1 divided combustion chamber
разделённая камера сгорания с двухсветным экраном (топки котла)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > divided combustion chamber
2 divided combustion chamber
1. разделительная камера сгорания2. раздельная камера сгоранияEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > divided combustion chamber
3 divided combustion chamber
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > divided combustion chamber
4 divided combustion chamber
разделённая камера сгоранияАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > divided combustion chamber
5 divided combustion chamber
1) Техника: разделённая камера сгорания2) Автомобильный термин: раздельная камера сгоранияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > divided combustion chamber
6 divided combustion chamber
Англо русский политехнический словарь > divided combustion chamber
7 divided combustion chamber
English-russian automobile dictionary > divided combustion chamber
8 divided combustion chamber
раздельная камера сгорания; разделённая камера сгоранияАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > divided combustion chamber
9 divided combustion chamber
English-Russian chemmotology dictionary > divided combustion chamber
10 divided (combustion) chamber multi-fuel engine
Военный термин: многотопливный двигатель с раздельной камерой сгоранияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > divided (combustion) chamber multi-fuel engine
11 divided (combustion) chamber multifuel engine
Военный термин: многотопливный двигатель с раздельной камерой сгоранияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > divided (combustion) chamber multifuel engine
12 combustion chamber
1) камера сгорания; камера для дожигания2) камера сгорания (рис. 21,д,1)(рис. 22)
- elbow-type combustion chamber - film-cooled combustion chamber - reheat combustion chamber - separate combustion chamber - slagging combustion chamber - spherical segment combustion chamber - straight-through combustion chamber - combustion chamber swirl combustion chamber - wet slagging combustion chamber
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > combustion chamber
13 chamber
камера; полость; комната; отсек; коробка; футляр; отсек; баллон; II простреливать (шпур или скважину); расширять (дно скважины); помещаться- chamber baking - chamber behind retarder piston - chamber charge - chamber drier - chamber drying - chamber filter press - chamber lifter - chamber pressure - chamber saturation - chamber space - chamber temperature - chamber test - chamber underground storage - chamber-type underground storage - acceleration chamber - acoustic chamber - aerotype float chamber - air-mixing chamber - air-ventilation chamber - anechoic chamber - baling chamber - bean combustion chamber - beater chamber - blending chamber - blowout chamber - bowl-in-piston combustion chamber - box-type combustion chamber - bubble chamber - burn-off chamber - bathtub chamber - can-type combustion chamber - cannular combustion chamber - carbon-settling chamber - carburetor diffuser chamber - catalyst chamber - cathode chamber - checker chamber - chopper chamber - climatic chamber - cloud chamber - coating chamber - collection chamber - combing chamber - compression chamber - conditioning chamber - cooling chamber - correction chamber - crank chamber - crimping chamber - crusher chamber - crushing chamber - curing chamber - cushion chamber - cutting chamber - cyclone combustion chamber - cylindrical runner chamber - damping chamber - decompression chamber - decontamination chamber - deposition chamber - degum the combustion chamber - delivery chamber - delivery air chamber - detritus chamber - diffuser chamber - diffusion cloud chamber - discharge chamber - divided combustion chamber - dozing chamber - draft tube gate chamber - drill chamber - drip chamber - dust chamber - dust collection chamber - dust precipitation chamber - drying chamber - echo chamber - electrical dust precipitation chamber - electrochemical machining chamber - electrode chamber - electrostatic paint chamber - elongated vibratory chamber - end fission chamber - environmental chamber - environmental test chamber - evacuated chamber - evaporation chamber - exhaust chamber - expansion chamber - explosion chamber - extinguishing chamber - fast ionization chamber - feed chamber - filtration chamber - firing chamber - flash chamber - flat fission chamber - float chamber - flush chamber - foam chamber - foam-collecting chamber - foam-mixing chamber - fog chamber - freezing chamber - fuel chamber - fuel-changing chamber - fuel injection chamber - fumigation chamber - gallery-simple-differential surge chamber - gas discharge chamber - gate chamber - governor chamber - grinding chamber - grit chamber - grizzly chamber - head combustion chamber - heating chamber - hemispherical combustion chamber - high-pressure chamber - humidifying chamber - ignition chamber - inspection chamber - inlet chamber - intake chamber - jet chamber - leak-detection chamber - loading chamber - low-pressure chamber - main combustion chamber - measuring chamber - melting chamber - mixing chamber - mixture chamber - moist chamber - monitor chamber - mud chamber - multidiaphragm brake chamber - nondivided combustion chamber - oil chamber - open combustion chamber - overflow chamber - pent-roof combustion chamber - petrol chamber - piston chamber - piston combustion chamber - piston retraction chamber - plain combustion chamber - plenum chamber - plenum mixing chamber - pneumatic surge chamber - polyspherical combustion chamber - power ionization chamber - precompression chamber - preheating chamber - preignition chamber - preplasticizing chamber - pressure chamber - pressure test chamber - pretest chamber - primary drying chamber - priming chamber - process chamber - processing chamber - pump chamber - quenching chamber - rapid temperature change chamber - rebound chamber - reducing chamber - refrigeration chamber - regenerative chamber - resonance chamber - resonant chamber - resonating chamber - reverberation chamber - reverse-flow combustion chamber - rotary spool chamber - runner chamber - salt-fog chamber - salt-spray chamber - scintillation chamber - sealed chamber - secondary drying chamber - setting chamber - setting box chamber - shielding chamber - sight chamber - silencing chamber - sound chamber - sound attenuating chamber - spherical segment combus-tion chamber - spring-loaded brake chamber - stripping chamber - stuffing box chamber - suction chamber - sustainer chamber - cruising chamber - swirl combustion chamber - thermal vacuum chamber - test chamber - toroidal combustion chamber - tubular combustion chamber - turbulence combustion chamber - ultra-high-vacuum chamber - vacuum chamber - valve chamber - vertical-vortex combustion chamber - vortex chamber - vortex combustion chamber - washing chamber - water chamber - wedge-section combustion chamber - well chamber -
14 chamber
1) камера; отсек; отделение || помещать в камеру || камерный2) камера, полость3) комната4) мн. ч. англ. квартира•chamber behind retarder piston — авто запоршневое пространство замедлителя хода-
absorption chamber
accelerating chamber
acoustic chamber
aerotype float chamber
air chamber
air lock chamber
air working chamber
airborne haze chamber
air-mixing chamber
air-ventilation chamber
altitude chamber
altitude test chamber
altitude/temperature chamber
amalgamating chamber
anechoic chamber
aneroid chamber
annular combustion chamber
anode chamber
aspirating chamber
atomizing chamber
baffle chamber
baking chamber
bathtub combustion chamber
bean combustion chamber
blasting chamber
blending chamber
box-type combustion chamber
brake chamber
brake diaphragm chamber
brine chamber
bubble chamber
burn-in chamber
cable chamber
camera chamber
cannular combustion chamber
can-type combustion chamber
carbon-settling chamber
carburetor diffuser chamber
carburetor float chamber
carburetor suction chamber
cartridge chamber
catalyst chamber
cathode chamber
checker chamber
chromatographic chamber
clay chamber
climatic chamber
cloud chamber
coating chamber
coke chamber
cold storage chamber
collision chamber
combustion chamber
compensated ionization chamber
compression chamber
conditioning chamber
cooking chamber
cooling chamber
cracking chamber
crimping chamber
crusher chamber
cushion chamber
cyclone combustion chamber
decay chamber
deck decompression chamber
decompression chamber
decontamination chamber
deep freeze storage chamber
defrosting chamber
delivery chamber
deposition chamber
detritus chamber
developing chamber
diffusion cloud chamber
diffusion chamber
digestion chamber
discharge chamber
diversion chamber
divertor chamber
divided combustion chamber
diving chamber
drawing chamber
drill chamber
drip chamber
drying chamber
dust collection chamber
dust chamber
dust precipitation chamber
echo chamber
electrical dust precipitation chamber
electrochemical machining chamber
electrode chamber
electrostatic paint chamber
end fission chamber
enriched-uranium fission chamber
environmental chamber
environmental test chamber
evacuated chamber
evaporation chamber
exhaust chamber
expansion chamber
explosion chamber
exposure chamber
extinguishing chamber
fast ionization chamber
fast-neutron exposure chamber
filtration chamber
fission chamber
flash chamber
flat fission chamber
float chamber
float glass-forming chamber
flush chamber
foam chamber
foam-collecting chamber
foam-mixing chamber
fog chamber
freeze-drying chamber
freezing chamber
frozen products chamber
frying chamber
fuel injection chamber
fuel-changing chamber
fumigation chamber
furnace chamber
gamma-bucking ionization chamber
gamma-ionization chamber
gamma-ray chamber
gas discharge chamber
grit chamber
grouting chamber
heating chamber
hemispherical combustion chamber
humidifying chamber
hyperbaric chamber
influent chamber
inlet chamber
inspection chamber
intake chamber
ion production chamber
ionization chamber
ion chamber
irradiation chamber
jet chamber
ladle-degassing chamber
leak-detection chamber
lock chamber
low-pressure chamber
magma chamber
melting chamber
mixing chamber
moist chamber
multidiaphragm brake chamber
navigation chamber
neutron-detecting chamber
neutron-exposure chamber
nondivided combustion chamber
oil chamber
overflow chamber
piston retraction chamber
plenum chamber
plutonium fission chamber
polyspherical combustion chamber
pot chamber
power ionization chamber
precombustion chamber
precooling chamber
preheating chamber
preplasticizing chamber
pressure chamber
pressure test chamber
pretest chamber
primary drying chamber
priming chamber
processing chamber
process chamber
proof chamber
pull chamber
quenching chamber
radiation chamber
rapid temperature change chamber
reaction chamber
rebound chamber
reducing chamber
refrigeration chamber
regenerative chamber
resonance chamber
resonating chamber
reverberation chamber
reverse-flow combustion chamber
roasting chamber
rotary spool chamber
runner chamber
salt-fog chamber
sampler chamber
scintillation chamber
secondary drying chamber
sedimentation chamber
sediment chamber
separating chamber
settling chamber
shrink chamber
single combustion chamber
single-operating shrink chamber
skimming chamber
slag chamber
slow-neutron detecting chamber
slow-neutron exposure chamber
sludge chamber
sluice chamber
smelting chamber
smog chamber
smoke chamber
smoking chamber
soaking chamber
spherical combustion chamber
spinning chamber
spray chamber
spray cooling chamber
spray paint chamber
spring chamber
sputtering chamber
stagnation chamber
standing-off chamber
steam-curing chamber
still-water chamber
straight-through flow chamber
straight flow chamber
subfloor chamber
submersible decompression chamber
suction chamber
supply chamber
suppression chamber
surge chamber
swirl chamber
swirl combustion chamber
takeup chamber
target chamber
temperature cycling chamber
temperature chamber
test chamber
thermal shock chamber
thermal vacuum chamber
thermostatically controlled chamber
toroidal-cavity combustion chamber
track chamber
transfer chamber
triple diaphragm brake chamber
tubular combustion chamber
tuning chamber
turbulence combustion chamber
turbulent mixing chamber
uncompensated ionization chamber
vacuum chamber
vacuum test chamber
valve chamber
vapor chamber
vaporizing chamber
viewing chamber
vortex combustion chamber
washing chamber
wedge-shaped combustion chamber
welding chamber
wellhead chamber
Wilson cloud chamber
Wilson chamber
wind chamber
work chamber
working chamber -
15 chamber
камера; полость- air mixing chamber
- anechoic chamber
- annular combustion chamber
- auxiliary chamber
- balance chamber
- bathtub combustion chamber
- bowl-in-piston combustion chamber
- brake chamber
- carburetor float chamber
- combustion chamber of wedge form
- combustion chamber
- divided combustion chamber
- dust chamber
- firing chamber
- float chamber
- head combustion chamber
- hemispherical combustion chamber
- main combustion chamber
- mixing chamber
- mixture chamber
- nondivided combustion chamber
- open combustion chamber
- pent-roof combustion chamber
- piston combustion chamber
- plain combustion chamber
- plenum chamber
- precombustion chamber
- resonance chamber
- spherical segment combus-tion chamber
- spring-loaded brake chamber
- swirl combustion chamber
- test chamber
- toroidal combustion chamber
- turbulence combustion chamber
- vertical-vortex combustion chamber
- vortex combustion chamber
- water chamber
- wedge-section combustion chamber* * * -
16 chamber
•- base chamber - combustion chamber - divided combustion chamber - drip chamber - drying chamber - exhaust chamber - firing chamber - float chamber - fuel injection chamber - furnace chamber - gas chamber - head combustion chamber - heating chamber - open combustion chamber - piston combustion chamber - plain combustion chamber - precombustion chamber - single combustion chamber - swirl combustion chamber - turbulence combustion chamber - working chamber - vortex combustion chamber -
17 combustion
сгорание, сжигание, горение, возгорание -
18 divided
раздельный; разъёмный; составной; секционный; парциальный; подразделенный; имеющий деления; градуированный- divided manifold - divided propeller shaft - divided rear window - divided rim - divided road - divided seat - divided tie-rod - divided type disk wheel -
19 divided chamber multi-fuel engine
Военный термин: (combustion) многотопливный двигатель с раздельной камерой сгоранияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > divided chamber multi-fuel engine
20 divided chamber multifuel engine
Военный термин: (combustion) многотопливный двигатель с раздельной камерой сгоранияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > divided chamber multifuel engine
См. также в других словарях:
Internal combustion engine — The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high temperature and high … Wikipedia
разделённая камера сгорания с двухсветным экраном (топки котла) — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN divided combustion chamber … Справочник технического переводчика
Rocket engine — RS 68 being tested at NASA s Stennis Space Center. The nearly transparent exhaust is due to this engine s exhaust being mostly superheated steam (water vapor from its propellants, hydrogen and oxygen) … Wikipedia
automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… … Universalium
Rocket — This article is about vehicles powered by rocket engines. For other uses, see Rocket (disambiguation). A Soyuz U, at Baikonur Site 1/5 A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engi … Wikipedia
Glossary of fuel cell terms — The Glossary of fuel cell terms lists the definitions of many terms used within the fuel cell industry. The terms in this glossary may be used by fuel cell industry associations, in education material and fuel cell codes and standards to name but … Wikipedia
Airbreathing jet engine — An airbreathing jet engine (or ducted jet engine) is a jet engine propelled by a jet of hot exhaust gases formed from air that is drawn into the engine via an inlet duct. All practical airbreathing jet engines are internal combustion engines that … Wikipedia
jet engine — an engine, as an aircraft engine, that produces forward motion by the rearward exhaust of a jet of fluid or heated air and gases. Also called jet, jet motor. [1940 45] * * * Any of a class of internal combustion engines that propel aircraft by… … Universalium
gas-turbine engine — Introduction any internal combustion engine employing a gas as the working fluid used to turn a turbine. The term also is conventionally used to describe a complete internal combustion engine consisting of at least a compressor, a… … Universalium
Spark plug — A spark plug (also, very rarely nowadays, in British English: a sparking plug) is an electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of some internal combustion engines and ignites compressed aerosol gasoline by means of an electric spark.… … Wikipedia
turbine — /terr bin, buyn/, n. any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as … Universalium