1 centigrade
'sentiɡreid((often abbreviated to C when written) as measured on a centigrade thermometer: twenty degrees centigrade; 20°C.) celsiusIsubst. \/ˈsentɪɡreɪd\/( også centigrade scale) celsiustermometerIIadj. \/ˈsentɪɡreɪd\/celsius- -
2 centigrade thermometer
(a thermometer which shows the temperature at which water freezes as 0°, and that at which it boils as 100°.) celsiustermometer -
3 C
( written abbreviation) (Celsius or centigrade: 20°C (= twenty degrees Celsius/centigrade).) C (celsius)I1) ( bokstaven) C, c2) nummer tre, forklaring: den tredje i en rekke3) ( skolevesen) forklaring: tredje beste karakterIIsubst. \/siː\/ ( musikk) CC flat cessC major C-durC minor c-mollC sharp cissIIIeller C.forkortelse for Cape (på kart), Carbon (kjemi), Catholic, Celcius, City (i navn på sportsklubber), Conservative, copyright -
4 c
( written abbreviation) (Celsius or centigrade: 20°C (= twenty degrees Celsius/centigrade).) C (celsius)Ieller c.forkortelse for caught by (i cricket e.l.), cent(s), centi-, centuries, century, chapter, cirka (foran dato), cocaine (slang), cold (på vannkran), colt, coulomb (fysikk)IIse ➢ C -
5 Celsius
'selsiəs((often abbreviated to C when written) centigrade: twenty degrees Celsius; 20°C.) celsiussubst. \/ˌselsjəs\/( også Celsius scale) Celsiusskala -
6 cent.
forkortelse for centigrade, central, century -
7 scale
I skeil noun1) (a set of regularly spaced marks made on something (eg a thermometer or a ruler) for use as a measure; a system of numbers, measurement etc: This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and one in Centigrade.) skala2) (a series or system of items of increasing or decreasing size, value etc: a wage/salary scale.) (lønns)stige, -skala3) (in music, a group of notes going up or down in order: The boy practised his scales on the piano.) skala, oktav4) (the size of measurements on a map etc compared with the real size of the country etc shown by it: In a map drawn to the scale 1:50,000, one centimetre represents half a kilometre.) målestokk5) (the size of an activity: These guns are being manufactured on a large scale.) (i stor) målestokk/skalaII skeil verb(to climb (a ladder, cliff etc): The prisoner scaled the prison walls and escaped.) klatre opp/over, bestigeIII skeil noun(any of the small thin plates or flakes that cover the skin of fishes, reptiles etc: A herring's scales are silver in colour.) skjell- scalymåle--------målestokk--------skala--------skjellIsubst. \/skeɪl\/1) ( også overført) vektskål2) ( også scales) vekthold the scales even være en upartisk dommerin the scale på spillthrow into the scales legge i vektskålenturn the scale(s) eller tip the scales være tungen på vektskålen, gjøre utslaget, være utslagsgivendeveieIIsubst. \/skeɪl\/1) skala, målestokk2) ( gradert system) skala, trinn, regulativ, tariff3) ( musikk) toneskala, skala4) ( gammeldags) stige, trapp, rangstige (overført)be high in the social scale stå høyt på den sosiale rangstigeon a large scale i stor målestokkon the scale of i målestokk, i skala• this map is on the scale of 1 to 50,000dette kartet er i målestokk 1: 50 000out of scale uproporsjonaltpractise scales øve (seg på) skalaenrun up the scale spille en oktavsink in the social scale synke på de sosiale rangstigeto scale skalatro, i riktig målestokkIIIsubst. \/skeɪl\/1) skjell2) flak, (tynn) skive, blad (av metall e.l.)3) tynt skall, belegg4) ( teknikk) slagg, glødeskall5) ( også boiler scale) kjelestein6) tannstein7) ( også scale insect) forklaring: en av flere arter i insektunderordenen plantesugere, Homoptera, særlig i overfamilien skjoldlus, Coccidaeremove the scales from someone's eyes åpne noens øyne, fjerne skjellene fra noens øynethe scales fell from someone's eyes ( om å forstå eller bli bevisst noe) skjell falt fra noens øyne• when I heard what she had to say, scales fell from my eyesda jeg hørte hva hun hadde å si, falt skjell fra mine øyneIVverb \/skeɪl\/veie, måleVverb \/skeɪl\/1) bestige, klatre opp langs, klatre opp i, klatre opp på, storme2) ( militærvesen) storme3) gradere, tegne i riktig målestokk, ordne etter en skala4) ha samme skala, ha samme målestokk5) ( EDB) skalerescale down nedjustere, sette gradvis ned ( om tegning e.l.) forminske (proporsjonalt) ( overført) trappe nedscale new heights nå nye høyderscale something back redusere noescale up oppjustere, sette gradvis opp ( om tegning e.l.) forstørre (proporsjonalt) ( overført) trappe oppVIverb \/skeɪl\/1) skrape skjell av2) falle av (som skjell), flasse, smuldre i flak3) dekkes av skjell4) ( om fyrkjele) banke kjelestein av, rense5) ( om tannstein) skrape bort, rense6) (amer.) kaste smutt med -
8 freezing-point
noun (the temperature at which a liquid becomes solid: The freezing-point of water is 0° centigrade.) frysepunkt -
9 melting-point
noun (the temperature at which a given solid melts: The melting-point of ice is 0° centigrade.) smeltepunkt
См. также в других словарях:
centigrade — [ sɑ̃tigrad ] adj. et n. m. • 1811; de centi et grade ♦ Vieilli Divisé en cent degrés. Thermomètre centigrade. Degré centigrade, ou n. m. un centigrade : degré de l échelle centésimale. ● centigrade nom masculin Centième partie du grade, unité d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Centigrade — Cen ti*grade, a. [L. centum a hundred + gradus degree: cf. F. centigrade.] Consisting of a hundred degrees; graduated into a hundred divisions or equal parts. Specifically: Of or pertaining to the centigrade thermometer; as, 10[deg] centigrade… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
centigrade — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of or denoting the Celsius scale of temperature, with a hundred degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water. USAGE On using centigrade or Celsius, see the note at CELSIUS(Cf. ↑Celsius). ORIGIN from Latin centum a… … English terms dictionary
centigrade — 1812, coined from CENTI (Cf. centi ) hundred + L. gradus degree (see GRADE (Cf. grade)) … Etymology dictionary
centigrade — see Celsius … Modern English usage
centigrade — [sen′tə grād΄] adj. [Fr: see CENTI & GRADE] 1. consisting of or divided into 100 degrees 2. CELSIUS: the preferred term in English until the adoption of Celsius in 1948 by an international conference on weights and measures: abbrev. C … English World dictionary
centigrade — [[t]se̱ntɪgreɪd[/t]] ADJ: usu n/num ADJ Centigrade is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. It is represented by the symbol °C. ...daytime temperatures of up to forty degrees centigrade.… … English dictionary
Centigrade — Thermometer scale in which the freezing point of water is 0°C and the boiling point of water at sea level is 100°C. The Centigrade scale is used around most of the world to indicate the temperature on a thermometer while the Fahrenheit scale is… … Medical dictionary
centigrade — (san ti gra d ) adj. Divisé en cent degrés. Thermomètre centigrade, thermomètre dont l échelle au dessus de zéro est divisée en cent degrés. ÉTYMOLOGIE Mot latin hypothétique centigradus, de centum, et gradus (voy. grade), degré. SUPPLÉMENT AU … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Centigrade — /ˈsɛntəgreɪd/ (say sentuhgrayd) noun 1. (lower case) a non SI unit of plane angle, equal to 0.01 of a grade (def. 4) or 10 4 of a right angle. –adjective 2. Obsolete Celsius: degree Centigrade; the Centigrade temperature scale. Symbol: C {French …
centigrade — adjective Etymology: French, from Latin centi hundred + French grade Date: 1801 relating to, conforming to, or having a thermometric scale on which the interval between the freezing point of water and the boiling point of water is divided into… … New Collegiate Dictionary