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  • 101 advice

    n. råd; rådgivning
    * * *
    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) råd
    - advisable
    - advisability
    - adviser
    - advisor
    - advisory

    English-Swedish dictionary > advice

  • 102 expedience

    ex·pedi·ence [ɪkʼspi:diən(t)s, ek-] n, ex·pedi·en·cy [ɪkʼspi:diən(t)si, ek-] n
    1) ( suitability) Zweckmäßigkeit f, Zweckdienlichkeit f; ( advisability) Ratsamkeit f;
    \expedience requires that we raise the fees aus Sachzwängen müssen wir die Gebühren anheben;
    2) (pej: personal advantage) Eigennutz m ( pej), Berechnung f;
    to act on the basis of \expedience aus Eigeninteresse handeln

    English-German students dictionary > expedience

  • 103 expediency

    ex·pedi·ence [ɪkʼspi:diən(t)s, ek-] n, ex·pedi·en·cy [ɪkʼspi:diən(t)si, ek-] n
    1) ( suitability) Zweckmäßigkeit f, Zweckdienlichkeit f; ( advisability) Ratsamkeit f;
    \expediency requires that we raise the fees aus Sachzwängen müssen wir die Gebühren anheben;
    2) (pej: personal advantage) Eigennutz m ( pej), Berechnung f;
    to act on the basis of \expediency aus Eigeninteresse handeln

    English-German students dictionary > expediency

  • 104 should

    [ʃʊd] aux vb
    sb/one \should... jd/man sollte...;
    if you're annoyed with him, you \should tell him wenn du dich über ihn ärgerst, solltest du ihm das sagen;
    I \should have written to her ich hätte ihr schreiben sollen;
    I recommend that there \should be an investigation ich denke, dass eine Untersuchung hier angebracht wäre;
    it's essential that the project \should not be delayed any further es ist wichtig, dass das Projekt nicht weiter verzögert wird;
    he suggested that I \should see a doctor er meinte, dass ich zu einem Arzt gehen sollte;
    she \should worry! she hasn't a problem in the world (hum, iron) was braucht sie sich schon Sorgen zu machen! sie hat doch keinerlei Probleme;
    chocolates! how kind! you really \shouldn't have! Schokolade! das ist aber nett! das war doch nicht nötig!
    \should I/we...? soll ich/sollen wir...?;
    \should I apologize to him? soll ich mich bei ihm entschuldigen?
    sb/one \should... jd/man sollte [o müsste] [eigentlich]...;
    you \should find this guidebook helpful dieser Führer wird dir sicher nützlich sein;
    this shirt's made of very good quality silk - I \should think it is, considering how much it cost dieses Hemd ist aus hochwertiger Seide - das will ich wohl meinen, wenn man bedenkt, was es gekostet hat;
    I don't like to drink more than one bottle of wine in an evening - I \should think not! ich mag pro Abend nicht mehr als eine Flasche Wein trinken - ich meine auch, dass das reicht;
    Colleen wants to see us in her office immediately - this \should be good! wir sollen sofort in Colleens Büro kommen - das kann ja heiter werden! ( fam)
    I \should be so lucky ( fam) schön wär's! ( fam)
    there \shouldn't be any problems es dürfte eigentlich keine Probleme geben
    sb/one \should jd/man sollte;
    it seems very unlikely to happen, but if it \should, we need to be well-prepared es scheint unwahrscheinlich, aber für den Fall, dass es doch passieren sollte, müssen wir gut vorbereitet sein
    why \should sb/one...? warum sollte jd/man...?;
    why \should anyone want to eat something so horrible? warum sollte irgendjemand so etwas Scheußliches essen wollen?;
    I was just getting off the bus when who \should I see but my old school friend Pat Grantham! was glaubst du, wen ich gesehen habe, als ich aus dem Bus ausstieg - niemand anderen als meinen alten Schulfreund, Pat Grantham!
    6) ( could) können;
    it's odd that she \should think I would want to see her again es ist seltsam, dass sie meint, ich wolle sie wiedersehen;
    it's so unfair that she \should have died so young es ist so ungerecht, dass sie so jung sterben musste;
    it worries me that he \should drive all that way on his own ( esp Brit) es beunruhigt mich, dass er die ganze Strecke alleine fährt;
    I suggest that you \should leave ( esp Brit) ( form) du solltest besser gehen;
    I prefer that Jane \should do it ( esp Brit) ( form) es wäre mir lieber, wenn Jane es täte;
    for fear that [or ( form) lest] I \should miss my flight, I was prepared to spend a couple of extra nights in London aus Furcht, ich könnte mein Flugzeug verpassen, war ich bereit, einige Nächte zusätzlich in London zu verbringen;
    he took his cap in case it \should snow er nahm seine Mütze für den Fall mit, dass es zu schneien anfing;
    he took his umbrella so that he \shouldn't get wet er nahm seinen Schirm mit, um nicht nass zu werden
    7) ((dated) form: would)
    I/we \should [...] ich würde/wir würden [...];
    I \should like a whisky before I go to bed ich hätte gern einen Whisky, bevor ich schlafen gehe;
    I \shouldn't expect you to pay, of course Sie brauchen natürlich nicht zu zahlen;
    we \should like to invite you for dinner next week wir würden uns freuen, Sie für nächste Woche zum Abendessen einladen zu dürfen ( form)
    I \shouldn't worry about it if I were you ich würde mir deswegen an deiner Stelle keine Sorgen machen

    English-German students dictionary > should

  • 105 Agreement for performing technical and economic calculations...

    Agreement for performing technical and economic calculations (ter) to assess the advisability of the development of Chayvo, Arkuta-Dagi and Odoptu oil, gas and condensate fields offshore Sakhalin island within an integrated project (Sakhalin-1 Project)
    сoглашение о разработке "Технико-экономических расчетов (ТЭР) целесообразности совместного освоения как единого комплекса Чайвинского, Аркутун-Дагинского и Одоптинского нефтегазоконденсатных месторождений на шельфе о. Сахалин

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > Agreement for performing technical and economic calculations...

  • 106 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) rada
    - advisable
    - advisability
    - adviser
    - advisor
    - advisory
    * * *
    • poradit
    • rada

    English-Czech dictionary > advice

  • 107 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) rada
    - advisable
    - advisability
    - adviser
    - advisor
    - advisory
    * * *
    • správa
    • rada
    • oznam
    • oznámenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > advice

  • 108 Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)

    . A person who, for compensation or profit, directly or indirectly advises others as to the advisability of buying or selling futures or commodity options. Providing advice includes exercising trading authority over a customer's account. A CTA is generally required to be registered with the CFTC. . Glossary of Futures Terms .

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)

  • 109 Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)

    . A person who, for compensation or profit, directly or indirectly advises others as to the advisability of buying or selling futures or commodity options. Providing advice includes exercising trading authority over a customer's account. A CTA is generally required to be registered with the CFTC. . Glossary of Futures Terms .

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)

  • 110 argue

    1. I
    find some cause to argue найти причину /повод/ поспорить; she loves arguing она любит спорить; obey without arguing слушаться беспрекословно; don't argue не спорь, не возражай
    2. II
    1) argue in some manner argue stubbornly (irritatingly, foolishly, futilely, etc.) упрямо и т. д. спорить
    2) argue in some manner argue logically (shrewdly, impressively, sensibly, lamely, etc.) лоточно и т. д. полемизировать /доказывать, вести спор/; he argues soundly он приводит убедительные /обоснованные/ доводы
    3. III
    argue smth.
    1) argue a problem (a case, a question, a matter, etc.) обсуждать /разбирать, рассматривать/ проблему и т. д.; let's not argue the point давайте не будем спорить по этому вопросу, не будем /не стоит/ это обсуждать
    2) book. argue negligence (ignorance, innocence, etc.) докрывать /подтверждать/ халатность и т. д.; her misunderstanding such clear directions argues inattention то, что она не поняла таких четких указаний, свидетельствует /говорит/ о ее невнимательности
    4. IV
    argue smth. in some manner argue smth. well (logically, shrewdly, soundly, etc.) хорошо и т. д. аргументировать /доказывать/ что-л.
    5. XI
    1) he is not to be argued with с ним нельзя /не следует/ спорить
    2) such people should not be argued with с такими людьми нельзя вести спор, таким людям ничего не докажешь
    6. XVI
    1) argue about lover/ smth. argue about money (about the best place for a holiday, over clothes, over a little matter, etc.) спорить /препираться/ по поводу денег и т. д.; they argued about everything by the hour они по каждому поводу пререкались часами; let's not argue about trifles давайте не [будем] спорить /ссориться/ по пустякам; argue with smb. she always argues with her husband она вечно спорит со своим мужем; why do you argue with your father about such trifles? почему ты споришь /ссоришься, пререкаешься/ с отцом из-за таких пустяков?; argue with smth. argue with violence (with great heat, with enthusiasm, with an annoying calm, with considerable force, etc.) яростно и т. д. спорить /препираться/; argue for some time argue by the hour (without end, etc.) спорить /препираться/ часами и т. д.
    2) argue about /on/ smth. argue about a matter (about the merits of his recent novel, about the advisability of such measures, on the question of.., etc.) вести спор /спорить, полемизировать/ по поводу какого-л. дела в т. д.; argue for /in favour of/ smth. argue for the new law (for liberty, for justice, in favour of a theory, in favour of a plan, in favour of smb.'s proposal, etc.) защищать новый закон и т.д., приводить доводы в пользу нового закона и т. д.; argue against smth. argue against injustice (against poverty, against inequality, etc.) приводить доводы /выступать, бороться/ претив несправедливости и т. д.; he argued against this measure он выступил против этой меры; argue from smth. argue from entirely false premises исходить в своей аргументации /строить доказательство, исходя/ из совершенно ложных предпосылок; argue from cause to effect положить в основу своей аргументации причинно-следственные связи || argue along these lines веста спор /полемизировать, строить свою аргументацию/ в таком плане /в таком направлении, таким образом/
    7. XXI1
    argue smb. into (out oft smth. argue one's associates into a course of action (one's sister into the belief that..., etc.) убедить /уговорить/ своих коллег принять такую линию поведения и т. д.; argue one's friend out of his decision (one's colleagues out of opposition, etc.) отговорить своего друга от такого решения и т. (3.; he argued me out of this action он отговорил меня от этого шага; he argued me out of my opinion он убедил мена) в ошибочности моего мнения, он разубедил меня
    8. XXII
    argue smb. into doing smth. argue his friend into going there again (her into staying there, her father into giving her more money, etc.) убедить /уговорить/ своего друга снова поехать туда и т. д.; argue smb. out of doing smth. argue one's friend out of marrying her (her out of leaving her job, her father out of going away, etc.) отговорить своего друга от женитьбы на ней и т. д.; he argued me out of giving them more time он отговорил меня от того, чтобы дать им еще время, он убедил /уговорил/ меня не давать им больше времени
    9. XXV
    argue that... argue that black is white (that it is true, that it would save us a lot of time, etc.) доказывать /утверждать/, что черное это белое и т. д; he was arguing that it was her own fault он утверждал /пытался убедить нас/, что она сама виновата
    10. XXVII1
    argue about /over/ who... (what..., etc.) argue about who should wash the dishes препираться no поводу того, кому мыть посуду; argue over what should be done first спорить по поводу того, с чего надо начинать

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > argue

  • 111 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) sfat
    - advisable
    - advisability
    - adviser
    - advisor
    - advisory

    English-Romanian dictionary > advice

  • 112 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) συμβουλή
    - advisable
    - advisability
    - adviser
    - advisor
    - advisory

    English-Greek dictionary > advice

  • 113 expedience

    [ɪk'spiːdɪən(t)s], [ek-]
    целесообразность; выгодность, рациональность

    Англо-русский современный словарь > expedience

  • 114 expediency

    [ɪk'spiːdɪən(t)sɪ], [ek-]
    целесообразность; выгодность, рациональность

    Англо-русский современный словарь > expediency

  • 115 practicability

    1) осуществимость, реальность, выполнимость
    2) (практическая) целесообразность; рациональность
    3) проходимость (возможность пройти, проехать, проплыть)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > practicability

  • 116 expedience

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > expedience

  • 117 expediency

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > expediency

  • 118 practicability

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > practicability

  • 119 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) conseil(s)
    - advisable - advisability - adviser - advisor - advisory

    English-French dictionary > advice

  • 120 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) conselho
    - advisable - advisability - adviser - advisor - advisory

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > advice

См. также в других словарях:

  • Advisability — Ad*vis a*bil i*ty, n. The quality of being advisable; advisableness. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • advisability — index propriety (appropriateness) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • advisability — (n.) 1778 (in a letter from George Washington at Valley Forge), from ADVISABLE (Cf. advisable) + ITY (Cf. ity) …   Etymology dictionary

  • advisability — noun /ædˌvaɪz.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ a) The quality of being advisable or prudent; advisableness. b) An instance of advisability; a consideration in determining overall advisability. Ant: inadvisability …   Wiktionary

  • advisability — advisable ► ADJECTIVE ▪ to be recommended; sensible. DERIVATIVES advisability noun …   English terms dictionary

  • advisability — noun the quality of being advisable (Freq. 1) they questioned the advisability of our policy • Ant: ↑inadvisability • Derivationally related forms: ↑advisable • Hypernyms: ↑wisdom, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • advisability — noun see advisable …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • advisability — See advisable. * * * …   Universalium

  • advisability — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. recommendability, suitability, fitness; see propriety 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • advisability — ad·vis·a·bil·i·ty || É™d‚vaɪzÉ™ bɪlÉ™tɪ n. profitability, worthwhileness …   English contemporary dictionary

  • advisability — n. Expediency, advisableness, propriety, judiciousness, prudence, desirability, desirableness …   New dictionary of synonyms

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