1 drawings
2 drawings
3 drawings
contract drawings получение кредита по контракту drawings: drawings against commitments получение кредита под обязательства drawings: drawings against commitments получение кредита под обязательства excess drawings чрезмерное снятие денег со счета -
4 drawings
Рисунки contract ~ получение кредита по контракту drawings: ~ against commitments получение кредита под обязательства drawings: ~ against commitments получение кредита под обязательства excess ~ чрезмерное снятие денег со счетаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > drawings
5 drawings
1. выручка; прибыль; получение кредита; использование кредита2. чертежные данные -
6 drawings up
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > drawings up
7 drawings
1) Общая лексика: использование кредита, отвлечённые средства, выручка2) Техника: иллюстрации ((как раздел документа, по аналогии с "библиографией" или "сслылками")3) Вычислительная техника: чертёжные данные4) Нефть: информация5) Банковское дело: получение кредита, прибыль6) Патенты: графические материалы7) Менеджмент: чертежи8) Макаров: рисовальная бумага, чертёжная бумага -
8 drawings
9 drawings
сущ. чертежи pl -
10 drawings
11 drawings
12 drawings account
учет, фин. счет изъятий* (счет, на котором отражаются выплаты, произведенные из прибыли индивидуальному предпринимателю или участникам партнерства; аналогичен счету учета операций по выплате дивидендов в акционерных компаниях)See:* * * -
13 Drawings attached
Инвестиции: чертежи прилагаются -
14 drawings account
Деловая лексика: счёт расходов, текущий счёт -
15 drawings against commitments
Экономика: получение кредита под обязательстваУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > drawings against commitments
16 drawings and specifications
Архитектура: чертежи и техническая документация проектаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > drawings and specifications
17 drawings are held every night
Теория игр: тираж проводится каждый вечерУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > drawings are held every night
18 drawings of spare parts
Деловая лексика: чертежи запасных частейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > drawings of spare parts
19 drawings reference
Деловая лексика: ссылка на рисунки -
20 drawings against commitments
Англо-русский экономический словарь > drawings against commitments
См. также в других словарях:
drawings — Assets (cash or goods) withdrawn from an unincorporated business by its owner. If a business is incorporated, drawings are usually in the form of dividends or scrip dividends. Drawings are shown in a drawings account, which is used, for example,… … Accounting dictionary
drawings — Assets (cash or goods) withdrawn from an unincorporated business by its owner. If a business is incorporated, drawings are usually in the form of dividends or scrip dividends. Drawings are shown in a drawings account, which is used, for example,… … Big dictionary of business and management
Drawings, water-colours and prints by Vincent van Gogh — Drawings and water colours and prints by Vincent van Gogh is an incomplete list of works on paper and other works by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) that form an important part of Vincent van Gogh s complete body of work. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Drawings and water-colours by Vincent van Gogh — Drawings and works on paper in other media form an important part of Vincent van Gogh s work. ResourcesDue to the considerable number of works on paper by Van Gogh, for a valid identification reference is to the numbers of Jacob Baart de la… … Wikipedia
Drawings by Douglas Hamilton — There are at least two hundred and twelve detailed drawings by Douglas Hamilton of South Indian landscapes, game animals and forestry operations. Eighty seven of Hamilton s careful drawings of the Annaimalai Hills, Palani Hills and Shevaroy Hills … Wikipedia
drawings — withdrawals of assets (usually cash) from a business by a sole proprietor or a partner. Glossary of Business Terms … Financial and business terms
drawings — n. plans, blueprints; graphic displays of buildings and their parts draw·ing || drÉ”Ëɪŋ n. sketch, picture, illustration; attraction; random selection of the winning numbers or tickets in a lottery or raffle … English contemporary dictionary
DRAWINGS — … Useful english dictionary
drawings-back — /drɔɪŋz ˈbæk/ (say droyngz bak) noun → forcings back …
List of museums with major collections of European prints and drawings — This is a list of museums with major collections of European prints and drawings. This list is controversial, in so far as it contains only qualitative analysis of museum holdings. These may or may not reflect actual artistic quality of… … Wikipedia
Lars Vilks Muhammad drawings controversy — The Lars Vilks Muhammad drawings controversy began in July 2007 with a series of drawings by Swedish artist Lars Vilks that depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a roundabout dog (a form of street installation in Sweden). Several art galleries … Wikipedia