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  • 1 emisión por una entidad privada

    • corporative issue

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > emisión por una entidad privada

  • 2 corporativo

    corporate, consortial, business, corporative.
    * * *
    1 corporative, corporate
    imagen corporativa corporate image
    * * *
    * * *
    - va adjetivo corporate
    * * *
    Ex. Added entries under corporate names are made for a prominently named corporate body, unless it functions solely as distributor or manufacturer.
    * autor corporativo = corporate author.
    * encabezamiento de nombre corporativo = corporate name heading.
    * entidad corporativa = corporate body.
    * espíritu corporativo = esprit-de-corps.
    * Indice de Autores Corporativos = Corporate Index.
    * nombre corporativo = corporate name.
    * socio corporativo = corporate partner.
    * vida corporativa = corporate life.
    * * *
    - va adjetivo corporate
    * * *

    Ex: Added entries under corporate names are made for a prominently named corporate body, unless it functions solely as distributor or manufacturer.

    * autor corporativo = corporate author.
    * encabezamiento de nombre corporativo = corporate name heading.
    * entidad corporativa = corporate body.
    * espíritu corporativo = esprit-de-corps.
    * Indice de Autores Corporativos = Corporate Index.
    * nombre corporativo = corporate name.
    * socio corporativo = corporate partner.
    * vida corporativa = corporate life.

    * * *
    * * *

    corporativo,-a adjetivo corporative
    ' corporativo' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    corporativo, -a adj
    * * *
    adj corporate
    * * *
    corporativo, -va adj
    : corporate

    Spanish-English dictionary > corporativo

  • 3 colaboración

    1 collaboration, assistance, help, cooperation.
    2 contribution.
    * * *
    1 collaboration
    2 (prensa) contribution
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=cooperación) collaboration
    2) [en periódico] [gen] contribution; (=artículo) article
    3) [de congreso] paper
    4) (=donativo) contribution
    * * *
    femenino collaboration

    en colaboración con alguien/algo — in collaboration with somebody/something

    * * *
    = collaboration, contribution, cooperation [co-operation], linkage, partnership, synergy, cooperative effort, partnering, fertilisation [fertilization, -USA], team effort, input, engagement.
    Ex. A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex. The major difference is that a periodical index relates to a number of issues and to contributions from a number of different authors.
    Ex. Combined catalogues showing the resources available to a group of libraries have been a feature of library co-operation for many years.
    Ex. We have just stated that the linkage of varying titles and varying forms of entry have to be done on the same basis in an automated situation as in a manual situation.
    Ex. The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
    Ex. The homogeneity, competitiveness and resulting synergy of this market is fostering significant advances in the capability of smaller computers to manage large massess of data.
    Ex. Conservation problems are so many and so complex that only dedicated cooperative efforts can reverse the current rapid deterioration of library stocks.
    Ex. These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
    Ex. The traditional methods of marketing and selling on-line bibliographic data base services have revolved around fertilisation between the marketing and sales departments.
    Ex. The planning of the library represented a total team effort of librarian, architect, consultant, and interior designer.
    Ex. In order to stimulate international input, the IFLA Office for UBC invited catalogers in unrepresented countries to recommend revisions of the AACR and to comment on the potential of the second edition as an international code.
    Ex. Any attempt to coerce a response without good reason based on that child's present predicament is to place in jeopardy the child's willing engagement now and in the future.
    * acuerdo de colaboración = collaborative partnership, partnership agreement.
    * autoría en colaboración = collaborative writing.
    * colaboración en equipo = collaborative teamwork.
    * colaboración en la investigación = cooperative research.
    * colaboración estrecha = close collaboration.
    * colaboracion interdisciplinar = interdisciplinary collaboration.
    * colaboración perfecta = marriage made in heaven.
    * contar con la colaboración de = enjoy + cooperation with.
    * creación de acuerdo de colaboración = partnership building.
    * diseñar en colaboración = co-design.
    * editar en colaboración = coedit [co-edit].
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * escribir en colaboración = co-write [cowrite].
    * establecer una colaboración = forge + collaboration.
    * financiar en colaboración = co-finance [cofinance].
    * investigación en colaboración = collaborative research.
    * organizar en colaboración = co-organise [co-organize, -USA].
    * patrocinar en colaboración con = co-host.
    * proyecto de colaboración = joint venture.
    * proyecto en colaboración = collaborative project.
    * trabajar en colaboración = team, interwork.
    * trabajar en colaboración (con) = team up (with).
    * trabajo en colaboración = interworking.
    * * *
    femenino collaboration

    en colaboración con alguien/algo — in collaboration with somebody/something

    * * *
    = collaboration, contribution, cooperation [co-operation], linkage, partnership, synergy, cooperative effort, partnering, fertilisation [fertilization, -USA], team effort, input, engagement.

    Ex: A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.

    Ex: The major difference is that a periodical index relates to a number of issues and to contributions from a number of different authors.
    Ex: Combined catalogues showing the resources available to a group of libraries have been a feature of library co-operation for many years.
    Ex: We have just stated that the linkage of varying titles and varying forms of entry have to be done on the same basis in an automated situation as in a manual situation.
    Ex: The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
    Ex: The homogeneity, competitiveness and resulting synergy of this market is fostering significant advances in the capability of smaller computers to manage large massess of data.
    Ex: Conservation problems are so many and so complex that only dedicated cooperative efforts can reverse the current rapid deterioration of library stocks.
    Ex: These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
    Ex: The traditional methods of marketing and selling on-line bibliographic data base services have revolved around fertilisation between the marketing and sales departments.
    Ex: The planning of the library represented a total team effort of librarian, architect, consultant, and interior designer.
    Ex: In order to stimulate international input, the IFLA Office for UBC invited catalogers in unrepresented countries to recommend revisions of the AACR and to comment on the potential of the second edition as an international code.
    Ex: Any attempt to coerce a response without good reason based on that child's present predicament is to place in jeopardy the child's willing engagement now and in the future.
    * acuerdo de colaboración = collaborative partnership, partnership agreement.
    * autoría en colaboración = collaborative writing.
    * colaboración en equipo = collaborative teamwork.
    * colaboración en la investigación = cooperative research.
    * colaboración estrecha = close collaboration.
    * colaboracion interdisciplinar = interdisciplinary collaboration.
    * colaboración perfecta = marriage made in heaven.
    * contar con la colaboración de = enjoy + cooperation with.
    * creación de acuerdo de colaboración = partnership building.
    * diseñar en colaboración = co-design.
    * editar en colaboración = coedit [co-edit].
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * escribir en colaboración = co-write [cowrite].
    * establecer una colaboración = forge + collaboration.
    * financiar en colaboración = co-finance [cofinance].
    * investigación en colaboración = collaborative research.
    * organizar en colaboración = co-organise [co-organize, -USA].
    * patrocinar en colaboración con = co-host.
    * proyecto de colaboración = joint venture.
    * proyecto en colaboración = collaborative project.
    * trabajar en colaboración = team, interwork.
    * trabajar en colaboración (con) = team up (with).
    * trabajo en colaboración = interworking.

    * * *
    lo escribió en colaboración con dos colegas suyos he wrote it in collaboration with two of his colleagues
    cuento con su colaboración I am counting on your assistance o help
    * * *


    colaboración sustantivo femenino
    en colaboración con algn/algo in collaboration with sb/sth

    colaboración sustantivo femenino
    1 (ayuda) collaboration
    2 Prensa contribution

    ' colaboración' also found in these entries:
    - entre
    - junta
    - junto
    - no
    - prestar
    - contribución
    - estrecho
    call on
    - collaboration
    - contribution
    - closely
    - cooperation
    - cooperative
    * * *
    1. [cooperación] collaboration;
    hacer algo en colaboración con alguien to do sth in collaboration with sb;
    necesito tu colaboración para escribir el artículo I need your help to write this article;
    fue acusado de colaboración con banda armada he was accused of collaborating with o helping a terrorist organization
    2. [de prensa] contribution, article
    * * *
    f collaboration
    * * *
    colaboración n cooperation

    Spanish-English dictionary > colaboración

  • 4 compartido

    shared, partaken, joint.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: compartir.
    * * *
    ADJ [habitación] shared
    * * *
    = cooperative [co-operative], shared, pooled.
    Ex. Various large abstracting and indexing co-operative ventures or networks have developed their own formats.
    Ex. A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex. A group of 64 libraries realised substantial cost reductions by joining in a pooled fund to self-insure for unemployment compensation.
    * catalogación compartida = cooperative cataloguing, shared cataloguing.
    * dirección compartida = shared governance.
    * distrito compartido = intercampus registration.
    * gestión compartida = shared governance.
    * local compartido = shared premise.
    * matrícula compartida = intercampus registration.
    * recursos compartidos = resource sharing.
    * responsabilidad compartida = shared authorship, shared responsibility.
    * uso compartido de la información = information sharing.
    * uso compartido de recursos = resource sharing, time-sharing [timesharing].
    * utilización compartida de bases de datos textuales = text timesharing, text timeshare.
    * viaje en coche compartido = car-pool [carpool].
    * * *
    = cooperative [co-operative], shared, pooled.

    Ex: Various large abstracting and indexing co-operative ventures or networks have developed their own formats.

    Ex: A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex: A group of 64 libraries realised substantial cost reductions by joining in a pooled fund to self-insure for unemployment compensation.
    * catalogación compartida = cooperative cataloguing, shared cataloguing.
    * dirección compartida = shared governance.
    * distrito compartido = intercampus registration.
    * gestión compartida = shared governance.
    * local compartido = shared premise.
    * matrícula compartida = intercampus registration.
    * recursos compartidos = resource sharing.
    * responsabilidad compartida = shared authorship, shared responsibility.
    * uso compartido de la información = information sharing.
    * uso compartido de recursos = resource sharing, time-sharing [timesharing].
    * utilización compartida de bases de datos textuales = text timesharing, text timeshare.
    * viaje en coche compartido = car-pool [carpool].

    * * *
    compartido, -a adj
    [casa, habitación] shared

    Spanish-English dictionary > compartido

  • 5 común

    1 common, average, ordinary, commonplace.
    2 common, regular, everyday, usual.
    3 common, joint, general, group.
    * * *
    1 (gen) common
    2 (compartido) shared, communal
    3 (amigos) mutual
    1 the community
    1 PLÍTICA the Commons
    fuera de lo común out of the ordinary
    hacer algo en común to do something jointly
    por lo común generally
    tener en común (parecerse) to have in common 2 (compartir) to share
    bien común common good
    el común de la gente the majority of people
    * * *
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=compartido) [afición, intereses] common; [amigo] mutual

    tienen una serie de características comunes — they share a series of features, they have a series of common features o features in common

    común a algn/algo — common to sb/sth

    lo común a todas las democracias — what all democracies share in common, a feature common to all democracies

    2) (=colectivo) [causa, frente, espacio] common; [gastos] communal

    tener algo en común — to have sth in common

    hacer algo en común — to do sth together

    poner en común — [+ iniciativas, problemas] to share

    acuerdo 1), bien 4., 2), denominador, fosa, lugar 1), mercado, sentido 2., 1), b)
    3) (=frecuente) [enfermedad, opinión] common, widespread; [costumbre] widespread; [cualidad] common, ordinary

    común y corrienteperfectly ordinary

    fuera de lo común — exceptional, extraordinary

    tiene una voz única, algo fuera de lo común — she has a unique voice, quite exceptional o extraordinary

    por lo común — as a rule

    común y silvestre LAm perfectly ordinary

    delincuente, nombre 2)
    4) Esp (Educ) [asignatura] core
    2. SM

    el común de los mortales — ordinary mortals, any ordinary person

    2) * (=retrete) toilet, bathroom
    3) (Pol) [en el Reino Unido]
    * * *
    a) <intereses/características> common (before n); < amigo> mutual

    en común: no tenemos nada en común we have nothing in common; una cuenta bancaria en común a joint bank account; le hicimos un regalo en común we gave her a joint present; hicieron el trabajo en común they did the work together; no está acostumbrada a la vida en común con otras personas — she is not used to living with other people

    2) (corriente, frecuente) common

    común y corriente — (normal, nada especial) ordinary; < expresión> common

    es una casa común y corriente — it's just an ordinary house, the house is nothing special

    * * *
    = commonplace, common [commoner -comp., commonest -sup.], popular, run-of-the-mill, shared, standard, ubiquitous, collective, crosscutting [cross cutting], pooled, concerted, everyday, pervading, ordinary, communal, prosaic.
    Ex. Microfilm and microfiche formats are now commonplace in most libraries.
    Ex. When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex. Although the fifteenth edition met with some success, it was not generally popular.
    Ex. Guides are almost always worth thinking of as the first type of bibliography to search when it is a quick check of run-of-the-mill bibliographical facts which is required.
    Ex. A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex. Photographs are normally kept in drawers of standard filing cabinets, with folders or pockets, or both.
    Ex. Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record = Sin embargo, el libro impreso es aún en todo el mundo la fuente de información escrita más común.
    Ex. 'I'm really not trying to put anyone on the spot and, frankly, I'm not too surprised and only a little disappointed at your collective ignorance,' he commented.
    Ex. The plan comprises over twenty projects addressing the partnership's three priority themes -- access, empowerment and governance -- and four crosscutting issues -- youth, the media, gender and local (community-based) knowledge.
    Ex. A group of 64 libraries realised substantial cost reductions by joining in a pooled fund to self-insure for unemployment compensation.
    Ex. There is an obvious need for a concerted and deliberate study of US information policy-making.
    Ex. We have too much invested, and the new systems too intimately integrated into the everyday operation of the library, for us to assume any longer that we can temper their influence on emerging standards.
    Ex. While not addressing specific issues the rejoinder focuses on a few pervading themes.
    Ex. Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.
    Ex. Excavation in Qumran suggests that the people were organised on a highly communal basis and adept in the art of pottery and bookmaking.
    Ex. Take the prosaic problem of the great department store.
    * aura común = turkey vulture.
    * auxiliar común = common auxiliary.
    * bien común, el = common good, the, common wealth, the.
    * calderón común = pilot whale.
    * Cámara de los Comunes, la = House of Commons, the.
    * comunidad de prácticas comunes = community of practice.
    * común, lo = standard practice, the.
    * común y corriente = unremarkable.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de experiencias profesionales = pool + expertise.
    * creencia común = common belief.
    * demasiado poco común = all too rare.
    * Denominación Común de Productos Industriales (NIPRO) = Common Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIPRO).
    * denominador común = common thread.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * encontrar cosas comunes = find + common ground.
    * enfermedad poco común = rare disease.
    * espacio público común = commons.
    * experiencia profesional común = pool of expertise.
    * faceta común = common facet.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * fondo común de inversión = mutual fund.
    * fosa común = mass grave.
    * fuera de lo común = eccentric, odd, unordinary, out of the ordinary, a cut above the rest, a cut above.
    * gente común, la = ordinary people, common people, the.
    * gente común y corriente, la = common people, the.
    * hacer un frente común = stand up as + one.
    * harina común = all-purpose flour, plain flour.
    * interés común = shared interest.
    * intereses comunes = community of interest.
    * lechuza común = barn owl.
    * Lenguaje Común de Instrucción de EURONET = EURONET Common Command Language.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * lugar común de alimentación = feeding ground.
    * lugar común de encuentro = meeting ground.
    * más común = mainstream.
    * Mercado Común, el = Common Market, the.
    * nombre común = common name.
    * normas comunes = standard practices.
    * palabra común = common word.
    * persona común = ordinary person.
    * poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * práctica común = common practice.
    * práctica común, la = normal pattern, the.
    * proyecto en común = joint effort.
    * puntos comunes = common ground.
    * que era común anteriormente = once-common.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * resfriado común, el = common cold, the.
    * rorcual común = fin whale.
    * salón común = common room.
    * sentido común = common sense, good judgement, judgement [judgment], good sense.
    * ser algo común = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser común = be the case (with).
    * ser demasiado común = be all too common.
    * subdivisión común = common subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento común = free-floating subdivision.
    * tener Algo en común = have + Nombre + in common, share + Nombre + in common.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * tener cosas en común = share + common ground.
    * tener en común = hold in + common, tread + common ground.
    * título común = common title.
    * trabajar en común = interwork, pull together.
    * trabajo en común = interworking.
    * * *
    a) <intereses/características> common (before n); < amigo> mutual

    en común: no tenemos nada en común we have nothing in common; una cuenta bancaria en común a joint bank account; le hicimos un regalo en común we gave her a joint present; hicieron el trabajo en común they did the work together; no está acostumbrada a la vida en común con otras personas — she is not used to living with other people

    2) (corriente, frecuente) common

    común y corriente — (normal, nada especial) ordinary; < expresión> common

    es una casa común y corriente — it's just an ordinary house, the house is nothing special

    * * *
    = commonplace, common [commoner -comp., commonest -sup.], popular, run-of-the-mill, shared, standard, ubiquitous, collective, crosscutting [cross cutting], pooled, concerted, everyday, pervading, ordinary, communal, prosaic.

    Ex: Microfilm and microfiche formats are now commonplace in most libraries.

    Ex: When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex: Although the fifteenth edition met with some success, it was not generally popular.
    Ex: Guides are almost always worth thinking of as the first type of bibliography to search when it is a quick check of run-of-the-mill bibliographical facts which is required.
    Ex: A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex: Photographs are normally kept in drawers of standard filing cabinets, with folders or pockets, or both.
    Ex: Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record = Sin embargo, el libro impreso es aún en todo el mundo la fuente de información escrita más común.
    Ex: 'I'm really not trying to put anyone on the spot and, frankly, I'm not too surprised and only a little disappointed at your collective ignorance,' he commented.
    Ex: The plan comprises over twenty projects addressing the partnership's three priority themes -- access, empowerment and governance -- and four crosscutting issues -- youth, the media, gender and local (community-based) knowledge.
    Ex: A group of 64 libraries realised substantial cost reductions by joining in a pooled fund to self-insure for unemployment compensation.
    Ex: There is an obvious need for a concerted and deliberate study of US information policy-making.
    Ex: We have too much invested, and the new systems too intimately integrated into the everyday operation of the library, for us to assume any longer that we can temper their influence on emerging standards.
    Ex: While not addressing specific issues the rejoinder focuses on a few pervading themes.
    Ex: Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.
    Ex: Excavation in Qumran suggests that the people were organised on a highly communal basis and adept in the art of pottery and bookmaking.
    Ex: Take the prosaic problem of the great department store.
    * aura común = turkey vulture.
    * auxiliar común = common auxiliary.
    * bien común, el = common good, the, common wealth, the.
    * calderón común = pilot whale.
    * Cámara de los Comunes, la = House of Commons, the.
    * comunidad de prácticas comunes = community of practice.
    * común, lo = standard practice, the.
    * común y corriente = unremarkable.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de experiencias profesionales = pool + expertise.
    * creencia común = common belief.
    * demasiado poco común = all too rare.
    * Denominación Común de Productos Industriales (NIPRO) = Common Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIPRO).
    * denominador común = common thread.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * encontrar cosas comunes = find + common ground.
    * enfermedad poco común = rare disease.
    * espacio público común = commons.
    * experiencia profesional común = pool of expertise.
    * faceta común = common facet.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * fondo común de inversión = mutual fund.
    * fosa común = mass grave.
    * fuera de lo común = eccentric, odd, unordinary, out of the ordinary, a cut above the rest, a cut above.
    * gente común, la = ordinary people, common people, the.
    * gente común y corriente, la = common people, the.
    * hacer un frente común = stand up as + one.
    * harina común = all-purpose flour, plain flour.
    * interés común = shared interest.
    * intereses comunes = community of interest.
    * lechuza común = barn owl.
    * Lenguaje Común de Instrucción de EURONET = EURONET Common Command Language.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * lugar común de alimentación = feeding ground.
    * lugar común de encuentro = meeting ground.
    * más común = mainstream.
    * Mercado Común, el = Common Market, the.
    * nombre común = common name.
    * normas comunes = standard practices.
    * palabra común = common word.
    * persona común = ordinary person.
    * poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * práctica común = common practice.
    * práctica común, la = normal pattern, the.
    * proyecto en común = joint effort.
    * puntos comunes = common ground.
    * que era común anteriormente = once-common.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * resfriado común, el = common cold, the.
    * rorcual común = fin whale.
    * salón común = common room.
    * sentido común = common sense, good judgement, judgement [judgment], good sense.
    * ser algo común = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser común = be the case (with).
    * ser demasiado común = be all too common.
    * subdivisión común = common subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento común = free-floating subdivision.
    * tener Algo en común = have + Nombre + in common, share + Nombre + in common.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * tener cosas en común = share + common ground.
    * tener en común = hold in + common, tread + common ground.
    * título común = common title.
    * trabajar en común = interwork, pull together.
    * trabajo en común = interworking.

    * * *
    1 ‹intereses/características› common ( before n); ‹amigo› mutual
    trabajar por el bien común/un objetivo común to work for the common good/a common objective
    características comunes a toda la especie characteristics common to o shared by the whole species
    un sentimiento común a todos los hombres a sentiment shared by all mankind
    2 ( en locs):
    de común acuerdo by common consent
    lo decidimos de común acuerdo ( frml); it was decided by common agreement o consent
    se separaron de común acuerdo they separated by mutual agreement o common consent
    la decisión fue tomada de común acuerdo con nuestros aliados the decision was taken in agreement o ( frml) in concert with our allies
    en común: tienen una cuenta bancaria en común they have a joint bank account
    le hicimos un regalo en común we gave her a joint present
    no tengo nada en común con él I have nothing in common with him
    no está acostumbrada a la vida en común con otras personas she is not used to living with other people o to communal living
    B (corriente, frecuente) common
    Juan Gómez es un nombre muy común Juan Gómez is a very common name
    un modelo fuera de lo común a very unusual model
    no es común que un niño sepa leer a esa edad it is unusual for a child to be able to read at that age
    es común que haya inundaciones en esta zona flooding is frequent o common in this area
    tiene una inteligencia poco común she is unusually intelligent
    por lo común as a rule
    común y corriente or ( AmL) silvestre ordinary ( before n)
    una blusa común y silvestre a fairly ordinary blouse
    murió como el común de los mortales he died just like any common mortal o ordinary person
    * * *


    común adjetivo
    a)intereses/características common ( before n);

    amigo mutual
    b) ( en locs)

    de común acuerdo con algn in agreement with sb;
    en común ‹esfuerzo/regalo joint ( before n);
    no tenemos nada en común we have nothing in common
    c) (corriente, frecuente) common;

    un modelo fuera de lo común a very unusual model;
    común y corriente (normal, nada especial) ordinary
    I adjetivo
    1 (frecuente) common, usual: es poco común, it's unusual
    2 (ordinario, corriente) ordinary
    3 (compartido) shared, communal: nos une un interés común, we are united by a common interest
    II sustantivo masculino GB Pol los Comunes, the Commons
    ♦ Locuciones: de común acuerdo, by common consent
    en común, (conjuntamente) hacer algo en común, to do sthg jointly
    (característica compartida) tienen varios rasgos en común, they have several characteristics in common
    por lo común, generally
    ' común' also found in these entries:
    - baja
    - bajo
    - cabeza
    - contraponer
    - convivencia
    - corriente
    - dato
    - denominador
    - despertarse
    - fondo
    - fosa
    - irse
    - juicio
    - llevar
    - múltipla
    - múltiplo
    - permitirse
    - rara
    - raro
    - sentar
    - sentida
    - sentido
    - soler
    - tela
    - tópica
    - tópico
    - única
    - único
    - uniforme
    - unitaria
    - unitario
    - vista
    - visto
    - vulgar
    - delincuente
    - imponer
    - mercado
    - norma
    - peculiar
    - rareza
    - tino
    - base
    - cause
    - common
    - common denominator
    - common sense
    - commonplace
    - crane
    - cure
    - deserve
    - enjoy
    - gumption
    - in
    - intend
    - iota
    - jointly
    - kitty
    - mass grave
    - modicum
    - mutual
    - ordinary
    - original
    - partnership
    - pool
    - prevalent
    - rank
    - reason
    - run-of-the-mill
    - sense
    - stand out
    - uncommon
    - unusual
    - cliché
    - communal
    - consent
    - garden
    - house
    - lowest common denominator
    - ounce
    - plain
    - platitude
    - rarity
    - run
    - share
    * * *
    1. [compartido] [amigo, interés] mutual;
    [bienes, pastos] communal;
    el bien común the common good;
    el motociclismo es nuestra afición común we both like motorcycling;
    ¿cómo llevan la vida en común? how are they finding living together?;
    hacer algo en común to do sth together;
    hacer algo de común acuerdo to do sth by mutual consent o agreement;
    es un rasgo común a todos los reptiles it's a characteristic shared by o common to all reptiles;
    pusimos nuestros recursos en común we pooled our resources;
    realizaron una puesta en común de lo observado they pooled their observations;
    tener algo en común to have sth in common;
    no tengo nada en común con ella I have nothing in common with her
    2. [habitual, normal] common;
    una enfermedad muy común en regiones tropicales a disease very common in tropical regions;
    es común que llueva en primavera it's normal for it to rain in spring, it often rains in spring;
    fuera de lo común out of the ordinary;
    poco común unusual;
    por lo común generally;
    común y corriente o Am [m5] silvestre run-of-the-mill;
    es una persona común y corriente he's a perfectly ordinary person
    3. [ordinario, vulgar] ordinary, average;
    un vino común an average o ordinary wine;
    una madera común a common type of wood
    como el común de los mortales like any ordinary person o common mortal
    * * *
    I adj common;
    poco común unusual, rare;
    por lo común generally;
    en común in common;
    tener algo en común have sth in common
    II m
    el común de las gentes the common man
    * * *
    común adj, pl comunes
    1) : common
    común y corriente : ordinary, regular
    por lo común : generally, as a rule
    * * *
    común adj
    1. (en general) common
    2. (compartido) shared

    Spanish-English dictionary > común

  • 6 cooperación

    1 cooperation, collaboration, co-operation, teamwork.
    2 cooperation, partnership.
    * * *
    1 cooperation
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino cooperation
    * * *
    = collaboration, cooperation [co-operation], partnership, liaison, cooperative effort, partnering, fertilisation [fertilization, -USA], cooperativeness [co-operativeness].
    Ex. A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex. Combined catalogues showing the resources available to a group of libraries have been a feature of library co-operation for many years.
    Ex. The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
    Ex. It is important to make sure that there is close liaison between the cataloguing department and the order department, otherwise cards are liable to be ordered twice or in insufficient quantity to meet the total demand.
    Ex. Conservation problems are so many and so complex that only dedicated cooperative efforts can reverse the current rapid deterioration of library stocks.
    Ex. These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
    Ex. The traditional methods of marketing and selling on-line bibliographic data base services have revolved around fertilisation between the marketing and sales departments.
    Ex. The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing.
    * acuerdo de cooperación = collaborative partnership.
    * catalogación en cooperación = cooperative cataloguing.
    * contar con la cooperación de = enjoy + cooperation with.
    * cooperación bibliotecaria = library cooperation.
    * cooperación en red = networking.
    * cooperación entre instituciones = interagency cooperation.
    * cooperación institucional = institutional cooperation.
    * cooperación interbibliotecaria = interlibrary co-operation.
    * deseo de cooperación = engagement.
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * falta de cooperación = uncooperation.
    * mantener cooperación = maintain + cooperation.
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económic = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    * * *
    femenino cooperation
    * * *
    = collaboration, cooperation [co-operation], partnership, liaison, cooperative effort, partnering, fertilisation [fertilization, -USA], cooperativeness [co-operativeness].

    Ex: A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.

    Ex: Combined catalogues showing the resources available to a group of libraries have been a feature of library co-operation for many years.
    Ex: The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
    Ex: It is important to make sure that there is close liaison between the cataloguing department and the order department, otherwise cards are liable to be ordered twice or in insufficient quantity to meet the total demand.
    Ex: Conservation problems are so many and so complex that only dedicated cooperative efforts can reverse the current rapid deterioration of library stocks.
    Ex: These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
    Ex: The traditional methods of marketing and selling on-line bibliographic data base services have revolved around fertilisation between the marketing and sales departments.
    Ex: The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing.
    * acuerdo de cooperación = collaborative partnership.
    * catalogación en cooperación = cooperative cataloguing.
    * contar con la cooperación de = enjoy + cooperation with.
    * cooperación bibliotecaria = library cooperation.
    * cooperación en red = networking.
    * cooperación entre instituciones = interagency cooperation.
    * cooperación institucional = institutional cooperation.
    * cooperación interbibliotecaria = interlibrary co-operation.
    * deseo de cooperación = engagement.
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * falta de cooperación = uncooperation.
    * mantener cooperación = maintain + cooperation.
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económic = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

    * * *
    agradecemos su cooperación en este asunto we thank you for your cooperation in this matter
    * * *

    cooperación sustantivo femenino
    cooperación sustantivo femenino cooperation
    ' cooperación' also found in these entries:
    - solicitar
    - unhelpfulness
    * * *
    * * *
    f cooperation
    * * *
    cooperación nf, pl - ciones : cooperation
    * * *
    cooperación n cooperation

    Spanish-English dictionary > cooperación

  • 7 participativo

    1 communicative.
    2 participatory, participative, sharing.
    * * *
    ADJ [sociedad, público] participative; [deporte, juego] participative, participatory; [democracia] participatory
    * * *
    = lively [livelier -comp., liveliest -sup.], participatory, participative, empowering, shared, hands-on.
    Ex. But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.
    Ex. Storytelling is for children, as it was for the human race, a participatory art from which is born a literary consciousness.
    Ex. It was possible to identify 3 main groups who display 3 different types of attitude -- participative, delegative and 'snobbish'.
    Ex. The implications here are that the organizational climate must be nurturing rather than coercive, empowering rather than controlling.
    Ex. A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex. As an aid to evaluation, hands-on practical work is rarely cost effective, even in undertaken by inexperienced staff.
    * democrático-participativo = democratic-participative.
    * * *
    = lively [livelier -comp., liveliest -sup.], participatory, participative, empowering, shared, hands-on.

    Ex: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.

    Ex: Storytelling is for children, as it was for the human race, a participatory art from which is born a literary consciousness.
    Ex: It was possible to identify 3 main groups who display 3 different types of attitude -- participative, delegative and 'snobbish'.
    Ex: The implications here are that the organizational climate must be nurturing rather than coercive, empowering rather than controlling.
    Ex: A work of shared responsibility is one where the work has arisen from collaboration between two or more persons or corporative bodies.
    Ex: As an aid to evaluation, hands-on practical work is rarely cost effective, even in undertaken by inexperienced staff.
    * democrático-participativo = democratic-participative.

    * * *
    democracia participativa participatory democracy
    un debate abierto y participativo an open debate in which all views were expressed
    2 ‹ciudadanía/sociedad› participative
    * * *
    participativo, -a adj
    es muy participativo en clase he participates a lot in class

    Spanish-English dictionary > participativo

  • 8 corporativa

    corporativo,-a adjetivo corporative

    Spanish-English dictionary > corporativa

  • 9 corporativo

    • consortial
    • corporate
    • corporative

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > corporativo

См. также в других словарях:

  • corporative — 1833, from L.L. corporativus pertaining to the forming of a body, from pp. stem of corporare (see CORPORATE (Cf. corporate)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • corporative — [kôr′pə rā΄tiv, kôr′pərə tiv΄] adj. [LL corporativus] 1. of or connected with a corporation 2. designating or of a state, as theoretically Italy under Fascism (1924 1943), in which political and economic power is vested in an organization of… …   English World dictionary

  • corporative — ● corporatif, corporative adjectif (de corporation) Qui concerne les corporations, les corps de métiers : Organisation corporative …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • corporative — adjective Date: 1833 1. of or relating to a corporation 2. of or relating to corporatism < a corporative state > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Corporative — Corporation Une corporation, dont le mot vient du latin corporari (se former en corps), ou plus exactement un corps, est une personne morale, en générale de droit public, instituée par une loi. Ses « membres » sont toutes des personnes… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Corporative federalism — Corporative federalism, not to be confused with the cooperative federalism of the (U.S. s 1933 1936) New Deal, is a system of federalism not based on the common federalist idea of relative land area or nearest spheres of influence for governance …   Wikipedia

  • corporative state — corporative state, a state in which the chief economic activities, such as banking and the principal industries, are each controlled through one corporate body, composed in turn of representatives from the various corporations: »the Italian… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Corporative Goods Price Index — Сorporative Goods Price Index Индекс цен на корпоративные товары Словарь терминов и сокращений рынка forex, Forex EuroClub …   Финансовый словарь

  • Corporative Chamber — The Corporative Chamber (in Portuguese Câmara Corporativa) was one of the two parliamentary chambers established under the Portuguese Constitution of 1933, the other being the National Assembly. Unlike the directly elected National Assembly, it… …   Wikipedia

  • corporative — /kawr peuh ray tiv, peuhr euh tiv, preuh /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a corporation. 2. of or pertaining to a political system under which the principal economic functions, as banking, industry, or labor, are organized as corporate unities.… …   Universalium

  • corporative — adj. relating to a corporation, of an association of individuals legally authorized to act as an individual (Business) cor·po·ra·tive || kÉ”rpÉ™rɪəltɪv / kɔːpɔːr …   English contemporary dictionary

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