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  • 101 terra

    f earth
    (regione, proprietà, terreno agricolo) land
    ( pavimento) floor
    a terra on the ground
    cadere a o per terra fall (down)
    * * *
    terra s.f.
    1 ( il nostro pianeta, l'opposto di cielo) earth: la Terra ruota sul suo asse e gira intorno al Sole, the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves round the Sun; il cielo e la terra, Heaven and Earth; le gioie della terra, earthly joys; il miglior uomo sulla terra, the best man on earth // muovere cielo e terra, to move heaven and earth // queste cose non stanno né in cielo né in terra, these things are totally ridiculous (o quite unheard of)
    2 ( l'opposto di acqua) land: avvistare la terra, to sight land; la nave si avvicinava alla terra, the ship was approaching land; sulla terra e sul mare, on land and on sea; battaglia di terra, land battle; trasporto via terra, land carriage; il villaggio è raggiungibile via mare, ma non ancora via terra, the village can be reached by sea, but not by land yet; non andai per terra, ma per mare, I didn't go by land, but (I went) by sea; (mar.) scendere a terra, to go ashore; viaggiare per mare e per terra, to travel by (o over) land and sea // (mar.) terra in vista!, land ho! // l'ho cercata per mare e per terra, ma non l'ho trovata, I looked for her everywhere, but I didn't find her
    3 ( proprietà terriera) land; ( possedimento) estate, property, holding: una striscia, un pezzo di terra, a strip, a piece of land; possiede molte terre in Toscana, he owns a great deal of land in Tuscany; le sue terre si estendevano sino al mare, his estate stretched as far as the coast; queste sono le terre del re di Francia, these are the lands of the king of France // terra di proprietà, freehold land; terra in assegnazione, settled land; terra in locazione, leasehold land // terra di nessuno, no-man's-land
    4 ( materiale terroso, terriccio) earth; ( suolo coltivabile) soil: raccolse una manciata di terra, he picked up a handful of earth; riempire un secchio di terra, to fill a bucket with earth; devo cambiare la terra al vaso di rose, I must change the earth in the rose pot; una terra fertile, a fertile soil; una terra ricca di sali minerali, a soil rich in minerals; terra grassa, loam; una zolla di terra, a clod of earth // un vaso di terra, ( terracotta) earthenware vase // terra d'ombra, umber; terra da pipe, pipeclay; terra da porcellana, kaolin; terra di Siena, sienna; terra di Siena bruciata, burnt sienna // (tecn.) terra da fonderia, foundary sand // (chim.): terre rare, rare earths; terre alcaline, alkaline earths
    5 ( superficie terrestre; suolo) ground; ( pavimento) floor: un buco nella terra, a hole in the ground; cadere per terra, to fall to the ground (o floor); sdraiarsi, dormire per terra, to lie, to sleep on the ground (o floor); si sedette per terra, he sat on the ground (o floor); appoggiare qlco. per terra, to place sthg. on the ground; l'aereo si sollevò da terra, toccò terra, the plane lifted off, touched down (the ground); buttare qlcu., qlco. a terra, to throw s.o., sthg. to (o on) the ground; buttare a terra qlcu., ( demoralizzarlo) to dishearten s.o. // i prodotti della terra, agricultural produce; lavoratori della terra, farm labourers // raso terra, to the ground: volare raso terra, to fly close to the ground; tagliare un albero raso terra, to cut a three to the ground
    6 ( mondo) world: su questa terra, in this world
    7 ( paese, regione) land, country: l'Olanda è la terra dei mulini a vento, Holland is the land of windmills; in terre lontane, in distant lands; la terra nativa, one's native country; in terra straniera, in foreign parts; è una terra ancora da esplorare, it's an unexplored country // la Terra Promessa, the Promised Land
    8 (elettr.) ( filo di) terra, ground wire; presa di terra, ground tap; mettere a terra, to put to earth.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: essere a terra, ( di pneumatico) to have a flat tyre, ( finanziariamente) to be broke (o to be on one's uppers), ( moralmente) to feel low, ( depresso) to be at rock bottom // restare a terra, ( da un mezzo) to miss (sthg.): l'autobus era affollato e sono rimasto a terra, the bus was crowded so I was left behind // tornare sulla terra, ( smettere di fantasticare) to come back to earth // tenere, rimanere con i piedi per terra, ( non fantasticare) to keep one's feet firmly on the ground; è un tipo con i piedi per terra, ( realista) he has his feet firmly on the ground // camminare a un metro da terra, ( essere molto felice) to walk on air; ( essere molto distratto) to have one's head in the clouds // terra terra, ( scadente) lacklustre; ( semplice) straightforward (o down-to-earth): fare un discorso terra terra, to make a down-to-earth speech // senza di te mi manca la terra sotto i piedi, I feel lost without you // far terra bruciata, (fig.) to make life impossible for oneself.
    * * *
    1. sf

    la Terra (pianeta) the earth, (fig : mondo) the world

    2) (terreno, suolo) ground, (sostanza) soil, earth, (argilla) clay

    per terra(appoggiare, sedersi) on the ground, (cadere) to the ground

    3) (distesa, campagna) land no pl

    un pezzo di terra(gen) a piece of land, (fabbricabile, per orto) a plot of land

    4) (terraferma) land no pl

    via terra (viaggiare) by land, overland

    5) (paese, regione) land, country
    6) Elettr earth Brit, ground Am

    (fraseologia) avere una gomma a terra — to have a flat tyre

    essere a terra(fig : depresso) to be at rock bottom

    terra terra(fig : persona, argomento) prosaic, pedestrian

    cercare qn/qc per mare e per terra — to look high and low for sb/sth

    * * *
    ['tɛrra] 1.
    sostantivo femminile
    1) astr.
    2) (suolo) ground

    mettere a terra (buttare giù) to knock down [ persona]; fig. (privare delle forze) to strike down

    toccare terra — [ aereo] to touch ground, to land; [ nave] to reach o make land, to land

    di terra — [ esercito] ground(-based), land; [hostess, personale] ground

    3) (materia) earth; agr. soil

    terra rossa, argillosa — red, clayey earth o soil

    4) (campagna) land
    5) (terreno) land

    acquistare, vendere una terra — to buy, sell a plot of land

    6) (regione, paese) land
    7) (terraferma) (dry) land

    "terra (in vista)!" — "land ahoy!" "land ho!"

    8) (mondo) earth, world

    abbandonare o lasciare questa terra eufem. to depart this world; scendi o torna sulla terra! — fig. come down to earth!

    9) el. earth BE, ground AE

    collegare o mettere a terra to earth BE, to ground AE; messa a terra — earthing BE, grounding AE

    10) terra terra (concreto) [ persona] down-to-earth, practical, matter-of-fact; [ questione] practical; [atteggiamento, maniere] no-nonsense, practical; [ considerazioni] low, materialistic; (mediocre) [conversazione, persona] ordinary, pedestrian

    avere il morale a terra — to feel very low(-spirited), to be at an all-time low, to be down in the dumps

    essere, sentirsi a terra — (fisicamente) to be, feel low o run-down; (moralmente) to be, feel down o low(-spirited) o flat

    essere a terra (finanziariamente) to be broke o penniless

    12) in terra, per terra (stato) (sul terreno) on the ground; (sul pavimento) on the floor; (moto) (sul terreno) to the ground; (sul pavimento) to the floor

    piano terraground floor BE, bottom floor BE, first floor AE

    campo in terra battuta clay o hard court; terra di nessuno mil. no man's land; terra promessa Promised Land (anche fig.); terra di Siena art. sienna; -e emerse lands above sea level; -e sommerse lands below sea level; Terra Santa — Holy Land


    tenere i piedi per terra, stare coi piedi per terra — to keep both o one's feet on the ground

    * * *
    I sostantivo f.
     1 astr. la Terra the Earth; sulla Terra on Earth
     2 (suolo) ground; essere gettato a terra to be thrown to the ground; faccia a terra face down; mettere a terra (buttare giù) to knock down [ persona]; fig. (privare delle forze) to strike down; esercizi a terra floor exercises; toccare terra [ aereo] to touch ground, to land; [ nave] to reach o make land, to land; scendere a terra [ passeggeri] to land; via terra by land; di terra [ esercito] ground(-based), land; [hostess, personale] ground
     3 (materia) earth; agr. soil; terra rossa, argillosa red, clayey earth o soil
     4 (campagna) land; terra coltivata cropland; il ritorno alla terra the movement back to the land; lavorare la terra to work the land
     5 (terreno) land; acquistare, vendere una terra to buy, sell a plot of land; fuori dalla mia terra! get off my land!
     6 (regione, paese) land; - e lontane distant lands; una terra sconosciuta an undiscovered o unknown land; in terra straniera on foreign land o soil
     7 (terraferma) (dry) land; avvistare terra to sight land; "terra (in vista)!" "land ahoy!" "land ho!"
     8 (mondo) earth, world; abbandonare o lasciare questa terra eufem. to depart this world; scendi o torna sulla terra! fig. come down to earth!
     9 el. earth BE, ground AE; collegare o mettere a terra to earth BE, to ground AE; messa a terra earthing BE, grounding AE
     10 terra terra (concreto) [ persona] down-to-earth, practical, matter-of-fact; [ questione] practical; [atteggiamento, maniere] no-nonsense, practical; [ considerazioni] low, materialistic; (mediocre) [conversazione, persona] ordinary, pedestrian
     11 a terra avere il morale a terra to feel very low(-spirited), to be at an all-time low, to be down in the dumps; essere, sentirsi a terra (fisicamente) to be, feel low o run-down; (moralmente) to be, feel down o low(-spirited) o flat; essere a terra (finanziariamente) to be broke o penniless; avere una gomma a terra to have a flat tyre
     12 in terra, per terra (stato) (sul terreno) on the ground; (sul pavimento) on the floor; (moto) (sul terreno) to the ground; (sul pavimento) to the floor
      (al livello del suolo) piano terra ground floor BE, bottom floor BE, first floor AE
    avere i piedi per terra to be very down-to-earth; tenere i piedi per terra, stare coi piedi per terra to keep both o one's feet on the ground; sentirsi mancare la terra sotto i piedi to feel one's legs give way; fare terra bruciata to operate a scorched earth policy; sotto terra →  sottoterra 
    terra battuta (nel tennis) clay; campo in terra battuta clay o hard court; terra di nessuno mil. no man's land; terra promessa Promised Land (anche fig.); terra di Siena art. sienna; - e emerse lands above sea level; - e sommerse lands below sea level; Terra Santa Holy Land.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > terra

  • 102 pas1

    m 1. (noszony) (wide) belt
    - zapiąć/rozpiąć pas to do up a. fasten/undo a belt
    - mieć nóż u pasa to have a knife on one’s belt
    - mieć pistolet wetknięty za pas to have a gun tucked in(to) one’s belt
    - zbić kogoś pasem to give sb the belt
    - mieć czarny/brązowy pas w judo to have a. to be a black/brown belt in judo
    - pas rycerski a knight’s belt
    2. (część bielizny) pas do pończoch a suspender a. garter belt
    - pas elastyczny a girdle
    3. (do łączenia, przytrzymywania) (wide) strap
    - przypiąć coś do czegoś pasem to strap sth to sth
    - przyczepić a. przytwierdzić coś skórzanym pasem to fasten sth with a leather strap
    - pistolet wiszący na rzemiennym pasie a gun hanging from a leather holster
    4. zw. pl Aut., Lotn. (zabezpieczenie) belt
    - pasy bezpieczeństwa a seat a. safety belt
    - pas bezwładnościowy an inertia reel seat belt
    - zapiąć/rozpiąć pasy to fasten/unfasten one’s seat belt
    - zapnijcie pasy! buckle up! a. fasten your seat belts!
    - nie miał zapiętych pasów he didn’t have his seat belt on
    5. (podłużny kawałek) (wide) strip
    - pas pszenicy a strip of wheat
    - pas ziemi a strip of land; (szeroki) a belt of land
    - pas obrony przeciwlotniczej an air defence zone
    - pas materiału/papieru a strip of cloth/paper
    - podrzeć/pociąć coś na pasy to tear/cut sth into strips
    6. Aut. (część jezdni) lane
    - pas ruchu a traffic lane
    - przeciwległy pas ruchu the opposite carriageway, the other side of the road
    - pas do skrętu w prawo/lewo a right/left turn lane
    - zmienić pas to change lanes
    - zjechać na prawy/lewy pas to get into the inside/outside lane
    - byłem na prawym pasie I was in the inside lane
    7. (wzór) (wide) stripe
    - materiał w pasy striped fabric
    - pomalować coś w biało-czerwone pasy to paint sth in red and white stripes
    8. (talia) waist
    - obwód pasa sb’s waist measurement
    - być wąskim w pasie [osoba, sukienka] to be narrow in the waist
    - ile masz w pasie? what is your waist measurement?
    - mieć 70 cm w pasie [osoba, sukienka] to have a 70 cm waist
    - spódnica marszczona w pasie a skirt gathered at the waist
    - włosy do pasa waist-length hair
    - woda do pasa a. po pas waist-deep water
    - trawa do pasa a. wysoka po pas waist-high grass
    - wejść po pas do rzeki to wade waist-deep into a river
    - rozebrać się do pasa to strip to the waist
    - od pasa w dół/w górę from the waist down/up
    - cios poniżej pasa Sport a punch below the belt
    - to był cios a. chwyt poniżej pasa przen. that was below the belt
    9 Anat. (część szkieletu) girdle
    - pas barkowy/miednicowy the pectoral/pelvic girdle
    pasy plt (przejście dla pieszych) zebra crossing
    - przechodzić przez ulicę po pasach to cross a street at a zebra crossing
    - potrącić kogoś na pasach to hit sb on a zebra crossing
    pas amunicyjny Wojsk. ammunition belt
    - pas cnoty chastity belt
    - pas koalicyjny Wojsk. Sam Browne belt
    - pas neutralny neutral zone
    - pas ortopedyczny Med. support belt
    - pas przepuklinowy Med. truss
    - pas ratunkowy lifebelt
    - pas startowy Lotn. runway
    - pas transmisyjny Techn. transmission belt
    być za pasem [zima, wakacje] to be just around the corner
    - popuszczać pasa to live like a king
    - wziąć nogi za pas to show a clean pair of heels, to take to one’s heels
    - zaciskać pasa to tighten one’s belt
    - zaciskanie pasa belt-tightening

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > pas1

  • 103 subseco

    sub-sĕco, cui, ctum, 1, v. a., to cut under, cut away below; to clip, pare (rare;

    not in Cic.): stramentum et manipulum falce,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 50, 1: herbam. id. ib. 1, 49, 1:


    id. ib. 1, 23, 3:


    Col. 2, 9, 10:

    partes, unde creatus erat (Saturnus),

    Ov. Ib. 276:

    ungues ferro,

    id. F. 6, 230:

    papavereas ungue comas,

    id. ib. 4, 438; Cels. 7, 33.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > subseco

  • 104 ὑποκείρω

    A cut off below,

    μύες.. τοὺς στάχυς.. ὑποκείροντες Ael.NA 6.41

    , cf. 17.17.
    2 cut off, take away, Ph.1.327.
    II metaph., ὑ. τοὺς χρεώστας tear, mangle them, Plu.2.829a.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ὑποκείρω

  • 105 ι̌̄̒μάς

    ι̌̄̒μάς, αντος: leather strap or thong. (1) in connection with the chariot, (a) straps in which the chariot - box was hung, or perhaps more likely the network of plaited straps enclosing the body of the chariot, Il. 5.727; (b) the reins, Il. 23.324, 363; (c) the halter, Il. 8.544.— (2) the chin-strap of a helmet, Il. 3.371.— (3) the cestus of boxers, see πυγμάχοι.— (4) the leash or latchstring by which doors were fastened. See adjacent cut, in four divisions: above, the closed, below the unfastened door; on the left, as seen from the inner side, on the right as seen from the outside. To close the door from the outside, the string, hanging loosely in fig. 1, was pulled until it drew the bolt from the position of fig. 2 to that of fig. 3, when it was made fast by a knot to the ring, κορώνη, e, fig. 4. To open from the outside, the string was first untied, and then the κληίς, not unlike a hook (fig. 4, f), was introduced through the key-hole, c, and by means of a crook (g, fig. 3) at the end of it the bolt was pushed back from the position of fig. 3 to that of fig. 2, and the door opened, Od. 1.442.— (5) for a bed - cord, Od. 23.201.— (6) the magic girdle of Aphrodīte, Il. 14.214, 219. — (7) a thong to make a drill revolve, Od. 9.385. (See cut No. 121.)

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > ι̌̄̒μάς

  • 106 λέπαδνον

    λέπαδνον, pl. λέπαδνα: breast-collar, a strap passing around the breast of the horses, and made fast to the yoke, Il. 5.730. (See g in cut No. 78 below, also cut No. 45, f.)

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > λέπαδνον

  • 107 μίτρη

    μίτρη: a band or girdle round the waist and abdomen, below the στατὸς θώρηξ, the exterior of metal plates, the interior lined with wool (see cut No. 33), shorter than the ζῶμα, which covered it, while over both and the θώρηξ passed the ζωστήρ. (See cut No. 3.)

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > μίτρη

  • 108 Ὠκεανός

    Ὠκεανός: Oceanus, distinguished from the sea. (θάλασσα, πόντος, ἅλς) as a mighty stream (ποταμός, Il. 18.607, Il. 20.7; δόος Ὠκεανοῖο, Il. 16.151; cf. Milton's ‘ocean stream’) encircling the whole Earth, Il. 18.607. The constellations (excepting the Great Bear, which in Greek latitudes does not dip below the horizon) are conceived as sinking below Oceanus and emerging from it on the other side of the Earth, as they set and rise. Beyond Ocean is the entrance to the nether world, and Elysium is on its hither bank, Od. 10.508, Od. 4.568. (In the cut, which represents a design of the shield of Achilles, the outer rim [5] indicates the stream of Ocean.)—Personified, Ὠκεανός, husband of Tethys, father of all streams and fountains, and indeed, of all the gods, Od. 4.568, Od. 10.139, Il. 14.311, 201.

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > Ὠκεανός

  • 109 ποικίλος

    Grammatical information: adj.
    Meaning: `varicoloured, wrought in many colours (stitched, knitted, woven), manifold, versatile, cunning' (Il.).
    Dialectal forms: Myc. pokironuka n. pl. `with many coloured onukes'.
    Compounds: Many compp., e.g. ποικιλό-θρονος (s. θρόνα and Bolling AmJPh 79, 275ff.), πολυ-ποίκιλος `much variegated' (E.; cf. below).
    Derivatives: 1. ποικιλ-ία f. `variegation, diversity, embroidering' (IA.); 2. - ίας m. fishname (Paus.; Strömberg Fischn. 25, Thompson Fishes s. v.), - ίς f. name of a bird that eats the lark's eggs (Arist.; Thompson Birds s. v.); 3. - εύς m. `broiderer, stitcher' (Alex. Com.). 4. Denominat.: a. - ίλλω, also w. δια-, κατα- a.o., `to make varicoloured, to work artfully etc.' with - ιλμα n. `varicoloured work, stitching, weave' (Il.; Wace AmJArch 1948, 51 f., 452; Porzig Satzinhalte 188), - ιλμός m. `elaboration, decoration' (Epicur., Plu.), - ιλσις f. `id.' (Pl.); - ιλτής m. `broiderer, stitcher' (Aeschin., Arist.), f. - ίλτρια (Str.), - ιλτικός `belonging to stitching' (LXX etc.); b. - ιλόω `to stitch' (A. Fr. 304 = 609 Mette); c. - ιλεύομαι `to be artful, versatile' (Vett. Val.).
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [794] *peiḱ- `stitch, paint'
    Etymology: Formation like κό-ϊλος (: κόοι), ναυτ-ίλος (: ναύτης), ὀργ-ίλος (: ὀργή) etc.; like the two lastmentioned with secondary paroxytonesis (Schwyzer 379 a. 484f.); so from a noun of unknown stem (cf. Schwyzer 484 n. 5, also Specht Ursprung 121). To a basic word *ποῖκος agree several words of other languages: Skt. péśa- m. `ornament' (with peśalá- `ornamented, beautiful': ποικίλος), Av. paēsa- m. `leprosy', also `ornament' in zaranyō-paēsa-'with golden ornament' a.o., Lith. paĩšas m. `smut, dustspot'. With this formally identical a Germ. adj. for `motley', e.g. OHG OS fēh, Goth. filu-faihs `πολυποίκιλος'; prob. through secondary adjectivising like Av. paēsa- which also means `leprous'. The morphological identity of Goth. filu-faihs and Skt. puru-péśa- is accidental; the supposition (Porzig Gliederung 136), πολυ-ποίκιλος would be a cross of ποικίλος and *πολύ-ποικος (= puru-péśa-), is to be rejected, as the relatively late Gr. word may have been built after πολυ-δαίδαλος, which, orig. prob. a bahuvrihi, was reinterpreted as `very artfull' (s. δαίδαλος). -- IE *póiḱos m. belongs as nomen actionis to a verb `cut, stitch, scratch in, paint etc.' in Skt. piṃśáti `carve, cut, ornament', Slav., e.g. OCS pьsati `write' a. o.; IE *piḱ-; besides with final voiced cons. a.o. Lat. pingō `stitch with a needle, paint'. An old r-deriv. of the same verb is πικρός prop. `cutting in, stitching' (s. v.). Quite uncertain is the H.-gloss πεικόν πικρόν, πευκεδανόν; if correct, in formation comparable with λευκός. -- Further forms w. lit. in Bq (esp. on the meaning), WP. 2, 9f., Pok. 794f., W.-Hofmann s. pingō (very rich), Fraenkel s. paĩšas and piẽšti, Vasmer s. pisátь, Mayrhofer s. péśaḥ. -- (Quite uncertain πίγγαλος.)
    Page in Frisk: 2,572-573

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > ποικίλος

  • 110 ῥήγνυμι

    Grammatical information: v.
    Meaning: `to tear (up), to break (to pieces), to burst' (Il.).
    Other forms: Fut. ῥήξω, aor. ῥῆξαι (all Il.), perf. midd. ἔρρηγ-μαι (θ 137), act. (intr.) ἔρρωγα (Archil., Hp., trag.), ptc. ἐρρηγεῖα (Tab. Heracl.), trans. ἔρρηχα (hell.), aor. pass. ῥαγῆναι (Il.) w. fut. ῥαγήσομαι (A. a.o.), ῥηχθῆναι (late); new pres. ῥήσσω, ῥήττω (Hp., hell.; to ῥῆξαι, ῥήξω).
    Compounds: Often w. prefix, e.g. ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, κατα-, περι-. As 1. member in verbal governing compp. ῥηξ(ι)-, e.g. ῥηξ-ήνωρ adjunct. of Achilles, `breaking the (rows of) men' (Hom.) with - ηνορίη (ξ 217); cf. Sommer Nominalkomp. 180; diff. Muller Mnem. 46, 135ff.: to Lat. regō (by Kretschmer Glotta 11,249 rightly doubted); Jernstedt (s. Idg. Jb. 14, 151): to ῥήσσω `to throw (down)'; cf. the lit. on ἀνήρ.
    Derivatives: A. With full grade: 1. ῥῆγμα ( ἔκ-, σύν-) n. `tore, cleft, breach' (IA.) with ῥηγματίης, - τώδης (Hp.); 2. ῥηγμός `id.' (pap. IIIa); 3. ῥηγμίν (- μίς), - μῖνος f. `breaking down of a cart, breaking of the sea' (ep. Il.); ῑν-deriv.; cf. Chantraine Form. 168, Schwyzer 465; after Pisani Ist. Lomb. 73: 2, 40 influenced by θῑν ( θίς); 4. ῥῆξις ( κατά-, περί- etc.), Aeol. Ϝρῆξις f. `breaking through, breach' (Alc., Hp., E., Arist.) with ῥηκτικός ( κατα-) `fragile, brittle' (Hp., Aët.); 5. ῥήκτης m. "the disruptor", des. of a certain form of earthquake (Arist., Lyd.); 6. Ϝρηγαλέον (cod. τρ-) διερρωγότα H.; cf. below B 4 and Leumann Hom. Wörter 273; 7. αὔρηκτος = ἄ-Ϝρηκτος `unbroken' (Hdn. Gr.). -- B. With ω-ablaut: 1. ῥώξ f. only ῥῶγας acc.pl. (χ 143) `tore' = `narrow passage' (cf.Wace JHSt. 71, 203ff., Bérard REGr. 67, 23ff.), further in prefixcompp., e.g. ἀπορρώξ `torn off', f. `torn off piece, outflow' (ep. poet. Il.); 2. διαρρωγή f. `gap, interspace' (Hp.); ῥωγαί ῥήξεις H.; 3. ῥωγάς, - άδος `torn up, cleft' (hell. poetry.); 4. ῥωγαλέος `torn up, full of holes' (Hom.); 5. ῥωγμή f. `breach, tore' (Hp., Arist.) with ῥωγματίης (Hp. ap. Gal.; cf. A 1); ῥωχμός m. `tore, cleft, gap' (Ψ 420, hell. ; \< - σμο-, Schwyzer 493), - μαί pl. `id.' (Marc. Sid.). -- C. With zero grade: 1. ῥαγή ( δια-), ῥαγάς, ῥάγδην, ῥαγδαῖος s. ῥαγή; 2. ῥάγος n. `rag, shred' (pap. IIp), ῥαγόεις (Nic.) after ῥάκος (s.v.), - όεις; 3. περιρραγ-ής `broken around' (AP; from περι-ρραγῆναι).
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [1182] *wreh₁ǵ- `break'
    Etymology: With ῥήγνυμι \< *Ϝρήγνυμι (cf. Ϝρῆξις, Ϝρηγαλέος) agrees semant. exactly primary Arm. ergic-anem, aor. ergic-i with the usu. caus. ergic-uc̣anem `tear apart, break'. Also phonetically they agree well except the stemvowel, as Arm. ergic-anem prop. requires an IE diphthong (u̯reiǵ-) against Gr. ῥηγ- \< u̯rēg-. If the regular phonetic development was not disturbed by one or other derailment, what would hardly suprise with a verb of this meaning, the verbs must be seprated; cf. Frisk Etyma Armen. 29 (with another hypothesis on ergicanem). Phonetically doubtful but semant. less convincing is the comparison (since Meillet MSL 9, 142) with a Balto-Slav. verb for `beat etc.' in Lith. rė́žti `cut, incise, beat', OCS rězati ' κόπτειν', Russ. rézatь `cut, slaughter' usw., to which also a.o. Russ. razítь `beat'; cf. on ῥάσσω w. lit.; older lit. in Bq and WP. 1, 319 a. 2, 344. The forms with ῥαγ- must be secondary (as *u̯r̥h₁ǵ- would give Ϝρηγ-).
    Page in Frisk: 2,652-653

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > ῥήγνυμι

  • 111 εἰ

    εἰ (Hom.+)
    marker of a condition, existing in fact or hypothetical, if (B-D-F §371f, neg. §428, 1; 2; Rob., indexes; JBoyer, Grace Theological Journal 2, ’81, 75–141, marker of a ‘simple, logical connection between protasis and apodosis’).
    w. the indic.
    α. in all tenses, to express a condition thought of as real or to denote assumptions relating to what has already happened εἰ υἱὸς εἶ τοῦ θεοῦ if you really are the Son of God Mt 4:3; sim. 5:29f; 6:23; 8:31; Ac 5:39. εἰ σὺ Ἰουδαῖος ἐπονομάζῃ if you call yourself a Judean Ro 2:17. εἰ κατακαυχᾶσαι, οὐ σὺ βαστάζεις if you do boast, (remember) you do not support 11:18 al. In Paul the verb is freq. missing, and is to be supplied fr. the context: εἰ Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν (sc. ἐστιν), τὸ μὲν σῶμα νεκρόν (sc. ἐστιν) 8:10. εἰ τέκνα (sc. ἐστέ) if you are children, then … vs. 17, εἰ χάριτι (γέγονεν), οὐκέτι ἐξ ἔργων 11:6 al. The negative in clauses where the reality of the condition is taken for granted is οὐ (earlier Gk. μή [for exception s. Goodwin p. 138f]; s. B-D-F §428, 1): εἰ οὐ δύναται τοῦτο παρελθεῖν Mt 26:42. εἰ δὲ ὑμεῖς οὐκ ἀφίετε Mk 11:25 [26] v.l. εἰ πιστοὶ οὐκ ἐγένεσθε Lk 16:11f; εἰ οὐκ ἀκούουσιν vs. 31. εἰ οὐ φοβοῦμαι Lk 18:4; cp. J 5:47; 10:37; Ro 8:9; 11:21; 1 Cor 7:9; 9:2; 11:6; 15:13ff, 29, 32; 16:22 al. εἰ is rarely found w. the future εἰ πάντες σκανδαλισθήσονται Mt 26:33; Mk 14:29; εἰ ἀρνησόμεθα 2 Ti 2:12 (cp. Just., A I, 31, 6 εἰ μὴ ἀρνοῖντο Ἰησοῦν); εἰ ὑπομενεῖτε 1 Pt 2:20; εἰ καὶ οὐ δώσει (class. ἐὰν καὶ μὴ δῷ B-D-F §372, 3; Rob. 1012) Lk 11:8. W. aor., when events are regarded as having taken place Mt 24:22; Mk 3:26; 13:20.
    β. w. the pres., impf., aor., or plpf. indic. to express an unreal (contrary to fact) condition (B-D-F §360; 372; Rob. 1012ff). ἄν is usu. found in the apodosis (regularly in class.) εἰ ἐν Τύρῳ καὶ Σίδωνι ἐγένοντο αἱ δυνάμεις, πάλαι ἂν μετενόησαν if the wonders had been done in T. and S., they would have repented long ago Mt 11:21. εἰ ἤμεθα ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις τῶν πατέρων ἡμῶν if we had lived in the days of our fathers 23:30. εἰ ᾔδει ὁ οἰκοδεσπότης if the master of the house had known 24:43 (cp. Just., A I, 12, 2 εἰ … ταῦτα ἐγίνωσκον; 18, 1 al.) εἰ ἦν προφήτης, ἐγίνωσκεν ἄν if he were a prophet, he would know Lk 7:39 al. The pres. indic. εἰ ἔχετε (v.l. εἴχετε) πίστιν … ἐλέγετε ἄν if you had faith … you would say Lk 17:6. Somet. ἄν is lacking in the apodosis (Polyaenus 2, 3, 5 εἰ ἐπεποιήκειμεν … νῦν ἐχρῆν=if we had done … it would have been necessary; Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 16, 18 [II B.C.]; PRein I, 7 [II B.C.]; POxy 526, 10; 530, 8 and 17; Just., A I, 10, 6; 11:2 al.—PMelcher, De sermone Epict., diss. Halle 1905, 75; Mlt. 200f) εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο if this man were not from God, he would not have been able to … J 9:33. εἰ μὴ ἦλθον, ἁμαρτίαν οὐκ εἴχοσαν if I had not come, they would not have sin 15:22; cp. vs. 24. W. the apodosis placed first Mk 9:42 (v.l. περιέκειτο), Lk 17:2; J 19:11.
    εἰ w. subj., as καὶ εἴ τις θελήσῃ Rv 11:5 (s. 7 below), is unusual, perh. a textual error; B-D-F §372, 3 conjectures κἄν for καὶ εἰ. But εἰ w. subj. is found in the older poets and Hdt. (Kühner-G. II 474), in Aristoph., Equ. 698 et al., in var. dialects (EHermann, Griech. Forschungen I 1912, 277f) and in later times (e.g. Epict., Vett. Val., Lucian [ed. CJacobitz, Index graec. 473a]; Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. p. 84, 28; 197, 9; ins [Rdm.2 199]; PRyl 234, 12; POxy 496, 11; Dt 8:5); B-D-F §372, 3; Mlt. 187; Reinhold 107; OSchulthess, AKaegi Festschr. 1919, 161f.
    εἰ w. the optative is rare: εἰ καὶ πάσχοιτε … μακάριοι even if you should suffer, … you would be blessed 1 Pt 3:14. εἰ θέλοι (v.l. θέλει) τὸ θέλημα τοῦ θεοῦ if it should be God’s will vs. 17. εἴ τι ἔχοιεν (sc. κατηγορεῖν; cp. Just., A I, 3, 1 εἰ … μηδὲν ἔχοι τις ἐλέγχειν) πρὸς ἐμέ if they should have any charges to bring against me Ac 24:19. εἰ δυνατὸν εἴη (Jos., Ant. 12, 12) if it should be possible 20:16 (but s. B-D-F §385, 2; Just., A II, 15, 2 εἰ δύναιντο). εἰ τύχοι is used as a formula (oft. in later wr., incl. Philo; s. KReik, D. Opt. bei Polyb. u. Philo 1907, 154; Just., A I, 27, 3) it may be, for example, perhaps 1 Cor 15:37; used to tone down an assertion which may be too bold 14:10 (Lucian, Icar. 6 καὶ πολλάκις, εἰ τύχοι, μηδὲ ὁπόσοι στάδιοι Μεγαρόθεν Ἀθήναζέ εἰσιν, ἀκριβῶς ἐπιστάμενοι ‘and many times, so it appears, not even knowing how many stades it is from Megara to Athens’).
    marker of an indirect question as content, that (Kühner-G. II 369, 8; Rob. 965. Cp. Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 67 §283 ἀγανακτέω εἰ=be exasperated that; Sir 23:14 θελήσεις εἰ μὴ ἐγεννήθης; 2 Macc 14:28; 4 Macc 2:1; 4:7. S. on θαυμάζω 1aγ) ἐθαύμασεν εἰ ἤδη τέθνηκεν he was surprised that he was already dead Mk 15:44a. μὴ θαυμάζετε εἰ μισεῖ ὑμᾶς ὁ κόσμος do not wonder that the world hates you 1J 3:13; θαυμαζόντων …, εἰ τοσαύτη σπουδὴ ἦν τοῦ συλληφθῆναι that there was such interest in arresting MPol 7:2; AcPlCor 2:2 (cp. Just., A II, 8, 3 οὐδὲν … θαυμαστόν, εἰ). Sim. also (Procop. Soph., Ep. 123 χάριν ἔχειν εἰ=that) μαρτυρόμενος … εἰ παθητὸς ὁ Χριστός testifying … that the Christ was to suffer (s. πάσχω 3aα) Ac 26:23.—οὐ μέγα εἰ it is not surprising that 2 Cor 11:15 (cp. Aeschin., In Ctes. 94 ἐστὶ δεινὸν εἰ; Diod S 23, 15, 5, παράδοξον … εἰ=incredible … that; ibid. θαυμαστὸν εἰ; Gen 45:28 μέγα μοί ἐστιν εἰ).— That is also poss. after verbs of knowing or not knowing, e.g. J 9:25; Ac 19:2b; 1 Cor 1:16; 7:16; so CBurchard, ZNW 52, ’61, 73–82 but s. 5bα.
    marker in causal clauses, when an actual case is taken as a supposition, where we also can use if instead of since: εἰ τὸν χόρτον … ὁ θεὸς οὕτως ἀμφιέννυσιν if God so clothes the grass Mt 6:30; Lk 12:28; cp. Mt 7:11; Lk 11:13; J 7:23; 10:35; 13:14, 17, 32; Ac 4:9; 11:17; Ro 6:8; 15:27; Col 2:20; Hb 7:15; 1 Pt 1:17; 1J 4:11.
    marker of strong or solemn assertion, without apodosis (=in aposiopesis; B-D-F §482; Rob. 1203) εἰ ἔγνως if you only knew Lk 19:42. εἰ βούλει παρενέγκαι if you would only let (this) pass 22:42 v.l. (cp. the letter fr. IV B.C. in Dssm., LO 120, note 5 [LAE 149]).—Hebraistic in oaths, like אִם: may this or that happen to me, if … (cp. 2 Km 3:25; GBuchanan, HTR 58, ’65, 319–24); this amounts to a strong negation certainly not (cp. Ps 7:4f; Gen 14:23) ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν εἰ δοθήσεται truly, I tell you, it will not be given Mk 8:12 (NColeman, JTS 28, 1927, 159–67 interprets this as strongly positive; against him FBurkitt, ibid. 274–76). εἰ εἰσελεύσονται they shall certainly not enter Hb 3:11; 4:3, 5 (all 3 Ps 94:11); B-D-F §372, 4; 454, 5; Mlt-H. 468f; Rob. 94; 1024.
    marker of direct and indirect questions (without particle following)
    (not in earlier Gk., B-D-F §440, 3; Rob. 916) w. direct questions (Gen 17:17; 44:19; Am 3:3–6; 6:12; TestAbr A 15 p.96, 8 [Stone p. 40]; 18 p. 100, 13 [St. p. 48]): εἰ ἔξεστιν; is it permitted, may one? Mt 12:10; 19:3 (cp. Mk 10:2); Lk 14:3 v.l.; Ac 21:37; 22:25. εἰ ὀλίγοι οἱ σωζόμενοι; are there only a few who will be saved? Lk 13:23; cp. Mk 8:23; Lk 22:49; Ac 1:6; 7:1; 19:2a. Cp. 6aβ.
    freq. in indir. questions whether (Hom. et al.)
    α. w. pres. indic. (Gen 27:21; 42:16; TestJob 31:1; Jos., Ant. 10, 259; 16, 225; Ar 8, 1; Just., A I, 2, 2; A II, 2, 10) εἴπῃς εἰ σὺ εἶ ὁ Χριστός whether you are the Christ Mt 26:63. εἰ ἁμαρτωλός ἐστιν whether he is a sinner J 9:25; εἰ πνεῦμα ἅγιον ἔστιν whether there is a holy spirit Ac 19:2b (s. 2 above). ἴδωμεν εἰ ἔρχεται Mt 27:49; Mk 15:36 (Lucian, Dial. Mort. 20, 3 φέρʼ ἴδω εἰ=let me see whether, Merc. Cond. 6); cp. Mk 10:2; Lk 14:31; 1 Cor 3:12; 2 Cor 13:5; 1J 4:1.—W. the fut. indic. (4 Km 1:2; Job 5:1) εἰ θεραπεύσει αὐτόν whether he would heal him Mk 3:2 (v.l. θεραπεύει); Lk 6:7 v.l.; εἰ σώσεις whether you will save 1 Cor 7:16.—W. the aor. indic. (Esth 4:14; w. plpf. Just., D. 56, 2) εἰ πάλαι ἀπέθανεν whether he had already died Mk 15:44b; εἰ ἐβάπτισα 1 Cor 1:16.
    β. w. subj. διώκω εἰ καταλάβω I press on (to see) whether I can capture Phil 3:12 (B-D-F §368; 375; Rob. 1017).
    γ. w. opt. (X., An. 1, 8, 15; 2, 1, 15; 4 Macc 9:27; 11:13) ἀνακρίνοντες … εἰ ἔχοι ταῦτα examining … to see whether this was really so Ac 17:11. εἰ βούλοιτο πορεύεσθαι 25:20; cp. 17:27.
    In combination w. other particles, w. the other particles foll.
    εἰ ἄρα
    α. expressing possibility if, indeed; if, in fact; whether (perhaps) (X., An. 3, 2, 22; SIG 834, 12; Gen 18:3; s. B-D-F §454, 2) 1 Cor 15:15 (εἴπερ ἄρα); Hv 3, 4, 3; 3, 7, 5; Hs 6, 4, 1; 8, 3, 3; 9, 5, 7; AcPt Ox 849, 6.
    β. introducing a direct question εἰ ἄρα ταῦτα οὕτως ἔχει; is it (really) so? Ac 7:1 v.l.; indirect qu. on the chance that (PPetr II, 13 [19] 9 ‘should you find it impossible’; Num 22:11) Mk 11:13; Ac 5:8 D; 8:22; in the hope that 17:27 (εἰ ἄρα γε); AcPt Ox 849, 2; 22. Cp. εἰ δέ … ; What if …? Ac 23:9.
    εἴ γε if indeed, inasmuch as (Kühner-G. II 177c) Eph 3:2; 4:21; Col 1:23. τοσαῦτα ἐπάθετε εἰκῇ; εἴ γε καὶ εἰκῇ have you experienced so many things in vain? If it really was in vain Gal 3:4. εἴ γε καὶ ἐκδυσάμενοι οὐ γυμνοὶ εὑρεθησόμεθα assuming, of course, that having put it off we shall not be found naked 2 Cor 5:3. [εἴ γ]ε οὕτως ὡς [ἔστιν καὶ παρελάβετε τὸν λόγον] AcPl BMM recto, 31f (restoration based on duplicate Ox 1602 verso, 37f and AcPl Ha 8, 24f, which has a slightly difft. text after εἴ γε [s. also the text of Ghent 62, 17 in HSanders, HTR 31, ’38, 79, n. 2]). S. γέ bα.
    εἰ δὲ καί (Just., D. 110, 1) but if, and if Lk 11:18; 1 Cor 4:7; and even if 2 Cor 4:3 (but s. Lietzmann, Hdb.); 11:6. If, on the other hand, … then AcPlCor 2:28 (εἰ … δέ … καί … μή).
    εἰ δὲ μή (γε) if not, otherwise
    α. after affirmat. clauses, w. the aor. ind, and ἄν in the apodosis J 14:2; or pres. ind. (Demosth., Prooem. 29, 3) and fut. (Gen 30:1; Bel 29 Theod.; PLond 1912, 98) Rv 2:5, 16; or pres. impv. J 14:11.—εἰ δὲ μή γε (μήγε some edd.) otherwise (Pla. et al.; Epict. 3, 22, 27; Jos., Bell. 6, 120, Ant. 17, 113; Just., D. 105, 6; IGR IV, 833; POxy 1159, 6; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 167, 25; PGM 4, 2629; Da 3:15; Bel 8; TestSol 13:3 P): εἰ δὲ μή γε (sc. προσέχετε), μισθὸν οὐκ ἔχετε otherwise you have no reward Mt 6:1; cp. Lk 10:6. Elliptically: κἂν μὲν ποιήσῃ καρπὸν εἰς τὸ μέλλον• εἰ δὲ μή γε, ἐκκόψεις αὐτήν who knows, it may bear fruit next year; if not, fine, then cut it down (= have it cut down) 13:9.
    β. after negat. clauses, otherwise (X., An. 7, 1, 8; Diod S 3, 47, 4; Dio Chrys. 10 [11], 100; LBW 1651 μὴ ἀδικεῖν…, εἰ δὲ μή; UPZ 196 I, 33 [119 B.C.]; Job 32:22) Mk 2:21f.—After a negative statement: οὐδὲ βάλλουσιν οἶνον νέον εἰς ἀσκοὺς παλαιούς. εἰ δὲ μή γε, ῥήγνυνται people do not pour new wine into old skins; otherwise they burst Mt 9:17; cp. Lk 5:36. μή τίς με δόξῃ ἄφρονα εἶναι• εἰ δὲ μή γε, κἂν ὡς ἄφρονα δέχασθέ με no one is to consider me foolish; otherwise at least accept me as a fool 2 Cor 11:16.
    εἰ καί even if, even though, although Lk 11:8; 18:4; 1 Cor 7:21; 2 Cor 4:16; 7:8; 12:11; Phil 2:17; Col 2:5; Hb 6:9; AcPlCor 2:32.
    εἰ μὲν γάρ for if Ac 25:11 v.l. (for εἰ μὲν οὖν); 2 Cor 11:4; Hb 8:4 v.l. (for εἰ μὲν οὖν).
    εἰ μὲν οὖν if, then Hb 7:11. W. εἰ δέ foll. (X., Cyr. 8, 7, 22; Ael. Aristid. 28, 156 K.=49 p. 542 D.) Ac 19:38.
    εἰ μέντοι if, on the other hand Js 2:8.
    εἰ μή (=πλήν) but 1 Cor 7:17 (= in general) (B-D-F §376).—After negatives
    α. except, if not, mostly without a verb depending on εἰ μή (X., An. 2, 1, 12; JosAs 12:11; Just., A I, 29, 1) Mt 11:27; 12:24; 16:4; J 3:13; Ro 7:7; Gal 1:19 (HKoch, Z. Jakobusfrage Gal 1:19: ZNW 33, ’34, 204–9); but also with a verb (Jos., Ant. 8, 316) Mt 5:13; Mk 6:5; Ac 21:25 v.l.
    β. but (OGI 201, 20f οὐκ ἀφῶ αὐτοὺς καθεσθῆναι εἰς τὴν σκιάν, εἰ μὴ ὑπὸ ἡλίου ἔξω; in note 33 the ed. gives exx. fr. Aristoph. for this use) without a verb Mt 12:4; w. a verb (Theod. Prodr. 7, 426 H.) Gal 1:7, s. ἄλλος 2b. For ἐκτὸς εἰ μή s. ἐκτός 3a.
    εἰ μήτι unless indeed, unless perhaps (Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 198 D.; Jos., Ant. 4, 280; Tat. 10, 2) Lk 9:13; 2 Cor 13:5; w. ἄν (Ps.-Clem., Hom. 16, 4) 1 Cor 7:5 (s. Dssm., NB 32, 1 [BS 204 n.]; B-D-F §376; Mlt. 169; 239; Reinhold 35; JTrunk, De Basilio Magno sermonis Attic. imitatore 1911, 56; JWackernagel, Antike Anredeformen 1912, 27f).
    εἰ οὖν if, therefore Mt 6:23; Lk 11:36; 12:26; J 13:14; 18:8; Col 3:1; Phlm 17.
    εἴπερ if indeed, if after all, since (X., An. 1, 7, 9; Menand., Epitr. 907 S. [587 Kö.]; PHal 7, 6; UPZ 59, 29 [168 B.C.]; Jdth 6:9; TestJob 3:6; Just., Tat., Ath.) Ro 3:30 (ἐπείπερ v.l.); 8:9, 17; 2 Th 1:6.if indeed, provided that εἴπερ ἄρα (ἄρα 1a) 1 Cor 15:15. καὶ γὰρ εἴπερ for even if (cp. Od. 1, 167; B-D-F §454, 2) 1 Cor 8:5; on 2 Cor 5:3 s. εἴ γε καί 6b above. Doubtful IEph 6:2; s. ἤ 2aβ.
    if perchance, if haply εἰ δέ που … τις ἔλθοι if perchance … anyone came Papias (2:4).
    εἴ πως (the spelling εἴπως is also correct; B-D-F §12) if perhaps, if somehow
    α. w. opt. (X., An. 2, 5, 2; 4, 1, 21; POxy 939, 15) εἴ πως δύναιντο παραχειμάσαι in the hope that they could spend the winter Ac 27:12.
    β. w. fut. indic. (3 Km 21:31; 4 Km 19:4; Jer 28:8; TestJos 6:6) εἴ πως εὐοδωθήσομαι whether, perhaps, I shall succeed Ro 1:10; cp. 11:14; Phil 3:11.
    εἴτε … εἴτε (Soph. et al.; ins since 416 B.C. [Meisterhans3-Schw.]; pap [Mayser II/3, 159]; LXX; JosAs 5:9; ApcrEzk [Epiph 70, 11]; Jos., Ant. 16, 33 and 37; Just., Ath. B-D-F §446; 454, 3; Rob. ind.) if … (or) if, whether … or
    α. w. a verb in pres. indic. (Herm. Wr. 12, 22 thrice) 1 Cor 12:26; 2 Cor 1:6; or pres. subj. 1 Th 5:10.
    β. w. no verb (Just., D. 86, 3 al.) Ro 12:6–8; 1 Cor 3:22; 8:5; 2 Cor 5:10 al. εἴτε only once 1 Cor 14:27. εἴτε ἄρσενα εἴτε θήλειαν (ἤτε … ἤτε pap) GJs 4:1.
    Used w. the indef. pron.: εἴ τις, εἴ τι everyone who or whoever; everything that or whatever Mt 16:24; 18:28; Mk 4:23; 9:35; Lk 9:23; 14:26; 1 Ti 3:1, 5; 5:4, 8, 16 al. Cp. 1 Cor 12:31 v.l. (ADebrunner, ConNeot XI, ’47, 37). W. subj. εἴ τις θελήσῃ Rv 11:5 s. 1b, above.—DELG. M-M.
    εἰ μήν, more correctly εἶ μήν (B-D-F §24; Rob. 1150) for the older ἦ μήν (Hom. et al. [s. Denniston 350f], but found also Jos., Ant. 13, 76; 17, 42), in Hellenistic-Roman times (SIG 993, 20 [III B.C.]; 736, 27 [92 B.C.]; IG IV, 840, 15 [EHermann, Gr. Forschungen I 1912, 312]; pap since 112 B.C. [Mayser 78]; LXX e.g. Ezk 33:27; 34:8 al.; Num 14:28; Jdth 1:12; Bar 2:29 [Thackeray 83]) formula used in oaths surely, certainly Hb 6:14 (Gen 22:17).—Dssm., NB 33ff (BS 205ff).—M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > εἰ

  • 112 עילאה

    עִילָאָה, עִילַאי, עִל׳m. (v. עֵילָא) high, uppermost; Most High. Targ. Ps. 57:3. Targ. Is 14:14 (ed. Wil. עִילָאִי, corr. acc.; ed. Lag. עִילַי); a. fr.Y.Maas. Sh. V, 56c top גלילא ע׳ Upper Galilee; Snh.11b (not גלילאה). Sot.40a יתקלס ע׳ the Most High will be praised. Pes.76a, a. e. ע׳ גבר, v. גְּבַר I; a. fr.Targ. Ps. 58:3 some ed., v. עִילָא II.Targ. Y. Gen. 2:22 עלאה, ed. Amst., v. עִלְעָא.Pl. עִילָאֵי, עִילָיֵיא, עִלָ׳ Targ. Y. Gen. 1:6 (I ed. Vien. עִלָּ׳). Targ. Ps. 104:13 (ed. Wil. עִלַאי sing., ref. to בית); a. e.B. Mets. 107b קוצו ע׳וכ׳ cut down the trees on the upper and on the lower river banks, then I shall cut mine, Ib. 108a תתאי מסייעי ע׳ those below must assist those above (in felling the trees). Lam. R. to I, 16; IV, 19; Y.Succ.V, 55b, v. אַרְעָאָה. Y.Kil.IX, 32d top דִּלָא שלח ע׳ לא שלח ארעייה for if he does not take off the upper socks, he cannot take off the lower ones (hence they are considered as if sewed together); a. fr. Fem. עִילִיתָא; pl. עִילְיָיתָא, עִילְיָתָא. B. Mets. 116b עִלְיָיתָא אתבור (Ms. M. עִילְיָתָא איתבר, corr. acc.) the uppermost bricks were broken, v. חֲבָטָא.

    Jewish literature > עילאה

  • 113 עילאי

    עִילָאָה, עִילַאי, עִל׳m. (v. עֵילָא) high, uppermost; Most High. Targ. Ps. 57:3. Targ. Is 14:14 (ed. Wil. עִילָאִי, corr. acc.; ed. Lag. עִילַי); a. fr.Y.Maas. Sh. V, 56c top גלילא ע׳ Upper Galilee; Snh.11b (not גלילאה). Sot.40a יתקלס ע׳ the Most High will be praised. Pes.76a, a. e. ע׳ גבר, v. גְּבַר I; a. fr.Targ. Ps. 58:3 some ed., v. עִילָא II.Targ. Y. Gen. 2:22 עלאה, ed. Amst., v. עִלְעָא.Pl. עִילָאֵי, עִילָיֵיא, עִלָ׳ Targ. Y. Gen. 1:6 (I ed. Vien. עִלָּ׳). Targ. Ps. 104:13 (ed. Wil. עִלַאי sing., ref. to בית); a. e.B. Mets. 107b קוצו ע׳וכ׳ cut down the trees on the upper and on the lower river banks, then I shall cut mine, Ib. 108a תתאי מסייעי ע׳ those below must assist those above (in felling the trees). Lam. R. to I, 16; IV, 19; Y.Succ.V, 55b, v. אַרְעָאָה. Y.Kil.IX, 32d top דִּלָא שלח ע׳ לא שלח ארעייה for if he does not take off the upper socks, he cannot take off the lower ones (hence they are considered as if sewed together); a. fr. Fem. עִילִיתָא; pl. עִילְיָיתָא, עִילְיָתָא. B. Mets. 116b עִלְיָיתָא אתבור (Ms. M. עִילְיָתָא איתבר, corr. acc.) the uppermost bricks were broken, v. חֲבָטָא.

    Jewish literature > עילאי

  • 114 עִילָאָה

    עִילָאָה, עִילַאי, עִל׳m. (v. עֵילָא) high, uppermost; Most High. Targ. Ps. 57:3. Targ. Is 14:14 (ed. Wil. עִילָאִי, corr. acc.; ed. Lag. עִילַי); a. fr.Y.Maas. Sh. V, 56c top גלילא ע׳ Upper Galilee; Snh.11b (not גלילאה). Sot.40a יתקלס ע׳ the Most High will be praised. Pes.76a, a. e. ע׳ גבר, v. גְּבַר I; a. fr.Targ. Ps. 58:3 some ed., v. עִילָא II.Targ. Y. Gen. 2:22 עלאה, ed. Amst., v. עִלְעָא.Pl. עִילָאֵי, עִילָיֵיא, עִלָ׳ Targ. Y. Gen. 1:6 (I ed. Vien. עִלָּ׳). Targ. Ps. 104:13 (ed. Wil. עִלַאי sing., ref. to בית); a. e.B. Mets. 107b קוצו ע׳וכ׳ cut down the trees on the upper and on the lower river banks, then I shall cut mine, Ib. 108a תתאי מסייעי ע׳ those below must assist those above (in felling the trees). Lam. R. to I, 16; IV, 19; Y.Succ.V, 55b, v. אַרְעָאָה. Y.Kil.IX, 32d top דִּלָא שלח ע׳ לא שלח ארעייה for if he does not take off the upper socks, he cannot take off the lower ones (hence they are considered as if sewed together); a. fr. Fem. עִילִיתָא; pl. עִילְיָיתָא, עִילְיָתָא. B. Mets. 116b עִלְיָיתָא אתבור (Ms. M. עִילְיָתָא איתבר, corr. acc.) the uppermost bricks were broken, v. חֲבָטָא.

    Jewish literature > עִילָאָה

  • 115 עִילַאי

    עִילָאָה, עִילַאי, עִל׳m. (v. עֵילָא) high, uppermost; Most High. Targ. Ps. 57:3. Targ. Is 14:14 (ed. Wil. עִילָאִי, corr. acc.; ed. Lag. עִילַי); a. fr.Y.Maas. Sh. V, 56c top גלילא ע׳ Upper Galilee; Snh.11b (not גלילאה). Sot.40a יתקלס ע׳ the Most High will be praised. Pes.76a, a. e. ע׳ גבר, v. גְּבַר I; a. fr.Targ. Ps. 58:3 some ed., v. עִילָא II.Targ. Y. Gen. 2:22 עלאה, ed. Amst., v. עִלְעָא.Pl. עִילָאֵי, עִילָיֵיא, עִלָ׳ Targ. Y. Gen. 1:6 (I ed. Vien. עִלָּ׳). Targ. Ps. 104:13 (ed. Wil. עִלַאי sing., ref. to בית); a. e.B. Mets. 107b קוצו ע׳וכ׳ cut down the trees on the upper and on the lower river banks, then I shall cut mine, Ib. 108a תתאי מסייעי ע׳ those below must assist those above (in felling the trees). Lam. R. to I, 16; IV, 19; Y.Succ.V, 55b, v. אַרְעָאָה. Y.Kil.IX, 32d top דִּלָא שלח ע׳ לא שלח ארעייה for if he does not take off the upper socks, he cannot take off the lower ones (hence they are considered as if sewed together); a. fr. Fem. עִילִיתָא; pl. עִילְיָיתָא, עִילְיָתָא. B. Mets. 116b עִלְיָיתָא אתבור (Ms. M. עִילְיָתָא איתבר, corr. acc.) the uppermost bricks were broken, v. חֲבָטָא.

    Jewish literature > עִילַאי

  • 116 עִל׳

    עִילָאָה, עִילַאי, עִל׳m. (v. עֵילָא) high, uppermost; Most High. Targ. Ps. 57:3. Targ. Is 14:14 (ed. Wil. עִילָאִי, corr. acc.; ed. Lag. עִילַי); a. fr.Y.Maas. Sh. V, 56c top גלילא ע׳ Upper Galilee; Snh.11b (not גלילאה). Sot.40a יתקלס ע׳ the Most High will be praised. Pes.76a, a. e. ע׳ גבר, v. גְּבַר I; a. fr.Targ. Ps. 58:3 some ed., v. עִילָא II.Targ. Y. Gen. 2:22 עלאה, ed. Amst., v. עִלְעָא.Pl. עִילָאֵי, עִילָיֵיא, עִלָ׳ Targ. Y. Gen. 1:6 (I ed. Vien. עִלָּ׳). Targ. Ps. 104:13 (ed. Wil. עִלַאי sing., ref. to בית); a. e.B. Mets. 107b קוצו ע׳וכ׳ cut down the trees on the upper and on the lower river banks, then I shall cut mine, Ib. 108a תתאי מסייעי ע׳ those below must assist those above (in felling the trees). Lam. R. to I, 16; IV, 19; Y.Succ.V, 55b, v. אַרְעָאָה. Y.Kil.IX, 32d top דִּלָא שלח ע׳ לא שלח ארעייה for if he does not take off the upper socks, he cannot take off the lower ones (hence they are considered as if sewed together); a. fr. Fem. עִילִיתָא; pl. עִילְיָיתָא, עִילְיָתָא. B. Mets. 116b עִלְיָיתָא אתבור (Ms. M. עִילְיָתָא איתבר, corr. acc.) the uppermost bricks were broken, v. חֲבָטָא.

    Jewish literature > עִל׳

  • 117 פרע

    פָּרַע(b. h.; cmp. פרם, פרס) 1) to tear, destroy; to loosen, disarrange; to neglect the hair. Pesik. R. s. 29-30-30 (ed. Fr. p. 139b>), v. רָפָא. Sot.III, 8 האיש פּוֹרֵעַ … פּוֹרַעַת, v. פָּרַם. Sifra Emor, ch. I, Par. 2 כדרך שבני אדם פּוֹרְעִיםוכ׳ in the same way that ordinary men (in mourning) neglect their hair and tear their garments; a. fr. 2) to uncover. Ib. (ref. to Lev. 21:10) (read:) אילו אמר ראש לא יפרע ובגד לא יפרוס יכול לא יִפְרַע ולא יפרום של סוטהת״ל ראשו if the text read, the head … and the garment …, I might have thought it meant, he shall not uncover the head, in the sense in which parʿa is used in connection with the faithless wife (Num. 5:18); v. Hor.12b. Pesik. Shor, p. 77a> פּוֹרְעִין את ראשיהםוכ׳ they uncovered their heads (when the royal proclamation was read, v. פְּרוֹסְטַנְמָא); Lev. R. s. 27 ופָרְעוּ אתוכ׳. Ib. לא הטרחתי … ולא פורעיןוכ׳ I have not put you to trouble, I have not ordered you to read the Shmʿa standing on your feet and uncovering your heads, but ‘when thou sittest (Deut. 6:7). Ḥull.91a פְּרַע להן ביה חשחיטה uncover the place of cutting for them (show them that the animal has been cut according to the ritual); a. e.Part. pass. פָּרוּעַ; f. פְּרוּעָה; pl. פְּרוּעִים, פְּרוּעִין; פְּרוּעוֹת. Cant. R. to VIII, 4 (ref. to פָּרֻעַ, Ex. 32:25) אין פ׳ אלא נקוב paruʿa means hollowed (made void); Num. R. s. 7 אין פ׳ אלא לשון צרוע paruʿa is a figurative expression for leprous (v. Lev. 13:45). Ib. פְּרוּעַ ראש, פְּרוּעֵי ראש bareheaded. Ib. s. 19 ונראו כאשה פ׳ and they appeared like a woman with uncovered head; a. fr.Trnsf. to uncover ones self for a human need. Yoma 77a (ref. to Ez. 8:16) שהיו פורעין עצמן והיו … כלפי מטה ( מטה euphem. for מעלה) they uncovered themselves and committed a nuisance towards heaven; Kidd.72b מפְרִיעִין Hif. Gen. R. s. 86 שהיה פורע עצמו לע״ז (Yalk. ib. 145 פוער), v. פּוֹטִינוֹס; a. e. 3) to uncover the corona, to split the membrane and pull it down. Sabb.XIX, 2. Num. R. s. 11; a. fr. 4) ( to solve a connection (Lat. solvo; cmp. לָוָה), a) to pay a debt. B. Bath.5a הקובע … פְּרַעְתִּיךָ בתוך זמניוכ׳ if a person fixes a time (in a note) for his neighbor, and the latter says, I have paid thee within the term assigned to me, he is disbelieved (he is not admitted to an oath); ולואי שיפרע בזמנו (for we say,) would that a man paid his debt when it is due! Ib. 6a כאומר לא פָּרַעְתִּי דמי, v. לָוָה; a. v. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Keth.19b אסור … שטר פ׳ בתוך ביחו a man should not keep a satisfied document of indebtedness in his house. Shebu.VII, 7 ועד אחד מעידה שחיא פ׳ and if there is one witness against her testifying that it (her dowry) has been paid. B. Bath. X, 7; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 78 (play on פ̇ר̇ת עלי עין, Gen. 49:22) עלי לִפְ֗ר̇ו̇עַ לך מן אותה העין it is for me to pay thee for that eye (for protecting thy mother from Esaus lustful eye); ib. s. 98 עלי לפרוע לך אותהוכ׳; Yalk. ib. 133 עלי לארוע אותו עין.b) פ׳ מן to settle with; to punish. Num. R. s. 11 לא פ׳ אלא יחידי … כשפ׳הקב״ה when the Lord punished the generation of the flood, he punished singlehanded (not through several angels). B. Mets.IV, 2 מי שפ׳ מאנשי … חוא עתיד להִפָּרַעוכ׳ he who punished the men of the generation of …, will punish him who does not stand by his word (although the court cannot compel him); Tosef. ib. III, 14; B. Mets.47b, sq. לִפָּרַעוכ׳. Ex. R. s. 10, beg. Cant. R. to VIII, 14 איןהקב״ה פורע מֵאוּמָּהוכ׳ the Lord punishes no nation here below before degrading its genius above; a. fr. Nif. נִפְרַע 1) to uncover ones self (for a human need). Ber.62a אין נִפְרָעִין מעומדוכ׳ you must not uncover yourself standing, but only after you are seated (Ms. F. יִפָּרַע עד שישב), v. Pi. 2) with מן, to collect payment from; trnsf. to call to account, punish. B. Bath.5b, a. e. הבא לִיפָּרַע … לא יִפָּרַע אלא בשבועה he who comes to collect from heirs, cannot collect except on oath. Shebu. l. c. הנִפְרַעַת שלא בפניו לא תִפָּרַע אלאוכ׳ she who claims (her dowry) in the husbands absence (suing the estate), can get it only on oath; וכן היתומים לא יִפָּרְעוּוכ׳ and so heirs cannot collect (from heirs) Ber. l. c. כשם שנִפְרָעִיןוכ׳, v. סַפְדָּן. B. Mets. l. c., v. supra. Sifra Aḥăré, ch. XII, Par. 9 אני דיין להִיפָּרֵעַוכ׳ I am the judge (having the power) to punish, and can be relied upon to pay reward; אני הוא שפרעתי … ועתיד לִיפָּרַעוכ׳ I am he that punished …, and that shall punish you ; a. fr. Pi. פֵּירַע 1) to disarrange, esp. to mutilate, unman. Sot.13b בא … ופֵירְעוֹ Gabriel came and unmanned him (used as play on פטיפ̇ר̇ע̇); Yalk. Gen. 145 בא … וסרסו ופֵרְעוֹ 2) to uncover. Y.Ber.IX, 14c top לא פי׳ עד שישב he did not uncover (himself), v. supra. Midr. Sam. ch. XXXII פֵּירְעָה את עצמהוכ׳ she uncovered herself and sat down &cPart. pass. מְפוֹרָע; f. מְפוֹרֵעַת. Ib. Ḥull.30a, a. e. שחיטה מפ׳ an open (gaping) cut. Hif. הִפְרִיעַ to uncover, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > פרע

  • 118 פָּרַע

    פָּרַע(b. h.; cmp. פרם, פרס) 1) to tear, destroy; to loosen, disarrange; to neglect the hair. Pesik. R. s. 29-30-30 (ed. Fr. p. 139b>), v. רָפָא. Sot.III, 8 האיש פּוֹרֵעַ … פּוֹרַעַת, v. פָּרַם. Sifra Emor, ch. I, Par. 2 כדרך שבני אדם פּוֹרְעִיםוכ׳ in the same way that ordinary men (in mourning) neglect their hair and tear their garments; a. fr. 2) to uncover. Ib. (ref. to Lev. 21:10) (read:) אילו אמר ראש לא יפרע ובגד לא יפרוס יכול לא יִפְרַע ולא יפרום של סוטהת״ל ראשו if the text read, the head … and the garment …, I might have thought it meant, he shall not uncover the head, in the sense in which parʿa is used in connection with the faithless wife (Num. 5:18); v. Hor.12b. Pesik. Shor, p. 77a> פּוֹרְעִין את ראשיהםוכ׳ they uncovered their heads (when the royal proclamation was read, v. פְּרוֹסְטַנְמָא); Lev. R. s. 27 ופָרְעוּ אתוכ׳. Ib. לא הטרחתי … ולא פורעיןוכ׳ I have not put you to trouble, I have not ordered you to read the Shmʿa standing on your feet and uncovering your heads, but ‘when thou sittest (Deut. 6:7). Ḥull.91a פְּרַע להן ביה חשחיטה uncover the place of cutting for them (show them that the animal has been cut according to the ritual); a. e.Part. pass. פָּרוּעַ; f. פְּרוּעָה; pl. פְּרוּעִים, פְּרוּעִין; פְּרוּעוֹת. Cant. R. to VIII, 4 (ref. to פָּרֻעַ, Ex. 32:25) אין פ׳ אלא נקוב paruʿa means hollowed (made void); Num. R. s. 7 אין פ׳ אלא לשון צרוע paruʿa is a figurative expression for leprous (v. Lev. 13:45). Ib. פְּרוּעַ ראש, פְּרוּעֵי ראש bareheaded. Ib. s. 19 ונראו כאשה פ׳ and they appeared like a woman with uncovered head; a. fr.Trnsf. to uncover ones self for a human need. Yoma 77a (ref. to Ez. 8:16) שהיו פורעין עצמן והיו … כלפי מטה ( מטה euphem. for מעלה) they uncovered themselves and committed a nuisance towards heaven; Kidd.72b מפְרִיעִין Hif. Gen. R. s. 86 שהיה פורע עצמו לע״ז (Yalk. ib. 145 פוער), v. פּוֹטִינוֹס; a. e. 3) to uncover the corona, to split the membrane and pull it down. Sabb.XIX, 2. Num. R. s. 11; a. fr. 4) ( to solve a connection (Lat. solvo; cmp. לָוָה), a) to pay a debt. B. Bath.5a הקובע … פְּרַעְתִּיךָ בתוך זמניוכ׳ if a person fixes a time (in a note) for his neighbor, and the latter says, I have paid thee within the term assigned to me, he is disbelieved (he is not admitted to an oath); ולואי שיפרע בזמנו (for we say,) would that a man paid his debt when it is due! Ib. 6a כאומר לא פָּרַעְתִּי דמי, v. לָוָה; a. v. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Keth.19b אסור … שטר פ׳ בתוך ביחו a man should not keep a satisfied document of indebtedness in his house. Shebu.VII, 7 ועד אחד מעידה שחיא פ׳ and if there is one witness against her testifying that it (her dowry) has been paid. B. Bath. X, 7; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 78 (play on פ̇ר̇ת עלי עין, Gen. 49:22) עלי לִפְ֗ר̇ו̇עַ לך מן אותה העין it is for me to pay thee for that eye (for protecting thy mother from Esaus lustful eye); ib. s. 98 עלי לפרוע לך אותהוכ׳; Yalk. ib. 133 עלי לארוע אותו עין.b) פ׳ מן to settle with; to punish. Num. R. s. 11 לא פ׳ אלא יחידי … כשפ׳הקב״ה when the Lord punished the generation of the flood, he punished singlehanded (not through several angels). B. Mets.IV, 2 מי שפ׳ מאנשי … חוא עתיד להִפָּרַעוכ׳ he who punished the men of the generation of …, will punish him who does not stand by his word (although the court cannot compel him); Tosef. ib. III, 14; B. Mets.47b, sq. לִפָּרַעוכ׳. Ex. R. s. 10, beg. Cant. R. to VIII, 14 איןהקב״ה פורע מֵאוּמָּהוכ׳ the Lord punishes no nation here below before degrading its genius above; a. fr. Nif. נִפְרַע 1) to uncover ones self (for a human need). Ber.62a אין נִפְרָעִין מעומדוכ׳ you must not uncover yourself standing, but only after you are seated (Ms. F. יִפָּרַע עד שישב), v. Pi. 2) with מן, to collect payment from; trnsf. to call to account, punish. B. Bath.5b, a. e. הבא לִיפָּרַע … לא יִפָּרַע אלא בשבועה he who comes to collect from heirs, cannot collect except on oath. Shebu. l. c. הנִפְרַעַת שלא בפניו לא תִפָּרַע אלאוכ׳ she who claims (her dowry) in the husbands absence (suing the estate), can get it only on oath; וכן היתומים לא יִפָּרְעוּוכ׳ and so heirs cannot collect (from heirs) Ber. l. c. כשם שנִפְרָעִיןוכ׳, v. סַפְדָּן. B. Mets. l. c., v. supra. Sifra Aḥăré, ch. XII, Par. 9 אני דיין להִיפָּרֵעַוכ׳ I am the judge (having the power) to punish, and can be relied upon to pay reward; אני הוא שפרעתי … ועתיד לִיפָּרַעוכ׳ I am he that punished …, and that shall punish you ; a. fr. Pi. פֵּירַע 1) to disarrange, esp. to mutilate, unman. Sot.13b בא … ופֵירְעוֹ Gabriel came and unmanned him (used as play on פטיפ̇ר̇ע̇); Yalk. Gen. 145 בא … וסרסו ופֵרְעוֹ 2) to uncover. Y.Ber.IX, 14c top לא פי׳ עד שישב he did not uncover (himself), v. supra. Midr. Sam. ch. XXXII פֵּירְעָה את עצמהוכ׳ she uncovered herself and sat down &cPart. pass. מְפוֹרָע; f. מְפוֹרֵעַת. Ib. Ḥull.30a, a. e. שחיטה מפ׳ an open (gaping) cut. Hif. הִפְרִיעַ to uncover, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > פָּרַע

  • 119 значительно

    Rays belonging to modes well above cutoff...

    Saturn's atmosphere is markedly thicker than Jupiter's.

    Pressures within Uranus and Neptune are significantly (or much) lower than within Jupiter and Saturn.

    In the parallel-slot type the core is materially greater than in the radial.

    Compounds of potassium are decidedly (or far, or much, or considerably) less common than those of sodium.

    33,000 ft lb/min is rather more than the average horse is capable of, but it has been adopted by engineers and is known as a horse-power.

    The treatment effects are significantly (or vastly, or greatly) different from zero.

    The local temperature may be vastly greater than (or may greatly exceed) the macroscopic cathode temperature.

    In every case the percent of absolute line pressure pulsation was way below [or much lower (or lower by far) than] the allowable 3% level.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > значительно

  • 120 превышение контрольного кольца над телом офсетного цилиндра

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > превышение контрольного кольца над телом офсетного цилиндра

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  • Cut — Cut, n. 1. An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut. [1913 Webster] 2. A stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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