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  • yet — /jɛt / (say yet) adverb 1. at the present time: don t go yet. 2. up to a particular time, or thus far: he had not yet come. 3. in the time still remaining, or before all is done: there is yet time. 4. now or then as previously; still: he is here… …  

  • YET — (Youth Europe and Theatre) is a multi country theatre exchange project for students between the age of 15 to 18 that started in Noordwijkerhout in the Netherlands. It has had many partners in Greece, Italy and Finland. The project takes place… …   Wikipedia

  • yet — [ jet ] function word *** Yet can be used in the following ways: as an adverb: I haven t seen him yet. Have you had your lunch yet? His latest crime was the worst yet. I have yet to spend summer in the mountains. as a conjunction (connecting two… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • yet and still — 1. These two adverbs used to be more interchangeable than they are now. A sentence such as Mrs. Throckmorton was shot in her apartment last night, and the bullet is in her yet, in which yet denotes continuity of action up to the time in question …   Modern English usage

  • But I'm a Cheerleader — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda But I m a Cheerleader Título But I m a Cheerleader Ficha técnica …   Wikipedia Español

  • But — (b[u^]t), prep., adv. & conj. [OE. bute, buten, AS. b[=u]tan, without, on the outside, except, besides; pref. be + [=u]tan outward, without, fr. [=u]t out. Primarily, b[=u]tan, as well as [=u]t, is an adverb. [root]198. See {By}, {Out}; cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • But and if — But But (b[u^]t), prep., adv. & conj. [OE. bute, buten, AS. b[=u]tan, without, on the outside, except, besides; pref. be + [=u]tan outward, without, fr. [=u]t out. Primarily, b[=u]tan, as well as [=u]t, is an adverb. [root]198. See {By}, {Out};… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • But if — But But (b[u^]t), prep., adv. & conj. [OE. bute, buten, AS. b[=u]tan, without, on the outside, except, besides; pref. be + [=u]tan outward, without, fr. [=u]t out. Primarily, b[=u]tan, as well as [=u]t, is an adverb. [root]198. See {By}, {Out};… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • but — but1 [but; ] unstressed [ bət] prep. [ME < OE butan, buton, without, outside; WGmc comp. < * be , *bi ,BY + * utana, from without: see OUT] 1. with the exception of; excepting; save [nobody came but me ]: earlier, and still sometimes,… …   English World dictionary

  • yet — [yet] adv. [ME yit < OE giet, gieta, akin to OFris ieta] 1. up to now or the time specified; thus far [he hasn t gone yet] 2. at the present time; now [we can t leave just yet] 3. still; even now; in the time still remaining [there is yet a… …   English World dictionary

  • Yet — is a common English word that when used as a conjunction, is equivalent to but or nevertheless .However, used as an adverb, yet defines an action s persistence in time. Perhaps uniquely in English, the word can define an action in the past,… …   Wikipedia

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