 7 ( estar incluido): ¿cuántas entran en un kilo? how many do you get in a kilo? verbo transitivo ( traer) to bring in; ( llevar) to take in;◊ ¿cómo van a entrar el sofá? how are they going to get the sofa in?
I verbo intransitivo
1 to come in, go in, enter: los ladrones entraron por la ventana, the burglars entered through the window ➣ Ver nota en ir
2 (encajar) to fit: esta llave no entra, this key doesn't fit
3 (estar incluido) to be included: eso no entra en el precio, that's not included in the price
4 (en una organización, partido) to join, get into: entró en el club, he was admitted to the club
5 (en una situación) to go into: el avión entró en barrena, the plane went into a spin
entrar en calor, to warm up
6 (comenzar) el mes que entra, next month, the coming month
7 (sobrevenir) to come over: le entraron ganas de llorar, he felt like crying
me entró un ataque de histeria, I went into hysterics
8 (agradar) no me entran las lentejas, I don't like lentils
II verbo transitivo
1 to bring in: entra las sillas, take the chairs in
2 Inform to enter Locuciones: entrar en la cabeza: no me entra en la cabeza que hayas hecho eso, I can't understand why you have done that
ni entrar ni salir, to play no part in the matter: en cuestiones sentimentales ni entro ni salgo, I steer well clear of touchy subjects ' entrar' also found in these entries: Spanish: abarrotada - abarrotado - acceder - adherirse - arriar - asomarse - barrena - caber - calor - codazo - colarse - dejar - disminuir - erupción - escena - funcionamiento - guardacantón - hacer - irse - le - meterse - pasar - perdón - razón - robar - saco - tocar - trance - vigencia - vigor - bala - chequeo - chocar - colar - coma - conflicto - contacto - desorden - detalle - dificultad - duda - ebullición - esperar - función - gata - hurtadillas - introducir - juego - limpiar - meter English: access - admit - barge - barge in - break into - bring in - burglarize - burst in - climb - come in - come into - crowd - customary - dash in - dash into - detail - effect - enter - entry - erupt - fetch in - flounce - force - get in - go in - go into - hear of - in - input - inside - join - jump in - keep out - left - let in - LIFO - listen - log in - log on - may - move in - penetrate - pop in - re-enter - reason - roll in - run in - sense - show up - slip in -
16 holán
17 indignado
Del verbo indignar: ( conjugate indignar) \ \
indignado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: indignado indignar
◊ -da adjetivoindignant, angry; ( más fuerte) outraged, incensed
indignar ( conjugate indignar) verbo transitivo to make … angry o indignant; ( más fuerte) to outrage indignarse verbo pronominal to get angry, become indignant; ( más fuerte) to be outraged o incensed
indignado,-a adjetivo indignant [por, at, about]
indignar verbo transitivo to infuriate, make angry ' indignado' also found in these entries: Spanish: indignada English: disgust - incensed - indignant - disgusted - flounce - stalk -
18 olán
19 salir
salir ( conjugate salir) verbo intransitivo 1 ( partir) to leave;◊ ¿a qué hora sale el tren? what time does the train leave?;el jefe había salido de viaje the boss was away; salió corriendo (fam) she was off like a shot (colloq); salir de algo to leave from sth; ¿de qué andén sale el tren? what platform does the train leave from?; salgo de casa a las siete I leave home at seven; salir para algo to leave for sth 2 ( al exterior — acercándose al hablante) to come out; (— alejándose del hablante) to go out; no puedo salir, me he quedado encerrado I can't get out, I'm trapped in here; salir de algo to come out/get out of sth; ¡sal de ahí/de aquí! come out of there/get out of here!; ¿de dónde salió este dinero? where did this money come from?; nunca ha salido de España he's never been out of Spain; salir por la ventana/por la puerta to get out through the window/leave by the door; salieron al balcón/al jardín they went out onto the balcony/into the garden; ¿por aquí se sale a la carretera? can I get on to the road this way?; salió a hacer las compras she's gone out (to do the) shopping 3 ( habiendo terminado algo) to leave;◊ ¿a qué hora sales de clase? what time do you get out of class o finish your class?;¿cuándo sale del hospital? when is he coming out of (the) hospital? 4 salir con algn to go out with sb 5 [clavo/tapón/mancha] to come out; [ anillo] to come off 1 (aparecer, manifestarse) (+ me/te/le etc) le están saliendo los dientes she's teething; me salió una ampolla I've got a blister; le salió un sarpullido he came out in a rash; me salieron granos I broke out o (BrE) came out in spots; me sale sangre de la nariz my nose is bleeding; a la planta le están saliendo hojas nuevas the plant's putting out new leaves ( de detrás de una nube) to come out 2 [ disco] to come out, be released; (+ compl) 1 ( expresando logro) (+ me/te/le etc): ahora mismo no me sale su nombre (fam) I can't think of her name right now; no le salían las palabras he couldn't get his words out 2◊ sale más barato/caro it works out less/more expensiveb) ( resultar):◊ todo salió bien everything turned out o worked out well;salió tal como lo planeamos it turned out just as we planned; no salió ninguna de las fotos none of the photographs came out; ¿qué número salió premiado? what was the winning number?; salir bien/mal en un examen (Chi fam) to pass/fail an exam; (+ me/te/le etc) 3 (de situación, estado) salir de algo ‹ de apuro› to get out of sth; ‹ de depresión› to get over sth; salir adelante [ negocio] to stay afloat, survive; [ propuesta] to prosper;◊ lograron salir adelante they managed to get through it4 ( con preposición)a)b)salirse verbo pronominal 1 [ leche] to boil over; salirse de algo ‹ de carretera› to come/go off sth; ‹ de tema› to get off sth; procura no salirte del presupuesto try to keep within the budget [ gas] to escape, come out 2 ( soltarse) [pedazo/pieza] to come off; (+ me/te/le etc) 3 ( irse) to leave; salirse de algo ‹ de asociación› to leave sth;◊ salirse con la suya to get one's (own) way
salir verbo intransitivo
1 (de un lugar) to go out: nunca ha salido de su país, he's never been out of his country
el ladrón salió por la ventana, the burglar got out through the window (si el hablante está fuera) to come out: ¡sal de la habitación, por favor! please, come out of the room!
2 Inform to exit (de un sistema) to log off
3 (partir) to leave: salí de casa a mediodía, I left home at noon
nuestro avión sale a las seis, our plane departs at six
4 (para divertirse) to go out: siempre sale los viernes, she always goes out on Friday
5 (tener una relación) to go out: está saliendo con Ana, he's going out with Ana
6 Dep to start (en juegos) to lead
7 (manifestarse, emerger) le ha salido un grano en la cara, he has got a spot on his face
me salió sangre de la nariz, my nose was bleeding (un astro) to rise: la Luna sale al atardecer, the moon comes out in the evening (retoñar, germinar) to sprout
8 (surgir) la idea salió de ti, it was your idea
9 (aparecer) mi hermana salía en (la) televisión, my sister appeared on television (un libro, un disco, etc) to come out
10 salir a (parecerse) ha salido a su hermano, he takes after his brother (costar) el almuerzo sale a 800 pesetas cada uno, lunch works out at 800 pesetas a head
11 (resultar) su hija le ha salido muy estudiosa, her daughter has turned out to be very studious
salió premiado el número 5.566, the winning number was 5,566 (una operación matemática) a él le da 20, pero a mí me sale 25, he gets 20, but I make it 25
12 (costar) nos sale barato, it works out cheap
13 (superar una situación, una gran dificultad) to come through, get over: estuvo muy enfermo, pero salió de esa, he was very ill, but he pulled through
14 (ser elegido por votación) salió alcalde, he was elected mayor Locuciones: salir con, (manifestación inesperada) no me salgas ahora con estupideces, stop talking nonsense ' salir' also found in these entries: Spanish: acampada - ahora - airosa - airoso - al - asomarse - atusar - boca - cabronada - casa - con - concebir - contraluz - coscorrón - cuenta - dar - dejar - desalojar - desfilar - desorbitar - dimanar - echar - entrar - estar - gatas - grabar - gracia - gustar - hondura - irse - niqui - palestra - para - parada - parado - paso - pico - pierna - pitar - portazo - puntilla - quite - rana - relucir - revés - rodada - rodado - salida - sangrar - señora English: after - appear - as - ask out - average out at - back out - be - blow off - boomerang - bootstrap - break - break out - break through - call away - can - check out - chicken out - clean up - climb - come away - come off - come on - come out - come up - crowd - dash off - dash out - date - depart - discipline - do - doll - doubtfully - downpour - draw out - drive-through - emerge - even - exit - fancy - flounce - forward - genie - get about - get along - get away - get away with - get off - get out - go -
20 vuelo
Del verbo volar: ( conjugate volar) \ \
vuelo es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativoMultiple Entries: volar vuelo
volar ( conjugate volar) verbo intransitivo 1 [pájaro/avión] to fly 2◊ ¡cómo vuela el tiempo! doesn't time fly!;las malas noticias vuelan bad news travels fastb)se fue volando he/she rushed off; sus clases se me pasan volando her classes seem to go so quickly 3 verbo transitivo 1 ‹puente/edificio› to blow up; ‹ caja fuerte› to blow 2 (Méx, Ven fam) ( robar) to swipe (colloq), to nick (BrE colloq) volarse verbo pronominal 1 2
vuelo sustantivo masculino 1a) ( acción):remontar el vuelo to soar up; alzar or levantar el vuelo [ pájaro] to fly away o off; [ avión] to take off; [ persona] to fly o leave the nest;◊ a vuelo de pájaro (AmL): un cálculo a vuelo de pájaro a rough estimate;lo leí a vuelo de pájaro I just skimmed through itb) (Aviac) flight;vuelo charter/regular charter/schedule flight; vuelo internacional/nacional international/domestic o internal flight; vuelo sin motor gliding, soaring (AmE) 2 ( en costura) ( amplitud):
I verbo intransitivo
1 (un avión, ave, insecto) to fly: la mosca echó a volar, the fly flew off
2 (apresuradamente) volando, in a flash, in a hurry: nos fuimos volando, we rushed off
3 fam (terminarse, desaparecer) to disappear, vanish: todo el dinero que tenía voló en cuestión de meses, he blew all his money in a question of months
II vtr (usando explosivos: una casa, fábrica, etc) to blow up (: una caja blindada, etc) to blow open
vuelo sustantivo masculino
1 (de un ave, avión, etc) flight
vuelo chárter, charter flight
vuelo espacial, spaceflight
vuelo regular, scheduled flight
vuelo sin motor, gliding
2 Cost (amplitud de una falda) tiene mucho vuelo, it's very full Locuciones: cazarlas/cogerlas al vuelo, to be quick on the uptake fam (de importancia) de altos vuelos, high fliers ' vuelo' also found in these entries: Spanish: alzar - cazar - campana - hora - procedente - rasa - rasante - raso - reconocimiento - reserva - simular - simulador - simuladora - sobrecargo - auxiliar - conectar - controlador - destino - desviar - directo - doméstico - enlazar - espacial - nacional - nocturno - operar - pasar - remontar - suspender - zarandear English: airborne - aloft - announce - book - bumpy - cancel - charter flight - connect - delay - delayed - domestic - due - fall away - flight - flight attendant - flight recorder - flight-deck - gliding - hang-gliding - hold up - hop - in-flight - inbound - incoming - instrument - jump at - luckily - nonstop - notify - originate - outward - pin - quick - route - scheduled flight - space flight - steward - takeoff - air - flare - flared - flounce - flying - frill - from - hang - high - log - ruffle - schedule
См. также в других словарях:
Flounce — Flounce, v. t. To deck with a flounce or flounces; as, to flounce a petticoat or a frock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flounce — Flounce, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flounced} (flounst); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flouncing}.] [Cf. OSw. flunsa to immerge.] To throw the limbs and body one way and the other; to spring, turn, or twist with sudden effort or violence; to struggle, as a horse in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flounce — Flounce, n. The act of floucing; a sudden, jerking motion of the body. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flounce — Flounce, n. [Cf. G. flaus, flausch, a tuft of wool or hair; akin to vliess, E. fleece; or perh. corrupted fr. rounce.] An ornamental appendage to the skirt of a woman s dress, consisting of a strip gathered and sewed on by its upper edge around… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flounce — Ⅰ. flounce [1] ► VERB ▪ move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner. ► NOUN ▪ an exaggerated action expressing annoyance or impatience. ORIGIN perhaps related to Norwegian flunsa hurry , or perhaps symbolic, like bounce. Ⅱ. flounce … English terms dictionary
flounce — flounce1 [flouns] vi. flounced, flouncing [Early ModE, orig., to dive: < ? Scand, as in Swed dial. flunsa, to dive, dip; ? infl. by BOUNCE] 1. to move with quick, flinging motions of the body, as in anger 2. to twist or turn abruptly; jerk n.… … English World dictionary
flounce — [v] bounce; intermittently move fling, jerk, mince, nancy, prance, sashay, spring, stamp, storm, strut, swish, throw, toss; concept 149 … New thesaurus
flounce — [[t]fla͟ʊns[/t]] flounces, flouncing, flounced 1) VERB If you flounce somewhere, you walk there quickly with exaggerated movements, in a way that shows you are annoyed or upset. [V adv/prep] She flounced out of my room in a huff... She will… … English dictionary
flounce — I UK [flaʊns] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms flounce : present tense I/you/we/they flounce he/she/it flounces present participle flouncing past tense flounced past participle flounced to walk quickly in an impatient way, because you are… … English dictionary
flounce — {{11}}flounce (n.) wide ruffle, 1713, from M.E. frounce pleat, wrinkle, fold (late 14c.), from O.Fr. fronce line, wrinkle; pucker, crease, fold, from Frankish *hrunkjan to wrinkle, from P.Gmc. *hrunk . Influenced in form by flounce (v.).… … Etymology dictionary
flounce — flounce1 [flauns] v [I always + adverb/preposition] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language] to walk in a quick determined way without looking at people because you are angry ▪ She flounced out of the room. flounce 2… … Dictionary of contemporary English