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  • 61 πνευματικῶς

    πνευματικῶς adv. of πνευματικός (Hermogenes [II A.D.], Inv. 4, 1 in the sense ‘in one breath’, s. L-S-J-M).
    pert. to transcendent influence, spiritually, in a spiritual manner, in a manner caused by or filled with the Spirit w. ref. to the inner life of a pers. (s. πνευματικός 1) μένετε ἐν Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ σαρκικῶς καὶ πνευματικῶς remain in Jesus Christ both in body and in spirit, i.e. w. one’s whole personality (s. πνεῦμα 3a) IEph 10:3. μετὰ τὴν ἀνάστασιν συνέφαγεν αὐτοῖς ὡς σαρκικὸς καίπερ πνευματικῶς ἡνωμένος τῷ πατρί after his resurrection he dined with them as though being in the body although united with the Father spiritually ISm 3:3 marks the transition to
    pert. to being consistent with transcendent influence, in keeping w. the spirit w. ref. to the divine πνεῦμα (s. πνευματικός 2) πνευματικῶς ἀνακρίνεται it must be examined in a manner consistent with the (divine) Spirit 1 Cor 2:14.—Vs. 13 (s. πνευματικός 2bα) has πνευματικῶς as a v.l. for πνευματικοῖς. It is said of Paul when he wrote 1 Cor that πνευματικῶς ἐπέστειλεν ὑμῖν full of the (divine) Spirit he wrote to you 1 Cl 47:3.—This is also the place for ἥτις (i.e. the city of Jerusalem) καλεῖται πνευματικῶς Σόδομα Rv 11:8: if one follows the spiritual (the opp. is σαρκικῶς Just., D. 14, 2) understanding of scripture (cp. Is 1:9f), Jerusalem lies concealed beneath the name Sodom. Someth. more is involved here than mere allegory or figurative usage.—TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πνευματικῶς

  • 62 estrangulamiento

    1 strangulation.
    2 bottle-neck.
    * * *
    1→ link=estrangulación estrangulación
    * * *
    1) (=acto) strangulation
    2) (Aut) narrow stretch of road, bottleneck
    * * *
    * * *
    = constriction, stenosis.
    Ex. Results failed to confirm previous findings of coronary artery constriction while reliving an angry experience, yet are consistent with other studies utilizing mental arithmetic.
    Ex. The exercise demonstrates flow in a major blood vessel, such as the aorta, with and without a stenosis.
    * * *
    * * *
    = constriction, stenosis.

    Ex: Results failed to confirm previous findings of coronary artery constriction while reliving an angry experience, yet are consistent with other studies utilizing mental arithmetic.

    Ex: The exercise demonstrates flow in a major blood vessel, such as the aorta, with and without a stenosis.

    * * *
    * * *
    1. [de persona] strangulation
    2. [de vena, conducto] strangulation
    * * *
    : strangling, strangulation

    Spanish-English dictionary > estrangulamiento

  • 63 estrechamiento

    1 narrowing.
    2 rapprochement.
    * * *
    1 (de valle, carretera, etc) narrowing
    2 (de prenda) taking in
    3 (lugar estrecho) narrow point
    4 figurado coming closer together, rapprochement
    * * *
    1) [de valle, calle] narrowing
    2) (=aumento) [de lazos] tightening; [de amistades] strengthening
    * * *
    1) ( de relaciones) strengthening
    2) ( reducción del ancho) narrowing
    * * *
    = constriction, stenosis.
    Ex. Results failed to confirm previous findings of coronary artery constriction while reliving an angry experience, yet are consistent with other studies utilizing mental arithmetic.
    Ex. The exercise demonstrates flow in a major blood vessel, such as the aorta, with and without a stenosis.
    * * *
    1) ( de relaciones) strengthening
    2) ( reducción del ancho) narrowing
    * * *
    = constriction, stenosis.

    Ex: Results failed to confirm previous findings of coronary artery constriction while reliving an angry experience, yet are consistent with other studies utilizing mental arithmetic.

    Ex: The exercise demonstrates flow in a major blood vessel, such as the aorta, with and without a stenosis.

    * * *
    A (de relaciones) strengthening
    estrechamientos de la calzada places where the road narrows
    el estrechamiento del margen de beneficios the reduction o narrowing of the profit margin
    * * *

    estrechamiento sustantivo masculino
    1 (acción y resultado de estrecharse) narrowing: todas las mañanas se forma un atasco debido al estrechamiento de la carretera, every morning there is a traffic jam where the road narrows
    2 (apretón de manos) handshake: para formalizar el pacto tiene que haber un estrechamiento de manos, we need to shake hands to formalize the agreement
    3 (aproximación) strengthening: el estrechamiento de las relaciones entre los dos pueblos es muy difícil, strengthening the bond between the two nations is a difficult task
    * * *
    1. [de calle, tubo] narrowing;
    atención: estrechamiento provisional de la calzada [en letrero] road narrows
    Med estrechamiento del túnel carpiano carpal tunnel syndrome
    2. [de relaciones] [entre países] rapprochement;
    * * *
    m narrowing
    * * *
    1) : narrowing
    2) : narrow point
    3) : tightening, strengthening (of relations)

    Spanish-English dictionary > estrechamiento

  • 64 mitigar

    1 to alleviate, to reduce (aplacar) (miseria, daño, efecto).
    2 to mitigate, to relieve, to lighten, to alleviate.
    Su amor suaviza el dolor Her love mitigates the pain.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ LLEGAR], like link=llegar llegar
    1 to mitigate, relieve
    * * *
    VT [gen] to mitigate frm; [+ dolor] to relieve, ease; [+ sed] to quench; [+ ira] to calm, appease; [+ temores] to allay; [+ calor] to reduce; [+ soledad] to alleviate, relieve
    * * *
    verbo transitivo < dolor> to relieve, ease; <pena/surfrimiento> to alleviate, mitigate (frml); < sed> to quench
    * * *
    = blunt, bring + relief, temper, mitigate, attenuate, deflate, defuse, take + the sting out of + Algo, take + the bite out of, assuage, appease.
    Ex. It is arguable that such exhortation and implied criticism blunts receptivity and that it is ultimately counterproductive.
    Ex. The recent emergence of microcomputers brought some relief to this dilemma.
    Ex. This advantage must be tempered by the fact that the standard centrally produced record may not always be consistent with local requirements.
    Ex. Confusion caused by repetition of descriptive information in access points can be mitigated by careful screen design.
    Ex. In the emerging technological environment of distributed systems, however, the informal or even formal links between source and user are attenuated or broken.
    Ex. These developments deflate some traditional assumptions about and privileges associated with scientific and technical knowledge.
    Ex. This article gives examples of how problem behaviour can be defused in a library.
    Ex. The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.
    Ex. The aim of this paper is to chart a different course of interpretation through Husserl's earliest work; a course which doesn't take all of the bite out of Heidegger's critique of technology.
    Ex. The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to bad end.
    Ex. They've been working their butts off since the program was launched to appease the crowd.
    * mitigar el daño = minimise + damage, alleviate + damage.
    * mitigar el efecto = mitigate + effect.
    * mitigar el efecto de Algo = minimise + effect.
    * mitigar el riesgo = minimise + risk.
    * mitigar una dificultad = alleviate + difficulty.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo < dolor> to relieve, ease; <pena/surfrimiento> to alleviate, mitigate (frml); < sed> to quench
    * * *
    = blunt, bring + relief, temper, mitigate, attenuate, deflate, defuse, take + the sting out of + Algo, take + the bite out of, assuage, appease.

    Ex: It is arguable that such exhortation and implied criticism blunts receptivity and that it is ultimately counterproductive.

    Ex: The recent emergence of microcomputers brought some relief to this dilemma.
    Ex: This advantage must be tempered by the fact that the standard centrally produced record may not always be consistent with local requirements.
    Ex: Confusion caused by repetition of descriptive information in access points can be mitigated by careful screen design.
    Ex: In the emerging technological environment of distributed systems, however, the informal or even formal links between source and user are attenuated or broken.
    Ex: These developments deflate some traditional assumptions about and privileges associated with scientific and technical knowledge.
    Ex: This article gives examples of how problem behaviour can be defused in a library.
    Ex: The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.
    Ex: The aim of this paper is to chart a different course of interpretation through Husserl's earliest work; a course which doesn't take all of the bite out of Heidegger's critique of technology.
    Ex: The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to bad end.
    Ex: They've been working their butts off since the program was launched to appease the crowd.
    * mitigar el daño = minimise + damage, alleviate + damage.
    * mitigar el efecto = mitigate + effect.
    * mitigar el efecto de Algo = minimise + effect.
    * mitigar el riesgo = minimise + risk.
    * mitigar una dificultad = alleviate + difficulty.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.

    * * *
    mitigar [A3 ]
    to mitigate
    para mitigar los efectos de la crisis económica to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis
    mitigar la pena to alleviate the grief
    no mitiga el dolor it does not relieve o ease o calm the pain
    mitigó el hambre que tenían it relieved their hunger
    * * *

    mitigar ( conjugate mitigar) verbo transitivo dolor to relieve, ease;
    pena/sufrimiento to alleviate, mitigate (frml);
    sed to quench
    mitigar verbo transitivo to mitigate, alleviate: estos regalos ayudarán a mitigar el disgusto, these gifts will help alleviate the pain
    ' mitigar' also found in these entries:
    - ease
    - mitigate
    - relieve
    - soften
    * * *
    [aplacar] [efecto] to mitigate; [miseria] to alleviate; [daño] to reduce; [ánimos] to calm; [sed] to quench, to slake; [hambre] to take the edge off; [choque, golpe] to soften; [dudas, sospechas] to allay
    * * *
    * * *
    mitigar {52} vt
    aliviar: to mitigate, to alleviate

    Spanish-English dictionary > mitigar

  • 65 por lo tanto

    * * *
    * * *
    = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that
    Ex. The headings consequently correspond to current American usage in both use of terms and spelling and often need amendment to make them consistent with local usage.
    Ex. Ergo, it was reasoned, an entry under the author's name and the title found on the title page or elsewhere in the book, with a symbol to indicate its location on the shelves, should readily help one find the book desired.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    Ex. In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.
    Ex. To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.
    Ex. This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.
    Ex. Thus the organisation of knowledge and its later retrieval, sometimes known as information retrieval, are very much part of the same process.
    Ex. It follows that offenders who are remorseful should not be treated more leniently.
    * * *
    = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that

    Ex: The headings consequently correspond to current American usage in both use of terms and spelling and often need amendment to make them consistent with local usage.

    Ex: Ergo, it was reasoned, an entry under the author's name and the title found on the title page or elsewhere in the book, with a symbol to indicate its location on the shelves, should readily help one find the book desired.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    Ex: In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.
    Ex: To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.
    Ex: This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.
    Ex: Thus the organisation of knowledge and its later retrieval, sometimes known as information retrieval, are very much part of the same process.
    Ex: It follows that offenders who are remorseful should not be treated more leniently.

    Spanish-English dictionary > por lo tanto

  • 66 por tanto

    therefore, so
    * * *
    = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that
    Ex. The headings consequently correspond to current American usage in both use of terms and spelling and often need amendment to make them consistent with local usage.
    Ex. Ergo, it was reasoned, an entry under the author's name and the title found on the title page or elsewhere in the book, with a symbol to indicate its location on the shelves, should readily help one find the book desired.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    Ex. In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.
    Ex. To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.
    Ex. This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.
    Ex. Thus the organisation of knowledge and its later retrieval, sometimes known as information retrieval, are very much part of the same process.
    Ex. It follows that offenders who are remorseful should not be treated more leniently.
    * * *
    = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that

    Ex: The headings consequently correspond to current American usage in both use of terms and spelling and often need amendment to make them consistent with local usage.

    Ex: Ergo, it was reasoned, an entry under the author's name and the title found on the title page or elsewhere in the book, with a symbol to indicate its location on the shelves, should readily help one find the book desired.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    Ex: In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.
    Ex: To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.
    Ex: This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.
    Ex: Thus the organisation of knowledge and its later retrieval, sometimes known as information retrieval, are very much part of the same process.
    Ex: It follows that offenders who are remorseful should not be treated more leniently.

    Spanish-English dictionary > por tanto

  • 67 relatar la historia de

    (v.) = trace + the history of
    Ex. This contribution traces the history of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) with particular reference to themes that have not been consistent with one another.
    * * *
    (v.) = trace + the history of

    Ex: This contribution traces the history of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) with particular reference to themes that have not been consistent with one another.

    Spanish-English dictionary > relatar la historia de

  • 68 también

    1 also, too, as well.
    Va a asistir ella, también? Will she attend, as well?
    2 as well.
    Va a asistir ella, también? Will she attend, as well?
    * * *
    1 (igualmente) also, too, as well, so
    Pedro también estaba Pedro was also there, Pedro was there too, Pedro was there as well
    2 (además) besides, in addition
    * * *
    1) also, likewise, too
    2) so
    * * *
    1) (=además) also, too, as well

    ha estado en China y también en Japón — he has been in China and also in Japan, he has been in China and in Japan too o as well

    hablaron también de otros temas — they also discussed other matters, they discussed other matters too o as well

    Isabel también sabe inglés[uso ambiguo] Isabel knows English too o as well; [también inglés] Isabel also knows English, Isabel knows English too o as well; [también Isabel] Isabel knows English too o as well

    ¿tú también tienes la gripe? — have you got the flu too o as well?

    si él no viene, también podemos ir nosotros — if he doesn't come, we can always go

    - estoy cansado -yo también — "I'm tired" - "so am I" o "me too * "

    - me gustó -a él también — "I liked it" - "so did he"

    ácido ascórbico, también conocido como vitamina C — ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C

    -¿y es guapa? -también — "and is she pretty?" - "yes, she is"

    2) [uso enfático]

    tuvimos mala suerte, aunque también es cierto que nos faltaba preparación — we were certainly unlucky but (then again) we were also underprepared o we were underprepared too o as well

    -me fui sin despedirme -¡pues anda que tú también! — "I left without saying goodbye" -"what a thing to do!"

    * * *
    adverbio too, as well

    también habla rusoshe speaks Russian too o as well, she also speaks Russian

    está de baja - ¿él también? — he's off sick - him too o him as well?

    el también cirujano López Saura — (period) López Saura, (who is) also a surgeon

    * * *
    = again, also, as well, too.
    Ex. Smaller libraries may increasingly use the Concise AACR2, and here again the recommendations are not always precisely consistent with AACR2.
    Ex. This simple observation also goes some of the way towards explaining the variety of tools, methods and systems which are encountered in the organisation knowledge.
    Ex. Again, the following statement is appropriate: A is permitted, but consider B or C or... N, as well or instead.
    Ex. In some institutions, too, the library has become one of the sites for clusters of terminals or microcomputers, linked to the central computing facility.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * éste es también el caso de = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * no sólo... sino también... = not only... but also....
    * nosotros también = same here.
    * ser también válido para = hold + good for.
    * un día sí y otro también = day in and day out.
    * yo también = same here, me too.
    * * *
    adverbio too, as well

    también habla rusoshe speaks Russian too o as well, she also speaks Russian

    está de baja - ¿él también? — he's off sick - him too o him as well?

    el también cirujano López Saura — (period) López Saura, (who is) also a surgeon

    * * *
    = again, also, as well, too.

    Ex: Smaller libraries may increasingly use the Concise AACR2, and here again the recommendations are not always precisely consistent with AACR2.

    Ex: This simple observation also goes some of the way towards explaining the variety of tools, methods and systems which are encountered in the organisation knowledge.
    Ex: Again, the following statement is appropriate: A is permitted, but consider B or C or... N, as well or instead.
    Ex: In some institutions, too, the library has become one of the sites for clusters of terminals or microcomputers, linked to the central computing facility.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * éste es también el caso de = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * no sólo... sino también... = not only... but also....
    * nosotros también = same here.
    * ser también válido para = hold + good for.
    * un día sí y otro también = day in and day out.
    * yo también = same here, me too.

    * * *
    A too, as well
    a mí también me engañó he tricked me as well o too
    también habla ruso she speaks Russian as well o too, she also speaks Russian
    está de baja — ¿él también? he's off sick — him too? o him as well?
    ¿también ella lo sabía? you mean she knew about it too o as well?
    ¿conoces Lima? — sí — ¿y La Paz? — sí también do you know Lima? — yes — and La Paz? — yes, I've been there too o as well
    que te diviertastú también have fun! — you too o and you
    estás invitado y tu mujer también you're invited and so is your wife o and your wife, too
    Pilar fumayo también Pilar smokes — so do I o I do too o ( colloq) me too
    él ha terminadoGraciela también he's finished — so has Graciela o Graciela has too
    el también cirujano López Saura ( period); López Saura, (who is) also a surgeon
    (uso expletivo): está disgustado, también es cierto que tiene motivos he's upset, mind you o but then he has reason to be
    también hay que decir que … of course, it has to be said that …
    le pegó una paliza — ¿(y) también? ¡con lo que hizo! ( RPl fam); she gave him a good hiding — well, no wonder o well, I'm not surprised, after what he did!
    * * *


    también adverbio
    too, as well
    también habla ruso she speaks Russian too o as well;

    que te diviertas — tú también have fun! — you too o and you;
    Pilar fuma — yo también Pilar smokes — so do I o (colloq) me too
    también adv (por añadidura) too, as well: también juegan al tenis, they play tennis too o as well, they also play tennis
    (además) es una trabajadora y también una estudiante, she's a worker and a student too o she's a worker and also a student
    (como respuesta) él sabe italiano, - yo también, he knows Italian, - so do I ➣ Ver nota en also

    ' también' also found in these entries:
    - bañera
    - bastante
    - beneficio
    - casarse
    - chalet
    - ciudad
    - como
    - dura
    - duro
    - enferma
    - enfermo
    - estanca
    - estanco
    - ir
    - gritar
    - hacer
    - igualmente
    - irse
    - ladrón
    - ladrona
    - preferir
    - señor
    - soler
    - telefonear
    - ver
    - viaje
    - a
    - además
    - asimismo
    - coincidencia
    - llamado
    - lo
    - los
    - padrino
    - yo
    - also
    - as
    - aunt
    - bear
    - come along
    - do
    - double
    - dread
    - drugstore
    - ducky
    - enjoy
    - expect
    - fish
    - get
    - hope
    - likewise
    - observe
    - on
    - only
    - orient
    - remind
    - same
    - should
    - small
    - so
    - soon
    - too
    - well
    - all right
    - be
    - but
    - carry
    - come
    - solicitor
    - then
    - wherever
    - work
    - yourself
    * * *
    1. [igualmente] too, also;
    yo también vivo en Chile, yo vivo en Chile también I live in Chile too o as well;
    yo también me too;
    dormí muy bien – yo también I slept very well – me too o so did I;
    también a mí me gusta I like it too;
    ¿tú también quieres helado? do you want some ice cream as well o too?;
    yo soy minero y mi padre también I'm a miner and so is my father
    2. [además] also, too;
    trabaja también de taxista he also works as a taxi driver;
    sabes cantar y bailar, pero no tocar el piano – sí, también you can sing and you can dance, but you can't play the piano – yes, I can do that too;
    cose, cocina y también plancha he sews, cooks and irons too o as well
    3. [en usos enfáticos]
    nadie nos dio ayuda, también es verdad que no la pedimos no one helped us, but then again, we didn't ask for help;
    le eché un broncazo increíble – ¡tú también! I gave him a real telling off – was that really necessary?;
    perdieron el examen – y también, si fueron sin estudiar they failed the exam – no wonder o that's hardly surprising, if they didn't do any revision
    * * *
    adv also, too, as well;
    yo también me too;
    él estudia inglés - yo también he’s studying English - me too o so am I;
    él también dice que … he also says that …
    * * *
    : too, as well, also
    * * *
    también adv too / also
    yo también me too / so am I / so do I, etc
    si tú vas a comer ahora, yo también if you're going to have lunch now, so am I

    Spanish-English dictionary > también

  • 69 ἀκόλουθος

    ἀκόλουθ-ος, ον, (ἀ- copul., κέλευθος, cf. Pl.Cra. 405d)
    A following, attending on, mostly as Subst., follower, attendant, IG1.1, Ar.Av.73;

    ὅτοισι παῖς ἀ. ἐστιν Eup.159.3

    ; freq.in [dialect] Att. Prose, Antipho 2.1.4, Th.6.28, 7.75, Pl.Smp. 203c, etc.; οἱ ἀ. camp-followers, X.Cyr.5.2.36: fem., Plu. Caes.10: metaph.,

    Δίκα Εὐνομίας ἀ. B.14.55

    2 following after, c. gen.,

    πλάτα.. Νηρῄδων ἀ. S.OC 719

    3 following, consequent upon, in conformity with, c. gen.,

    τἀκόλουθα τῶν ῥακῶν Ar. Ach. 438

    , cf. Pl.Phd. 111c: mostly c. dat., Id Lg. 716c, Ti. 88d;

    ἀκόλουθα τούτοις πράττειν D.18.257


    ἀ. τοῖς εἰρημένοις ἐστὶ τὸ διῃρῆσθαι Arist.Pol. 1321b3

    ; consistent,

    οὐδὲν ἀ. αὑτῷ λέγει Demetr.Eloc. 153

    ; of persons, conforming,

    τῇ ὑμετέρἁ βουλήσει PTeb.44.34

    (ii B. C.): abs., correspondent, Lys.21.10;

    τἆλλα πάντα τὰ ἀ. Hyp.Eux.25


    λόγους πράξεις ἀ. Epicur.Sent.25

    ; consistent with one another, X.An. 2.4.19. Adv. - θως in accordance with,

    τοῖς νόμοις D.44.67


    ἀ. τῇ φύσει ζῆν Chrysipp.Stoic.3.4

    , cf. Phld.Piet. 100, D.S.4.17: abs., consistently, Metrod.Fr.17, Aristid.2.28 J., Plot.4.3.20.
    4 in accordance with nature, Zeno Stoic.1.55.
    5 Gramm., analogical, A.D.Pron.11.21, al. Adv.- θως analogically, Id.Synt.159.6.
    6 in Logic, consequent, περὶ ἀκολούθων, title of work by Chrysipp.. Stoic. 2.5, cf. 69; τοῦτο γὰρ ἀ. that follows, Phld.Ir.p.84 W.—Used once by S. l.c.; otherwise only in Com. and Prose.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἀκόλουθος

  • 70 overeenkomstig

    [gelijkenis vertonend] similar, corresponding
    [niet strijdig] consonant, harmonious consistent, bijwoord accordingly
    1   een overeenkomstig geval a similar case
         overeenkomstig stijgen van prijzen rise correspondingly
    2   dit beleid is overeenkomstig met het regeerakkoord this policy is consistent with the parliamentary agreement
    in accordance with, according to
    1   overeenkomstig de instructies as per instructions
         overeenkomstig de verwachtingen in line with expectations
         overeenkomstig de wet in accordance/in keeping with the law

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > overeenkomstig

  • 71 מדה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מדה

  • 72 מידה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מידה

  • 73 מִדָּה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מִדָּה

  • 74 מִידָּה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מִידָּה

  • 75 не расходиться с

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не расходиться с

  • 76 согласующийся

    1) General subject: concordant, consentient, consistent (it is not consistent with what you said before - это противоречит вашим прежним словам)
    2) Geology: conformable
    3) Mathematics: ( is) in agreement, agreeing, agreeing with, compatible, congruent, fitted, in conformity, matched, matching
    4) Information technology: compliant
    5) Makarov: conforming
    6) Gold mining: in accordance with

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > согласующийся

  • 77 предположение

    (= гипотеза) supposition, hypothesis, suggestion, assumption, premise, conjecture, presumption, guess, proposal
    Будем отыскивать противоречие с предположением, что... - We shall seek a contradiction to the assumption that...
    Было сделано предположение, что... - It was assumed that...
    В (1) неявно принимается предположение, что... - Implicit in (1) is the assumption that...
    В данном параграфе делаются следующие предположения:... - In this section the following assumptions are made: (i)...
    В данном подходе имеется неявное предположение, что... - Implicit in this viewpoint is the assumption that...
    В этой модели делается неявное предположение, что... - Implicit in this model is the assumption that...
    Возможно, это разумное предположение, что... - It is probably a reasonable assumption that...
    Все эти исследования основываются на одном и том же предположении. - All these studies rest on the same assumption.
    Данное доказательство существенно опирается на наше предположение о том, что... - The proof rests fundamentally on our assumption that...
    Данный результат объясняется и качественно, и количественно предположением, что... - This result is both qualitatively and quantitatively explained by the assumption that...
    Джонс делает предположение, что... - Jones makes the assumption that...
    До сих пор мы не делали предположений относительно... - So far we have made no assumptions regarding...
    Другое рабочее предположение состоит в том, что... - Another working assumption is that...
    Если это предположение неверно, то... - If this assumption is wrong, then...
    Затем, согласно предположению,... - Then, by hypothesis,...
    Здесь мы уже сделали два важных предположения. - Here we have made two important assumptions.
    Имеется несколько причин, по. которым в этом предположении следует усомниться. - There are several reasons why this assumption should be questioned.
    Интересно предположение, действительно ли... - It is interesting to speculate whether...
    Исходя из ошибочного предположения, что... - On the mistaken assumption that...
    Каждая из этих теорий включает в себя предположения относительно... - Each of these theories involves assumptions about...
    Можно было бы попытаться объяснить этот эффект предположением, что... - One could try to explain this effect by assuming that...
    Мы будем придерживаться нашего начального предположения, что... - We shall maintain our initial assumption that...
    Мы делаем обычное предположение, что... - We make the usual assumption that...
    Мы делаем это в предположении, что... - We do this on the assumption that...
    Мы докажем эту теорему при дополнительном предположении, что... - We prove this theorem subject to the extra assumption that...
    Мы исходим из предположения... - We proceed from the assumption that...; We operate on the premise that...
    Наиболее просто это было объяснено предположением, что... - This was most simply explained by the supposition that...
    Напоминаем, что по отношению... не было введено никаких предположений. - Recall that no assumptions have been made with regard to...
    Наши рассуждения в предыдущем параграфе могли бы привести нас к предположению, что... - Our work in the previous section might lead us to suspect that...
    Нашим начальным предположением было то, что... - Our initial assumption was that...
    Необходимо сделать некоторое предположение относительно... - It is necessary to make some assumption regarding...
    Неявно в этом предположении содержится... - Implicit in this assumption is that...
    Обоснование данного предположения затрагивает теорию... - The justification of this assumption involves the theory of...
    Обоснование для этих предположений находится единственно в... - The justification of these assumptions lies solely in...
    Однако мы никогда не вводили никаких предположений относительно... - At no time, however, have we made any assumptions regarding...
    Однако не менее важным является предположение, что... - Equally important, however, is the assumption that...
    Они были выведены в предположении, что... - These were derived on the assumption that...
    Они ввели простое предположение, что... - They made the simple assumption that...
    Относительно... здесь не делается никаких предположений. - No assumption is made here about...
    Предыдущее уравнение базируется на предположении... - The above equation is based on the assumption that...
    Предыдущие рассуждения базируются на предположении... - The foregoing arguments rely on the assumption that...
    Предыдущие результаты были получены в рамках предположения... - The above results have been obtained under the assumption of...
    При более слабых предположениях о регулярности начальных данных... - Under weaker regularity assumptions on initial data...
    При этих предположениях относительно к мы получаем... - Under the assumptions made on к, we get...
    Простейшее разумное предположение состоит в том, что... - The simplest reasonable assumption is that...
    Распространенной ошибкой является предположение, что... - It is a common error to suppose that...
    Следовательно, мы выдвигаем предположение, что... - We therefore conjecture that...
    Справедливость данного предположения будет рассмотрена позднее, когда... - The validity of this assumption will be considered further when...
    Теперь мы исключим предположение, что... - We now remove the assumption that...
    Теперь это предположение доказано, так как... - This assumption has now been justified, since...
    Тест основывается на предположении о том, что... - The test rests on the assumption that...
    Хотя такое предположение кажется правдоподобным,... - Although such an assumption seems plausible,...
    Чтобы доказать это утверждение, мы сделаем упрощающее предположение, что... - То prove this statement, we make the simplifying assumption that...
    Чтобы избежать неуместных усложнений, мы сделаем упрощающее предположение, что... - То avoid undue complication we make the simplifying assumption that...
    Эти результаты согласуются с предположением, что... - These results are consistent with the assumption that...
    Это очень грубое предположение влечет за собой... - This very crude assumption yields...
    Это предположение игнорирует тот факт, что... - The assumption ignores the fact that...
    Это предположение согласуется с... - The assumption is consistent with...
    Это противоречит предположению, что... - This is contrary to the hypothesis that...
    Это противоречит широко используемому предположению, что... - This is contrary to the widely used assumption that...
    Это решение основано/основывается на предположении, что... - This solution is based on the assumption that...
    Это является следствием предположения относительно существования... - This is a consequence of assuming the existence of...
    Этот результат не зависит ни от каких предположений относительно... - This result is independent of any assumption about...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > предположение

  • 78 zgodny

    ( niekłótliwy) agreeable; ( jednomyślny) unanimous; ( pasujący) compatible ( niesprzeczny)
    * * *
    1. (= skłonny do zgody) agreeable, accommodating, peaceful.
    2. (= jednomyślny) unanimous, concordant; zgodne działanie concerted action.
    3. (= dostosowany, dający się pogodzić) compatible ( z czymś with sth).
    4. (= niesprzeczny) consistent ( z czymś with sth); zgodny z prawem legal.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > zgodny

  • 79 πράσσω

    πράσσω impf. ἔπρασσον; fut. πράξω; 1 aor. ἔπραξα; pf. πέπραχα. Pass.: 1 aor. ἐπράχθην; pf. ptc. πεπραγμένος (Hom.+ [the Attic form πράττω Ac 17:7 v.l.; 19:36 v.l.; Col 4:9 v.l., cp. Gignac I 151; for ins Threatte II 650f]; ins, pap, LXX, EpArist, Philo, Joseph., Test12Patr; Just., D. 35, 7 opp. λόγος).
    to bring about or accomplish someth. through activity, trans.
    do, accomplish (oft. used without distinction betw. itself and ποιεῖν, as Diod S 16, 27, 1 ἔξεστιν αὐτῷ πράττειν ὸ̔ βούλεται. Cp. Ro 1:32; 2:3; IMg 7:1). τὶ someth. προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς … τί μέλλετε πράσσειν Ac 5:35; πάντα πρ. IMg 4; 6:1; cp. 7:1; ITr 2:2 al. πρᾶξιν πράσσειν (s. also farther below) do a deed, do someth. Hs 5, 2, 11; τὰ πνευματικὰ πρ. do spiritual things IEph 8:2a. ἄξια τῆς μετανοίας ἔργα πρ. do deeds that are consistent with repentance, act in a manner consistent etc. Ac 26:20. τὴν δικαιοσύνην 2 Cl 19:3 (cp. Xenophanes 1, 16 Diehl2 τὰ δίκαια πρήσσειν). εἴτε ἀγαθὸν εἴτε φαῦλον 2 Cor 5:10; cp. Ro 9:11.—1 Cor 9:17; Eph 6:21; Phil 4:9.—Pass. οὐ γάρ ἐστιν ἐν γωνίᾳ πεπραγμένον τοῦτο Ac 26:26.—Mostly of actions that are not praiseworthy (TestAbr B 10 p. 115, 8 [Stone p. 78] εἴ τι ἔπραξεν ἐκ νεότητος αὐτῆς; ApcEsdr 4:24 μικρὸν θέλημα πράξας) do, commit τὶ someth. Lk 22:23; 23:41a; Ro 1:32ab; 2:1–3; 7:15; 2 Cor 12:21 (ᾗ by attraction for ἥν); Gal 5:21; 1 Cl 35:6; 2 Cl 4:5; 10:5; Hm 3:3; D 1:5 (περὶ ὧν = περὶ τούτων ἅ). τὸ ἔργον τοῦτο πρ. 1 Cor 5:2 (Herodas 3, 62; cp. 82 ἔργα πράσσειν=commit evil deeds; τὸ ἔργον πρ. as Jos., Vi. 47). τὴν πολυτέλειαν τῶν ἐθνῶν πρ. Hs 1:10; ἄτοπον τι πρ. Lk 23:41b (ἄτοπος 2). (τὸ) κακόν (Pr 13:10 κακά; Jos., Ant. 19, 193) Ro 7:19; 13:4. τὸ πονηρόν Hm 10, 2, 4. πονηρά 2 Cl 8:2; 19:2. πονηρὰ ἔργα Hs 6, 3, 5; cp. 6. πονηρίαν 8, 8, 2. προπετές τι Ac 19:36. (τὰ) φαῦλα J 3:20; 5:29. πρᾶξιν πράσσειν commit a(n evil) deed (πρᾶξις 4b) Hm 4, 2, 2; 10, 2, 3 (ᾗ by attraction for ἥν); pl. Hs 8, 9, 4; 8, 10, 4. ἄλλα τινὰ πράσσοντες ἀνάξια θεοῦ while doing certain other things unworthy of God IEph 7:1. ἄξιον θανάτου πράσσειν τι do someth. worthy of death Ac 25:11, 25; 26:31; pass. οὐδὲν ἄξιον θανάτου ἐστὶν πεπραγμένον αὐτῷ (by him, B-D-F §191; Rob. 534; cp. Demosth. 29, 1 τὰ τούτῳ πεπραγμένα; Diod S 17, 1, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 44 §180 τὰ Καίσαρι πεπραγμένα; Chariton 2, 5, 8 πέπρακταί σοί τι δεινόν=a terrible deed has been committed by you; Syntipas p. 17, 1 τὰ πραχθέντα μοι; PTebt 23, 8 [119 or 114 B.C.] πέπρακταί σοι; Jos., Ant. 14, 161 τὰ Ἡρῴδῃ πεπραγμένα; Ath. 20, 2 τὰ πραχθέντα αὐτοῖς. Other exx. in Mlt-H. 459; Schmid IV 612) Lk 23:15. πρὸς τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ πολλὰ ἐναντία πρᾶξαι Ac 26:9 (ἐναντία πρ. as X., Cyr. 8, 7, 24). μηδὲν πράξῃς σεαυτῷ κακόν do yourself no harm 16:28.—Ign. is fond of combinations w. κατά and the acc. μηδὲν κατʼ ἐριθείαν πρ. IPhld 8:2; κατὰ θεόν τι πρ. 4; κατὰ σάρκα τι πρ. do someth. in the (physical) body IEph 8:2b; likew. 16:2 do someth. that involves the physical i.e. in contrast to corruption of the gospel, as false teachers do.—More in the sense practice, busy oneself with, mind τὶ someth. τὰ περίεργα magic Ac 19:19. τὰ ἴδια one’s own affairs 1 Th 4:11 (ἴδιος 4b and Soph., El. 678 σὺ μὲν τὰ σαυτῆς πρᾶσσε; X., Mem. 2, 9, 1 τὰ ἑαυτοῦ πρ.). τὰ πολλὰ πρ. busy oneself with many things Hs 4:5; νόμον πρ. observe the law Ro 2:25.
    collect taxes, duties, interest (Hdt. et al.; Theophr., Char. 6, 10; ins, pap, LXX; Jos., Ant. 9, 233 al.) τὶ someth. Lk 19:23. W. connotation in the direction of ‘extort’ 3:13 (cp. OGI 519, 22 τὰ μὴ ὀφειλόμενα αὐτοῖς παραπράσσουσιν).
    to engage in activity or behave in a certain way, intr. act, behave κατὰ ἄγνοιαν πρ. Ac 3:17; ἀπέναντι τῶν δογμάτων πρ. act contrary to the decrees 17:7 (opp. εὖ πράσσειν); καθὰ πράσσομεν in our actions IMg 10:1. εὖ πράσσειν act rightly, do well (Just., A I, 28, 3 [-ττ-]; cp. POxy 1067, 3 [III A.D.] καλῶς πρ. and Appian, Hann. 2, §3 πρ. κακῶς) IEph 4:2; ISm 11:3; prob. also Ac 15:29 because of the focus on performance of decretal specifications (cp. the formulation εὖ ποίησετε … ἀποδεχάμενα IMagnMai 91d, 8–10; Danker, Benefactor 311f; s. εὖ and 3 below).
    to experience what is going on, be, be situated, intr. (Pind., Hdt.; pap) εὖ πρ. be well off (s. εὖ 1) so perh. Ac 15:29 (cp. POxy 120, 27 [IV A.D.]; s. 2 above; w. either interp. there is envisaged a positive effect on the beneficiaries resulting from their compliance). ἵνα εἰδῆτε … τί πράσσω in order that you may know … how (lit. ‘in respect to what’) I am getting along Eph 6:21 (Soph., Oed. R. 74 τί πράσσει; Pla., Tht. 174b; BGU 93, 32 δήλωσόν μοι, τί ἔπραξας; 821, 8; Jos., Ant. 6, 176; 19, 239).—B. 537f. DELG. Schmidt, Syn. I 397–423. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πράσσω

  • 80 yhdenmukainen

    yks.nom. yhdenmukainen; yks.gen. yhdenmukaisen; yks.part. yhdenmukaista; yks.ill. yhdenmukaiseen; mon.gen. yhdenmukaisten yhdenmukaisien; mon.part. yhdenmukaisia; mon.ill. yhdenmukaisiin
    analogous (adje)
    analoguous (adje)
    congruent (adje)
    consistent (adje)
    equable (adje)
    even (adje)
    flat (adje)
    identical (adje)
    symmetric (adje)
    symmetrical (adje)
    uniform (adje)
    * * *
    • consistent with
    • homogeneous
    • uniform
    • symmetrical
    • symmetric
    • similar
    • homogenous
    • flat
    • even
    • equable
    • consistent
    • congruent
    • analog
    • analogous
    • identical

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > yhdenmukainen

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Consistent — Con*sist ent, a. [L. consistens, p. pr.: cf. F. consistant.] 1. Possessing firmness or fixedness; firm; hard; solid. [1913 Webster] The humoral and consistent parts of the body. Harvey. [1913 Webster] 2. Having agreement with itself or with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • consistent — [kən sis′tənt] adj. [L consistens, prp. of consistere: see CONSIST] 1. Rare holding together; firm; solid [consistent soil] 2. in agreement or harmony; in accord; compatible [deeds not consistent with his words] 3. holding always to the same… …   English World dictionary

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