1 electronic distance meter
- electronic distance meter
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > electronic distance meter
2 electronic distance meter
электромагнитный дальномер
Геодезический дальномер, принцип действия которого основан на измерении времени прохождения электромагнитных волн.
[ ГОСТ 21830-76]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
23. Электромагнитный дальномер
D. Elektronischer Entfernungsmesser
E. Electronic distance meter
F. Télémètre électronique
Геодезический дальномер, принцип действия которого основан на измерении времени прохождения электромагнитных волн
Источник: ГОСТ 21830-76: Приборы геодезические. Термины и определения оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > electronic distance meter
3 electronic distance meter
1) Строительство: светодальномер2) Нефть: электромагнитный дальномерУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > electronic distance meter
4 electronic distance meter
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > electronic distance meter
5 electronic distance meter
Англо-русский строительный словарь > electronic distance meter
6 short-range electronic distance meter
- short-range electronic distance meter
- nсветодальномер, радиодальномер
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > short-range electronic distance meter
7 short-range electronic distance meter
Строительство: радиодальномер, светодальномерУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > short-range electronic distance meter
8 short-range electronic distance meter
светодальномер, радиодальномерАнгло-русский строительный словарь > short-range electronic distance meter
9 meter
- meter
- nизмерительный прибор, счётчик
- air content meter
- air meter
- air entrainment meter
- air flow meter
- air test meter
- apportioning heat meter
- batch water meter
- Carlson stress meter
- cement meter with ticket printout
- concrete maturity meter
- cover meter
- cup-type current meter
- current meter
- DB meter
- dosage meter
- dust meter
- electricity meter
- electric meter
- electronic distance meter
- elevation meter
- evaporative heat meter
- flow meter
- Fulmer tension meter
- gas meter
- heat meter
- heat flow meter
- humidity meter
- inferential shunt heat meter
- inferential water meter
- in-line air flow meter
- integrating flow meter
- integrating heat meter
- light meter
- mass flow meter
- Menard pressure meter
- mini texture meter
- moisture meter
- neutron moisture meter
- noise meter
- nozzle meter
- orifice meter
- parking meter
- pH meter
- pocket shear meter
- portable shear meter
- positive displacement meter
- primary meter
- pygmy meter
- road roughness meter
- rotary meter
- service meter
- short-range electronic distance meter
- slope meter
- sound-level meter
- speedy moisture meter
- thermal comfort meter
- transmission-type nuclear density meter
- turbine flow meter
- Venturi meter
- vibration meter
- water-service meter
- water meter
- Watt hour meter
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 meter
1) счётчик; измерительный прибор; дозатор2) см. metre3) дозировать; измерять•- airflow meter - batch meter - bypass meter - bypass water meter - consistency meter - current meter - deflection meter - displacement meter - elevation meter - flow meter - free chlorine meter - gas meter - gradient meter - in-line meter - radiation meter - ride meter - slip meter - sound-level meter - velocity-type meter* * *измерительный прибор, счётчик- air content meter
- air meter
- air entrainment meter
- air flow meter
- air test meter
- apportioning heat meter
- batch water meter
- Carlson stress meter
- cement meter with ticket printout
- concrete maturity meter
- cover meter
- cup-type current meter
- current meter
- DB meter
- dosage meter
- dust meter
- electricity meter
- electric meter
- electronic distance meter
- elevation meter
- evaporative heat meter
- flow meter
- Fulmer tension meter
- gas meter
- heat meter
- heat flow meter
- humidity meter
- inferential shunt heat meter
- inferential water meter
- in-line air flow meter
- integrating flow meter
- integrating heat meter
- light meter
- mass flow meter
- Menard pressure meter
- mini texture meter
- moisture meter
- neutron moisture meter
- noise meter
- nozzle meter
- orifice meter
- parking meter
- pH meter
- pocket shear meter
- portable shear meter
- positive displacement meter
- primary meter
- pygmy meter
- road roughness meter
- rotary meter
- service meter
- short-range electronic distance meter
- slope meter
- sound-level meter
- speedy moisture meter
- thermal comfort meter
- transmission-type nuclear density meter
- turbine flow meter
- Venturi meter
- vibration meter
- water-service meter
- water meter
- Watt hour meter -
11 meter
1) метр2) измерительный прибор, измеритель || измерять, мерить, замерять3) счётчик4) дозатор•to meter in — регулировать объём на входе;-
absorption frequency meter
ac meter
acoustic current meter
active energy meter
activity meter
admittance meter
airflow meter
air meter
all-purpose meter
alpha meter
alpha survey meter
altitude meter
ampere-hour meter
analog meter
angle meter
apparent energy meter
atrain meter
attenuation meter
audio level meter
audio-frequency meter
audio-noise meter
automatic noise figure meter
autoranging meter
backscatter nuclear density meter
backscatter nuclear moisture meter
badge meter
batch meter
battery meter
bellow gas meter
beta survey meter
B-H meter
body tilt meter
brightness meter
Btu meter
bypasswater meter
bypass meter
call-count meter
calometric gas meter
candle power meter
capacitance capacity meter
capacitance meter
cavity frequency meter
circuit noise meter
clamp-on meter
clip-on meter
coaxial-line frequency meter
coercive force meter
contamination meter
correlation meter
coulomb meter
counting-rate meter
counting-type frequency meter
course meter
cup-type meter
current meter
curve-drawing meter
cycloidal gas meter
dc meter
decibel meter
demand meter
density meter
depth meter
detonation meter
dew-point meter
dew-point moisture meter
dielectric-type moisture meter
differential pressure meter
digital meter
digital panel meter
digital Z meter
dip meter
direct-reading meter
distance meter
distortion factor meter
distortion meter
dosage meter
dose meter
double-rate meter
double-tariff meter
downhole oil gravity-gas content-volume ratio meter
draft meter
drift meter
dry gas meter
dual meter
dwell meter
earth resistance meter
edgewise meter
elbow meter
electric field meter
electric hour meter
electric power meter
electrical meter
electric meter
electricity meter
electrodynamic meter
electrolytic meter
electromagnetic current meter
electromagnetic interference meter
electromagnetic meter
electromechanical frequency meter
electronic moisture meter
elevation meter
energy meter
envelope delay meter
exposure meter
exposure rate meter
fallout meter
ferrodynamic meter
field-intensity meter
field-strength meter
flow meter
flow rate meter
fluid meter
fluidity meter
flux meter
flux-gate meter
foot-candle meter
forward scatter visibility meter
fountain-pen-type dose meter
frequency deviation meter
frequency meter
frequency modulation meter
frequency-indicating meter
fuel-flow meter
G.-M. meter
gamma meter
gamma survey meter
gas meter
gas volume meter
generating electric field meter
gravity meter
grid-dip meter
hardness meter
haze meter
head meter
heat meter
hook-on meter
hot-wire air flow meter
hot-wire meter
house service meter
humidity meter
hydraulic flow meter
hysteresis meter
illumination meter
impedance meter
impeller current meter
impulse meter
inductance meter
induction flow meter
induction-type meter
infrared moisture meter
in-line meter
instrument test meter
insulation-resistance meter
integrating electricity meter
integrating light meter
integrating meter
ion meter
iron-vane meter
lambda meter
laminar flow meter
laser-Doppler current meter
layer thickness meter
leakage meter
level meter
light meter
light-intensity meter
lightning-current meter
linear meter
liquid displacement meter
loss meter
luminance meter
lux meter
Mach meter
magnetic potential meter
magnetic-field meter
magnetic meter
magnetic-vane meter
mass-flow meter
maximum-demand meter
maxwell meter
megohm meter
methane meter
microwave power meter
milliohm meter
moisture meter
motor meter
moving-coil meter
moving-iron meter
multiple purpose meter
multiprobe ionization meter
multirange meter
multirate meter
multistator watt-hour meter
neutron soil moisture meter
noise-level meter
noise meter
noise-temperature meter
nuclear density meter
nuclear level meter
nuclear moisture meter
null meter
oil meter
orifice meter
output power meter
panel meter
parking meter
peak program meter
pendulum-type current meter
penny-in-the-slot meter
permanent-magnet meter
pH meter
phase-angle meter
phase meter
photoelectric exposure meter
photoelectric meter
photographic exposure meter
pivoted flap flow meter
pocket meter
polyphase meter
portable hydraulic flow meter
portable meter
power meter
power-factor meter
prepayment electricity meter
prepayment meter
pressure meter
printing meter
profile meter
profiling current meter
propeller meter
propeller milk meter
propeller-type meter
proportional gas meter
proportioning meter
Pygmy meter
quality-factor meter
quotient meter
radiation balance meter
radiation meter
radio-noise meter
rate meter
ratio meter
reactance meter
reactive volt-ampere meter
reactive volt-ampere-hour meter
reactive-energy meter
reactive-power meter
readout meter
recording depth meter
recording meter
reed frequency meter
residential meter
resistance meter
resistance-type moisture meter
resistivity meter
resonant frequency meter
revolution meter
rf level meter
roentgen rate meter
rotary gas meter
rotor current meter
running meter
salinity meter
salt meter
selective ion meter
self-recording current meter
service meter
setup scale meter
shape meter
sinad meter
single-phase meter
slip meter
soap film meter
solid-state meter
sound-level meter
standard meter
standing-wave meter
steam-consumption meter
steam-flow meter
sulfur meter
summation meter
suppressed-zero meter
survey meter
switchboard meter
thermal electric meter
thermal meter
Thomson meter
three-axis current meter
three-phase meter
tide meter
torque meter
torsion meter
transmission nuclear density meter
transmission nuclear moisture meter
transmittance meter
transparency meter
trim meter
tuning meter
two-rate meter
var-hour meter
vector-averaging current meter
velocity-type meter
Ventury meter
vibrating-reed frequency meter
vibration meter
visibility meter
visual exposure meter
voltage meter
voltage standing-wave-ratio meter
volt-ampere meter
volt-ampere-hour meter
volt-ohm meter
volt-ohm-milliampere meter
water meter
watercut meter
water-sealed gas meter
watt-hour meter
wattless component meter
wave meter
wet gas meter
wind meter
wing current meter
Z meter
zero-center meter
zeta meter -
12 EDM
1) Военный термин: Enterprise Data Model, electronic distance measuring, emergency destruction of munitions, engineering design memorandum, engineering development model, engineering drafting manual, equipment deadlined for maintenance, exploratory development model2) Техника: electric detonator, electric discharge machining, electric drive mechanism, electrical disintegration machining, electro-discharge machining, electronic drafting machine, engineering design machine, engineering drafting machine, external device monitoring3) Автомобильный термин: electronic distributor modulator (Ford)4) Металлургия: ЭМО (электроразрядная механическая обработка)5) Музыка: Electronic Dance Music6) Оптика: electron discharge machining7) Сокращение: Electro Discharge Machining, ElectroDischarge Machine, Electronic Distance Measurer, Engine Data Multiplexer, Engineering Data Management, Engineering Disposition Management (USAF)8) Электроника: Electronic design machining, Electronic Data Manager9) Вычислительная техника: Extended Data Message, electronic document management, enterprise document management, администратор дескрипторов окружения (environmental descriptor manager)10) Нефть: electronic distance meter11) Деловая лексика: Electronic Document Manager, Electronic Drawing Management12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Система Электронного Обмена Документами, электродетонатор13) Полимеры: N, N1-ethylene dimaleimide, electrical discharge machining14) Автоматика: electrical discharge machine, электроэрозионный станок15) Макаров: МКР, метод конечных разностей16) SAP.тех. модель данных предприятия17) Нефть и газ: электрический детонатор18) МИД: electrical discharge machines19) Программное обеспечение: Enterprise Desktop Manager -
13 power
1) сила
2) вальный
3) мощность
4) степенной
5) электропитающий
6) электросила
7) электросиловой
8) энергетика
9) энергетический
10) <engin.> питать
11) степень
12) показатель степени
13) энергия
14) власть
15) мощь
16) способность
17) степенный
18) <math.> мощность множества
– A-F power
– absorb power
– active power
– antenna power
– available power
– average power
– axiom of power
– base of the power
– base power
– brake power
– calorific power
– cementing power
– continuous power
– coupling power
– cut power
– design power
– desulphurizing power
– dissipated power
– dissipation power
– draugth power
– driving power
– echo-signal power
– electric power
– emergency power
– exchange power
– exponent of power
– filament power
– fourth power
– fractional power
– heater power
– horse power
– idling power
– indicated power
– input power
– instantaneous power
– landing power
– leakage power
– loss power
– maximum power
– moderating power
– noise power
– nominal power
– nuclear power
– odal power
– ouput power
– output power
– oxidation power
– peak power
– power amplification
– power amplifier
– power bay section
– power cable
– power capacitor
– power circuit
– power cleaver
– power conditions
– power conduit
– power consumption
– power contactor
– power cord
– power cultivator
– power cylinder
– power delivered
– power density
– power divider
– power drain
– power efficiency
– power electronics
– power engineer
– power engineering
– power facilities
– power factor
– power failure
– power feed
– power flux
– power function
– power gas
– power grader
– power grid
– power hack-saw
– power hammer
– power handling
– power house
– power imputs
– power input
– power is transmitted
– power isolator
– power klystron
– power level
– power levelling
– power line
– power load
– power loss
– power mean
– power meter
– power miser
– power of a point
– power of an engine
– power oil
– power pack
– power penetration
– power plant
– power press
– power pulser
– power pump
– power reactor
– power rectifier
– power reserve
– power residue
– power ringing
– power scraper
– power series
– power setting
– power shaft
– power shortage
– power slewing
– power source
– power spectrum
– power splitter
– power station
– power supply
– power switch
– power take-off
– power takeoff
– power thyristor
– power tool
– power transfer
– power transformer
– power transistor
– power transmission
– power trunk
– power unit
– power valve
– power water
– power wiring
– pump power
– purchasing power
– put out power
– radiating power
– raising to a power
– rated power
– reactive power
– reduced power
– required power
– resolving power
– saving of power
– shaft power
– short-circuit power
– signal power
– solar power
– sound power
– source power
– starting power
– supply power
– take-off power
– thermonuclear power
– to the second power
– total power
– tractive power
– trasnfer power
– turn on power
– turn up power
– under own power
– unit power
– useful power
absolute thermoelectric power — коэффициент термоэлектродвижущей силы
atomic power station — атомная станция, АЭС
auxiliary power requirements — расход энергии на собственные нужды
coal-burning power plant — электростанция на твердом топливе
distribution power transformer — трансформатор силовой линейный
electric power plant — силовая электроустановка, <engin.> электростанция
engine-propeller power plant — винтомоторная силовая установка
hydroelectric power plant — <energ.> гидростанция, гидроэлектростанция, гэс
industrial power association — <engin.> объединение производственное энергетическое
intelligent power management — интеллектуальное управление электропитанием
power flux density — <phys.> плотность потока мощности
power generating unit — <engin.> энергоблок
power per liter of displacement — <engin.> литровая мощность
power plant topping — <engin.> надстройка
power ringing generator — телефонный машинный индуктор, индуктор машинный
power supply unit — < radio> агрегат питания
propeller power coefficient — <phys.> коэффициент мощности винта
radio-frequency power amplifier — генератор с внешним возбуждением
unit power rating — <engin.> мощность удельная
14 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
15 system
1. комплекс, система (напр. агрегатов)2. сеть, система (напр. авиалиний)3. метод, система (напр. технического обслуживания)air traffic audio simulation system — аудиовизуальная система имитации воздушного движения (для тренажёров)
angle-of-attack, slip and acceleration warning system — система автоматической сигнализации углов атаки,скольжения и перегрузок
approach guidance nose-in to stand system — система управления (воздушным судном) при установке на стоянку
automatic flight control system — автоматическая бортовая система управления, АБСУ
cabin pressure control system — система автоматического регулирования давления (воздуха) в кабине, САРД
conditioning / pressurization system — система кондиционирования и наддува (гермокабины)
customs accelerated passenger inspection system — система ускоренного таможенного досмотра пассажиров
flight control gust-lock system — система стопорения поверхностей управления (при стоянке воздушного судна)
ground controlled approach system — (радиолокационная) система захода на посадку по командам с земли
nosewheel steering follow-up system — система обратной связи управления разворотом колёс передней опоры шасси
short range radio navigation system — радиосистема ближней навигации, РСБН
to turn off the system — выключать систему;
to unarm the system — отключать [снимать] состояние готовности системы
warning flag movement system — бленкерная [флажковая] система предупреждения об отказе
— drainage system— engine starting system— heating system— interlocking system -
16 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) канал; линия; тракт3) тлф. шлейф5) круговое движение, движение по окружности || совершать круговое движение, двигаться по окружности•- 2D circuit
- 3D circuit
- absorbing circuit
- absorption circuit
- ac circuit
- acceptor circuit
- adaptive logic circuit
- additive printed circuit
- adjustable threshold logic circuit
- aerial circuit
- alive circuit
- aluminium-gate MOS integrated circuit
- aluminum-gate MOS integrated circuit
- AM detecting circuit
- analog circuit
- ancillary circuit
- AND circuit
- anode circuit
- antenna circuit
- anticlutter circuit
- anticoincidence circuit
- antihunt circuit
- antijamming circuit
- anti-Karp circuit
- antiresonance circuit
- antiresonant circuit
- antisidetone circuit
- aperiodic circuit
- application-specific integrated circuit
- approved circuit
- array integrated circuit
- astable circuit
- autodyne circuit
- automatic start circuit
- averaging circuit
- azimuth-sweep circuit
- back-plate circuit
- back-to-back circuit
- balanced circuit
- base-line marker circuit
- basic circuit
- beta circuit
- beta feedback circuit
- bias circuit
- bidirectional clamping circuit
- bilateral circuit
- bipolar circuit
- bipolar integrated circuit
- bistable circuit
- bistable multivibrator circuit
- black stretch circuit
- black-level restoring circuit
- black-level setting circuit
- blanking circuit
- bootstrap circuit
- bound circuit
- boxcar circuit
- branch circuit
- branched circuit
- bridge circuit
- bridged circuit
- broken circuit
- bubble annihilation circuit
- bubble circuit
- bubble detection circuit
- bubble propagation circuit
- bubble replication circuit
- bubble stretching circuit
- bubble switching circuit
- bubble-domain annihilation circuit
- bubble-domain detection circuit
- bubble-domain propagation circuit
- bubble-domain replication circuit
- bubble-domain stretching circuit
- bubble-domain switching circuit
- bucket-brigade circuit
- buffer circuit
- building-out circuit
- built-up circuit
- bulk-effect integrated circuit
- butterfly circuit
- butterfly tank circuit
- calibrating circuit
- call circuit
- capacitive differentiator circuit
- capacitive oscillatory circuit
- cathode circuit
- central-battery circuit
- ceramic printed circuit
- charge-coupled device integrated circuit
- chemically deposited printed circuit
- chemically reduced printed circuit
- chemically-assembled integrated circuit
- chevron bubble propagation circuit
- chevron bubble-domain propagation circuit
- chip integrated circuit
- cholesteric circuit
- chopping circuit
- chrominance matrix circuit
- chrominance separation circuit
- chrominance take-off circuit
- circuit of graph
- clamping circuit
- clamp-on circuit
- clipping circuit
- clock circuit
- clocked circuit
- close-coupled circuits
- closed circuit
- closed magnetic circuit
- CMOS integrated circuit
- coaxial circuit
- coincidence circuit
- collector circuit
- collector-diffusion isolated integrated circuit
- color processing circuit
- color purity circuit
- color-balance circuit
- color-indexing circuit
- color-killer circuit
- Colpitts oscillatory circuit
- combinational circuit
- combinatorial circuit
- combiner circuit
- common-base circuit
- common-battery circuit
- common-cathode circuit
- common-collector circuit
- common-drain circuit
- common-emitter circuit
- common-gate circuit
- common-grid circuit
- common-source circuit
- common-use circuit
- compander circuit
- comparator circuit
- comparison circuit
- compatible circuit
- compensating circuit
- complementary circuit
- complementary MOS integrated circuit
- complementary symmetry circuit
- complementary symmetry MOS integrated circuit
- complementary-output circuit
- composite circuit
- compound circuit
- compression circuit
- computer circuits
- conference circuit
- consumer integrated circuit
- contiguous-disk bubble propagation circuit
- contiguous-disk bubble-domain propagation circuit
- control circuit
- controller circuit
- convergence circuit
- cord circuit
- core-diode circuit
- core-transistor circuit
- correction input circuit
- COSMOS circuit
- countdown circuits
- counter circuit
- counter timer circuit
- counting circuit
- coupled circuits
- cross-control circuit
- crossed-waveguide circuit
- crosspoint integrated circuit
- cryotron circuit
- cue circuit
- current-access bubble circuit
- current-feedback circuit
- current-limited circuit
- current-source equivalent circuit
- custom circuit
- customer-specific integrated circuit
- custom-wired integrated circuit
- cutoff circuit
- damping circuit
- dash circuit
- data circuit
- dc circuit
- dc restoration circuit
- dead-on-arrival integrated circuit
- decision circuit
- decision making circuit
- decoupling circuit
- dedicated integrated circuit
- deep-submicron integrated circuit
- degenerative circuit
- delay circuit
- delay-insensitive circuit
- delay-sensitive circuit
- delta circuit
- demultiplexing circuit
- deposited integrated circuit
- derived circuit
- despiker circuit
- despiking circuit
- detector circuit
- detuned circuit
- dial toll circuit
- dial-up circuit
- diamond circuit
- die integrated circuit
- dielectric isolated integrated circuit
- differential-frequency circuit
- differentiating circuit
- diffused-isolation integrated circuit
- digital circuit
- digital integrated circuit
- digital logic circuit
- diode array integrated circuit
- diode integrated circuit
- diode-coupled circuit
- diplex circuit
- direct international circuit
- direct transit international circuit
- direct-coupled circuit
- direct-wire circuit
- discharge circuit
- discrete circuit
- discrete-component circuit
- disjunction circuit
- distributed-element circuit
- divided circuit
- dividing circuit
- Doppler tracking circuit
- dot circuit
- double-coincidence circuit
- double-ended cord circuit
- double-ridge easitron circuit
- double-ridge Karp circuit
- double-sided circuit
- double-tuned circuit
- down-scaled integrated circuit
- driven circuit
- dry circuit
- dry-processed integrated circuit
- DTF circuit
- dual-in-line integrated circuit
- duplex circuit
- duplicated circuit
- dynamic-convergence circuit
- dynamic-focus circuit
- dynamic-track following circuit
- earth circuit
- earthed circuit
- E-beam litho circuit
- EC circuit
- Eccles-Jordan circuit
- EITHER-OR circuit
- electric circuit
- electronic circuit
- elevated-electrode integrated circuit
- embossed-foil printed circuit
- emitter-coupled circuit
- emitter-follower logic integrated circuit
- engineering circuit
- epitaxial circuit
- epitaxial passivated integrated circuit
- equalization circuit
- equivalent circuit
- equivalent integrated circuit
- etched printed circuit
- evaporated circuit
- exclusive OR circuit
- expanded-sweep circuit
- expander circuit
- external circuit
- external magnetic circuit
- extra LSI circuit
- face-down integrated circuit
- fail-safe circuit
- fallback circuit
- fan-in circuit
- fan-out circuit
- fast time-constant circuit
- feed circuit
- feedback circuit
- ferrite-diode circuit
- ferrite-transistor circuit
- ferroresonant circuit
- field-access bubble circuit
- field-programmable integrated circuit
- filament circuit
- film integrated circuit
- fine-line integrated circuit
- fine-pattern integrated circuit
- flat-pack integrated circuit
- flexible printed circuit
- flip-chip integrated circuit
- flip-flop circuit
- flux transfer circuit
- flywheel circuit
- forced coupled circuits
- forked circuit
- four-wire circuit
- frame-grounding circuit
- frame-scanning circuit
- free coupled circuits
- freely oscillating coupled circuits
- free-running circuit
- frequency-changing circuit
- full-wave circuit
- fully integrated circuit
- function circuit
- g equivalent circuit
- ganged circuits
- gate circuit
- gate equivalent circuit
- Giacoletto circuit
- Goto-pair circuit
- grid circuit
- grounded circuit
- grounded-base circuit
- grounded-collector circuit
- grounded-emitter circuit
- grounded-grid circuit
- ground-return circuit
- grouping circuit
- guard-ring isolated monolithic integrated circuit
- Gunn-effect circuit
- h equivalent circuit
- half-phantom circuit
- half-wave circuit
- Hamilton circuit
- hardened circuit
- Hartley oscillatory circuit
- Hazeltine neutralizing circuit
- head circuit
- heater circuit
- high-temperature superconductor integrated circuit
- holding circuit
- horizontal scanning circuit
- horizontal sync circuit
- horizontal-deflection circuit
- hotline circuit
- hybrid circuit
- hybrid integrated circuit
- hybrid pi equivalent circuit
- hybrid thin-film circuit
- hybrid thin-film integrated circuit
- hybrid-type circuit
- I2L circuit
- ideal-transformer equivalent circuit
- identification circuit
- idler circuit
- ignition circuit
- image circuit
- impulsing circuit
- inclusive NOR circuit
- inclusive OR circuit
- incoming circuit
- individually wired circuit
- inductance-capacitance coupling circuit
- inductive circuit
- inductive differentiator circuit
- inductive oscillatory circuit
- inductively coupled circuit
- injection circuit
- injection integrated circuit
- input circuit
- inquiry circuit
- insulated-substrate integrated circuit
- integrate-and-dump circuit
- integrated circuit
- integrated injection logic circuit
- integrated optical circuit
- integrating circuit
- interaction circuit
- interface circuit
- inter-integrated circuit
- interlock circuit
- intermediate-frequency circuit
- inverter circuit
- ion-implanted bubble propagation circuit
- ion-implanted bubble-domain propagation circuit
- ion-implanted MOS integrated circuit
- iron circuit
- isolated integrated injection logic circuit
- isolated-substrate solid circuit
- isoplanar integrated circuit
- isoplanar-based integrated circuit
- joint circuit
- joint denial circuit
- Josephson logic integrated circuit
- Josephson-junction logic integrated circuit
- junction circuit
- junction-isolation integrated circuit
- Karp circuit
- keep-alive circuit
- keying circuit
- killer circuit
- label circuit
- ladder circuit
- lagging circuit
- large-scale hybrid integration circuit
- large-scale integration circuit
- laser-configured application-specific integrated circuit
- latched circuit
- latching Boolean circuit
- latching circuit
- leak circuit
- leakage circuit
- leased circuit
- line circuit
- linear circuit
- linear integrated circuit
- line-scan circuit
- line-scanning circuit
- live circuit
- load circuit
- local circuit
- local-battery circuit
- locking circuit
- Loftin-White circuit
- logic circuit
- long-distance telephone circuit
- longitudinal circuit
- losser circuit
- low-energy circuit
- low-temperature superconductor integrated circuit
- L-section circuit
- lumped circuit
- lumped-constant circuit
- made-to-order circuit
- magnetic circuit
- magnetic convergence circuit
- magnetic integrated circuit
- magnetic-core circuit
- majority circuit
- master-slice integrated circuit
- matching circuit
- matrix circuit
- matrix integrated circuit
- McCulloh circuit
- medium-scale integration circuit
- memory circuit
- merged transistor logic integrated circuit
- Mesny circuit
- message circuit
- metal-dielectric-semiconductor integrated circuit
- metallic circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor large scale integration circuit
- meter-current circuit
- meter-voltage circuit
- microcomputer integrated circuit
- microelectronic integrated circuit
- microenergy logic circuit
- micrologic circuit
- micropower circuit
- microprinted circuit
- microprocessor integrated circuit
- microprocessor logic-support circuit
- microprogrammed circuit
- microwatt circuit
- microwave circuit
- microwave integrated circuit
- mix circuit
- mixing circuit
- molecular integrated circuit
- monobrid integrated circuit
- monolithic integrated circuit
- monolithic microwave integrated circuit
- monophase integrated circuit
- monostable circuit
- MOS integrated circuit
- MOS-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- MTL integrated circuit
- mu circuit
- mu feedback circuit
- multibrid integrated circuit
- multichip integrated circuit
- multidrop circuit
- multifunctional integrated circuit
- multilayer circuit
- multilevel-metallized integrated circuit
- multiphase integrated circuit
- multiplanar circuit
- multiple circuit
- multiple-chip circuit
- multiple-substrate solid circuit
- multipoint circuit
- multistable circuit
- multistage circuit
- muting circuit
- NAND circuit
- nanotube integrated circuit
- n-channel logic MOS integrated circuit
- negative OR circuit
- NEITHER-NOR circuit
- neutral magnetic circuit
- neutralizing circuit
- noise equivalent circuit
- noise suppression circuit
- nondisjunction circuit
- noninductive circuit
- nonlinear circuit
- nonphantomed circuits
- nonredundant circuit
- NOR circuit
- NOT circuit
- NOT-AND circuit
- NOT-OR circuit
- off-the-shelf circuit
- one-chip integrated circuit
- one-sided circuit
- one-wire circuit
- open circuit
- open magnetic circuit
- open-wire circuit
- optical integrated circuit
- optically coupled circuit
- optoelectronic integrated circuit
- optron integrated circuit
- OR circuit
- OR-ELSE circuit
- oscillator circuit
- oscillatory circuit
- output circuit
- overcoupled circuits
- overlap telling circuit
- oxide-isolated integrated circuit
- packaged circuit
- painted printed circuit
- parallel circuit
- parallel LCR circuit
- parallel-resonant circuit
- parallel-series circuit
- passivated integrated circuit
- p-channel logic MOS integrated circuit
- peak-holding circuit
- peaking circuit
- peak-riding clipping circuit
- perforated bubble propagation circuit
- perforated bubble-domain propagation circuit
- periodic circuit
- peripheral integrated circuit
- permalloy circuit
- permanent virtual circuit
- phantom circuit
- phase-advance circuit
- phase-comparison circuit
- phase-compensating circuit
- phase-delay circuit
- phase-equalizing circuit
- phase-inverting circuit
- phase-lag circuit
- phase-shift circuit
- photonic integrated circuit
- physical circuits
- physical equivalent circuit
- pi circuit
- pickax bubble propagation circuit
- pickax bubble-domain propagation circuit
- piezoelectric-crystal equivalent circuit
- pilot circuit
- planar integrated circuit
- planex integrated circuit
- plastic integrated circuit
- plastic-encapsulated integrated circuit
- plate circuit
- plated circuit
- plated printed circuit
- p-n junction isolated integrated circuit
- point-to-point circuit
- polar circuit
- polarized magnetic circuit
- polling circuit
- polymer integrated circuit
- polymer logic circuit
- polymer-based logic circuit
- polyphase circuit
- positioning circuit
- potentiometer circuit
- potted circuit
- power adder circuit
- preemphasis circuit
- presetting circuit
- primary circuit
- primary series circuit
- printed circuit
- printed wiring circuit
- printed-component circuit
- program circuit
- programmed interconnection pattern large-scale integration circuit
- propagation circuit
- proprietary integrated circuit
- pulse-actuated circuit
- pulse-shaping circuit
- pulsing circuit
- pump circuit
- pumping circuit
- purity circuit
- push-pull circuit
- push-push circuit
- push-to-talk circuit
- push-to-type circuit
- quadruplex circuit
- quasi-bistable circuit
- quasi-monostable circuit
- quenching circuit
- quiet-tuning circuit
- r equivalent circuit
- radiating circuit
- radiation hardened integrated circuit
- radio circuit
- radio communication circuit
- radio-frequency integrated circuit
- radio-receiving circuit
- radio-transmitting circuit
- range-marker circuit
- range-sweep circuit
- range-tracking circuit
- rapid single flux quantum circuit
- RC circuit
- RCG circuit
- RCTL circuit
- RDTL circuit
- reactance control circuit
- reaction circuit
- reactive circuit
- read-and-write circuit
- redundant circuit
- reflex circuit
- regenerative circuit
- rejector circuit
- repeat circuit
- reset circuit
- reset control circuit
- reshaping circuit
- resistance-capacitance circuit
- resistance-inductance circuit
- resistance-inductance-capacitance circuit
- resistor-capacitor-transistor logic circuit
- resistor-coupled transistor logic circuit
- resistor-diode-transistor logic circuit
- resistor-transistor logic circuit
- resonant circuit
- retroactive circuit
- reverberation-controlled gain circuit
- right-plane circuit
- ring circuit
- ring-and-bar circuit
- ringdown circuit
- ringing circuit
- RL circuit
- RLC circuit
- RSFQ circuit
- RTL circuit
- sample-and-hold circuit
- sampling circuit
- scaled integrated circuit
- scale-of-eight circuit
- scale-of-ten circuit
- scale-of-two circuit
- scaling circuit
- scanning circuit
- scrambler circuit
- screened circuit
- sealed circuit
- sealed-junction integration circuit
- selective circuit
- self-holding circuit
- self-repairing circuit
- self-saturating circuit
- semiconductor integrated circuit
- semiconductor-magnetic circuit
- semicustom integrated circuit
- separation circuit
- series circuit
- series RLC circuit
- series-peaking circuit
- series-resonant circuit
- service circuit
- short circuit
- shunt circuit
- shunt-peaking circuit
- shunt-series circuit
- side circuits
- sidetone suppression circuit
- signal circuit
- signal-processing circuit
- silent circuit
- silicon integrated circuit
- silicon-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- simple parallel circuit
- simplex circuit
- single-chip integrated circuit
- single-ended circuit
- single-mask level bubble circuit
- single-phase circuit
- single-ridge easitron circuit
- single-ridge Karp circuit
- single-shot trigger circuit
- single-trip trigger circuit
- single-tuned circuit
- single-wire circuit
- slave circuit
- sliding short circuit
- slow-wave circuit
- small outline integrated circuit
- small-scale integrated circuit
- smoothing circuit
- sneak circuit
- software circuit
- solid-state circuit
- spare circuit
- spark circuit
- speaker circuit
- sprayed printed circuit
- square-rooting circuit
- squaring circuit
- squelch circuit
- stacked circuit
- staggered circuits
- stamped printed circuit
- standard scale circuit
- star-connected circuit
- starting circuit
- start-stop circuit
- static-induction transistor integrated circuit
- stenode circuit
- stick circuit
- stopper circuit
- storage circuit
- straightforward circuit
- stripline circuit
- submicron integrated circuit
- subscriber line interface circuit
- subscriber-line audio-processing circuit
- superconducting tank circuit
- superimposed circuit
- superposed circuit
- supervising circuit
- support circuit
- sweep circuit
- switch virtual circuit
- switched circuit
- switching circuit
- sync separator circuit
- sync stretch circuit
- synchronous circuit
- T2L circuit
- talk-back circuit
- tank circuit
- tantalum thin-film circuit
- tap circuit
- tapped circuit
- tapped resonant circuit
- tapped-capacitor circuit
- tapped-capacitor resonant circuit
- tapped-coil circuit
- tapped-coil resonant circuit
- tapped-inductor circuit
- tapped-inductor resonant circuit
- T-bar bubble propagation circuit
- T-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- T-circuit
- telegraph circuit
- telephone circuit
- telling circuit
- terminating circuit
- Thevenin equivalent circuit
- thick-film circuit
- thin-film circuit
- three-dimensional circuit
- three-phase circuit
- threshold circuit
- through circuit
- tie-line circuit
- time-base circuit
- time-delay circuit
- toll-circuit
- totem-pole circuit
- transfer circuit
- transformer-coupled circuit
- transistor equivalent circuit
- transistor-transistor logic circuit
- traveling-wave-tube interaction circuit
- tributary circuit
- trigger circuit
- trunk circuit
- trunk terminating circuit
- trunk-junction circuit
- tse circuit
- TTL circuit
- tube circuit
- tube equivalent circuit
- tuned circuit
- tuning circuit
- twin-circuit
- twin-T circuit
- two-dimensional circuit
- two-state circuit
- two-way circuit
- two-wire circuit
- UHS integrated circuit
- ultra-audion circuit
- ultra-high-speed integrated circuit
- unbalanced circuit
- undefined function circuit
- underdamped circuit
- unilateral circuit
- unipolar integrated circuit
- universal cord circuit
- vacuum integrated circuit
- vacuum-deposited integrated circuit
- vapor-deposited printed circuit
- vertical deflection circuit
- vertical scanning circuit
- vertical sync circuit
- very high-speed integrated circuit
- very large-scale integration circuit
- V-groove isolated integrated injection logic circuit
- vibrating circuit
- video circuit
- virtual circuit
- voltage-feedback circuit
- voltage-source equivalent circuit
- wafer-on-scale integrated circuit
- warning circuit
- watch integrated circuit
- waveguide circuit
- waveguide short circuit
- weakly superconducting circuit
- weighting circuit
- welded electronic circuit
- white circuit
- wire circuit
- wired circuit
- wire-wrapped circuit
- writing circuit
- X-bar bubble propagation circuit
- X-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- XNOR circuit
- XOR circuit
- X-ray litho integrated circuit
- y equivalent circuit
- Y-bar bubble propagation circuit
- Y-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- Y-connected circuit
- z equivalent circuit
- zig-zag asymmetrical permalloy-wedges circuit
- zigzag permalloy track circuitThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > circuit
17 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) эл. сеть4) шлейф ( в телефонии)•to track circuits — сопрягать контуры-
in-line hydraulic circuit
tee-test hydraulic circuit
absorption circuit
ac circuit
active circuit
adapter circuit
adder circuit
addressing circuit
aerial circuit
aerodrome circuit
aerodrome taxi circuit
aerodrome traffic circuit
aeromagnetic circuit
alarm circuit
alive circuit
amplifying circuit
analogous circuit
analog circuit
ancillary circuit
AND circuit
AND-to-OR circuit
AND-OR circuit
anticoincidence circuit
antihunt circuit
antireciprocal circuit
antiresonance circuit
antiresonant circuit
aperiodic circuit
approach circuit
astable circuit
autodyne circuit
automatic frequency control circuit
automatic reciprocation pneumatic circuit
auxiliary circuit
auxiliary coolant circuit
averaging circuit
back-to-back circuit
balanced circuit
balancing circuit
bias and erase circuit
bias circuit
bidirectional hydraulic motor circuit
bipolar circuit
bistable circuit
black-level restoring circuit
blanking circuit
blasting circuit
blocking circuit
booster hydraulic circuit
bound circuit
boxcar circuit
brake retraction circuit
branched circuit
branch circuit
breadboard circuit
break circuit
bridge circuit
bridged circuit
broken circuit
bubble circuit
bucket-brigade circuit
buffer circuit
burst-gating circuit
calibrating circuit
call circuit
carrier recovery circuit
cascode circuit
cavity circuit
charge circuit
charge-coupied device circuit
charging circuit
checkout circuit
cholesteric circuit
chopping circuit
chromatic circuit
circulating lubrication circuit
clamp circuit
cleaning circuit
clearing circuit
clipping circuit
clocked circuit
closed circuit
close circuit
closed loop circuit
closed loop hydraulic motor circuit
coaxial circuit
code track circuit
coincidence circuit
color-killer circuit
color-processing circuit
combination air-oil circuit
combinational circuit
common-base circuit
common-collector circuit
common-drain circuit
common-emitter circuit
common-gate circuit
common-source circuit
communication circuit
comparator circuit
compensating circuit
complementary circuit
completed circuit
composite circuit
condensate circuit
control circuit
convergence circuit
coolant circuit
cooling short circuit
cord circuit
correcting circuit
counter circuit
coupled circuits
cross rectifier circuit
crushing circuit
current circuit
current-feedback circuit
current-limiting circuit
current-limit circuit
damping circuit
Danington circuit
dc circuit
dead circuit
decision making circuit
decision circuit
decoding circuit
decoupling circuit
dedicated circuit
de-emphasis circuit
degaussing circuit
degenerative circuit
delay circuit
delta circuit
derived circuit
detecting circuit
detuned circuit
dial toll circuit
dial-up circuit
differentiating circuit
digital circuit
diplex circuit
direct circuit
direct speech circuit
discharge circuit
distributed-element circuit
dividing circuit
double-rail track circuit
drive circuit
driver circuit
dual circuit
dual-relief braking hydraulic motor circuit
duplex circuit
dynamic braking circuit
earthed circuit
earth circuit
edge-activated circuit
electric circuit
electrical safety circuit
electrolysis circuit
electronic circuit
emphasis circuit
enabling circuit
energized circuit
engineering circuit
enhancement circuit
equilization circuit
equivalent circuit
error correcting circuit
evaporating circuit
exciting circuit
exclusive OR circuit
exposure control circuit
exposure measuring circuit
external circuit
external load circuit
fallback circuit
feed circuit
feed motor circuit
feedback circuit
feedrate override circuit
filament circuit
filter hydraulic circuit
firing circuit
flip-flop circuit
flotation circuit
flow circuit
fluid circuit
forked circuit
four-terminal circuit
four-wire circuit
frame-scanning circuit
free-running circuit
frequency determining circuit
frequency-changing circuit
full-wave circuit
gain circuit
gas circuit
gate circuit
grinding circuit
ground short circuit
grounded circuit
ground circuit
half-duplex circuit
half-phantom circuit
half-wave circuit
half-wave track circuit
heat transport main circuit
heater circuit
holding circuit
horizontal scanning circuit
hotline circuit
hybrid-type circuit
hybrid circuit
hydraulic circuit
hydraulic servo circuit
identification circuit
idler circuit
ignition circuit
ignition primary circuit
ignition secondary circuit
impulse circuit
impulsing circuit
incoming track circuit
inductive circuit
inhibit circuit
input circuit
insulated circuit
integrated circuit
integrating circuit
intentional short circuit
interface circuit
interlocking circuit
interlock circuit
international television circuit
inverter circuit
invert circuit
iron circuit
jointless pulse track circuit
junction circuit
keep-alive circuit
ladder circuit
lagging circuit
latching circuit
LC circuit
leakage circuit
leak circuit
leased circuit
level circuit
linear circuit
linearizing circuit
line-scanning circuit
line-to-ground short circuit
live circuit
load circuit
locking circuit
locking hydraulic circuit
locking track circuit
logic circuit
long-distance transmission circuit
loop circuit
low-loss circuit
lumped-element lumped-parameter circuit
lumped lumped-parameter circuit
lumped-element circuit
lumped circuit
magnetic circuit
magnetic-core circuit
main circuit
majority circuit
make circuit
matching circuit
match circuit
matrix circuit
maximum power control circuit
measuring circuit
memory circuit
mesh circuit
metallic circuit
meter-current circuit
metering circuit
meter-voltage circuit
microelectronic circuit
microwave circuit
molecular circuit
monitoring circuit
monostable circuit
motor control circuit
multidrop circuit
multiplication circuit
multipoint circuit
multistable circuit
multistage circuit
muting circuit
NAND circuit
narrowband circuit
network circuit
neutral track circuit
neutralizing circuit
noise-balancing circuit
noninductive circuit
NOR circuit
NOT circuit
NOT-AND circuit
NOT-OR circuit
offset compensating circuit
one-pole circuit
one-rail track circuit
one-wire circuit
open circuit
open loop circuit
open-wire circuit
OR circuit
order wire circuit
OR-ELSE circuit
oscillating circuit
oscillation circuit
oscillatory circuit
output circuit
overflux circuit
overhead circuit
packaged circuit
paging circuit
parallel circuit
parallel-resonant circuit
parallel-series circuit
passive circuit
peak white-limiting circuit
peaking circuit
phantom circuit
phase switching circuit
phase-comparison circuit
phase-compensating circuit
phase-equalizing circuit
phase-inverting circuit
phase-sensitive track circuit
phase-shifting circuit
phase-shift circuit
pilot circuit
pneumatic circuit
points control circuit
points track circuit
point-to-point circuit
polarity circuit
polarized track circuit
polling circuit
polyphase circuit
potential circuit
power circuit
precharge circuit
precision timing circuit
pressure control hydraulic circuit
primary circuit
primary coolant circuit
printed circuit
protection circuit
pulse circuit
pulse-shaping circuit
pump unloading hydraulic circuit
pumping circuit
pump circuit
push-pull circuit
push-to-type circuit
quadruplex circuit
radiation-hardened circuit
radio communication circuit
radio circuit
RC circuit
reaction circuit
reaction track circuit
reactive circuit
reclosing circuit
rectification circuit
reference circuit
reflex circuit
regenerative circuit
register mark recognition circuit
regrinding circuit
regulating circuit
rejector circuit
relay circuit
relay contact switching circuit
relay contact circuit
remote-ring circuit
replenishing hydraulic motor circuit
reset circuit
resonance circuit
retaining circuit
return circuit
ring circuit
ringing circuit
route locking circuit
sample circuit
sample-and-hold circuit
sampler circuit
scaling circuit
scanning circuit
schematic circuit
screening circuit
secondary circuit
secondary coolant circuit
selecting circuit
selection circuit
self-bias circuit
self-checking circuit
self-holding circuit
self-test circuit
semiconductor circuit
separation circuit
sequencing circuit
series circuit
series-resonant circuit
series-tuned circuit
service circuit
shell circuit
shifting circuit
short circuit
shunt circuit
shutoff circuit
signal circuit
signaling circuit
simplex circuit
single-phase circuit
single-rail track circuit
single-wire circuit
slow-wave circuit
smoothing circuit
sneak circuit
solid-state circuit
solid circuit
spare circuit
speaker circuit
speed regulating circuit
squelch circuit
standby circuit
star-connected circuit
starting circuit
station conventional track circuit
steady energy track circuit
stripline circuit
strip circuit
subcarrier recovery circuit
subtransmission circuit
superconducting circuit
supply circuit
suppression circuit
sustained short circuit
sweep circuit
switched circuit
switching circuit
symbolic circuit
symmetrical circuit
symmetric circuit
synchronization circuit
synchronizing hydraulic circuit
synchronous circuit
table circuit
tank circuit
tap circuit
tapped circuit
telegraph circuit
telephone circuit
temperature stabilized circuit
tension sensing circuit
terminal circuit
test circuit
thickening circuit
three-phase circuit
threshold circuit
throttled circuit
through circuit
tilt kickout hydraulic circuit
time-base circuit
time-delay circuit
timer circuit
time-slot assigner circuit
timing circuit
toll circuit
tool selector circuit
toroidal magnetic circuit
touch sensing circuit
track circuit
train dispatching circuit
transient short circuit
transmission hydraulic circuit
trap circuit
tree circuit
triggering circuit
trigger circuit
trouble-detecting circuit
trunk circuit
tube circuit
tuned circuit
two-port circuit
two-state circuit
two-terminal circuit
two-wire circuit
unbalanced circuit
unidirectional hydraulic motor circuit
unipolar circuit
vertical-scanning circuit
virtual circuit
voltage-feedback circuit
warning circuit
white clip circuit
wideband circuit
wire circuit
wired AND circuit
wired circuit
wired OR circuit
wye-connected circuit
wye circuit
zero-lose circuit -
18 scale
5) шкала7) масштаб || определять масштаб, масштабировать; изменять масштаб; сводить к определённому масштабу8) мн. ч. весы9) чашка весов10) взвешивать11) электрон. степень интеграции12) вчт. система счисления13) пищ. чешуя; чешуйка; шелуха || удалять чешую; отделяться чешуйками•at scales — в масштабе;to scale down — 1. представлять что-л. в уменьшенном масштабе 2. редуцировать, уменьшать ( изображение) 3. (пропорционально) уменьшать размеры ( элементов ИС) 4. делить на константу;to scale off — 1. выкрашиваться, крошиться (о камне, горной породе) 2. отслаивать(ся); шелушиться 3. удалять окалину 4. отбивать накипь 5. снимать [измерять\] что-л. в масштабе;to draw to scale — чертить [вычерчивать\] в масштабе;to generate a time scale — строить [создавать\] шкалу времени;to maintain a time scale — поддерживать [хранить\] шкалу времени;to mark off a scale in logarithmic units — градуировать шкалу в логарифмических единицах;to place a scale on a dial — градуировать шкалу, наносить отметки шкалы на циферблат;to realize a time scale on a dial — воспроизводить шкалу времени на циферблате часов;to retain a scale — поддерживать [хранить\] шкалу (напр. времени);to scale up — 1. представлять что-л. в увеличенном масштабе 2. увеличивать ( изображение) 3. умножать на константу;scale with central zero — шкала с нулевой отметкой посередине, двусторонняя шкала;-
absolute-temperature scale
aligning scale
alkali-promoted steel mill scale
annual time scale
antiknock rating reference fuel scale
antiparallax mirror scale
API hydrometer scale
API scale
arbitrary scale
arc scale
atomic scale
atomic time scale
atomic weight scale
automatic weighing scales
automatic scales
bagging scale
batching scales
beam scale
Beaufort scale
belt conveyor scales
bench-type scales
binary scale
boiler scale
brightness scale
calibrated divided scale
calibration scale
car scales
CCT-64 scale
Celsius scale
centered scale
centigrade scale
charging scales
chromatic scale
chroma scale
circular scale
clock time scale
colorimetric scale
color scale
complete number scale
constant-interval scale
constant-pressure gas thermometry scale
constant-volume gas thermometry scale
constant-volume hydrogen scale
continuous tone density scale
convective scale
conventional scale
conveyor scales
coordinate scale
crane scales
Curie-temperature scale
curved scale
CVGT scale
decimal scale
depth scale
derived scale
dial scale
direct-measurement scale
direct scale
direct-reading scale
displacement scale
distance scale
divided scale
dot gain scale
drawn-in scale
electronic railcar scales
Engler scale
equidistant scale
expanded scale
exposure scale
extended scale
Fahrenheit scale
finely subdivided scale
fire scale
fish scale
flat-disk scale
floodlight scale
floor scales
focusing scale
Forel-Ula's color scale
Forel scale
forklift truck scales
frosted scale
fuel measurement scale
full scale
furnace scale
Giaque's temperature scale
gray scale
hardness scale
heavy scale
helium temperature scale
high-temperature scale
hopper scales
hue scale
hump scales
hydrogen scale
hydrogen temperature scale
ideal-gas scale
illuminated scale
image scale
indicating scale
indicator scale
industrial scales
instrument scale
integration scale
intensity scale
International Practical Temperature scale
international scale
Kelvin temperature scale
light-capacity scales
line scale
linear scale
line-standard scale
logarithmic scale
loudness scale
low-temperature scale
magnetic scale
magnetic temperature scale
magnetic-acoustic temperature scale
magnitude scale
margin scale
mean-time scale
measuring device scale
mechanical scales
Mercalli scale
meter scale
mill-roll scale
mired scale
mirror scale
MM scale
Modified Mercalli scale
Mohs scale
motor-truck scales
natural scale
Nernst hydrogen scale
nominal scale
nonglare scale
nonlinear scale
normal hydrogen scale
normalizing scale
number scale
numbered scale
octane scale
one-meter scale
optical scale
ordinal scale
overhead track scales
overlaid scale
packing house scales
paper scale
paraffin scale
paramagnetic-salt temperature scale
paramagnetic temperature scale
pendulum scales
photometric scale
physical scale
pipe scale
pitless scales
platform scales
platinum resistance thermometer scale
practical salinity scale
practical scale
precision scale
primary scale
primary thermometry scale
projection scale
provisional scale
pyrheliographic scale
radiation scale of temperature
radiometric scale
Rankine scale
ratio scale
reading scale
Reaumur scale
receiver tuning scale
recording scales
reduced scale
reduction scale
Redwood scale
reference scale
regular scale
relative scale
reproducible scale
reproduction scale
resistance thermometer scale
Richter scale
rider bar scale
rider scale
Rinman scale
Rockwell hardness scale
roll scale
rolled-in scale
Rossi-Forel scale
salt-pan scale
Saybolt scale
scale of magnification
scale of physical quantity
scale of turbulence
seasonal time scale
secondary scale
segmental scale
sensitivity scale
set-point scale
Shore hardness scale
sieve scale
snow scale
soft dot scale
solid hydrocarbon scale
space-time scale
splash scale
spring scales
standard scale
state of sea scale
static scales
straight scale
subgrid scale
subsynoptic scale
synoptic scale
table-type scales
temper scale
temperature scale
thermodynamic pressure scale
thermodynamic temperature scale
time scale
tone scale
tonnage scale
total life scale
track scales
transparent aligning scale
uniform scale
unit-weight scales
universal-time scale
vernier scale
Vickers hardness scale
water scale
white scale
yarn scales -
19 relay
1) реле5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•relay with latching — реле с механической самоблокировкой, реле с механической фиксацией воздействия
- ac relay- acoustic relay
- active-power relay
- add-and-subtract relay
- alarm relay
- Allström relay
- all-to-all relay
- annunciation relay
- antenna relay
- antiplugging relay
- armature relay
- auxiliary relay
- balanced relay
- baseband relay
- biased relay
- bistable relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- center-stable polar relay
- clapper relay
- clearing relay
- close-differential relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- code relay
- command relay
- compelled relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- contact relay
- contactless relay
- continuous duty relay
- control relay
- correed relay
- current relay
- dc relay
- definite-purpose relay
- delay relay
- diaphragm relay
- differential relay
- digital radio relay
- direct-action relay
- directional relay
- directional-current relay
- directional-overcurrent relay
- directional-polarity relay
- directional-power relay
- directional-resistance relay
- directional-voltage relay
- directivity relay
- distance relay
- dry-reed relay
- earth-fault relay
- electrical relay
- electrical-mechanical relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- electronic-tube relay
- electrostatic relay
- electrostrictive relay
- enclosed relay
- extraterrestrial relay
- fast-operate relay
- fast-packet frame-relay
- fast-release relay
- fault selective relay
- ferrodynamicrelay
- field application relay
- field loss relay
- flat-type relay
- flow relay
- frequency relay
- frequency-selective relay
- frequency-sensitive relay
- gas-filled relay
- gas-filled reed relay
- general-purpose relay
- ground relay
- ground protective relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heavy-duty relay
- hermetically sealed relay
- high G-relay
- high-speed relay
- homing relay
- hot-wire relay
- impedance relay
- indicating relay
- indirect-action relay
- inertia relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous overcurrent relay
- instrument-type relay
- integrating relay
- interlock relay
- intersatellite relay
- key relay
- Kipp relay
- lag relay
- latch-in relay
- latching relay
- LED-coupled solid-state relay
- light relay
- light-activated switching relay
- line relay
- line-break relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- lock-up relay
- logic relay
- magnetic reed relay
- magnetostrictive relay
- manual-automatic relay
- marginal relay
- mechanical locking relay
- memory relay
- mercury relay
- mercury-contact relay
- mercury-wetted reed relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- mho relay
- microwave relay
- microwave-radio relay
- motor-field failure relay
- multiposition relay
- NC relay
- net-to-net relay
- network relay
- network master relay
- network phasing relay
- neutral relay
- NO relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- notching relay
- open relay
- open-phase relay
- oscillating relay
- overcurrent relay
- overfrequency relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overvoltage relay
- percentage-differential relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-reversal relay
- phase-rotation relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- photoelectric relay
- plunger relay
- polar relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- power relay
- pressure relay
- protective relay
- pulse reed relay
- radar relay
- radio relay
- ratchet relay
- rate-of-change relay
- rate-of-change temperature relay
- rate-of-rise relay
- ratio-balance relay
- ratio-differential relay
- reactance relay
- reactive-power relay
- reclosing relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- remanent relay
- reset relay
- residual relay
- resistance relay
- resonant-reed relay
- reverse relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary stepping relay
- satellite relay
- selector relay
- self-latching relay
- semiconductor relay
- sensitive relay
- separating relay
- sequence relay
- sequential relay
- side-stable relay
- signal-actuated relay
- single-phase relay
- slave relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-action relay
- slow-cutting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- space relay
- speed-sensitive relay
- spring-actuated stepping relay
- SR relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supersensitive relay
- surge relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- temperature relay
- test relay
- thermal relay
- thermostat relay
- three-position relay
- three-step relay
- time relay
- time-delay relay
- timing relay
- transformer-coupled solid-state relay
- transhorizon radio relay
- trip-free relay
- tripping relay
- trunk relay
- tuned relay
- two-position relay
- two-step relay
- undercurrent relay
- underfrequency relay
- underpower relay
- undervoltage relay
- vacuum reed relay
- valve relay
- vibrating relay
- voltage relay
- zero phase-sequence relay -
20 relay
1) реле5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•relay with latching — реле с механической самоблокировкой, реле с механической фиксацией воздействия
- ac relay- acoustic relay
- active-power relay
- add-and-subtract relay
- alarm relay
- Allström relay
- all-to-all relay
- annunciation relay
- antenna relay
- antiplugging relay
- armature relay
- auxiliary relay
- balanced relay
- baseband relay
- biased relay
- bistable relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- center-stable polar relay
- clapper relay
- clearing relay
- close-differential relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- code relay
- command relay
- compelled relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- contact relay
- contactless relay
- continuous duty relay
- control relay
- correed relay
- current relay
- dc relay
- definite-purpose relay
- delay relay
- diaphragm relay
- differential relay
- digital radio relay
- direct-action relay
- directional relay
- directional-current relay
- directional-overcurrent relay
- directional-polarity relay
- directional-power relay
- directional-resistance relay
- directional-voltage relay
- directivity relay
- distance relay
- dry-reed relay
- earth-fault relay
- electrical relay
- electrical-mechanical relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- electronic-tube relay
- electrostatic relay
- electrostrictive relay
- enclosed relay
- extraterrestrial relay
- fast-operate relay
- fast-packet frame-relay
- fast-release relay
- fault selective relay
- ferrodynamic relay
- field application relay
- field loss relay
- flat-type relay
- flow relay
- frequency relay
- frequency-selective relay
- frequency-sensitive relay
- gas-filled reed relay
- gas-filled relay
- general-purpose relay
- ground protective relay
- ground relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heavy-duty relay
- hermetically sealed relay
- high G relay
- high-speed relay
- homing relay
- hot-wire relay
- impedance relay
- indicating relay
- indirect-action relay
- inertia relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous overcurrent relay
- instrument-type relay
- integrating relay
- interlock relay
- intersatellite relay
- key relay
- Kipp relay
- lag relay
- latch-in relay
- latching relay
- LED-coupled solid-state relay
- light relay
- light-activated switching relay
- line relay
- line-break relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- lock-up relay
- logic relay
- magnetic reed relay
- magnetostrictive relay
- manual-automatic relay
- marginal relay
- mechanical locking relay
- memory relay
- mercury relay
- mercury-contact relay
- mercury-wetted reed relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- mho relay
- microwave relay
- microwave-radio relay
- motor-field failure relay
- multiposition relay
- NC relay
- net-to-net relay
- network master relay
- network phasing relay
- network relay
- neutral relay
- NO relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- notching relay
- open relay
- open-phase relay
- oscillating relay
- overcurrent relay
- overfrequency relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overvoltage relay
- percentage-differential relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-reversal relay
- phase-rotation relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- photoelectric relay
- plunger relay
- polar relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- power relay
- pressure relay
- protective relay
- pulse reed relay
- radar relay
- radio relay
- ratchet relay
- rate-of-change relay
- rate-of-change temperature relay
- rate-of-rise relay
- ratio-balance relay
- ratio-differential relay
- reactance relay
- reactive-power relay
- reclosing relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- remanent relay
- reset relay
- residual relay
- resistance relay
- resonant-reed relay
- reverse relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary stepping relay
- satellite relay
- selector relay
- self-latching relay
- semiconductor relay
- sensitive relay
- separating relay
- sequence relay
- sequential relay
- side-stable relay
- signal-actuated relay
- single-phase relay
- slave relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-action relay
- slow-cutting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- space relay
- speed-sensitive relay
- spring-actuated stepping relay
- SR relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supersensitive relay
- surge relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- temperature relay
- test relay
- thermal relay
- thermostat relay
- three-position relay
- three-step relay
- time relay
- time-delay relay
- timing relay
- transformer-coupled solid-state relay
- transhorizon radio relay
- trip-free relay
- tripping relay
- trunk relay
- tuned relay
- two-position relay
- two-step relay
- undercurrent relay
- underfrequency relay
- underpower relay
- undervoltage relay
- vacuum reed relay
- valve relay
- vibrating relay
- voltage relay
- zero phase-sequence relayThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > relay
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
meter — ▪ I. meter me‧ter 1 [ˈmiːtə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. a machine that measures and shows the amount of something you have used or the amount of money that you must pay: • A new gas meter had to be installed before the building permit would be… … Financial and business terms
Digital panel meter — Digital panel meters are used to display an input signal, and measure current, voltage, and frequency. They are equipped with bright LED displays for display only or set point control options. Many panel meters also include alarm options as well … Wikipedia
Wireless electronic devices and health — For mobile phones, see Mobile phone radiation and health. The World Health Organization has acknowledged that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are influencing the environment (but not people), and that some people are worried about possible… … Wikipedia
ГОСТ 21830-76: Приборы геодезические. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 21830 76: Приборы геодезические. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 50. Алидада D. Alhidade F. Alidade Определения термина из разных документов: Алидада 80. Ампула уровня D. Röhre E. Level vial F. Fiole de niveau… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Measuring instrument — Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax contemplating measuring instruments in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea … Wikipedia
Total station — A total station is an optical instrument used in modern surveying and archaeology as well as by police, crime scene investigators, private accident reconstructionists and insurance companies to take measurements of scenes. It is a combination of… … Wikipedia
EDM — may refer to:In information technology: * Electronic direct marketing, another term for E mail marketing * Electronic Direct Mail * Electronic document management, the tracking and storage of electronic documents * Enterprise Data Management *… … Wikipedia
Vidya Academy of Science and Technology — (VAST), locally also known as Vidya Engineering College or Vidya College or simply Vidya, is a new generation private self financing engineering college functioning in Thrissur District in Kerala. The college is located in a 30 acre lush green… … Wikipedia
электромагнитный дальномер — Геодезический дальномер, принцип действия которого основан на измерении времени прохождения электромагнитных волн. [ГОСТ 21830 76] Тематики приборы геодезические Обобщающие термины приборы для измерения длин линий EN electronic distance meter DE… … Справочник технического переводчика
Электромагнитный дальномер — 23. Электромагнитный дальномер D. Elektronischer Entfernungsmesser E. Electronic distance meter F. Télémètre électronique Геодезический дальномер, принцип действия которого основан на измерении времени прохождения электромагнитных волн Источник:… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Rollei 35 — The S designates it has a Sonnar 2,8/40mm lens Ilford 35 mm film cartridge for scale.] The Rollei 35 is a 35mm miniature viewfinder camera built by Rollei. The original Rollei 35, when presented to the public at the photokina in 1966, was the… … Wikipedia