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  • 1 Tanaquil

        Tanaquil īlis, f     the wife of Tarquinius Priscus, L.: Tanaquil tua (of a woman versed in necromancy), Iu.

    Latin-English dictionary > Tanaquil

  • 2 Tanaquil

    Tanaquīl, īlis f.
    2) перен. властная, честолюбивая женщина J, Aus

    Латинско-русский словарь > Tanaquil

  • 3 Tanaquil

    Tanaquīl, īlis, f., die stolze Gemahlin des römischen Königs Tarquinius Priskus, Liv. 1, 34. – appellat., von einer herrschsüchtigen Gattin, Iuven. 6, 565. Auson. epist. 23, 31. p. 187, 1 Schenkl.

    lateinisch-deutsches > Tanaquil

  • 4 Tanaquil

    Tanaquīl, īlis, f., die stolze Gemahlin des römischen Königs Tarquinius Priskus, Liv. 1, 34. – appellat., von einer herrschsüchtigen Gattin, Iuven. 6, 565. Auson. epist. 23, 31. p. 187, 1 Schenkl.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > Tanaquil

  • 5 Tanaquil

    Tănăquil, īlis, f., the proud, imperious wife of the elder Tarquin, Liv. 1, 34; Plin. 36, 27, 70, § 204.—Hence, as an appellative, for a domineering, ambitious woman, Juv. 6, 566; Aus. Ep. 23, 31.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Tanaquil

  • 6 augurium

    augŭrĭum, ĭi, n. [augur]    - plur. arch. augura Acc. Tr. 624, d'après Non. 488. [st1]1 [-] augure (observation et interprétation des signes, surtout du vol des oiseaux).    - augurium agere (capere): prendre les augures. [st1]2 [-] le présage lui-même, le signe qui s'offre à l'augure.    - accepisse id augurium laeta dicitur Tanaquil, perita ut volgo Etrusci caelestium prodigiorum mulier, Liv. 1, 34, 9: Tanaquil, femme experte comme tous les Etrusques à interpréter les signes célestes, avait, dit-on, accueilli avec joie ce vol comme de bon augure. [st1]3 [-] prédiction, prophétie; pressentiment, prévision.    - o mea frustra semper verissima auguria rerum futurarum ! Cic. Phil. 2: ô mes prédictions de l'avenir en vain toujours si véridiques.    - inhaeret in mentibus quasi saeclorum quoddam augurium futurorum, Cic. Tusc. 1, 33: il y a au fond des âmes comme une sorte de pressentiment. des siècles à venir. [st1]4 [-] science augurale.    - alicui augurium dare, Virg. En. 12: communiquer à qqn la science augurale. - voir hors site augure.
    * * *
    augŭrĭum, ĭi, n. [augur]    - plur. arch. augura Acc. Tr. 624, d'après Non. 488. [st1]1 [-] augure (observation et interprétation des signes, surtout du vol des oiseaux).    - augurium agere (capere): prendre les augures. [st1]2 [-] le présage lui-même, le signe qui s'offre à l'augure.    - accepisse id augurium laeta dicitur Tanaquil, perita ut volgo Etrusci caelestium prodigiorum mulier, Liv. 1, 34, 9: Tanaquil, femme experte comme tous les Etrusques à interpréter les signes célestes, avait, dit-on, accueilli avec joie ce vol comme de bon augure. [st1]3 [-] prédiction, prophétie; pressentiment, prévision.    - o mea frustra semper verissima auguria rerum futurarum ! Cic. Phil. 2: ô mes prédictions de l'avenir en vain toujours si véridiques.    - inhaeret in mentibus quasi saeclorum quoddam augurium futurorum, Cic. Tusc. 1, 33: il y a au fond des âmes comme une sorte de pressentiment. des siècles à venir. [st1]4 [-] science augurale.    - alicui augurium dare, Virg. En. 12: communiquer à qqn la science augurale. - voir hors site augure.
    * * *
        Augurium. Virg. Devinement, Devination, Augure, Signe.
        Triste. Virg. Mauvais signe.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > augurium

  • 7 Frau

    Frau, I) Weib übh., s. Frauenzimmer no. II. – II) in engerer Bed.: a) = Ehefrau: mulier nupta (verheiratete Frau, Ggstz. virgo). – marita (Frauensperson, die einen Mann hat, Ggstz. vidua [ledige Person od. Witwe]). – coniunx (die Gattin, als Ehegenossin). – uxor (die unter den üblichen Zeremonien anvermählte Frau, die Gemahlin). – die junge Fr., nova nupta: die Fr. eines andern, aliena uxor: die letzte Fr. des Königs Özalkes, quae proxime Oezalci regi nupta fuerat: Tanaquil, eine Fr. von hohem Stande. Tanaquil summo loco nata. – eine Fr. nehmen, alqam in matrimonium ducere; alqam ducere uxorem: auch bl. alqam ducere: sichzwei Frauen nehmen, duas od. (von mehreren) binas uxores sibi adiungere. – eine, keine Fr. haben, uxorem habere, non habere: zwei Frauen haben, duas simul od. (von mehreren) binas uxores habere: eine zur Fr. haben, alqam uxorem habere: alqam in matrimonio habere: jmdm. eine zur Fr. gehen. alqam alci uxorem oder nuptum dare; alqam alci in matrimonium dare oder collocare; alqam alci in matrimonio od. nuptum collocare: jmds. Fr. werden, nubere alci. – b) = Hausfrau: materfamilias (im Gegensatz zu der concubina). – era (im Gegensatz zur Dienerschaft, die Frau vom Hause). – matrona (die Frau in Rücksicht auf ihre Ehrwürdigkeit als Familienmutter, dah. bes. von Frauen von Stand). – domina (die Gebieterin, sowohl vom Gemahl als der Dienerschaft aus Ehrerb ietung so genannt).

    deutsch-lateinisches > Frau

  • 8 Jungfrau

    Jungfrau, virgo (auch als Gestirn). – virginis astrum (als Gestirn). – Zuw. im Latein. nicht übersetzt, z.B. sie starb als I. von 18 Jahren, illa decessit duodeviginti annorum: Tanaquil, eine hochgeborene I. (eine I. aus sehr hohem Stande), Tanaquil summo loco nata. – I. werden, virginem esse coepisse. jungfräulich, virgineus (bes. Jungfrauen oder Mädchen angehörig, sie betreffend). – virginalis (den Jungfrauen als charakteristisch eigen, z.B. verecundia).

    deutsch-lateinisches > Jungfrau

  • 9 Caius

    Cāius (bei Dichtern auch Cāïus), ī, m. u. Cāia, ae, f. (ältere Schreibung für Gaius, Gaia, s. den Buchst. C), ein röm. Vorname. Bei Hochzeiten pflegte man den Bräutigam Caius u. die Braut Caia zu nennen, u. sie sagte: Ubi tu Caius, ego Caia; vgl. Paul. ex Fest. in v. Gaia p. 95 sq. u. Quint. 1, 7, 28. – Bes. wichtige Pers. dieses Namens sind: I) der berühmte röm. Jurist (etwa 110–180 n. Chr.), Verf. von Rerum cotidianarum libri VII u. Institutionum iuris civilis commentarii IV, Serv. Verg. georg. 3, 306. Prisc. 6, 96. Vgl. W. Teuffel Gesch. der röm. Literat.5 § 361. – II) bei den nachaug. Histor. κατ' εξοχών der Kaiser C. Caligula; dah. Cāiānus (Gāiānus), a, um, kajanisch, des Kajus (Kaligula), Sen. u.a.: as C., von ihm bedeutend herabgesetzt, Stat. – subst., Gāiānum, ī, n., ein vom Kaiser Kaligula erbauter Zirkus am Vatikan, Curios. Urb. reg. XIV; vgl. L. Preller Die Regionen der Stadt Rom S. 59. – III) Caia Caecilia, römischer Name der (etruskischen) Tanaquil, Paul. ex Fest. in v. Gaia p. 95, 18. – / Gāĭus, Catull. 10, 31. Mart. 5, 14, 5: Gāï. Mart. 10, 16, 1: ebenso Cāĭānō, Stat. silv. 4, 9, 22.

    lateinisch-deutsches > Caius

  • 10 rumino

    rūmino, āre, u. rūminor, ārī (rumen), wiederkäuen, I) eig. (Form rumino): 1) im allg.: a) intr.: α) v. Tieren, wie v. Rinde u. Schafe, Colum. 6, 6, 1. Plin. 11, 161. Vulg. Levit. 11, 3: v. Kamel, Vulg. Levit. 11, 4: v. Hirsch, Plin. 10, 200: v. Hasen u. Igel, Vulg. Levit. 11, 5 u. 6: v. Fische scarus, Plin. 9, 62: v. der Kropfgans, in veram alvum ruminantis modo refert, Plin. 10, 131. – β) v. Menschen, servi sui recumbentes et ruminantes, Augustin. conf. 11, 2. – b) tr., v. Rinde, pallentes herbas, Verg. ecl. 6, 54: revocatas herbas, Ov. am. 3, 5, 17: reduces gutture herbas, Paul. Nol. carm. 18, 340: v. Fische scarus, epastas escas, Ov. hal. 119. – 2) prägn., essen, genießen, qui cum radicis amarum corticem ruminare cupiunt, poma spernunt, Anon. de solemn. 1 (Spicil. Solesm. tom. 1. p. 9 sq.). – bildl., quam sapida gaudia de pane tuo ruminaret, Augustin. conf. 6, 3. – II) übtr., wiederkäuen = sich od. jmdm. ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, wiederholen (vgl. Augustin. in psalm. 46, 1 ut, quando audit, sit similis manducanti; cum autem audita in memoriam revocat, sit similis ruminanti), α) Form ruminor: Odyssian Homeri, Varro sat. Men. 60: antiquitates, ibid. 505: humanitatem, Varro logist. (Tanaquil I) p. 258 Riese: haece mulieri, Liv. Andr. tr. 8: figuras habitusque verborum nove aut insigniter dictorum in Laeviano illo carmine, Gell. 19, 7, 2. – β) Form rumino: dum carmina tua ruminas, Symm. epist. 3, 13: cuius edulio saturati ruminamus cotidie verba, Hieron. epist. 96, 17: ama ecclesiasticas legere litteras; legendo et rumidando omnia quae cognitione digna sunt aut certe plurima perdisces, Augustin. epist. 140, 85: qui autem est non oblitus cogitat et cogitando ruminat, ruminando delectatur, Augustin. in psalm. 36. serm. 3. no. 5.

    lateinisch-deutsches > rumino

  • 11 secus [3]

    3. secus (sequor), I) Posit. secus, A) Adv.: a) = aliter, anders, nicht so, secus est, Cic.: non (haud) secus, nicht anders, ebenso, m. folg. atque (ac) od. quam, wie, non secus ac etc., Cic.: haud secus ac etc., Verg.: secus quam, Cic.: paulo secus atque etc., Cic.: longe secus, ganz anders, Cic.: non multo secus, nicht viel anders, beinahe, fast so, Cic. – dah. b) schlecht, nichtrecht, nicht gut, nicht wohl, übel, im Gegensatz zum vorhergegangenen recte, bene, beate etc., wie recte an secus, recht oder unrecht, Cic.: pro bene aut secus consulto, gut od. schlecht (übel), Liv.: aut beate aut secus vivere, glücklich od. nicht, glücklich od. unglücklich, Cic. – si s. accĭderit, Cic.: s. existimare de alqo, Cic.: secus loqui de alqo, Tac.: ne quid s. scriberet, etwas Böses, Liv.: quod secus a me erga te commissum aut praetermissum videretur, was ich gegen deine Wünsche getan oder unterlassen hätte, Cic. – c) weniger (= minus), neque multo secus in iis virium, Tac. ann. 4, 5: HS vicies paulo secus, Apul. apol. 23. – d) mehr, modico secus progressus, ging ein wenig weiter, Apul.: paulo secus, ein wenig mehr od. drüber, Apul. – B) Praep. m. Acc. = secundum, 1) eig.: a) im Raume, α) nebenbei, -an (in der Vulgärsprache nach Charis. 80, 18), foramina utrimque secus laminas, Cato r. r. 21, 2: ut insulis omnibus et quae secus mare essent locis regnaret, Enn. fr. bei Lact. 1, 11, 34: aedificia, quae sunt iuncta ex utraque parte secus viam, Corp. inscr. Lat. 11, 3932: ipsa viva sibi secus coniugem suum, Corp. inscr. Lat. 2, 507 (aber Quint. 8, 2, 20 u. Plin. 24, 135 jetzt secundum). – β) angehängt, zur Bezeichnung »der Seite«, s. altrīnsecus, circumsecus, postsecus, utrimquesecus. – b) der Zeit nach, sogleich nach, ne possent vel sationes facere hoc secus, sogleich nachher, Sempr. Asellio bei Charis. 220, 15. – 2) übtr., nach = gemäß, secus merita eius, Corp. inscr. Lat. 11, 5694. – II) Compar. sequius (nach den besten Hdschrn. richtiger als secius), mit der Nbf. sētius, 1) anders, nicht so, setius dicere, Plaut.: res cum ei sequius, ac rata fuerat, proveniret, Apul.: nihilo setius quam somnia, nicht anders wie usw., Plaut.: nihilo setius obsequiosus, ebenso, Plaut.: non setius uritur, quam etc., nicht anders, ebenso, Ov.: so auch non setius ut, nicht anders wie, Verg. – 2) = minus, d.i. a) weniger, mit vorhergehender Negation (non, nec, nihilo etc.), nilo u. nihilo setius (sequius), nichtsdestoweniger, dessenungeachtet, dennoch, Ter. u. Caes.: so auch haud setius u. non setius, Verg.: neque eo setius, Nep., od. nec hoc setius, Lucr., od. nec eo setius, Suet., nichtsdestoweniger. – b) quo setius = quo minus, impedimento est, quo setius lex feratur, Cornif. rhet. 1, 21. – 3) minder gut, nicht recht, übel, quom hoc ago setius, Plaut. cist. 692: sin, id quod non spero, ratio talis sequius cecĭderit, Afran. com. 293: sequius loqui de alqo, Sen. de ben. 6, 42, 2: sequius cogitare de alqo, Varro logist. (Tanaquil I.) p. 258 Riese: invitus, quod sequius sit (etwas, was minder gut erscheinen möchte), de meis civibus loquor, Liv. 2, 37, 3.

    lateinisch-deutsches > secus [3]

  • 12 Caius

    Cāius (bei Dichtern auch Cāïus), ī, m. u. Cāia, ae, f. (ältere Schreibung für Gaius, Gaia, s. den Buchst. C), ein röm. Vorname. Bei Hochzeiten pflegte man den Bräutigam Caius u. die Braut Caia zu nennen, u. sie sagte: Ubi tu Caius, ego Caia; vgl. Paul. ex Fest. in v. Gaia p. 95 sq. u. Quint. 1, 7, 28. – Bes. wichtige Pers. dieses Namens sind: I) der berühmte röm. Jurist (etwa 110-180 n. Chr.), Verf. von Rerum cotidianarum libri VII u. Institutionum iuris civilis commentarii IV, Serv. Verg. georg. 3, 306. Prisc. 6, 96. Vgl. W. Teuffel Gesch. der röm. Literat.5 § 361. – II) bei den nachaug. Histor. κατ' εξοχών der Kaiser C. Caligula; dah. Cāiānus (Gāiānus), a, um, kajanisch, des Kajus (Kaligula), Sen. u.a.: as C., von ihm bedeutend herabgesetzt, Stat. – subst., Gāiānum, ī, n., ein vom Kaiser Kaligula erbauter Zirkus am Vatikan, Curios. Urb. reg. XIV; vgl. L. Preller Die Regionen der Stadt Rom S. 59. – III) Caia Caecilia, römischer Name der (etruskischen) Tanaquil, Paul. ex Fest. in v. Gaia p. 95, 18. – Gāĭus, Catull. 10, 31. Mart. 5, 14, 5: Gāï. Mart. 10, 16, 1: ebenso Cāĭānō, Stat. silv. 4, 9, 22.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > Caius

  • 13 rumino

    rūmino, āre, u. rūminor, ārī (rumen), wiederkäuen, I) eig. (Form rumino): 1) im allg.: a) intr.: α) v. Tieren, wie v. Rinde u. Schafe, Colum. 6, 6, 1. Plin. 11, 161. Vulg. Levit. 11, 3: v. Kamel, Vulg. Levit. 11, 4: v. Hirsch, Plin. 10, 200: v. Hasen u. Igel, Vulg. Levit. 11, 5 u. 6: v. Fische scarus, Plin. 9, 62: v. der Kropfgans, in veram alvum ruminantis modo refert, Plin. 10, 131. – β) v. Menschen, servi sui recumbentes et ruminantes, Augustin. conf. 11, 2. – b) tr., v. Rinde, pallentes herbas, Verg. ecl. 6, 54: revocatas herbas, Ov. am. 3, 5, 17: reduces gutture herbas, Paul. Nol. carm. 18, 340: v. Fische scarus, epastas escas, Ov. hal. 119. – 2) prägn., essen, genießen, qui cum radicis amarum corticem ruminare cupiunt, poma spernunt, Anon. de solemn. 1 (Spicil. Solesm. tom. 1. p. 9 sq.). – bildl., quam sapida gaudia de pane tuo ruminaret, Augustin. conf. 6, 3. – II) übtr., wiederkäuen = sich od. jmdm. ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, wiederholen (vgl. Augustin. in psalm. 46, 1 ut, quando audit, sit similis manducanti; cum autem audita in memoriam revocat, sit similis ruminanti), α) Form ruminor: Odyssian Homeri, Varro sat. Men. 60: antiquitates, ibid. 505: humanitatem, Varro logist. (Tanaquil I) p. 258 Riese: haece mulieri, Liv. Andr. tr. 8: figuras habitusque verborum nove aut insigniter dictorum in Laeviano illo carmine, Gell. 19, 7, 2. – β)
    Form rumino: dum carmina tua ruminas, Symm. epist. 3, 13: cuius edulio saturati ruminamus cotidie verba, Hieron. epist. 96, 17: ama ecclesiasticas legere litteras; legendo et rumidando omnia quae cognitione digna sunt aut certe plurima perdisces, Augustin. epist. 140, 85: qui autem est non oblitus cogitat et cogitando ruminat, ruminando delectatur, Augustin. in psalm. 36. serm. 3. no. 5.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > rumino

  • 14 secus

    1. secus, n. indecl. (τέκος) = sexus, das Geschlecht (s. Drak. Liv. 26, 47, 1), virile secus numquam ullum habui, Sohn, Plaut.: liberorum capitum virile secus ad decem milia capta, freie Menschen männlichen Geschlechtes, Liv.: virile et (ac) muliebre secus, Sall. fr., Liv. u. Tac.: muliebre secus omne summovit, Suet.
    2. secus, a, um = secundus, Corp. inscr. Lat. 3, 387 (heres secus).
    3. secus (sequor), I) Posit. secus, A) Adv.: a) = aliter, anders, nicht so, secus est, Cic.: non (haud) secus, nicht anders, ebenso, m. folg. atque (ac) od. quam, wie, non secus ac etc., Cic.: haud secus ac etc., Verg.: secus quam, Cic.: paulo secus atque etc., Cic.: longe secus, ganz anders, Cic.: non multo secus, nicht viel anders, beinahe, fast so, Cic. – dah. b) schlecht, nichtrecht, nicht gut, nicht wohl, übel, im Gegensatz zum vorhergegangenen recte, bene, beate etc., wie recte an secus, recht oder unrecht, Cic.: pro bene aut secus consulto, gut od. schlecht (übel), Liv.: aut beate aut secus vivere, glücklich od. nicht, glücklich od. unglücklich, Cic. – si s. accĭderit, Cic.: s. existimare de alqo, Cic.: secus loqui de alqo, Tac.: ne quid s. scriberet, etwas Böses, Liv.: quod secus a me erga te commissum aut praetermissum videretur, was ich gegen deine Wünsche getan oder unterlassen hätte, Cic. – c) weniger (= minus), neque multo secus in iis virium, Tac. ann. 4, 5: HS vicies paulo secus, Apul. apol. 23. – d) mehr, modico secus progressus, ging ein wenig weiter, Apul.: paulo secus, ein wenig mehr od. drüber, Apul. – B) Praep. m. Acc. = secundum, 1) eig.: a) im Raume, α) nebenbei, -an (in der Vulgärsprache nach Charis. 80, 18), foramina utrimque secus laminas, Cato r. r. 21, 2: ut insulis omnibus et quae secus mare essent locis regnaret, Enn. fr. bei
    Lact. 1, 11, 34: aedificia, quae sunt iuncta ex utraque parte secus viam, Corp. inscr. Lat. 11, 3932: ipsa viva sibi secus coniugem suum, Corp. inscr. Lat. 2, 507 (aber Quint. 8, 2, 20 u. Plin. 24, 135 jetzt secundum). – β) angehängt, zur Bezeichnung »der Seite«, s. altrinsecus, circumsecus, postsecus, utrimquesecus. – b) der Zeit nach, sogleich nach, ne possent vel sationes facere hoc secus, sogleich nachher, Sempr. Asellio bei Charis. 220, 15. – 2) übtr., nach = gemäß, secus merita eius, Corp. inscr. Lat. 11, 5694. – II) Compar. sequius (nach den besten Hdschrn. richtiger als secius), mit der Nbf. sētius, 1) anders, nicht so, setius dicere, Plaut.: res cum ei sequius, ac rata fuerat, proveniret, Apul.: nihilo setius quam somnia, nicht anders wie usw., Plaut.: nihilo setius obsequiosus, ebenso, Plaut.: non setius uritur, quam etc., nicht anders, ebenso, Ov.: so auch non setius ut, nicht anders wie, Verg. – 2) = minus, d.i. a) weniger, mit vorhergehender Negation (non, nec, nihilo etc.), nilo u. nihilo setius (sequius), nichtsdestoweniger, dessenungeachtet, dennoch, Ter. u. Caes.: so auch haud setius u. non setius, Verg.: neque eo setius, Nep., od. nec hoc setius, Lucr., od. nec eo setius, Suet., nichtsdestoweniger. – b) quo setius = quo minus, impedimento est, quo setius lex feratur, Cornif. rhet. 1, 21. – 3) minder gut, nicht recht, übel, quom hoc ago setius, Plaut. cist. 692: sin, id quod
    non spero, ratio talis sequius cecĭderit, Afran. com. 293: sequius loqui de alqo, Sen. de ben. 6, 42, 2: sequius cogitare de alqo, Varro logist. (Tanaquil I.) p. 258 Riese: invitus, quod sequius sit (etwas, was minder gut erscheinen möchte), de meis civibus loquor, Liv. 2, 37, 3.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > secus

  • 15 C

    C, c, n. indecl., or f., the third letter of the Latin alphabet; corresponded originally in sound to the Greek G (which in inscrr., esp. in the Doric, was frequently written like the Latin C; v. O. Müll. Etrusk. 2, p. 295); hence the old orthography: LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, [pu]CNANDOD, PVC[nad], CARTACINIENSI, upon the Columna rostrata, for legiones, magistratos, effugiunt, pugnando, pugnā, Carthaginiensi; and the prænomina Gaius and Gnaeus, even to the latest times, were designated by C. and Cn., while Caeso or Kaeso was written with K; cf. the letter G. Still, even as early as the time of the kings, whether through the influence of the Tuscans, among whom G sounded like K, or of the. Sabines, whose language was kindred with that of the Tuscans, the C seems to have been substituted for K; hence even Consul was designated by Cos., and K remained in use only before a, as in Kalendae; k. k. for calumniae causā, INTERKAL for intercalaris, MERK for mercatus, and in a few other republican inscrr., because by this vowel K was distinguished from Q, as in Gr. Kappa from Koppa, and in Phœnician Caph from Cuph, while C was employed like other consonants with e. Q was used at the beginning of words only when u, pronounced like v, followed, as Quirites from Cures, Tanaquil from Thanchufil, Thanchfil, ThankWil; accordingly, C everywhere took the place of Q, when that accompanying labial sound was lost, or u was used as a vowel; so in the gentile name of Maecenas Cilnius, from the Etrusk. Cvelne or Cfelne (O. Müll. Etrusk. 1, p. 414 sq.); so in coctus, cocus, alicubi, sicubi; in relicŭŭs (four syl.) for reliquus (trisyl.): AECETIA = AEQITIA, i. q. aequitas (V. AECETIA), etc., and as in the Golden Age cujus was written for quojus, and cui for quoi (corresponding to cum for quom); thus, even in the most ancient period, quor or cur was used together with [p. 257] quare, cura with quaero, curia with Quiris, as inversely inquilinus with incola, and in S. C. Bacch. OQVOLTOD = occulto. Hence, at the end of words que, as well as ce in hic, sic, istic, illic, was changed to c, as in ac for atque, nec for neque, nunc, tunc, donec for numque, tumque, dumque; and in the middle of words it might also pass into g. as in negotium and neglego, cf. necopinus. Since C thus gradually took the place of K and Q, with the single exception that our kw was throughout designated by qu, it was strange that under the emperors grammarians began again to write k instead of c before a, though even Quint. 1, 7, 10, expressed his displeasure at this; and they afterwards wrote q before u, even when no labial sound followed, as in pequnia, or merely peqnia, for pecunia; cf. the letters Q and U. About the beginning of the sixth century of the city the modified form G was introduced for the flat guttural sound, and C thenceforth regularly represented the hard sound = our K. The use of aspirates was unknown to the Romans during the first six centuries, hence the letter C also represents the Gr. X, as BACA and BACANALIBVS, for Baccha and Bacchanalibus (the single C instead of the double, as regularly in the most ancient times); cf. also schizô with scindo, and poluchroos with pulcer. But even in the time of Cicero scheda came into use for scida, and pulcher for pulcer; so also the name of the Gracchi was aspirated, as were the name Cethegus and the word triumphus, which, however, in the song of the Arval brothers, is TRIVMPVS; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 160, and the letter P. About this time the use of aspirates became so common, in imitation of Greek, that Catullus wrote upon it an epigram (84), which begins with the words: Cho mmoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet; and in Monum. Ancyr. inchoo is used for the orig. incoho, acc. to which the ancient Romans also employed cohors for chors (v. cohors).On account of the near relationship of c and g, as given above, they are very often interchanged, esp. when connected with liquids: Cygnus, Progne, Gnidus, Gnossus, from kuknos, Proknê, Knidos, Knôssos (even when n was separated from c by a vowel, as in Saguntum for Zakunthos, or absorbed by an s, as in vigesimus and trigesimus for vicensimus and tricensimus); mulgeo for mulceo, segmen from seco, gummi for commi (kommi); gurgulio for curculio, grabatus for krabatos, so that amurca was also written for amurga, from amorgê, as inversely conger for gonger, from gongros; but also with other letters; cf. mastruca and mastruga, misceo and misgô, mugio and mukaomai, gobius and kôbios, gubernator and kubernêtês. Not less freq. is the interchange of c and t, which is noticed by Quint. Inst. 1, 11, 5, and in accordance with which, in composition, d or t before qu, except with que, became c, as acquiro, nequicquam, iccirco for idcirco, ecquis for etquis, etc. Hence is explained the rejection of c before t, as in Lutatius for Luctatius, and the arbitrariness with which many names were written with cc or tt for ct, as Vettones for Vectones; Nacca or Natta for Nacta (from the Gr. gnaptô). It would be erroneouś to infer, from the varied orthography of the names' Accius, Attius, and Actius, or Peccius, Pettius, and Pectius, a hissing pronunciation of them; for as the Romans interchange the terminations icius and itius, and the orthography fetialis and fecialis, indutiae and induciae, with one another, they also wrote Basculi or Bastuli, anclare or antlare, etc. Ci for ti does not appear till an African inscr. of the third century after Christ, and not often before Gallic inscrr. and documents of the seventh century; ti for ci is not certainly found before the end of the fourth century; and ci before a vowel does not appear to have been pronounced as sh, except provincially, before the sixth or seventh century; cf. Roby, Gr. bk. 1, ch. 7; and so in gen., Corss. Ausspr. I. p. 33 sqq. C is sometimes interchanged with p: columba, palumbes; coquus, popa, popina (cf. in Gr. koteros; Sanscr. katara; poteros; Lat. uter). C is sometimes dropped in the middle of a word: luna for luc-na, lumen for luc-men; so also at the beginning of a word: uter for cuter; Sanscr. katara, v. supra.As an abbreviation, C designates Gaius, and reversed, O, Gaia; cf. Quint. 1, 7, 28. As a numeral, C = centum, and upon voting tablets = condemno, Ascon. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 7, 24; cf. the letter A fin.;

    hence it is called littera tristis (opp. A = absolvo, which is called littera salutaris),

    Cic. Mil. 6, 15 Moeb.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > C

  • 16 c

    C, c, n. indecl., or f., the third letter of the Latin alphabet; corresponded originally in sound to the Greek G (which in inscrr., esp. in the Doric, was frequently written like the Latin C; v. O. Müll. Etrusk. 2, p. 295); hence the old orthography: LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, [pu]CNANDOD, PVC[nad], CARTACINIENSI, upon the Columna rostrata, for legiones, magistratos, effugiunt, pugnando, pugnā, Carthaginiensi; and the prænomina Gaius and Gnaeus, even to the latest times, were designated by C. and Cn., while Caeso or Kaeso was written with K; cf. the letter G. Still, even as early as the time of the kings, whether through the influence of the Tuscans, among whom G sounded like K, or of the. Sabines, whose language was kindred with that of the Tuscans, the C seems to have been substituted for K; hence even Consul was designated by Cos., and K remained in use only before a, as in Kalendae; k. k. for calumniae causā, INTERKAL for intercalaris, MERK for mercatus, and in a few other republican inscrr., because by this vowel K was distinguished from Q, as in Gr. Kappa from Koppa, and in Phœnician Caph from Cuph, while C was employed like other consonants with e. Q was used at the beginning of words only when u, pronounced like v, followed, as Quirites from Cures, Tanaquil from Thanchufil, Thanchfil, ThankWil; accordingly, C everywhere took the place of Q, when that accompanying labial sound was lost, or u was used as a vowel; so in the gentile name of Maecenas Cilnius, from the Etrusk. Cvelne or Cfelne (O. Müll. Etrusk. 1, p. 414 sq.); so in coctus, cocus, alicubi, sicubi; in relicŭŭs (four syl.) for reliquus (trisyl.): AECETIA = AEQITIA, i. q. aequitas (V. AECETIA), etc., and as in the Golden Age cujus was written for quojus, and cui for quoi (corresponding to cum for quom); thus, even in the most ancient period, quor or cur was used together with [p. 257] quare, cura with quaero, curia with Quiris, as inversely inquilinus with incola, and in S. C. Bacch. OQVOLTOD = occulto. Hence, at the end of words que, as well as ce in hic, sic, istic, illic, was changed to c, as in ac for atque, nec for neque, nunc, tunc, donec for numque, tumque, dumque; and in the middle of words it might also pass into g. as in negotium and neglego, cf. necopinus. Since C thus gradually took the place of K and Q, with the single exception that our kw was throughout designated by qu, it was strange that under the emperors grammarians began again to write k instead of c before a, though even Quint. 1, 7, 10, expressed his displeasure at this; and they afterwards wrote q before u, even when no labial sound followed, as in pequnia, or merely peqnia, for pecunia; cf. the letters Q and U. About the beginning of the sixth century of the city the modified form G was introduced for the flat guttural sound, and C thenceforth regularly represented the hard sound = our K. The use of aspirates was unknown to the Romans during the first six centuries, hence the letter C also represents the Gr. X, as BACA and BACANALIBVS, for Baccha and Bacchanalibus (the single C instead of the double, as regularly in the most ancient times); cf. also schizô with scindo, and poluchroos with pulcer. But even in the time of Cicero scheda came into use for scida, and pulcher for pulcer; so also the name of the Gracchi was aspirated, as were the name Cethegus and the word triumphus, which, however, in the song of the Arval brothers, is TRIVMPVS; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 160, and the letter P. About this time the use of aspirates became so common, in imitation of Greek, that Catullus wrote upon it an epigram (84), which begins with the words: Cho mmoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet; and in Monum. Ancyr. inchoo is used for the orig. incoho, acc. to which the ancient Romans also employed cohors for chors (v. cohors).On account of the near relationship of c and g, as given above, they are very often interchanged, esp. when connected with liquids: Cygnus, Progne, Gnidus, Gnossus, from kuknos, Proknê, Knidos, Knôssos (even when n was separated from c by a vowel, as in Saguntum for Zakunthos, or absorbed by an s, as in vigesimus and trigesimus for vicensimus and tricensimus); mulgeo for mulceo, segmen from seco, gummi for commi (kommi); gurgulio for curculio, grabatus for krabatos, so that amurca was also written for amurga, from amorgê, as inversely conger for gonger, from gongros; but also with other letters; cf. mastruca and mastruga, misceo and misgô, mugio and mukaomai, gobius and kôbios, gubernator and kubernêtês. Not less freq. is the interchange of c and t, which is noticed by Quint. Inst. 1, 11, 5, and in accordance with which, in composition, d or t before qu, except with que, became c, as acquiro, nequicquam, iccirco for idcirco, ecquis for etquis, etc. Hence is explained the rejection of c before t, as in Lutatius for Luctatius, and the arbitrariness with which many names were written with cc or tt for ct, as Vettones for Vectones; Nacca or Natta for Nacta (from the Gr. gnaptô). It would be erroneouś to infer, from the varied orthography of the names' Accius, Attius, and Actius, or Peccius, Pettius, and Pectius, a hissing pronunciation of them; for as the Romans interchange the terminations icius and itius, and the orthography fetialis and fecialis, indutiae and induciae, with one another, they also wrote Basculi or Bastuli, anclare or antlare, etc. Ci for ti does not appear till an African inscr. of the third century after Christ, and not often before Gallic inscrr. and documents of the seventh century; ti for ci is not certainly found before the end of the fourth century; and ci before a vowel does not appear to have been pronounced as sh, except provincially, before the sixth or seventh century; cf. Roby, Gr. bk. 1, ch. 7; and so in gen., Corss. Ausspr. I. p. 33 sqq. C is sometimes interchanged with p: columba, palumbes; coquus, popa, popina (cf. in Gr. koteros; Sanscr. katara; poteros; Lat. uter). C is sometimes dropped in the middle of a word: luna for luc-na, lumen for luc-men; so also at the beginning of a word: uter for cuter; Sanscr. katara, v. supra.As an abbreviation, C designates Gaius, and reversed, O, Gaia; cf. Quint. 1, 7, 28. As a numeral, C = centum, and upon voting tablets = condemno, Ascon. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 7, 24; cf. the letter A fin.;

    hence it is called littera tristis (opp. A = absolvo, which is called littera salutaris),

    Cic. Mil. 6, 15 Moeb.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > c

  • 17 Caecilius

    C. Caecilius, Cic. Fl. 36.—
    Q. Caecilius Metellus, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 8, 5; Cic. Fin. 5, 27, 82.—
    3. 4.
    Caia (Gaia) Caecilia, the Roman name of Tanaquil, Plin. 8, 48, 74, § 194.—
    Caeciliae, daughters of Q. Cœcilius Metellus the elder, Cic. Dom. 47, 123.—
    Caecilia, daughter of Metellus Balearicus, Cic. Div. 1, 44, 99, and 2, 40, 83.—
    Caecilius Statius, a Roman comic poet, of the ante-class. per., of Gallic origin, contemporary with Ennius; his comedies were by the ancients considered equal to those of Plaut. and Ter., and by many even preferred to them, Varr. ap. Non. p. 374, 8; Cic. Opt. Gen. 1, 2; id. de Or. 2, 10, 40; id. Att. 7, 3, 10; id. Brut. 74, 258; Hor. A. P. 54 sq.; Quint. 10, 1, 99; Vulcatius Sedigitus ap. Gell. 15, 24.—
    Cae-cĭlĭus, a, um, adj., Cœcilian, of Cœcilius:


    Vell. 2, 11; cf.:

    lex de ambitu,

    Cic. Sull. 22, 62:

    lex de repetundis,

    Val. Max. 6, 9, 10:

    et Didia lex de legibus ferendis,

    Cic. Att. 2, 9, 1; id. Phil. 5, 3, 8; id. Dom. 16, 41; 20, 53; id. Sest. 64, 135.—
    Caecĭlĭā-nus, a, um, adj., Cœcilian:


    Cic. Att. 1, 16, 15:

    senex (in a comedy of Cæcilius),

    id. Rosc. Am. 16, 46:


    Quint. 11, 1, 39; Cic. Tusc. 3, 23, 56:


    Plin. 15, 25, 30, § 102:

    lactuca (named after Q. Cæcilius Metellus),

    id. 19, 8, 38, § 127; cf. Col. 10, 182.—Also,
    Caecĭlĭānus, i, m., a Roman cognomen, Tac. A. 3, 37; 6, 7; 16, 34.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Caecilius

  • 18 locum

    lŏcus (old form stlocus, like stlis for lis, Quint. 1, 4, 16), i, m. ( lŏcum, i, n., Inscr. ap. Grut. 129, 14; plur. loci, single places; loca, places connected with each other, a region; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 666 sq., and v. infra), a place, spot.
    In gen.:

    adsedistis in festivo loco,

    i. e. the theatre, Plaut. Mil. 2, 1, 83:

    locum sibi velle liberum praeberier, ubi nequam faciat clam,

    id. Poen. 1, 1, 49; 3, 3, 44; cf.

    3, 2, 25: omnes copias in unum locum convenire,

    Cic. Att. 8, 16, 2:

    Galli qui ea loca incolerent,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 4:

    locorum situm naturam regionis nosse,

    Liv. 22, 38:

    Romae per omnes locos,

    Sall. J. 32:

    facere alicui locum in turba,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 210:

    ex loco superiore agere, of an orator speaking from the rostra, or of a judge pronouncing judgment: de loco superiore dicere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 42, § 102:

    ex aequo loco, of one speaking in the Senate or conversing with another: et ex superiore et ex aequo loco sermones habiti,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 2:

    ex inferiore loco,

    to speak before a judge, id. de Or. 3, 6, 23: primus locus aedium, a dwelling on the ground-floor, Nep. praef. 6.— A post, position: loco movere, to drive from a place or post, Ter. Phorm. prol. 32; so,

    loco deicere,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 30:

    loco cedere,

    to give way, abandon one's post, retire, Sall. C. 9; Caes. B. G. 1, 15.—
    In partic.
    A place, seat, in the theatre, the circus, or the forum:

    Servi ne obsideant, liberis ut sit locus,

    room, seats, Plaut. Cas. prol. 23.—

    Esp. the place assigned by the Senate to foreign ambassadors: locum ad spectandum dare,

    Cic. Mur. 35, 73; 34, 72; so Liv. 30, 17. — Plur. loca, Liv. 34, 44, 5; Vell. 2, 32, 3; Suet. Claud. 21; id. Ner. 11; Plin. 8, 7, 7, § 21.—But plur. loci, Tac. A. 15, 32.—
    So of the lodging, quarters, place of abode assigned to foreign ambassadors for their residence:

    locus inde lautiaque legatis praeberi jussa,

    Liv. 28, 39, 19; 30, 17, 14; 42, 26, 5; Symm. Ep. 4, 56; Sid. Ep. 8, 12:

    loca lautia,

    App. M. 3, p. 140, 30.—
    A piece or part of an estate:

    stricte loquendo locus non est fundus sed pars aliqua fundi,

    Dig. 50, 16, 60:

    locus certus ex fundo possideri potest,

    ib. 41, 2, 26.—
    A place, spot, locality; a country region: hau longe abesse oportet homines hinc;

    ita hic lepidust locus,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 35:

    nunc hoc ubi abstrudam cogito solum locum,

    id. Aul. 4, 6, 7:

    non hoc ut oppido praeposui, sed ut loco,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 10; Verg. A. 1, 530; Caes. B. G. 5, 12.— Poet. of the inhabitants of a place, a neighborhood:

    numina vicinorum odit uterque locus,

    Juv. 15, 37.—Of a place where a city once stood, a site:

    locus Pherae,

    Plin. 4, 5, 6, § 13:

    locus Buprasium, Hyrmine,

    id. ib.; cf. Ov. F. 2, 280.— Plur. rarely loci:

    quos locos adiisti,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 86:

    locos tenere,

    Liv. 5, 35, 1:


    Sall. J. 18, 4; 76, 1; Lucr. 4, 509; Verg. A. 1, 306; 2, 28; Prop. 4 (5), 8, 22; Tac. A. 1, 61; 13, 36; Suet. Tib. 43.—Usually loca:

    loca haec circiter,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 8:

    venisse in illa loca,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 2, 5; id. Fin. 5, 1, 2 sq.; Caes. B. G. 2, 4, 2; Lucr. 1, 373; 2, 146; Cat. 9, 7; 63, 3; Sall. J. 18, 11; 54, 3; Verg. G. 2, 140; id. A. 1, 51; 2, 495; Hor. C. 1, 22, 7; Tib. 4, 1, 97; Ov. M. 10, 29; Liv. 1, 1, 5; 1, 5, 2; 1, 6, 4 et saep.—
    In war [p. 1075] or battle, a post, station (plur. loca):

    tum loca sorte legunt,

    Verg. A. 5, 132:

    loca jussa tenere,

    id. ib. 10, 238:

    loca servare,

    Amm. 25, 6, 14.—
    Loci and loca, of parts of the body:

    loci nervosi,

    Cels. 5, 26, 26.—Esp.:


    Varr. L. L. 5, 2, 15; and without adj., in females, the womb:

    si ea lotio locos fovebit,

    Cato, R. R. 157, 11:

    cum in locis semen insederit,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 51; Cels. 2, 8. —Of animals, Col. 6, 27, 10.—Of birds, Col. 8, 11, 8; Lucr. 14, 1246; Plin. 11, 37, 84, § 209; Cael. Aur. Acut. 3, 17:


    Col. 7, 7, 4; cf. id. 8, 7, 2; 8, 11, 8;

    in males,

    Lucr. 4, 1034; 4, 1045.—
    Communis locus,
    The place of the dead:

    qui nunc abierunt hinc in communem locum,

    Plaut. Cas. prol. 19.—
    A public place:

    Sthenius... qui oppidum non maximum maximis ex pecunia sua locis communibus monumentisque decoravit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 46, § 112.—
    A burial-place, grave; very freq. in epitaphs; v. Inscr. Orell. 8; 4499; 4500 sq.
    A topic of discussion or thought; a matter, subject, point, head or division of a subject.
    In gen.:

    cum fundamentum esset philosophiae positum in finibus bonorum, perpurgatus est is locus a nobis quinque libris,

    Cic. Div. 2, 1, 2:

    Theophrastus cum tractat locos ab Aristotele ante tractatos,

    id. Fin. 1, 2, 6:

    hic locus, de natura usuque verborum,

    id. Or. 48, 162:

    philosophiae noti et tractati loci,

    id. ib. 33, 118:

    ex quattuor locis in quos honesti naturam vimque divisimus,

    id. Off. 1, 6, 18; id. Inv. 2, 3, 11; 2, 5, 16; 2, 8, 26 et saep.; Quint. 2, 4, 27; 2, 11, 6; 5, 8, 4; Juv. 6, 245; Tac. Or. 31.—
    Esp.: loci, the grounds of proof, the points on which proofs are founded or from which they are deduced:

    cum pervestigare argumentum aliquod volumus, locos nosse debemus,

    Cic. Top. 2, 7; id. de Or. 1, 13, 56; 3, 55, 210:

    traditi sunt ex quibus argumenta ducantur duplices loci,

    id. Or. 35; so sing.:

    itaque licet definire, locum esse argumenti sedem,

    id. Top. 2.—
    Esp.: loci communes, general arguments, which do not grow out of the particular facts of a case, but are applicable to any class of cases:

    pars (argumentorum) est pervagatior et aut in omnis ejusdem generis aut in plerasque causas adcommodata: haec ergo argumenta, quae transferri in multas causas possunt, locos communis nominamus,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 14, 47 sq.; cf. the passage at length; id. ib. 2, 16, 50 sq.; 2, 18, 56; Auct. Her. 3, 8, 15; Quint. 2, 1, 9; 3, 1, 12; 5, 1, 3; 5, 13, 57 al.— Sing.:

    vix ullus est tam communis locus, qui possit cohaerere cum causa, nisi aliquo proprio quaestionis vinculo copulatus,

    Quint. 2, 4, 30:

    locus, for communis locus,

    id. 4, 2, 117; 5, 7, 32.—
    A passage in a book or author; plur. loci (Zumpt, Gram. §

    99): locos quosdam transferam,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 1, 1, 36; 1, 4, 4; 5, 13, 42; 6, 3, 36; Tac. Or. 22:

    locos Lucreti plurimos sectare,

    Gell. 1, 21, 7;

    but rarely loca: loca jam recitata,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 223; Amm. 29, 2, 8.—
    Room, opportunity, cause, occasion, place, time, etc., for any thing:

    et cognoscendi et ignoscendi dabitur peccati locus,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 6:

    avaritia paululum aliquid loci rationi et consilio dedisset,

    Cic. Quint. 16, 53:

    de tuo in me animo iniquis secus existimandi videris nonnihil dedisse loci,

    to have given occasion, cause, reason, id. Fam. 3, 6, 6:

    dare suspicioni locum,

    id. Cael. 4, 9:

    dare locum dubitationis,

    id. Balb. 6, 16; Val. Fl. 4, 451: locum habere, to find a place:

    qui dolorem summum malum dicit, apud eum, quem locum habet fortitudo?

    Cic. Off. 3, 33, 117:

    in hoc altero dicacitatis quid habet ars loci?

    id. de Or. 2, 54, 219; so,

    locus est alicui rei: legi Aquiliae locus est adversus te,

    Dig. 9, 2, 27; cf.:

    huic edicto locus est,

    ib. 37, 10, 6; cf.:

    meritis vacat hic tibi locus,

    Verg. A. 11, 179:

    cum defendendi negandive non est locus,

    Quint. 5, 13, 8:


    id. 3, 8, 21.—Also in the sense of there is place for any thing, it finds acceptance:

    in poëtis non Homero soli locus est aut Archilocho, etc.,

    Cic. Or. 1, 4:

    si in mea familiaritate locus esset nemini nisi, etc.,

    id. Planc. 33, 82:

    maledicto nihil loci est,

    id. Mur. 5, 12: locum non relinquere, to leave no room for, not to admit, to exclude:

    vita turpis ne morti quidem honestae locum relinquit,

    id. Quint. 15, 49; so,

    nec precibus nostris nec admonitionibus relinquit locum,

    id. Fam. 1, 1, 2: nancisci locum, to find occasion:

    nactus locum resecandae libidinis,

    id. Att. 1, 18, 2:

    valde gaudeo, si est nunc ullus gaudendi locus,

    id. ib. 9, 7, 6.—
    In aliquo loco esse, to be in any place, position, situation, condition, state, relation:

    si ego in istoc siem loco, dem potius aurum, quam, etc.,

    position, place, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 9, 116:

    tanta ibi copia venustatum aderat, in suo quaeque loco sita munde,

    id. Poen. 5, 4, 8:

    in uxoris loco habere,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 52:

    in liberūm loco esse,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 49, 200; id. Planc. 11, 28; id. Brut. 1, 1; but more freq. without in:

    is si eo loco esset, negavit se facturum,

    id. Fam. 4, 4, 4:

    eodem loco esse,

    Sen. Ben. 3, 8, 2; 7, 14, 6.—Esp. with a gen.:

    parentis loco esse,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 19, 61:

    hostium loco esse,

    Liv. 2, 4, 7:

    fratris loco esse,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 3, 1; 7, 3, 6; Quint. 6, 1, 7:

    nec vero hic locus est, ut, etc.,

    not the proper occasion, Cic. Tusc. 4, 1, 1; id. Rosc. Am. 12, 33.— Hence, loco or in loco, at the right place or time, seasonably, suitably:

    posuisti loco versus Attianos,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    epistolae non in loco redditae,

    id. ib. 11, 16, 1:

    dulce est desipere in loco,

    Hor. C. 4, 12, 28; so,

    locis: non insurgit locis? non figuris gaudet?

    Quint. 12, 10, 23:

    quo res summa loco?

    in what condition? Verg. A. 2, 322:

    quo sit fortuna loco,

    id. ib. 9, 723:

    quo sit Romana loco res,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 12, 25:

    quo tua sit fortuna loco,

    Stat. Th. 7, 558:

    missis nuntiis, quo loco res essent,

    Liv. 2, 47, 5:

    primo loco,

    in the first place, first in order, Juv. 5, 12.—Freq. as a partit. gen.:

    quo loci for quo loco,

    Cic. Att. 8, 10; id. Div. 2, 66:

    eo loci for eo loco,

    id. Sest. 31, 68; Tac. A. 15, 74:

    eodem loci,

    Suet. Calig. 53:

    ubi loci,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 26:

    ibidem loci,

    id. Cist. 3, 1, 53:

    interea loci for interea,

    meanwhile, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 46:

    postea loci,

    after that, afterwards, Sall. J. 102:

    ubicumque locorum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 34:

    adhuc locorum,

    hitherto, Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 25:

    ad id locorum,

    to that time, till then, hitherto, Sall. J. 63, 6; 73, 2; Liv. 22, 38, 12:

    post id locorum,

    after that, thereupon, Plaut. Cas. 1, 32:

    inde loci,

    since then, Lucr. 5, 437.—
    Place, position, degree, rank, order, office, of persons or things:

    summus locus civitatis,

    Cic. Clu. 55, 150:

    tua dignitas suum locum obtinebit,

    id. Fam. 3, 9, 2:

    quem locum apud ipsum Caesarem obtinuisti?

    id. Phil. 2, 29, 71:

    res erat et causa nostra eo jam loci, ut, etc.,

    id. Sest. 31, 68:

    Socrates voluptatem nullo loco numerat,

    id. Fin. 2, 28, 90:

    codem loco habere, quo, etc.,

    id. Prov. Cons. 17, 41; Caes. B. G. 1, 26, 6; 7, 77, 3; id. B. C. 1, 84, 2:

    indignantes eodem se loco esse, quo, etc.,

    Liv. 42, 37, 8:

    sed esto, neque melius quod invenimus esse, neque par, est certe proximus locus,

    Quint. 10, 5, 6:

    erat ordine proximus locus,

    id. 7, 3, 36:

    humili loco,

    id. 4, 2, 2.— Plur. loca:

    ut patricii recuperarent duo consularia loca,

    Liv. 10, 15, 8:

    quinque augurum loca,

    id. 10, 8, 3; 42, 34, 15:

    omnia loca obtinuere, ne cui plebeio aditus esset,

    id. 4, 57, 11; Tac. A. 2, 55:

    Vesta loca prima tenet,

    Ov. F. 6, 304.—Esp. of birth:

    infimo loco natus,

    Cic. Fl. 11, 24:

    esse summo loco natus,

    id. Planc. 25, 60:

    Tanaquil summo loco nata,

    Liv. 1, 34.—
    Loco, adverbially, in the place of, instead of, for:

    criminis loco putant esse, quod vivam,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3, 6:

    haec filium suum sibi praemii loco deposcit,

    id. Inv. 2, 49, 144.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > locum

  • 19 locus

    lŏcus (old form stlocus, like stlis for lis, Quint. 1, 4, 16), i, m. ( lŏcum, i, n., Inscr. ap. Grut. 129, 14; plur. loci, single places; loca, places connected with each other, a region; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 666 sq., and v. infra), a place, spot.
    In gen.:

    adsedistis in festivo loco,

    i. e. the theatre, Plaut. Mil. 2, 1, 83:

    locum sibi velle liberum praeberier, ubi nequam faciat clam,

    id. Poen. 1, 1, 49; 3, 3, 44; cf.

    3, 2, 25: omnes copias in unum locum convenire,

    Cic. Att. 8, 16, 2:

    Galli qui ea loca incolerent,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 4:

    locorum situm naturam regionis nosse,

    Liv. 22, 38:

    Romae per omnes locos,

    Sall. J. 32:

    facere alicui locum in turba,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 210:

    ex loco superiore agere, of an orator speaking from the rostra, or of a judge pronouncing judgment: de loco superiore dicere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 42, § 102:

    ex aequo loco, of one speaking in the Senate or conversing with another: et ex superiore et ex aequo loco sermones habiti,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 2:

    ex inferiore loco,

    to speak before a judge, id. de Or. 3, 6, 23: primus locus aedium, a dwelling on the ground-floor, Nep. praef. 6.— A post, position: loco movere, to drive from a place or post, Ter. Phorm. prol. 32; so,

    loco deicere,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 30:

    loco cedere,

    to give way, abandon one's post, retire, Sall. C. 9; Caes. B. G. 1, 15.—
    In partic.
    A place, seat, in the theatre, the circus, or the forum:

    Servi ne obsideant, liberis ut sit locus,

    room, seats, Plaut. Cas. prol. 23.—

    Esp. the place assigned by the Senate to foreign ambassadors: locum ad spectandum dare,

    Cic. Mur. 35, 73; 34, 72; so Liv. 30, 17. — Plur. loca, Liv. 34, 44, 5; Vell. 2, 32, 3; Suet. Claud. 21; id. Ner. 11; Plin. 8, 7, 7, § 21.—But plur. loci, Tac. A. 15, 32.—
    So of the lodging, quarters, place of abode assigned to foreign ambassadors for their residence:

    locus inde lautiaque legatis praeberi jussa,

    Liv. 28, 39, 19; 30, 17, 14; 42, 26, 5; Symm. Ep. 4, 56; Sid. Ep. 8, 12:

    loca lautia,

    App. M. 3, p. 140, 30.—
    A piece or part of an estate:

    stricte loquendo locus non est fundus sed pars aliqua fundi,

    Dig. 50, 16, 60:

    locus certus ex fundo possideri potest,

    ib. 41, 2, 26.—
    A place, spot, locality; a country region: hau longe abesse oportet homines hinc;

    ita hic lepidust locus,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 35:

    nunc hoc ubi abstrudam cogito solum locum,

    id. Aul. 4, 6, 7:

    non hoc ut oppido praeposui, sed ut loco,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 10; Verg. A. 1, 530; Caes. B. G. 5, 12.— Poet. of the inhabitants of a place, a neighborhood:

    numina vicinorum odit uterque locus,

    Juv. 15, 37.—Of a place where a city once stood, a site:

    locus Pherae,

    Plin. 4, 5, 6, § 13:

    locus Buprasium, Hyrmine,

    id. ib.; cf. Ov. F. 2, 280.— Plur. rarely loci:

    quos locos adiisti,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 86:

    locos tenere,

    Liv. 5, 35, 1:


    Sall. J. 18, 4; 76, 1; Lucr. 4, 509; Verg. A. 1, 306; 2, 28; Prop. 4 (5), 8, 22; Tac. A. 1, 61; 13, 36; Suet. Tib. 43.—Usually loca:

    loca haec circiter,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 8:

    venisse in illa loca,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 2, 5; id. Fin. 5, 1, 2 sq.; Caes. B. G. 2, 4, 2; Lucr. 1, 373; 2, 146; Cat. 9, 7; 63, 3; Sall. J. 18, 11; 54, 3; Verg. G. 2, 140; id. A. 1, 51; 2, 495; Hor. C. 1, 22, 7; Tib. 4, 1, 97; Ov. M. 10, 29; Liv. 1, 1, 5; 1, 5, 2; 1, 6, 4 et saep.—
    In war [p. 1075] or battle, a post, station (plur. loca):

    tum loca sorte legunt,

    Verg. A. 5, 132:

    loca jussa tenere,

    id. ib. 10, 238:

    loca servare,

    Amm. 25, 6, 14.—
    Loci and loca, of parts of the body:

    loci nervosi,

    Cels. 5, 26, 26.—Esp.:


    Varr. L. L. 5, 2, 15; and without adj., in females, the womb:

    si ea lotio locos fovebit,

    Cato, R. R. 157, 11:

    cum in locis semen insederit,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 51; Cels. 2, 8. —Of animals, Col. 6, 27, 10.—Of birds, Col. 8, 11, 8; Lucr. 14, 1246; Plin. 11, 37, 84, § 209; Cael. Aur. Acut. 3, 17:


    Col. 7, 7, 4; cf. id. 8, 7, 2; 8, 11, 8;

    in males,

    Lucr. 4, 1034; 4, 1045.—
    Communis locus,
    The place of the dead:

    qui nunc abierunt hinc in communem locum,

    Plaut. Cas. prol. 19.—
    A public place:

    Sthenius... qui oppidum non maximum maximis ex pecunia sua locis communibus monumentisque decoravit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 46, § 112.—
    A burial-place, grave; very freq. in epitaphs; v. Inscr. Orell. 8; 4499; 4500 sq.
    A topic of discussion or thought; a matter, subject, point, head or division of a subject.
    In gen.:

    cum fundamentum esset philosophiae positum in finibus bonorum, perpurgatus est is locus a nobis quinque libris,

    Cic. Div. 2, 1, 2:

    Theophrastus cum tractat locos ab Aristotele ante tractatos,

    id. Fin. 1, 2, 6:

    hic locus, de natura usuque verborum,

    id. Or. 48, 162:

    philosophiae noti et tractati loci,

    id. ib. 33, 118:

    ex quattuor locis in quos honesti naturam vimque divisimus,

    id. Off. 1, 6, 18; id. Inv. 2, 3, 11; 2, 5, 16; 2, 8, 26 et saep.; Quint. 2, 4, 27; 2, 11, 6; 5, 8, 4; Juv. 6, 245; Tac. Or. 31.—
    Esp.: loci, the grounds of proof, the points on which proofs are founded or from which they are deduced:

    cum pervestigare argumentum aliquod volumus, locos nosse debemus,

    Cic. Top. 2, 7; id. de Or. 1, 13, 56; 3, 55, 210:

    traditi sunt ex quibus argumenta ducantur duplices loci,

    id. Or. 35; so sing.:

    itaque licet definire, locum esse argumenti sedem,

    id. Top. 2.—
    Esp.: loci communes, general arguments, which do not grow out of the particular facts of a case, but are applicable to any class of cases:

    pars (argumentorum) est pervagatior et aut in omnis ejusdem generis aut in plerasque causas adcommodata: haec ergo argumenta, quae transferri in multas causas possunt, locos communis nominamus,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 14, 47 sq.; cf. the passage at length; id. ib. 2, 16, 50 sq.; 2, 18, 56; Auct. Her. 3, 8, 15; Quint. 2, 1, 9; 3, 1, 12; 5, 1, 3; 5, 13, 57 al.— Sing.:

    vix ullus est tam communis locus, qui possit cohaerere cum causa, nisi aliquo proprio quaestionis vinculo copulatus,

    Quint. 2, 4, 30:

    locus, for communis locus,

    id. 4, 2, 117; 5, 7, 32.—
    A passage in a book or author; plur. loci (Zumpt, Gram. §

    99): locos quosdam transferam,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 1, 1, 36; 1, 4, 4; 5, 13, 42; 6, 3, 36; Tac. Or. 22:

    locos Lucreti plurimos sectare,

    Gell. 1, 21, 7;

    but rarely loca: loca jam recitata,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 223; Amm. 29, 2, 8.—
    Room, opportunity, cause, occasion, place, time, etc., for any thing:

    et cognoscendi et ignoscendi dabitur peccati locus,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 6:

    avaritia paululum aliquid loci rationi et consilio dedisset,

    Cic. Quint. 16, 53:

    de tuo in me animo iniquis secus existimandi videris nonnihil dedisse loci,

    to have given occasion, cause, reason, id. Fam. 3, 6, 6:

    dare suspicioni locum,

    id. Cael. 4, 9:

    dare locum dubitationis,

    id. Balb. 6, 16; Val. Fl. 4, 451: locum habere, to find a place:

    qui dolorem summum malum dicit, apud eum, quem locum habet fortitudo?

    Cic. Off. 3, 33, 117:

    in hoc altero dicacitatis quid habet ars loci?

    id. de Or. 2, 54, 219; so,

    locus est alicui rei: legi Aquiliae locus est adversus te,

    Dig. 9, 2, 27; cf.:

    huic edicto locus est,

    ib. 37, 10, 6; cf.:

    meritis vacat hic tibi locus,

    Verg. A. 11, 179:

    cum defendendi negandive non est locus,

    Quint. 5, 13, 8:


    id. 3, 8, 21.—Also in the sense of there is place for any thing, it finds acceptance:

    in poëtis non Homero soli locus est aut Archilocho, etc.,

    Cic. Or. 1, 4:

    si in mea familiaritate locus esset nemini nisi, etc.,

    id. Planc. 33, 82:

    maledicto nihil loci est,

    id. Mur. 5, 12: locum non relinquere, to leave no room for, not to admit, to exclude:

    vita turpis ne morti quidem honestae locum relinquit,

    id. Quint. 15, 49; so,

    nec precibus nostris nec admonitionibus relinquit locum,

    id. Fam. 1, 1, 2: nancisci locum, to find occasion:

    nactus locum resecandae libidinis,

    id. Att. 1, 18, 2:

    valde gaudeo, si est nunc ullus gaudendi locus,

    id. ib. 9, 7, 6.—
    In aliquo loco esse, to be in any place, position, situation, condition, state, relation:

    si ego in istoc siem loco, dem potius aurum, quam, etc.,

    position, place, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 9, 116:

    tanta ibi copia venustatum aderat, in suo quaeque loco sita munde,

    id. Poen. 5, 4, 8:

    in uxoris loco habere,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 52:

    in liberūm loco esse,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 49, 200; id. Planc. 11, 28; id. Brut. 1, 1; but more freq. without in:

    is si eo loco esset, negavit se facturum,

    id. Fam. 4, 4, 4:

    eodem loco esse,

    Sen. Ben. 3, 8, 2; 7, 14, 6.—Esp. with a gen.:

    parentis loco esse,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 19, 61:

    hostium loco esse,

    Liv. 2, 4, 7:

    fratris loco esse,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 3, 1; 7, 3, 6; Quint. 6, 1, 7:

    nec vero hic locus est, ut, etc.,

    not the proper occasion, Cic. Tusc. 4, 1, 1; id. Rosc. Am. 12, 33.— Hence, loco or in loco, at the right place or time, seasonably, suitably:

    posuisti loco versus Attianos,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    epistolae non in loco redditae,

    id. ib. 11, 16, 1:

    dulce est desipere in loco,

    Hor. C. 4, 12, 28; so,

    locis: non insurgit locis? non figuris gaudet?

    Quint. 12, 10, 23:

    quo res summa loco?

    in what condition? Verg. A. 2, 322:

    quo sit fortuna loco,

    id. ib. 9, 723:

    quo sit Romana loco res,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 12, 25:

    quo tua sit fortuna loco,

    Stat. Th. 7, 558:

    missis nuntiis, quo loco res essent,

    Liv. 2, 47, 5:

    primo loco,

    in the first place, first in order, Juv. 5, 12.—Freq. as a partit. gen.:

    quo loci for quo loco,

    Cic. Att. 8, 10; id. Div. 2, 66:

    eo loci for eo loco,

    id. Sest. 31, 68; Tac. A. 15, 74:

    eodem loci,

    Suet. Calig. 53:

    ubi loci,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 26:

    ibidem loci,

    id. Cist. 3, 1, 53:

    interea loci for interea,

    meanwhile, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 46:

    postea loci,

    after that, afterwards, Sall. J. 102:

    ubicumque locorum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 34:

    adhuc locorum,

    hitherto, Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 25:

    ad id locorum,

    to that time, till then, hitherto, Sall. J. 63, 6; 73, 2; Liv. 22, 38, 12:

    post id locorum,

    after that, thereupon, Plaut. Cas. 1, 32:

    inde loci,

    since then, Lucr. 5, 437.—
    Place, position, degree, rank, order, office, of persons or things:

    summus locus civitatis,

    Cic. Clu. 55, 150:

    tua dignitas suum locum obtinebit,

    id. Fam. 3, 9, 2:

    quem locum apud ipsum Caesarem obtinuisti?

    id. Phil. 2, 29, 71:

    res erat et causa nostra eo jam loci, ut, etc.,

    id. Sest. 31, 68:

    Socrates voluptatem nullo loco numerat,

    id. Fin. 2, 28, 90:

    codem loco habere, quo, etc.,

    id. Prov. Cons. 17, 41; Caes. B. G. 1, 26, 6; 7, 77, 3; id. B. C. 1, 84, 2:

    indignantes eodem se loco esse, quo, etc.,

    Liv. 42, 37, 8:

    sed esto, neque melius quod invenimus esse, neque par, est certe proximus locus,

    Quint. 10, 5, 6:

    erat ordine proximus locus,

    id. 7, 3, 36:

    humili loco,

    id. 4, 2, 2.— Plur. loca:

    ut patricii recuperarent duo consularia loca,

    Liv. 10, 15, 8:

    quinque augurum loca,

    id. 10, 8, 3; 42, 34, 15:

    omnia loca obtinuere, ne cui plebeio aditus esset,

    id. 4, 57, 11; Tac. A. 2, 55:

    Vesta loca prima tenet,

    Ov. F. 6, 304.—Esp. of birth:

    infimo loco natus,

    Cic. Fl. 11, 24:

    esse summo loco natus,

    id. Planc. 25, 60:

    Tanaquil summo loco nata,

    Liv. 1, 34.—
    Loco, adverbially, in the place of, instead of, for:

    criminis loco putant esse, quod vivam,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3, 6:

    haec filium suum sibi praemii loco deposcit,

    id. Inv. 2, 49, 144.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > locus

  • 20 Ocresia

    Ŏcrēsĭa ( Ŏcrīsĭa), ae, f., a female slave of Tanaquil, the mother of king Servius Tullius, Ov. F. 6, 627; Plin. 36, 27, 70, § 204; Aur. Vict. Vir. Ill. 7, 1.—Form Ocrisia Arn. 5, 18.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Ocresia

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