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с чешского на английский


  • 61 out of the question

    (not to be thought of as possible; not to be done: It is quite out of the question for you to go out tonight.) vyloučeno
    * * *
    • vyloučeno!

    English-Czech dictionary > out of the question

  • 62 outright

    1. adverb
    1) (honestly: I told him outright what I thought.) otevřeně
    2) (immediately: He was killed outright.) naráz
    2. adjective
    (without any exception or doubt: He is the outright winner.) jasný, nepochybný
    * * *
    • upřímný
    • přímý
    • rovnou
    • otevřený

    English-Czech dictionary > outright

  • 63 pair

    [peə] 1. noun
    1) (a set of two of the same thing which are (intended to be) used etc together: a pair of shoes/gloves.) pár
    2) (a single thing made up of two parts: a pair of scissors; a pair of pants.) jedny (např. nůžky, kalhoty)
    3) (two people, animals etc, often one of either sex, who are thought of together for some reason: a pair of giant pandas; John and James are the guilty pair.) pár, dvojice
    2. verb
    (to make into a pair: She was paired with my brother in the tennis match.) spárovat
    * * *
    • pár
    • dvojice
    • člen Sněmovny lordů

    English-Czech dictionary > pair

  • 64 particular

    1) (of a single definite person, thing etc thought of separately from all others: this particular man/problem.) jednotlivý
    2) (more than ordinary: Please take particular care of this letter.) zvláštní
    3) (difficult to please: He is very particular about his food.) vybíravý
    - particulars
    - in particular
    * * *
    • zvláštní
    • podrobný
    • přesný
    • jednotlivý
    • konkrétní
    • mimořádný
    • detail

    English-Czech dictionary > particular

  • 65 petrify

    (to make (someone) very frightened; to terrify: The thought of having to make a speech petrified him.) nahánět strach
    * * *
    • ztuhnout
    • proměnit v kámen

    English-Czech dictionary > petrify

  • 66 possible

    1) (able to happen or be done: It's possible that the train will be delayed; We'll come as soon as possible; I'll do everything possible; She did the only possible thing in the circumstances.) možný
    2) (satisfactory; acceptable: I've thought of a possible solution to the problem.) uspokojivý, možný
    - possibly
    * * *
    • možný
    • možno

    English-Czech dictionary > possible

  • 67 premeditated

    (thought out in advance; planned: premeditated murder.) předem promyšlený
    * * *
    • úkladný
    • záměrný
    • promyšlený

    English-Czech dictionary > premeditated

  • 68 product

    1) (a result: The plan was the product of hours of thought.) výsledek
    2) (something manufactured: The firm manufactures metal products.) výrobek
    3) (the result of multiplying one number by another: The product of 9 and 2 is 18.) součin
    * * *
    • výsledek
    • výrobek
    • plod
    • produkt
    • součin

    English-Czech dictionary > product

  • 69 pussy

    1) (a cat, especially a kitten.) kotě
    2) ((slang, vulgar) a woman thought of as a sex object; a fuck.) kočka
    3) ((slang, vulgar) a woman's vagina.) číča
    * * *
    • vagína
    • zženštilý
    • pochva
    • píča
    • číča

    English-Czech dictionary > pussy

  • 70 put right

    1) (to repair; to remove faults etc in (something): There is something wrong with this kettle - can you put it right?) spravit, napravit
    2) (to put an end to or change (something that is wrong): You've made a mistake in that sum - you'd better put it right.) opravit
    3) (to put (a watch, clock etc) to the correct time.) nařídit
    4) (to correct (someone who has made a mistake): I thought the meeting was at 2.30, but he put me right.) vyvést z omylu
    5) (to make healthy again: That medicine will soon put you right.) vyléčit
    * * *
    • napravit

    English-Czech dictionary > put right

  • 71 puzzle

    1. verb
    1) (to perplex, baffle or bewilder: The question puzzled them; What puzzles me is how he got here so soon.) zmást
    2) (to think long and carefully about a problem etc: I puzzled over the sum for hours.) lámat si hlavu
    2. noun
    1) (a problem that causes a lot of thought: Her behaviour was a puzzle to him.) záhada
    2) (a kind of game or toy to test one's thinking, knowledge or skill: a jig-saw puzzle; a crossword puzzle.) hlavolam
    - puzzle out
    * * *
    • záhada
    • zmást
    • poplést
    • hádanka

    English-Czech dictionary > puzzle

  • 72 rash

    I [ræʃ] adjective
    (acting, or done, with little caution or thought: a rash person/action/statement; It was rash of you to leave your present job without first finding another.) unáhlený
    - rashness II [ræʃ] noun
    (a large number of red spots on the skin: That child has a rash - is it measles?) vyrážka
    * * *
    • ukvapený
    • vyrážka
    • zbrkle
    • prudce
    • příval
    • prudký
    • liják

    English-Czech dictionary > rash

  • 73 reckless

    (very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences: a reckless driver; reckless driving.) nedbalý, lehkomyslný
    - recklessness
    * * *
    • ledabylý
    • nedbalý
    • bezohledný
    • bezstarostný

    English-Czech dictionary > reckless

  • 74 regard

    1. verb
    1) ((with as) to consider to be: I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable.) považovat
    2) (to think of as being very good, important etc; to respect: He is very highly regarded by his friends.) vážit si, ctít
    3) (to think of (with a particular emotion or feeling): I regard him with horror; He regards his wife's behaviour with amusement.) uvažovat (o), pohlížet (na)
    4) (to look at: He regarded me over the top of his glasses.) dívat se na, pozorovat
    5) (to pay attention to (advice etc).) dbát
    2. noun
    1) (thought; attention: He ran into the burning house without regard for his safety.) ohled
    2) (sympathy; care; consideration: He shows no regard for other people.) ohled, zájem, pochopení
    3) (good opinion; respect: I hold him in high regard.) úcta
    - regardless
    - regards
    - as regards
    - with regard to
    * * *
    • týkat se
    • považovat
    • pokládat
    • ohled

    English-Czech dictionary > regard

  • 75 relish

    ['reliʃ] 1. verb
    (to enjoy greatly: He relishes his food; I relished the thought of telling my husband about my promotion.) radovat se (z), vychutnávat
    2. noun
    1) (pleasure; enjoyment: He ate the food with great relish; I have no relish for such a boring task.) chuť
    2) (a strong flavour, or a sauce etc for adding flavour.) příchuť, ochucení
    * * *
    • zavánět
    • záliba
    • pochutnat si
    • šmrnc
    • mít radost
    • aroma

    English-Czech dictionary > relish

  • 76 reputable

    adjective (respectable; well thought of: Is that a reputable firm?) solidní
    * * *
    • uznávaný
    • vážený
    • renomovaný

    English-Czech dictionary > reputable

  • 77 reverie

    1) (a state of pleasant dreamy thought: He was lost in reverie.) snění
    2) ((usually in plural) a day-dream: pleasant reveries.) snění s otevřenýma očima
    * * *
    • snění

    English-Czech dictionary > reverie

  • 78 school

    I 1. [sku:l] noun
    1) (a place for teaching especially children: She goes to the school; He's not at university - he's still at school; (American) He's still in school.) škola
    2) (the pupils of a school: The behaviour of this school in public is sometimes not very good.) škola
    3) (a series of meetings or a place for instruction etc: She runs a sewing school; a driving school.) kurs, škola
    4) (a department of a university or college dealing with a particular subject: the School of Mathematics.) fakulta
    5) ((American) a university or college.) univerzita, kolej
    6) (a group of people with the same ideas etc: There are two schools of thought about the treatment of this disease.) škola
    2. verb
    (to train through practice: We must school ourselves to be patient.) naučit se
    - schoolboy
    - schoolgirl
    - schoolchild
    - school-day
    - schooldays
    - schoolfellow
    - school-leaver
    - schoolmaster
    - schoolmate
    - school-teacher
    II [sku:l] noun
    (a group of certain kinds of fish, whales or other water animals swimming about: a school of porpoises.) hejno
    * * *
    • vzdělat
    • vyučovat
    • školní
    • škola

    English-Czech dictionary > school

  • 79 see double

    (to see two images of everything instead of only one: When I first met the twins, I thought I was seeing double, they were so alike.) vidět dvojitě
    * * *
    • vidět dvojitě

    English-Czech dictionary > see double

  • 80 should

    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.) (budoucí čas po minulém čase)
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.) (náležitost)
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.) (pravděpodobnost)
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.) (lítost, překvapení)
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.) (podmínka: kdyby snad...)
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).) (podmínka: jen kdybych...)
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.) (překvapení)
    * * *
    • měl by

    English-Czech dictionary > should

См. также в других словарях:

  • Thought — Thought, n. [OE. [thorn]oght, [thorn]ouht, AS. [thorn][=o]ht, ge[thorn][=o]ht, fr. [thorn]encean to think; akin to D. gedachte thought, MHG. d[=a]ht, ged[=a]ht, Icel. [thorn][=o]ttr, [thorn][=o]tti. See {Think}.] 1. The act of thinking; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thought — *idea, concept, conception, notion, impression Analogous words: *opinion, view, sentiment, belief, conviction, persuasion thoughtful 1 Thoughtful, reflective, speculative, contemplative, meditative, pensive can be applied to persons or their… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • thought — [1] ► NOUN 1) an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. 2) the action or process of thinking. 3) (one s thoughts) one s mind or attention. 4) an act of considering or remembering. 5) careful consideration or… …   English terms dictionary

  • thought — thought1 [thôt] n. [ME thouht < OE thoht < PGmc * thanht, pret. of * thankjan (> OE thencan: see THINK1)] 1. the act or process of thinking; reflection; meditation; cogitation 2. the power of reasoning, or of conceiving ideas; capacity… …   English World dictionary

  • thought — (n.) O.E. þoht, geþoht, from stem of þencan to conceive of in the mind, consider (see THINK (Cf. think)). Cognate with the second element in Ger. Gedächtnis memory, Andacht attention, devotion, Bedacht consideration, deliberation. Second thought… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Thought — Thought, imp. & p. p. of {Think}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thought — [n1] formation of mental objects anticipation, apprehending, attention, brainwork, cerebration, cogitation, cognition, concluding, consideration, considering, contemplation, deducing, deduction, deliberation, deriving, discerning, heed, hope,… …   New thesaurus

  • thought — I (concept) noun belief, conception, credo, creed, hint, idea, insight, notion, opinion, perspective, point, proposal, rationale, suggestion, tenet, view II (concern) noun attentiveness, care, impression, philosophy, reaction, regard, sentiment,… …   Law dictionary

  • thought — noun 1 sth that you think ADJECTIVE ▪ comforting, good, happy, pleasant, positive ▪ It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn t suffered. ▪ Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and t …   Collocations dictionary

  • thought — thought1 [θo:t US θo:t] the past tense and past participle of ↑think 1 thought 2 thought2 W1S1 n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(something you think about)¦ 2¦(ideas/opinions)¦ 3¦(careful consideration)¦ 4¦(act of thinking)¦ 5¦(caring about something)¦ 6¦(intention)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thought — n. reflection 1) to entertain, harbor, have; relish a thought (to harbor thoughts of revenge) 2) to express, present a thought 3) to gather; sum up one s thoughts 4) an evil; fleeting, passing; happy; intriguing; refreshing; sober, sobering;… …   Combinatory dictionary

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