1 centigrade
2 centigrade
'sentiɡreid((often abbreviated to C when written) as measured on a centigrade thermometer: twenty degrees centigrade; 20°C.) centígradocentigrade n centígradotr['sentɪgreɪd]1 centígrado,-acentigrade ['sɛntə.greɪd, 'sɑn-] adj: centígradoadj.• centígrado (Unidades) adj.• grado centígrado (Unidades) adj.'sentɪgreɪdadjective centígrado['sentɪɡreɪd]ADJ centígrado* * *['sentɪgreɪd]adjective centígrado -
3 centigrade
4 centigrade
English-Spanish architecture and construction dictionary > centigrade
5 centigrade
6 centigrade
adj.centígrado(a).s.1 centígrado.2 Celsius. -
7 centigrade thermometer
(a thermometer which shows the temperature at which water freezes as 0°, and that at which it boils as 100°.) termómetro centígrado -
8 centigrade scale
1) escala Celsius f2) escala centígrada fEnglish-Spanish architecture and construction dictionary > centigrade scale
9 centigrade degree
s.grado celsius, grado centígrado. -
10 centigrade scale
s.escala centígrada. -
11 centigrade thermometer
s.termómetro centígrado. -
12 centigrade thermometer
English-Spanish mathematics dictionary > centigrade thermometer
13 C
( written abbreviation) (Celsius or centigrade: 20°C (= twenty degrees Celsius/centigrade).) centígrado
C sustantivo masculino (centígrado or Celsius) C, Centigrade, Celsius C,
C, c sustantivo femenino (letra) C, c 'C' also found in these entries: Spanish: a. C. - c.c. - chaquetón - concreta - concreto - d. C - do - hacer - nota - sesear - seseo - a. de C. - ándele - arrumbar - c/ - cámara - cañón - casa - caudillo - ce - cenicienta - cercano - ciencia - círculo - ciudad - colegio - comisión - comunidad - congreso - cono - conquista - consejo - correo - corte - creación - creador - cruz - cta. - curso - C.V. - d. de C. - s. English: ad - BC - C - Co - district - limited - macaroni - maccaroni - Rd - St - vacant - abdication - abomination - absence - abuse - a/c - A/C - acceptance - accession - accident - accommodation - accompaniment - accomplishment - accord - achievement - acid - acquaintance - acquisition - acrylic - action - activity - AD - adaptation - addiction - addition - address - adjournment - adjustment - administration - admission - adoption - advance - advantage - adversity - affinity - affliction - age - agent - aggression - agonyctr['kɒpɪraɪt]————————ctr['sɜːkə]1 ( circa) hacia; (abbreviation) h————————ctr[sent]1 ( cent) céntimoC (note)n.• do (Música) s.m.
c siː nouna) ( letter) C, c f
(= Celsius or centigrade) C20°C — 20°C
[siː]N1) (=letter) C, c f2) (Mus)C — do m
C major/minor — do mayor/menor
C sharp/flat — do sostenido/bemol
ABBR1) (Literat)= chapter cap., c., c/2) (Geog)= Cape3) = Celsius, Centigrade C4) (Pol)= Conservative
ABBR1) (US)(Econ) = cent c2) = century S.3) = circa (=about) h.4) (Math)= cubic5) = carat qts., quil.* * *
c [siː] nouna) ( letter) C, c f
(= Celsius or centigrade) C20°C — 20°C
14 c
( written abbreviation) (Celsius or centigrade: 20°C (= twenty degrees Celsius/centigrade).) centígrado
C sustantivo masculino (centígrado or Celsius) C, Centigrade, Celsius C,
C, c sustantivo femenino (letra) C, c 'C' also found in these entries: Spanish: a. C. - c.c. - chaquetón - concreta - concreto - d. C - do - hacer - nota - sesear - seseo - a. de C. - ándele - arrumbar - c/ - cámara - cañón - casa - caudillo - ce - cenicienta - cercano - ciencia - círculo - ciudad - colegio - comisión - comunidad - congreso - cono - conquista - consejo - correo - corte - creación - creador - cruz - cta. - curso - C.V. - d. de C. - s. English: ad - BC - C - Co - district - limited - macaroni - maccaroni - Rd - St - vacant - abdication - abomination - absence - abuse - a/c - A/C - acceptance - accession - accident - accommodation - accompaniment - accomplishment - accord - achievement - acid - acquaintance - acquisition - acrylic - action - activity - AD - adaptation - addiction - addition - address - adjournment - adjustment - administration - admission - adoption - advance - advantage - adversity - affinity - affliction - age - agent - aggression - agonyctr['kɒpɪraɪt]————————ctr['sɜːkə]1 ( circa) hacia; (abbreviation) h————————ctr[sent]1 ( cent) céntimoC (note)n.• do (Música) s.m.
c siː nouna) ( letter) C, c f
(= Celsius or centigrade) C20°C — 20°C
[siː]N1) (=letter) C, c f2) (Mus)C — do m
C major/minor — do mayor/menor
C sharp/flat — do sostenido/bemol
ABBR1) (Literat)= chapter cap., c., c/2) (Geog)= Cape3) = Celsius, Centigrade C4) (Pol)= Conservative
ABBR1) (US)(Econ) = cent c2) = century S.3) = circa (=about) h.4) (Math)= cubic5) = carat qts., quil.* * *
c [siː] nouna) ( letter) C, c f
(= Celsius or centigrade) C20°C — 20°C
15 centígrado
◊ -da adjetivocentigrade, Celsius
centígrado,-a adjetivo centigrade: está a 40 grados centígrados, it is forty degrees centigrade ' centígrado' also found in these entries: Spanish: centígrada - C - grado English: centigrade -
16 translate
træns'leit(to put (something said or written) into another language: He translated the book from French into English.) traducir- translator
translate vb traducirtr[træns'leɪt]■ how do you translate "watch"? ¿cómo se traduce "watch"?2 (express, explain) expresar3 (transform) transformar1 (person) traducir; (word, book, etc) traducirsev.• traducir v.• trasladar v.• verter v.træns'leɪt
a) \<\<word/sentence/book\>\> traducir*to translate something (FROM something) INTO something: translate the text from Spanish into French — traduzca el texto del español al francés
b) ( convert)to translate something INTO something: translated into centigrade this is 42 degrees (expresado) en grados centígrados son 42 grados; to translate ideas into action — llevar ideas a la práctica
vi ( Ling) \<\<person\>\> traducir*; \<\<word\>\> traducirse*[trænz'leɪt]the word translates as `love' in English — esta palabra se traduce por `love' en inglés
1. VThow do you translate "posh"? — ¿cómo se traduce "posh"?
2) (=convert)3) (=transfer) (esp Rel) trasladar ( from de) (to a)2.VI [person] traducir; [word, expression] traducirse* * *[træns'leɪt]
a) \<\<word/sentence/book\>\> traducir*to translate something (FROM something) INTO something: translate the text from Spanish into French — traduzca el texto del español al francés
b) ( convert)to translate something INTO something: translated into centigrade this is 42 degrees (expresado) en grados centígrados son 42 grados; to translate ideas into action — llevar ideas a la práctica
vi ( Ling) \<\<person\>\> traducir*; \<\<word\>\> traducirse*the word translates as `love' in English — esta palabra se traduce por `love' en inglés
17 zero
'ziərəuplural - zeros; noun1) (nought; the number or figure 0: Three plus zero equals three; The figure 100 has two zeros in it.) cero2) (the point on a scale (eg on a thermometer) which is taken as the standard on which measurements may be based: The temperature was 5 degrees above/below zero.) cero3) (the exact time fixed for something to happen, eg an explosion, the launching of a spacecraft etc: It is now 3 minutes to zero.) hora cerozero n cerotr['zɪərəʊ]1 cerozero ['zi:ro, 'zɪro] vito zero in on : apuntar hacia, centrarse en (un problema, etc.)zero adj: cero, nulozero degrees: cero gradoszero opportunities: oportunidades nulasbelow zero: bajo ceron.• cero (Matemática) s.m.
I 'zɪrəʊ, 'ziː-, 'zɪərəʊa) ( number) cero myour chances of winning are zero — no tienes ninguna posibilidad de ganar, tus posibilidades de ganar son nulas; (before n)
b) ( person) (AmE colloq)
a) cero adj invzero gravity/visibility — gravedad f/visibilidad f nula
b) (colloq)Phrasal Verbs:['zɪǝrǝʊ]1.N(pl zeros or zeroes) cero mabsolute zero — cero m absoluto
5 o below zero — 5 grados bajo cero
2.CPD [altitude] cero; [interest, hope] * nulozero emissions NPL —
zero gravity N — gravedad f nula
zero growth N — crecimiento m cero
zero option N — opción f cero
zero rating N — tasa f cero
zero tolerance N —
a policy of zero tolerance — una política de mano dura (en el mantenimiento del orden público)
* * *
I ['zɪrəʊ, 'ziː-, 'zɪərəʊ]a) ( number) cero myour chances of winning are zero — no tienes ninguna posibilidad de ganar, tus posibilidades de ganar son nulas; (before n)
b) ( person) (AmE colloq)
a) cero adj invzero gravity/visibility — gravedad f/visibilidad f nula
b) (colloq)Phrasal Verbs: -
18 centígrada
centígrado,-a adjetivo centigrade: está a 40 grados centígrados, it is forty degrees centigrade ' centígrada' also found in these entries: Spanish: escala -
19 Celsius
'selsiəs((often abbreviated to C when written) centigrade: twenty degrees Celsius; 20°C.) Celsiustr['selsɪəs]1 CelsioCelsius ['sɛlsiəs] adj: centígrado100 degrees Celsius: 100 grados centígrados'selsiəs20 degrees Celsius — 20 grados centígrados or Celsio(s)
['selsɪǝs]ADJ celsius, centígrado* * *['selsiəs]20 degrees Celsius — 20 grados centígrados or Celsio(s)
20 cent.
ABBR1) = centigrade C2) = central3) = century s
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
centigrade — [ sɑ̃tigrad ] adj. et n. m. • 1811; de centi et grade ♦ Vieilli Divisé en cent degrés. Thermomètre centigrade. Degré centigrade, ou n. m. un centigrade : degré de l échelle centésimale. ● centigrade nom masculin Centième partie du grade, unité d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Centigrade — Cen ti*grade, a. [L. centum a hundred + gradus degree: cf. F. centigrade.] Consisting of a hundred degrees; graduated into a hundred divisions or equal parts. Specifically: Of or pertaining to the centigrade thermometer; as, 10[deg] centigrade… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
centigrade — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of or denoting the Celsius scale of temperature, with a hundred degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water. USAGE On using centigrade or Celsius, see the note at CELSIUS(Cf. ↑Celsius). ORIGIN from Latin centum a… … English terms dictionary
centigrade — 1812, coined from CENTI (Cf. centi ) hundred + L. gradus degree (see GRADE (Cf. grade)) … Etymology dictionary
centigrade — see Celsius … Modern English usage
centigrade — [sen′tə grād΄] adj. [Fr: see CENTI & GRADE] 1. consisting of or divided into 100 degrees 2. CELSIUS: the preferred term in English until the adoption of Celsius in 1948 by an international conference on weights and measures: abbrev. C … English World dictionary
centigrade — [[t]se̱ntɪgreɪd[/t]] ADJ: usu n/num ADJ Centigrade is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. It is represented by the symbol °C. ...daytime temperatures of up to forty degrees centigrade.… … English dictionary
Centigrade — Thermometer scale in which the freezing point of water is 0°C and the boiling point of water at sea level is 100°C. The Centigrade scale is used around most of the world to indicate the temperature on a thermometer while the Fahrenheit scale is… … Medical dictionary
centigrade — (san ti gra d ) adj. Divisé en cent degrés. Thermomètre centigrade, thermomètre dont l échelle au dessus de zéro est divisée en cent degrés. ÉTYMOLOGIE Mot latin hypothétique centigradus, de centum, et gradus (voy. grade), degré. SUPPLÉMENT AU … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Centigrade — /ˈsɛntəgreɪd/ (say sentuhgrayd) noun 1. (lower case) a non SI unit of plane angle, equal to 0.01 of a grade (def. 4) or 10 4 of a right angle. –adjective 2. Obsolete Celsius: degree Centigrade; the Centigrade temperature scale. Symbol: C {French …
centigrade — adjective Etymology: French, from Latin centi hundred + French grade Date: 1801 relating to, conforming to, or having a thermometric scale on which the interval between the freezing point of water and the boiling point of water is divided into… … New Collegiate Dictionary