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Past time

См. также в других словарях:

  • past time —   Ho ohala manawa, hana ho ohala manawa.    ♦ Favorite pastime, hana punahele.    ♦ Pleasant pastime, hana ho onanea …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • Our Past Time Hotel — (Негрил,Ямайка) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Norman Manley Bouleva …   Каталог отелей

  • Time Fades Away — Live album by Neil Young Released October 15, 1973 …   Wikipedia

  • Time Fades Away — Álbum en directo de Neil Young Publicación 15 de octubre de 1973 Grabación 1971 1973 Género(s) Rock Duración 34:33 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Time — • Article explores two questions, What are the notes, or elements, contained in the subjective representation of time? and To what external reality does this representation correspond? Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Time     Time …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Past Times With Good Company — Концертный альбом Blackmore s Night …   Википедия

  • Past Times with Good Company — Past Times With Good Company …   Википедия

  • Past Times with Good Company — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Past Times with Good Company Álbum en Vivo de Blackmore s Night Publicación 2003 Grabación 2002 …   Wikipedia Español

  • time was (when) … — time ˈwas (when)… idiom (old fashioned) used to say that sth used to happen in the past • Time was when you could go for a walk in the country and not see another person for miles. Main entry: ↑timeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • Time — This article is about the measurement. For the magazine, see Time (magazine). For other uses, see Time (disambiguation). The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used to keep track of elapsed time. It also concretely represents the present as… …   Wikipedia

  • past — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Gone by in time Nouns 1. past, past tense, pretention; the past, yesterday; days of yore or of old; times past or gone by; bygone days; olden times, the good old days, yesteryear, time immemorial; auld… …   English dictionary for students

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