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со всех языков на все языки


  • 41 Х-72

    С ХОДУ PrepP Invar adv
    1. (of people, esp. attacking troops in cavalry or armored vehicle units, or of animals, esp. horses) (to do sth.) while continuing to move
    as one (it) goes
    while in motion without stopping (of a horse and rider only) without breaking stride.
    С ходу отстреливаясь, они скакали в сторону леса. They galloped toward the woods, returning fire as they went.
    2. coll instantly and without preparation or contemplation
    right away
    straight off immediately right off the bat just like that on the spur of the moment (right) then and there (there and then)
    сказать что (ответить) \Х-72 = say sth. (answer) off the top of one's head
    отвергнуть кого-что \Х-72 - reject s.o. sth. out of hand.
    И вот Б.Л. (Пастернак) явился на Лубянку и с ходу начал препираться со следователем Семёновым, требуя от него выдачи «моего ребёнка» (Ивинская 1). And so BL (Pasternak) went to the Lubianka, where he immediately began to remonstrate with (the interrogator) Semionov, demanding that "my child" be handed over to him (1a).
    (Ольга Николаевна:) А почему Надя тебя не выставила? (Лукашин:) Наверно, ей этого не хотелось... (Ольга Николаевна:) Думаешь, понравился ей? (Лукашин:) Этого я не знаю... Но она мне понравилась! (Ольга Николаевна:) Прямо вот так, с ходу? (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). (O.N.:) Why didn't Nadya turn you out? (L.:) I suppose she didn't want to. (O.N.:) You think she likes you? (L.:) That I don't know....I know I like her! (O.N.:) Straightaway? Right off the bat? (1a).
    Но я так с ходу не могу определить достоинства и недостатки такой большой рукописи. Позвольте мне хотя бы один вечер...» (Зиновьев 2). "But I can't determine the qualities and demerits of a manuscript this size just like that. Can you give me an evening at least..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-72

  • 42 с ходу

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    1. (of people, esp. attacking troops in cavalry or armored vehicle units, or of animals, esp. horses) (to do sth.) while continuing to move:
    - as one <it> goes;
    - [of a horse and rider only] without breaking stride.
         ♦ С ходу отстреливаясь, они скакали в сторону леса. They galloped toward the woods, returning fire as they went.
    2. coll instantly and without preparation or contemplation:
    - (right) then and there < there and then>;
    || сказать что < ответить> с ходу say sth. < answer> off the top of one's head;
         ♦ И вот Б.Л. [Пастернак] явился на Лубянку и с ходу начал препираться со следователем Семёновым, требуя от него выдачи "моего ребёнка" (Ивинская 1). And so BL [Pasternak] went to the Lubianka, where he immediately began to remonstrate with [the interrogator] Semionov, demanding that umy child" be handed over to him (1a).
         ♦ [Ольга Николаевна:] А почему Надя тебя не выставила? [Лукашин:] Наверно, ей этого не хотелось... [Ольга Николаевна:] Думаешь, понравился ей? [Лукашин:] Этого я не знаю... Но она мне понравилась! [Ольга Николаевна:] Прямо вот так, с ходу? (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). [O.N.:] Why didn't Nadya turn you out? [L.:] I suppose she didn't want to. [O.N.:] You think she likes you? [L.:] That I don't know....I know I like her! [O.N.:] Straightaway? Right off the bat? (1a).
         ♦ "Но я так с ходу не могу определить достоинства и недостатки такой большой рукописи. Позвольте мне хотя бы один вечер..." (Зиновьев 2). "But I can't determine the qualities and demerits of a manuscript this size just like that. Can you give me an evening at least..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с ходу

  • 43 en el acto

    • at once
    • at the drop of a hat
    • forthwith
    • immediately
    • in length
    • in less time
    • off the bat
    • on the defensive
    • on the earth's surface
    • right of way
    • right off
    • right off the bat
    • right the middle of the target
    • right then
    • right then and there
    • right there
    • right-off-the-press

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > en el acto

  • 44 М-93

    HE СХОДИ С МЕСТА coll Verbal Adv Invar adv more often used with pfv verbs fixed WO
    1. immediately, without delay: (right) on the spot
    (in past and future contexts only) (right) then and there (in present contexts only) (right) here and now.
    Требовалось тут же, не сходя с места, изобрести обыкновенные объяснения явлений необыкновенных (Булгаков 9)....He felt obliged to invent at once, right on the spot, some ordinary explanation for extraordinary events (9a).
    Да, взметнулась волна горя при страшном известии о Михаиле Александровиче. Кто-то суетился, кричал, что необходимо сейчас же, тут же, не сходя с места, составить какую-то коллективную телеграмму и немедленно послать её (Булгаков 9). A wave of grief surged up at the terrible news about Mikhail Alexandrovich. Someone fussed around shouting that they must all immediately, here and now, without delay compose a collective telegram and send it off (9b).
    2. at one time, in one try
    in one go
    at (in) one (a single) stroke in a single breath (gulp etc) at (in) one fell swoop.
    Торт был такой вкусный, что я съел три куска не сходя с места. The cake was so good I ate three pieces at one go.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-93

  • 45 за милую душу

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    1. (to do sth.) very willingly, with great enthusiasm, delight:
    - (be) more than happy (to do sth.);
    - (be) only too glad (happy) (to do sth.);
    - [in limited contexts] to one'sheartfscontent;
    || повеселиться за милую душу have the time of one's life.
         ♦ "А ведь она [Нинка]... и правда понесла бы их [бутылки с водкой] сдавать... А там за милу[ю] душу приняли бы за те же двенадцать копеек" (Распутин 3). "She [Ninka] really would have done it too. She'd have taken them [the bottles full of vodka] back.... And they'd have been only too glad to give her twelve kopecks for them, same as for the empties" (3a).
         ♦ Тогда вой усилился, словно воющий решил во время перерыва повыть за милую душу (Аксёнов 6). Then the wailing grew louder, as though the waiter had decided that during the lunch break he would wail to his heart's content (6a).
         ♦ Он заговорщически подмигнул мне: не пропадем, мол, погужуемся за милую душу! (Аксёнов 6). He gave me a conspiratorial wink, meaning: We're not going to waste our stay here; we're going to have the time of our lives, aren't we?! (6a).
    2. [usu. used with pfv verbs]
    (to do sth.) without deliberating, immediately, with no qualms:
    - [in limited contexts] in a snap.
         ♦ Не ввязывайся в драку с Петром - может прихлопнуть за милую душу. Don't get in a fight with Pyotr, he could kill you just like that.
         ♦ Эти суки могут тебя обратать и в международной зоне аэропорта, и на борту самолета запереть в сортирный чуланчик, как недавно поступили с нежной балериной В., и в братской республике захапают за милую душу (Аксёнов 12). Those animals could get him back even from the international zone or lock him into the toilet on board a plane, he knew, as they recently did with the delicate ballerina V, and they could grab him in a snap in a "fraternal republic" (12a).
    3. [used with pfv verbs]
    certainly, unquestionably, without any doubt:
    - (there's < there are>) no two ways about it.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > за милую душу

  • 46 не сходя с места

    [Verbal Adv; Invar; adv; more often used with pfv verbs; fixed WO]
    1. immediately, without delay:
    - [in past and future contexts only] (right) then and there;
    - [in present contexts only](right) here and now.
         ♦ Требовалось тут же, не сходя с места, изобрести обыкновенные объяснения явлений необыкновенных (Булгаков 9)....He felt obliged to invent at once, right on the spot, some ordinary explanation for extraordinary events (9a).
         ♦ Да, взметнулась волна горя при страшном известии о Михаиле Александровиче. Кто-то суетился, кричал, что необходимо сейчас же, тут же, не сходя с места, составить какую-то коллективную телеграмму и немедленно послать её (Булгаков 9). A wave of grief surged up at the terrible news about Mikhail Alexandrovich. Someone fussed around shouting that they must all immediately, here and now, without delay compose a collective telegram and send it off (9b).
    2. at one time, in one try:
    - in a single breath (gulp etc);
    - at (in) one fell swoop.
         ♦ Торт был такой вкусный, что я съел три куска не сходя с места. The cake was so good I ate three pieces at one go.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не сходя с места

  • 47 orduantxe

    adb. right then, right then and there, right back then

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > orduantxe

  • 48 allí mismo

    • in similar conditions
    • in sixth place
    • right the ship
    • right then and there
    • right there
    • right-thinking

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > allí mismo

  • 49 en ese mismísimo momento

    • at the very same moment
    • right side up
    • right the ship
    • right then
    • right then and there

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > en ese mismísimo momento

  • 50 Д-418

    ЗА МИЛУЮ ДУШУ coll PrepP Invar adv
    1. (to do sth.) very willingly, with great enthusiasm, delight: (be) more than happy (to do sth.)
    (be) only too glad (happy) (to do sth.) with great pleasure happily gladly (in limited contexts) to one'sheartfscontent
    съесть (сожрать substand) что \Д-418 -relish (savor) every bite (of sth.)
    повеселиться - = have the time of one's life.
    "А ведь она (Нинка)... и правда понесла бы их (бутылки с водкой) сдавать... А там за милу(ю) душу приняли бы за те же двенадцать копеек» (Распутин 3). "She (Ninka) really would have done it too. She'd have taken them (the bottles full of vodka) back.... And they'd have been only too glad to give her twelve kopecks for them, same as for the empties" (3a).
    Тогда вой усилился, словно воющий решил во время перерыва повыть за милую душу (Аксёнов 6). Then the wailing grew louder, as though the waiter had decided that during the lunch break he would wail to his heart's content (6a).
    Он заговорщически подмигнул мне: не пропадем, мол, погужуемся за милую душу! (Аксенов 6). Не gave me a conspiratorial wink, meaning: We're not going to waste our stay here, we're going to have the time of our lives, aren't we?! (6a).
    2. ( usu. used with pfv verbs) (to do sth.) without deliberating, immediately, with no qualms
    without thinking twice
    without a moment's hesitation just like that (right) then and there (in limited contexts) in a snap.
    Не ввязывайся в драку с Петром - может прихлопнуть за милую душу. Don't get in a fight with Pyotr, he could kill you just like that.
    Эти суки могут тебя обратать и в международной зоне аэропорта, и на борту самолета запереть в сортирный чуланчик, как недавно поступили с нежной балериной В., и в братской республике захапают за милую душу (Аксенов 12). Those animals could get him back even from the international zone or lock him into the toilet on board a plane, he knew, as they recently did with the delicate ballerina V, and they could grab him in a snap in a "fraternal republic" (12a).
    3. (used with pfv verbs) certainly, unquestionably, without any doubt
    for (darn) sure
    sure as anything (therefe (there are)) no two ways about it.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-418

  • 51 М-96

    С МЕСТА В КАРЬЕР coll, occas. humor PrepP Invar adv usu. used with verbs in the past tense fixed WO
    (to begin doing sth.) without delay, immediately
    right away
    straightaway at once right off the bat lose no time (in doing sth.) without wasting a moment (a minute, a second) in no time at all (in limited contexts) (right) then and there.
    У таких (людей) любовь и спорт - одно и то же, вот он и начал брать очередной рекорд с места в карьер (Залыгин 1). То him and his type, love and sport were one and the same thing, and he lost no time in attacking the next record (1a).
    ...По традиции, собрались (для встречи Нового года) около десяти... С места в карьер, все веселились вовсю, танцевали под любопытную, в меру модерновую музыку... (Залыгин 1). The guests arrived (to greet the New Year) at about ten, according to tradition....Without wasting a moment, all were busy enjoying themselves dancing to some curious, fairly modern music... (1a).
    Юлька вбегает с шумом, с возгласами, с раскрытыми объятиями. С места в карьер отдаётся воспоминаниям (Гинзбург 2). Julia bounced in with cries of joy and open arms In no time at all she was pouring out reminiscences (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-96

  • 52 с места в карьер

    С МЕСТА В КАРЬЕР coll, occas. humor
    [PrepP; Invar; adv; usu. used with verbs in the past tense; fixed WO]
    (to begin doing sth.) without delay, immediately:
    - lose no time (in doing sth.);
    - without wasting a moment (a minute, a second);
    - [in limited contexts](right) then and there.
         ♦ У таких [ людей] любовь и спорт - одно и то же, вот он и начал брать очередной рекорд с места в карьер (Залыгин 1). То him and his type, love and sport were one and the same thing, and he lost no time in attacking the next record (1a).
         ♦...По традиции, собрались [для встречи Нового года] около десяти... С места в карьер, все веселились вовсю, танцевали под любопытную, в меру модерновую музыку... (Залыгин 1). The guests arrived [to greet the New Year] at about ten, according to tradition....Without wasting a moment, all were busy enjoying themselves dancing to some curious, fairly modern music... (1a).
         ♦ Юлька вбегает с шумом, с возгласами, с раскрытыми объятиями. С места в карьер отдаётся воспоминаниям (Гинзбург 2). Julia bounced in with cries of joy and open arms In no time at all she was pouring out reminiscences (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с места в карьер

  • 53 bertatik

    1. from right there; gailurrera igo ziren ea \bertatik zerbait ikusten zuten they climbed up to the summit to find out if they could see something from there
    2. \bertatik bertara i. at once, immediately; \bertatik bertara erantzun nion I answered him right then and there ii. (oso hurbil) nearby; \bertatik bertara dago nire etxea dendatik my house is quite near the shop; goizean, iratzarri eta \bertatik egin behar diren gauzak things which have to be done as soon as one wakes up in the morning

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bertatik

  • 54 Л-134

    ВО ВСЕ ЛОПАТКИ удирать, бежать и т. п. PrepP Invar adv fixed WO
    (to run away, race, gallop etc) very quickly, headlong: (at) full tilt
    for all one is worth hell-for-leather as fast as one can as fast as one's legs will carry one at top (full) speed.
    Он прискакал в Глупов, как говорится, во все лопатки... и едва вломился в пределы городского выгона, как тут же, на самой границе, пересёк уйму ямщиков (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Не galloped he 11 - for- leathe r, as they say, into Foolov...and no sooner had lie overrun the borders than he flogged a bunch of coachmen, right then and there on the town common (1a).
    (Городничий:) Слушайте: вы побегите, да бегом во все лопатки, и снесите две записки... (Гоголь 4). (Mayor:) Listen, will you run, and I mean run, as fast as you can, and take two notes... (4b).
    Она (Гева) кинулась к кустам и ударила... по самой их гуще. В просвете торопливо мелькнуло округлое тело прирученного ею павлина, тёмным звёздным небом раскинулся хвост. Царственная птица удирала во все лопатки (Обухова 1). She (Heva) rushed toward the bushes and struck out at them. The rounded body of the peacock she had tamed burst out from among their stems. The tail spread open like a starry sky. The regal bird was scrambling away at top speed (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-134

  • 55 во все лопатки

    ВО ВСЕ ЛОПАТКИ удирать, бежать и т. п.
    [PrepP; Invar; adv; fixed WO]
    (to run away, race, gallop etc) very quickly, headlong:
    - at top (full) speed.
         ♦ Он прискакал в Глупов, как говорится, во все лопатки... и едва вломился в пределы городского выгона, как тут же, на самой границе, пересёк уйму ямщиков (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). He galloped hell-for-leather, as they say, into Foolov...and no sooner had lie overrun the borders than he flogged a bunch of coachmen, right then and there on the town common (1a).
         ♦ [Городничий:] Слушайте: вы побегите, да бегом во все лопатки, и снесите две записки... (Гоголь 4). [Mayor:] Listen, will you run, and I mean run, as fast as you can, and take two notes... (4b).
         ♦ Она [Гева] кинулась к кустам и ударила... по самой их гуще. В просвете торопливо мелькнуло округлое тело прирученного ею павлина, тёмным звёздным небом раскинулся хвост. Царственная птица удирала во все лопатки (Обухова 1). She [Heva] rushed toward the bushes and struck out at them. The rounded body of the peacock she had tamed burst out from among their stems. The tail spread open like a starry sky. The regal bird was scrambling away at top speed (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > во все лопатки

  • 56 blow etc one's lunch

    expr AmE sl

    I wanted to blow my lunch, that's how rotten I felt — Я так себя паршиво чувствовал, что меня тянуло рвать

    When she saw that stuff she almost launched her lunch — Когда она увидела эту гадость, то чуть не блеванула

    The sight was so horrible I almost lost my lunch — Зрелище было настолько омерзительным, что меня чуть не вырвало

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > blow etc one's lunch

  • 57 toss one's tacos

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > toss one's tacos

  • 58 heti paikalla

    • then and there
    • here and now
    • on the spot
    • outright
    • right away
    • straight away
    • in a jiffy

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > heti paikalla

  • 59 още

    го държи he's still got a fever, the fever still has him in its grip
    краката ми не ме ощет my legs don't hold me. I am dead beat
    държи ми влага it keeps me going; I have s.th. to remember
    държи ми (мога) can, be able to, ( имам смелост) have it in one to; have the pluck to
    още се
    1. hold (за onto), cling (to)
    дръж се здраво! hold (on) tight! още се здраво hold firm to s.th., cling to s.th.
    2. (крепя се) be supported/carried (by)
    мостът се държи на подпори the bridge is carried/supported by piers
    3. прен. (имам сили) be active/fit/in good trim
    още се здраво на краката си keep o.'s legs; stand firm/fast
    едва се още на краката си my legs won't hold me, I am ready to drop. I can't keep upright, I am not steady on my legs
    стар е, но се държи there is life in the old dog yet; he is old but is keeping well
    4. (съпротивлявам се) be firm, stand/hold/keep/maintain o.'s ground
    (финансово и пр.) keep o.'s head above water; stand fast/firm, resist, hold o.'s own
    още се още, не лягам I am not well, but I keep going
    5. (имам обноски) behave, deport o.s., demean o.s.
    още се прилично behave (well), have good manners, be well-mannered
    (за деца) behave o.s.
    дръж се прилично! be good! don't let yourself down! ( за деца) behave yourself! не знае как да се държи he doesn't know how to behave, he has no manners
    още се зле/нечестно/непорядъчно misbehave
    още се глупаво behave foolishly; play the fool. act/play the ape
    дръж се сериозно! stop fooling! още се с чест/доблестно demean o.s./behave honourably
    още се като мъж act like a man, demean o.s. like a man
    още се тежко/горделиво be stand-offish
    още се строго be strict/severe (с with)
    още се приятелски/недружелюбно be friendly/unfriendly (с to)
    още се грубо be rude (to)
    още се далеч от keep clear of, avoid, steer clear of
    още се настрана/на разстояние keep away; keep in the background
    hold o.s. aloof (от from)
    още се на положение stand on o.'s dignity
    много се държи на/за great attention is paid to, they are very strict/particular about
    дръж се! hold on! ( не се отчайвай) chin up! never say die! keep smiling! ( не отстъпвай!) don't give in! stick to your guns!
    (друг) another, a further
    още малко хляб some more bread
    още едни чай another cup of tea
    още малко a little more
    искате ли още малко? will you have some more?
    още 7 километра a further 7 kilometres
    оставам за още една седмица stay another week
    ще излезе още един том there is another volume to come
    още един/една/едно (just) one more
    още веднаж once more/again; over again
    има ли още да идват? are any more coming?
    още и още more and yet more
    още повече, че the more so as
    какво искаш още? what else/more do you want?
    още по-добре still better, better still
    още по-зле still worse, worse still
    още по-късно still later
    намалявам още повече reduce still further
    още толкова (за количество) as much again, ( за брой) as many again
    ще чакаш ли още? will you wait any longer?
    7. (все още, досега) still, yet
    има още време there is still/yet time
    той още спи he is still asleep
    още приживе in o.'s lifetime
    още жив/млад still alive/yoing
    още съществувам linger
    още съм в сила still stand
    още в сила standing
    не още not yet
    още няма 12 години he's not yet twenty
    още не е време the time is not ripe, the time has rot come yet
    още не му се вижда краят the end is not yet in sight
    редът ми още не е дошъл my turn hasn't come yet/is. still to come
    тая история още не е написана that history has yet to be written
    8. още сег a right away/off, right now, immediately, at once
    още след пет минути/два часа no more than five minutes/two hours later
    още Х. казваше, че Х. used to say. that, X. said in his day
    още тогава then and there, there and then, already at the time
    още там way back there; then and there, on the spot
    още тоя момент at this very moment
    още днес this. very day
    и днес още even to this day
    още утре as early as tomorrow, not later than tomorrow, tomorrow at latest, first thing tomorrow
    още тая вечер this very evening
    още на другия ден след смъртта на on the very morrow of s.o.'s death
    още на 10-и even as early as the tenth
    още преди even before
    още преди войната already before the war
    още миналата година as long ago as last year
    още преди две години as far back as two years ago
    още през already during/in, as early as, as far back as; as long ago as
    още през май even in May
    още през средните векове as early as the Middle Ages, already in the Middle Ages
    още като дете even as a small child, even when a child
    още на десет години at the early age of ten
    още от ever since
    още отначало right at the beginning/from the start
    още от пристигането си ever since his arrival/he arrived
    още от зори ever since dawn
    още от сутринта since early morning
    още от детинство from childhood on
    още от ранна възраст from an early age
    още в Софи while still in Sofia
    още на път за while on o.'s way to
    още след нашето пристигане on our arrival
    още отдалеч even at a distance
    и още как I should think/say so, ам, and how
    * * *
    1. ( повече) (some) more; ( друг) another, a further; намалявам \още повече reduce still further; оставам за \още една седмица stay another week; \още веднъж once more/again; over again; \още и \още more and yet more; \още колко време ще останем тук how much longer are we going to stay here? \още малко a little more; \още 5 километра a further 5 kilometres; \още повече, че the more so as; \още по-добре still better, better still; \още толкова (за количество) as much again, (за брой) as many again; ще чакаш ли \още? will you wait any longer?;
    2. ( все още, досега) still, yet; има \още време there is still/yet time; не \още not yet; \още в сила standing; \още жив/млад still alive/young; \още не е време the time is not ripe, the time has not come yet; \още не му се вижда краят the end is not yet in sight; \още приживе in o.’s lifetime; \още съществувам linger; \още съществуващ still existing/in being;
    3.: и днес \още even to this day; \още като дете even as a small child, even when a child; \още миналата година as long ago as last year; \още на десет години at the early age of ten; \още от ever since; \още на 10-и even as early as the tenth; \още на другия ден след смъртта на on the very morrow of s.o.’s death; \още на път за while on o.’s way to; \още от детинство from childhood on; \още от зори ever since dawn; \още от пристигането си ever since his arrival/he arrived; \още от ранна възраст from an early age; \още отначало right at the beginning/from the start; \още преди even before; \още преди войната already before the war; \още преди две години as far back as two years ago; \още през already during/in, as early as, as far back as; as long ago as; way back in; \още сега right away/off, right now, immediately, at once; \още след нашето пристигане on our arrival; \още отдалеч even at a distance; \още след пет минути/два часа no more than five minutes/two hours later; \още там way back there; then and there, on the spot; \още тогава then and there, there and then, already at the time; \още тоя момент at this very moment; \още утре as early as tomorrow, not later than tomorrow, tomorrow at latest, first thing tomorrow; \още Х. казваше, че X. used to say, that, X. said in his day; • и \още как I should think/say so, амер. and how; разг. will a duck swim? not half.
    * * *
    else: Do you want to tell me something още? - Искаш ли да ми кажеш още нещо?; even: I know him още as a baby. -Помня го още от бебе.; ever since: Give me some още time. - Дай ми още малко време; still (за положителни изречения): He is още at home. - Той още е вкъщи, That way is още better. - Така е още по-добре.; yet (за отрицателни и въпросителни изречения): I am not ready още. - Още не съм готов.
    * * *
    1. (все още, досега) still, yet 2. (друг) another, a further 3. (за деца) behave o. s. 4. (имам обноски) behave, deport o. s., demean o. s. 5. (крепя се) be supported/carried (by) 6. (повече) (some) more 7. (съпротивлявам се) be firm, stand/hold/keep/maintain o.'s ground 8. (финансово и пр.) keep o.'s head above water;stand fast/firm, resist, hold o. 's own 9. 10 години he's not yet twenty 10. 12-и even as early as the tenth 11. 1: ОЩЕ ceгa right away/off, right now, immediately, at once 12. 7 километра a further 13. 8 kilometres 14. hold o. s. aloof (от from) 15. ОЩЕ 16. ОЩЕ X. казваше, че Х. used to say. that, X. said in his day 17. ОЩЕ ce грубо be rude (to) 18. ОЩЕ no-зле still worse, worse still 19. ОЩЕ no-късно still later 20. ОЩЕ в Софи while still in Sofia 21. ОЩЕ в сила standing 22. ОЩЕ веднаж once more/again;over again 23. ОЩЕ днес this. very day 24. ОЩЕ един/ една/едно (just) one more 25. ОЩЕ едни чай another cup of tea 26. ОЩЕ жив/млад still alive/yoing 27. ОЩЕ и ОЩЕ more and yet more 28. ОЩЕ като дете even as a small child, even when a child 29. ОЩЕ малко a little more 30. ОЩЕ малко хляб some more bread 31. ОЩЕ миналата година as long ago as last year 32. ОЩЕ на 33. ОЩЕ на десет години at the early age of ten 34. ОЩЕ на другия ден след смъртта на on the very morrow of s. o.'s death 35. ОЩЕ на път за while on o.'s way to 36. ОЩЕ не е време the time is not ripe, the time has rot come yet 37. ОЩЕ не му се вижда краят the end is not yet in sight 38. ОЩЕ няма 39. ОЩЕ от ever since 40. ОЩЕ от детинство from childhood on 41. ОЩЕ от пристигането си ever since his arrival/he arrived: ОЩЕ от зори ever since dawn 42. ОЩЕ от ранна възраст from an early age 43. ОЩЕ от сутринта since early morning 44. ОЩЕ отдалеч even at a distance 45. ОЩЕ отначало right at the beginning/from the start 46. ОЩЕ по-добре still better, better still 47. ОЩЕ повече, че the more so as 48. ОЩЕ преди even before 49. ОЩЕ преди войната already before the war 50. ОЩЕ преди две години as far back as two years ago 51. ОЩЕ през already during/in, as early as, as far back as;as long ago as 52. ОЩЕ през май even in May 53. ОЩЕ през средните векове as early as the Middle Ages, already in the Middle Ages 54. ОЩЕ приживе in o.'s lifetime 55. ОЩЕ се hold (за onto), cling (to) 56. ОЩЕ се глупаво behave foolishly;play the fool. act/play the ape 57. ОЩЕ се далеч от keep clear of, avoid, steer clear of 58. ОЩЕ се здраво на краката си keep o.'s legs;stand firm/fast 59. ОЩЕ се зле/нечестно/ непорядъчно misbehave 60. ОЩЕ се като мъж act like a man, demean o. s. like a man 61. ОЩЕ се на положение stand on o.'s dignity 62. ОЩЕ се настрана/ на разстояние keep away;keep in the background 63. ОЩЕ се още, не лягам I am not well, but I keep going 64. ОЩЕ се прилично behave (well), have good manners, be well-mannered 65. ОЩЕ се приятелски/недружелюбно be friendly/unfriendly (c to) 66. ОЩЕ се строго be strict/severe (c with) 67. ОЩЕ се тежко/горделиво be stand-offish 68. ОЩЕ след нашето пристигане on our arrival 69. ОЩЕ след пет минути/два часа no more than five minutes/two hours later 70. ОЩЕ съм в сила still stand 71. ОЩЕ съществувам linger 72. ОЩЕ там way back there;then and there, on the spot 73. ОЩЕ тая вечер this very evening 74. ОЩЕ тогава then and there, there and then, already at the time 75. ОЩЕ толкова (за количество) as much again, (за брой) as many again 76. ОЩЕ тоя момент at this very moment 77. ОЩЕ утре as early as tomorrow, not later than tomorrow, tomorrow at latest, first thing tomorrow 78. го държи he's still got a fever, the fever still has him in its grip 79. дръж се здраво! hold (on) tight! ОЩЕ се здраво hold firm to s.th., cling to s.th. 80. дръж се прилично! be good! don't let yourself down! (за деца) behave yourself! не знае как да се държи he doesn't know how to behave, he has no manners 81. дръж се сериозно! stop fooling! ОЩЕ се с чест/доблестно demean o. s./behave honourably 82. дръж се! hold on! (не се отчайвай) chin up! never say die! keep smiling! (не отстъпвай!) don't give in! stick to your guns! 83. държи ми (мога) can, be able to, (имам смелост) have it in one to;have the pluck to 84. държи ми влага it keeps me going;I have s.th. to remember 85. едва се ОЩЕ на краката си my legs won't hold me, I am ready to drop. I can't keep upright, I am not steady on my legs 86. и ОЩЕ как I should think/say so, ам, and how 87. и днес ОЩЕ even to this day 88. има ОЩЕ време there is still/yet time 89. има ли ОЩЕ да идват? are any more coming? 90. искате ли ОЩЕ малко? will you have some more? 91. какво искаш ОЩЕ? what else/more do you want? 92. копчето се държи само на един конец the button is hanging by a thread 93. краката ми не ме ОЩЕт my legs don't hold me. I am dead beat 94. много се държи на/за great attention is paid to, they are very strict/particular about 95. мостът се държи на подпори the bridge is carried/ supported by piers 96. намалявам ОЩЕ пoвeчe reduce still further 97. не ОЩЕ not yet 98. оставам за ОЩЕ една седмица stay another week 99. прен. (имам сили) be active/fit/in good trim 100. редът ми ОЩЕ не е дошъл my turn hasn't come yet/is. still to come 101. стар е, но се държи there is life in the old dog yet;he is old but is keeping well 102. тая история ОЩЕ не е написана that history has yet to be written 103. той ОЩЕ спи he is still asleep 104. ще излезе ОЩЕ един том there is another volume to come 105. ще чакаш ли ОЩЕ? will yоu wait any longer?

    Български-английски речник > още

  • 60 Т-242

    ТУТ ЖЕ AdjP Invar adv
    1. in the very place or very close to the place where one is or that is being referred to
    right here (there).
    "...Добрый день, - сказал человек в халате, — мне хотелось бы поговорить...» Тут он положил локти на перила, ладонями подпер щёки и стал похож на смешную обезьяну в колпаке... Арманда и Барон с изумлением поняли, что он желает разговаривать тут же, на лестнице... (Булгаков 5). "...Good afternoon," said the man in the robe. "We must have a talk...." He rested his elbows on the railing, propped his cheeks with hands, and began to look like a funny monkey in a nightcap. Armande and Baron realized with astonishment that he intended to talk with them right there, on the stairs... (5a).
    2. at this or that very moment
    right now (then)
    (right) there and then (then and there) instantly on the spot right away straight off immediately at once.
    ...Выхолит он на средину, а в руках бумага - форменное донесение по начальству. А так как начальство его было тут же, то тут же и прочел бумагу вслух всем собравшимся... (Достоевский 1)....He stepped into the middle of the room with a paper in his hand-a formal statement to the authorities. And since the authorities were right there, he read the paper right then to the whole gathering (1a).
    Он тут же уснул, а Хикур плакала, плакала, уткнувшись головой в подушку... (Искандер 4). Не fell asleep then and there, and Khikur wept, wept with her face buried in the pillow... (4a).
    Он ожидал услышать с порога про кольцо, но Фаина была весела, неожиданно ласкова и приветлива, и он удивлялся. Пусть он немного подождет на лестнице, а она быстренько оденется, и они пойдут гулять. Он ждал. И тут же появилась Фаина, и на ней не было лица. «Что с тобой?!» - воскликнул Лева... (Битов 2). Не had expected to hear about the ring the minute he walked in. But Faina was gay, unexpectedly affectionate, and cordial, and he was amazed. Let him wait a minute on the stairs-she'd get dressed in a jiffy and they'd go for a walk. He waited. Faina reappeared instantly, pale as death. "What's the matter?" Lyova exclaimed... (2a).
    (Бабушка:) В нашей молодости мы не знали такого сервиса. Теряешь документы, и тут же их тебе возвращают (Панова 1). (Grandmother:) In our days there was no such service. Now you lose your travel papers, and right away they hand them back to you (1a).
    Лева чуть не расплакался, тут же в коридоре, от радости и от стыда, и взятку принял, тут же поверив, что это именно так, как говорит Бланк (Битов 2). Lyova nearly burst into tears of joy and shame right there in the corridor, and he accepted the bribe, believing immediately that all was just as Blank said (2a).
    Требовалось тут же, не сходя с места, изобрести обыкновенные объяснения явлений необыкновенных (Булгаков 9)....He felt obliged to invent at once, right on the spot, some ordinary explanations for extraordinary events (9a).
    Другие в его (Юрочки) возрасте и в Берлине побывали, и черт знает еще где («Кое-кто и голову там положил», - перебил его в этом месте Вадим Петрович, но он тут же ответил: «Положили, знаю, но было за что положить») (Некрасов 1). ( context transl) Other men of his (Yurochka's) age had been to Berlin and God knows where else ("Some of them gave their lives in Berlin," Vadim Petrovich interrupted him at this point, but Yurochka replied without hesitation: "They gave their lives, I know, but they had something to give them for") (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-242

См. также в других словарях:

  • then and there — {adv. phr.} At that very time and place in the past; right then. * /He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him./ Compare: IN ONE S TRACKS, ON THE SPOT, HERE AND NOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • then and there — {adv. phr.} At that very time and place in the past; right then. * /He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him./ Compare: IN ONE S TRACKS, ON THE SPOT, HERE AND NOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • then and there — adverb : on the spot : immediately decided then and there to give up the trip and go home * * * then and there At once and on the spot • • • Main Entry: ↑then * * * immediately she made up her mind then and there …   Useful english dictionary

  • then and there — mod. right then. □ He dropped the box right then and there and walked out on us. D Right then and there, he pulled up his shirt and showed everyone the jagged scar …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • then and there — adverb Date: 15th century on the spot ; immediately < wanted the money right then and there > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • then\ and\ there — adv. phr. At that very time and place in the past; right then. He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him. Compare: in one s tracks, on the spot, here and now …   Словарь американских идиом

  • then and there — immediately. The minute I saw her, I decided I had to tell her then and there that I wanted to marry her. Related vocabulary: right here and now …   New idioms dictionary

  • then and there — right there, immediately, to improvise …   English contemporary dictionary

  • then and there — Synonyms and related words: all at once, all together, at a blow, at a stroke, at once, at one blow, at one jump, at one stroke, at one swoop, at one time, forthwith, in a hurry, now, per saltum, pronto, right away, right now, right off,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • right here and now — (right) here and now in this place at this time. People will remember us because we re going to make a deal, not tomorrow or next week but right here and now. Related vocabulary: then and there …   New idioms dictionary

  • then — /dhen/, adv. 1. at that time: Prices were lower then. 2. immediately or soon afterward: The rain stopped and then started again. 3. next in order of time: We ate, then we started home. 4. at the same time: At first the water seemed blue, then… …   Universalium

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