1 costipare
costipare v. ( costìpo) I. tr. 1. tasser, compacter: costipare la terra tasser la terre. 2. ( Med) ( provocare stitichezza) constiper. 3. ( Med) ( provocare raffreddore) enrhumer. II. prnl. costiparsi ( Med) 1. ( diventare stitico) être constipé. 2. ( prendere un raffreddore) s'enrhumer. -
2 peridurale
peridurale I. agg.m./f. (Anat,Med) péridural: ( Med) anestesia peridurale anesthésie péridurale. II. s.f. ( Med) ( anestesia) péridurale. -
3 visita
visita s.f. 1. visite: fare visita a qcu. (o fare una visita a qcu.) rendre visite à qqn, faire une visite à qqn; (rif. a visita breve) passer voir qqn; una visita sgradita une visite importune. 2. ( persona che visita) visite, visiteur m.: c'è una visita per te tu as de la visite; ( in ufficio) il y a un quelqu'un pour toi. 3. ( visita turistica) visite: visita di una città visite d'une ville; visita di un museo visite d'un musée. 4. ( ispezione) visite, inspection, contrôle m.: visita doganale visite de douane, contrôle douanier. 5. ( Med) ( esame clinico) visite: sottoporsi a una visita passer une visite médicale; passare una visita passer une visite médicale; una visita scrupolosa une visite scrupuleuse. 6. ( Med) ( esame di controllo) examen m.: fare una visita oculistica passer un examen ophtalmologique. 7. ( Med) ( giro per visitare i pazienti) visites pl., tournée de visites. 8. ( Mil) ( visita di leva) visite médicale de sélection: passare la visita passer (devant) le conseil de révision. 9. ( perquisizione) fouille: visita corporale fouille corporelle. 10. ( Rel) visite: visita pastorale visite pastorale. -
4 abortivo
5 aborto
aborto s.m. 1. ( Med) ( per cause naturali) fausse couche f.; ( intenzionale) avortement. 2. ( Med) ( feto abortito) avorton. 3. ( Bot) avortement. 4. (fig,colloq) ( persona o cosa orribile) avorton. -
6 afasico
7 alienato
8 anemico
anemico agg./s. (pl. -ci) I. agg. 1. ( Med) anémique. 2. ( estens) ( pallido) pâle, anémique, terne: viso anemico visage anémique. 3. ( fig) ( incolore) fade, incolore, sans éclat, terne: stile anemico style fade. II. s.m. (f. -a) ( Med) anémique. -
9 anemizzare
10 anoressico
11 anticoncezionale
anticoncezionale I. agg.m./f. (Farm,Med) anticonceptionnel, contraceptif: metodo anticoncezionale méthode anticonceptionnelle; pillola anticoncezionale pillule contraceptive. II. s.m. (Farm,Med) anticonceptionnel, contraceptif. -
12 antipolio
antipolio I. agg. ( Med) antipoliomyélitique, ( colloq) antipolio inv.: vaccino antipolio vaccin antipoliomyélitique, ( colloq) vaccin contre la polio. II. s.f.inv. ( Med) 1. ( vaccino) vaccin m. antipoliomyélitique, ( colloq) vaccin m. contre la polio. 2. ( iniezione) injection f. antipoliomyélitique. -
13 antireumatico
antireumatico agg./s. (pl. -ci) I. agg. (Farm,Med) antirhumatismal. II. s.m. (Farm,Med) antirhumatismal. -
14 artritico
15 astenico
16 astigmatico
astigmatico agg./s. (pl. -ci) I. s.m. (f. -a) ( Med) astigmate. II. agg. (Med,Ott) astigmate: lente astigmatica lentille astigmate. -
17 atrofizzare
18 bronchitico
19 bulimico
20 cancerogeno
cancerogeno I. agg. ( Med) cancérogène, cancérigène: sostanze cancerogene substances cancérogènes. II. s.m. ( Med) cancérogène.
См. также в других словарях:
MED TV — is an International Kurdish satellite TV station with studios in London, England and Denderleeuw, Belgium. MED TV broadcast programs mainly in six languages, Kurdish (Sorani and Kurmanji dialects), Zaza, English, Arabic, Assyrian and Turkish. MED … Wikipedia
Med-Fi — Sommaire 1 Introduction 1.1 La med fi et ses « grands frères » 2 Origine 2.1 Influences … Wikipédia en Français
med — mȇd m <G mȅda> DEFINICIJA 1. pčel. sladak gust sok što ga pčele tvore od nektara koji skupljaju na cvjetovima [bagremov med; livadski med; med od maslačka (maslačkov med); šumski med] 2. pren. slast, ugoda FRAZEOLOGIJA (imati) kao ciganka… … Hrvatski jezični portal
med-1 — med 1 English meaning: to measure; to give advice, healing Deutsche Übersetzung: “messen, ermessen” Material: A. O.Ind. masti f. “das Messen, Wägen” (*med tis, with in isolierten word not rũckgängig gemachtem alteration from d t… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Med-X — Origin El Paso, Texas, United States Genres Hardcore punk Years active 2003–present Website myspace.com/medx … Wikipedia
med. — med. med. (fork. for medicinae); dr.med.; cand.med.; stud.med … Dansk ordbog
med — [med] adj [only before noun] informal an abbreviation of ↑medical ▪ med school ▪ a med student … Dictionary of contemporary English
med. — med. (medical) n. of or concerning the science or practice of medicine med. (medicine) n. the science or practice of medicine med. (medieval) n. of the Middle Ages med. (medium) n. something intermediate, mean; means of communication by which a… … English contemporary dictionary
med — *med, *medi, *meþ, *mid, *midi; germ., Präposition: nhd. mit; ne. with; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., afries., anfrk., as., ahd.; Etymologie … Germanisches Wörterbuch
MED-TV — MED TV was the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) affil iated television station that began broadcasting from Great Britain and Belgium to Kurdistan and the Middle East, as well as Europe, in 1995. Its name was taken from the Medes, an ancient… … Historical Dictionary of the Kurds
med — med1 [med] adj. Informal medical [med school] med2 abbrev. 1. medical 2. medicine 3. medieval 4. medium … English World dictionary