1 familiar
fə'miljə1) (well-known: The house was familiar to him; She looks very familiar (to me).) conocido, familiar2) ((with with) knowing about: Are you familiar with the plays of Shakespeare?) familiarizado con3) (too friendly: You are much too familiar with my wife!) íntimo•- familiarity
- familiarize
- familiarise
- familiarization
- familiarisation
familiar adj familiar / conocido
familiar adjetivo ‹envase/coche› family ( before n) ‹lenguaje/expresión› colloquial ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino relative, relation
I adjetivo
1 (de la familia) family
planificación familiar, family planning
2 (conocido) familiar
3 (tamaño) envase familiar, economy size
II mf relation, relative: vamos a ver a unos familiares, we're going to visit some relatives ' familiar' also found in these entries: Spanish: A - abasto - abrirse - abuela - abuelo - abusar - acabarse - adiós - advertir - agarrada - agarrado - agobiarse - ajo - ala - algo - almohada - almuerzo - amargarse - ambiente - ancha - ancho - anillo - apuntarse - aquello - arder - armarse - arrastre - arreglo - arriba - arrimar - arte - aspen - atacar - aterrizar - aúpa - bailar - barriga - bautizar - baza - beber - belén - bellota - bicha - billete - blanca - bobalicón - bobalicona - boca - bofetada - bomba English: about - age - aggravate - aggravating - almighty - bag - ball - banana - banger - barrel - bash - bash out - bat - bean - beat - beating - beauty - bellyache - belt up - bend - bent - bicycle lane - big - bird - birth control - bleed - blowout - blue - blues - body - bolt - bomb - book - bookie - boom box - boot - bootlicker - booze - botch - bother - bottom - brain - bread - breeze - brew - buck - bucket - bugger - bum - bunktr[fə'mɪlɪəSMALLr/SMALL]1 (well-known) familiar, conocido,-a (to, a)3 (intimate) íntimo,-a; (too informal) fresco,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be on familiar terms with somebody tener confianza con alguiento become familiar with something familiarizarse con algoto get too familiar with somebody tomarse demasiadas libertades con alguienfamiliar [fə'mɪljər] adj1) known: familiar, conocidoto be familiar with: estar familiarizado con2) informal: familiar, informal3) intimate: íntimo, de confianza4) forward: confianzudo, atrevido♦ familiarly advfamiliar n: espíritu m guardiánadj.• conocido, -a adj.• familiar adj.• íntimo, -a adj.n.• conocido s.m.• familiar s.m.
I fə'mɪljər, fə'mɪlɪə(r)1) ( well-known) <sound/face> familiar, conocido; < excuse> consabidothese violent scenes are becoming all too familiar — nos estamos acostumbrando demasiado a estas escenas violentas
2) ( having knowledge of) (pred)to be familiar WITH something/somebody — estar* familiarizado con algo/alguien
3)a) ( informal)b) ( too informal) que se toma demasiadas confianzas or libertades, confianzudo (esp AmL)
[fǝ'mɪlɪǝ(r)]ADJ1) (=well-known) [face, person, place] conocido, familiarto be on familiar ground — (fig) estar en su elemento, dominar la materia
2) (=common) [experience, complaint, event] corriente, común3) (=well-acquainted)to be familiar with — estar familiarizado con, conocer
to make o.s. familiar with — familiarizarse con
4) (=intimate) [tone of voice etc] íntimo, de confianza; [language etc] familiar; pej (=over-intimate) fresco, que se toma demasiadas confianzas* * *
I [fə'mɪljər, fə'mɪlɪə(r)]1) ( well-known) <sound/face> familiar, conocido; < excuse> consabidothese violent scenes are becoming all too familiar — nos estamos acostumbrando demasiado a estas escenas violentas
2) ( having knowledge of) (pred)to be familiar WITH something/somebody — estar* familiarizado con algo/alguien
3)a) ( informal)b) ( too informal) que se toma demasiadas confianzas or libertades, confianzudo (esp AmL)
2 familiar
adj.1 familiar (well-known)2 familiar (informal), confianzudo(a) (Am.)to be familiar with estar familiarizado(a) con4 allegado, amigo, familiar, conocido.5 familiarizado.s.1 amigo íntimo.2 demonio familiar.3 familiar, criado o sirviente. -
3 familiar figure
s.figura familiar. -
4 familiar get-together
s.reunión familiar. -
5 familiar spirit
s.demonio familiar. -
6 familiar expression
s.coloquialismo. -
7 addressing in the familiar form
English-spanish dictionary > addressing in the familiar form
8 address using the familiar form
English-spanish dictionary > address using the familiar form
9 become familiar
10 become too familiar
11 to be on familiar terms with somebody
tener confianza con alguienEnglish-spanish dictionary > to be on familiar terms with somebody
12 to become familiar with something
familiarizarse con algoEnglish-spanish dictionary > to become familiar with something
13 to get too familiar with somebody
tomarse demasiadas libertades con alguienEnglish-spanish dictionary > to get too familiar with somebody
14 conjoint familiar therapy
English-Spanish medical dictionary > conjoint familiar therapy
15 be over-familiar
v.tomarse libertades. -
16 become familiar
v.familiarizarse, acostumbrarse, connaturalizarse, adaptarse. -
17 get familiar
v.familiarizarse, irse acostumbrando. -
18 make familiar
v.familiarizar. -
19 familial
20 Roddy
См. также в других словарях:
familiär — familiär … Deutsch Wörterbuch
familiar — adjetivo 1. De la familia: una reunión familiar. El ambiente familiar me relaja mucho. planificación* familiar. vida familiar. 2. Que es muy conocido: Su cara me resulta muy familiar. Su voz le era muy familiar. Aquel sonido familiar me… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
familiar — 1 Familiar, intimate, close, confidential, chummy, thick are comparable when meaning near to one another because of constant or frequent association, shared interests and activities, or common sympathies, or, when applied to words or acts,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Familiar — Fa*mil iar, a. [OE. familer, familier, F. familier, fr. L. familiaris, fr. familia family. See {Family}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a family; domestic. Familiar feuds. Byron. Syn: familial. [1913 Webster] 2. Closely acquainted or intimate, as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Familiar — Семейство ОС Linux Последняя версия v0.8.4 20 августа 2006 Интерфейс OPIE или GPE Состояние Активное Веб сайт … Википедия
familiar — FAMILIÁR, Ă, familiari, e, adj. 1. (Despre exprimare, limbaj, stil) Care este folosit în (sau apropiat de) vorbirea obişnuită; simplu, fără pretenţii. ♦ (Despre atitudini, comportări etc.; p. ext. despre oameni) Simplu, prietenos, apropiat; p.… … Dicționar Român
familiar — [fə mil′yər] adj. [ME familier < OFr < L familiaris, of a household, domestic < familia, FAMILY] 1. Archaic having to do with a family 2. friendly, informal, or intimate [to be on familiar terms] 3. too friendly; unduly intimate or bold; … English World dictionary
familiar — [adj1] common, well known accustomed, commonplace, conventional, customary, domestic, everyday, frequent, garden variety*, habitual, homespun, household, humble, informal, intimate, known, matter of fact, mundane, native, natural, old hat*,… … New thesaurus
familiar — ► ADJECTIVE 1) well known through long or close association. 2) frequently encountered; common. 3) (familiar with) having a good knowledge of. 4) in close friendship. 5) inappropriately intimate or informal. ► NOUN … English terms dictionary
Familiār — (Familiarist, lat.), Vertrauter, Hausfreund; auch Diener, namentlich in Klöstern und bei der Inquisition; familiär, vertraut, in der Weise eines zur Familie Gehörigen; Familiarität, familiäres Benehmen; sich familiarisieren, sich mit einer Person … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
familiar — I (customary) adjective accepted, accustomed, acknowledged, cliched, common, commonplace, consuetudinary, conventional, current, established, everyday, familiaris, frequent, general, generally seen, habitual, hackneyed, homely, household, humble … Law dictionary