1 auger sampler
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > auger sampler
2 auger sampler
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > auger sampler
3 auger sampler
Нефть: змеевик, спиральный бур -
4 auger-sampler
Горное дело: спиральный бур-опробователь -
5 auger sampler
спиральный бур, змеевик, ложка.English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > auger sampler
6 auger-sampler
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > auger-sampler
7 auger sampler
спиральный бур; змеевик -
8 auger-sampler
9 sampler
1. рабочий, отбирающий пробу2. пробоотборник, грунтонос
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пробоотборник, грунтонос; прибор для отбора проб, устройство для взятия образцов из пласта-коллектора
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1) рабочий, отбирающий пробы2) пробоотборник, керноприёмник•- automatic sampler
- bottomhole sampler
- bullet-type sampler
- California sampler
- combination sampler
- compressed-air sampler
- cone sampler
- cone sidewall sampler
- core sampler
- crude sampler
- cutoff sampler
- Denison sampler
- door-type sampler
- downhole sampler
- drive sampler
- dry sampler
- flowing sampler
- fluid sampler
- free-piston drive sampler
- gas sampler
- grab sampler
- gun side-wall sampler
- harpoon sampler
- hydraulic wall sampler
- immersion sampler
- impactor sampler
- in-line sampler
- Moran-and-Proctor sampler
- ocean-bottom sampler
- open drive sampler
- percussion side-wall sampler
- percussion-type sampler
- pinch-type side-wall core sampler
- pipe sampler
- piston sampler
- piston-core sampler
- piston-drive sampler
- piston-pipe sampler
- piston-suction sampler
- punch-type side-wall sampler
- retractable plug sampler
- rotary side-wall sampler
- rotating sampler
- sand-pump sampler
- sidewall core sampler
- single-valve sampler
- sludge sampler
- soil sampler
- solid sampler with inside slit
- solid-barrel sampler
- split-barrel sampler with liner
- split-side solid sampler
- split-spoon core sampler
- split-tube sampler
- spoon sampler
- stationary piston drive sampler
- subsurface sampler
- suction sampler
- thick-wall drive tube sampler
- thin-wall drive tube sampler
- tube sampler
- wall sampler
- window sampler* * *• рабочий, отбирающий пробы -
10 auger
бурав; сверло; спиральный бур; шнековый бур; ложечный бур; пустотелое долото; пёрка; шнек (транспортёра); шнекобурильная машина; бурошнековая машина; винтовой транспортёр; лес. валочная фреза; цилиндрический бур- auger boring - auger conveyor - auger cutting table - auger divider - auger drill - auger-drill head - auger drilling - auger drilling unit - auger elevator - auger extruder - auger feeder - auger filler - auger fork - auger gouge - auger grain loader - auger head - auger header - auger holder - auger loader - auger machine - auger package - auger rod - auger sampler - auger shaft - Auger spectrum - auger steel - auger stem - auger string - auger-type elevator - auger wheel scraper - auger with valve - beat auger - bucket auger - clean-out jet auger - coal auger - crank auger - cutting auger conveyer - gouge auger - grain unloading auger - long auger - rock auger - rotating auger - screw auger - soil auger - tailing auger - twisted auger - worm auger -
11 auger-type sampler
Пищевая промышленность: шнековый пробоотборник -
12 auger-type sampler
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > auger-type sampler
13 unit
1. установка; комплект; агрегат; аппарат; прибор; элемент; секция3. матем. единица4. составная деталь, сборная часть, узел; блок5. участок; забой; группа забоев6. ячейкаhydroblast concrete removal unit — устройство для гидроструйного снятия бетонной рубашки (с подводного трубопровода в случае необходимости врезки отвода)
onshore mobile drilling unit — морская передвижная буровая установка, МПБУ
rotation set packing unit — уплотнительный узел, устанавливаемый вращением
twin-hulled column-stabilized drilling unit — двухкорпусная буровая установка, стабилизированная вертикальными колоннами
wellhead casing hanger packing unit — уплотнительный узел подвески обсадной колонны на подводном устье
— box unit
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1. единица2. блок; узел; секция; агрегат; установка; аппарат; прибор3. деталь; элементhulled column-stabilized drilling offshore unit — буровое двухкорпусное морское основание со стабилизирующими вертикальными колоннами
hydroblast concrete removal unit — устройство для гидроструйного снятия бетонной рубашки (с подводного трубопровода)
sucker-rod mechanized loading and transporting unit — агрегат для механизированной погрузки и транспортировки глубинно-насосных штанг
twin-hulled column-stabilized drilling unit — двухкорпусная буровая установка, стабилизированная вертикальными колоннами
wellhead casing hanger packing unit — уплотнительный узел подвески обсадной колонны на подводном устье
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1. единица; единица измерения2. агрегат; установка; секция; узел; элемент
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единица, элемент; пачка ( небольшая по мощности совокупность пластов)
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2) блок; узел; секция; агрегат; установка; аппарат; прибор3) деталь; элемент•- unit of equipmentunit in standby — 1) резервный элемент 2) элемент, находящийся в ненагруженном резерве
- unit of gas
- unit of permeability
- unit of viscosity
- acoustic logging unit
- acoustic measuring unit
- air-balanced beam pumping unit
- ammonia absorption unit
- antifreeze agent batching unit
- API gamma-ray unit
- API neutron unit
- atmospheric-and-vacuum distillation unit
- auger drilling unit
- automatic coupling screwing unit
- automatic dewaxing unit
- automatic drilling-control unit
- automatic float-type pump-out unit
- automatic well logging unit
- automatic well measuring unit
- back-crank pumping unit
- back-in unit
- back-pressure control unit
- backup unit
- batching unit for injecting agents into gas flow
- beam-balanced pumping unit
- beamless pumping unit
- beam-pumping unit
- blasting unit
- blowout prevention operating unit
- bottomhole pumping unit
- British thermal unit
- bulk-cement transport unit
- caisson-type leg unit
- casing hanger packoff unit
- casing lubrication unit
- cathodic protection unit
- cement mixing unit
- cement plug drilling unit
- cementing unit
- central power unit
- central pumping unit
- cetane unit
- chain-driven pumping unit
- column-stabilized drilling unit
- combined atmospheric-vacuum rerun unit
- combined-balanced beam pumping unit
- compatibility test unit
- completely failed unit
- compression unit
- conventional pumping unit
- conversion unit
- corrosion unit
- counterweight beam unit
- cracking unit
- crank-balanced pumping unit
- damaged unit
- deballasting pumping unit
- dedicated maintenance unit
- deep-well pumping unit
- degassing unit
- derrick unit
- dewaxing unit
- diethylene glycol batching unit
- discrepant unit
- double-drum servicing unit
- double-valve unit
- downflow fluid-catalyst unit
- downhole television unit
- drainage unit
- drawworks unit
- drill unit
- drilling unit
- drilling-in unit
- drive-in unit
- driving unit
- electrical dewaxing unit
- electrical survey unit
- emergency storage unit
- Engler unit
- equilibrium unit
- expansion refrigeration unit
- exploder unit
- fault-free unit
- fault-location unit
- field replaceable unit
- filter unit
- filtering unit
- filtration unit
- fire-control unit
- floating drilling unit
- floating drilling offshore unit
- floating offshore unit
- fluid unit
- fluid-bed catalytic cracking unit
- foam unit
- front-mounted self-contained unit
- fuel-oil unit
- gas unit
- gas-cleaning unit
- gas-compressor unit
- gas-engine-compressor unit
- gas-gasoline processing unit
- gaslift unit
- gas-measuring unit
- gasoline tank unit
- gas-separation unit
- geared pumping unit
- geological unit
- glycol dehydration unit
- group unit
- group separation unit
- guide line tensioning unit
- heating unit
- high-speed pumping unit
- hoist unit
- hoisting unit
- Houdry fixed-bed unit
- hulled column-stabilized drilling offshore unit
- hydraulic fracturing unit
- hydraulic power pumping unit
- hydraulic pumping unit
- hydroblast concrete removal unit
- hydrocyclone unit
- hydrostatic testing unit
- idle unit
- immobile offshore drilling unit
- insert submersible pump unit
- jack-up drilling offshore unit
- known-reliability unit
- limited-life unit
- locking unit
- long-lived unit
- long-stroke pumping unit
- lowering unit
- low-speed pumping unit
- maintenance unit
- maintenance control unit
- maintenance service unit
- malfunctioning unit
- manifold unit
- marginally operating unit
- marine unit
- marine drilling unit
- master gate unit
- mat supported jack-up unit
- measuring unit
- methanol batching unit
- mobile logging unit
- mobile offshore unit
- mobile offshore drilling unit
- mud logging unit
- mud preparing unit
- mud pump valve unit
- mud pumping unit
- multiple well pumping unit
- natural gas liquefaction unit
- nonrepairable unit
- offshore unit
- offshore drilling unit
- offshore mobile drilling unit
- off-stream unit
- oil-pump unit
- oil-well pumping unit
- open truss-type leg unit
- operational test unit
- optimal replaceable unit
- outlet unit
- packing unit
- pipeless deep-well pumping unit
- pipeless subsurface pumping unit
- pneumatic pressure cement storage unit
- pole mast unit
- portable fire pump unit
- portable pumping unit
- post head unit
- pressure unit
- processing unit
- production rate measuring unit
- propane-air unit
- proportioning unit
- proration unit
- pulling unit
- pumping unit
- pumping unit on skid
- reactive turbine bottomhole unit
- reducing unit
- refrigeration unit
- released swab unit
- reliability test unit
- reliable unit
- remote pumping unit
- renewable unit
- repair unit
- repair training unit
- rigged-down swabbing unit
- rotary unit
- rotation unit
- rotation set packing unit
- sampler unit
- sampling-and-analyzing unit
- sand-master unit
- sand-washing bottom unit
- seating-and-sealing unit
- seawater filtration unit
- sedimentary unit
- selective four-coil unit
- self-contained offshore drilling unit
- self-elevating offshore drilling unit
- self-propelled manifold unit
- self-propelled semisubmersible drilling unit
- semiautomatic mud logging unit
- semisubmersible offshore drilling unit
- sensor unit
- servicing unit
- shale shaker-desander combination unit
- shooting unit
- short-stroke pumping unit
- silt master unit
- single-core cable well logging unit
- single-well completion unit
- slush pump unit
- snubbing unit
- spotty unit
- standard API unit
- standard pumping unit
- standby pumping unit
- steam unit
- stratigraphic unit
- submersible drive pump unit
- submersible electrical centrifugal pump unit
- subsurface pumping unit
- sucker-rod mechanized loading and transporting unit
- surface drilling unit
- surface pressure readout unit
- survey unit
- swabbing unit
- switchover measuring unit
- test-and-repair unit
- three-core cable well logging unit
- three-joint unit
- tractor-mounted well servicing unit
- troubleshooting unit
- tubing lubrication unit
- turbocompressor unit
- twin-hulled column-stabilized drilling unit
- twin-rerun unit
- underwater drilling unit
- upflow catalyst unit
- upflow fluid-catalyst unit
- upstream pumping unit
- vapor recovery unit
- vertical reference unit
- weight-set packing unit
- well-completion unit
- wellhead casing hanger packing unit
- well-logging unit
- well-measuring unit
- well-servicing unit
- well-servicing pump-hoist unit
- well-swabbing unit* * *• 1) установка; 2) единица• деталь• забой• участок -
14 head
1. голова; головка2. головная часть; передняя часть3. верхняя часть, верхушка; крышка5. напор; давление столба жидкости; давление газа7. пульсирующий напор или выброс ( из скважины) || пульсировать8. гидр. подпор9. геол. конкреция в песчанике; валун в галечнике10. руководитель, глава11. головной12. главный, ведущий || возглавлять, руководить13. св. наконечник горелки— cat head— gas head— jet head— low head
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1. головка2. руководитель; начальникcasing head with slip tubing hander — головка обсадной колонны с клиновой подвеской для насосно-компрессорной колонны
casing head with tubing hander — головка обсадной колонны с подвеской для насосно-компрессорной колонны
— jet head
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1. верхняя часть, крышка; нос ( судна)2. напор, давление ( столбажидкости); исток ( реки)
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2. головной
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1) напор; давление столба жидкости; давление газа3) пульсирующий напор; выброс ( из скважины) || пульсировать5) верхняя часть; крышка ( резервуара)6) головка7) руководитель; начальник8) головной ()•head on pump — рабочее давление насоса; напор, преодолеваемый насосом;
- head of sucker rodto put a head on a stem — 1) приводить ударную штангу в негодность 2) продолжать долбление после обрыва долота
- head of tender
- antifoam still head
- auger head
- auger-drill head
- back head
- ball-weevil tubing head
- barrel head
- beam head
- bit head
- boom head
- boring head
- brace head
- Braden head
- brake head
- breaking head
- bumped head
- burner head
- cable head
- casing head
- casing head with slip tubing hanger
- casing head with tubing hanger
- casing drive head
- casing handling head
- cat head
- cement head
- cementing head
- cementing plug dropping head
- circulating head
- connection head
- control head
- control casing head
- core head
- core-barrel head
- core-cutting head
- core-receiver retrieving head
- cutter head
- cutting head
- cylinder head
- delivery head
- derrick head
- detachable drill head
- diamond head
- diamond bit core head
- diamond core head
- discharge head
- dished head
- double-cap casing head
- double-gate control head
- double-plug container cementing head
- drill head
- drill front head
- drilling head
- drilling mud head
- drive head
- drive-out head
- drive-pipe head
- driving head
- dynamic head
- fan head
- field-interchangeable longitudinal cutting head
- fishing head
- flow head
- fluid head
- fluid cylinder head
- fracturing head
- front head
- gas head
- grip head
- hard formation cutting head
- high temperature head
- hydraulical circulating head
- hydraulical packing head
- hydraulical pressure head
- hydraulical swivel head
- hydrostatic head
- inlet hydraulical head
- intake head
- intermediate casing head
- jar head
- jet head
- joist head
- kinetic head
- landing head
- landing head for tubing
- latch bumper head
- latch-type front head
- liquid head
- liquid-dividing head
- low head
- lower casing head
- lowermost casing head
- main control head
- mast head
- mechanical-feed head
- mechanical-firing head
- mud pump oil stop head
- mule head
- multiple string tubing head
- net pressure head
- nigger head
- normal pressure head
- offset tubing head
- oil-stop head
- overshot head
- packing head
- pipe head
- pipe drive head
- pipeline head
- piston head
- plug dropping head
- polished rod head
- potential head
- pressure head
- production subsea head
- pump head
- pump suction head
- pumping head
- push head
- rail head
- remote post head
- resistance head
- rock head
- rocket drill burner head
- rose head
- rotary head
- rotating head
- rotating cementing head
- rotation head
- sampler head
- setting head
- single-plug container cementing head
- socket head
- soft-formation cutter head
- spear head
- spear-point head
- spindle-type rotary head
- spool casing head
- static head
- stripper head
- stuffing-box casing head
- suction head
- swage cementing head
- swivel head
- tank head
- tee-type casing head
- threaded suspension casing head
- tight head
- total head
- total friction head
- tubing string head
- valve head
- valveless distillation column head
- vapor-dividing head
- variable head
- velocity head
- vertical head
- vibropercussion rotary head
- washout head
- water-cutoff head
- well head* * *• баба• выброс• днище• конец• крышка• напор
См. также в других словарях:
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Marmalade Records — was a short lived British independent record label (distributed by Polydor). Started by Swiss resident Georgian pop impresario and ex manager of both the Rolling Stones and the Yardbirds Giorgio Gomelsky in 1967, it released records by artists… … Wikipedia
Brain Records — infobox record label founder = Metronome Musik GmbH genre = Krautrock, Kosmische Musik country = Germany Brain Records was a Hamburg based record label prominent in the 1970s releasing several important Krautrock records by bands such as Neu!,… … Wikipedia
Wetton — John Wetton live mit Asia (2006) John Wetton (* 12. Juni 1949 in Derby, England) ist ein britischer Rockmusiker. Sein Hauptinstrument ist der E Bass, er ist aber auch Sänger, Gitarrist und mit manchen anderen Instrumenten (Klavier, Mellotron,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cut Copy — performing at Le Point Ephémère in Paris, France, 29 February 2008 Background information Origin Melbourne, Victoria, Australia … Wikipedia
Laura Nyro — [niːrəʊ] (* 18. Oktober 1947 als Laura Nigro in New York City; † 8. April 1997 in Danbury, Connecticut) war eine US amerikanische Sängerin und Songautorin. Ihr wird von Kollegen und Musikkritikern großer Einfluss auf die Popmusik der späten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nyro — Laura Nyro [niːrəʊ] (* 18. Oktober 1947 als Laura Nigro in New York City; † 8. April 1997 in Danbury, Connecticut) war eine US amerikanische Sängerin und Songautorin. Ihr wird von Kollegen und Musikkritikern großer Einfluss auf die Popmusik der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Wetton — live mit Asia (2006) John Wetton (* 12. Juni 1949 in Derby, England) ist ein britischer Rockmusiker. Sein Hauptinstrument ist der E Bass, er ist aber auch Sänger, Gitarrist und mit manchen anderen Instrumenten (Klavier, Mellotron, Geige) vertraut … Deutsch Wikipedia