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  • 101 عمل

    عَمَلٌ \ act: a deed; sth. done: Men judge us by our acts, not by our words. action: doing things: We want more action and less talk. activity: sth. one does; a form of work or play: Music and swimming are among our school activities. affair: a happening; event; action: The meeting was a noisy affair. appointment: the position for which sb. is chosen: I hope to get a government appointment. business: one’s work: My business is writing books. career: one’s job in life: What career shall I follow on leaving school? A business career?. deed: sth. done; an act: an evil deed. doing: (an) action: This damage was not my doing. Tell me about your doings in London. employment: work; activity: I am growing lazy for lack of employment. function: special work or duty: The function of an ear is to hear. job: regular employment: He has an office job. They lost their jobs when the factory closed, a piece of work I have several jobs to do in my garden. labour: hard work (esp. work with the hands; digging, lifting, carrying, etc.): Heavy labour is very tiring. occupation: employment; job: What is your occupation? Are you a teacher?. operation: the working of a machine or plan: The law is not yet in operation - it comes into operation next year. performance: (an act of) performing: Our team’s performance has been very good this year. There were seven performances of the play. post: a job with particular duties; an official position: He held the post of headmaster for ten years. profession: (used loosely, in a general sense) any work or job. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing. undertaking: a job that has been undertaken: a dangerous undertaking. work: doing or making sth.; sth. that needs doing; the opposite of rest and play: school work; office work; work in the home; a brain always at work (always busy), employment; a paid job He has left school and started work. I’m out of work (unemployed). Jane is at work (at her place of work), sth. sb. has made or done Writers have to sell their work. This crime was the work of a madman.. A work of art: the works of Shakespeare (his plays and poems; to be busy (for some good purpose) \ See Also نشاط (نَشاطٌ)، وظيفة (وَظيفَة)‏ \ أَعمال \ works. \ See Also عمل (عَمَل)‏ \ أَعْمال الخَشَب (في مَبْنى)‏ \ woodwork: the wooden parts of a structure; the art of making things with wood. \ أَعْمال منزليّة \ housework: work done in taking care of a house, esp. cleaning. \ عَمَلٌ أَحْمَق \ folly: foolishness; an example of this; youthful follies. \ عَمَلٌ بارِع \ trick: a skilful act that is done for amusement: Animals can be taught to perform tricks. \ عَمَلٌ تافِه \ trash: worthless writing, painting, etc.. \ عَمَلٌ تِجاريّ \ business: to trade in general: Social disorder is bad for business. Business is quiet today. \ عَمَلٌ تَخريبيّ \ sabotage: serious damage that is done secretly by an enemy, so as to make sth. useless (esp. a machine, a factory, a ship, a railway, etc.). \ عَمَلٌ رَتيب \ chore: a piece of uninteresting or disliked work: It’s such a chore to do the shopping every day. \ عَمَلٌ رتيب مُتكرِّر \ routine: a usual and regular way of doing things: Her morning routine is to wash, dress, feed the cats, sweep the floor and prepare breakfast. \ عَمَلٌ سَهْل \ child’s play: sth. that is very easy to do: Climbing hills is child’s play for a mountaineer. \ عَمَلٌ شاقّ \ task: a piece of work (usu. hard work) that has to be done: I was given the task of preparing the sports field for the races. toil: old use hard work. \ عَمَلٌ طائش \ escapade: a wild or slightly dangerous act, usu. against the rules. \ عَمَلُ القِسّيس \ ministry: the work of a Christian priest. \ عَمَلٌ مُتّصِل \ application: continual hard work: You need application to learn a foreign language. \ عَمَلٌ مُثير لا فائدة مِنْه \ stunt: a clever, sometimes dangerous, but useless act, esp. one which aims to draw public attention. \ عَمَلٌ مَجيد \ exploit: a bold and exciting deed: The lion-hunter described his exploits. \ عَمَلٌ مُخْزٍ \ outrage: a shameful or violent act that shocks public opinion. \ عَمَلٌ مزيَّف \ fake: (often attrib.) sth. that is not what it pretends or seems to be: This ring isn’t real gold, it’s a fake. \ عَمَلٌ وَحْشيّ \ atrocity: a very cruel action. \ عَمَلٌ وِدِّيّ \ a good turn: a helpful action: You did me a good turn. \ عَمَلٌ يَدَويّ \ handiwork: sth. done or made by a certain person: These pictures are all my own handiwork.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عمل

  • 102 فكاهة

    فُكاهَة \ humour: the ability to find amusement in things and to joke about them: She has a strong sense of humour.

    Arabic-English dictionary > فكاهة

  • 103 كبت

    كَبَتَ \ inhibit: to stop sb. from doing sth; make sb. unable to express what he really feels or wants to do: His presence inhibits me, I don’t feel comfortable when he is here. repress: to keep under control (feelings, etc.); prevent (sb.) from acting naturally: She repressed her anger. He tried to repress his tears. The prisoners are repressed by the severe prison rules. stifle: to hold back and prevent (a laugh, a cry, etc.): He could hardly stifle his amusement. subdue: conquer; bring under control; make quieter or gentler: They spoke in subdued voices. Napoleon subdued several European states. suppress: to prevent (sth.) from developing, or from becoming public: I suppressed a laugh. Governments sometimes suppress the truth. \ See Also منع (مَنَعَ)، أَخْضَعَ \ كَبْتِيّ \ repressive: severe; allowing no freedom of expression: repressive laws.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كبت

  • 104 كتم

    كَتْم \ suppression. \ See Also كَبْت؛ إخماد \ كَتَمَ (سرًّا)‏ \ conceal: to hide. stifle: to prevent (sb.) from breathing naturally; hold back and prevent (a laugh, a cry, etc.): The heat was stifling him. He could hardly stifle his amusement. suppress: to prevent (sth.) from developing, or from becoming public: Governments sometimes suppress the truth. \ See Also أخفى (أَخْفَى)‏ \ كَتَمَ الأنفاس \ throttle: to kill by pressing sb.’s throat so tightly that he cannot breathe. \ كَتَمَ الصوت \ muffle: to cover carefully so as to lessen sound or (often with up) so as to keep warm: He was muffled up in a heavy woollen coat. \ See Also كمكم (كَمْكَمَ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > كتم

  • 105 كظم

    كَظَمَ \ control: to keep steady (oneself, one’s temper, prices, etc.). repress: to keep under control (feelings, etc.); prevent (sb.) from acting naturally: She repressed her anger. He tried to repress his tears. The prisoners are repressed by the severe prison rules. stifle: to hold back and prevent (a laugh, a cry, etc.): He could hardly stifle his amusement.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كظم

  • 106 لعبة

    لُعْبَة \ doll: a plaything made like a human figure. game: any form of play, esp. one in which there are rules: children’s games; a game of cards. move: a change of position; (in games, etc.) a planned change of position: a clever move. plaything: sth. (a ball, a wooden horse, etc.) for a child to play with. poker: a card game. toy: a child’s plaything: a toy train. \ لُعْبَة \ hoax: a trick, esp. one that makes sb. believe sth. which is not true, sometimes intended as a joke: They were annoyed when they discovered that the fire warning was only a hoax. \ See Also حِيلة خِداعيّة \ لُعْبَة الإسْكْوَاش \ squash: a game for 2 or 4 players, who hit a small rubber ball against the walls of a small court. \ لُعْبَة أطفال (خَشْخاشة)‏ \ rattle: a baby’s toy that rattles. \ لُعْبَة البَدمنْتُون \ badminton: a game played by hitting a feathered object over a high net. \ لُعْبَةُ البردْج (بوَرَق اللَّعب)‏ \ bridge: a kind of card game. \ لُعْبَة البِلْيَارْدُو \ billiards: a game played inside a house, etc., with hard balls and long sticks on a special table. \ لُعْبَة البُولو \ polo: a game played by people on horses, with long sticks and a ball. \ لُعْبَة البُولو المائي \ water polo: a game played by swimmers, with a large ball. \ لُعْبَة الغُولف \ golf: a game in which a small ball is hit into various holes on a wide piece of land. \ لُعْبَة الدّاما \ draughts, checkers: a game for two people, with round pieces on a board of 64 squares. \ لُعْبَة رياضيَّة \ game: a form of play that needs skill with a ball: My son is good at games. \ لُعْبَة الشِّطْرَنْج \ chess: a game of skill for two players in which pieces are moved over a squared board. \ لُعْبَة الصُّوَر المُقَطَّعة \ jigsaw, puzzle: a picture on a thin board which is cut into small pieces of irregular shapes, to be fitted together (for amusement). \ لُعْبَة القَنَاني \ skittles: a game in which one throws a ball to knock down some bottle-shaped pieces of wood. \ See Also الأوتاد الخَشَبيَّة \ لُعْبَة الكُرَة الطائِرَة \ volleyball: a game in which players use their hands to hit a large light ball across a net (without letting it touch the ground). \ لُعْبَة كُرة الطاولة \ ping-pong: also table tennis a game in which 2 or 4 players hit a small plastic ball over a net on a table. \ لُعْبَة كُرَة القَدَم \ soccer: association football. \ لُعْبَة كرة القدم (البريطانية)‏ \ association football, soccer: a game using a round football. rugby football: a kind of football that is played with team of 15 or 13 players, who may handle the egg-shaped ball. \ لُعْبَةُ الكِركيت \ cricket: a summer game played by two teams of eleven players on a large field. \ لُعْبَة الكلمات المتقاطِعة \ crossword: (also crossword puzzle) a game in which words must be guessed, so as to fill the spaces on a specially marked paper. \ لُعْبَة النَّطّة \ leapfrog: a game in which children jump with open legs over the bent backs of others. \ لُعْبَة الهُوكي \ hockey: a game (for teams of eleven) that is played with curved sticks and a hard ball. \ لُعْبَة الهوكي على الجليد \ ice hockey: a form of hockey (for teams of six) played on ice, with a flat piece of rubber instead of a ball.

    Arabic-English dictionary > لعبة

  • 107 للتسلية

    للتسلية \ light: (of music, books, plays, etc.) meant for amusement only; not serious.

    Arabic-English dictionary > للتسلية

  • 108 مازح

    مَازَحَ \ kid: to deceive sb. for amusement: It cost only $2? You’re kidding (me).

    Arabic-English dictionary > مازح

  • 109 مزح

    مَزَحَ \ jest: to joke. joke: to make jokes: I’m not joking, I’m serious. play tricks: (on sb.) to deceive or annoy for one’s own amusement.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مزح

  • 110 مزح ولعب

    مَزْحٌ وَلَعِب \ fun: amusement, enjoyment: We play for fun and not for money. \ See Also متعة (مُتْعَة)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > مزح ولعب

  • 111 مزحة

    مَزْحَة \ joke: sth. said or done (on purpose or by mistake) that makes people laugh: He’s always telling jokes. They thought it was a great joke when their teacher fell in the river. \ مَزْحَة ثقيلة (مَلْعُوب)‏ \ practical joke: a trick by sb. who finds amusement in causing discomfort: As a practical joke, the children put a mouse in his bed. \ مَزْحَة صِبْيَانِيّة \ prank: a playful boyish trick.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مزحة

  • 112 مزلج (يركب على الحذاء للتزلج على الجليد)

    مِزْلَج (يُركَّب على الحِذاء للتَّزَلُّج على الجليد)‏ \ skate: a steel blade fastened to a special boot for moving over ice. \ َمِزْلَج بِعَجَلات \ roller skate: a device with four little wheels which is attached to each foot and allows one to move around on a smooth surface for amusement.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مزلج (يركب على الحذاء للتزلج على الجليد)

  • 113 مزلجة

    مِزْلَجَة \ rink, skating rink, ice rink: an area of ice that is specially prepared for people to slide over in special boots fitted below with steel blades. slide: a place where children slide for amusement. \ مِزْلَجَة \ sledge: a flat wooden frame on which a load may be pulled over ice or snow; people also slide downhill on them. sleigh: a carriage in which people ride over snow; it has no wheels and is pulled by a horse.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مزلجة

  • 114 مشكل معمى

    مُشْكِل مُعَمًّى \ puzzle: sth. that puzzles (esp. as a form of amusement).

    Arabic-English dictionary > مشكل معمى

  • 115 معرض (عمومي)

    مَعْرِض (عمومي)‏ \ exhibition: a public showing: an exhibition of foreign postage stamps. fair: an outdoor gathering of people for a market or for amusement. gallery: a room or building where works of art are shown. show: a collection of things, for the public to see: a motor show; a cattle show.

    Arabic-English dictionary > معرض (عمومي)

  • 116 موسم

    مَوْسِم \ fair: an outdoor gathering of people for a market or for amusement. season: the period when sth. regularly happens: the holiday season; the rainy season in East Africa; the football season. \ مَوْسِم الحَصَاد \ harvest: gathering the crops; the crops that are gathered.

    Arabic-English dictionary > موسم

  • 117 catch

    خُدْعَة \ catch: a hidden difficulty: This seems very easy: there must be a catch somewhere!. hoax: a trick, esp. one that makes sb. believe sth. which is not true, sometimes intended as a joke: They were annoyed when they discovered that the fire warning was only a hoax. swindle: a swindling trick. sham: sth. that is not real; a pretence: His illness was a sham, to avoid the examinations. trap: a trick for catching or deceiving a person. trick: sth. that deceives: He got money from me by a trick, sth. that is done for amusement but may cause discomfort My son played a trick on me, by hiding my car keys.

    Arabic-English glossary > catch

  • 118 hoax

    خُدْعَة \ catch: a hidden difficulty: This seems very easy: there must be a catch somewhere!. hoax: a trick, esp. one that makes sb. believe sth. which is not true, sometimes intended as a joke: They were annoyed when they discovered that the fire warning was only a hoax. swindle: a swindling trick. sham: sth. that is not real; a pretence: His illness was a sham, to avoid the examinations. trap: a trick for catching or deceiving a person. trick: sth. that deceives: He got money from me by a trick, sth. that is done for amusement but may cause discomfort My son played a trick on me, by hiding my car keys.

    Arabic-English glossary > hoax

  • 119 sham

    خُدْعَة \ catch: a hidden difficulty: This seems very easy: there must be a catch somewhere!. hoax: a trick, esp. one that makes sb. believe sth. which is not true, sometimes intended as a joke: They were annoyed when they discovered that the fire warning was only a hoax. swindle: a swindling trick. sham: sth. that is not real; a pretence: His illness was a sham, to avoid the examinations. trap: a trick for catching or deceiving a person. trick: sth. that deceives: He got money from me by a trick, sth. that is done for amusement but may cause discomfort My son played a trick on me, by hiding my car keys.

    Arabic-English glossary > sham

  • 120 swindle

    خُدْعَة \ catch: a hidden difficulty: This seems very easy: there must be a catch somewhere!. hoax: a trick, esp. one that makes sb. believe sth. which is not true, sometimes intended as a joke: They were annoyed when they discovered that the fire warning was only a hoax. swindle: a swindling trick. sham: sth. that is not real; a pretence: His illness was a sham, to avoid the examinations. trap: a trick for catching or deceiving a person. trick: sth. that deceives: He got money from me by a trick, sth. that is done for amusement but may cause discomfort My son played a trick on me, by hiding my car keys.

    Arabic-English glossary > swindle

См. также в других словарях:

  • amusement — [ amyzmɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1500; de amuser 1 ♦ Vx Perte de temps; manière d amuser, de tromper. ⇒ diversion, leurre, tromperie. L espérance « n est qu un amusement inutile » (Bossuet). 2 ♦ (XVIIe) Action de distraire, ou de se distraire agréablement. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Amusement — is the state of experiencing humorous and usually entertaining events or situations, and is associated with enjoyment, happiness, laughter and pleasure. Amusement may also be experienced through the recollection of events which have given rise to …   Wikipedia

  • amusement — AMUSEMENT. s. m. Ce qui amuse, ou qui sert à amuser. Doux amusement. Amusement innocent. Son luth fait son amusement. C est son amusement. Agréable amusement.Amusement, signifie aussi Tromperie, promesses trompeuses. Tout ce que vous me dites là …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • amusement — Amusement. s. m. v. Ce qui amuse, ou qui sert à amuser. Vain amusement. sot amusement. son chien luy sert d amusement. c est mon amusement. agreable amusement …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • amusement — (n.) c.1600, diversion of attention, especially in military actions, from Fr. amusement, noun of action from amuser (see AMUSE (Cf. amuse)). And because all bold and irreverent Speeches touching matters of high nature, and all malicious and false …   Etymology dictionary

  • Amusement — A*muse ment, n. [Cf. F. amusement.] 1. Deep thought; muse. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Here I . . . fell into a strong and deep amusement, revolving in my mind, with great perplexity, the amazing change of our affairs. Fleetwood. [1913 Webster] 2. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Amüsement — Amüsement,das:⇨Belustigung(1) Amüsement→Kurzweil …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • amusement — [n1] entertaining, making someone laugh action, ball*, beguilement, cheer, delight, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, field day*, fun, fun and games*, gladdening, gratification, grins*, high time*, hilarity, hoopla*, laughs*, laughter,… …   New thesaurus

  • amusement — index enjoyment (pleasure), treat Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • amusement — diversion, entertainment, recreation (see under AMUSE vb) Analogous words: engrossment, absorption (see corresponding verbs at MONOPOLIZE): play, sport, *fun, jest: disporting, frolicking, rollicking, romping (see PLAY vb): jollity, *mirth… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • amusement — Amusement, neut. acut. Animi occupatio …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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