1 membrum
membrum ī, n [3 MAN-], of the body, a limb, member: Membra metu debilia sunt, T.: simulacra, quorum membra, etc., Cs.: membra, id est partes corporis: fractus membra labore, H.: membra toro reponunt, bodies, V.— A part, portion, division: membra fracta ratio, O.: philosophiae, branches: congeriem in membra redegit, i. e. organized, O.—Of persons, a member, part: Ponticus, Bassus... dulcia convictūs membra fuere mei, O.— An apartment, chamber: cubicula et eiusmodi membra.—Of a sentence, a member, clause.* * *member, limb, organ; (esp.) male genital member; apartment, room; section -
2 aedēs
3 aedēs
aedēs aedium, f see aedis.* * *temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode, dwelling; household -
4 aedis or aedēs
aedis or aedēs is ( acc plur. usu aedīs), f [AID-], a dwelling of the gods, temple, sanctuary (usu. a single edifice without partitions, while templum is a larger structure): Minervae: aedīs sacras incendere: in aede sonare (of poems), to be recited in the temple, H.: vacua Romanis vatibus, i. e. the Library in the Palatine Temple of Apollo, H.—Esp., a private chapel, sanctuary in a dwelling: decora, H.— Sing, a room, apartment, Cu.— Plur, a dwelling for men, house, habitation: matrona in aedibus, T.: regiae: ex aedibus Cethegi alqd ferre: domus salutantum totis vomit aedibus undam, i. e. from all parts, V.: cavae aedes, the vaulted mansion, V.—Poet., the cells (of bees), V. -
5 camīnus
camīnus ī, m, κάμινοσ, a furnace, smeltingfurnace, forge: pleni, O.: semper ardens, Iu.— Poet., the forge of Vulcan under Aetna, V.—A furnace for heating an apartment, H.—Fire: camino luculento uti: ramos urente camino, H.— Prov.: oleum addere camino, i. e. to aggravate the evil, H.* * *smelting/foundry furnace, forge; home stove/furnace; vent (underground fires) -
6 cellula
cellula ae, f dim. [cella], a small store-room, T.* * *small/slave's room; lowly apartment/dwelling/hut; porter's lodge; whore's crib; cell (monk); monastery/daughter house (monastic); case for banner; chapel; cell (biological); chamber of brain; ovary -
7 conclāve
conclāve is (abl. vī), n [com- + clavis], a room, chamber, suite, apartment: ultimis in aedibus, T.; of a sleeping-room, C.; a dining-hall, H.: pro conclavibus popinae sunt, dining-halls.* * *I IIroom, chamber; lockable enclosed space; coop/cage; public lavatory; dining hall -
8 conductum
conductum ī, n [conduco], something hired, the subject of a lease: alqd habere conducti, a hired apartment.* * *anything hired/leased; rented house/dwelling; lease/contract -
9 contubernium
contubernium ī, n [com-+taberna], companionship in a tent, the relation of a general and his personal follower: contuberni necessitudo: patris, S.: alqm contubernio aestimare, by intimate companionship, Ta.: militum, with the soldiers, Ta.: muliebris militiae, concubinage.—Of animals, a dwelling together, Ph.—Of slaves, marriage, Cu.— A common war-tent: deponere in contubernio arma, Cs.— An abode of slaves, Ta.* * *companionship in a tent; band/brotherhood; shared war tent; apartment/lodging; cohabitation, concubinage (with/between slaves); attendance on a general -
10 cubiculum
cubiculum ī, n [cubo], a room for reclining, sleeping - chamber, bedchamber: altum: exire de cubiculo: principum feminarum, Ta.* * *bedroom; sleeping chamber/apartment/suite; (as scene of marital/other sex); bed (any sort); any room; Emperor's box; inner shrine of temple; tomb/sepulcher -
11 gynaecōnītis
gynaecōnītis idis, f, γυναικωνῖτισ, the women's apartments (of a Grecian house), N.* * *gynaeconitidos/is N Fwomen's apartment/quarters in Greek house -
12 īnsula
īnsula ae, f [1 SAL-], an island, isle: Delos: Rheni amnis, Ta.— A part of Rome encircled by the Tiber, O.— A part of Syracuse cut off by an arm of the sea, L., C.—An enclosed court, tenement for poor families: Clodi.* * *island; apartment house -
13 interior
interior ius, gen. ōris [inter], inner, interior, middle: aedium pars: spatium, O.: In interiore parte ut maneam, i. e. in the women's apartment, T.: domus, inner part, V.: epistula, body: motu cietur interiore et suo: nationes, farther inland.— Plur. n. as subst, the inner parts, middle: aedium: regni, L.— Plur m. as subst: plerique, of those farther from the sea, Cs.: interiores fossas explent, the garrison, Cs.—In the race-course, nearer the goal, on the left: rota, O.: gyrus, H.: Ille... Radit iter laevum interior (to shorten the course), V.— Nearer: toto corpore interior periculo volneris factus, i. e. too near to be wounded, L.: ictibus, within reach of, L.— Inner: nota Falerni, i. e. longest in the cellar, H.—Fig., deeper, more piercing: timor.—More hidden, more recondite, more profound: nunc interiora videamus: consilia, N.: haec interiora, more personal (opp. illa externa).— Deeper, more intimate, closer: vicini: amicitia, L.: litterae, more confidential.* * *those (pl.) within; those nearer racecourse goal; inland/further from sea -
14 thalamus
thalamus ī, m, τηάλαμοσ, an inner room, chamber, apartment: Pars secreta domūs... Trīs habuit thalamos, O.: Ferrei Eumenidum thalami, i. e. abode, V.: ubi iam thalamis se conposuere, in their cells (of bees), V.—A sleeping-room, bedchamber: natae, V.: thalami limina, O.—A bridal-bed, Pr.—Marriage, wedlock: thalami expers vitam Degere, V.: thalamos ne desere pactos, i. e. your promised bride, V.: quid thalamos alieni concipis orbis? i. e. in a distant land, O.* * *bedroom; marriage -
15 aedis
temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode/dwelling; household -
16 andron
corridor, hallway, aisle, passage; men's apartment in a house -
17 andronitis
18 cellola
small/slave's room; humble apartment/dwelling; porter's lodge; whore's cubicle -
19 gynaecearium
women's apartment/quartes; seraglio/harem -
20 gynaeceum
women's apartment/quarters in Greek house
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Apartment — Основная информация Жанр инди рок, пост па … Википедия
Apartment 5C — Apartment #5C Données clés Réalisation Raphaël Nadjari Scénario Raphaël Nadjari Acteurs principaux Tinkerbell Richard Edson Ori Pfeffer Sortie 2002 Durée … Wikipédia en Français
apartment — a‧part‧ment [əˈpɑːtmənt ǁ əˈpɑːr ] noun [countable] PROPERTY a place where people live that consists of a set of rooms, usually on one floor and part of a larger building; = FLAT * * * apartment UK US /əˈpɑːtmənt/ noun [C] (UK also flat) … Financial and business terms
Apartment M&M — (Marasi,Хорватия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Marasi 43, 52450 Marasi … Каталог отелей
Apartment — A*part ment, n. [F. appartement; cf. It. appartamento, fr. appartare to separate, set apart; all fr. L. ad + pars, partis, part. See {Apart}.] 1. A room in a building; a division in a house, separated from others by partitions. Fielding. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apartment — [ə pärt′mənt] n. [Fr appartement < It appartamento < appartare, to separate < a, to + parte, PART2] 1. a room or suite of rooms to live in; esp., one suite in an apartment house ☆ 2. an apartment house adj. of, in, or for an apartment or … English World dictionary
Apartment 0 — (Чиа,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 1020 Чиа, Италия Описание … Каталог отелей
Apartment K — (Рейкьявик,Исландия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Thingholtsstraeti 2 4, Bergstadastraeti 3 and Ingolf … Каталог отелей
Apartment Ul. VI — (Вела Лука,Хорватия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 20270 Вела Лука, Хорватия … Каталог отелей
Apartment — (Дрезден,Германия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Лаубегаст, 1279 Дрезден, Германия … Каталог отелей
Apartment L & M — (Драмаль,Хорватия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Vukovarska 69, 51265 Драмаль, Хорватия … Каталог отелей