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См. также в других словарях:

  • consumption — con‧sump‧tion [kənˈsʌmpʆn] noun [uncountable] 1. COMMERCE ECONOMICS the amount of goods, services, energy, or natural materials used in a particular period of time: • Texas is second only to California in beer consumption. • Cuban households… …   Financial and business terms

  • Consumption — may refer to: Economics Use of final goods by a consumer until disposal Consumption (economics) Consumption function, an economic formula Consumption (ecology) Other Consumption, an archaic name for pulmonary tuberculosis ingestion of food and… …   Wikipedia

  • consumption — I noun confectio, consumptio, decay, decomposition, decrement, depletion, desolation, destruction, devastation, diminishment, diminution, dissipation, exhaustion, expenditure, loss, ravage, ruin, ruination, squandering, usage, use, using up,… …   Law dictionary

  • consumption — Consumption. sub. f. v. Il se dit de certaines choses que l on consume. Il se fait une grande consumption de bois dans cette maison. la victime fut bruslée jusques à son entiere consumption. la consumption des especes sacramentales. Il signifie… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Consumption — Con*sump tion (?; 215), n. [L. consumptio: cf. F. consomption.] 1. The act or process of consuming by use, waste, etc.; decay; destruction. [1913 Webster] Every new advance of the price to the consumer is a new incentive to him to retrench the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consumption — sectors …   Dictionary of sociology

  • consumption — late 14c., wasting of the body by disease; wasting disease (replacing O.E. yfeladl the evil disease ), from O.Fr. consumpcion, from L. consumptionem (nom. consumptio) a using up, wasting, from consumpt , pp. stem of consumere (see CONSUME (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • consumption — in the meaning ‘a disease causing wasting of the tissues’, has been replaced in the 20c by more specific clinical names, especially by tuberculosis or TB …   Modern English usage

  • consumption — [n] devouring; use burning, consuming, damage, decay, decrease, depletion, desolation, destruction, devastation, diminution, dispersion, dissipation, drinking, eating, exhaustion, expenditure, loss, misuse, ruin, swallowing, using up, utilization …   New thesaurus

  • consumption — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of consuming. 2) an amount consumed. 3) dated a wasting disease, especially tuberculosis. DERIVATIVES consumptive adjective & noun (dated ) …   English terms dictionary

  • consumption — [kən sump′shən] n. [ME consumpcioun < OFr consomption < L consumptio < consumptus, pp. of consumere] 1. a) a consuming or being consumed b) Econ. the using up of goods or services, either by consumers or in the production of other goods… …   English World dictionary

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