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  • 1 bina

    building; foundation [bana] Alb bina, Hin bina, Ind bina, Per bana, Tur bina, Ind bina borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > bina

  • 2 mabnan

    building [bana] Per mabna borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > mabnan

  • 3 'imara

    building ['amara] Hin imarat, Per 'emarat borrowed from Ar

    Arabic etymological dictionary > 'imara

  • 4 في

    في \ a; an; each; every: twice a day; 80 miles an hour. at: (showing where): at home; at the office, (showing a point of time) at midday; at 4 o’clock; He was married at 18, (after an adj) good at English; quick at sums. by: during: We travelled by night. in: showing where: In bed; in London; in the box; in his speech, showing condition In a hurry; in trouble, showing a direction; into He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket, showing when; during In the past; in January 1980; in the evening, showing what sth. contains or includes There are 60 minutes in an hour. Is he in your team?, showing what sb. wears He was in his best suit, showing a shape or arrangement They stood in a row, showing employment or activity or an event He’s in the navy. She was killed in the accident. on: showing when: on Monday; on May the 6th. showing the state of sb.:: Are you here on business or on holiday?. per: for each: He earns $8000 per annum (for each year). \ في (أيّ مَكَان)‏ \ anywhere: in or to any place: Are you going anywhere?. \ See Also إلى( إلى)‏ \ في \ home: to or at one’s house: Go home! Is your son home yet?. \ See Also إلى البيت \ في \ inside: on (or to) the inside. \ See Also إلى الداخل \ في \ inland: away from the sea: We crossed the coast and flew inland. \ See Also إلى داخل البلاد \ في \ indoors: into (or in) a building: He went (or He stayed) indoors because of the rain. \ See Also إلى داخل البيت \ في \ on board: on (or onto) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ See Also إلى دَاخِل الطَّائِرَة \ في \ upstairs: on, at or to a higher floor; up the stairs; at the top of the stairs: She went upstairs because her room is upstairs. She has an upstairs bedroom. \ See Also إلى الدَّور الأَعْلى \ في \ low: to or in a low position: The sun had sunk low in the sky. \ See Also إلى وَضْع مُنْخفِض \ في \ whereabouts: in or near which place: Whereabouts did you find this ring?. \ See Also قرب أيّ مكان؟ \ في \ upstream: against the flow of the stream; up the river: They rowed (the boat) upstream. \ See Also نَحْوَ أعلى النَّهر \ في الاتجاه المعاكس \ backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ في أَثَر \ after: following, in search of: I ran after him but could not catch him. The police are after him. \ في أثناء الخِدْمَة (خارج أوقات الخِدمة)‏ \ on duty, (off duty): at work (not at work): The night nurse has 12 hours on duty, then 12 hours off duty. She went on duty at 18.00 and came off duty at 06.00. \ في أثناء ذلك \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في إجازة \ off: free from work: My employer gave me the afternoon off. \ See Also عطلة (عُطْلَة)‏ \ في أَحْسَن الأَحْوَال \ at best: in the most hopeful conditions: At best, we can’t be ready till Tuesday. \ في آخر \ eventually: in the end: The car kept stopping, but we got home eventually. ultimately: in the end: We must all, ultimately, die. \ See Also نهاية الأمر \ في آخر رَمَق \ on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. \ في آخر لحظة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في أَرْجَاء \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. round: (also around) from place to place: He wandered (a)round (the town). We travelled (a)round (the country). \ في أَسْفَل \ under: (also underneath), in a lower position. underneath: (of position) below: It was hidden underneath the floor boards. \ See Also الأسفل (الأَسْفَل)‏ \ في الأَصْل \ originally: in the beginning: This school was originally a rich man’s home. \ في الأَعْلَى \ up: in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. \ في أغلب الظَّنّ \ doubtless: probably: It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party. \ في أَفْضَل حَالَة \ at one’s best: in one’s best state: My garden is at its best in spring. \ في أقلّ مِن \ within: in less than: He will arrive within an hour. I live within a mile of the sea. \ في الأمام \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في أَوَاخِر \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الأوْج \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ في أوجِ الإزْهَار \ in bloom: flowering: The roses are in bloom now. \ في أيّ مَكَان \ anywhere: in no matter what place: Put it down anywhere. \ في أيّ وقت \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في أيّ وقت مَضَى \ ever: (in a comparative sentence) at any time: He’s working harder than ever. This is the best book I’ve ever read. \ في بادئ الأمر \ at first: at the beginning: At first the new school seemed strange, but then we got used to it. \ في البَدْء \ primarily: mainly; in the first place: This book is written primarily for foreigners. \ See Also أصلا (أَصْلاً)، أساسا (أساسًا)‏ \ في بعض الوقت \ part-time: for only part of the usual working time: She’s a part-time teacher. \ في البيت \ at home: in one’s house: He’s at home in the evenings. \ في البيت المُجَاوِر \ next, next door: in the next house: He lives next door. He is my nextdoor neighbour. \ في تَحَسُّن (من النّاحية الصحّية)‏ \ on the mend: getting better in health (after an illness). \ في تِلْكَ الحالةِ \ in that case: if that happens, or has happened: He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him, if that happens, or has happened He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him. \ في تِلْكَ اللَّحظة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. \ في التَّوّ \ straight away: at once. \ في جانب \ in favour of: supporting: I’m in favour of your plans. \ في الجَانِب الآخَر مِن \ across: on the other side of: My home is across the river. \ في جانب \ for: in favour of: Are you for this idea or against it?. \ See Also صف (صَفّ)‏ \ في جزء أدنى مِن \ down: at a lower level: My house is a little way down the hill. \ في الجِوَار \ about: around; near: There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ في الحَال \ at once: without delay: Stop that at once!. away: right away; straight away. immediately: at once. instantly: at once. on the spot: in that place and at that moment: He gave me the bill and I paid it on the spot. readily: without delay: The book you need is not readily obtainable. straight away: at once. \ في حَالَةِ \ at: (showing a state): at war; at play. on: showing the state of sth.: The house is on fire. \ في حَالَة حَسَنَة \ well, (better, best): the opposite of ill and unwell; in good health: Don’t you feel well? You’ll soon get better if you drink this medicine. How are you? Very well, thank you. I feel best in the early morning (better than at any other time). \ في حَالَة سَيِّئَة \ in a bad way: in a bad state. \ في حَالَة عَدَم توفُّر \ failing: giving a second choice of action, if the first choice fails: Ask John to do it. Failing him, ask Michael. \ في حَالَة فَوْضَى \ chaotic: in a state of chaos: The young teacher had a chaotic classroom. \ في حَالَةِ وُجُود \ in case of: in the event of; if there is: In case of fire, ring the bell. \ في حَالَةِ ما إِذَا \ in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening: Take a stick, in case you meet a snake. \ في حركة دائِمة \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ في الحَقِيقَة \ as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. in reality: in fact. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!. \ في حَيْرَة من أَمْره \ at one’s wits’ end: too worried by difficulties to know what to do. \ في حين \ whereas: but: They are looking for a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. \ في حينه \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في الخَارِج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: in (or into) the open; away from shelter; in (or into) view: Don’t stand out in the rain. The ship was far out at sea. out of door, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outside: not within; in the open air; on the outer side: It’s raining outside. The cup is blue outside, and white inside. overseas: across the sea; (to the British, the mainland of Europe is abroad but it is not overseas): She is working overseas, in South America. \ في خِدمَة... \ at one’s service: ready to fulfil one’s needs: The hotel car is at your service if you want to go anywhere. \ في خَريف العُمر \ middle-aged: neither young nor old; aged between about 40 and 65. \ في خطٍّ مُستقيم \ as the crow flies: in a straight line: It is 5 miles away by road, but only 2 miles as the crow flies. \ فِي الخَفَاء \ stealth: by stealth using secret and quiet action: He got into the house by stealth, not by force. \ في خِلال \ in: showing a space of time before sth. will happen; after: I’ll come in a few days (or in a minute). in the course of: during: In the course of the morning I had seven visitors. \ في الدّاخل \ in: in a building, esp. at home, work or where one is expected to be: Is anyone in? I’m afraid Mr. Jones is out, but he’ll be in at 5 o’clock. \ في داخِل \ in: showing a direction; into: He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ في داخِل النَّفْس \ inwardly: secretly; as regards one’s inner feelings: I was inwardly delighted, but I pretended not to care. \ في دَرَجَة الغَلَيان \ on the boil: boiling; at this heat. \ في ذلك المكان \ there: at that place: I live there. \ في رأيي \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في سَبِيل \ in the process of: to be doing: I am in the process of painting my house. sake, for the sake, of, for sb.’s sake: for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake, for the desire of Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?. \ في سِنّ المُرَاهَقَة \ teenage: in one’s teens: a teenage girl. \ في شكّ \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ في صحَّة جيِّدة \ fit: healthy: We take exercise so as to keep fit. \ في صَفّ \ in single file: in one line, one behind the other: We had to ride in single file down the narrow path. \ في الطّابِق الأَسْفل \ downstairs: at the bottom of the stairs; in a room at that level: I’ll wait for you downstairs. \ في الطّابِق الفوقانيّ \ overhead: above one’s head: a noise in the room overhead; clouds in the sky overhead. \ في طَرَف \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ في طريق النُّور \ in sb.’s light: preventing light from reaching him: I can’t read if you stand in my light. \ في الظّاهر \ outwardly: as regards the appearance (compared with the hidden facts or inner feelings): She was outwardly calm but inwardly full of anger. \ في العَام \ annual: happening every year; of a year: an annual feast; the annual production of oil. \ في عَجلة من أمره \ in a hurry: Ants are always in a hurry. \ في العَرَاء \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under she stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في (عُرض) البَحْر \ at sea: on the sea; far from land: a storm at sea. \ في عُطلة \ on holiday, on vacation: having a holiday: The schools are on holiday. We’re going on vacation to the sea. \ See Also إجازة( إجازة)‏ \ في غابر الأزمان (كان يا ما كان...)‏ \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ في الغَالِب \ mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ في غالِب الظنّ \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ في غاية الجُنون \ raving mad: noisily and violently mad. \ في غَمْضَة عَيْن \ in no time: very quickly; very soon: If you follow this path, you’ll get there in no time. \ في غِيَابِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ في كُلٍّ \ a; an; each; every: twice a day. 80 miles an hour. ten pence a packet. \ في كل مكان \ everywhere: in all places: I’ve looked for it everywhere. \ في كل وقت \ ever: at all times; always: I shall stay there for ever. \ في لحظة خاطفة \ in a flash: very quickly and suddenly: He seized the money and was gone in a flash. \ في اللحظة المناسبة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في اللَّيْل \ at night: during the night. overnight: for the night: I shall stay at a hotel overnight and come back tomorrow, on the night before; during the night I packed my suitcase overnight, so as to be ready to leave at sunrise. His car was stolen overnight. \ في المائَة \ per cent: for, out, of, each hundred: Six per cent of the boys failed the exam, (one part) of each hundred I’m a 100 per cent in agreement with you. About 70 per cent (written as 70%) of the people are farmers. \ في المُتَنَاوَل \ forthcoming: supplied when needed: We wanted a new school clock, but the money was not forthcoming. \ في مُتَناوَل \ within: inside; not beyond; within reach; within one’s powers. \ في متناول اليَد \ at hand: near; within reach: Help was at hand. handy: near; easily reached when wanted: Keep that book handy so that you can look at it often. \ في مَجْمُوعَة بين \ among(st): in the middle of; mixed with; surrounded by: I found this letter among my books. There is a secret enemy amongst us. \ في مِحْنة خَطَر \ in distress: (of a ship or aeroplane) in dangerous trouble; needing help. \ في المُدّة الأخيرة \ lately: not long ago; in the near past: Have you seen her lately?. \ في المرَّة التالية \ next: the next time: I’ll give it to you when I next see you. \ See Also القادمة \ في مُقَابِل \ for: showing that something is as a return or in place of: I gave him $5 for his help. Will you change this old car for a new one?. in return (for): in exchange or payment for: Give her some flowers in return for her kindness. \ في المقام الأوّل \ firstly: as the first reason, fact, etc: I need a hot drink. Firstly, because I’m cold; secondly, because I’m thirsty. \ في المقدمة \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في مَكَان \ in sb,’s stead: in sb.’s place; instead of sb.. \ See Also بدلا من (بدلاً من)‏ \ في مَكَان آخَر \ elsewhere: in some other place. \ في المَكَان \ in position: in the correct position. \ See Also المَوضِع الصَّحيح \ في مَكَان قَريب \ by: near: He stood by and watched them. \ في مَكَانٍ ما \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ في المكان والزّمان المذكورين \ on the spot: in that place and at that moment: Fortunately a doctor was on the spot when she broke her leg. \ في مكانه \ belong: to be in the right place: This book belongs on the top shelf. \ See Also موضِعِه المناسب \ في مَلْعَبِه \ at home: (of a match) on one’s own field: Our team are playing at home tomorrow. \ في مُنْتَصَف الطَّريق \ midway: halfway; in the middle: The station is midway between the two villages. \ في مَوعِد لاَ يَتَجَاوَز \ by: before; not later than: Can you finish this by Tuesday? They ought to be here by now. \ في المَوْعِد المحدَّد \ on time: exactly at the appointed moment: The bus always leaves on time. \ في مياه أعمق من قَامَته \ out of one’s depth: in water that is too deep to stand up in: Don’t go out of your depth unless you can swim. \ في النّادِر \ rarely: not often; hardly at all: She rarely smokes. \ في نظر \ in the eyes of: in the opinion of: In his mother’s eyes he can do no wrong. \ في نَظَري \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في النّهايَة \ at last: in the end, after much delay: The train was very slow, but we got there at last. at length: at last; in the end: He waited two hours. At length he went home. finally: lastly; in the end. \ في نِهايَة الأمْر \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ See Also عَلَى المدى الطويل \ في هذا الوقت \ now: (in a written account) at the time that is being described: The war was now over. \ في هَذا المَكَان \ about: here: Is anyone about?. \ في هذه الأَثْنَاء \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في هذه الأَيَّام \ nowadays: in these times (compared with the past): Travel is much easier nowadays. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في هذه الحالة \ all right: (also alright), in that case: You don’t want it? All right, I’ll give it to someone else. \ في هذه اللَّحْظَة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. just now: at this moment: I’m busy just now. \ في الهواء الطَّلْق \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under the stars. out of doors, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في الوَاقِع \ in reality: in fact. \ في الوَاقِع \ actually: in fact; really: She looks about thirty, but actually she’s thirty-nine. as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. truly: really: Are you truly sorry for your crimes?. virtually: actually but not officially: He was virtually a prisoner in his home, as he did not dare to go out while the police were watching. \ في الوَسَط \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَسْط المسافة \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَضَح (النهار)‏ \ broad: (of daylight) full; complete: The bank was robbed in broad daylight. \ في وَضع لا يجوز فيه رَكْل الكُرة \ offside: (of a player in football, etc.) breaking a rule by being in a position in which play is not allowed. \ في الوَقْت الحَاضِر \ at present: now; at the present time: At present I have no job, but I shall get one soon. for the time being: for the present: I have no job, but I’m helping my father for the time being. now: at the present time: Where are you working now? Now is the time to plant those seeds. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في وَقْتٍ لاَحِق \ after: later: She came first and he arrived soon after. \ في وقتٍ ما \ sometime: (often two words, some time) at a time not exactly known or stated: Come again sometime. He left sometime after dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر \ late: after the proper or usual time; not early: We always go to bed very late. He arrived too late for dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر مِن \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الوَقْتِ المُقَرَّر \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في وَقْتٍ من الأوقات \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في الوَقْتِ المناسب \ early: in good time for one’s purpose; before the fixed time: We arrived early and got the best seats. in due course: later; after a reasonable delay: He will get better in due course. in good time: slightly early: He came in good time for the meeting. \ في وقت واحد \ at a time: together: They arrived three at a time (in groups of three). \ في يوم من الأيام \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ See Also كان يا ما كان

    Arabic-English dictionary > في

  • 5 خارج

    خَارِج \ exterior: outside: an exterior wall. off: (of people) free from; away from: He was off work because of illness. The policeman went off duty at 6.00. out: (showing where) not in: It’s time you were out of bed. outside: beyond; on the outside of: I left my car outside the gate, (often attrib.) the outer part; not the enclosed part The outside of the house was painted white. \ خَارِج البِلاَد \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. \ خَارِجَ البَيْتِ \ outdoor: not in a building: Farmers lead an outdoor life. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ See Also في الهَواءِ الطَّلْق \ خَارِجٌ على القَانُون \ lawless: (of a person or act) not obeying the law. outlaw: a criminal who lives in wild or secret places so as not to be caught and imprisoned. \ خَارِجٌ عَن \ off: (of movement) away from: The car turned off the road into a field. \ خَارِجٌ عن السَّيْطَرَةِ \ out of hand: out of control (not used of machines): A teacher must not let his class get out of hand. \ خَارِجَ المَنْزِلِ \ out: not at home: We shall be out for dinner tonight. \ خَارِجًا \ out: from inside: The door opened and a man came out, in (or into) the open; away from shelter; in (or into) view Don’t stand out in the rain. The ship was far out at sea, forwards The pipe stuck out from the wall. He held his hand out. outside: not within; in the open air; on the outer side: It’s raining outside.

    Arabic-English dictionary > خارج

  • 6 مجموعة

    مَجْمُوعَة \ body: a group of people, united in some way: a small body of helpers.. bunch: a group of things of the same kind, growing or placed together: a bunch of keys. category: a group or division in which each member is like the rest in a certain way; a kind or sort: Fishing may be placed in the category of sport, or in that of earning a living, according to its purpose. cluster: a group of people gathered close together. collection: things collected: His friend has a collection of ancient coins. crew: a group of people working together, doing certain jobs: a repair crew. group: a number of people or things, gathered together or considered together: They stood in a group under the tree. He controls a group of companies. set: a group of things that look like one another or are used together: a coffee set (coffee pot and cups, etc., of the same pattern); a set of rules. \ See Also جمهور (جُمهور)، طقم (طَقْم)‏ \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء مُخْتَلِطة \ jumble: a confused mixture: a jumble of sounds. \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء من صِنف واحِد \ line: a kind or class of goods: We sell a cheap line in brushes. \ مَجْمُوعَة الأَغاني \ repertoire: all the songs or pieces of music that a singer or musician can perform. \ See Also القِطَع المُوسيقيّة \ مَجْمُوعَة أوراق اللَّعب ذات النَّقْش الوَاحِد \ suit: one of the four patterns in a set of playing cards (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades). \ مَجْمُوعَة دَرَج \ flight: a set of stairs: His room was up three flights of stairs. step: pl. usu. outside a building, compared with stairs in a building) a set of these: He ran down the steps into the street. \ مَجْمُوعَة رموز سِرّيّة \ code: a special way of using words, letters, numbers, etc. instead of writing, to keep messages secret. \ مَجْمُوعَة سَكَنِيّة متكامِلة \ housing estate: a large group of houses that are built together at one time, often with their own shops, like a small new town. \ مَجْمُوعَة قوانين \ code: a special collection of laws, rules, or customs: an established code of behaviour; Christianity’s moral code. \ مَجْمُوعَة كاملة من وَرَق اللّعب \ pack: a set of playing cards. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسَة \ colony: a group of people or animals of the same kind, living together: a colony of artists; a colony of ants; a colony of Americans in Rome. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسة من الطّلاب يدرسون مَعًا (في المدارس)‏ \ stream: (in schools) a division of children of the same age according to their ability. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُتَرابِطَة \ complex: sth. (esp. a building) made up of many different but related parts: a factory complex. \ مَجْمُوعَة المُفردات ومعانِيها (في آخر كتاب)‏ \ vocabulary: a list of words with their meanings (at the end of a school book; in a student’s notebook). \ مَجْمُوعَة مَقالات \ omnibus: a large book that contains various works of one writer (or of several writers, on related subjects): an omnibus of murder stories. \ مَجْمُوعَة من ورق الرسائِل \ pad: a block of writing-paper, in which the sheets are stuck together at one end. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُنَوّعَة \ assortment: an assorted collection: Our new shop has a large assortment of kitchen goods. choice: a variety from which to choose: The shop had a good choice of shoes. range: a variety (between limits that may not be stated): a wide range of colours (from light yellow to dark brown). \ مَجْمُوعَة نجوم ثابِتَة \ constellation: a group of fixed stars, often with a name, such as the Great Bear.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مجموعة

  • 7 out

    1) adverb, adjective not in a building etc; from inside a building etc; in(to) the open air:

    They went out for a walk.

    2) adverb from inside (something):

    He opened the desk and took out a pencil.

    3) adverb, adjective away from home, an office etc:

    The manager is out.

    4) adverb, adjective far away:

    He went out to India.

    5) adverb loudly and clearly:

    He shouted out the answer.

    6) adverb completely:

    She was tired out.

    7) adverb, adjective not correct:

    My calculations seem to be out.

    8) adverb, adjective free, known, available etc:

    The secret is out.

    9) adverb, adjective (in games) having been defeated:

    The batsman was (caught) out.

    10) adverb, adjective on strike:

    The men came out in protest.

    11) adverb, adjective no longer in fashion:

    Long hair is definitely out.

    12) adverb, adjective (of the tide) with the water at or going to its lowest level:

    The tide is (going) out.

    13) adjective unacceptable:

    That suggestion is definitely out.

    1) not inside or near, as in out-lying.
    في الخارِج، خارِجا
    2) indicating outward movement, as in outburst.
    من داخِلِه
    3) indicating that the action goes further or beyond a normal action, as in outshine.
    خارِج البيْت أو المَكْتَب، في الخارِج

    Arabic-English dictionary > out

  • 8 قطعة

    قِطْعَة \ fragment: a small part that has been broken off. lump: a small mass with no regular shape: a lump of earth; a lump of butter. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ قِطْعَة (صَابُون)‏ \ tablet: (of soap for washing one’s body) a piece. \ See Also لوح (لَوْح)‏ \ قِطْعَة \ a lump of sugar: a neat little block of sugar for putting in tea or coffee. \ See Also مُكَعَّب سُكّر \ قِطْعَة \ piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). \ See Also شَيءٌ مِنْ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض \ property: a piece of land, with any building on it: We’ve bought a small property by the sea. \ See Also عقار (عَقَار)‏ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض صغيرة \ plot: a small piece of land, suitable for a building or garden. \ قِطْعَة إضَافِيّة \ accessory: a useful thing or part which is added to sth. else: A bell is a usual accessory for a bicycle. \ قِطْعَة حَلْوَى \ sweet: a piece of sugary food (such as Chocolate or Peppermint). \ قِطْعَة صَغيرة \ bit: a small piece of anything: a bit of paper. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. shred: a thin bit (of cloth, paper, etc.) that has been torn off sth.: He tore the letter into shreds. \ قِطْعَة ضَخْمَة \ block: a large piece of sth. solid (wood, stone, metal, etc.). \ قِطْعَة طويلة ضيّقة (من الوَرق، القماش، الأرض، إلخ)‏ \ strip: a long narrow piece: a strip of cloth; a strip of land. \ قِطْعَة عازلة للحرارة (توضع تحت الطبق الساخن)‏ \ mat: a small piece of material, put under hot dishes to save a table, etc. from damage. \ قِطْعَة غَليظَة \ chunk: thick piece cut or broken off sth. (meat, metal, etc.): a chunk of rock. \ See Also ضَخْمَة \ قِطْعَة غِيَار \ part: a necessary piece of a machine: He went to get a spare part for his car. spare: a spare part of a machine. \ قِطْعَة فَنّيّة \ work of art: sth. perfectly made, esp. in one of the fine arts. \ قِطْعَة قماش \ cloth, (cloths): a piece of cloth for a special purpose: a tablecloth; a cloth for cleaning one’s shoes. \ قِطْعَة قماش لطِلاء الوَجه بالمَسَاحِيق \ powder puff: a piece of soft material with which a woman powders her face. \ قِطْعَة كبيرة \ hunk: a thick piece of sth. (bread, meat, cheese, etc.). \ قِطْعَة لَحْم بِعَظْمِها \ joint: a bone with the meat on it, ready for cooking. \ قِطْعَة مختارة \ passage: a particular part of a piece of writing: She read me an exciting passage from her new book. \ قِطْعَة مُعْشِبَة من الأَرْض \ sod: a cut piece of earth with grass growing from it. \ قِطْعَة من السُّكَّر على طَرف عُود \ lollipop: a sweet fastened to a small stick. \ قِطْعَة مَنْحُوتة \ sculpture: an example of sculpture (see فنّ النحت): The winged Victory is a famous Greek sculpture. \ قِطْعَة مُوسِيقِيَّة \ composition: a piece of writing or music: Your English composition was well written. \ قِطْعَة نَقْد معدنيّة \ coin: a piece of money made of metal. \ قِطْعَة نُقُود \ piece: a coin: a 50 pence piece.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قطعة

  • 9 سلم

    سُلَّم \ ladder: a movable set of wooden steps, for climbing to reach sth.: He climbed a ladder to clean the top windows. scale: a fixed set of different levels: a pay scale (with regular increases); a musical scale (with 5 or 8 notes that rise in a regular form). stair, staircase, stairway: a set of steps that lead from one level inside a building to another. \ See Also درج (دَرَج)‏ \ سُلَّم \ fire escape: an extra set of stairs on the outside of a building for use in the event of fire. \ See Also مَهْرَب الحريق \ سُلَّم بسَنَّادة \ step ladder: a ladder with a folding support. \ سُلَّم حَجَريّ \ step: (usu. outside a building, compared with stairs in a building) a set of these: He ran down the steps into the street. \ سُلَّم من جُزئَيْن قابل للطّيّ (سِيبة)‏ \ step: (also a pair of steps, a step-ladder) a short ladder which rests on a supporting frame: He got up on the steps to paint the ceiling. \ سُلَّم نَقَّال (سِيبَة)‏ \ step ladder: a ladder with a folding support.

    Arabic-English dictionary > سلم

  • 10 باب

    بَاب \ door: (also doorway) the entrance to a room or building: My wife came through the door. door, doorway: sth. that closes the entrance: Please open the door. entrance: a way in (door, gate, etc.): He met me at the entrance. gate, (also [b]gateway)[/b]: an opening in a wall or fence, where men or vehicles may enter. \ See Also مدخل (مَدْخَل)، بوابة (بَوَّابَة)‏ \ بَاب أماميّ \ front door: a door at the front, from the street. \ بَاب جَانِبيّ \ side door: (of a building) a door that is neither at the front nor at the back: He went in by the side door. \ بَاب خلفيّ \ back door: a door at the back of a house, from a yard or garden. \ بَاب مَسْحُور (= باب في أرضيّة أو سقف)‏ \ trap-door: a door in a floor or roof.

    Arabic-English dictionary > باب

  • 11 observatory

    مَرْصَد فَلَكِيّ \ observatory: a building from which scientists can watch the stars, the weather, etc., with the help of special instruments. \ مَرْقَب \ observatory: a building from which scientists can watch the stars, the weather, etc., with the help of special instruments.

    Arabic-English glossary > observatory

  • 12 stair, staircase, stairway

    دَرَج \ stair, staircase, stairway: a set of steps that lead from one level inside a building to another. \ مِرْقاة \ stair, staircase, stairway: a set of steps that lead from one level inside a building to another.

    Arabic-English glossary > stair, staircase, stairway

  • 13 plan

    1. noun
    1) an idea of how to do something; a method of doing something:

    If everyone follows this plan, we will succeed

    I have worked out a plan for making a lot of money.

    2) an intention or arrangement:

    What are your plans for tomorrow?

    مَقْصَد، قَصْد، تَخْطيط
    3) a drawing, diagram etc showing a building, town etc as if seen from above:

    These are the plans of/for our new house

    a street-plan.

    خَريطَه، تَصْميم
    2. verb
    past tense, past participle planned
    1) ( sometimes with on) to intend (to do something):

    They are planning a trip to Italy.

    2) to decide how something is to be done; to arrange (something):

    We'll have to plan very carefully if we are to succeed.

    يُقَرِّر عَلى ، يَنْوي، يَعْتَزِم
    3) to design (a building, town etc):

    This is the architect who planned the building.


    Arabic-English dictionary > plan

  • 14 هز

    هَزَّ \ jolt: to shake suddenly: Don’t jolt the table when I’m writing. rock: to swing or shake from side to side: A wave rocked the boat. An explosion rocked the building. shake;: (p.t. shook) to shock: We were shaken by the news of his death, move quickly from side to side, or up and down I shook the sand out of my shoes. He shook his head from side to side, to show disagreement (the opposite of nod). \ هَزَّ \ swing: to move from side to side or in a curve: The door was swinging in the wind. He swung the little boy on to his shoulder. \ هَزَّ \ shook (p.t. of shake). \ See Also إلخ \ هَزَّ بعنف \ jerk: to pull or move suddenly and roughly: He jerked the cloth off the table. \ See Also نثر (نَثَرَ)‏ \ هَزَّ رأسه \ nod: to bend (the head) forward a little esp. as a sign of agreement: I asked whether she was ready, and she nodded (her head). \ هَزَّ الكَتِفَيْن استِخْفَافًا \ shrug: a shrugging movement: He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. \ هَزَّ كَتِفَيْه للدّلالة على عَدَم الاكْتِراث \ shrug: to raise (one’s shoulders) slightly, so as to show that one does not care. \ هَزَّ من جانب لآخر (ذيل الكلب)‏ \ wag: (esp. of a dog’s tail) to move from side to side.

    Arabic-English dictionary > هز

  • 15 high

    1. adjective
    1) at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc:

    a dive from the high diving-board.

    2) having a particular height:

    My horse is fifteen hands high.

    ذو ارتفاع، أرتِفاعُهُ
    3) great; large; considerable:

    The child has a high fever/temperature.

    عظيم، عالٍ
    4) most important; very important:

    a high official.

    5) noble; good:

    high ideals.

    نبيل، رفيع، جيِّد
    6) (of a wind) strong:

    The wind is high tonight.

    7) (of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range:

    a high note.

    نغمة عاليَه
    8) (of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's):

    He still speaks in a high voice.

    عالي الصوت
    9) (of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.
    10) having great value:

    Aces and kings are high cards.

    ذو قيمة عاليَه
    2. adverb
    at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc:

    He'll rise high in his profession.

    على ارتفاع عالٍ

    Arabic-English dictionary > high

  • 16 fire-escape

    a means of escape from a building in case of fire, usually in the form of a metal staircase on the outside of the building:

    Hotels should have fire-escapes.

    سُلَّم النَّجاة مِن الحَريق

    Arabic-English dictionary > fire-escape

  • 17 interior

    1. adjective
    on, of etc, the inside of (something):

    the interior walls of a building.

    2. noun

    The interior of the house was very attractive.

    داخِل البِنايَه
    2) the part of a country away from the coast, borders etc:

    The explorers landed on the coast, and then travelled into the interior.

    المنطِقَه الداخليَّه للبلاد

    Arabic-English dictionary > interior

  • 18 إسمنت

    إِسْمِنْت \ cement: a grey powder (made from burnt lime) that hardens when mixed with water, used esp. in building. \ إِسْمَنْت مُسَلَّح \ concrete: a hard material for building made of lime mixed with sand and water.

    Arabic-English dictionary > إسمنت

  • 19 سطا على

    سَطَا على \ burgle, burglarize: to enter (a building) and steal: My house was burgled last night. rob: to steal from (a person, building or enclosed place): He robbed me of my watch (by force, or while I slept, etc.). They robbed the bank. The lawyer robbed the old lady (he charged her too much, or took her money by a trick). \ See Also سرق (سَرَقَ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > سطا على

  • 20 شكل

    شَكْل \ figure: a drawing that explains sth.; a shape: A circle is a round figure. form: a kind: Ice is a solid form of water. A bus is a form of vehicle. formation: sth. shaped, arranged or formed: The weather can sometimes be guessed from cloud formation. pattern: any (usu. pleasing) arrangement of shapes: the pattern of leaves against the sky. shape: appearance; a form: What shape is it? Round or square? Houses in different places have different shapes. \ See Also هيئة (هَيْئَة)، نوع (نَوْع)، تكوين (تَكْوِين)‏ \ بِأيّ شَكْل \ any: (with comparative words): Do you feel any better? He’s too old to go any faster. \ بِشَكْل \ somehow: in some way or the other, by some means or other: I’ll pay for it somehow, even if I have to ask someone to lend me the money. \ See Also بِطَريقة ما \ بِشَكْل جُنونيّ \ madly: in a mad way; very much: He’s madly keen on football. \ بِشَكْل دائريّ \ round: in a circular way: The wheels were turning round. The hands go round the clock. \ بِشَكْل رَديء أو سَيِّئ \ poorly: badly: a poorly built house. \ بِشَكْل طبيعيّ \ naturally: in a natural way (in all senses). \ See Also بِشَكْل عاديّ \ بِشَكْل عام \ on the whole: considering everything; general view: On the whole, he behaved quite well. \ بِشَكْل غريب \ peculiarly: strangely. \ بِشَكْل غير مُتقَن \ roughly: not carefully: a roughly made knot. \ بِشَكْل غير مُنتظم \ fits and starts: in short bursts; starting and stopping: The engine only goes in fits and starts. \ بِشَكْل فادِح \ grossly: very much; unpleasantly: He was grossly rude to the young girl. \ بِشَكْل مُرْضٍ \ all right: also alright satisfactorily: They got back all right, in spite of the storm. The box shuts all right, but it doesn’t lock properly. \ بِشَكْل مُطَّرِد \ steadily: in a steady way: He is steadily improving. \ بِشَكْل مُطْلَق \ flatly: directly and firmly: He flatly refused to help. \ بِشَكْل مُعْتَدِل \ mildly: only slightly; not strongly: I was only mildly surprised. \ بِشَكْل مُفْرِط \ grossly: very much; unpleasantly: She is grossly fat. He was grossly rude to the young girl. \ بِشَكْل واسع \ widely: greatly: He is widely known as a singer. \ شَكْل \ form: shape; appearance: The building was in the form of a letter H. \ شَكْل بَلّوري \ crystal: the regular shape of certain substances (e.g. salt, sugar, snow, ice, etc.) when solid. \ شَكْل الجِسْم البَشَري \ figure: a human form: A dark figure was standing in the moonlight. That girl has a graceful figure. \ الشَّكْل العام \ outline: a line that shows the shape of sth.: The outline of a ball is a circle. We could see the outline of a building against a moonlit sky. \ شَكْل القلب \ heart: (on playing cards, or as a sign of love) a shape like this < coeur>. \ شَكْل مُتَوَازي الأَضْلاع \ parallelogram: a flat figure (with 4 straight sides) whose opposite sides are parallel. \ شَكْل مُخْتلِف لِـ \ variation: (a) change or difference (in amount, etc.); (a) different form: This music takes the form of several variations on an old song. \ شَكْل مُرَبَّع \ square: a shape with four equal sides and equal angles. \ شَكْل مُسْتَطِيل \ rectangle: any foursided figure with squared corners, like a door or the top of a box. \ شَكْل نَجْمَة \ star: a sign on paper that is shaped like a star (sometimes called an asterisk).

    Arabic-English dictionary > شكل

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