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  • 1 חובת נאמנות

    fidelity duty

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חובת נאמנות

  • 2 נאמנות למקור

    fidelity, authenticity

    Hebrew-English dictionary > נאמנות למקור

  • 3 ברית

    בְּרִיתf. (b. h.; בָּרָה; v. בֵּירִית) prop. circle, ring, chain, hence oath (of fidelity), solemn injunction; covenant treatise. כרת ב׳ to cut a ring out; to make a covenant; בא בב׳ to enter into the ring, to promise fidelity; הפר ב׳ to break the ring, to break ones oath Sabb.137b; בריתו של אברהם אבינו (sign of) the covenant of Abraham, circumcision. Ab. III, 11; a. fr. Y.Peah VIII, 21a מפני ב׳ שלא״א on account of the covenant of Abraham (for the sake of human dignity). Num. R. s. 18, a. fr. ב׳ כרותה לשפתים a law is made for the lips, i. e. words are ominous (ref. to לא נעלה, Num. 16:12). Gen. R. s. 34, v. אָוִיר; a. fr.הַבְּ׳וכ׳ by the covenant (an oath), indeed. Tosef.Ḥall.I, 6 ב׳וכ׳ (Var. הב׳); Pes.38b indeed, those are the very words ; (some explain) indeed?, are those the very (is it a tradition for which no reason needs to be given)?; Y.Peah V, 19b bot. הב׳.Pl. בְּרִיתוֹת. Ber.48b sq. שלש ב׳ three covenants (three times the word brith, Deut. 28:69; 29:8). Tosef.Sot.VIII, 10; 11 ב׳ Var. (ed. Zuck. כְּרִיתוֹת); Sot.37b; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > ברית

  • 4 בְּרִית

    בְּרִיתf. (b. h.; בָּרָה; v. בֵּירִית) prop. circle, ring, chain, hence oath (of fidelity), solemn injunction; covenant treatise. כרת ב׳ to cut a ring out; to make a covenant; בא בב׳ to enter into the ring, to promise fidelity; הפר ב׳ to break the ring, to break ones oath Sabb.137b; בריתו של אברהם אבינו (sign of) the covenant of Abraham, circumcision. Ab. III, 11; a. fr. Y.Peah VIII, 21a מפני ב׳ שלא״א on account of the covenant of Abraham (for the sake of human dignity). Num. R. s. 18, a. fr. ב׳ כרותה לשפתים a law is made for the lips, i. e. words are ominous (ref. to לא נעלה, Num. 16:12). Gen. R. s. 34, v. אָוִיר; a. fr.הַבְּ׳וכ׳ by the covenant (an oath), indeed. Tosef.Ḥall.I, 6 ב׳וכ׳ (Var. הב׳); Pes.38b indeed, those are the very words ; (some explain) indeed?, are those the very (is it a tradition for which no reason needs to be given)?; Y.Peah V, 19b bot. הב׳.Pl. בְּרִיתוֹת. Ber.48b sq. שלש ב׳ three covenants (three times the word brith, Deut. 28:69; 29:8). Tosef.Sot.VIII, 10; 11 ב׳ Var. (ed. Zuck. כְּרִיתוֹת); Sot.37b; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > בְּרִית

  • 5 אימון

    training, practice, exercise, workout; drill
    trust, confidence, faith, fidelity, reliance, credibility, credit, credence, credibleness, confidentiality, confidentialness, dependance, dependence

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אימון

  • 6 אמון

    adj. faithful, dependable,reliable, trained; foster
    training, practice, exercise, workout; drill
    trust, confidence, faith, fidelity, reliance, credibility, credit, credence, credibleness, confidentiality, confidentialness, dependance, dependence

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אמון

  • 7 דיוק

    precision, accuracy, exactness, accurateness, preciseness, fidelity, justness, nicety, primness

    Hebrew-English dictionary > דיוק

  • 8 דייקנות

    punctuality, meticulousness, punctualness, primness, scrupulosity; precision, accuracy, exactness, preciseness, accurateness, fidelity, nicety, scrupulousness, timeliness, trueness, exactitude

    Hebrew-English dictionary > דייקנות

  • 9 דיקנות

    punctuality, meticulousness, punctualness, primness, scrupulosity; precision, accuracy, exactness, preciseness, accurateness, fidelity, nicety, scrupulousness, timeliness, trueness, exactitude

    Hebrew-English dictionary > דיקנות

  • 10 נאמנות

    loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, fidelity, fealty, loyalness, obedience, reliableness, troth, trueness, trustability, unfailingness, constancy, devoutness; trust, trusteeship (by law)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > נאמנות

  • 11 קדושה

    קְדוּשָּׁהf. (קָדַש) 1) holiness, sanctity, sacredness; chastity. Yeb.II, 3, a. e. איסור ק׳, v. אִיסּוּר. Kidd.55a, a. fr. קְדוּשַּׁת הגוף an object which is consecrated as such (irredeemable), opp. ק׳ דמים that which is consecrated for its value (redeemable). Tem.10b משום דמפרש ק׳ על הולד because he has pronounced sanctity on the embryo (by dedicating the mother). Ib.a אין ק׳ חלה על עיברין no sanctification takes effect on embryos (by the dedication of the mothers). Naz.VII, 1 נזיר שאין קְדוּשָּׁתוֹ קדושת עולם the Nazarite whose sanctification is not an everlasting one (it ceasing with the expiration of his vow). Ḥag.3b ק׳ ראשונה קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה as to the first consecration (of the holy land by Joshua), he consecrated it only for the time being (as long as inhabited and ruled by Israelites); Meg.10b, sq.; Zeb.60b; a. e.Hor.13a זה גדל עמנו בק׳ וזה לאוכ׳ the one (the nathin, v. נָתִין) has grown up with us in holiness (under the influences of the Jewish religion), and the other (the proselyte) has not Snh.58a לידתו בק׳ born in holiness (after his mothers conversion); Yeb.98a, v. הוֹרָת; a. v. fr. 2) sanctification, proclaiming the holiness of the Lord, solemn public act connected with the idea of Israels priesthood. Meg.23b; Ber.21b כל דבר שבק׳ לא יהאוכ׳ no sacred public act should be performed with less than ten persons.Esp. קְדוּשַּׁת הַשֵּׁם a) sanctification of the Name, fidelity to the Jewish faith, martyrdom. Ib. 20a מסרי נפשייהו אק׳ה׳, v. מְסַר. Snh.74b מצווה על ק׳ה׳ bound to sanctify the Name (with his life); a. fr.b) ק׳ השם, or קדושה the third section of the Prayer of Benedictions (תְּפִלָּה), praising the holiness of the Lord; the appeal to the congregation to join in the ‘holy, holy (v. קָדוֹש). R. Hash. IV, 5 סדר ברכות … וק׳ה׳ the order of the benedictions (for the New Years Day) is: Aboth (v. אָב), Gburoth (v. גְּבוּרָה) and the sanctification. Ber.21b עד שלא יגיע … ק׳ before the reader reaches the ḳdushshah. Ib. אין היחיד אומר ק׳ one praying alone should not recite the ḳdushshah; a. fr. קדושת היום (ק׳ שבת, ק׳ יום טוב), also ק׳ declaration of the sanctity of the day ( the Sabbath) in prayer or at meals. R. Hash. l. c. ק׳ היום that section of the Prayer of Benedictions which closes with the benediction ‘who sanctifiest the day Bets.15b לוו עלי וקדשו ק׳ היוםוכ׳ borrow on my (the Lords) account and celebrate the sanctity of the day, and trust me Ber.33b בין ק׳ שבת לק׳יו״ט הבדלת thou hast made a distinction between the way of sanctifying the Sabbath and that of sanctifying the Holy Day. Pes.105a ק׳ על הכוס the proclamation of the sanctity of the Day over a cup of wine (קִידּוּש); a. fr.Pl. קְדוּשּׁוֹת. Kel. I, 6 עשר ק׳ הן there are ten degrees of territorial sanctity. Y.Ber.IX, 13a top; Tanḥ. Kdosh. 4 (ref. to Josh. 24:19) שהוא קדוש בכל מיני ק׳וכ׳ he is holy in all kinds of holy acts, for all his doings are in holiness, his speech is in holiness Lev. R. s. 24 שלש ק׳ three times ‘holy, v. כָּתַר; Yalk. Is. 272. Ber.33a אנשי … ק׳ והבדלות the men of the Great Assembly instituted for Israel blessings (on enjoyments of food), daily prayers, sanctification of sacred days (over wine), and the blessing at the exit of sacred days (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. 3) a title, his holiness. Y.Ned.VI, end, 40a; Y.Snh.I, 19a top (in irony) לקדושת חנניה to his holiness Hanania (who had usurped the functions of the Palestine authorities).

    Jewish literature > קדושה

  • 12 קְדוּשָּׁה

    קְדוּשָּׁהf. (קָדַש) 1) holiness, sanctity, sacredness; chastity. Yeb.II, 3, a. e. איסור ק׳, v. אִיסּוּר. Kidd.55a, a. fr. קְדוּשַּׁת הגוף an object which is consecrated as such (irredeemable), opp. ק׳ דמים that which is consecrated for its value (redeemable). Tem.10b משום דמפרש ק׳ על הולד because he has pronounced sanctity on the embryo (by dedicating the mother). Ib.a אין ק׳ חלה על עיברין no sanctification takes effect on embryos (by the dedication of the mothers). Naz.VII, 1 נזיר שאין קְדוּשָּׁתוֹ קדושת עולם the Nazarite whose sanctification is not an everlasting one (it ceasing with the expiration of his vow). Ḥag.3b ק׳ ראשונה קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה as to the first consecration (of the holy land by Joshua), he consecrated it only for the time being (as long as inhabited and ruled by Israelites); Meg.10b, sq.; Zeb.60b; a. e.Hor.13a זה גדל עמנו בק׳ וזה לאוכ׳ the one (the nathin, v. נָתִין) has grown up with us in holiness (under the influences of the Jewish religion), and the other (the proselyte) has not Snh.58a לידתו בק׳ born in holiness (after his mothers conversion); Yeb.98a, v. הוֹרָת; a. v. fr. 2) sanctification, proclaiming the holiness of the Lord, solemn public act connected with the idea of Israels priesthood. Meg.23b; Ber.21b כל דבר שבק׳ לא יהאוכ׳ no sacred public act should be performed with less than ten persons.Esp. קְדוּשַּׁת הַשֵּׁם a) sanctification of the Name, fidelity to the Jewish faith, martyrdom. Ib. 20a מסרי נפשייהו אק׳ה׳, v. מְסַר. Snh.74b מצווה על ק׳ה׳ bound to sanctify the Name (with his life); a. fr.b) ק׳ השם, or קדושה the third section of the Prayer of Benedictions (תְּפִלָּה), praising the holiness of the Lord; the appeal to the congregation to join in the ‘holy, holy (v. קָדוֹש). R. Hash. IV, 5 סדר ברכות … וק׳ה׳ the order of the benedictions (for the New Years Day) is: Aboth (v. אָב), Gburoth (v. גְּבוּרָה) and the sanctification. Ber.21b עד שלא יגיע … ק׳ before the reader reaches the ḳdushshah. Ib. אין היחיד אומר ק׳ one praying alone should not recite the ḳdushshah; a. fr. קדושת היום (ק׳ שבת, ק׳ יום טוב), also ק׳ declaration of the sanctity of the day ( the Sabbath) in prayer or at meals. R. Hash. l. c. ק׳ היום that section of the Prayer of Benedictions which closes with the benediction ‘who sanctifiest the day Bets.15b לוו עלי וקדשו ק׳ היוםוכ׳ borrow on my (the Lords) account and celebrate the sanctity of the day, and trust me Ber.33b בין ק׳ שבת לק׳יו״ט הבדלת thou hast made a distinction between the way of sanctifying the Sabbath and that of sanctifying the Holy Day. Pes.105a ק׳ על הכוס the proclamation of the sanctity of the Day over a cup of wine (קִידּוּש); a. fr.Pl. קְדוּשּׁוֹת. Kel. I, 6 עשר ק׳ הן there are ten degrees of territorial sanctity. Y.Ber.IX, 13a top; Tanḥ. Kdosh. 4 (ref. to Josh. 24:19) שהוא קדוש בכל מיני ק׳וכ׳ he is holy in all kinds of holy acts, for all his doings are in holiness, his speech is in holiness Lev. R. s. 24 שלש ק׳ three times ‘holy, v. כָּתַר; Yalk. Is. 272. Ber.33a אנשי … ק׳ והבדלות the men of the Great Assembly instituted for Israel blessings (on enjoyments of food), daily prayers, sanctification of sacred days (over wine), and the blessing at the exit of sacred days (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. 3) a title, his holiness. Y.Ned.VI, end, 40a; Y.Snh.I, 19a top (in irony) לקדושת חנניה to his holiness Hanania (who had usurped the functions of the Palestine authorities).

    Jewish literature > קְדוּשָּׁה

  • 13 קדש

    קָדַש(b. h.) (to be cut off, separated, v. Ges. Hebr. Dict.12> s. v.; cmp. פָּרַש, to be, become pure, sacred, holy. Y.Sabb.III, 5d bot.; ib. IV, end, 7a ק׳ עליו היום the day became holy upon him, i. e. the Sabbath commenced while he was engaged in doing something. Meil.II, 8 (10a) קָרְשוּ בכלים (Talm. ed. קדשן) after they have become sacred by being put in a sacred vessel (v. infra); Shebu.11a (Ms. F. קירשן). Bekh.4b קדשו בכורותוכ׳ the firstborn in the desert were consecrated; a. fr. Pi. קִרֵּש, קִי׳ 1) to sanctify, esp. ק׳ שם שמים, or ק׳ את השם to sanctify the name of the Lord, to manifest fidelity to religion by noble deeds, by martyrdom Sot.10b; 36b יוסף שק׳ שםוכ׳ Joseph who sanctified the name … in secret (when he resisted temptation); יהודה שק׳וכ׳ Judah who sanctified … in public (when he admitted his guilt, Gen. 38:26); a. fr. 2) to sanctify, consecrate; to purify, keep pure. Ber.17a טהר וקַדֵּש עצמך מכלוכ׳ keep thyself clean and pure (aloof) from every guilt Yoma 39a (ref. to Lev. 11:44) אדם מְקַדֵּש … מְקַדְּשִׁין אותו הרבה if a man sanctifies himself a little (trains himself to self-restraint), they (the divine agencies) will help him much to sanctify him; מלמטה מקדשין אותו מלמעלה if he (sanctifies himself) below, they will sanctify him from above; בעולם הזה מקדשיןוכ׳ he in this world, they will declare him holy in the hereafter. Yeb.20a, a. e. קדש עצמך במותר לך sanctify thyself by self-restraint from what is permitted to thee. Ḥag.3b, a. e. קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה, v. קְדוּשָּׁה. Sebu. 15a כל הכלים … מְקַדַּשְׁתָּן is as regards all vessels that Moses made, the ointing of them gave them their sacred character; Snh.16b מקדשן (corr. acc.). Men.95b תנור מְקַדֵּש the oven (the baking of the showbread) gives it its sacred character. Ib. 100a כלי שרת מְקַרְּשִׁין the vessels of the service consecrate (the things put into them); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדָּש; f. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשִׁים Sabb.55a (ref. to Ez. 9:6) א״ת מקדשי אלא מְקוּדָּשַׁיוכ׳ and not miḳdashi (my sanctuary) but mḳuddashai (my sanctified ones), that means those who fulfilled the whole Law ; Ab. Zar.4a. Zeb.115b (ref. to Ps. 68:36 מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיךָ) read מִמְּקוּדָּשֶׁיךָוכ׳ ‘from thy sanctified ones, when the Lord passes judgment on his holy servants ; a. fr. 3) (with, or sub., ידיו ורגליו) to wash hands and feet prior to a sacred act. Yoma III, 6. Ib. IV, 5. Ib. 22a; a. fr. 4) to prepare the water of lustration (Num. 19). Par. VI, 1 המקדש ונפל הקִדּוּש על ידו if he prepares the lustration, and some of the consecrated water falls upon his hand. Ib. 2 נוטל נמקדש he may take (of the ashes) and prepare the water with them. Ib. 3 המקדש כשוקתוכ׳ he who puts ashes into a large vessel of water; a. fr. 5) (of seasons) to proclaim the sanctity of esp., a) (ק׳ החדש) to proclaim in court that the new month had begun (v. infra). R. Hash. II, 7 אם לא … אין מקדשין אותו שכבד קִדְּשוּשוּהוּ שמים unless the new moon is seen in its due time (on the evening of the twenty-ninth day), no announcement is made, for the heavens have already proclaimed it (and the new month begins with the thirty-first day). Ib. 24a בין כך … שנים אתה מקדשוכ׳ in neither case is the ceremony of announcement required, for we read (Lev. 25:10), ‘ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year, years thou must ‘sanctify Ex. R. s. 15 אני ואתם נְקַדֵּש את החדש I and you, let us (as a court) proclaim the month (of Nisan); a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. R. Hash. II, 7 ראשב״ד אומר מק׳וכ׳ the president of the court says, ‘(the new month is) proclaimed, and all the people say after him, ‘proclaimed, proclaimed. Ib. III, 1 נחקרו … ולא הספיקו לומר מק׳וכ׳ when the witnesses were examined, and the court had no time to say mḳuddash before night set in; a. e.b) ק׳ השבת, היום to pronounce the sanctity of the Sabbath, the Holy Day, to recite the Sabbath or the festive benediction (over wine), to say Ḳiddush. Pes.105a מי שלא ק׳ בע״ש מקדשוכ׳ he who fails to bless the Sabbath on the Sabbath eve, may do so during the entire day. Ib. 106b טעם אינו מקדש if a man tasted something without Ḳiddush, he must not bless the Sabbath; Ib. 107a טעם מקדש even if he has tasted something, he must bless the Sabbath. Ib. כגין זה ראוי לקַדֵּש עליו a beverage like this is fit for Ḳiddush; a. fr. 6) ק׳ אשה ( to consecrate a woman, a) to betroth (expl. Kidd.2b לישנא דרבנן דאסר לה … בהקדש the rabbinical term, in place of the Biblical קנה,because he makes her forbidden to others like a consecrated object, v. הֶקְרֵּש). Kidd.II, 1 האיש מקדש בווכ׳ a man may betroth a woman either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיְקַדֵּש … עדוכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth a woman to himself, before he has seen her. ib. II, 4 האומר … צא וקַיֵּש … והלך וקִרְּשָׁהּוכ׳ if a man said to his deputy, go and betroth to me that certain woman in that certain place, and he went and betrothed her in a different place, she is not betrothed (the betrothal is invalid); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשוֹת. Ib. הרי זו מק׳ in such a case the betrothal is binding. Ib. 7; a. fr.b) (of the father of a minor נַעֲרָה) to accept a betrothal in behalf of ones daughter. Ib. 1 האיש מקדש את בתווכ׳ a man may accept his daughters betrothal, if she is a naʿărah, either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיקדש את בתו יכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth his daughter as a child, (but must wait,) until she is grown up and says, I like this man; a. fr.7) to cause a thing to be prohibited, esp. (by ref. to Deut. 22:9) by planting seeds in a vineyard, or vines among seeds; to cause condemnation. Kil. IV, 5 הזורע … ק׳ שורה אחת if a person sows within four cubits of a vineyard, he has caused the condemnation of one row of vines. Ib. V, 5 הרי זה מקדש ארבעיםוכ׳ he has made forty-five vines forbidden. Ib. VII, 2 גפן … ואינה מְקַרֶּשֶׁת to plant seeds near a dried-up vine is forbidden, but it (the vine) does not cause the condemnation of the seeds. Ib. אלו אוסרין ולא מְקַדְּשִׁין the following plants make the planting of seeds in their neighborhood forbidden, but do not cause condemnation of the seeds, if planted, or their own condemnation. Ib. 5 אין אדם מקדש דברוכ׳ no man can cause condemnation of a thing not his own. Ib. הרי זה ק׳וכ׳ he has caused the condemnation of his neighbors seeds and must pay damages; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְקַדֵּש, Nithpa. נִתְקַדֵּש 1) to be sanctified, glorified as holy. Yeb.79a מוטב … ויִתְקַדֵּש שםוכ׳ let a letter of the Law be uprooted (disregarded), but let the name of God be sanctified in public. Tanḥ. Shmini 1 מִתְקַדֵּש אני שם במכבדי: there (at the dedication of the Tabernacle) I shall be sanctified by (the death of) those that honor me. Lev. R. s. 12; a. fr. 2) to be consecrated, dedicated; (of the New Moon) to be proclaimed. R. Hash. 21b יכול … עד שיִתְקַדְּשוּוכ׳ you may have thought, as well as the Sabbath is to be disregarded (by the witnesses travelling to the seat of the court), until they (the months) are proclaimed, it may also be disregarded (by the messengers carrying the announcement), until they are established. Ex. R. s. 15 היה הכהן … והבלי מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁת the priest received in it some sacred object, by which the vessel was consecrated; וכלי חול מִתְקַדֵּש and a profane vessel became sacred. Shebu.15a אין העזרה מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁתוכ׳ the Temple hall was not consecrated, until the priests ate therein the remnants of the meal-offering. Ib. 16a תחתונה נִתְקַדְּשָׁה בכל אלו the lower reservoir became consecrated through all these (ceremonies mentioned); a. fr. 3) (of mixed seeds) to be condemnable, condemned. Kil. VII, 7 מאימתי … מתקרשת from what time are seeds of grain (planted among vines) to be condemned? Ib. אין מִתְקַרְּשוֹת are not to be condemned; a. fr. 4) to be betrothed. Kidd.II, 1 האשה מתקדשת בהוכ׳ a woman may be betrothed in person or through her deputy, Ib. האומר הִתְקַדְּשִׁי ליוכ׳ … if a man says to a woman, be betrothed to me with this fig. Ib. 45b נִתְקַדְּשָׁה לדעת אביה וניסתוכ׳ if she (the minor) was betrothed with her fathers consent, but was married without it; a. fr. 5) to sanctify ones self. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., ch. II, Par. 2 מי שהוא עתיד להִתְקַדֵּש he that is ready to sanctify himself (by vowing a sacrifice). Nif. נִקְדַּש 1) to be sanctified; to become consecrated. Tem.14a כאן לִיקָּדֵש כאן ליקרב in the one case it refers to being consecrated (by being put in a sacred vessel), in the other to being offered. Bekh.4b הוזהרו … ליקדש they were admonished concerning the firatborn, that they be consecrated; a. e. 2) to be betrothed. Kidd.48a if she says, עשה לי … ואֶקָּדֵשוכ׳ make for me chains, and I shall be betrothed unto thee. Hif. הִקְדִּיש 1) to cause sanctification. Zeb.115b לא מתו … להַקְדִּיש שמווכ׳ thy (Aarons) sons died only in order to give thee an opportunity to sanctify the name of the Lord. 2) to sanctify, dedicate an object as Temple property (Lev. 27:14–24). Arakh.VI, 2 המַקְדִּיש נכסיווכ׳ if a person dedicates his property to the Temple, but owes his (divorced) wife her kthubah (כְּתוּבָּה) Ib. VII, 1 אין מַקְדִּישִׁין לפני היובלוכ׳ you cannot dedicate landed property within less than two or three years before the jubilee. Ib. 3 הִקְדִּישָׁהּ וגאלה if he dedicated and then redeemed it. Ib. 5 אין אדם מַקְדִּיש דברוכ׳ nobody can dedicate a thing not belonging to him. B. Kam.VII, 2; a. v. fr. Hof. הוּקְדַּש to be dedicated, consecrated. Meil.II, 8 המנחות … משהוּקְדָּשוּ the law concerning misappropriation of sacred things applies to meal-offerings as soon as they have been dedicated. Ib. 1 משהוּקְדָּשָׁה as soon as it has been designated for a sin-offering; a. fr.Part. מוּקְדָּש; f. מוּקְדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מוּקְדָּשִׁים Ned.V, 6 (48a) אם … הרי הם מוק׳ לשמים if they are mine, be they dedicated to the Lord. Ib. כל מתנה … מקודשת אינה מתנה (read: מוקדשת) a gift which is not made so that if the recipient dedicates it to sacred use, it is dedicated, is no gift. Bekh.V, 1 כל פסולי המוק׳ all dedicated sacrifices which became unfit for the altar; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קדש

  • 14 קָדַש

    קָדַש(b. h.) (to be cut off, separated, v. Ges. Hebr. Dict.12> s. v.; cmp. פָּרַש, to be, become pure, sacred, holy. Y.Sabb.III, 5d bot.; ib. IV, end, 7a ק׳ עליו היום the day became holy upon him, i. e. the Sabbath commenced while he was engaged in doing something. Meil.II, 8 (10a) קָרְשוּ בכלים (Talm. ed. קדשן) after they have become sacred by being put in a sacred vessel (v. infra); Shebu.11a (Ms. F. קירשן). Bekh.4b קדשו בכורותוכ׳ the firstborn in the desert were consecrated; a. fr. Pi. קִרֵּש, קִי׳ 1) to sanctify, esp. ק׳ שם שמים, or ק׳ את השם to sanctify the name of the Lord, to manifest fidelity to religion by noble deeds, by martyrdom Sot.10b; 36b יוסף שק׳ שםוכ׳ Joseph who sanctified the name … in secret (when he resisted temptation); יהודה שק׳וכ׳ Judah who sanctified … in public (when he admitted his guilt, Gen. 38:26); a. fr. 2) to sanctify, consecrate; to purify, keep pure. Ber.17a טהר וקַדֵּש עצמך מכלוכ׳ keep thyself clean and pure (aloof) from every guilt Yoma 39a (ref. to Lev. 11:44) אדם מְקַדֵּש … מְקַדְּשִׁין אותו הרבה if a man sanctifies himself a little (trains himself to self-restraint), they (the divine agencies) will help him much to sanctify him; מלמטה מקדשין אותו מלמעלה if he (sanctifies himself) below, they will sanctify him from above; בעולם הזה מקדשיןוכ׳ he in this world, they will declare him holy in the hereafter. Yeb.20a, a. e. קדש עצמך במותר לך sanctify thyself by self-restraint from what is permitted to thee. Ḥag.3b, a. e. קִדְּשָׁהּ לשעתה, v. קְדוּשָּׁה. Sebu. 15a כל הכלים … מְקַדַּשְׁתָּן is as regards all vessels that Moses made, the ointing of them gave them their sacred character; Snh.16b מקדשן (corr. acc.). Men.95b תנור מְקַדֵּש the oven (the baking of the showbread) gives it its sacred character. Ib. 100a כלי שרת מְקַרְּשִׁין the vessels of the service consecrate (the things put into them); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדָּש; f. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשִׁים Sabb.55a (ref. to Ez. 9:6) א״ת מקדשי אלא מְקוּדָּשַׁיוכ׳ and not miḳdashi (my sanctuary) but mḳuddashai (my sanctified ones), that means those who fulfilled the whole Law ; Ab. Zar.4a. Zeb.115b (ref. to Ps. 68:36 מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיךָ) read מִמְּקוּדָּשֶׁיךָוכ׳ ‘from thy sanctified ones, when the Lord passes judgment on his holy servants ; a. fr. 3) (with, or sub., ידיו ורגליו) to wash hands and feet prior to a sacred act. Yoma III, 6. Ib. IV, 5. Ib. 22a; a. fr. 4) to prepare the water of lustration (Num. 19). Par. VI, 1 המקדש ונפל הקִדּוּש על ידו if he prepares the lustration, and some of the consecrated water falls upon his hand. Ib. 2 נוטל נמקדש he may take (of the ashes) and prepare the water with them. Ib. 3 המקדש כשוקתוכ׳ he who puts ashes into a large vessel of water; a. fr. 5) (of seasons) to proclaim the sanctity of esp., a) (ק׳ החדש) to proclaim in court that the new month had begun (v. infra). R. Hash. II, 7 אם לא … אין מקדשין אותו שכבד קִדְּשוּשוּהוּ שמים unless the new moon is seen in its due time (on the evening of the twenty-ninth day), no announcement is made, for the heavens have already proclaimed it (and the new month begins with the thirty-first day). Ib. 24a בין כך … שנים אתה מקדשוכ׳ in neither case is the ceremony of announcement required, for we read (Lev. 25:10), ‘ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year, years thou must ‘sanctify Ex. R. s. 15 אני ואתם נְקַדֵּש את החדש I and you, let us (as a court) proclaim the month (of Nisan); a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. R. Hash. II, 7 ראשב״ד אומר מק׳וכ׳ the president of the court says, ‘(the new month is) proclaimed, and all the people say after him, ‘proclaimed, proclaimed. Ib. III, 1 נחקרו … ולא הספיקו לומר מק׳וכ׳ when the witnesses were examined, and the court had no time to say mḳuddash before night set in; a. e.b) ק׳ השבת, היום to pronounce the sanctity of the Sabbath, the Holy Day, to recite the Sabbath or the festive benediction (over wine), to say Ḳiddush. Pes.105a מי שלא ק׳ בע״ש מקדשוכ׳ he who fails to bless the Sabbath on the Sabbath eve, may do so during the entire day. Ib. 106b טעם אינו מקדש if a man tasted something without Ḳiddush, he must not bless the Sabbath; Ib. 107a טעם מקדש even if he has tasted something, he must bless the Sabbath. Ib. כגין זה ראוי לקַדֵּש עליו a beverage like this is fit for Ḳiddush; a. fr. 6) ק׳ אשה ( to consecrate a woman, a) to betroth (expl. Kidd.2b לישנא דרבנן דאסר לה … בהקדש the rabbinical term, in place of the Biblical קנה,because he makes her forbidden to others like a consecrated object, v. הֶקְרֵּש). Kidd.II, 1 האיש מקדש בווכ׳ a man may betroth a woman either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיְקַדֵּש … עדוכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth a woman to himself, before he has seen her. ib. II, 4 האומר … צא וקַיֵּש … והלך וקִרְּשָׁהּוכ׳ if a man said to his deputy, go and betroth to me that certain woman in that certain place, and he went and betrothed her in a different place, she is not betrothed (the betrothal is invalid); a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מְקוּדָּשוֹת. Ib. הרי זו מק׳ in such a case the betrothal is binding. Ib. 7; a. fr.b) (of the father of a minor נַעֲרָה) to accept a betrothal in behalf of ones daughter. Ib. 1 האיש מקדש את בתווכ׳ a man may accept his daughters betrothal, if she is a naʿărah, either in person or through a deputy. Ib. 41a אסור לאדם שיקדש את בתו יכ׳ a man is forbidden to betroth his daughter as a child, (but must wait,) until she is grown up and says, I like this man; a. fr.7) to cause a thing to be prohibited, esp. (by ref. to Deut. 22:9) by planting seeds in a vineyard, or vines among seeds; to cause condemnation. Kil. IV, 5 הזורע … ק׳ שורה אחת if a person sows within four cubits of a vineyard, he has caused the condemnation of one row of vines. Ib. V, 5 הרי זה מקדש ארבעיםוכ׳ he has made forty-five vines forbidden. Ib. VII, 2 גפן … ואינה מְקַרֶּשֶׁת to plant seeds near a dried-up vine is forbidden, but it (the vine) does not cause the condemnation of the seeds. Ib. אלו אוסרין ולא מְקַדְּשִׁין the following plants make the planting of seeds in their neighborhood forbidden, but do not cause condemnation of the seeds, if planted, or their own condemnation. Ib. 5 אין אדם מקדש דברוכ׳ no man can cause condemnation of a thing not his own. Ib. הרי זה ק׳וכ׳ he has caused the condemnation of his neighbors seeds and must pay damages; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְקַדֵּש, Nithpa. נִתְקַדֵּש 1) to be sanctified, glorified as holy. Yeb.79a מוטב … ויִתְקַדֵּש שםוכ׳ let a letter of the Law be uprooted (disregarded), but let the name of God be sanctified in public. Tanḥ. Shmini 1 מִתְקַדֵּש אני שם במכבדי: there (at the dedication of the Tabernacle) I shall be sanctified by (the death of) those that honor me. Lev. R. s. 12; a. fr. 2) to be consecrated, dedicated; (of the New Moon) to be proclaimed. R. Hash. 21b יכול … עד שיִתְקַדְּשוּוכ׳ you may have thought, as well as the Sabbath is to be disregarded (by the witnesses travelling to the seat of the court), until they (the months) are proclaimed, it may also be disregarded (by the messengers carrying the announcement), until they are established. Ex. R. s. 15 היה הכהן … והבלי מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁת the priest received in it some sacred object, by which the vessel was consecrated; וכלי חול מִתְקַדֵּש and a profane vessel became sacred. Shebu.15a אין העזרה מִתְקַדֶּשֶׁתוכ׳ the Temple hall was not consecrated, until the priests ate therein the remnants of the meal-offering. Ib. 16a תחתונה נִתְקַדְּשָׁה בכל אלו the lower reservoir became consecrated through all these (ceremonies mentioned); a. fr. 3) (of mixed seeds) to be condemnable, condemned. Kil. VII, 7 מאימתי … מתקרשת from what time are seeds of grain (planted among vines) to be condemned? Ib. אין מִתְקַרְּשוֹת are not to be condemned; a. fr. 4) to be betrothed. Kidd.II, 1 האשה מתקדשת בהוכ׳ a woman may be betrothed in person or through her deputy, Ib. האומר הִתְקַדְּשִׁי ליוכ׳ … if a man says to a woman, be betrothed to me with this fig. Ib. 45b נִתְקַדְּשָׁה לדעת אביה וניסתוכ׳ if she (the minor) was betrothed with her fathers consent, but was married without it; a. fr. 5) to sanctify ones self. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., ch. II, Par. 2 מי שהוא עתיד להִתְקַדֵּש he that is ready to sanctify himself (by vowing a sacrifice). Nif. נִקְדַּש 1) to be sanctified; to become consecrated. Tem.14a כאן לִיקָּדֵש כאן ליקרב in the one case it refers to being consecrated (by being put in a sacred vessel), in the other to being offered. Bekh.4b הוזהרו … ליקדש they were admonished concerning the firatborn, that they be consecrated; a. e. 2) to be betrothed. Kidd.48a if she says, עשה לי … ואֶקָּדֵשוכ׳ make for me chains, and I shall be betrothed unto thee. Hif. הִקְדִּיש 1) to cause sanctification. Zeb.115b לא מתו … להַקְדִּיש שמווכ׳ thy (Aarons) sons died only in order to give thee an opportunity to sanctify the name of the Lord. 2) to sanctify, dedicate an object as Temple property (Lev. 27:14–24). Arakh.VI, 2 המַקְדִּיש נכסיווכ׳ if a person dedicates his property to the Temple, but owes his (divorced) wife her kthubah (כְּתוּבָּה) Ib. VII, 1 אין מַקְדִּישִׁין לפני היובלוכ׳ you cannot dedicate landed property within less than two or three years before the jubilee. Ib. 3 הִקְדִּישָׁהּ וגאלה if he dedicated and then redeemed it. Ib. 5 אין אדם מַקְדִּיש דברוכ׳ nobody can dedicate a thing not belonging to him. B. Kam.VII, 2; a. v. fr. Hof. הוּקְדַּש to be dedicated, consecrated. Meil.II, 8 המנחות … משהוּקְדָּשוּ the law concerning misappropriation of sacred things applies to meal-offerings as soon as they have been dedicated. Ib. 1 משהוּקְדָּשָׁה as soon as it has been designated for a sin-offering; a. fr.Part. מוּקְדָּש; f. מוּקְדֶּשֶׁת; pl. מוּקְדָּשִׁים Ned.V, 6 (48a) אם … הרי הם מוק׳ לשמים if they are mine, be they dedicated to the Lord. Ib. כל מתנה … מקודשת אינה מתנה (read: מוקדשת) a gift which is not made so that if the recipient dedicates it to sacred use, it is dedicated, is no gift. Bekh.V, 1 כל פסולי המוק׳ all dedicated sacrifices which became unfit for the altar; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קָדַש

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