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  • 121 מחתרת

    מַחְתֶּרֶתf. (b. h.; חָתַר) breaking in, breach. Snh. VIII, 6 הבא במ׳ נידוןוכ׳ he who breaks in is judged (allowed to be killed with impunity) on account of what he will do. Ib. 72a; Yoma 85b מאי טעמא דמ׳ what is the reason of the law allowing to kill one breaking in (Ex. 22:1)?Snh.72b אין לי אלא מ׳ גגווכ׳ the text speaks only of breaking in, whence can it be proven that the thief found on ones roof may be killed?Ib. מַחְתַּרְתּוֹ זו זב׳ his breaking in serves the place of forewarning (he knew what he might expect). Ib. 103a (ref. to ויחתר, 2 Chr. 33:13, v. S. Baer, Liber Chron., p. 126, a. Rabb. D. S. to Snh. 1. c. note 200) עשה לו חק״בה כמין מ׳וכ׳ the Lord made for him an opening in the heaven to receive him ; (Pesik. Shub., p. 162b> חֲתִירָה). Midr. Till. to Ps. 118, מה מצא … מן המ׳ what has he found in our possession (taken) from the place we broke into? Ib. המ׳ זו העיר the place broken into is the City (of Jerusalem); a. e.

    Jewish literature > מחתרת

  • 122 מַחְתֶּרֶת

    מַחְתֶּרֶתf. (b. h.; חָתַר) breaking in, breach. Snh. VIII, 6 הבא במ׳ נידוןוכ׳ he who breaks in is judged (allowed to be killed with impunity) on account of what he will do. Ib. 72a; Yoma 85b מאי טעמא דמ׳ what is the reason of the law allowing to kill one breaking in (Ex. 22:1)?Snh.72b אין לי אלא מ׳ גגווכ׳ the text speaks only of breaking in, whence can it be proven that the thief found on ones roof may be killed?Ib. מַחְתַּרְתּוֹ זו זב׳ his breaking in serves the place of forewarning (he knew what he might expect). Ib. 103a (ref. to ויחתר, 2 Chr. 33:13, v. S. Baer, Liber Chron., p. 126, a. Rabb. D. S. to Snh. 1. c. note 200) עשה לו חק״בה כמין מ׳וכ׳ the Lord made for him an opening in the heaven to receive him ; (Pesik. Shub., p. 162b> חֲתִירָה). Midr. Till. to Ps. 118, מה מצא … מן המ׳ what has he found in our possession (taken) from the place we broke into? Ib. המ׳ זו העיר the place broken into is the City (of Jerusalem); a. e.

    Jewish literature > מַחְתֶּרֶת

  • 123 מ״ם

    מ״ם, מֵם Mem, name of the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Sabb.103b מ״ם דשם סתומה Ms. O. (ed. סתום) the Mem in shem is closed (final letter); מ״ם שמעון פתוחה (ed. פתוח) the Mem in Shimʿon is open (initial letter). Ib. 104a מ״ם פתוחה מ״ם סתומה מאמרוכ׳ the open and the closed Mems intimate that there are subjects in the Law which are open to all, and such as are closed (esoteric studies). Y.Meg.I, 71d מהו דין דכתיב מ״ם מ״םוכ׳ why is it that the letters Mem, Nun are written in two ways?Maas. Sh. IV, 11; a. fr.Pl. מֵמִין, מֵימִין. Sabb.103a one must not write מ׳ סמכיןוכ׳ Mem like Samekh or vice versa; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מ״ם

  • 124 מם

    מ״ם, מֵם Mem, name of the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Sabb.103b מ״ם דשם סתומה Ms. O. (ed. סתום) the Mem in shem is closed (final letter); מ״ם שמעון פתוחה (ed. פתוח) the Mem in Shimʿon is open (initial letter). Ib. 104a מ״ם פתוחה מ״ם סתומה מאמרוכ׳ the open and the closed Mems intimate that there are subjects in the Law which are open to all, and such as are closed (esoteric studies). Y.Meg.I, 71d מהו דין דכתיב מ״ם מ״םוכ׳ why is it that the letters Mem, Nun are written in two ways?Maas. Sh. IV, 11; a. fr.Pl. מֵמִין, מֵימִין. Sabb.103a one must not write מ׳ סמכיןוכ׳ Mem like Samekh or vice versa; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מם

  • 125 מֵם

    מ״ם, מֵם Mem, name of the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Sabb.103b מ״ם דשם סתומה Ms. O. (ed. סתום) the Mem in shem is closed (final letter); מ״ם שמעון פתוחה (ed. פתוח) the Mem in Shimʿon is open (initial letter). Ib. 104a מ״ם פתוחה מ״ם סתומה מאמרוכ׳ the open and the closed Mems intimate that there are subjects in the Law which are open to all, and such as are closed (esoteric studies). Y.Meg.I, 71d מהו דין דכתיב מ״ם מ״םוכ׳ why is it that the letters Mem, Nun are written in two ways?Maas. Sh. IV, 11; a. fr.Pl. מֵמִין, מֵימִין. Sabb.103a one must not write מ׳ סמכיןוכ׳ Mem like Samekh or vice versa; a. e.

    Jewish literature > מֵם

  • 126 מרפא

    מַרְפֵּאm. (b. h.; רָפָא) healing, recovery. Keth.103a לשון חכמים מ׳ (v. Prov. 12:18) the tongue of the wise teaches medicine (indirectly, ref. to Pes.II, 7).Esp. ‘ your health, a wish uttered to one sneezing. Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 5 האומר מ׳ הרי זהוכ׳ (not האמר) to say marpé is a superstitious practice (v. אֱמֹורִי). Ib. לא אמר מ׳ מפניוכ׳ did not say m. (at college), because it is an interruption of study; Ber.53a.

    Jewish literature > מרפא

  • 127 מַרְפֵּא

    מַרְפֵּאm. (b. h.; רָפָא) healing, recovery. Keth.103a לשון חכמים מ׳ (v. Prov. 12:18) the tongue of the wise teaches medicine (indirectly, ref. to Pes.II, 7).Esp. ‘ your health, a wish uttered to one sneezing. Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 5 האומר מ׳ הרי זהוכ׳ (not האמר) to say marpé is a superstitious practice (v. אֱמֹורִי). Ib. לא אמר מ׳ מפניוכ׳ did not say m. (at college), because it is an interruption of study; Ber.53a.

    Jewish literature > מַרְפֵּא

  • 128 נאגנא

    נָאגָנָאm. ( נגא, corresp. to h. נקע, cmp. Syr. נגעא P. Sm. 228 4) small cleft, cavity.Pl. נָאגָנֵי. Kidd.61a; B. Bath. 103a (some ed. נָגָאנֵי; Ms. M. חֲרִיצֵי; Ms. H. נָגָנֵי; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note); Arakh.25a נגאני; Yalk. Lev. 677 מינגני (corr. acc.).B. Kam.61b top, v. בָּאגָנָא.

    Jewish literature > נאגנא

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