1 air
[eə] 1. noun1) (the mixture of gases we breathe; the atmosphere: Mountain air is pure.) zrak2) (the space above the ground; the sky: Birds fly through the air.) zrak, nebo3) (appearance: The house had an air of neglect.) videz4) (a tune: She played a simple air on the piano.) melodija2. verb1) (to expose to the air in order to dry or make more fresh etc: to air linen.) prezračiti2) (to make known: He loved to air his opinions.) izražati•- airbag- airily
- airiness
- airing
- airless
- airy
- airborne
- air-conditioned
- air-conditioner
- air-conditioning
- aircraft
- aircraft carrier
- airfield
- air force
- air-gun
- air hostess
- air letter
- airlift
- airline
- airliner
- air-lock
- airmail
- airman
- air pollution
- airplane
- airport
- air-pump
- air-raid
- airship
- airtight
- airway
- on the air
- put on airs / give oneself airs* * *I [wə]nounzrak, atmosfera; vetrič, prepih; videz, vedenje, obnašanje; arija, napev, melodijato be ( —ali go) on the air — govoriti, oddajati se po radiuby air — po zraku, z letalomto beat the air — zaman si prizadevati, prazno slamo mlatitito give o.s. airs — šopiriti seAmerican slang to give s.o. the air — odpustiti kogato go up in the air — razburiti, razjeziti se, pobesnetito keep s.o. in the air — pustiti koga v negotovostito walk ( —ali tread) on air — biti ves srečen; zibati se v srečiII [wə]1.transitive verbzračiti; sušiti; rešetati; ohladiti; figuratively objaviti; širokoustiti se;2.intransitive verbsprehajati se; domišljati sito air one's fine clothes — bahati, šopiriti seto air o.s. — iti na sprehod, sprehoditi se -
2 open
['əupən] 1. adjective1) (not shut, allowing entry or exit: an open box; The gate is wide open.) odprt2) (allowing the inside to be seen: an open book.) odprt3) (ready for business etc: The shop is open on Sunday afternoons; After the fog had cleared, the airport was soon open again; The gardens are open to the public.) odprt4) (not kept secret: an open show of affection.) odkrit5) (frank: He was very open with me about his work.) odkrit6) (still being considered etc: Leave the matter open.) odprt7) (empty, with no trees, buildings etc: I like to be out in the open country; an open space.) odprt2. verb1) (to make or become open: He opened the door; The door opened; The new shop opened last week.) odpreti2) (to begin: He opened the meeting with a speech of welcome.) začeti•- opener- opening
- openly
- open-air
- open-minded
- open-plan
- be an open secret
- bring something out into the open
- bring out into the open
- in the open
- in the open air
- keep/have an open mind
- open on to
- the open sea
- open to
- open up
- with open arms* * *I [óupən]adjective ( openly adverb)odprt (tudi medicine npr. rana); svoboden, javen, dostopen (to komu; npr. park); odprt (morje); nezavarovan, izpostavljen (motor); nezložen, odprt (časopis); prost, nezaseden (službeno mesto); figuratively dovzeten (to za); figuratively izpostavljen (to čemu); odkrit, neprikrit, očiten (zaničevanje, skrivnost itd.); odkrit, odkritosrčen (značaj, pismo itd.); radodaren, darežljiv; odprt, neodločen, nerešen (vprašanje, borba itd.); figuratively prost, dovoljen (lov, ribolov itd.); prost (čas); vrzelast, škrbast (zobovje); ne gosto naseljen; luknjičav (tkanina, ročno delo); economy odprt, tekoč (račun); grammar odprt (vokal, zlog); nautical ploven, nezaledenel, brez meglewith open arms — z razprostrtimi rokami, z ljubeznijoopen book — odprta knjiga, figuratively odkrit človekjuridically in open court — v javni razpravijuridically open and shut case — nezapleten primereconomy politics the open door — politika svobodne trgovinewith open eyes — zavestno, z odprtimi očmifiguratively to keep one's eyes (ears) open — imeti kaj pred očmi, budno paziti na kajwith open hands — z odprtimi rokami, darežljivoto lay open — razodeti, odkriti, pokazatito lay o.s. open to — izpostavljati se čemuopen ice — led, skozi katerega je še možna plovbato leave o.s. wide open to s.o. — pokazati komu svojo slabo straneconomy open market — svoboden trgmilitary open order — razmaknjena vojaška formacijaAmerican open shop — podjetje, ki ne dela razlik med sindikalisti in nesindikalistiopen town military odprto mesto, American mesto kjer je vse dovoljeno (hazardiranje prostitucija itd.)open time — čas, dovoljen za lovto throw open for — urediti, pripraviti, odpreti komujuridically open verdict — uraden odlok o smrti brez navedbe vzrokaopen water — plovna, nezaledenela vodaII [óupən]nounthe open — odprt prostor, svež zrak; odprto morje; javnostto come into the open (with s.th.) — razkriti se, biti popolnoma odkritosrčen, razglasiti (kaj)in the open — na prostem, na zrakuIII [óupən]1.transitive verbodpreti (tudi economy npr. račun); začeti, odpreti (tržišče, pogajanja itd.); razkriti (čustva, misli); juridically pustiti odprto; nautical zagledati (skrit objekt);2.intransitive verbodpreti se; figuratively razkriti se (to komu); odpirati se v, na; gledati kam, voditi kam (vrata, okno); nautical prikazati se (kopno)to open the ball — začeti prepir, biti spredajto open the eyes of s.o. — odpreti komu očimilitary to open fire — začeti streljatito open one's heart to — odpreti srce, odkriti svoja čustvato open o.s. to s.o. — zaupati (razodeti) se komu -
3 land
[lænd] 1. noun1) (the solid part of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the sea: We had been at sea a week before we saw land.) kopno2) (a country: foreign lands.) dežela3) (the ground or soil: He never made any money at farming as his land was poor and stony.) zemlja4) (an estate: He owns land/lands in Scotland.) zemljišče2. verb1) (to come or bring down from the air upon the land: The plane landed in a field; They managed to land the helicopter safely; She fell twenty feet, but landed without injury.) pristati2) (to come or bring from the sea on to the land: After being at sea for three months, they landed at Plymouth; He landed the big fish with some help.) pristati, potegniti na obalo3) (to (cause to) get into a particular (usually unfortunate) situation: Don't drive so fast - you'll land (yourself) in hospital/trouble!) pristati•[-rouvə]
(a type of strong motor vehicle used for driving over rough ground.)
- landing- landing-gear
- landing-stage
- landlocked
- landlord
- landmark
- land mine
- landowner
- landslide
- landslide victory
- landslide
- landslide defeat
- land up
- land with
- see how the land lies* * *I [lænd]nounkopno, zemlja; dežela; zemljišče, tla; posestvo; figuratively področje; plural nepremičnine; polje (del med dvema brazdama puškine cevi)the land of the living — tostranstvo, ta svetto go on the land — oditi v vas, postati kmetovalecnautical to make the land — zagledati kopno, pristatinautical land ho! — kopno na vidiku!to see how the land lies — videti od kod veter piha, videti kakšno je stanjeII [lænd]1.transitive verb(ljudi, robo) izkrcati (at v); izvleči (ribo); (potnike) pripeljati, odložiti; spraviti (koga v težave); colloquially udariti, usekati koga; colloquially ujeti, dobiti; sport pripeljati na cilj (konja), spraviti (žogo) v gol;2.intransitive verbpristati (ladja, avion), dospeti, izkrcati se; ujeti se (po skoku); sport colloquially priti v ciljto land s.o. in difficulties — spraviti koga v težaveto land s.o. with s.th. — obesiti komu kaj na vratto land a husband — ujeti, dobiti možato land on s.o. — navaliti na kogato land s.o. in a coat that doesn't fit — spraviti koga v zadrego -
4 paw
[po:] 1. noun(the foot of an animal with claws or nails: The dog had a thorn in its paw.) šapa2. verb1) ((of an animal) to touch, hit etc (usually several times) with a paw or paws: The cat was pawing (at) the dead mouse.) udariti s šapo2) ((of an animal) to hit (the ground, usually several times) with a hoof, usually a front hoof: The horse pawed (at) the ground.) grebsti* * *I [pɔ:]nounšapa, taca; colloquially roka, "taca"; colloquially pisavato be s.o.'s cat's paw — iti za koga po kostanj v žerjavicoII [pɔ:]1.transitive verbudariti s šapo, taco; colloquially nerodno prijeti; zagrabiti; colloquially igrati klavir;2.intransitive verbgrebsti, brskati, kopati (s šapo, kopitom) -
5 pump
1. noun1) (a machine for making water etc rise from under the ground: Every village used to have a pump from which everyone drew their water.) črpalka2) (a machine or device for forcing liquid or gas into, or out of, something: a bicycle pump (for forcing air into the tyres).) zračna tlačilka2. verb1) (to raise or force with a pump: Oil is being pumped out of the ground.) črpati2) (to get information from by asking questions: He tried to pump me about the exam.) iztisniti•- pump up* * *I [pʌmp]nounčrpalka, sesalka; colloquially izpraševalec, poizvedovalecto work the pump — črpati, polniticolloquially to stand under the pumps — dati se izprašatiII [pʌmp]1.transitive verbčrpati, sesati, polniti; izprašati koga, iztisniti (informacije iz koga); poganjati (pedala);2.intransitive verbutripati (srce); trdovratno iskati, poizvedovati ( for za)to pump dry — izčrpati, izpraznitito pump out — izčrpati, izprazniti; figuratively izčrpati, utruditi, spraviti ob sapoto pump up — napolniti (kolo), napihnitieconomy to pump money into — vlagati denar v kajto pump bullets into s.o — preluknjati koga (s streli)III [pʌmp]nounplesni čevelj, lakasti čevelj (k fraku) -
6 rise
1. past tense - rose; verb1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) (na)rasti, dvigniti se2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) dvigati se3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) vstati4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) vstati5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) dvigati se6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) dvigati se7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) dvigniti se8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) povzpeti se9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) izvirati10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) dvigati se11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) dvigati se12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) vstati od mrtvih2. noun1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) vzpon2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) povišanje3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) vzpetina4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) vzpon•- rising3. adjectivethe rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) vzhajajoč, naraščajoč- early- late riser
- give rise to
- rise to the occasion* * *I [ráiz]noundvig, dviganje, vzpon, vzpenjanje; (o zvezdi, Soncu) vzhajanje, vzhod; theatre dvig(anje) zastora; religion vstajenje (od mrtvih); prijem (ribe za vabo); nastop, pojavitev; porast, naraščanje (vode); vzpetina, grič, višina; višina ( of a tower stolpa); višina (stopnice, stopnišča); povečanje, prirastek ( in population v prebivalstvu); music zvišanje (glasu); dvig, porast, skok ( of prices cen); hausse; dodatek, povišanje (plače); izboljšanje življenja; napredovanje; povod, vzrok, začetek, izvor, vir; slang škodoželjna šala (poniževalna za premaganca)gentle rise — blaga, položna vzpetinato ask for a rise of salary — prositi, zahtevati povišanje plačeto buy for a rise economy špekulirati na hausseto get (to take) a rise out of s.o. — razdražiti, razjariti, razkačiti, razburiti kogato give rise to — povzročiti, dati povod čemu, privesti do česa, roditi kajto have (to take) one's rise (in, from) — izvirati v, imeti svoj izvor v, prihajati izII [ráiz]intransitive verbvsta(ja)ti; vzhajati, vziti; dvigniti se; dvigati se, vzpenjati se; (na)rasti; upreti se, spuntati se, nasprotovati (against, on čemu); (o ceni) rasti, skakati; (o glasu) rasti; postati močnejši, povečati se; (o laseh) ježiti se; (o ribi) priplavati iz globine, da bi ugriznila v vabo; theatre dvigniti se (zastor); (o zgradbah) dvigati se, moleti, štrleti v višino; postati viden, pokazati se, pojaviti se, nastopiti, nastati; porajati se; izvirati; parliament odložiti se, odgoditi se, zaključiti se (o seji, zasedanju)rising ground — vzpetina, strminato rise in arms — upreti se z orožjem, zgrabiti za orožje, dvigniti seto rise from the dead religion vstati od mrtvihto rise to the occasion (to a difficulty) — biti kos, biti dorasel položaju (težavi)to rise in rebellion — upreti se, pobuniti se, spuntati seto rise in the world — družbeno napredovati, napraviti kariero; uspeti v življenjuthe fish rose to the bait — riba je ugriznila v vabo, je prijelawhere does the Danube rise? — kje izvira Donava?on what day does Parliament rise? — kdaj se zaključi zasedanje parlamenta?my gorge rises to this sight — vzdiguje se mi (za bruhanje) ob tem pogledu, pogled na to mi zbuja gnusthe river rises from a spring in the mountains — reka izvira v (nekem) gorskem studencu; transitive verb pustiti (koga, kaj) vstati; dvigniti, prinesti na površino; zagledati -
7 throw
[Ɵrəu] 1. past tense - threw; verb1) (to send through the air with force; to hurl or fling: He threw the ball to her / threw her the ball.)2) ((of a horse) to make its rider fall off: My horse threw me.)3) (to puzzle or confuse: He was completely thrown by her question.)4) ((in wrestling, judo etc) to wrestle (one's opponent) to the ground.)2. noun(an act of throwing: That was a good throw!) met- throw doubt on
- throw in
- throw light on
- throw oneself into
- throw off
- throw open
- throw out
- throw a party
- throw up
- throw one's voice
- throwaway* * *I [mróu]nounmetanje, met; lučaj; (pri rokoborbi) met, zrušenje; domet; figuratively poteza, riziko; lahek šal; boa; ženski šal; lahka odeja; technical (ročna) stružnica; lončarski kolovratthe theatre is a stone's throw from here — gledališče je tu blizu, ni niti 50 korakov od tuII [mróu]transitive verb & intransitive verbvreči, metati, zagnati, zalučati; treščiti; railway vreči s tračnic; podreti, zrušiti, premagati; zvreči (jezdeca); odvreči (kožo, o kači); izgubljati (perje, dlako); nasuti (nasip); nametati; skotiti (mlade); izstreliti (naboj); izigrati (karto), odvreči; sukati, oblikovati, modelirati (v lončarstvu); hitro položiti, zgraditi (most); predati, izročiti (oblast); prestaviti (čete); izraziti, prevesti ( into v); nagnati, napoditi, pognati; razpisati (natečaj); American colloquially z goljufivim, sleparskim namenom izgubiti ( the race dirko)to throw a banquet (a dance) — dati, prirediti banket (ples)to throw the bull American slang širokoustiti se, lagati (da se kar kadi)to throw a chest slang prsiti se, postavljati seto throw dust in s.o.'s eyes figuratively metati komu pesek v očihe threw his eyes to the ground figuratively povesil je očito throw a fit slang razkačiti seto throw a gun on s.o. American nameriti revolver na kogato throw one's heart (soul, life, spirit) into s.th. — popolnoma se predati neki stvarito throw light on s.th. — osvetliti, pojasniti kajto throw the javelin sport metati kopjeto throw good money after bad figuratively zopet izgubiti denar, ko skušamo popraviti neko drugo izguboto throw open — naglo (na široko, na stežaj) odpretito throw overboard figuratively rešiti se (česa), vreči s sebeto throw o.s. — zaupati se, izročiti se (upon s.o. komu)to be thrown upon o.s. — biti sam nase navezanto throw a rope to s.o. — vreči komu vrv figuratively pomagati komuto throw a sop to s.o. figuratively stisniti komu (napitnino, podkupnino), z drobtinico koga utišalito throw a scare into s.o. — pognati komu strah v kostito throw stones at s.o. — vreči kamenje na koga, figuratively obdolžiti kogato throw s.th. in s.o.'s teeth — vreči komu kaj, v obraz očitati komu kajto throw cold water on — z mrzlo vodo politi, figuratively odvzeti pogum; spodbijati vrednost, zasluge (kake osebe)to throw o.s. into work — vreči se na delo -
8 fresh
[freʃ]1) (newly made, gathered, arrived etc: fresh fruit (= fruit that is not tinned, frozen etc); fresh flowers.) svež2) ((of people etc) healthy; not tired: You are looking very fresh this morning.) svež, spočit3) (another; different; not already used, begun, worn, heard etc: a fresh piece of paper; fresh news.) nov, svež4) ((of weather etc) cool; refreshing: a fresh breeze; fresh air.) svež5) ((of water) without salt: The swimming-pool has fresh water in it, not sea water.) sladek•- freshen- freshly
- fresh-water* * *I [freš]adjective ( freshly adverb)svež, osvežilen; zdrav, čil, živahen; neslan, sladek (voda); nov; naiven, neizkušen; slang okajen; American slang predrzen, nadut, domišljava fresh hand — začetnik, neizkušen človekII [freš]adverbna novo, malo prej, pravkarIII [freš]nounpoplava, povodenj; somornica; zgodnja doba, začetek leta; svežina, hlad; slang novinec, bruc; sladka voda; ribnik, izvor -
9 handstand
noun (the gymnastic act of balancing one's body upright in the air with one's hands on the ground.) stoja* * *[haendstænd]nounsport stoja -
10 missile
1) (a weapon or object which is thrown or fired from a gun, bow etc.) izstrelek2) (a rocket-powered weapon carrying an explosive charge: a ground-to-air missile.) raketa•* * *[mfsail, æ mísəl]nounlučalo, metalno orožje (kopje, kamen itd.), projektil, izstrelek -
11 mist
[mist](a cloud of moisture in the air but very close to the ground, which makes it difficult to see any distance: The hills are covered in thick mist.) megla- mistily- misty
- mistiness
- mist over
- up* * *I [mist]nounmegla, pršec; figuratively megla (pred očmi); figuratively nadih (na steklu)to cast a mist before s.o.'s eyes — slepiti koga, imeti koga za norcaII [mist]1.intransitive verbzamegliti se, pršeti;2.transitive verbzaviti v meglo, zatemniti -
12 spring
[spriŋ] 1. past tense - sprang; verb1) (to jump, leap or move swiftly (usually upwards): She sprang into the boat.)2) (to arise or result from: His bravery springs from his love of adventure.)3) (to (cause a trap to) close violently: The trap must have sprung when the hare stepped in it.)2. noun1) (a coil of wire or other similar device which can be compressed or squeezed down but returns to its original shape when released: a watch-spring; the springs in a chair.) vzmet2) (the season of the year between winter and summer when plants begin to flower or grow leaves: Spring is my favourite season.) pomlad3) (a leap or sudden movement: The lion made a sudden spring on its prey.) skok4) (the ability to stretch and spring back again: There's not a lot of spring in this old trampoline.) prožnost5) (a small stream flowing out from the ground.) izvir•- springy- springiness
- sprung
- springboard
- spring cleaning
- springtime
- spring up* * *I [spriŋ]1.nounpomlad (tudi figuratively)the spring of life — mladost;2.adjectivespomladanskiII [spriŋ]1.nounskok, odskok; zalet; technical vzmet, pero; elastičnost, prožnost; figuratively duševna prožnost, energija; figuratively impulz, podnet, spodbuda, nagib, motiv, povod; vir, izvir, studenec; plural čas plime; figuratively izvor, poreklo; začetek; razpoka, reža (v lesu); zvitost, zvijanje (deske, grede); obsolete jutranji svit, svitanjeair spring — pnevmatična vzmet (zavora, blažilnik tresenja ali udarcev)day-spring poetically svitanje, svithot springs — topli izviri, toplicemineral springs — slatinski, mineralni izviri (vrelci)spring bed, spring mattress — vzmetna postelja, vzmetna žimnicathe spring has gone out of his step figuratively njegova hoja je izgubila svojo elastičnostto rise with a spring — naglo vstati, skočitito stand up with a spring — planiti kvišku, skočiti na nogeto take a spring — vzeti zalet, skočiti;2.adjectiveelastičen, prožen; vzmetni; (od)skočen; zagonskiIII [spriŋ]1.intransitive verbskočiti, priskočiti; pognati se, planiti (kvišku); nepričakovano postati ( into kaj), hitro priti v neko stanje ali položaj; izvirati, privreti na, izhajati, imeti svoj izvor (poreklo), nastati ( from iz); nepričakovano se pojaviti (priti), pokukati; pognati, poganjati, priti na dan, zrasti, (vz)brsteti, vzkliti; figuratively priti do česa; izbočiti se, pokati, klati se, zviti se, skriviti se (o lesu); military eksplodirati (o mini); veterinary biti brej, brejiti; obsolete daniti se, svitati se;2.transitive verbsprožiti; hunting dvigniti, splašiti (ptice) z ležišča; pognati (konja) v dir; preskočiti (ogrado); skriviti, zlomiti (lesen predmet); technical opremiti z vzmetmi; British English colloquially "olajšati" koga ( for a quid za funt); figuratively nepričakovano (kaj) iznesti, načeti, sprožiti; postaviti (teorijo)to be sprung slang biti vinjen, pijanto spring to attention military skočiti v pozorto spring to s.o.'s assistance — priskočiti komu na pomočto spring a covey of partridges — dvigniti, preplašiti jato jerebicto spring to the eyes figuratively v oči pastito spring a mine upon s.o. figuratively presenetiti koga; prilomastiti v njegovo hišohe sprang another three shillings, and I accepted — ponudil (primaknil) je še tri šilinge, in jaz sem sprejelto spring a surprise on s.o. — presenetiti koga, pripraviti komu presenečenjethe tears sprang to her eyes — solze so ji stopile v oči, so jo oblilewhere did you spring from? — od kod si se pa (ti) vzel?; -
13 strip
[strip] 1. past tense, past participle - stripped; verb1) (to remove the covering from something: He stripped the old varnish off the wall; He stripped the branch (of its bark) with his knife.)2) (to undress: She stripped the child (naked) and put him in the bath; He stripped and dived into the water; They were told to strip to the waist.)3) (to remove the contents of (a house etc): The house/room was stripped bare / stripped of its furnishings; They stripped the house of all its furnishings.)4) (to deprive (a person) of something: The officer was stripped of his rank for misconduct.)2. noun1) (a long narrow piece of (eg cloth, ground etc): a strip of paper.) trak2) (a strip cartoon.) strip3) (a footballer's shirt, shorts, socks etc: The team has a red and white strip.) dres•- strip-lighting
- strip-tease 3. adjectivea strip-tease show.) striptiz* * *I [strip]noundolg in ozek trak ali kos (zemljišča itd.); aeronautics pista, pomožno vzletišče; strip, risana zgodba z besedilom; (filatelija) vrsta (treh ali več) znamk; technical valjano tračno jeklo; American plenjenje, ropanje; American opustošenje, porušenjeair strip, landing strip — letalska (pomožna) pistastrip mining American mineralogy dnevni kopII [strip]transitive verbslačiti, sleči, ogoliti; (o)luščiti, (o)lupiti; odvzeti (of kaj), izropati; izprazniti (hišo); demontirati, razstaviti; razpremiti(ladjo); odkriti (ležišče premoga); figuratively razgaliti; do konca pomolsti (kravo); intransitive verb sleči se; olupiti se, oluščiti se, ogoliti se; zrahljati se (vijak)stripped — gol, nag, razgaljen (tudi figuratively)to strip s.o. of his office — odstraniti koga iz službeto strip s.o. naked, to strip s.o. to the skin — do golega koga slečito strip of wood — posekati, izkrčiti gozd -
14 tread
[tred] 1. past tense - trod; verb1) (to place one's feet on: He threw his cigarette on the ground and trod on it.)2) (to walk on, along, over etc: He trod the streets looking for a job.)3) (to crush by putting one's feet on: We watched them treading the grapes.)2. noun1) (a way of walking or putting one's feet: I heard his heavy tread.) korak, hoja2) (the grooved and patterned surface of a tyre: The tread has been worn away.) avtomobilski plašč3) (the horizontal part of a step or stair on which the foot is placed.) stopnica•* * *I [tred]nounkorak, hoja, stopanje; stopnica (stopnišča, pri kočiji itd.); podnožnik; prečka (pri lestvi); širina tira; razmik med pedaloma pri biciklu; sled, odtis (kolesa itd.)II [tred]1.intransitive verbstopati, korakati, iti, hoditi; neposredno slediti;2.transitive verbiti po, stopiti (na), gaziti, tlačiti; krčiti, utreti (pot); plesati (ples); pohoditi, pogaziti, zmečkati; naskočitito tread on s.th. — stopiti na, pohoditi kajto tread on s.o's corns (toes) — stopiti komu na kurje oko (na prste)(to seem) to tread on air figuratively plavati na oblakih, biti ves iz sebe od veseljato tread the stage (the boards) — iti med gledališke igralce, nastopiti na odrudo not tread on the grass! — ne hodite po travi!to tread (as) on eggs — iti kot po jajcih, figuratively ravnati, postopati opreznoto tread on s.o.'s he heels — biti komu za petamito tread on s.o.'s neck figuratively imeti koga v popolni oblasti
См. также в других словарях:
air-to-ground — adjective operating from or designed to be fired from aircraft at targets on the ground air to surface missiles • Syn: ↑air to surface • Ant: ↑air to air (for: ↑air to surface), ↑surface to air ( … Useful english dictionary
air-to-ground — adj. Air to ground is used with these nouns: ↑missile … Collocations dictionary
Air Base Ground Defense — (ABGD) is the operational term used by the United States Air Force to denote ground combat operations in defense of US Air Force bases. This specialty is filled by members of the Air Force Security Forces, who serve not only as Police/Law… … Wikipedia
air-to-ground missile — Missile Mis sile, n. [L. missile.] 1. A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projected, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet. [1913 Webster] 2. A rocket propelled device designed to fly through the air and deliver a warhead of explosive… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
air defence ground environment — oro erdvės gynybos antžeminės priemonės statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Antžeminių radiolokatorių, vadovavimo ir valdymo centrų tinklas konkrečiame operacijų rajone taktinėms oro erdvės gynybos operacijoms valdyti. atitikmenys: angl. air… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
air-to-ground — launched from the air and intended to strike a target on the ground … English contemporary dictionary
air-to-ground — adjective fired from an aircraft at a target on the ground … Wiktionary
air defense ground environment — The network of ground radar sites and command and control centers within a specific theater of operations which are used for the tactical control of air defense operations … Military dictionary
air to ground missile — missile which is launched from the air and intended to strike a target on the ground … English contemporary dictionary
air-to-ground missile — missile which is launched from the air and intended to strike a target on the ground … English contemporary dictionary
air-to-ground missile — noun a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground • Syn: ↑air to surface missile • Hypernyms: ↑missile … Useful english dictionary