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  • 41 संभेदः _sambhēdḥ

    संभेदः 1 Breaking, splitting; becoming loose, falling off; एष सेतुविधरण एषां लोकानामसेभेदाय Bṛi. Up.4.4.22.
    -2 Union, mixture, combination; आलोकतिमिरसंभेदः Māl. 1.11; हर्षोद्वेगसंभेद उपनतः Māl.8.
    -3 Meeting (as of glances).
    -4 Confluence, junction (of two rivers); नूनं प्राप्ताः स्म संभेदं गङ्गायमुनयोर्वयम् Rām.2.54.6; तदुत्तिष्ठ पारा- सिन्धुसंभेदमवगाह्य नगरीमेव प्रविशावः; अयमसौ महानद्योः संभेदः Māl. 4; मधुमतीसिन्धुसंभेदपावनः 9; Ms.8.356.
    -5 Blossoming, opening.
    -6 Uniformity.
    -7 Clenching (the fist); मुष्टेरसंभेद इवापवर्गे Ki.16.2.
    -8 Revolt, treachery; रिपोः प्रजानां संभेदपीडनं स्वजयाय वै Śukra.4.36.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > संभेदः _sambhēdḥ

  • 42 नद्धविमोक्ष

    m. the getting loose orᅠ breaking of a trace GṛS. ;

    deliverance from fastenings orᅠ fetters MW.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > नद्धविमोक्ष

  • 43 भिद्

    1) cl. P. Ā. Dhātup. XIX, 2 bhinátti, bhintte (impf. 2. 3. sg. ábhinat RV. ;

    Subj. bhináadaḥ ib. ;
    Impv. bindhí ib. ;
    binddhi Var. <cf. binddhi-lavaṇā>;
    cl., 1. P. bhédati RV. ;
    Pot. bhideyam AV. ;
    pf. bibhéda RV. ;
    aor., 2. 3. sg. bhét RV. abhaitsīt R. ;
    bhitthās TS. ;
    Prec. bhitsīshṭa Gr.;
    fut. bhetsyáti, - te Br. etc.;
    Cond. abhetsyat Up. ;
    fut. bhettā Gr.;
    inf. bhéttavaí ṠBr. ;
    bhettum ib. etc.;
    ind. p. bhittvā́, - bhidya RV. etc.), to split, cleave, break, cut orᅠ rend asunder, pierce, destroy RV. etc. etc.;
    to pass through (as a planet orᅠ, comet) Hariv. Var. ;
    to disperse (darkness) R. Ṡak. ;
    to transgress, violate, (a compact orᅠ alliance) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    to open, expand MaitrUp. Megh. ;
    to loosen, disentangle, dissolve MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    to disturb, interrupt, stop ib. ;
    to disclose, betray Mn. MBh. etc.;
    to disunite, set at variance ib. ;
    to distinguish, discriminate L.:
    Pass., bhidyáte (ep. alsoᅠ - ti aor. abhedi Br. MBh. etc.;
    pf. bibhide Kālid.), to be split orᅠ broken, burst (intrans.) Br. etc. etc.;
    to be opened (as a closed hand, eyes etc.) Kāv. Pur. ;
    to overflow (as water) R. Hariv. ;
    to be loosened, become loose MuṇḍUp. Kāv. ;
    to be stopped orᅠ interrupted MBh. ;
    to be disclosed orᅠ betrayed Kāv. ;
    to be changed orᅠ altered (in mind), be won over Kāv. Pur. ;
    to be disunited MBh. ;
    to keep aloof from (instr.) ib. ;
    to be distinguished, differ from (abl.) Sāṃkhyak. Kāv. etc.:
    Caus. bhedayati, - te (aor. abībhidat;
    cf. alsoᅠ bhidāpana), to cause to split orᅠ break etc.;
    to split, break, shatter, crush, destroy MBh. Hariv. Hit. ;
    to separate, divide ( seeᅠ bhedita);
    to disunite, set at variance, perplex, unsettle (in opinion), seduce, win over MBh. R.:
    Desid. bíbhitsati, - te, to wish to break through orᅠ disperse orᅠ defeat RV. MBh. (cf. bibhitsā):
    Desid., of Caus. seeᅠ bibhedayishu:
    Intens. bebhidīti orᅠ bebhetti, to cleave repeatedly Bhaṭṭ. ;
    + cf. Lat. findo;
    Germ. beissen;
    Eng. bite
    Kāṭh. ;
    2) mfn. (ifc.) breaking, splitting, piercing, destroying Kāv. Kathās. Pur. (cf. aṡma-, giri-, tamo-, pura-bhid etc.);

    f. a wall (= bhitti) RV. I, 174, 8 ;
    separation, distinction BhP. ;
    a sort, kind, species L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > भिद्

  • 44 व्यूह

    1) m. placing apart, distribution, arrangement R. VarBṛS. etc.;

    orderly arrangement of the parts of a whole (cf. caraṇa-vy-), disposition Nyāyas. ;
    military array, an army, host, squadron (various arrays are daṇḍa-, « staff-like array» ;
    ṡakaṭa-, « cart array» ;
    varāha-, « boar array» ;
    maṇḍala-, « circular array» ;
    ā-saṉhata-, « loose array» ;
    ākheṭa-vyūha, « hunting array» etc.) Mn. VII, 187 MBh. etc.. ;
    shifting, transposition, displacement ṠBr. ṠrS. ;
    separation, resolution (of vowels, syllables etc.) RPrāt. ;
    detailed explanation orᅠ description SaddhP. ;
    a section, division, chapter Sarvad. ;
    form, manifestation (esp. the quadruple manifestation of Purushôttama as Vāsudeva, Saṃkarshaṇa, Pradyumna, andᅠ Aniruddha), appearance (often ifc. after numerals cf. catur-, trir-vy-) MBh. BhP. Sarvad. ;
    formation, structure, manufacture L. ;
    an aggregate, flock, multitude Vās. Ṡatr. ;
    the body W. ;
    breathing Nyāyas. ;
    pārshṇi m. orᅠ f. - pṛishṭha n. the rear of an army L. ;
    - bhaṅga m. - bheda m. the breaking of an array, throwing into, disorder W. ;
    - racanā f. arrangement of troops (- naṉvi-dhā, « to assume a warlike attitude») Pañcat. ;
    √1. - rāja m. the chief orᅠ best form of military array MBh. ;
    -hâ̱ntara m. a different arrangement orᅠ position MW. ;
    2) m. reasoning, logic (= tarka) L. ;

    - mati m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. ;
    - rāja m. a partic. Samādhi SaddhP. ;
    N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib. (- jêndrā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ.)

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > व्यूह

  • 45 सम्भेद

    m. breaking, piercing Suṡr. ;

    becoming loose, falling off ib. ;
    disjunction, division, separation (of friends orᅠ allies), sowing dissension Kām. ;
    a kind, species Cat. ;
    union, junction, mixture Kāv. Sāh. ;
    contact with (comp.) Sāh. ;
    the confluence of two rivers, junction of a river with the sea ṠBr. (cf. á-s-) TS. etc.;
    - vat mfn. come into contact orᅠ collision with (sâ̱rdham) Gīt.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सम्भेद

  • 46 оторваться от

    Оторваться от-- The wire has come loose from the metal end cap, breaking the circuit.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > оторваться от

  • 47 väljetä

    yks.nom. valjeta; yks.gen. valkenen; yks.part. valkeni; yks.ill. valkenisi; mon.gen. valjetkoon; mon.part. valjennut; mon.ill. valjettiin
    break (verb)
    brighten (verb)
    brighten up (verb)
    dawn (verb)
    grow light (verb)
    whiten (verb)
    breaking (adje)
    brightening (adje)
    dawning (adje)
    whitening (adje)
    * * *
    • become loose
    • become loosen
    • become larger
    • widen
    • expand
    • become looser

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > väljetä

  • 48 выбиться

    несовер. - выбиваться; совер. - выбиться
    get out, break out, break loose (from)

    выбиться из сил — to strain oneself to breaking point, to wear oneself out

    - выбиться из сил

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > выбиться

  • 49 отрывать

    1. гл. break off, break away, break loose from; detach, separate

    отрывающий; отделяющийся; отделениеbreaking away

    отрывал; отрывался; оторванныйtaken - off

    взлетающий; отрывающий; отрывblasting off

    отрывать; вырывать, освобождатьtear away

    2. гл. dig, excavate
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. доставать (глаг.) доставать; заполучать; раздобывать; разживаться
    2. находить (глаг.) выискивать; выкапывать; вырывать; находить; откапывать; отыскивать; разыскивать; раскапывать; сыскивать
    3. отвлекать (глаг.) отвлекать
    4. покупать (глаг.) брать; закупать; покупать; приобретать
    5. урывать (глаг.) отхватывать; урывать; ухватывать

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > отрывать

  • 50 Spínola, Antônio de

       Senior army general, hero of Portugal's wars of African insurgency, and first president of the provisional government after the Revolution of 25 April 1974. A career army officer who became involved in politics after a long career of war service and administration overseas, Spinola had a role in the 1974 coup and revolution that was somewhat analogous to that of General Gomes da Costa in the 1926 coup.
       Spinola served in important posts as a volunteer in Portugal's intervention in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), a military observer on the Russian front with the Third Reich's armed forces in World War II, and a top officer in the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR). His chief significance in contemporary affairs, however, came following his military assignments and tours of duty in Portugal's colonial wars in Africa after 1961.
       Spinola fought first in Angola and later in Guinea- Bissau, where, during 1968-73, he was both commanding general of Portugal's forces and high commissioner (administrator of the territory). His Guinean service tour was significant for at least two reasons: Spinola's dynamic influence upon a circle of younger career officers on his staff in Guinea, men who later joined together in the Armed Forces Movement (MFA), and Spinola's experience of failure in winning the Guinea war militarily or finding a political means for compromise or negotiation with the Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), the African insurgent movement that had fought a war with Portugal since 1963, largely in the forested tropical interior of the territory. Spinola became discouraged after failure to win permission to negotiate secretly for a political solution to the war with the PAIGC and was reprimanded by Prime Minister Marcello Caetano.
       After his return—not in triumph—from Guinea in 1973, Spinola was appointed chief of staff of the armed forces, but he resigned in a dispute with the government. With the assistance of younger officers who also had African experience of costly but seemingly endless war, Spinola wrote a book, Portugal and the Future, which was published in February 1974, despite official censorship and red tape. Next to the Bible and editions of Luís de Camoes's The Lusi- ads, Spinola's controversial book was briefly the best-selling work in Portugal's modern age. While not intimately involved with the budding conspiracy among career army majors, captains, and others, Spinola was prepared to head such a movement, and the planners depended on his famous name and position as senior army officer with the right credentials to win over both military and civil opinion when and where it counted.
       When the Revolution of 25 April 1974 succeeded, Spinola was named head of the Junta of National Salvation and eventually provisional president of Portugal. Among the military revolutionaries, though, there was wide disagreement about the precise goals of the revolution and how to achieve them. Spinola's path-breaking book had subtly proposed three new goals: the democratization of authoritarian Portugal, a political solution to the African colonial wars, and liberalization of the economic system. The MFA immediately proclaimed, not coincidentally, the same goals, but without specifying the means to attain them.
       The officers who ran the newly emerging system fell out with Spinola over many issues, but especially over how to decolonize Portugal's besieged empire. Spinola proposed a gradualist policy that featured a free referendum by all colonial voters to decide between a loose federation with Portugal or complete independence. MFA leaders wanted more or less immediate decolonization, a transfer of power to leading African movements, and a pullout of Portugal's nearly 200,000 troops in three colonies. After a series of crises and arguments, Spinola resigned as president in September 1974. He conspired for a conservative coup to oust the leftists in power, but the effort failed in March 1975, and Spinola was forced to flee to Spain and then to Brazil. Some years later, he returned to Portugal, lived in quiet retirement, and could be seen enjoying horseback riding. In the early 1980s, he was promoted to the rank of marshal, in retirement.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Spínola, Antônio de

  • 51 λύσις

    λύσις [ῠ], εως, [dialect] Ion. ιος, , ([etym.] λύω)
    A loosing, releasing, ransoming,

    νεκροῖο Il.24.655


    σώματος Lys.4.13


    ἡ λ. τῆς αἰσθήσεως ἐγρήγορσις Arist.Somn.Vig. 454b27

    : c. gen. objecti, θανάτου λ. deliverance from death, Od.9.421, Thgn.1010;

    λ. ἔριδος Hes.Th. 637


    χρεέων Id.Op. 404


    πενίης Thgn.180


    λύσιν αἰτησόμενοι τῶν παρεόντων κακῶν Hdt. 6.139


    πενθέων Pi.N.10.76


    μόχθων τῶν ἐφεστώτων S.Tr. 1171


    τῶν δειμάτων Th.2.102


    τῶν δεσμῶν Pl.R. 515c

    ; ἀπὸ τῶν δεσμῶν ib. 532b;

    ἐκ χαλεπῶν Thgn.1385


    βλασφημίας D.Ep.3.39


    μάχης PLips. 40 ii 16

    (iv/v A. D.).
    2 abs., οὐ γὰρ λ. ἄλλη στρατῷ πρὸς οἶκον no other means of letting the host loose from port for home, S.El. 573.
    3 deliverance from guilt by expiatory rites, ὅπως λ. τιν' ἡμὶν εὐαγῆ πόρῃς may'st grant us a deliverance such as may purify us, Id.OT 921; οὐδ' ἔχει λύσιν [τὰ πήματα] admit not of atonement, Id.Ant. 598 (lyr.);

    λύσεις τε καὶ καθαρμοὶ ἀδικημάτων Pl.R. 364e

    ; τῇ [τῆς φιλοσοφίας] λύσει καὶ καθαρμῷ by her offer to release them, Id.Phd. 82d; αἱ νομιζόμεναι λ., in cases of homicide, Arist.Pol. 1262a32; λ. ἁμαρτημάτων blotting out of sins, Ph.2.151.
    4 redemption of mortgage or pledge, [

    χωρίον] πεπραμένον ἐπὶ λύσει IG2.1103

    , al., cf. 12(7).55.14 ([place name] Amorgos), 12(8).18 ([place name] Lemnos).
    b release, discharge from a financial obligation,

    λύσιν ποιήσασθαι τῆς συγχωρήσεως BGU1115.46

    (i B. C.), etc.
    II loosing, parting,

    λ. καὶ χωρισμὸς ψυχῆς ἀπὸ σώματος Pl.Phd. 67d

    ; simply,

    ἡ τοῦ σώματος λ. Id.Ax. 371a

    ; dissolution,

    πολιτείας Id.Lg. 945c


    νόμων ἢ πολιτείας Arist.Pol. 1268b30


    βίου λύσιν ἔσχε IG14.140

    ([place name] Syracuse);

    λ. κομήτου Phlp.in Mete.86.25

    ; τῶν σφραγίδων αἱ λ. breaking them, Luc.Alex. 20.
    2 emptying, evacuation, πείνη μέν που λ. καὶ λύπη; Pl.Phlb. 31e; ἡ λ. τῶν κοιλιῶν, κοιλίας, Arist.Pr. 947b29, Dsc.1.64 (v.l.); emission of semen, Alex.Aphr.Pr.1.125 (pl.).
    3 λ. πυρετοῦ remission of fever, Gal.11.28; λ., opp. κρίσις, Id.9.732; cure, Anon.Lond.3.20; τὰ πάθη defined as συστολαὶ καὶ λύσεις (v.l. χύσεις) τῆς ψυχῆς, opp. κρίσεις, Zeno Stoic.3.113 = 1.51.
    4 as a technical term,
    a solution of a difficulty, ἡ λ. τῆς ἀπορίας its solution, Arist.EN 1146b7, al.; ἔχει τινὰ λ. πρὸς ταύτην τὴν ἀπορίαν, ὅτι .. Id.de An. 422b28;

    οὐ συμβαίνει ἡ λ. Id.EN 1153b5


    ὅταν τὸ θάμβος.. μὴ δύνηται τὴν λ. λαμβάνειν Epicur.Ep.1p.29U.


    εὑρεῖν λ. τοῦ προβλήματος Plb.30.19.5


    λ. εὑρέσθαι Phld.Rh.1.267

    S.; also, interpretation,

    σημείων τεράτων τε λύσεις Orph.A.37

    b refutation of an argument, Arist.SE 179a27, Rh. 1402b23, al.
    c unravelling of the plot of a tragedy, opp. δέσις, Id.Po. 1454a37 (pl.), 1455b24.
    d softening of a strong expression, Longin.38.5.
    e resolution of one vowel into two, as in ἥλιος, ἠέλιος, like διαίρεσις, Demetr.Eloc.70.
    f looseness of structure in writing, esp. asyndeton, ib. 192, al.
    g in metric, resolution of ¯ into [pron. full] ?λύσιςX?λύσιςX, Heph.6.
    5 divorce, 1 Ep.Cor.7.27;

    λ. γάμου Just.Nov. 140

    Prooem., cf. 117 tit.
    III = δόρπου λ., place for banqueting (cf.

    κατάλυσις 11

    ), Pi.O.10(11).47.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > λύσις

  • 52 ῥήγνῦμι

    ῥήγνῦμι (ϝρ., cf. frango), 3 pl. ῥηγνῦσι, ipf. iter. ῥήγνυσκε, fut. ῥήξω, aor. ἔρρηξα, ῥῆξε, mid. pres. imp. ῥήγνυσθε, aor. (ἐρ) ρήξαντο: break, burst, rend in twain, different from ἄγνῦμι. Freq. of breaking the ranks of the enemy in battle, φάλαγγας, ὅμῖλον, στίχας, Il. 6.6, Λ , Il. 15.615.—Mid., break for oneself, Il. 11.90, Il. 12.90; break intrans., as waves, and fig., ‘let break out,’ ‘let loose,’ ἔριδα, Il. 20.55.

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > ῥήγνῦμι

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