Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 began

    * * *
    [big'æn] v ps of begin.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > began

  • 2 began

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > began

  • 3 begin

    present participle - beginning; verb
    (to come or bring, into being, to start: He began to talk; The meeting began early.) começar
    - beginner
    - to begin with
    * * *
    [big'in] vt+vi (ps began, pp begun) 1 começar, iniciar, fazer a primeira parte. he began by saying / ele começou por dizer. he began on (upon) his novel / ele iniciou seu romance. he began talking, to talk / ele começou a falar. this begins (or is beginning) to be tiresome / isto está começando a ficar enfadonho. 2 originar, dar origem, aparecer. 3 aproximar-se, estar próximo, chegar a. 4 dar início a. 5 instituir, produzir, inaugurar, principiar. begin at the beginning! comece pelo princípio! the King of England does not begin to have the power of the President Amer o Rei da Inglaterra está longe de ter o poder do presidente. to begin with em primeiro lugar, antes de tudo. well begun is half done bem começado é meio caminho andado. you don’t begin to play soccer Amer você joga mal o futebol.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > begin

  • 4 begin

    present participle - beginning; verb
    (to come or bring, into being, to start: He began to talk; The meeting began early.)
    - beginner - to begin with

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > begin

  • 5 Swim

    [swim] 1. present participle - swimming; verb
    1) (to move through water using arms and legs or fins, tails etc: The children aren't allowed to go sailing until they've learnt to swim; I'm going / I've been swimming; She swam to the shore; They watched the fish swimming about in the aquarium.) nadar
    2) (to cross (a river etc), compete in (a race), cover (a distance etc) by swimming: He swam three lengths of the swimming-pool; She can't swim a stroke (= at all).) nadar
    3) (to seem to be moving round and round, as a result of dizziness etc: His head was swimming; Everything began to swim before his eyes.) andar à roda
    2. noun
    (an act of swimming: We went for a swim in the lake.) banho
    - swimming
    - swimming-bath
    - swimming-pool
    - swimming-trunks
    - swimsuit
    - swimming-costume
    * * *

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Swim

  • 6 ants

    [ænts] n Amer sl 1 desconforto, impaciência, irritação, inquietação. after two days at sea she began to get ants / depois de dois dias viajando no mar ela começou a ficar irritada (inquieta). 2 excitação sexual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ants

  • 7 backup

    1) (additional people who provide help when it is needed: The police officer requested some backup when the shooting began.)
    2) (a copy of a computer file that can be used in case the original is destroyed.)
    3) (( also adjective) a piece of equipment, a system etc that can be used when there is a problem with the original one: a backup plan; We have a backup generator in case the power fails.)
    * * *
    [b'æk∧p] n 1 ajuda, assistência, apoio. 2 Comp cópia de segurança, cópia reserva. • vt 1 dar suporte, ajudar, apoiar. 2 Comp fazer cópia de arquivo ou de dados, fazer cópia reserva.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > backup

  • 8 button

    1. noun
    1) (a knob or disc used as a fastening: I lost a button off my coat.) botão
    2) (a small knob pressed to operate something: This button turns the radio on.) botão
    2. verb
    ((often with up) to fasten by means of buttons.) abotoar
    3. verb
    (to catch someone's attention and hold him in conversation: He buttonholed me and began telling me the story of his life.) apanhar
    * * *
    [b'∧tən] n 1 botão. 2 coisa parecida com botão. 3 Bot gomo, olho. 4 dístico, broche. • vt+vi 1 abotoar. 2 prover de botões. 3 abotoar-se. I don’t care a button não me importa. I must press a button fig tenho de tomar providências. it isn’t worth a button não vale um caracol. on the button precisamente. to button up abotoar, ter pouco ou nenhum valor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > button

  • 9 cloud

    1) (a mass of tiny drops of water floating in the sky: white clouds in a blue sky; The hills were hidden in cloud.) nuvem
    2) (a great number or quantity of anything small moving together: a cloud of flies.) nuvem
    3) (something causing fear, depression etc: a cloud of sadness.) nuvem
    2. verb
    1) ((often with over) to become cloudy: The sky clouded over and it began to rain.) nublar-se
    2) (to (cause to) become blurred or not clear: Her eyes were clouded with tears.) nublar
    3) (to (cause to) become gloomy or troubled: His face clouded at the unhappy news.) anuviar(-se)
    - cloudy
    - cloudburst
    - under a cloud
    * * *
    [klaud] n 1 nuvem. 2 névoa, bruma. 3 multidão, grande número. 4 mancha, veia (no mármore). 5 fig sombra, tristeza, desgraça, asa negra. his death cast a cloud over the festival / sua morte entristeceu a festa. • vt+vi 1 cobrir(-se) de nuvens, nublar(-se). 2 ondear, imitar veias, marmorear. 3 fig anuviar, entristecer(-se). 4 escurecer, obscurecer. cloud of smoke nuvem de fumaça. he is in a cloud ele vive escondido. he is in the clouds ele está pensativo, absorto. he is under a cloud ele vive em miséria, ele tem má fama. on cloud nine coll eufórico. the cloud lifted fig a sombra levantou-se. the clouds as altas esferas. to cloud over nublar-se, turvar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloud

  • 10 compose

    1) (to form by putting parts together: A word is composed of several letters.) compor
    2) (to write (eg music, poetry etc): Mozart began to compose when he was six years old.) compor
    3) (to control (oneself) after being upset.) conter-se
    - composer
    - composition
    - composure
    * * *
    [kəmp'ouz] vt+vi 1 compor: a) formar. b) constituir, integrar, fazer parte de. c) Typogr dispor os caracteres tipográficos para imprimir. d) escrever (obra literária, artística ou musical), redigir. e) apaziguar, reconciliar, acomodar. 2 resolver, decidir-se, aprontar-se. 3 acalmar, tranqüilizar, recompor-se. it is composed of é composto de. to compose oneself a) acalmar-se. b) dispor-se a. he composed himself to sleep / ele acomodou-se para dormir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > compose

  • 11 culprit

    (a person responsible for something wrong, unpleasant etc: As soon as he saw the broken window he began to look for the culprit.) culpado
    * * *
    [k'∧lprit] n 1 culpado, criminoso, ofensor. 2 acusado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > culprit

  • 12 dance

    1. verb
    1) (to move in time to music by ma-king a series of rhythmic steps: She began to dance; Can you dance the waltz?) dançar
    2) (to move quickly up and down: The father was dancing the baby on his knee.) balouçar
    2. noun
    1) (a series of fixed steps made in time to music: Have you done this dance before?; ( also adjective) dance music.) dança
    2) (a social gathering at which people dance: We're going to a dance next Saturday.) baile
    - dancing
    * * *
    [da:ns; dæns] n 1 dança. 2 baile. 3 música de dança. • vt+vi 1 dançar, bailar, participar de uma dança. 2 fazer dançar, executar dançando. 3 saltar, pular, girar, oscilar, dar solavancos, dar passos e saltos. dance of death Hist, Paint dança macabra com a morte levando os dançantes ao túmulo. to dance attendance on servir solicitamente, puxar o saco. to dance off sl morrer (executado legalmente). to dance on air sl morrer enforcado. to dance to someone’s tune conformar-se com os desejos de alguém, dançar conforme a música. to dance upon nothing ser enforcado. to lead one a dance a) causar embaraço a alguém. b) usar de delongas ou de adiamentos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dance

  • 13 ebb

    1) ((of the tide) to go out from the land: The tide began to ebb.) vazar
    2) (to become less: His strength was ebbing fast.) declinar
    - at a low ebb
    - on the ebb
    * * *
    [eb] n 1 maré baixa, vazante da maré. 2 fig diminuição, decadência, declínio. 3 ponto de declínio, reviravolta. • vi 1 vazar (da maré), estar na vazante. 2 diminuir, enfraquecer, decair, baixar, acalmar-se, esgotar-se. ebb and flow fluxo e refluxo. the beginning of the ebb o início da vazante. to be at a low ebb estar numa situação ou período ruim, estar em maré baixa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ebb

  • 14 fester

    ((of an open injury eg a cut or sore) to become infected: The wound began to fester.) inflamar
    * * *
    [f'estə] n 1 apostema, pústula, chaga. 2 ulceração. • vt+vi 1 ulcerar(-se), inflamar-se, supurar, apostemar-se. 2 apodrecer-se, corromper-se. 3 envenenar o espírito, exasperar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fester

  • 15 flag

    I [flæɡ] noun
    (a piece of cloth with a particular design representing a country, party, association etc: the French flag.) bandeira
    - flag down II [flæɡ] past tense, past participle - flagged; verb
    (to become tired or weak: Halfway through the race he began to flag.) fraquejar
    * * *
    [flæg] n 1 bandeira, pavilhão, estandarte, lábaro, pendão. 2 emblema, qualquer coisa que sugere uma bandeira. 3 Comp marco: sinal que marca o início ou o fim de uma palavra em computadores que empregam palavras de extensão variável. • vt+vi 1 transmitir sinais com bandeiras. 2 enfeitar, embandeirar, cobrir de bandeiras. black flag bandeira negra, emblema da pirataria. flag of convenience bandeira estrangeira sob a qual o(s) navio(s) se registra(m) para evitar impostos ou regulamentações do governo. flag of truce Mil bandeira branca, de trégua. red flag bandeira vermelha, emblema dos partidos revolucionários, sinal de desafio. to drop the flag Sport dar sinal de partida. to hang the flag halfmast high hastear (ou arvorar) a bandeira a meio pau. to hoist the flag içar a bandeira. to show the white flag mostrar a bandeira branca, render-se. we must keep the flag flying temos de manter o ânimo.
    [flæg] n Bot 1 espadana, lírio-roxo. 2 íris. 3 cálamo.
    [flæg] vi (ps e pp flagged) 1 cansar, fatigar-se, enfraquecer, afrouxar, desanimar, esmorecer. 2 descair, pender, murchar.
    [flæg] n 1 laje, lousa. 2 = link=flagstone flagstone.vt lajear, pavimentar com lousas ou lajes.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flag

  • 16 flow

    [fləu] 1. verb
    1) (to move along in the way that water does: The river flowed into the sea.) correr
    2) ((of the tide) to rise: The boat left the harbour when the tide began to flow.) subir
    2. noun
    (the act of flowing: a flow of blood; the flow of traffic.) corrente
    * * *
    [flou] n 1 fluência, ação de correr líquido, escoamento, derramamento. 2 fluxo, circulação. 3 fig torrente, fluidez. 4 vazão. 5 corrente, curso de água. 6 maré enchente, inundação, cheia. 7 Med menstruação, regras. 8 flows Com fluxos. 9 Comp fluxo. • vt 1 fluir, manar, circular. 2 derramar-se, escorrer, brotar, dimanar, derivar, fluir, proceder, resultar. 3 escorregar, deslizar, passar de leve, ser fluido ou fluente (estilo). 4 estar dependurado e tremulando, ondear, flutuar. 5 abundar, afluir, refluir, vir ou ir em grande quantidade, transbordar. 6 subir, encher (a maré). 7 alagar. 8 menstruar. flow of chips Tech escoamento de aparas. flow of current circulação da corrente. flow of heat fluxo calorífico. flow of oil circulação de óleo. flow of spirits disposição animada. flow of steam circulação de vapor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flow

  • 17 freshen

    1) (to become fresh or cool: The wind began to freshen.) arrefecer
    2) ((often with up) to (cause to) become less tired or untidy looking: I must freshen up before dinner.) refrescar(-se)
    * * *
    [fr'eʃən] vt+vi 1 refrescar: a) tornar(-se) mais fresco. b) renovar, restaurar. c) reanimar(-se), avivar(-se), revigorar-se, dar ou tomar novas forças, revivificar, reviver. d) Naut folgar (um cabo) mudando os pontos sujeitos a fricção. 2 dessalgar
    (-se), deitar de molho. 3 dar cria (vaca). the wind freshens o vento está ficando mais forte ou mais frio. to freshen up a) refrescar(-se) com água. b) tornar (algo) mais atrativo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > freshen

  • 18 intensive

    adjective (very great; showing or having great care etc: The police began an intensive search for the murderer; The hospital has just opened a new intensive care unit.) intensivo
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    [int'ensiv] n Gram palavra ou partícula intensiva. • adj 1 intensivo, profundo, intenso, ativo. 2 Gram intensivo, enfático.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > intensive

  • 19 just

    I adjective
    1) (right and fair: not favouring one more than another: a fair and just decision.) justo
    2) (reasonable; based on one's rights: He certainly has a just claim to the money.) justo
    3) (deserved: He got his just reward when he crashed the stolen car and broke his leg.) merecido
    - justness II adverb
    1) ((often with as) exactly or precisely: This penknife is just what I needed; He was behaving just as if nothing had happened; The house was just as I'd remembered it.) justamente
    2) ((with as) quite: This dress is just as nice as that one.) exactamente
    3) (very lately or recently: He has just gone out of the house.) agora mesmo
    4) (on the point of; in the process of: She is just coming through the door.) mesmo agora
    5) (at the particular moment: The telephone rang just as I was leaving.) mesmo
    6) ((often with only) barely: We have only just enough milk to last till Friday; I just managed to escape; You came just in time.) à justa
    7) (only; merely: They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen; `Where are you going?' `Just to the post office'; Could you wait just a minute?)
    8) (used for emphasis, eg with commands: Just look at that mess!; That just isn't true!; I just don't know what to do.) absolutamente
    9) (absolutely: The weather is just marvellous.) mesmo
    - just now
    - just then
    * * *
    [dʒ∧st] adj 1 justo, imparcial equitativo. 2 probo, íntegro. 3 justificável, razoável, merecido. 4 legal, lícito, legítimo. 5 adequado, oportuno. 6 correto, exato. 7 verdadeiro, verídico. • adv 1 exatamente, perfeitamente. it is just three o’clock / são exatamente três horas. that’s just it! / exatamente assim! I just knew it / eu o sabia exatamente. this hat is just you / este chapéu é parecido com você, é a sua cara. 2 quase, agora mesmo. 3 há pouco, daqui a pouco. he’s just gone / ele acaba de sair. 4 por mínima margem, por pouco. 5 somente, meramente. just let me pass! / deixem-me ainda (ou apenas) passar! just tell me / diga-me apenas. 6 coll positivamente, realmente. I just won’t do it / de forma nenhuma vou fazê-lo. it was just marvellous! / era realmente magnífico! 7 no mesmo momento. just as he came / no momento em que chegou. just as I had left, it began to rain / mal tinha saído, começou a chover. a just distinction uma justa distinção. I was just sure at it senti absoluta certeza. just about a) quase. b) quase não. just a moment! um momento, por favor! just beyond mais adiante. just in case no caso de, na hipótese de. just now agora mesmo. just so! certamente! just then naquele momento. just the same apesar disso, todavia. just two hours apenas ou exatamente duas horas. that is just as well coll isto é a mesmíssima coisa.
    [dʒ∧st] n, vi = link=joust joust.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > just

  • 20 little by little

    (gradually: Little by little we began to get to know him.) pouco a pouco
    * * *
    little by little
    aos poucos.
    little by little
    pouco a pouco.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > little by little

См. также в других словарях:

  • began — the past tense of begin …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • began — p.t. of BEGIN (Cf. begin) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bēgan — *bēgan, *bæ̅gan germ., stark. Verb: nhd. streiten; ne. fight (Verb); Rekontruktionsbasis: an., ahd.; Etymologie: idg. *bʰēgʰ , *bʰōgʰ , Verb, streiten …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • began — [bē gan′, bigan′] vi., vt. pt. of BEGIN …   English World dictionary

  • Began — Begin Be*gin , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Began}, {Begun}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Beginning}.] [AS. beginnan (akin to OS. biginnan, D. & G. beginnen, OHG. biginnan, Goth., du ginnan, Sw. begynna, Dan. begynde); pref. be + an assumed ginnan. [root]31. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • begán — irreg v/t to go over, traverse; get to, come by, fall into; go to, visit, care for, cultivate; inhabit, occupy; surround, beset, overrun; practice, do, engage in, perform, attend to, be diligent about; honor, serve, worship; profess; on borh… …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • BEGAN — past of BEGIN. * * * past tense of ↑begin * * * began [began] [bɪˈɡæn] ; [bɪˈɡæn] past tense of ↑begin * * * began (bɪˈgæn) pa. tense of …   Useful english dictionary

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  • began — [[t]bɪgæ̱n[/t]] Began is the past tense of begin …   English dictionary

  • Began Jarwar — Union Councils name = Began Jarwar caption = Begin Jarwar is located in the south of the district. province = Sindh district = Tando Allahyar tehsil = Chamber nazim = Haji Abdullah Daudani naib nazim = population = 41,890 coordinates = Began… …   Wikipedia

  • began — /bi gan /, v. pt. of begin. * * * …   Universalium

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