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  • 81 גדל I, גדל

    גָּדַלI, גָּדֵל (b. h.; v. גדל II) to be high, to grow, be large, tall. Ex. R. s. 1 שהיה גָדֵל שלאוכ׳ he was extraordinarily tall for his age. Ib. וכי אין הכל גְּדֵילִים do not all children grow?Y.Maasr.I, 49a, v. טְפוּס; a. fr. Fem. גְּדֵילָה, pl. גְּדֵילוֹת. Succ.34a; a. fr. Pi. גִּדֵּל, גִּידֵּל 1) to raise (of live stock and of plants); to rear, train. Kil. VIII, 1 מּותרים לגַדֵּל you are permitted to raise. Snh.19b מיכל גִּידְּלָה Michal reared (Mirabs children). Ib.; Meg.13a המְגַדֵּל יתוםוכ׳ he who educates an orphan in his house. Gen. R. s. 98 הינ … מְגַדְּלִים שער they let their hair grow (in mourning). Erub.100b מְגַדָּלֶת שער she lets her hair grow (does not cut it); a. fr. 2) to raise to dignity, make famous; to praise. Hor.9a (ref. to Lev. 21:10) whence do we know אם אין לו שחייבין לגַדְּלוֹ when he (the Highpriest) is poor, that they (the brethren) are bound to raise him (make him independent)? Ib. גַּדְּלֵהוּ משל אחיו raise him by a collection from his brethren (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.). Esth. R. to III, 1 למה גִדְּלוֹ for what purpose did (the Lord) raise him? Yalk. Esth. 1053 עד היכן גִּידְּלוֹוכ׳ how high did he raise him? Fifty cubits (to the gallows); a. fr.Y.Meg.III, end, 74c (ref. to הגדול, Neh. 8:6) במה גִידְּלֹו wherewith did he magnify the Lord (describe His greatness)?; Yoma 69b ג׳ בשםוכ׳ he praised the Lord by pronouncing the tetragrammaton; Y.Ber.VII, 11c גודלו (corr. acc.)Part. pass. מְגוּרָּל well grown. Ber.11a; a. fr.Kidd.49a, b, v. גַּדֶּלֶת. Hif. הִגְדִּיל to grow up, to become of age. Yeb.X, 9 וּמִשֶּׁהִ׳ and after he is of age. Ib. XIII, 1 עד שתַּגְדִּיל until she becomes of age; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְגַּדֵּל, Nithpa. נִתְגַּדֵּל 1) to be raised to dignity. Esth. R. to III, 1 יִתְגַּדֵּל ואח״כ יתלה let him first become great and then be hanged. Gen. R. s. 99, end (play on פֹּרָת, Gen. 49:22) ע״י פָּרוֹת נ׳ by means of cows (Pharaohs dream) was he raised to power; a. fr. 2) to be magnified. Y.Ber.IX, 14a top; Y.Taan.I, 64b top יִתְגַּדֵּלוכ׳ may Thy Name be glorified, sanctified ; a. e. 3) to glorify ones self, to boast, parade. Ned.62a; Ab. IV, 5 אל תעשם עטרה להִתְגַּדֵּל בהם make them (the words of the Law) not a crown to parade therewith. 4) to grow, prosper, be nursed. Tanḥ. Vzoth 1; Pesik. ib. p. 199a> הרי … מִתְגַּדֵּל עמו the poison-bearing tree will be nursed along with it (the health-giving tree). Tanḥ. Bresh. 7 נִתְגַּדַּלְתָּ וחטאת thou didst grow older and didst sin, opp. תינוק היית; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > גדל I, גדל

  • 82 גָּדַל

    גָּדַלI, גָּדֵל (b. h.; v. גדל II) to be high, to grow, be large, tall. Ex. R. s. 1 שהיה גָדֵל שלאוכ׳ he was extraordinarily tall for his age. Ib. וכי אין הכל גְּדֵילִים do not all children grow?Y.Maasr.I, 49a, v. טְפוּס; a. fr. Fem. גְּדֵילָה, pl. גְּדֵילוֹת. Succ.34a; a. fr. Pi. גִּדֵּל, גִּידֵּל 1) to raise (of live stock and of plants); to rear, train. Kil. VIII, 1 מּותרים לגַדֵּל you are permitted to raise. Snh.19b מיכל גִּידְּלָה Michal reared (Mirabs children). Ib.; Meg.13a המְגַדֵּל יתוםוכ׳ he who educates an orphan in his house. Gen. R. s. 98 הינ … מְגַדְּלִים שער they let their hair grow (in mourning). Erub.100b מְגַדָּלֶת שער she lets her hair grow (does not cut it); a. fr. 2) to raise to dignity, make famous; to praise. Hor.9a (ref. to Lev. 21:10) whence do we know אם אין לו שחייבין לגַדְּלוֹ when he (the Highpriest) is poor, that they (the brethren) are bound to raise him (make him independent)? Ib. גַּדְּלֵהוּ משל אחיו raise him by a collection from his brethren (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.). Esth. R. to III, 1 למה גִדְּלוֹ for what purpose did (the Lord) raise him? Yalk. Esth. 1053 עד היכן גִּידְּלוֹוכ׳ how high did he raise him? Fifty cubits (to the gallows); a. fr.Y.Meg.III, end, 74c (ref. to הגדול, Neh. 8:6) במה גִידְּלֹו wherewith did he magnify the Lord (describe His greatness)?; Yoma 69b ג׳ בשםוכ׳ he praised the Lord by pronouncing the tetragrammaton; Y.Ber.VII, 11c גודלו (corr. acc.)Part. pass. מְגוּרָּל well grown. Ber.11a; a. fr.Kidd.49a, b, v. גַּדֶּלֶת. Hif. הִגְדִּיל to grow up, to become of age. Yeb.X, 9 וּמִשֶּׁהִ׳ and after he is of age. Ib. XIII, 1 עד שתַּגְדִּיל until she becomes of age; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְגַּדֵּל, Nithpa. נִתְגַּדֵּל 1) to be raised to dignity. Esth. R. to III, 1 יִתְגַּדֵּל ואח״כ יתלה let him first become great and then be hanged. Gen. R. s. 99, end (play on פֹּרָת, Gen. 49:22) ע״י פָּרוֹת נ׳ by means of cows (Pharaohs dream) was he raised to power; a. fr. 2) to be magnified. Y.Ber.IX, 14a top; Y.Taan.I, 64b top יִתְגַּדֵּלוכ׳ may Thy Name be glorified, sanctified ; a. e. 3) to glorify ones self, to boast, parade. Ned.62a; Ab. IV, 5 אל תעשם עטרה להִתְגַּדֵּל בהם make them (the words of the Law) not a crown to parade therewith. 4) to grow, prosper, be nursed. Tanḥ. Vzoth 1; Pesik. ib. p. 199a> הרי … מִתְגַּדֵּל עמו the poison-bearing tree will be nursed along with it (the health-giving tree). Tanḥ. Bresh. 7 נִתְגַּדַּלְתָּ וחטאת thou didst grow older and didst sin, opp. תינוק היית; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > גָּדַל

  • 83 גהץ

    גָּהַץ(cmp. גהט) to be bright, glad, willing. Gen. R. s. 39 (combine text of ed. with vers, of Ar. and read:) וא״ת שלא ג׳ אברהם ושמח על דבור המקום שאילו ג׳ ושמח למה לא יצא and if you will say, Abraham was not glad and joyful over the command of the Lord (to leave his home), for if he were so, why did he not emigrate (until he was commanded)? Pi. גִּיהֵץ, Hif. הִגְהִיץ to polish ( clothes), iron, gloss. Cant. R. to IV, 11 the cloud rubbed their clothes ומַגְהִיצָן and polished them; Midr. Till. to Ps. 23 ומְגַהֲצָן; Yalk. Deut. 850; Ps. 691 ענני כביד היו מְגַהֲצִיןוכ׳; Pesik. Bshall. p. 92a> מַגְהִיצִיםוכ׳; (Deut. R. s. 7 ומלבנן). Ib. אין מג׳ אלא באור, (v. אַמְיַינְטֹון) is cleansed only by fire.Part. Pu. מְגוּהָץ, pl. מְגוּהָצִין. Pes.109a. Y.M. Kat. III, 82a bot. Hithpa. הִתְגָּהֵץ to be polished. Cant. R. l. c., a. parallel, passages, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > גהץ

  • 84 גָּהַץ

    גָּהַץ(cmp. גהט) to be bright, glad, willing. Gen. R. s. 39 (combine text of ed. with vers, of Ar. and read:) וא״ת שלא ג׳ אברהם ושמח על דבור המקום שאילו ג׳ ושמח למה לא יצא and if you will say, Abraham was not glad and joyful over the command of the Lord (to leave his home), for if he were so, why did he not emigrate (until he was commanded)? Pi. גִּיהֵץ, Hif. הִגְהִיץ to polish ( clothes), iron, gloss. Cant. R. to IV, 11 the cloud rubbed their clothes ומַגְהִיצָן and polished them; Midr. Till. to Ps. 23 ומְגַהֲצָן; Yalk. Deut. 850; Ps. 691 ענני כביד היו מְגַהֲצִיןוכ׳; Pesik. Bshall. p. 92a> מַגְהִיצִיםוכ׳; (Deut. R. s. 7 ומלבנן). Ib. אין מג׳ אלא באור, (v. אַמְיַינְטֹון) is cleansed only by fire.Part. Pu. מְגוּהָץ, pl. מְגוּהָצִין. Pes.109a. Y.M. Kat. III, 82a bot. Hithpa. הִתְגָּהֵץ to be polished. Cant. R. l. c., a. parallel, passages, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > גָּהַץ

  • 85 גנב

    גְּנַב, גְּנֵיבch. sam(גנבto deceive by a false impression on the eye, to delude). Targ. Y. Gen. 31:30. Ib. 20. Targ. O. Deut. 24:7 גָּנֵיב (Y. גְּנִיב, corr. acc.); a. fr.Part. pass. גְּנִיב. Targ. O Gen. 40:15 גְּנֵיבְנָא ed. Berl. I have been stolen.Ruth R. introd. 3 (a trial before a Roman court) גְּנַבְתּוּן לא גְנַבְנוּן “Ye have stolen”.‘We have not …; לא גָנַבְתְּ מאן ג׳ עמך “thou hast not stolen? Who has been stealing with thee?”; Gen. R. s. 37; s. 63. B. Kam.65b תורא גַנְבִי מינך was it an ox I stole from thee?Ib. 67b עד דגְנֵיב תרי (he is not bound to pay) unless he stole two animals; a. fr. Pa. גַּנֵּיב 1) same. Targ. Jer. 23:30. 2) to go round about. Keth.19a גַנּוֹבָא גַּנּוּבֵי למה לךוכ׳ O thou cunning man, what is the use of thy going round about?; Yeb.91a; B. Bath. 133a גַּנָּבָא גנובי Ms. R. (ed. גנבא גנבי, corr. acc.).Part. pass. מְגַנַּב crooked. Targ. Jud. 5:6 אורחן מְגַנְּבָן (h. text עקלקל׳). Ithpa. אִיתְגַּנַּב, Ithpe. אִיתְגְּנַב, אִיגְּנַב 1) to be stolen. Targ. Ex. 22:11. Targ. Y. Gen. 40:15; a. e.B. Mets.34a top מי יימר דמִיגּנְּבָא who can say that it will be stolen? Ib. 24a אִגְּנִיב כסאוכ׳ a silver goblet was stolen from the inn; a. e. 2) to sneak away. Targ. 2 Sam. 19:4.

    Jewish literature > גנב

  • 86 גניב

    גְּנַב, גְּנֵיבch. sam(גנבto deceive by a false impression on the eye, to delude). Targ. Y. Gen. 31:30. Ib. 20. Targ. O. Deut. 24:7 גָּנֵיב (Y. גְּנִיב, corr. acc.); a. fr.Part. pass. גְּנִיב. Targ. O Gen. 40:15 גְּנֵיבְנָא ed. Berl. I have been stolen.Ruth R. introd. 3 (a trial before a Roman court) גְּנַבְתּוּן לא גְנַבְנוּן “Ye have stolen”.‘We have not …; לא גָנַבְתְּ מאן ג׳ עמך “thou hast not stolen? Who has been stealing with thee?”; Gen. R. s. 37; s. 63. B. Kam.65b תורא גַנְבִי מינך was it an ox I stole from thee?Ib. 67b עד דגְנֵיב תרי (he is not bound to pay) unless he stole two animals; a. fr. Pa. גַּנֵּיב 1) same. Targ. Jer. 23:30. 2) to go round about. Keth.19a גַנּוֹבָא גַּנּוּבֵי למה לךוכ׳ O thou cunning man, what is the use of thy going round about?; Yeb.91a; B. Bath. 133a גַּנָּבָא גנובי Ms. R. (ed. גנבא גנבי, corr. acc.).Part. pass. מְגַנַּב crooked. Targ. Jud. 5:6 אורחן מְגַנְּבָן (h. text עקלקל׳). Ithpa. אִיתְגַּנַּב, Ithpe. אִיתְגְּנַב, אִיגְּנַב 1) to be stolen. Targ. Ex. 22:11. Targ. Y. Gen. 40:15; a. e.B. Mets.34a top מי יימר דמִיגּנְּבָא who can say that it will be stolen? Ib. 24a אִגְּנִיב כסאוכ׳ a silver goblet was stolen from the inn; a. e. 2) to sneak away. Targ. 2 Sam. 19:4.

    Jewish literature > גניב

  • 87 גְּנַב

    גְּנַב, גְּנֵיבch. sam(גנבto deceive by a false impression on the eye, to delude). Targ. Y. Gen. 31:30. Ib. 20. Targ. O. Deut. 24:7 גָּנֵיב (Y. גְּנִיב, corr. acc.); a. fr.Part. pass. גְּנִיב. Targ. O Gen. 40:15 גְּנֵיבְנָא ed. Berl. I have been stolen.Ruth R. introd. 3 (a trial before a Roman court) גְּנַבְתּוּן לא גְנַבְנוּן “Ye have stolen”.‘We have not …; לא גָנַבְתְּ מאן ג׳ עמך “thou hast not stolen? Who has been stealing with thee?”; Gen. R. s. 37; s. 63. B. Kam.65b תורא גַנְבִי מינך was it an ox I stole from thee?Ib. 67b עד דגְנֵיב תרי (he is not bound to pay) unless he stole two animals; a. fr. Pa. גַּנֵּיב 1) same. Targ. Jer. 23:30. 2) to go round about. Keth.19a גַנּוֹבָא גַּנּוּבֵי למה לךוכ׳ O thou cunning man, what is the use of thy going round about?; Yeb.91a; B. Bath. 133a גַּנָּבָא גנובי Ms. R. (ed. גנבא גנבי, corr. acc.).Part. pass. מְגַנַּב crooked. Targ. Jud. 5:6 אורחן מְגַנְּבָן (h. text עקלקל׳). Ithpa. אִיתְגַּנַּב, Ithpe. אִיתְגְּנַב, אִיגְּנַב 1) to be stolen. Targ. Ex. 22:11. Targ. Y. Gen. 40:15; a. e.B. Mets.34a top מי יימר דמִיגּנְּבָא who can say that it will be stolen? Ib. 24a אִגְּנִיב כסאוכ׳ a silver goblet was stolen from the inn; a. e. 2) to sneak away. Targ. 2 Sam. 19:4.

    Jewish literature > גְּנַב

  • 88 גְּנֵיב

    גְּנַב, גְּנֵיבch. sam(גנבto deceive by a false impression on the eye, to delude). Targ. Y. Gen. 31:30. Ib. 20. Targ. O. Deut. 24:7 גָּנֵיב (Y. גְּנִיב, corr. acc.); a. fr.Part. pass. גְּנִיב. Targ. O Gen. 40:15 גְּנֵיבְנָא ed. Berl. I have been stolen.Ruth R. introd. 3 (a trial before a Roman court) גְּנַבְתּוּן לא גְנַבְנוּן “Ye have stolen”.‘We have not …; לא גָנַבְתְּ מאן ג׳ עמך “thou hast not stolen? Who has been stealing with thee?”; Gen. R. s. 37; s. 63. B. Kam.65b תורא גַנְבִי מינך was it an ox I stole from thee?Ib. 67b עד דגְנֵיב תרי (he is not bound to pay) unless he stole two animals; a. fr. Pa. גַּנֵּיב 1) same. Targ. Jer. 23:30. 2) to go round about. Keth.19a גַנּוֹבָא גַּנּוּבֵי למה לךוכ׳ O thou cunning man, what is the use of thy going round about?; Yeb.91a; B. Bath. 133a גַּנָּבָא גנובי Ms. R. (ed. גנבא גנבי, corr. acc.).Part. pass. מְגַנַּב crooked. Targ. Jud. 5:6 אורחן מְגַנְּבָן (h. text עקלקל׳). Ithpa. אִיתְגַּנַּב, Ithpe. אִיתְגְּנַב, אִיגְּנַב 1) to be stolen. Targ. Ex. 22:11. Targ. Y. Gen. 40:15; a. e.B. Mets.34a top מי יימר דמִיגּנְּבָא who can say that it will be stolen? Ib. 24a אִגְּנִיב כסאוכ׳ a silver goblet was stolen from the inn; a. e. 2) to sneak away. Targ. 2 Sam. 19:4.

    Jewish literature > גְּנֵיב

  • 89 דברן

    דַּבְּרָןm. ( דבר) spokesman. Yalk. Gen. 151 למה אתה ד׳ why art thou the spokesman?

    Jewish literature > דברן

  • 90 דַּבְּרָן

    דַּבְּרָןm. ( דבר) spokesman. Yalk. Gen. 151 למה אתה ד׳ why art thou the spokesman?

    Jewish literature > דַּבְּרָן

  • 91 דוגמא

    דּוּגְמָא, דִּיגְמָא, דּוּגְמָהf. (δεῑγμα, cmp. παράδειγμα) 1) simile, illustration (cmp. מָשָׁל ל־, משל למה הדבר דומה). Cant. R., introd. עד … היתה ד׳ up to Solomons days the method of argument by illustration was unknown (in Hebrew literature). 2) show, exhibition, public appearance. Y.Hor.III, beg.47a די׳ דידכו דמיוכ׳ (prob. to be read דמיא) your appearance resembles that of your Maker. Eduy. v, 6; Ber.19a ד׳ השקוה it was for show that they made her drink, i. e. they merely pretended to give her the real ‘bitter waters; (oth. opin. they performed the act on one who was, likethemselves, a descendant of gentiles; Y.M. Kat. III, 81d דִּכְמָהּ השקוה, (a popular adaptation of our w.; v. דִּכְמָא), expl. דִּכְוָותָהּ something like it). Midr. Sam. ch. 20 (expl. תפקד לשלום, 1 Sam. 17:18) ד׳ דידהין how they look. 3) sample, example, token (corresp. to h. אוֹת). Ḥag. 16a (play on ד̇ג̇ול מ̇רבבה, Cant. 5:10) ד̇וג̇מ̇א הוא ברבבה שלו He is exemplified by His myriad (of angels), i. e. the Divine nature is recognized indirectly from the nature of His ministering messengers, v. Cant. R. to V, 9.Keth.28b קחו לכם ד׳וכ׳ take a warning example Taan.23a ד׳ לדורותa> sample (of greatfertility) as a lesson for future generations. Sabb.30b I will show thee דּוּגְמָתָןוכ׳ (Ms. M. דּוּגְמָתוֹ) the like thereof in this world.Ib. 11b the dyer must not go out on the Sabbath בדו׳ שבצוארו (Ar. בדי׳ שבאזנו; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בדו׳ שבאזנו) with the sample of colors around his neck, v. אוֹת II.Num. R. s. 6 (expl. Job 36:7 עיניו) ד׳ דידהו that which is like his own doing, i. e. some realization of his ideal, v. עֵינָא; Midr. Sam. ch. 28 דוגמה דידהון; Gen. R. s. 71 דוגמת דידיה (corr. acc.), v. next w.; a. fr.Pl. דּוּגְמוֹת. B. Kam. 119b, v. אוֹת II (Var. Ms. דּוּגְמָאוֹת). (Our w., owing to its phonetic resemblance to דִּכְמָא, is inflected as though it were a native, whence the forms: דּוּגְמָה, דּוּגְמת, דוּגְמָת־, דּוּגְמוֹת, and even a Var. to Tosef.Sabb.I, 8 דִּגְמוֹ, as though fr. דֶּגֶם.

    Jewish literature > דוגמא

  • 92 דיגמא

    דּוּגְמָא, דִּיגְמָא, דּוּגְמָהf. (δεῑγμα, cmp. παράδειγμα) 1) simile, illustration (cmp. מָשָׁל ל־, משל למה הדבר דומה). Cant. R., introd. עד … היתה ד׳ up to Solomons days the method of argument by illustration was unknown (in Hebrew literature). 2) show, exhibition, public appearance. Y.Hor.III, beg.47a די׳ דידכו דמיוכ׳ (prob. to be read דמיא) your appearance resembles that of your Maker. Eduy. v, 6; Ber.19a ד׳ השקוה it was for show that they made her drink, i. e. they merely pretended to give her the real ‘bitter waters; (oth. opin. they performed the act on one who was, likethemselves, a descendant of gentiles; Y.M. Kat. III, 81d דִּכְמָהּ השקוה, (a popular adaptation of our w.; v. דִּכְמָא), expl. דִּכְוָותָהּ something like it). Midr. Sam. ch. 20 (expl. תפקד לשלום, 1 Sam. 17:18) ד׳ דידהין how they look. 3) sample, example, token (corresp. to h. אוֹת). Ḥag. 16a (play on ד̇ג̇ול מ̇רבבה, Cant. 5:10) ד̇וג̇מ̇א הוא ברבבה שלו He is exemplified by His myriad (of angels), i. e. the Divine nature is recognized indirectly from the nature of His ministering messengers, v. Cant. R. to V, 9.Keth.28b קחו לכם ד׳וכ׳ take a warning example Taan.23a ד׳ לדורותa> sample (of greatfertility) as a lesson for future generations. Sabb.30b I will show thee דּוּגְמָתָןוכ׳ (Ms. M. דּוּגְמָתוֹ) the like thereof in this world.Ib. 11b the dyer must not go out on the Sabbath בדו׳ שבצוארו (Ar. בדי׳ שבאזנו; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בדו׳ שבאזנו) with the sample of colors around his neck, v. אוֹת II.Num. R. s. 6 (expl. Job 36:7 עיניו) ד׳ דידהו that which is like his own doing, i. e. some realization of his ideal, v. עֵינָא; Midr. Sam. ch. 28 דוגמה דידהון; Gen. R. s. 71 דוגמת דידיה (corr. acc.), v. next w.; a. fr.Pl. דּוּגְמוֹת. B. Kam. 119b, v. אוֹת II (Var. Ms. דּוּגְמָאוֹת). (Our w., owing to its phonetic resemblance to דִּכְמָא, is inflected as though it were a native, whence the forms: דּוּגְמָה, דּוּגְמת, דוּגְמָת־, דּוּגְמוֹת, and even a Var. to Tosef.Sabb.I, 8 דִּגְמוֹ, as though fr. דֶּגֶם.

    Jewish literature > דיגמא

  • 93 דּוּגְמָא

    דּוּגְמָא, דִּיגְמָא, דּוּגְמָהf. (δεῑγμα, cmp. παράδειγμα) 1) simile, illustration (cmp. מָשָׁל ל־, משל למה הדבר דומה). Cant. R., introd. עד … היתה ד׳ up to Solomons days the method of argument by illustration was unknown (in Hebrew literature). 2) show, exhibition, public appearance. Y.Hor.III, beg.47a די׳ דידכו דמיוכ׳ (prob. to be read דמיא) your appearance resembles that of your Maker. Eduy. v, 6; Ber.19a ד׳ השקוה it was for show that they made her drink, i. e. they merely pretended to give her the real ‘bitter waters; (oth. opin. they performed the act on one who was, likethemselves, a descendant of gentiles; Y.M. Kat. III, 81d דִּכְמָהּ השקוה, (a popular adaptation of our w.; v. דִּכְמָא), expl. דִּכְוָותָהּ something like it). Midr. Sam. ch. 20 (expl. תפקד לשלום, 1 Sam. 17:18) ד׳ דידהין how they look. 3) sample, example, token (corresp. to h. אוֹת). Ḥag. 16a (play on ד̇ג̇ול מ̇רבבה, Cant. 5:10) ד̇וג̇מ̇א הוא ברבבה שלו He is exemplified by His myriad (of angels), i. e. the Divine nature is recognized indirectly from the nature of His ministering messengers, v. Cant. R. to V, 9.Keth.28b קחו לכם ד׳וכ׳ take a warning example Taan.23a ד׳ לדורותa> sample (of greatfertility) as a lesson for future generations. Sabb.30b I will show thee דּוּגְמָתָןוכ׳ (Ms. M. דּוּגְמָתוֹ) the like thereof in this world.Ib. 11b the dyer must not go out on the Sabbath בדו׳ שבצוארו (Ar. בדי׳ שבאזנו; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בדו׳ שבאזנו) with the sample of colors around his neck, v. אוֹת II.Num. R. s. 6 (expl. Job 36:7 עיניו) ד׳ דידהו that which is like his own doing, i. e. some realization of his ideal, v. עֵינָא; Midr. Sam. ch. 28 דוגמה דידהון; Gen. R. s. 71 דוגמת דידיה (corr. acc.), v. next w.; a. fr.Pl. דּוּגְמוֹת. B. Kam. 119b, v. אוֹת II (Var. Ms. דּוּגְמָאוֹת). (Our w., owing to its phonetic resemblance to דִּכְמָא, is inflected as though it were a native, whence the forms: דּוּגְמָה, דּוּגְמת, דוּגְמָת־, דּוּגְמוֹת, and even a Var. to Tosef.Sabb.I, 8 דִּגְמוֹ, as though fr. דֶּגֶם.

    Jewish literature > דּוּגְמָא

  • 94 דִּיגְמָא

    דּוּגְמָא, דִּיגְמָא, דּוּגְמָהf. (δεῑγμα, cmp. παράδειγμα) 1) simile, illustration (cmp. מָשָׁל ל־, משל למה הדבר דומה). Cant. R., introd. עד … היתה ד׳ up to Solomons days the method of argument by illustration was unknown (in Hebrew literature). 2) show, exhibition, public appearance. Y.Hor.III, beg.47a די׳ דידכו דמיוכ׳ (prob. to be read דמיא) your appearance resembles that of your Maker. Eduy. v, 6; Ber.19a ד׳ השקוה it was for show that they made her drink, i. e. they merely pretended to give her the real ‘bitter waters; (oth. opin. they performed the act on one who was, likethemselves, a descendant of gentiles; Y.M. Kat. III, 81d דִּכְמָהּ השקוה, (a popular adaptation of our w.; v. דִּכְמָא), expl. דִּכְוָותָהּ something like it). Midr. Sam. ch. 20 (expl. תפקד לשלום, 1 Sam. 17:18) ד׳ דידהין how they look. 3) sample, example, token (corresp. to h. אוֹת). Ḥag. 16a (play on ד̇ג̇ול מ̇רבבה, Cant. 5:10) ד̇וג̇מ̇א הוא ברבבה שלו He is exemplified by His myriad (of angels), i. e. the Divine nature is recognized indirectly from the nature of His ministering messengers, v. Cant. R. to V, 9.Keth.28b קחו לכם ד׳וכ׳ take a warning example Taan.23a ד׳ לדורותa> sample (of greatfertility) as a lesson for future generations. Sabb.30b I will show thee דּוּגְמָתָןוכ׳ (Ms. M. דּוּגְמָתוֹ) the like thereof in this world.Ib. 11b the dyer must not go out on the Sabbath בדו׳ שבצוארו (Ar. בדי׳ שבאזנו; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בדו׳ שבאזנו) with the sample of colors around his neck, v. אוֹת II.Num. R. s. 6 (expl. Job 36:7 עיניו) ד׳ דידהו that which is like his own doing, i. e. some realization of his ideal, v. עֵינָא; Midr. Sam. ch. 28 דוגמה דידהון; Gen. R. s. 71 דוגמת דידיה (corr. acc.), v. next w.; a. fr.Pl. דּוּגְמוֹת. B. Kam. 119b, v. אוֹת II (Var. Ms. דּוּגְמָאוֹת). (Our w., owing to its phonetic resemblance to דִּכְמָא, is inflected as though it were a native, whence the forms: דּוּגְמָה, דּוּגְמת, דוּגְמָת־, דּוּגְמוֹת, and even a Var. to Tosef.Sabb.I, 8 דִּגְמוֹ, as though fr. דֶּגֶם.

    Jewish literature > דִּיגְמָא

  • 95 דּוּגְמָה

    דּוּגְמָא, דִּיגְמָא, דּוּגְמָהf. (δεῑγμα, cmp. παράδειγμα) 1) simile, illustration (cmp. מָשָׁל ל־, משל למה הדבר דומה). Cant. R., introd. עד … היתה ד׳ up to Solomons days the method of argument by illustration was unknown (in Hebrew literature). 2) show, exhibition, public appearance. Y.Hor.III, beg.47a די׳ דידכו דמיוכ׳ (prob. to be read דמיא) your appearance resembles that of your Maker. Eduy. v, 6; Ber.19a ד׳ השקוה it was for show that they made her drink, i. e. they merely pretended to give her the real ‘bitter waters; (oth. opin. they performed the act on one who was, likethemselves, a descendant of gentiles; Y.M. Kat. III, 81d דִּכְמָהּ השקוה, (a popular adaptation of our w.; v. דִּכְמָא), expl. דִּכְוָותָהּ something like it). Midr. Sam. ch. 20 (expl. תפקד לשלום, 1 Sam. 17:18) ד׳ דידהין how they look. 3) sample, example, token (corresp. to h. אוֹת). Ḥag. 16a (play on ד̇ג̇ול מ̇רבבה, Cant. 5:10) ד̇וג̇מ̇א הוא ברבבה שלו He is exemplified by His myriad (of angels), i. e. the Divine nature is recognized indirectly from the nature of His ministering messengers, v. Cant. R. to V, 9.Keth.28b קחו לכם ד׳וכ׳ take a warning example Taan.23a ד׳ לדורותa> sample (of greatfertility) as a lesson for future generations. Sabb.30b I will show thee דּוּגְמָתָןוכ׳ (Ms. M. דּוּגְמָתוֹ) the like thereof in this world.Ib. 11b the dyer must not go out on the Sabbath בדו׳ שבצוארו (Ar. בדי׳ שבאזנו; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בדו׳ שבאזנו) with the sample of colors around his neck, v. אוֹת II.Num. R. s. 6 (expl. Job 36:7 עיניו) ד׳ דידהו that which is like his own doing, i. e. some realization of his ideal, v. עֵינָא; Midr. Sam. ch. 28 דוגמה דידהון; Gen. R. s. 71 דוגמת דידיה (corr. acc.), v. next w.; a. fr.Pl. דּוּגְמוֹת. B. Kam. 119b, v. אוֹת II (Var. Ms. דּוּגְמָאוֹת). (Our w., owing to its phonetic resemblance to דִּכְמָא, is inflected as though it were a native, whence the forms: דּוּגְמָה, דּוּגְמת, דוּגְמָת־, דּוּגְמוֹת, and even a Var. to Tosef.Sabb.I, 8 דִּגְמוֹ, as though fr. דֶּגֶם.

    Jewish literature > דּוּגְמָה

  • 96 דיעבך

    דִּיעֲבַךm. (= דְּאִיעֲבַד, Dithpe. of עֲבַד) having been done, diăbad, a dialectical term to indicate that the case before you is dealt with as a fact, and not with reference to its direct permissibility in the premises, לכתחילה; as a fact, decision ex post facto. Ḥull.2a הכל שוחטין לכתחילה ושחיטתן כשרה ד׳ the words of the Mishnah (I, 1), ‘All slaughter mean a direct permission (all may), whereas the immediately following clause, ‘And their slaughtering is ritually legitimate indicates a decision after the fact (which implies that deaf-mute persons must not be admitted to the slaughtering act)!Ib. b איכא הכל לכ׳ איכא הכל ד׳ sometimes ‘All … means a direct permission (all may), and sometimes a sanction after the fact. Ib. תרתי ד׳ למה לי why should there be in the Mishnah two diabads? Men.105b ד׳ אין לכ׳ לא if it has been done, it is legitimate, but directly permissible it is not. Ber.15a; a. v. fr.בְּדִ׳ as a diabad. Ḥull.15b לא קא מכשיר … אלא בד׳ R. Ḥ. declares the action legitimate after it has been done, but he does not directly authorize it; a. fr. Zeb.75b דאיעבד, read: דאיערב.

    Jewish literature > דיעבך

  • 97 דִּיעֲבַך

    דִּיעֲבַךm. (= דְּאִיעֲבַד, Dithpe. of עֲבַד) having been done, diăbad, a dialectical term to indicate that the case before you is dealt with as a fact, and not with reference to its direct permissibility in the premises, לכתחילה; as a fact, decision ex post facto. Ḥull.2a הכל שוחטין לכתחילה ושחיטתן כשרה ד׳ the words of the Mishnah (I, 1), ‘All slaughter mean a direct permission (all may), whereas the immediately following clause, ‘And their slaughtering is ritually legitimate indicates a decision after the fact (which implies that deaf-mute persons must not be admitted to the slaughtering act)!Ib. b איכא הכל לכ׳ איכא הכל ד׳ sometimes ‘All … means a direct permission (all may), and sometimes a sanction after the fact. Ib. תרתי ד׳ למה לי why should there be in the Mishnah two diabads? Men.105b ד׳ אין לכ׳ לא if it has been done, it is legitimate, but directly permissible it is not. Ber.15a; a. v. fr.בְּדִ׳ as a diabad. Ḥull.15b לא קא מכשיר … אלא בד׳ R. Ḥ. declares the action legitimate after it has been done, but he does not directly authorize it; a. fr. Zeb.75b דאיעבד, read: דאיערב.

    Jewish literature > דִּיעֲבַך

  • 98 דמי

    דמי, דָּמָה(b. h.; v. דמם, דום) 1) to mumble, think (cmp. דבב); to be silent. Denom. (דִּימָה,) דָּמוּת. 2) to imagine, compare. Denom. דְּמוּת. 3) (denom. of דְּמוּת) to resemble, be like, to imitate. Sabb.133b הוי דֹומֶה לו imitate Him. Ber.29b שתפלתו דֹומָה עליווכ׳ to whom his prayer appears like a burden. Taan.22b אין דורו דומה יפה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20) his generation was not considered worthy. B. Kam.92b; Yalk. Jud. 67 ובן אדם לדו׳ לו (not ובני) man associates with his equal. Sifra Shmini Par. 10, ch. XII; Ḥull.76b הַדֹּומֶה that which resembles the animal specified in the Bible (species); הד׳ לַדֹּומֶה what resembles the animal classified with the animal specified in the Bible (genus); a. fr.אֵינֹו דֹומֶה there is no resemblance, you cannot compare. Yeb.64a א׳ ד׳ תפלת … לתפלתוכ׳ you cannot compare the prayer of … to the prayer of Sabb.119b; a. fr.Hull. 48b זו דֹומָה לזו these are analogous cases, v. Pi. (משל) למה הדבר דומה (abbrev. מלה״ד, לה״ד) (a simile:) to what can this he compared?, a phrase introducing a simile. Taan.25b. Yoma 86b; a. v. fr. Nif. נִדְמָה ( 1) (b. h.) to be silenced, undone). 2) to be compared, to be imagined; to appear in the disguise of; to seem. Kidd.32b כמה״ש נִדְמוּ לו that they appeared to him as ministering angels; נדמו לו לערביים they appeared to him as if they were Arabs. Succ.52a צדיקים נ׳ להם כהרוכ׳ to the righteous sin will appear like a high mount; a. fr.נִדְמֶה an animal suspected to be a hybrid or looking like one (cmp. דְּמַאי), esp. a lamb looking like a kid, and vice versa. Bekh.12a ‘a ewe which gave birth to what looked like a kid. Ḥull.38b; a. fr. Pi. דִּימָּה 1) to compare, judge from analogy. Lev. R. s. 32 דִּמִּיתִיךָ להם I made thee like them (beasts). B. Bath. 130b ובלבד שלא יְדַמֶּהוכ׳ but one must not decide ritual cases by analogy; v. Ḥull.48b. 2) to have an opinion without authority to refer to. Gitt.19a; 37a מפני שאנו מְדַמִּין because we have such an opinion.Part. pass. מְדוּמֶּה, pl. מְדוּמִּין; כמ׳ אני it seems to me, כמ׳ אנו it seems to us Men.18a. Taan.23a; a. fr.Y.Ber.II, 5b bot. כמ׳ הייתי I thought.

    Jewish literature > דמי

  • 99 דמה

    דמי, דָּמָה(b. h.; v. דמם, דום) 1) to mumble, think (cmp. דבב); to be silent. Denom. (דִּימָה,) דָּמוּת. 2) to imagine, compare. Denom. דְּמוּת. 3) (denom. of דְּמוּת) to resemble, be like, to imitate. Sabb.133b הוי דֹומֶה לו imitate Him. Ber.29b שתפלתו דֹומָה עליווכ׳ to whom his prayer appears like a burden. Taan.22b אין דורו דומה יפה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20) his generation was not considered worthy. B. Kam.92b; Yalk. Jud. 67 ובן אדם לדו׳ לו (not ובני) man associates with his equal. Sifra Shmini Par. 10, ch. XII; Ḥull.76b הַדֹּומֶה that which resembles the animal specified in the Bible (species); הד׳ לַדֹּומֶה what resembles the animal classified with the animal specified in the Bible (genus); a. fr.אֵינֹו דֹומֶה there is no resemblance, you cannot compare. Yeb.64a א׳ ד׳ תפלת … לתפלתוכ׳ you cannot compare the prayer of … to the prayer of Sabb.119b; a. fr.Hull. 48b זו דֹומָה לזו these are analogous cases, v. Pi. (משל) למה הדבר דומה (abbrev. מלה״ד, לה״ד) (a simile:) to what can this he compared?, a phrase introducing a simile. Taan.25b. Yoma 86b; a. v. fr. Nif. נִדְמָה ( 1) (b. h.) to be silenced, undone). 2) to be compared, to be imagined; to appear in the disguise of; to seem. Kidd.32b כמה״ש נִדְמוּ לו that they appeared to him as ministering angels; נדמו לו לערביים they appeared to him as if they were Arabs. Succ.52a צדיקים נ׳ להם כהרוכ׳ to the righteous sin will appear like a high mount; a. fr.נִדְמֶה an animal suspected to be a hybrid or looking like one (cmp. דְּמַאי), esp. a lamb looking like a kid, and vice versa. Bekh.12a ‘a ewe which gave birth to what looked like a kid. Ḥull.38b; a. fr. Pi. דִּימָּה 1) to compare, judge from analogy. Lev. R. s. 32 דִּמִּיתִיךָ להם I made thee like them (beasts). B. Bath. 130b ובלבד שלא יְדַמֶּהוכ׳ but one must not decide ritual cases by analogy; v. Ḥull.48b. 2) to have an opinion without authority to refer to. Gitt.19a; 37a מפני שאנו מְדַמִּין because we have such an opinion.Part. pass. מְדוּמֶּה, pl. מְדוּמִּין; כמ׳ אני it seems to me, כמ׳ אנו it seems to us Men.18a. Taan.23a; a. fr.Y.Ber.II, 5b bot. כמ׳ הייתי I thought.

    Jewish literature > דמה

  • 100 דָּמָה

    דמי, דָּמָה(b. h.; v. דמם, דום) 1) to mumble, think (cmp. דבב); to be silent. Denom. (דִּימָה,) דָּמוּת. 2) to imagine, compare. Denom. דְּמוּת. 3) (denom. of דְּמוּת) to resemble, be like, to imitate. Sabb.133b הוי דֹומֶה לו imitate Him. Ber.29b שתפלתו דֹומָה עליווכ׳ to whom his prayer appears like a burden. Taan.22b אין דורו דומה יפה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20) his generation was not considered worthy. B. Kam.92b; Yalk. Jud. 67 ובן אדם לדו׳ לו (not ובני) man associates with his equal. Sifra Shmini Par. 10, ch. XII; Ḥull.76b הַדֹּומֶה that which resembles the animal specified in the Bible (species); הד׳ לַדֹּומֶה what resembles the animal classified with the animal specified in the Bible (genus); a. fr.אֵינֹו דֹומֶה there is no resemblance, you cannot compare. Yeb.64a א׳ ד׳ תפלת … לתפלתוכ׳ you cannot compare the prayer of … to the prayer of Sabb.119b; a. fr.Hull. 48b זו דֹומָה לזו these are analogous cases, v. Pi. (משל) למה הדבר דומה (abbrev. מלה״ד, לה״ד) (a simile:) to what can this he compared?, a phrase introducing a simile. Taan.25b. Yoma 86b; a. v. fr. Nif. נִדְמָה ( 1) (b. h.) to be silenced, undone). 2) to be compared, to be imagined; to appear in the disguise of; to seem. Kidd.32b כמה״ש נִדְמוּ לו that they appeared to him as ministering angels; נדמו לו לערביים they appeared to him as if they were Arabs. Succ.52a צדיקים נ׳ להם כהרוכ׳ to the righteous sin will appear like a high mount; a. fr.נִדְמֶה an animal suspected to be a hybrid or looking like one (cmp. דְּמַאי), esp. a lamb looking like a kid, and vice versa. Bekh.12a ‘a ewe which gave birth to what looked like a kid. Ḥull.38b; a. fr. Pi. דִּימָּה 1) to compare, judge from analogy. Lev. R. s. 32 דִּמִּיתִיךָ להם I made thee like them (beasts). B. Bath. 130b ובלבד שלא יְדַמֶּהוכ׳ but one must not decide ritual cases by analogy; v. Ḥull.48b. 2) to have an opinion without authority to refer to. Gitt.19a; 37a מפני שאנו מְדַמִּין because we have such an opinion.Part. pass. מְדוּמֶּה, pl. מְדוּמִּין; כמ׳ אני it seems to me, כמ׳ אנו it seems to us Men.18a. Taan.23a; a. fr.Y.Ber.II, 5b bot. כמ׳ הייתי I thought.

    Jewish literature > דָּמָה

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