1 dishevelled
1> растрепанный, всклокоченный, взъерошенный
dishevelled hair взъерошенные волосы
2> неаккуратный, неопрятный -
2 dishevelled
3 dishevelled
dishevelled [dɪˈ∫evəld][person, hair] ébouriffé ; [clothes] en désordre* * *[dɪ'ʃevld]adjective [person] débraillé; [hair] décoiffé; [clothes] en désordre -
4 dishevelled
5 dishevelled
6 dishevelled
Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > dishevelled
7 dishevelled
* * *[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) trasandato, sciatto* * *dishevelled, ( USA) disheveled /dɪˈʃɛvld/a.arruffato, scompigliato: dishevelled appearance, aspetto scompigliato; dishevelled hair, capelli scompigliati; They arrived three hours later, tired and dishevelled, sono arrivati tre ore dopo, stanchi e scompigliatidishevelmentn. [u]* * * -
8 dishevelled
9 dishevelled
(Amer.: disheveled) adjective unordentlich [Kleidung]; zerzaust [Haar, Bart]; ungepflegt [Erscheinung]* * *[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) zerzaust* * *[dɪˈʃevəld]adj unordentlich\dishevelled hair zerzauste Haare* * *(US) [dɪ'ʃevəld]adjunordentlich; hair zerzaust; person, appearance ungepflegt* * *1. zerzaust, aufgelöst, wirr (Haar)2. mit zerzaustem Haar3. schlampig, unordentlich, ungepflegt* * *(Amer.: disheveled) adjective unordentlich [Kleidung]; zerzaust [Haar, Bart]; ungepflegt [Erscheinung] -
10 dishevelled
diʃevəld(untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) despeinado, desarreglado, desaliñadotr[dɪ'ʃevəld]1 (referring to hair) despeinado,-a, desmelenado,-a; (referring to appearance, clothes) desaliñado,-a, desarreglado,-aadj.• desgreñado, -a adj.• desmelenado, -a adj.• greñudo, -a adj.(US) [dɪ'ʃevǝld]ADJ [hair] despeinado; [clothes] desarreglado, desaliñado -
11 dishevelled
diʃevəld(untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) uflidd, sjusket, pjusket, uordentligbusteteadj. \/dɪˈʃev(ə)ld\/ eller disheveled1) ustelt, sjuskete2) rufset (på håret), ugredd -
12 dishevelled
[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) uordentlig* * *[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) uordentlig -
13 dishevelled
[dɪˈʃevəld]dishevelled p. p. от dishevel dishevelled растрепанный, всклокоченный, взъерошенный -
14 dishevelled
dɪˈʃevəld прил. взъерошенный, всклокоченный, растрепанный Syn: tousled растрепанный, всклокоченный, взъерошенный - * hair взъерошенные волосы неаккуратный, неопрятный dishevelled p. p. от dishevel ~ растрепанный, всклокоченный, взъерошенныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dishevelled
15 dishevelled
[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) úfinn; ósnyrtilegur -
16 dishevelled
kócos, borzas* * *[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) kócos -
17 dishevelled
Adj1. बिखरे बालों वालाHe has a rather dishevelled hairstyle. -
18 dishevelled
[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) desalinhado* * *di.shev.elled[diʃ'evəld] adj desgrenhado, desguedelhado, desalinhado, desordenado. -
19 dishevelled
1. разчорлен, разрошен
2. раздърпан, размъкнат (за човек)* * *{di'shevъld} a 1. разчорлен, разрошен; 2. раздърпан, размъ* * *чорлав; разчорлен; рошав;* * *1. раздърпан, размъкнат (за човек) 2. разчорлен, разрошен* * *dishevelled[di´ʃevld] adj 1. разчорлен, рошав; 2. раздърпан, размъкнат (за човек). -
20 dishevelled
adj. karmakarışık, darmadağınık* * *[diʃevəld](untidy: She had been gardening and looked rather dishevelled.) saçı başı birbirine karışmış, üstü başı perişan
См. также в других словарях:
Dishevelled — specific domain Solution structure of the mouse Dvl 1 DEP domain based on the PDB 1fsh coordinates. Identifiers … Wikipedia
dishevelled — (US disheveled) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a person s hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy; disordered. DERIVATIVES dishevelment noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «having the hair uncovered»: from Old French deschevele, from Latin capillus hair … English terms dictionary
dishevelled — [15] Semantically, dishevelled ‘with untidy hair’ and unkempt ‘with uncombed hair’ are closely parallel formations. Dishevelled originated as an adaptation of deschevele, the past participle of Old French descheveler ‘disarrange the hair’. This… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
dishevelled — [15] Semantically, dishevelled ‘with untidy hair’ and unkempt ‘with uncombed hair’ are closely parallel formations. Dishevelled originated as an adaptation of deschevele, the past participle of Old French descheveler ‘disarrange the hair’. This… … Word origins
dishevelled — di|shev|elled BrE disheveled AmE [dıˈʃevəld] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: deschevelé, from chevel hair ] if someone s appearance or their clothes, hair etc is dishevelled, they look very untidy ▪ Pam arrived late, dishevelled and… … Dictionary of contemporary English
dishevelled — [[t]dɪʃe̱v(ə)ld[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe someone s hair, clothes, or appearance as dishevelled, you mean that it is very untidy. She arrived flushed and dishevelled. Syn: unkempt (in AM, use disheveled) … English dictionary
dishevelled — BrE, disheveled AmE adjective dishevelled clothes, hair etc are very untidy: Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
dishevelled — /dɪˈʃɛvəld / (say di shevuhld) adjective 1. hanging loosely or in disorder; unkempt: dishevelled hair. 2. untidy; disarranged: dishevelled appearance. Also, US, disheveled …
dishevelled — disheveled di*shev eled, dishevelled di*shev elled, a. 1. Hanging in loose disorder; disarranged; in disarray; not made neat; used especially of hair or clothing; as, disheveled hair. [1913 Webster] 2. Having the hair in loose disorder. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dishevelled — Dishevel Di*shev el (d[i^]*sh[e^]v l or [e^]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disheveled}or {Dishevelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disheveling} or {Dishevelling}.] [OF. descheveler, F. d[ e]cheveler, LL. discapillare; dis + L. capillus the hair of the head. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dishevelled — adj. Dishevelled/disheveled is used with these nouns: ↑appearance, ↑clothes, ↑hair … Collocations dictionary