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См. также в других словарях:

  • disgustedly — disgust ► NOUN ▪ strong revulsion or profound indignation. ► VERB ▪ cause disgust in. DERIVATIVES disgusted adjective disgustedly adverb. ORIGIN French desgoust or Italian disgusto, from Latin gustus taste …   English terms dictionary

  • disgustedly — adverb with disgust disgustedly, she averted her eyes when they brought in the mutilated body of the horse • Derived from adjective: ↑disgusted …   Useful english dictionary

  • disgustedly adv — That certainly took the wind out of my sails! said Tom disgustedly …   English expressions

  • disgustedly — adverb see disgust II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • disgustedly — See disgusted. * * * …   Universalium

  • disgustedly — adverb In a disgusted manner …   Wiktionary

  • disgustedly — adv. with repulsion and loathing …   English contemporary dictionary

  • disgustedly — dis·gust·ed·ly …   English syllables

  • disgust — disgustedly, adv. disgustedness, n. /dis gust , di skust /, v.t. 1. to cause loathing or nausea in. 2. to offend the good taste, moral sense, etc., of; cause extreme dislike or revulsion in: Your vulgar remarks disgust me. n. 3. a strong… …   Universalium

  • gust n — disgustedly adv …   English expressions

  • Homosociality — In sociology, homosociality describes same sex relationships that are not of a romantic and/or sexual nature. For example, a heterosexual male who prefers to socialize with men may be considered a homosocial heterosexual. Homosociality implies… …   Wikipedia

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