Перевод: с баскского на английский

с английского на баскский


  • 1 buru

    1. Anat.
    a. head; \burua gora ekarriko du he'll come with his head held high; \burua behera ekarriko du he'll come with his head hanging low; \burua hautsi zion he smashed his head in
    b. (esa.) \burutik oinera from head to foot; \burua egingo nuke egia dela I'd bet my life it's true; ez du \bururik ez buztanik it makes no sense at all; \buru eta bihotz heart and soul; \buru agertu i. to uncover one's head ii. (nabaritu) to stand off, make o.s. conspicuous; bere \burua aitaren aurrean agertu zuen he appeared before his father; \burua jaso to raise one's head
    2. (gauzakiei d., e.a.)
    a. Tek. head
    b. head; orratzaren \burua the head of a needle
    c. (ezpatari d.) pommel
    d. (oheari d.) bedstead
    e. (etxeari d.) top
    3. Nekaz. head; hogei \buru dituzte abeltegi hartan they've got twenty head of cattle in that corral
    a. end; kale \buruan dago it's at the end of the street; \burutik \burura i. from end to end ii. (liburuari d.) from cover to cover; \bururen \buru (I) from beginning to end; -(r)i \buru eman to put an end to; \burutan atera to carry out |to finish
    b. (hatzari d.) tip; hatz-\buru fingertip\buru
    5. (aurrekoalde) head; manifestazioaren \buru\\\buruzebilen he went at the head of the demonstration
    b. liburaren \buruan at the beginning of the book
    a. head, leader; sail\buru department head | head of the department; Elizaren \burua the head of the Church ; familiaren \burua the head of the family; nor da etxe honetako \buru\\\burua? who is the head of this household?; nik, bederen, posible ikusten dut, noizbait, nekearen nekez, Sri Lankako Gobernu batek, nornahi duela \buru, amore ematea autodeterminazioaren eskakizunari I, for one, think it possible that some day, after a great deal of strife, a government in Sri Lanka, whoever heads it, will give in to the demand for self-determination
    b. (bilerari, bilkurari d.) \buru izan to preside (- (e)an: at) ; \buru ibili to preside; \buru dabilen apezpiku \\ apezpikutza \\ agintari \\ apaizgodun aitzindari presiding Bishop \\ Bishopric \\ authority \\ priesthood leader
    a. mind, head; \buru argia du she's got a bright mind; \burua behar da horretarako you've got to have a mind for that; \burutan hartu to bear in mind; bihotz euskaldunaren eta \buru erdaldunaren arteko borroka amaigabea the never-ending struggle between the Basque-speaking heart and the {Spanish-speaking || French-speaking} mind
    b. (esa.) i-i \burua berotu i. to rile up, stir up ii. (zirrara eman) to excite; edariak \burua berotzen du drink excites you iii. (kezkatu) to worry ; \burua galdu to lose one's mind ; i-i \burua hartu i. (alkoholak i-r, e.a.) to cloud; pattarrak \burua hartu zion booze clouded his mind ii. (beti berdin pentsarazi) to get to one's head ; i-i \burua jan to brainwash sb ; -(r)i \burua zoratu to go mad; \buruak eman to occur; \buruak ematen dion guztia egin behar du he's got to do whatever strikes his fancy; \buruan erabili i. to think of | to ponder about; zer edo zer erabiliko du \buruan dirurik ez galtzeko he'll of think something so as not to lose any money ii. (azpikerietan ibili) to plot ; \buru(t)an hartu to take into consideration |to give thought to; \buruan gatza izan (du/ad.) to be bright; \buruan sartu i. (bururatu, otu) to get... into one's head | to get the idea ii. (hartu, ulertu) to understand, grasp; horrelako gauzak ez dira nire \buruan sartzen I simply can't understand such things; \burutik egon to be {mad || crazy || nuts}, be off one's rocker; \burutik {igaro || pasa} i. to go through one's mind ii. (aurrez susmatu) to have a feeling; susmo txar bat igaro zitzaion \burutik she had a terrible foreboding; \burutik jauzi to go {crazy || mad}, crack up ; \burutik joanda crazy, mad ; \burutik {kendu || atera || bota} to forget; ezin zuen \burutik kendu he couldn't get her out of his {mind || head}; beldurra \burutik kentzeko in order to get over the fear
    8. (oroimen) memory, head; \buru txarra du he's got a bad memory | he's got a head like a sieve
    9. (jatorri) origin; bekatu guztien \burua the origin of all sins
    10. Geog. Naut. cape
    b. (mendikoa) top, peak
    11. Landr.
    a. (gariarena) ear
    b. (artoarena) cob, ear
    12. Mat. \burura gorde to carry; hamar gehi hamaika hogeita bat eta \bururako bi ten plus eleven equals twenty-one carry two
    13. (arma) warhead; \buru nuklear nuclear warhead
    a. self; nire \buruari esan nion... I said to myself...; bere \burua garbitu du he killed himself; bere \burua trenari bota zion he threw himself against a train; \burua zuritu to justify oneself; nork bere \buruaz beste egin to kill o.s. | to commit suicide; begi zorrotzak izan ditut hutsak ikusteko, batez ere, huts horiek geure \buruarenak, neronenak barne, direnean I've kept a sharp eye out for mistakes, especially mistakes committed by ourselves, including my own
    b. ez dut nahi zuekin \burua bat egin I do not wish to join you
    c. [izenen aurrean] self-; \burujabetasun independence

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > buru

  • 2 burukada

    1. hit from one's head; \burukada bat hartu zuen he got hit in the head; \burukada eman zion he headbutted him
    2. Kir. header; bigarren gola sartu zuen \burukada batekin he scored the second goal with {his head || a header} | he headed in the second goal

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > burukada

  • 3 nagusi

    a. ( ugazaba) iz. boss, employer; nire \nagusia da he's my boss; seme \nagusi heir; \nagusien eta langileen arteko gora-beherak problems between the employers and workers
    b. ( zentzu zahar samar batean) master; morroi haren \nagusia etorri zenean when that servant's master came; \nagusia al dago? is the master in?
    c. ( burua) head, chief; fraide-etxeko \nagusia the head of the friars' convent
    d. ( jabea) dukea baserri horren \nagusia zen the duke was the owner of that farmhouse; nor da alor hauen \nagusia? who is the owner of these fields?
    e. ( animalia) master; txakurrak ere abiatu ziren beren \nagusien atzetik the dogs also started running behind their masters
    f. (esa.) txalupan \nagusi asko, arrauntza gutxi many chiefs, no Indians; nolako \nagusi, halako langile (atsot.) the worker is as good as his boss; \nagusia etxetik kanpo mutilak \nagusi (atsot.) when the cat's away, the mice will play (atsot.) ; irakurlea da \nagusi, inor izatekotan, eta idazlea zerbitzari the reader, if anyone, is the boss and the writer is the servant; zuzentasuna gerta dadin \nagusi so that justice might prevail; horretan da \nagusi that's his cup of tea | that's up his alley; nor atera zen \nagusi? who came out on top?
    a. adult
    b. (esa.) ez \nagusi ez mutil neither fish nor fowl
    3. (I) ( maisua) schoolmaster, teacher
    4. Naut. main sail io.
    a. main, chief, principal; horixe da gure xede \nagusia that is our main goal; aldare \nagusi main altar;
    b. Kale N\nagusia i. (GB) High Street ii. Main Street
    2. (Gram.) main; perpaus \nagusi main clause

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nagusi

  • 4 kolpe

    1. ( oro.)
    a. blow, knock; besoan \kolpea hartu zuen he {banged || hit} his arm | he got hit in his arm; \kolpea buruan hartu zuen he got hit in the head; Txirrik Mirriri makilaz eman zion \kolpea Txirri hit Mirri in the head with a stick; ongi emandako \kolpea well-aimed blow; azkeneko \kolpe final blow; graziako \kolpe coup de gr—ce; hiltzeko \kolpe death blow; mailu-\kolpeak hammer blows; lehen \kolpean hil zuen he killed him with the first blow
    b. ( ukabilkada) hit, punch, blow; \kolpea eman to strike, to hit, strike a blow; \kolpea eman zion bizkarrean he hit him in the back; Xabierrek Andoniri \kolpe eman zion bularrean Xabier hit Andoni in his chest; bi \kolpe eman nion ukabilaz I hit him twice with my fist; beheko \kolpe low blow
    c. ( eskukada) smack
    f. (esa.) ez du \kolperik egiten he's bone idle | he doesn't do a thing; \kolpea huts egin zuen egun hartan he missed the mark that day; kritikaririk entzutetsuenek sarritan egiten dute \kolpe huts obrarik bikainenak txarretsiz the most renowned critics often miss the mark when they disapprove of the best (literary) works
    g. [ izenen aurrean ] \kolpe hots whack | thwack | thump | hit
    2. (irud.)
    a. argiko \kolpe highlight; zorioneko \kolpe stroke of {luck || fortune}; \kolpe batez | \kolpe batean in one blow; \kolpe batean lortutako guztia galdu zuten they lost everything gained in one blow ; \kolpe batez gelditu to grind to a halt; nola dira horrela aberastu \kolpe batez? how did they get rich just like that?; \kolpetik kolpetik
    b. haize-\kolpe gust of wind; itsasoko \kolpe huge wave; hegal-\kolpe batez with a flap of its wings
    c. ( ekintza) action, act, coup; \kolpe ederra egin duk you pulled off a good coup; \kolpe ona lortu zuen he pulled off a successful coup
    d. ( edanez) plazan pilotan ari diren gizon gazteek arteka txorta edo \kolpe zenbait edaten dute the young men playing handball in the square have a few sips or swigs every now and then
    3. Kir.
    a. ( boxeoa) blow, punch; lurreratzeko \kolpe knockout blow
    b. ( beisbola) i. hit ii. strike; bigarren \kolpea! strike two!
    c. ( golfa) stroke ; guztira 250 \kolpe dituelarik with a total of 250 strokes; hasierako \kolpe tee shot; hurbiltzeko \kolpe approach shot; sakatzeko \kolpe tee shot
    d. ( futbola) kick; \kolpe libre free kick
    a. Med. bruise, knock; \kolpe gogorra hartu du it was a hard knock for him
    b. ( zorigaitza) blow, (hard) knock
    5. ( txokea) shock, clash
    6. ( harridura) shock, astonishment, surprise
    7. (Pol.) coup; auto \kolpe self-coup; estatu \kolpe coup d'—tat | putsch
    8. ( lapurrena, e.a.) Lagunart. job Lagunart., holdup; gero beste bankuko \kolpe bat egin zuten then they did another bank job
    9. ( zorigaitza) blow, misfortune, hard knock; \kolpe gogorra hartu zuen it was a hard knock for him

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kolpe

  • 5 kaskarreko

    iz. concussion, contusion, hit in the head; \kaskarrekoa eman zion she hit him in the head

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kaskarreko

  • 6 buru egin

    [ dio ]
    1. (aurre egin) to resist, counter; tentaldiari \buru egin egin to resist temptation
    2. (topatu) to meet, come across; \buru egin egin zuten bide erdian they met in the middle of the road
    3. (nagusi izan) to be the head; l angileen artean \buru egin egiten zuena the one who served as the workers' leader

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > buru egin

  • 7 hanka

    [from Rom.; cf. Cast. "anca" (haunch)] iz.
    1. Anat.
    a. leg; zaldiaren lau \hanka the four legs of a horse; intsektu guztiek seina \hanka dituzte all insects have six legs each; gereziondotik behera jausita, \hanka hautsi zitzaion he broke his leg from falling out of a cherry tree
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] leg-; \hanka-hezur legbone; zaldien \hanka-hotsak the sounds from horses' feet
    c. (esa.) lau \hankatan ibili to go on all fours; \hanka bat hautsi Argot. to tie the knot | to marry; \hanka hautsi to lose one's {chastity || virginity}; \hanka hoztu zaio Argot. he kicked the bucket Argot. | he died; \hanka sartu to put one's foot in it; \hanka sartu dut eta as I put my foot in it; \hanka sartu dute, bai, inkestagileek, hondo-hondoraino the pollsters have certainly put their foot in it... big time; \hankaz gora i. ( nahastuta, ordenarik ez) in a mess ii. ( erori) headlong; \hankaz gora erori he fell headlong; \hankaz gora aurrera eraman to drag along; buztana \hanka artean zuela with his tail between his legs
    2. Lagunart. ( oina) foot; \hankak arinak eta burua arinago, dantzan hobeto daki arta jorran baino light on his feet and lighter in the head, he can dance better than he can weed
    a. ( fruituena) segment
    b. ( altzariari d.) leg
    c. ( perretxikoari d.) stipe, stalk

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hanka

  • 8 orpo

    1. Anat.
    a. heel; ezpata gerrian eta \orpoetan ezproinak with a sword at his side and spurs on his heels; burutik hasi eta \orpoetaraino starting with the head and down to the heels
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] heel- \orpo-hezur heel bone
    c. (esa.) orpoz \orpo from close behind; orpoz \orpo ibili to follow close behind | to be on sb's heels | to be hot on sb's trail; orpoz \orpo jarraitu to be at sb's heels | to follow sb close behind | to shadow sb; bekatu horrek zigorra \orpoz \orpo izaten duenez gero as that sin is usually dogged by punishment
    2. ( ateari d.) hinge; atea \orpotik atera to unhinge a door
    3. ( zuhaitzari d.) foot; \orpotik ebaki to chop at the foot
    4. mahatasaren \orpotik dator mama gozoa sweet wine comes from the foot of the grape vine

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > orpo

  • 9 talde

    a. ( oro.) group; presio-\taldea pressure group; eztabaidatzeko \taldea discussion group; lagun-\taldea circle of friends; \taldearen burua the head of the group; lau ume-\talderen artean among four groups of children
    b. ( musika) group, band; lau ume-\talderen artean among four groups of children
    c. (Pol.) group; Europar parlamentuko \talde sozialista the socialist group of the European Parliament
    d. [ izenen aurrean ] group-; \talde-lana group work
    2. ( animaliei d.)
    a. ( ahuntzak, ardiak) flock; arkume-\taldea flock of lambs
    b. ( behiak, bufaloak, pizti handiak) herd
    c. ( mandoei d.) drove
    d. ( txakurrei d.) pack
    e. ( lehoiei d.) pride
    f. ( antzarei d.) gaggle
    g. ( eperrei d.) covey
    h. ( ahateei d.) flock
    i. ( erle, euli, matxinsaltoei d.) swarm; euli \talde handiak etorri ziren great swarms of flies came
    j. ( arrainei d.) school
    a. group; kontsonante-\taldea consonant cluster
    b. Med. group; odol \taldea blood group
    4. (irud.) Arana Goiri eta Azkue ez ziren \talde berekoak euskarari buruz Arana Goiri and Azkue were not of the same school of thought as far as Basque was concerned

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > talde

  • 10 buruzagi

    1. leader; Estatuaren \buruzagia the head of State | the leader of the State
    2. (talde armatua, e.a.)
    a. leader, commander
    b. (tribuari d.) chief, chieftain; tribuaren \buruzagia the tribal chief
    c. warlord

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > buruzagi

  • 11 idazkuntza

    iz. editorial office, egunkariaren \idazkuntza burua the head of the editorial office of the newspaper

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > idazkuntza

  • 12 ahul

    iz. [from old Cast. "—vol", cf. G, B "abol", "arol"] \ahulak the weak io.
    a. ( oro.) weak; ezin dut asko irakurri, begiak \ahul ditut eta I can't read very much as my eyes are weak
    b. ( umea, e.a.) weak, helpless
    c. ( agurea, atsoa) weak, decrepit, feeble, frail, infirm; zaharra eta \ahula zen she was old and decrepid
    2. (irud.)
    a. ( zarata, hotsa) faint
    b. ( oihua) faint, feeble, weak
    d. ( izaera) weak, milquetoast; bere suhi jite \ahulekoa bere eskupean zeukan she kept her milquetoast son-in-law under her thumb
    e. ( borondaterik gabe) weak, weak-willed; gizon \ahula weak-willed man; borondate \ahula flagging will
    f. ( osasuna) poor, feeble
    g. ( ahalegin, eginahal) feeble, weak, half-hearted
    h. (H. Jak.) weak
    i. Kim. weak
    j. ( zaporea) weak, insipid, tasteless; jan \ahula insipid k. buru \ahula du he's weak in the head
    3. ( lurra) barren, poor, unproductive
    4. (esa.) hemen ez dago diru \ahulik here there's no lack of money

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ahul

  • 13 gain

    [from *gara-en (highest) ?] iz.
    1. top; buru\gain top of the head, crown; mendi\gain mountain top
    b. ( gainaldea) surface
    a. hill; \gain batean egin zuten etxe bat a house was built on a hill
    b. (irud.) \gain behera i. downhill ; gure gizartea \gain al doa? i. is our society going downhill? ii. ( goitik behera) from top to bottom; sabela \gain behera urraturik his belly slit from top to bottom
    3. Naut. deck
    4. ( goiko geruza) top, top layer adb. nork bere \gain hartu i. to assume, take upon o.s. ii. ( atentatua, e.a.) to claim responsibility for; huts guztiak gure \gain all mistakes are our responsibility; neure \gain hartu dudan eratzunkizune handia the great responsiblity that I have assumed; heure \gain gelditzen dituk lantokiko arazoak factory matters are your responsibility post. [ -z ] apart from, aside from; horretaz \gain janaria ere behar dugu besides that, we also need food

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gain

  • 14 zantzoka

    adb. laughing; Carlylek ondoko hau esan zuen: "Egiazko umorea ez dator burutik, baizik eta bihotzetik; ez da mesprezu, amodio baina; ez da \zantzoka nabarmentzen, baizik irri—o isil egoten, zeina barruago jaiotzen baita" Carlyle stated: "True humour springs no more from the head than from the heart; it is not contempt, its essence is love; it issues not in laughter, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper"

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zantzoka

  • 15 jauspen

    1. ( erorikoa) fall
    2. drop
    3. bow of the head
    4. Astron. waning

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jauspen

  • 16 kaskako

    1. hit in the head, concussion, contusion
    2. butt, knock, bump

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kaskako

  • 17 koka

    1. iron spring, coil
    2. ( kaskakoa) hit, bump on the head
    3. Sukal.
    a. ( budina) flan, custard
    b. ( ogi frijitua) fried bread
    1. Landr. coca plant
    2. ( droga) coke

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > koka

  • 18 zanbulu

    1. swing, children's swing; \zanbuluak egin to reel | to swing

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zanbulu

  • 19 zanbuluka

    1. swinging
    2. jerking the head

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zanbuluka

  • 20 zango

    1. Anat.
    a. leg; \zangomotz one-legged | amputated in one leg; \zangoak higitu to move one's legs; \zangoei eragin to kick one's legs
    b. ( haltzariei d., e.a.) leg; mahai-\zangoa tableleg; ohe-\zangoa bed leg
    c. [ izenen aurrean ] \zango-babesa i. Kir. leg pad ii. ( zaldunena) greave
    d. (irud.) \zangoak hoztu eta etxera joan zen (I) his feet wore out on him and he came home; eskuak ditu oinetan eta bihotza \zangoetan his courage is as fast as his feet; nora goga, hara \zangoa (atsot.) where there's will, there's a way (atsot.) ; \zangoak arin, burua bardin he's light on his feet and light in the head
    2. Anat.
    b. (I) ( oina) foot
    a. ( ateari d.) jambe, post
    b. ( leihoari d.) frame
    4. ( urari d.)
    a. depth, deep
    b. abyss
    5. ( landareei d.)
    a. ( zurtoina) stem; ote \zango furze stem
    b. stalk
    c. (L) ( enborra) trunk
    6. Naut.
    a. ( aingurari d.) shank
    b. ( arraunari d.) shaft

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zango

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  • By the head — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Over the head of — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • By the head — By By (b[imac]), prep. [OE. bi, AS. b[=i], big, near to, by, of, from, after, according to; akin to OS. & OFries. bi, be, D. bij, OHG. b[=i], G. bei, Goth. bi, and perh. Gr. amfi . E. prefix be is orig. the same word. [root]203. See pref. {Be }.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • to go over the head of a person — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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