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См. также в других словарях:

  • disputant — dis pu*tant, n. One who disputes; one who argues in opposition to another; one appointed to dispute; a controvertist; a reasoner in opposition. [1913 Webster] A singularly eager, acute, and pertinacious disputant. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disputant — dis pu*tant, a. [L. disputants, p. pr. of disputare: cf. F. disputant. See {Dispute}, v. i.] Disputing; engaged in controversy. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disputant — ⇒DISPUTANT, ANTE, part. prés., adj. et subst. masc. I. Part. prés. de disputer. II. Adj. Qui aime à discuter : • Ce serait grand dommage d un si bon cœur et d un si beau talent que de le gaspiller dans de misérables querelles systématiques qui ne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • disputant — I noun adversary, adverse party, antagonist, argumentative person, assailant, belligerent, caviler, combatant, contender, contestant, controversialist, controvertist, discussant, dissenter, litigant, objector, obstructionist, opponent, opposer,… …   Law dictionary

  • disputant — (n.) 1610s, from L. disputantem (nom. disputans), prp. of disputare (see DISPUTE (Cf. dispute)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • disputant — [dis′pyo͞o tənt, di spyo͞ot′ nt] adj. [L disputans, prp. of disputare] disputing n. a person who disputes or debates …   English World dictionary

  • disputant — /di spyooht nt/, n. 1. a person who disputes; debater. adj. 2. engaged in dispute; disputing. [1605 15; < L disputant (s. of disputans, prp. of disputare), equiv. to disput (see DISPUTE) + ant ANT] * * * …   Universalium

  • disputant — noun /dəˈspjutənt,dɪˈspjuː.tənt/ A participant in a dispute. One of the liveliest scenes of the performance was the evening, last winter, on which I became aware that one of my compatriots – an American, my good friend Alfred Bonus – was engaged… …   Wiktionary

  • disputant — dispute ► VERB 1) argue about. 2) question the truth or validity of (a statement or fact). 3) compete for; battle to win. ► NOUN 1) an argument. 2) a disagreement between management and employees that leads to industrial action. DERIVA …   English terms dictionary

  • disputant — noun Date: 1593 one that is engaged in a dispute …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Disputant — Dis|pu|tạnt 〈m. 16; selten〉 Teilnehmer an einem Disput [<lat. disputans „erörternd, abhandelnd“ <disputare „erörtern, abhandeln“] * * * Dis|pu|tạnt, der; en, en [zu lat. disputans (Gen.: disputantis), 1. Part. von: disputare, ↑… …   Universal-Lexikon

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