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со всех языков на все языки


  • 21 integrated accounting and control

    1. интегрированная отчетность и контроль


    интегрированная отчетность и контроль
    Процесс, описывающий подготовку внутренней и внешней интегрированной отчетности по проектам и процессам, а также осуществление контроля за их реализацией в целях своевременного, объективного и полного информирования руководства ОКОИ других внешних и внутренних стейкхолдеров. В рамках данного процесса также формулируются и осуществляются корректирующие действия.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    integrated accounting and control
    Process that describes preparation of both external and internal accounting for projects and processes, as well as monitoring of their implementation aimed at provision of timely, objective and comprehensive information to the OCOG's top management as well as other external and internal stakeholders. This process also includes identification and realization of amendments and corrections.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > integrated accounting and control

  • 22 do well

    1) идти на пользу (употр. с инфинитивом)

    Lord Bittlebrains would do weel [= well] to remember what his folk have been. (W. Scott, ‘The Bride of Lammermoor’, ch. IX) — Лорду Битлбрейнсу лучше бы вспомнить, кем были его родные.

    You will do well to comply with his request. — В ваших интересах выполнить его просьбу.

    2) преуспевать, процветать; см. тж. do oneself well

    ‘Congratulations. I hear you did very well...’ ‘Oh, nothing special, sir’. (J. O'Hara, ‘From the Terrace’) — - Поздравляю. Наслышан о ваших успехах в школе... - Право, ничего особенного, сэр.

    He had lost faith in Hannans and it exasperated him to hear of men doing well on outlying fields while he was marking time on a proposition which might prove worthless. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 29) — Моррис окончательно изверился в Ханнансе; его бесили рассказы о людях, преуспевающих на других приисках; он только напрасно тратит здесь время, все это пустая затея.

    3) поправляться, чувствовать себя прекрасно

    ...Mary's all right. Both doing well. (D. Cusack, ‘Southern Steel’, ch. X) —...о Мэри не беспокойся. И она и младенец чувствуют себя хорошо.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > do well

  • 23 do well

       1) идти нa пoльзу (упoтp. c инфинитивoм)
        Lord Bittlebrains would do weel [-well] to remember what his folk have been (W. Scott). Those who think they can pass this exam without doing any work will do well to think again
       2) пpeуcпeвaть, пpoцвeтaть; уcпeвaть, дeлaть уcпexи (в шкoлe)
        He had lost faith in Hannans and it exasperated him to hear of men doing well on outlying fields while he was marking time on a proposition which might prove worthless (K. S. Prichard). Margaret was doing very well at school (J. Walsh)
       3) пoпpaвлятьcя, чувcтвoвaть ceбя xopoшo
        Mary's all right. Both doing well (D. Cusack)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > do well

  • 24 burn the candle at both ends

    1) "жечь свечу с обоих концов", прожигать жизнь, безрассудно растрачивать силы, здоровье [этим. фр. brûler la chandelle par les deux bouts]

    ...he had, in fact, burned the candle at both ends; but he had never been unready to do his fellows a good turn. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Villa Rubein’, ch. III) —...да, он прожигал жизнь, но всегда был готов оказать своим товарищам дружескую услугу.

    The chemist brought the draught. ‘Not sleeping, sir?’ ‘No.’ The man's eyes seemed to say: ‘Yes. Burning the candle at both ends - I know!’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘The First and the Last’) — Аптекарь принес лекарства. - Не спите, сэр? - Нет. Его глаза, казалось, говорили: "Ясно. Загуляли. Я это понимаю"

    2) не щадить себя (ср. сгорать на работе)

    When she asked me about my work, I told her about my interests, the meetings I was attending, the writing I was doing, short-stories as well as journalism. She thought I was "burning the candle at both ends", as she said: throwing too much energy into the business of earning a living while there was so much to learn, so many experiences to glean apart from it. (K. S. Prichard. ‘Child of the Hurricane’, ch. XXVI) — Когда Мэри спросила меня о работе, я рассказала о своих увлечениях: посещаю собрания, много пишу, не только газетные статьи, еще и рассказы. На это Мэри заметила, что я, по ее мнению, "жгу свечу с обоих концов". Слишком много сил трачу на добывание хлеба насущного, а ведь мне еще столько надо узнать, столько увидеть и услышать.

    Pursing her lips she said to herself, ‘He's losing weight. I've got to watch his food. His face is getting drawn, look at his cheek-bones! He's burning the candle at both ends...’ (D. Carter, ‘Fatherless Sons’, ch. 24) — Поджав губы, Анна сказала себе: "Он худеет. Надо будет проследить, чтобы он ел как следует. Лицо осунулось, одни скулы торчат. Да, он не щадит себя..."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > burn the candle at both ends

  • 25 vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

    •• Речевая мода и ее влияние на язык – тема неисчерпаемая. Модные слова, «словечки», выражения, фразы – все то, что объединяется английскими словосочетаниями в заголовке этой статьи, – играют огромную роль в развитии любого языка, возможно не меньшую, чем необходимость именовать новые явления действительности. Нельзя согласиться с мнением, что языковая мода – явление чисто паразитарное, эфемерное, что модные слова исчезают, не оставляя следа или перерождаются в стертые клише. Во всех этих «обвинениях» есть доля истины (достаточно вспомнить такие модные сейчас слова-паразиты как как бы и на самом деле), но человек, который хочет понять язык и общество, не может позволить себе ими ограничиваться. Что касается переводчика, то он должен «следить за модой» во всех языках, с которыми он работает.

    •• Почему в какой-то момент большинство из нас вдруг начинает все чаще говорить «однозначно», «структуры», «вменяемый», «разборка», «подковерная борьба» и тому подобное? Для всех этих слов и выражений нетрудно найти синонимы, которыми мы раньше прекрасно обходились. Некоторые из этих слов встречались в нашей речи и раньше, правда, далеко не так часто, как до возникшего поветрия. То же самое происходит время от времени и в английском языке. Чаще всего это происходит так: все большее число говорящих подхватывают какое-либо слово или выражение из числа общеупотребительных (relate to, manipulate, pipeline), терминологических (schizophrenia, subtext, synergy, oxymoron), жаргонных (no-brainer, reality check) и даже иностранных (déjà vu, chic, macho) и без особой на то видимой причины такое слово становится общепонятным в определенном значении (иногда туманном, размытом – relate to, forward-looking, а иногда – в четком и даже единичном – no-brainer, subtext). К этой же категории я отношу популярные в какой-то период словосочетания и «прецедентные высказывания» типа Нам такой хоккей не нужен или The buck stops here (см. статью policy, politics, politician). Учитывая необъятность темы, ограничимся краткими комментариями к этим и нескольким другим чисто иллюстративным примерам.
    •• basket case – это словосочетание приобрело широкое хождение в последние годы, чаще всего в варианте economic basket case:
    •• 1. South Korea’s President converted an economic basket case into an industrial powerhouse (Time). – Президент Южной Кореи привел страну от экономической разрухи к расцвету индустриальной мощи;
    •• 2. After World War I, when the Hapsburg empire was split up, little Austria seemed a basket case (Paul A. Samuelson). – После второй мировой войны и распада габсбургской империи казалось, что экономика маленькой Австрии обречена.
    •• Последний пример заимствован из The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Правда, я не согласен с авторами словаря, относящими это выражение к сленгу. Но его определение здесь – ясное и точное: one that is in a completely hopeless or useless condition. Словарь приводит и мрачновато-циничную этимологию этого словосочетания: In origin it had a physical meaning. In the grim slang of the British army during World War I, it referred to a quadruple amputee. Многочисленные примеры подтверждают следующее наблюдение: In popular usage basket case refers to someone in a hopeless mental condition. Вот фраза, найденная на сайте www.gospelcom.net: I don’t want to turn my daughter into some kind of high pressured basket case. – Я не хочу, чтобы моя дочь превратилась в измотанного/перегруженного проблемами неврастеника. If Gloria has one more crisis, she’ll be a basket case (Wayne Magnuson). – Еще один такой кризис, и Глорию впору будет лечить. В 80-е годы культовую популярность приобрел фильм режиссера Фрэнка Хененлаттера Basket Case, но его сюжет подсказывает скорее дословный перевод – «Человек из корзины» (можно, наверное попробовать и что-нибудь типа «Совсем пропащий»).
    •• been there, done that – модное выражение, означающее то же самое, что наше на эти грабли мы (вы) уже наступали. Встречается в речи госсекретаря США Мадлен Олбрайт (вообще любительницы модных словечек);
    •• bragging rights This gives him bragging rights – это то же самое, что и одинаково модное выражение his claim to fame – предмет гордости или апломба;
    •• breathless – в значении, иллюстрируемом приводимыми ниже примерами, этого слова нет ни в одном (!) известном мне словаре английского языка. Возможно, оно не выделяется говорящими по-английски как отдельное значение, но, на мой взгляд, оно этого явно заслуживает. Итак, примеры:
    •• 1. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spent an hour on television refuting “the questions, allegations and breathless reports” [about the treatment of Al Qaeda prisoners] (Washington Post);
    •• 2. Malcolm Parks, a communications professor at the University of Washington, accuses Young of making “breathless statements” based on skewed stories (Reason Magazine);
    •• 3. More disturbing than this announcement is the Tennis Academy’s breathless characterization of Monique (сайт CNN и Sports Illustrated – www.cnnsi.com).
    •• Посмотрим теперь значения этого слова по одному из наиболее полных словарей – The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:
    •• 1. Breathing with difficulty; gasping: was breathless from running. 2. Marked by the suspension of regular breathing, as from tension or excitement: a breathless audience. 3. Causing or capable of causing the suspension of regular breathing; tense or exciting: a breathless flight. 4. a) Not breathing; without breath. b) Dead. 5. Having no air or breeze; still: a breathless summer day.
    •• Ни одно из определений явно не подходит к значению слова breathless в наших примерах. Это значение вытекает из своего рода «метафорического расширения» – представим себе человека, делающего какое-то заявление или высказывание, если можно так выразиться, не переводя дыхания, не вздохнув, не подумав. Отсюда предлагаемые переводы. В первом случае: Министр обороны Рамсфельд в течение часа опровергал по телевидению «безосновательные утверждения, вопросы и сообщения» (позволим себе здесь небольшую перестановку). Во втором случае: ...поспешные заявления, основанные на искаженной информации. Наконец, в третьем примере (disturbing... breathless characterization) можно говорить о непродуманной и даже неумной характеристике. В других контекстах могут пригодиться прилагательные опрометчивый, бездумный и, может быть, даже скоропостижный в его новомодном значении (см. русско-английскую часть словаря);
    •• closure – основное значение этого слова (например, в словосочетаниях school closure, military base closure, closure of debate) соответствует русским словам закрытие, завершение, прекращение. Подбор правильного соответствия не требует особых усилий. Правда, в некоторых случаях желательно достаточно полно представлять себе, о чем идет речь. Так, в последнем примере – closure of debate - имеется в виду принятая в Конгрессе США специальная процедура голосования с целью прекратить так называемый филибастер – преднамеренное затягивание прений. Этимологически и в смысловом отношении близко к первоначальному и значение этого слова в словосочетании closure of a deal - примерно то же самое, что у нас оформление сделки. Webster’s Third International Dictionary дает как устаревшее значение agreement. Мне, однако, не раз приходилось слышать его именно в этом значении из уст госсекретаря США Джорджа Шульца: We need to come to closure on this issue before the summit. Дальнейшее развитие основного значения привело к широко распространившемуся в последнее время новому оттенку, еще не отраженному в большинстве словарей. Определение, найденное мною в Cambridge Dictionary of American English, оставляет желать лучшего: the satisfying feeling that something bad or shocking has finally ended (и пример: Only the recovery of the bodies of the victims of the crash would bring closure to their families). Все в этом определении, особенно слово satisfying, сильно огрубляет действительную картину.
    •• Обратимся к материалу телеканала «Би-би-си» о состоявшейся 28 октября 2001 года в Нью-Йорке поминальной службе по жертвам трагедии 11 сентября: One word was on everyone’s lips at Sunday’s memorial service for victims of the World Trade Center disaster – “closure”. Дальше в тексте множество «подсказок», позволяющих точнее истолковать это слово: It is difficult for the grieving relatives to come to terms with their loss... It’s difficult to come to grips with... It’s another step in putting this behind you... и наоборот: This is not closure to me, it just opens a wound. I don’t think I’ll ever heal from this. В другом контексте: Jessica Patterson, a former Enron employee, said Jeffrey K. Skilling, the former chief executive [...] “didn’t say anything that brought any closure” (New York Times). Как мне кажется, перевод этого слова в данном значении почти всегда контекстуален и в какой-то мере – дело вкуса и такта. Это может быть облегчение, исцеление, вариант с глаголами примириться или смириться (с потерей), может быть, даже итог или катарсис. Впрочем, иногда перевод, как говорится, напрашивается: There was much questioning whether the trial would finally bring closure to the single darkest event in the history of Alabama (www.africana.com). – Многие задаются вопросом, сможет ли этот судебный процесс подвести черту под самым мрачным событием в истории Алабамы;
    •• conventional wisdom – популярное с некоторых пор выражение, означающее общепринятое мнение (далее обычно следует его опровержение или уточнение);
    •• to be in denial – из психиатрии это выражение перешло в разряд широко употребительных. Из письма возмущенного читателя (явно не поклонника Клинтона) в редакцию журнала Time: Are we in denial? Are we not aware that America’s declining moral and ethical standards are reflected in the polls that sanction the alleged conduct of the President? ( Sanction здесь означает одобрять, допускать. Случай употребления этого слова в обратном по существу значении см. в статье treat, treatment.) В психиатрии to be in denial означает отторгать, не желать воспринимать неприятную, негативную информацию. В переводе данного примера можно ограничиться вполне обиходным Неужели мы не хотим видеть очевидного?
    •• empower – сверхмодное слово! Его и образованные от него слова см. в статье empower, empowering, empowerment;
    •• forward-looking – стало модно в самое последнее время. Значение довольно размытое. Что-то среднее между прогрессивный, перспективный и интересный, серьезный;
    •• fungible – до недавнего времени это модное словцо, в переводе которого словари вряд ли помогут, встречалось в основном в финансово-экономических текстах: Money is fungible означает, что деньги легко перетекают из одной сферы в другую, что они не могут быть «помечены». Удачного сжатого русского перевода мне не встречалось. Но вот недавно в журнале Fortune обратило на себя внимание такое предложение: In Florio’s hands, truth is a fungible commodity. Inside the company it is well known, as a former executive puts it, that “anytime Florio tells you a number, you should cut it in half.” Из контекста очевиден смысл: Для Флорио правда – понятие растяжимое. Еще пример из «антиклинтоновской речи» сенатора Либермана: I am afraid that the misconduct the president has admitted may be reinforcing one of the worst messages being delivered by our popular culture, which is that values are fungible. Здесь тот же смысл:...недопустимое поведение президента подкрепляет утвердившееся в нашей культуре вредоносное утверждение, что мораль – понятие растяжимое/условное/относительное;
    •• get a life – недавно это выражение встретилось в неожиданном контексте – кроссворде в газете New York Times. Там оно определено просто – a 90’s catch phrase. Обычно эта фраза (в повелительном наклонении) обращена к юным лоботрясам: Get a life! Означает примерно Возьмись за ум! или Не проспи жизнь!
    •• hoops – новомодное (после вышедшего несколько лет назад одноименного документального фильма о подающих надежды юных баскетболистах) значение этого слова пока нашло отражение только в некоторых Интернет-словарях, например в www.dictionary.com. Hoops – баскетбол (делится на pro и college – профессиональный и по правилам университетской лиги), hoopster – баскетболист;
    •• governance – согласно словарям – книжное. В последнее время стало широко употребимым. См. в статье government, governance;
    •• hyperventilateНовый БАРС содержит слово hyperventilation с пометой физиол., мед. – гипервентиляция, перенасыщение кислородом крови. Глагол to hyperventilate – глубоко дышать, практиковать глубокое дыхание. В толковых словарях английского языка информации больше. The American Heritage Dictionary определяет to hyperventilate как to breathe abnormally fast or deeply; to breathe in this manner as from excitement or anxiety. Войдя в моду, это слово стало означать нечто вроде задыхаться от возмущения, возбуждения или в пылу полемики. Часто приходится подыскивать контекстуальный перевод, что можно проиллюстрировать следующими примерами:
    •• 1. Some of Mr. Ashcroft’s critics want to use his nomination to hyperventilate about abortion and the like (Wall Street Journal). - Некоторые критики г-на Эшкрофта хотят использовать его назначение, чтобы устроить истерику по поводу таких проблем, как аборты;
    •• 2. Try not to hyperventilate and reach for the Rolaids when CNBC shows shiny graphics of your stocks soaring on one day and plummeting the next (из брошюры инвестиционного дома Charles Schwab Tips on Buying Stocks for Beginners). – Старайтесь не паниковать/не падать в обморок всякий раз, когда вы видите по телевизору красочные диаграммы, показывающие, как акции, еще вчера шедшие резко вверх, обрушиваются вниз ( Rolaids – таблетки от изжоги, но в данном случае этой реалией можно в переводе пренебречь);
    •• 3. Even if you hyperventilate at the idea of looking for a new job, there are times when you should do it (Washingtonian). – Даже если вам противна сама мысль о поисках работы, бывают моменты, когда этим приходится заняться;
    •• 4. Democrats, it seems, are into sex, while Republicans hyperventilate on power (рецензия на кинофильм Clear and Present Danger). – Похоже, что демократы увлекаются сексом, а республиканцы помешаны на власти;
    •• manipulate, manipulative – не все словари фиксируют значение этого глагола ловко использовать в собственных целях. Соответственно, модное He is very manipulative невозможно перевести при помощи «эквивалента», предлагаемого Новым БАРСом,- связанный с манипуляцией, управлением ( машиной и т.п.). Возможный контекстуальный перевод: Он мастер интриги или Он ловко манипулирует людьми;
    •• no-brainer – из молодежного жаргона перешло в обиходную речь многих американцев (аналогичный пример – слова cool, weird, в комментариях не нуждающиеся). Значение этого словца простое – эквивалент нашего тоже «молодежного» – это ежу ясно;
    •• oxymoron – для большинства из нас полузабытый термин из области языкознания (стилистический прием, основанный на сочетании антонимических по значению слов, например, cruel kindness). Для образованных англичан и американцев – любое внутренне противоречивое высказывание или явление (см. также статью schizophrenia, schizophrenic). The radical center is an oxymoron only if you believe that the left and right still define all the worthwhile ideas and policies (New Yorker). – Концепция «радикального центра» внутренне противоречива лишь в глазах тех, кто считает, что все идеи и политические направления по-прежнему сводятся к «левым» и «правым»;
    •• pipeline – пример модного сейчас употребления этого слова (кстати, отраженного в наиболее полных словарях) из журнала Fortune: The firm is running off its backlog, and the pipeline is running dry. – Фирма работает за счет прежних заказов, а новых становится все меньше. In the pipeline – близко к русскому в работе, на подходе;
    •• proactiveсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• reinvent – вошло в моду в 1990-е годы. To reinvent government – переосмыслить роль государства; to reinvent welfare – перестроить систему социальной помощи;
    •• relate to – фраза I don’t relate to it может означать едва ли не все, что угодно, например, Мне это неинтересно, или Я этого не понимаю, или даже Я с этим не согласен. То входит в моду, то выходит из нее;
    •• reality check – первоначально из молодежного жаргона. Из речи yuppies – состоятельных молодых людей либеральных профессий – перекочевало в лексику различных слоев общества. Mrs. Albright... said she aimed to provide both Israelis and Palestinians with a reality check (International Herald Tribune). – Олбрайт заявила, что собирается напомнить как израильтянам, так и палестинцам о некоторых реальностях;
    •• schizophreniaсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• stakeholder – до недавнего времени просто акционер, но в последние два-три года с быстротой молнии распространилось новое значение – сторона, участник какого-либо общественного процесса. Как правило, имеются в виду государство, деловые круги, общественные движения, организации, отражающие интересы различных слоев общества, и т.д. Отсюда словосочетание multistakeholder dialogue, которое, чтобы не усложнять себе жизнь, лучше переводить просто многосторонний диалог;
    •• synergy – согласно Новому БАРСу, это слово относится либо к медицинской терминологии ( синергия), либо к разряду книжных слов. В современном английском встречается сплошь и рядом в значении сочетание взаимно усиливающих друг друга сил, явлений, тенденций и т.п. или просто любое сочетание, как в этом примере из журнала New Yorker: I don’t think that these synergies would work. I wonder whether a writer would want to spend his time managing his business rather than writing;
    •• vision – это чрезвычайно модное слово см. в статье philosophy;
    •• to walk the talk – неожиданно вошедшая в моду фраза, выражающая мысль о том, что слово не должно расходиться с делом. Lazard is a group of important people giving important people advice. Doubtless Rohatyn counted himself among the former, and he did walk the talk (Fortune);
    •• - wise – так же, как и -ism, относится к модным суффиксам. При его помощи образуются какие угодно слова – policy-wise, talent-wise, credibility-wise и т.д. Все они без особого труда понимаются и переводятся при помощи словосочетаний с точки зрения, в смысле, в аспекте.
    •• В заключение простой совет – не увлекайтесь модными словами и фразами (равно как и жаргонными и другими фразеологическими выражениями) по крайней мере до тех пор, пока у вас не будет уверенности, что вы их полностью «прочувствовали». Иначе можно попасть впросак, перепутав или смысл, или связанные со словом ассоциации, или допустив совсем ненужную вам иронию. За модой надо, конечно, следить, быть «во всеоружии», но, мне кажется, что говорить на иностранном языке, да и на родном, надо просто и ясно.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

  • 26 over and above

    1. кроме того
    2. сверх; в добавление; к тому же
    3. к тому же

    so and in no other way — только так ; только таким образом

    both citizens and peasants — как горожане, так и крестьяне

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. besides (other) apart from; as well as; aside from; besides; beyond; distinct from; else; other than; save
    2. more than (other) above; above and beyond; exceeding; in excess of; more than; over; upward of; upwards of

    English-Russian base dictionary > over and above

  • 27 Gulbenkian Foundation and Associated Museums and Institutes

       In 1956, a year after the death of the Armenian philanthropist and art collector Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian, a foundation was established in Portugal, Gulbenkian's adopted country of retirement. The work of this foundation has had both an internal impact on Portugal's arts, sciences, health, and education and an international impact in the advancement of Portuguese studies in the world. The modern building housing the foundation's offices and library on the Avenida de Berna, Lisbon, was completed in the late 1960s, and Gulbenkian's art collection was moved from Paris and other cities to a museum adjacent to the foundation offices. In the early 1980s, a museum of contemporary arts was completed nearby. The income from the Gulbenkian endowment of the foundation supports not only philanthropic social projects, but a wide variety of the arts, including organizations that offer performance seasons such as Ballet Gulbenkian and orchestras. In addition to the headquarters, museum, and contemporary arts museum in Lisbon, the foundation supports institutions in other districts of Portugal and has a program of scholarly grants for Portuguese, as well as international scholars and students in various disciplines. The foundation, in terms of annual giving, is one of the largest such institutions in Western Europe.
        See also Dance.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Gulbenkian Foundation and Associated Museums and Institutes

  • 28 profit and loss account

    the summary record of a company’s sales revenues and expenses over a period, providing a calculation of profits or losses during that time.
    Abbr. P&L
    Companies typically issue P&L reports monthly. It is customary for the reports to include year-to-date figures, as well as corresponding year-earlier figures to allow for comparisons and analysis.
         There are two P&L formats, multiple-step and single-step. Both follow a standard set of rules known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These rules generally adhere to requirements established by governments to track receipts, expenses, and profits for tax purposes. They also allow the financial reports of two different companies to be compared.
         The multiple-step format is much more common, because it includes a larger number of details and is thus more useful. It deducts costs from revenues in a series of steps, allowing for closer analysis. Revenues appear first, then expenses, each in as much detail as management desires. Sales may be broken down by product line or location, while expenses such as salaries may be broken down into base salaries and commissions.
         Expenses are then subtracted from revenues to show profit (or loss). A basic multiple-step P&L looks like this:
         P&Ls of public companies may also report income on the basis of earnings per share. For example, if the company issuing this statement had 12,000 shares outstanding, earnings per share would be $5.12, that is, $61,440 divided by 12,000 shares.

    The ultimate business dictionary > profit and loss account

  • 29 profit and loss statement

    the summary record of a company’s sales revenues and expenses over a period, providing a calculation of profits or losses during that time.
    Abbr. P&L
    Companies typically issue P&L reports monthly. It is customary for the reports to include year-to-date figures, as well as corresponding year-earlier figures to allow for comparisons and analysis.
         There are two P&L formats, multiple-step and single-step. Both follow a standard set of rules known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These rules generally adhere to requirements established by governments to track receipts, expenses, and profits for tax purposes. They also allow the financial reports of two different companies to be compared.
         The multiple-step format is much more common, because it includes a larger number of details and is thus more useful. It deducts costs from revenues in a series of steps, allowing for closer analysis. Revenues appear first, then expenses, each in as much detail as management desires. Sales may be broken down by product line or location, while expenses such as salaries may be broken down into base salaries and commissions.
         Expenses are then subtracted from revenues to show profit (or loss). A basic multiple-step P&L looks like this:
         P&Ls of public companies may also report income on the basis of earnings per share. For example, if the company issuing this statement had 12,000 shares outstanding, earnings per share would be $5.12, that is, $61,440 divided by 12,000 shares.

    The ultimate business dictionary > profit and loss statement

  • 30 Administration and Office Management

    1. административно-хозяйственная деятельность (в спорте)


    административно-хозяйственная деятельность

    Ключевая функциональная задача ФНД «Административно-хозяйственная деятельность» во время Игр заключается в обеспечении работы офиса, как в Москве, так и в Сочи. Данный процесс предп олагаетуправление транспортом и складскими помещениями офиса, надлежащую логистику, обеспечение уборки офисов и функционирования инженерных сетей, а также управление арендной платой (если она имеет место во время Игр).
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    Administration and Office Management
    FA (ADM)

    Key functional objective of the Administration and Office Management at the Games time is to ensure vital office activities both in Moscow and in Sochi. This process contemplates transport and office warehouse management, appropriate office logistics, office cleaning and utilities monitoring, as well as rental payments management (if any at the Games time).
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Administration and Office Management

  • 31 Command, Coordination and Control FA (C3)

    1. ФНД «Управление, контроль и координация»


    ФНД «Управление, контроль и координация»
    Задача ФНД «Управление, контроль и координация» заключается в разработке и внедрении системы управления Играми (принципы, оргструктура, процессы, инструменты), которая обеспечит эффективное принятие решений и хорошо скоординированное взаимодействие всех организаторов Игр до, во время и после Игр. Данная задача относится и к Олимпийским, и к Паралимпийским играм.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    Command, Coordination and Control FA (C3)
    C3 mission is to develop and implement the Games management system (principles, organizational structure, processes, tools) to ensure efficient decision-making and well-coordinated interaction of all Games organizers, during pre-Games, Games-time and post-Games time periods. This mission remains the same for both Olympic and Paralympic Games.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    • Command, Coordination and Control FA (C3)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Command, Coordination and Control FA (C3)

  • 32 Проектирование, строительство и техобслуживание скважин (design , construction and down-hole maintenance of oil and gas wells used in both exploration and production)

    oil&gas: well engineering

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Проектирование, строительство и техобслуживание скважин (design , construction and down-hole maintenance of oil and gas wells used in both exploration and production)

  • 33 strain at a gnat (and swallow a camel)

       "oтцeживaть кoмapa и пpoглoтить вepблюдa", oбpaщaть внимaниe нa мeлoчи и упуcтить ocнoвнoe, пpoявлять зaбoту o ничтoжныx вeщax пpи нeвнимaнии к вaжнoму [этим. библ.] While I write this letter I well know that what I say... will be taken as a straining at gnats (A. Trollope). Miss Montmorency. I think I ought to tell you at once that I shouldn't like to misconduct myself - I use the technical expression - with both these gentlemen. Mr. Raham. Oh, Miss Montmorency, a woman of your experience isn't going to strain at a gnat. Miss Montmorency. No, but I should not like to swallow a camel (W. S. Maugham)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > strain at a gnat (and swallow a camel)

  • 34 как…так и…

    both… and…; as well as

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > как…так и…

  • 35 manggi geli

    …… both…and…, as well as

    Manchu-English dictionary > manggi geli

  • 36 həm

    and also, too
    həm…həm … both…and…; as well as

    Məktəblilər üçün Azərbaycanca-İngiliscə lüğət > həm

  • 37 come

    1. adv as
    interrogativo, esclamativo how
    (prego?) pardon?
    fa' come ti ho detto do as I told you
    lavora come insegnante he works as a teacher
    come me like me
    un cappello come il mio a hat like mine
    come sta? how are you?, how are things?
    com'è bello! how nice it is!
    come mai? how come?, why?
    oggi come oggi nowadays
    come se as if
    2. conj ( come se) as if, as though
    (appena, quando) as (soon as)
    come se niente fosse as if nothing had happened
    * * *
    come avv.
    1 (in frasi interr. dirette e indirette) how; what... like: come stai?, how are you?; come te la cavi in inglese?, what's your English like? (o how good is your English?); come si scrive questa parola?, how do you spell this word?; come si dice in inglese...?, what's the English for...?; come si fa?, how is it to be done? (o how do you do it?); com'era il film?, what was the film like?; com'è il tempo?, what's the weather like?; non so come dirglielo, I don't know how to tell him; fammi sapere come è andata, let me know how it went; non so proprio come sia riuscito a farlo, I just don't know how he managed to do it // come mai?, why?; ( enfatico) how come?; why ever?: mi domando come mai non sia ancora arrivato, I wonder why he hasn't got here yet; i documenti erano in regola, ma la domanda è stata respinta. Come mai?, the papers were in order, but the application was turned down. How come? // com'è che non sei mai in casa?, why are you never at home?; come dici?, come hai detto?, what's that? (o what did you say?) // come sarebbe a dire?, what do you mean? // come si permette?, how dare you! // com'è, come non è, (fam.), somehow or other; ( all'improvviso) all of a sudden // ma come?!, ( per esprimere meraviglia o sdegno) how come? (o what?) // come no?!, of course!: ''Accetterai, vero?'' ''Come no?!'' ''You'll accept, won't you?'' ''Of course (I will)!''
    2 ( in frasi esclamative) how: com'è gentile da parte sua!, how kind of you!; come mi dispiace!, how sorry I am!; guarda come nevica!, look how hard it's snowing!; come parla bene!, how well he speaks!; come sono cambiati i tempi!, how times have changed! // Con uso rafforzativo o enfatico: ''Vi siete divertiti?'' ''E come!'', ''Did you have a good time?'' ''And how!''; Ma come! Siete già tornati?, What! Back already?
    3 ( il modo in cui) how, the way: mi raccontò come era riuscito a ottenere il posto, he told me how he'd managed to get the job; ecco come sono andate le cose, this is how things went // bada a come parli, watch your tongue
    4 (in frasi comparative e nei compar. di uguaglianza) as (so)... as; (con un compar. di maggioranza) than: mio fratello è alto come me, my brother is as tall as me (o as I am); non è ( così) ingenuo come sembra, he isn't as simple as he seems; siamo arrivati più tardi di come avevamo previsto, we got there later than we expected; l'esame è andato meglio di come pensassi, I did better than I'd expected in the exam // Nelle similitudini: bianco come la neve, as white as snow; duro come il ferro, as hard as iron; il mare era liscio come l'olio, the sea was as smooth as glass
    5 ( in qualità di) as: ti parlo come amico, non come medico, I'm talking to you as a friend, not (as) a doctor; l'hanno citato come testimone, he was cited as a witness; tutti lo vorrebbero come socio, everyone would like him as a partner; come avvocato, non vale un gran che, as a lawyer, he isn't up to much
    6 ( nel modo in cui) as: ho fatto come hai voluto tu, I did as you wanted; non fare come me, don't do as I did; tutto è andato come speravamo, everything went as we'd hoped; non sempre si può fare come si vuole, you can't always do as you like; lascia le cose come stanno, leave things as they are
    7 ( per indicare somiglianza) like; ( nelle esemplificazioni) such as: indossava un abito come questo, she was wearing a dress like this one; correva come un pazzo, he was running like mad; è ingegnere come suo padre, he's an engineer, like his father; si è comportato come un vero signore, he behaved like a true gentleman; l'appartamento mi è costato qualcosa come 50.000 euro, the flat cost me something like 50,000 euros; non ti si presenterà più un'occasione come questa, you won't get another chance like this; c'erano famosi giornalisti e scrittori, come..., there were famous writers and reporters, such as...; in Lombardia ci sono bellissimi laghi, come il Lago Maggiore, il Lago di Como,..., there are some lovely lakes in Lombardy, such as Lake Maggiore, Lake Como,...
    8 (spesso in correl. con così, tanto) as; both... and; as well as: ( tanto) di giorno come di notte, by day as by night (o both by day and night o by day as well as by night); tanto il padre come la madre sono americani, his father and mother are both American; tanto gli uni come gli altri, both; tanto i greci come i romani..., both the Greeks and the Romans... (o the Greeks as well as the Romans...) // come pure, as well as: New York, come pure Londra, è un grande porto fluviale, New York is a great river port, as well as (o as is) London.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: oggi come oggi, as things are at present // vecchio com'è, old as he is // io come io, non accetterei, if it were me, I'd refuse // 6 sta a 3 come 10 sta a 5, 6 is to 3 as 10 is to 5 // come non detto, forget it // com'è vero che..., as sure as... // come segue, as follows // come sopra, as above // (comm.): come d'accordo, as agreed; come da campione, as per sample; come da copia acclusa, see enclosed copy; come da vostra richiesta, as requested.
    1 ( con valore temporale) as, as soon as: come mi vide, mi buttò le braccia al collo, as soon as she saw me, she threw her arms round my neck; come avvertì i primi sintomi, telefonò al medico, as soon as she noticed the first symptoms, she telephoned the doctor; come arrivavano, i candidati venivano condotti ai loro posti, as they arrived, the candidates were shown to their places
    2 ( con valore dichiarativo) that: tutti sanno come la Luna sia un satellite della Terra, everyone knows (that) the Moon is a satellite of the Earth
    3 come se, as if, as though: continuava a parlare, come se non sentisse quello che gli dicevo, he went on talking, as if (o as though) he hadn't heard what I said; come se fosse facile..., as if it were easy...
    s.m.: il come e il perché, the whys and wherefores // volle sapere il come e il quando, he wanted to know the ins and outs.
    * * *
    1. avv
    1) (alla maniera di, nel modo che) as, like (davanti a sostantivo, pronome)

    com'è vero Dio — as God is my witness

    a scuola come a casa — both at school and at home, at school as well as at home

    non hanno accettato il progetto: come dire che siamo fregati — they didn't accept the plan: which means we've had it

    2) (in quale modo: interrogativo, esclamativo) how

    come mai? — how come?

    come mai non sei partito? — whyever didn't you leave?

    non hanno accettato il mio assegnocome mai? — they didn't accept my cheque — whyever not?

    vieni?come no! — are you coming? — of course!

    come stai? — how are you?

    come?; come dici? — pardon? Brit, sorry?, excuse me? Am, what did you say?

    com'è il tuo amico? — what's your friend like?

    com' è che non hai telefonato? — how come you didn't phone?


    (il modo in cui) mi piace come scrive — I like the way he writes, I like his style of writing

    come presidente, dirò che... — speaking as your president I must say that...


    (quanto) come è brutto! — how ugly he (o it) is!


    ora come oraright now

    2. cong

    (in quale modo) mi scrisse come si era rotto un braccio — he wrote to tell me about how he had broken an arm

    2) (quanto) how

    è meglio/peggio di come mi aspettavo — it is better/worse than I expected

    4) (appena che, quando) as soon as

    come arrivò si mise a lavorare — as soon as he arrived he set to work, no sooner had he arrived than he set to work

    come se n'è andato, tutti sono scoppiati a ridere — as soon as he left, everyone burst out laughing


    come (se) — as if, as though

    la trattano come (se) fosse la loro schiava — they treat her like a slave o as if she were their slave

    come puoi constatare — as you can see

    3. sm inv

    non so dirti il come e il quando di tutta questa faccenda — I couldn't tell you how and when all this happened

    * * *
    ['kome] 1.
    2) come mai, com'è che colloq. how come
    5) (nel modo in cui, allo stesso modo di) as

    come sempre — as ever, the same as always

    ecco come è successo — it happened like this, this is what happened

    non è intelligente come tehe is not as o so intelligent as you

    trattare qcn. come un bambino — to treat sb. like a child

    9) (quale) such as, like

    città come Roma e Milanosuch cities as o cities such as Rome and Milan

    10) (in qualità di, con la funzione di) as

    come ben saias you well know o know full well

    avaro com'è, non ti darà nulla — he's so mean, he won't give you anything

    14) come da as per

    come da istruzioni — as requested, as per your instructions


    mi guardò come per dire "te l'avevo detto" — he looked at me as if to say "I told you so"

    2) come se as if
    3) (non appena) as, as soon as
    4) (che) how, that
    sostantivo maschile

    il come e il perché di qcs. — the how and the why of sth


    come non detto — forget it, never mind

    * * *
     1 (nelle interrogative) come stai? how are you? come ti chiami? what's your name? come si scrive? how do you spell it? sapere come fare to know how to do; com'è John? what is John like? com'è la casa? what does the house look like? come? excuse me? pardon? sorry? come hai detto? what did you say?
     2 come mai, com'è che colloq. how come
     3 (nelle esclamative) come sei gentile! how kind of you! come sei cresciuto! haven't you grown! how you've grown! come ci siamo divertiti! what a great time we had! (ma) come! what! come no! of course! sure!
     5 (nel modo in cui, allo stesso modo di) as; fai come me do as I do; ha fatto come gli ho detto he did it the way I told him; (fai) come vuoi do as you like; come avevamo deciso as we had agreed; come sempre as ever, the same as always; come al solito as usual; come segue as follows
     6 (il modo in cui) ecco come è successo it happened like this, this is what happened; per come la vedo io as I see it
     7 (in paragoni) nero come il carbone as black as coal; è intelligente come te he is as intelligent as you; non è intelligente come te he is not as o so intelligent as you; trattare qcn. come un bambino to treat sb. like a child; è più facile di come pensavo it's easier than I thought
     8 (quanto) di giorno come di notte by day as well as by night; tanto qui come all'estero both here and abroad
     9 (quale) such as, like; in un paese come l'Italia in a country like Italy; città come Roma e Milano such cities as o cities such as Rome and Milan
     10 (in qualità di, con la funzione di) as; lavorare come insegnante to work as a teacher; presentarsi come candidato to stand as a candidate; come esempio di as an instance o example of; cosa c'è come dessert? what's for dessert?
     11 (in proposizioni incidentali) come ben sai as you well know o know full well; come potete vedere as you can see
     13 (intensivo) avaro com'è, non ti darà nulla he's so mean, he won't give you anything
     14 come da as per; come da istruzioni as requested, as per your instructions; come da programma according to schedule
     1 (quasi) rispettala come fosse tua madre respect her as though she were your mother; mi guardò come per dire "te l'avevo detto" he looked at me as if to say "I told you so"
     2 come se as if; si comporta come se fosse a casa sua he acts like he owns the place; si sono comportati come se niente fosse they behaved as if nothing had happened
     3 (non appena) as, as soon as; come si è fatto buio sono tornato a casa as it went dark I came back home; come giro le spalle as soon as my back is turned
     4 (che) how, that; mi ha detto come l'ha trovato he told me how he had found it
    III sostantivo m.
     il come e il perché di qcs. the how and the why of sth.
    come non detto forget it, never mind; come minimo at the very least.
    See also notes... (come.pdf)

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > come

  • 38 sowohl

    Konj.: sowohl... als auch both... and;... as well as...
    * * *
    so|wohl [zo'voːl]

    sowóhl... als or wie (auch) — both... and,... as well as

    * * *
    \sowohl... als auch... both... and...,... as well as...
    * * *

    sowohl... als od. wie [auch]... — both... and...;... as well as...

    * * *
    sowohl konj:
    sowohl … als auch both … and; … as well as …
    * * *

    sowohl... als od. wie [auch]... — both... and...;... as well as...

    * * *
    and conj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > sowohl

  • 39 auch

    1. (ebenfalls) also, too, as well; das kann ich auch I can do that too; kommst du auch mit? are you coming too?; ich habe Durst - ich auch I’m thirsty - me ( oder I am) too; ich glaube es - ich auch I believe it - so do I; ich habe sie gesehen - ich auch I saw her - I did too; ich kann es nicht - ich auch nicht I can’t do it - nor ( oder neither) can I, I can’t either; ich habe keine Zeit - ich auch nicht I don’t have (the) time - nor ( oder neither) do I, I don’t either; nicht nur..., sondern auch not only..., but also; sowohl... als auch... both... and...,... as well as...; auch das noch! that too!
    2. (selbst, sogar) even; wenn auch even if; auch der kleinste Fehler even the smallest mistake ( oder of mistakes); das Fest findet auch bei Regen statt the party will take place even if it rains; ohne auch nur zu fragen without even ( oder so much as) asking
    3. (gleich) was / wer / wo etc. auch ( immer) whatever / whoever / wherever etc.; wer es auch sei whoever it is; mag er auch noch so unfreundlich sein however unpleasant he is ( oder may be); sosehr ich es auch bedaure much as I regret
    4. erklärend: sie ist krank, deshalb ist sie auch nicht gekommen she’s ill, and that’s why she hasn’t come; er hat ja auch schwer gearbeitet he has been working hard(, after all); das hab ich auch nicht gesagt that’s not what I said(, is it?)
    5. zustimmend: so ist es auch absolutely, that’s (exactly) it; so sieht er auch aus umg. he looks it; vom Typ her: auch he looks the sort; das kommt auch noch (das wird kommen) that’s still to come; (schön der Reihe nach!) we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it
    6. ermahnend: ich gebe dir das Buch, nun lies es aber auch now mind you read it though; dass du auch ja vorsichtig bist! you make sure to ( oder and) be careful!
    7. in Fragen, sich vergewissernd: wirst du es auch ( wirklich) tun? are you really going to do it?; ist es auch wahr? is it really true?; haben Sie ihn auch ( wirklich) gesehen? are you sure you saw him?
    8. in rhetorischen Fragen: warum hab ich auch nicht besser aufgepasst? why ever ( oder why on earth) did I not pay more attention?; wie konntest du auch nur so dumm sein? how on earth could you have been so stupid?; wozu auch? what’s the point?
    9. verstärkend: du bist aber auch stur! talk about stubborn umg.; das fehlte auch noch! that’s all I, we etc. needed!, that’s the last straw!; so was aber auch! that of all things!; dass ich aber auch gerade jetzt krank werden muss! why do I have to get ill right now, of all times?; so ist es auch! so it is indeed!, why so it is!; so schlimm ist es auch wieder nicht it isn’t that ( oder so) bad, after all; da können wir auch ( genauso gut) zu Hause bleiben we may as well stay at home
    * * *
    as well; too; also; likewise; even
    * * *
    1) (= zusätzlich, gleichfalls) also, too, as well

    die Engländer müssen áúch zugeben, dass... — the English must admit too or as well that..., the English must also admit that...

    áúch die Engländer müssen... — the English too must...

    das kann ich áúch — I can do that too or as well

    das ist áúch möglich — that's possible too or as well, that's also possible

    ja, das áúch — yes, that too

    áúch gut — that's OK too

    du áúch? — you too?, you as well?

    áúch nicht — not... either

    das ist áúch nicht richtig — that's not right either

    er kommt – ich áúch — he's coming – so am I or me too

    ich will eins – ich áúch — I want one – so do I or me too

    er kommt nicht – ich áúch nicht — he's not coming – nor or neither am I, he's not coming – I'm not either or me neither

    áúch das noch! — that's all I needed!

    2) (= tatsächlich) too, as well

    und das tue/meine ich áúch — and I'll do it/I mean it too or as well

    wenn sie sagt, sie geht, dann geht sie áúch — if she says she's going then she'll go

    Frechheit! – ja, das ist es áúch — what impudence! – you can say that again

    du siehst müde aus – das bin ich áúch — you look tired – (so) I am

    das ist er ja áúch — (and so) he is

    so ist es áúch — (so) it is

    3) (= sogar) even

    áúch wenn du Vorfahrt hast — even if you (do) have right of way

    ohne áúch nur zu fragen — without even asking

    den Teufel áúch! — damn it (all)! (inf)

    zum Donnerwetter áúch! — blast it! (inf)

    so ein Dummkopf áúch! — what an absolute blockhead! (inf)

    so was Ärgerliches aber áúch! — it's really too annoying!

    wozu áúch? — what on earth for? (inf), whatever for?


    (= auch immer) wie dem áúch sei — be that as it may

    was er áúch sagen mag — whatever he might say

    und mag er áúch noch so klug sein, wenn er áúch noch so klug ist — however clever he may be

    so schnell er áúch laufen mag — however fast he runs or he may run, no matter how fast he runs

    * * *
    1) (in addition or besides; too: He is studying German but he is also studying French; They know him and I know him also.) also
    2) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) so
    3) (in addition; also; as well: My husband likes cycling, and I do, too.) too
    4) (in addition; too: If you will go, I'll go as well.) as well
    * * *
    I. adv
    1. (ebenfalls) too, also, as well
    gehst du morgen \auch ins Kino? are you going to the cinema too [or as well] tomorrow?, are you also going to the cinema tomorrow?
    ich habe Hunger, du \auch? I'm hungry, are you [too]?
    Gewalt ist aber \auch keine Lösung! violence is no solution either [or is also no solution]!
    das ist \auch möglich that's also possible, that's possible too [or as well]
    kannst du \auch einen Salto rückwärts? can you also do a summersault backwards?, can you do a summersault backwards too [or as well]?
    ich will ein Eis! — ich \auch! I want an ice-cream! — me too [or so do I]!
    ich liebe Schokolade — ich \auch I love chocolate — so do I [or me too]
    die Regierung muss \auch verstehen, dass... the government must also understand that...
    \auch die Regierung muss Zugeständnisse machen the government too has to make concessions, the government has to make concessions too [or as well]
    \auch gut that's ok [too]
    \auch nicht not either
    wenn du nicht hingehst, gehe ich \auch nicht if you don't go, I won't [go] either [or too]
    ich gehe nicht mit! — ich \auch nicht! I'm not coming! — nor am I [or me neither]!
    sie kommt \auch nicht mit she's not coming either [or too]
    ich gehe \auch nicht zur Party I'm not going to the party either
    2. (außerdem) also; (zu alledem)
    \auch noch on top of everything
    das Haus ist zu teuer und liegt \auch nicht schön the house is too expensive and also not in a nice location
    der Wagen ist unzuverlässig, alt und [dazu] \auch noch zu teuer the car is unreliable, old, and on top of everything, it is too expensive
    und dann hat sie mir \auch noch gesagt, dass sie mich gar nicht mag and on top of everything she told me that she doesn't really like me
    und dann ist \auch noch die Waschmaschine kaputt gegangen! and on top of everything, the washing machine broke!
    \auch das noch! that's all I need!
    \auch nicht not either
    das Essen ist gut und \auch nicht sehr teuer the food is good and not very expensive either [or and also not very expensive]
    es ist zu teuer und es gefällt mir \auch nicht it's too expensive and I also don't like it [or and I don't like it either
    3. (sogar) even
    sie hat \auch trotz ihrer Krankheit nicht den Mut verloren even despite her illness she didn't lose her courage
    der Chef hat eben immer Recht, \auch wenn er Unrecht hat! the boss is always right, even when he's wrong!
    \auch wenn das stimmen sollte, sie werden [es] dir niemals glauben even if it were [or was] true, they will never believe you [or it]
    ohne \auch nur etw zu tun without even doing sth
    sie gab auf, ohne es \auch nur [einmal] zu versuchen she gave up without even trying
    ohne \auch nur zu zögern without any hesitation
    4. (ebenso gut) [just] as well
    wenn du keine Lust dazu hast, können wir \auch hierbleiben if you don't feel like it we may [just] as well stay here
    II. part
    1. (tatsächlich, wirklich)
    ganz so schlecht hat das nun \auch wieder nicht geschmeckt! it didn't taste all that bad!
    wenn ich etwas verspreche, tue ich das \auch! If I promise something then I'll do it!
    ich habe das nicht nur gesagt, ich meine das \auch [so]! I didn't just say it, I mean it!
    du siehst erschöpft aus — das bin ich \auch you look exhausted — I am
    sie ist im Showgeschäftso sieht sie \auch aus she's in the show business — she looks it
    du hast die Gelegenheit, nutze sie aber \auch you've got the opportunity, mind you make use of it [though]
    alle sagen, seine Übersetzungen seien schlechtdas sind sie [ja] \auch! they all say his translations are bad — and they are!
    sie glaubt, er habe sie nur des Geldes wegen geheiratet — so ist es ja auch [o hat er ja \auch]! she thinks he only married her for her money — and that's the case [or he did]!
    so was Ärgerliches aber \auch! that's really too annoying!
    verdammt aber \auch! (sl) damn it! fam
    wozu \auch? what on earth for?
    wozu [aber] \auch sich widersetzen what's the point in arguing
    so/wie... \auch... however...
    so schnell sie \auch laufen mag... however fast she may run...
    wie sehr du \auch flehst... however much you beg...
    was/wer/wie \auch [immer] however/whoever/whatever
    was er \auch sagen mag, glaub ihm nicht! whatever he may say, don't believe him!
    wie dem \auch sei whatever
    wie dem \auch sei, ich gehe jetzt nach Hause be that as it may, I am going home now
    wenn \auch although, even though
    er ist reich, wenn er es \auch leugnet he is rich, although [or even though] he denies it
    5. (zweifelnd) really
    ist das \auch gut/nicht zu weit? are you sure it's good/not too far?
    bist du dir \auch sicher? are you really sure?
    * * *
    1) (ebenso, ebenfalls) as well; too; also

    Klaus war auch dabeiKlaus was there as well or too; Klaus was also there

    Ich gehe jetzt. - Ich auch — I'm going now - So am I

    Mir ist warm. - Mir auch — I feel warm - So do I

    ... - Ja, das auch —... - Yes, that too

    was er verspricht, tut er auch — what he promises to do, he does

    nicht nur..., sondern auch... — not only..., but also...

    grüß deine Frau und auch die Kinder — give my regards to your wife and the children too

    sehr gut, aber auch teuer — very good but expensive too

    auch das noch! — that's all I/we etc. need!

    oder auch — or

    oder auch nicht — or not, as the case may be

    ich habe auch keine Lust/kein Geld — I don't feel like it either/don't have any money either

    das hat auch nichts genützt — that did not help either; s. auch sowohl

    2) (sogar, selbst) even

    wenn aucheven if or though

    ohne auch nur zu fragen/eine Sekunde zu zögern — without even asking/hesitating for a second

    3) (außerdem, im übrigen) besides

    so schlimm ist es auch [wieder] nicht — it's not as bad as all that

    wozu [denn] auch? — what's the point? why should I/you etc.?

    bist du dir auch im klaren, was das bedeutet? — are you sure you understand what that means?

    lügst du auch nicht? — you're not lying, are you?

    3) (mit Interrogativpron.)

    wo.../wer.../wann.../was... usw. auch [immer] — wherever/whoever/whenever/whatever etc....

    mag er auch noch so klug sein — however clever he may be; no matter how clever he is

    * * *
    auch adv
    1. (ebenfalls) also, too, as well;
    das kann ich auch I can do that too;
    kommst du auch mit? are you coming too?;
    ich habe Durst - ich auch I’m thirsty – me ( oder I am) too;
    ich glaube es - ich auch I believe it - so do I;
    ich habe sie gesehen - ich auch I saw her – I did too;
    ich kann es nicht - ich auch nicht I can’t do it - nor ( oder neither) can I, I can’t either;
    ich habe keine Zeit - ich auch nicht I don’t have (the) time - nor ( oder neither) do I, I don’t either;
    nicht nur …, sondern auch not only …, but also;
    sowohl … als auch … both … and …, … as well as …;
    auch das noch! that too!
    2. (selbst, sogar) even;
    wenn auch even if;
    auch der kleinste Fehler even the smallest mistake ( oder of mistakes);
    das Fest findet auch bei Regen statt the party will take place even if it rains;
    ohne auch nur zu fragen without even ( oder so much as) asking
    3. (gleich)
    was/wer/wo etc
    auch (immer) whatever/whoever/wherever etc;
    wer es auch sei whoever it is;
    mag er auch noch so unfreundlich sein however unpleasant he is ( oder may be);
    sosehr ich es auch bedaure much as I regret
    sie ist krank, deshalb ist sie auch nicht gekommen she’s ill, and that’s why she hasn’t come;
    er hat ja auch schwer gearbeitet he has been working hard(, after all);
    das hab ich auch nicht gesagt that’s not what I said(, is it?)
    so ist es auch absolutely, that’s (exactly) it;
    so sieht er auch aus umg he looks it; vom Typ her: auch he looks the sort;
    das kommt auch noch (das wird kommen) that’s still to come; (schön der Reihe nach!) we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it
    6. ermahnend: ich gebe dir das Buch,
    nun lies es aber auch now mind you read it though;
    dass du auch ja vorsichtig bist! you make sure to ( oder and) be careful!
    7. in Fragen, sich vergewissernd:
    wirst du es auch (wirklich) tun? are you really going to do it?;
    ist es auch wahr? is it really true?;
    haben Sie ihn auch (wirklich) gesehen? are you sure you saw him?
    warum hab ich auch nicht besser aufgepasst? why ever ( oder why on earth) did I not pay more attention?;
    wie konntest du auch nur so dumm sein? how on earth could you have been so stupid?;
    wozu auch? what’s the point?
    du bist aber auch stur! talk about stubborn umg;
    das fehlte auch noch! that’s all I, we etc needed!, that’s the last straw!;
    so was aber auch! that of all things!;
    dass ich aber auch gerade jetzt krank werden muss! why do I have to get ill right now, of all times?;
    so ist es auch! so it is indeed!, why so it is!;
    so schlimm ist es auch wieder nicht it isn’t that ( oder so) bad, after all;
    da können wir auch (genauso gut) zu Hause bleiben we may as well stay at home
    * * *
    1) (ebenso, ebenfalls) as well; too; also

    Klaus war auch dabeiKlaus was there as well or too; Klaus was also there

    Ich gehe jetzt. - Ich auch — I'm going now - So am I

    Mir ist warm. - Mir auch — I feel warm - So do I

    ... - Ja, das auch —... - Yes, that too

    was er verspricht, tut er auch — what he promises to do, he does

    nicht nur..., sondern auch... — not only..., but also...

    sehr gut, aber auch teuer — very good but expensive too

    auch das noch! — that's all I/we etc. need!

    oder auch — or

    oder auch nicht — or not, as the case may be

    ich habe auch keine Lust/kein Geld — I don't feel like it either/don't have any money either

    das hat auch nichts genützt — that did not help either; s. auch sowohl

    2) (sogar, selbst) even

    wenn aucheven if or though

    ohne auch nur zu fragen/eine Sekunde zu zögern — without even asking/hesitating for a second

    3) (außerdem, im übrigen) besides

    so schlimm ist es auch [wieder] nicht — it's not as bad as all that

    wozu [denn] auch? — what's the point? why should I/you etc.?

    bist du dir auch im klaren, was das bedeutet? — are you sure you understand what that means?

    lügst du auch nicht? — you're not lying, are you?

    3) (mit Interrogativpron.)

    wo.../wer.../wann.../was... usw. auch [immer] — wherever/whoever/whenever/whatever etc....

    mag er auch noch so klug sein — however clever he may be; no matter how clever he is

    so oft ich auch anrief — however often I rang; no matter how often I rang

    * * *
    also adv.
    as well adv.
    too adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > auch

  • 40 et

       et adv.    and conj.    I. adv., adding to a fact or thought, also, too, besides, moreover, likewise, as well, even: Ph. vale. Pa. et tu bene vale, T.: ‘tu tuom negotium gessisti bene.’ Gere et tu tuom bene: et Caelius profectus... pervenit, Cs.: et alia acies fundit Sabinos, L.: nam et testimonium saepe dicendum est: qui bellum gesserint, quom et regis inimici essent: id te et nunc rogo: Romulus et ipse arma tollens, L.: amisso et ipse Pacoro, Ta.: spatium non tenent tantum, sed et implent, Ta.—    II. As conj, and, as the simplest connective of words or clauses: cum constemus ex animo et corpore: dixerat et conripiunt spatium, V.: Xerxes et duo Artaxerxes, Macrochir et Mnemon, N.—After a negat., but: portūs capere non potuerunt, et infra delatae sunt, Cs.—After an emphatic word: hoc et erit simile, etc. (i. e. et hoc): Danaūm et... Ut caderem meruisse manu (i. e. et meruisse ut Danaūm manu cederem), V.: vagus et sinistrā Labitur ripā, H. — Regularly, either et introduces the second and each following word or clause, or no connective is used: Alco et Melampus et Tmolus, Alco, Melampus and Tmolus: et ipse bonus vir fuit, et multi Epicurei et fuerunt et hodie sunt et in amicitiis fideles et in omni vitā constantes et graves: Signini fuere et Norbani Saticulanique et Fregellani et Lucerini et, etc. (sixteen times), L.: sequebantur C. Carbo, C. Cato, et minime tum quidem Gaius frater, etc. —But the rule is often violated: consulibus, praetoribus, tribunis pl. et nobis... negotium dederat: fuere autem C. Duellius P. Decius Mus M. Papirius Q. Publilius et T. Aemilius, L.: abi, quaere et refer, H.: It, redit et narrat, H.—After multi, plurimi, tot (where no conj. is used in English): multae et magnae Cogitationes, many great thoughts: plurima et flagitiosissuma facinora, S.: tot et tantae et tam graves civitates.—Repeated, both... and, as well... as, on the one hand... on the other, not only... but also: et haec et alia: et in circo et in foro: Iovis Et soror et coniunx, V.: et publice et privatim: et est et semper fuit: et oratio et voluntas et auctoritas, as well... as... and.—The second or last et often introduces a climax, both... and in particular: homo et in aliis causis versatus et in hac multum versatus.— Corresponding with neque, both... and not, both not... and: via et certa neque longa: nec sapienter et me invito facit, both unwisely and against my protest: quia et consul aberat nec facile erat, etc., L.—Corresponding with -que, deinde, tum, instead of another et: et Epaminondas cecinisse dicitur, Themistoclesque, etc.: uti seque et oppidum tradat, S.: tela hastaque et gladius, L.: et in ceteris... tum maxime in celeritate: et publicani... deinde ex ceteris ordinibus homines.—After a negative, uniting two words or phrases: non errantem et vagam, sed stabilem sententiam: Nec pietate fuit nec bello maior et armis, V.—Uniting two words which form one conception: habere ad Catilinam mandata et litteras: pateris libamus et auro, V.: cernes urbem et promissa Moenia, V.: omnium artium ratio et disciplina, systematic cultivation: quam (medicinam) adfert longinquitas et dies, time: crescit oratio et facultas (i. e. dicendi facultas): a similitudine et inertiā Gallorum separari, from resembling their lack of enterprise, Ta.—Et non, and not, instead of neque: patior, iudices, et non moleste fero: exempla quaerimus et ea non antiqua: uti opus intermitteretur et milites contineri non possent, Cs.: pro decore tantum et non pro salute, L.: tantummodo in urbe et non per totam Italiam, S.: me ista curasse et non inrisisse potius, etc.; cf. otioso vero et nihil agenti privato: temere et nullo consilio: heredes sui cuique liberi, et nullum testamentum, Ta. — Adding a general to a special term, or a whole to one or more parts, and the rest, and all: Chrysippus et Stoici, and the Stoics in general: ad victum et ad vitam: procul ab Syracusis Siciliāque, L.—Adding a special to a general term, or a part to a whole, and in particular, and especially: si te et tuas cogitationes et studia perspexeris: tris (navīs) In brevia et Syrtīs urguet, V.: regnum et diadema, H. — Adding an explanation or enlargement of the thought, and indeed, and in fact, and moreover, and that, and besides: errabas, Verres, et vehementer errabas: hostis et hostis nimis ferus: cum hostis in Italiā esset, et Hannibal hostis, L.: te enim iam appello, et eā voce, ut, etc.: id, et facile, effici posse, N.: et domi quidem causam amoris habuisti: pictores, et vero etiam poëtae.—Introducing a parenthesis: ad praetorem— et ipse ita iubebat—est deductus, L.—Adding a result after an imper, and then, and so: Dic quibus in terris, et eris mihi magnus Apollo, V.—Introducing a strongly contrasted thought, and yet, and in spite of this, and... possibly, but still, but: et dubitas, quin sensus in morte nullus sit?: animo non deficiam et id perferam: in amicitiā nihil fictum (est), et quicquid est, id est verum.—After an expression of time, introducing a contemporaneous fact, and, and then, when, as: haec eodem tempore referebantur, et legati veniebant, Cs.: eādem horā Interamnae fuerat et Romae: simul consul de hostium adventu cognovit, et hostes aderant, S.—Introducing an immediate sequence in time, and then, when: Tantum effatus et in verbo vestigia torsit, V.: vixdum ad se pervenisse et audisse, etc., L.—Introducing the second term of a comparison, as, than, and: Nunc mihi germanu's pariter animo et corpore, T.: quod aeque promptum est mihi et adversario meo: haudquaquam par gloria sequitur scriptorem et actorem, S.: aliter docti et indocti.—Adversative, but, yet: gravis, severus, et saepius misericors, Ta.: magna corpora et tantum ad impetum valida, Ta.
    * * *
    and, and even; also, even; (et... et = both... and)

    Latin-English dictionary > et

См. также в других словарях:

  • both --- and — {coord. conj.} Used to emphasize that two or more things are talked about. * /Both Frank and Mary were at the party./ * /Millie is both a good swimmer and a good cook./ * /In the program tonight Mary will both sing and dance./ * /The frog can… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • both --- and — {coord. conj.} Used to emphasize that two or more things are talked about. * /Both Frank and Mary were at the party./ * /Millie is both a good swimmer and a good cook./ * /In the program tonight Mary will both sing and dance./ * /The frog can… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Both — Both, conj. As well; not only; equally. [1913 Webster] Note: Both precedes the first of two co[ o]rdinate words or phrases, and is followed by and before the other, both . . . and . . .; as well the one as the other; not only this, but also that; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well drilling — Tricone rock bit Well drilling is the process of drilling a hole in the ground for the extraction of a natural resource such as ground water, natural gas, or petroleum. Drilling for the exploration of the nature of the material underground (for… …   Wikipedia

  • And the Glass Handed Kites — Infobox Album Name = And the Glass Handed Kites Type = Album Artist = Mew Released = September 19, 2005 Recorded = 2004 2005 Genre = Indie, New prog, Art rock, Dream pop Length = 53:59 Label = Sony BMG Producer = Michael Beinhorn Reviews =… …   Wikipedia

  • Well temperament — (also circular or circulating temperament) is a type of tempered tuning described in 20th century music theory. The term is modelled on the German word wohltemperiert which appears in the title of J.S. Bach s famous composition, The Well Tempered …   Wikipedia

  • And Now for Something Completely Different — DVD cover Directed by Ian MacNaughton Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Well (play) — Well is a play about illness written by and starring Lisa Kron. Well made its world premier at the Joseph Papp Public Theater in New York City in 2004. The play was directed by Leigh Silverman and also starred Jayne Houdyshell as Lisa s mother,… …   Wikipedia

  • And did those feet in ancient time — is a short poem by William Blake from the preface to his epic Milton a Poem, one of a collection of writings known as the Prophetic Books. The date on the title page of 1804 for Milton is probably when the plates were begun, but the poem was… …   Wikipedia

  • And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little — is an American play written by Paul Zindel and published by Dramatists Play Services. The story surrounds three sisters: Catherine, an alcoholic; Anna, a hypochondriac and Ceil, an attention starved socialite.HistoryPaul Zindel wrote this play in …   Wikipedia

  • Well-Tempered Clavier — The Well Tempered Clavier ( Das Wohltemperirte Clavier in the original old German spelling) [In the German of Bach s time the Clavier was a generic name meaning keyboard instrument, most typically the harpsichord or clavichord mdash; but not… …   Wikipedia

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