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  • 121 קָרֵב

    קָרֵב(b. h.) 1) to join, come near, be near; to be offered as קָרְבָּן. Zeb.VIII, 2 יִקְרַב לשם מי שהוא let it be offered in behalf of him to whom it may belong. Ib. 5 … אם ק׳ … יִקְרְבוּוכ׳ if one of the heads has been offered, let all of them be offered. Ib. 67b; Ḳinnim III, 3 חטאת קְרֵיבָה למעלהוכ׳ the sin-offering may have been offered on top and the burnt-offering beneath it. Men.VI, 1 הקומץ ק׳ … קְרֵבִים לעצמן the handful (of the priests meal-offering) is offered separately and the remainder separately; Y.Sot.III, 19b top קְרֵיבִין. Sifré Num. 29 קבע זמן לקריבים … למקריבים a time! is fixed for the things to be offered (Lev. 22:27), and a time for those who offer (Num. 6:10); a. fr. 2) to come before court; to sue, complain. Gen. R. s. 96 (ref. to ויקרבו, Gen. 47:29) כאדם … ק׳ עלוכ׳ as one says, that man has brought suit against his neighbor, v. קָבַל II; Yalk. ib. 156 קבל (corr. acc.). Pi. קֵירֵב 1) same, to come near. Ex. R. s. 20, beg. לא קי׳ אצלוכ׳ he had not come near Sarah.Esp. to approach; to pray, intercede, mediate, conciliate. Y.Ber.IV, 8b top זה שעובר … בא וקָרֵב עשה קרבנינווכ׳ we do not say to him who is to pass before the ark (v. תֵּיבָה), ‘come and pray, but, ‘come, draw near, (which means) ‘do our offerings, ‘satisfy our needs 2) to bring near; to befriend, attract, invite. B. Kam.24a ק׳ נגיחותיו if the ox did his gorings in near intervals (of less than three days). Eduy. VIII, 7 אין אליהו … לרחק ולְקָרֵב … המְקוֹרָבִין בזרועוכ׳ Elijah shall come not to decide between clean and unclean, nor to expel (declare genealogically degraded) and to receive (reinstate), but to expel those who have been received by force, and to reinstate those who have been expelled by force. Ib. משפחת … וקֵרְבָהּ בןוכ׳ there was a family … which Ben-Zion expelled by force, and another which they received by force (Bab. ed. וקֵרְבוּהָ בני יב׳; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40); Tosef. ib. III, 4; Kidd.71a. Eduy. l. c. לא לרחק ולא לקרבוכ׳ neither to expel nor to reinstate, but to make peace Sabb.31a קֵירְבָנוּ תחתוכ׳, v. עִנְוְתָנוּת. Ib. שקֵרַבְתַּנִיוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. שהקרבתני) thou hast brought us near Tanḥ. Tsav 8 (ref. to Ps. 65:5) אשרי מי שבחרו … קֵרְבוֹ blessed he whom the Lord has chosen, although he did not bring him near; Num. R. s. 3 הקריבו. Ib. ק׳ את עצמו he brought himself near (to God, through his own deeds); ib. יתרו קרבוהקב״ה the Lord brought Jethro near (caused him to be converted); Yalk. Ex. 379; a. fr.Sifré Num. 94 (expl. לזרא, Num. 11:20, cmp. זָר) שתהיו מרחיקים … מְקָרְבִים אותו you will keep it at a distance (loathe it) more than you have been inviting (wishing for) it; Lev. R. s. 48.Part. pass. מְקוֹרָב; pl. מְקוֹרָבִין, v. supra. Hif. הִקְרִיב 1) to bring near, receive. Y.Dem.II, 23a top מַקְרִיבִין לכנפים, v. כָּנָף Num. R. l. c.; Sabb. l. c., v. supra; a. fr. 2) to offer, sacrifice. Men. XIII, 10 יַקְרִיבֶנָּה במקדש he must offer it in the Temple (of Jerusalem), ואם הִקְרִיבָהּוכ׳ but if he offered it in the Temple of Ḥonyo (in Egypt). Zeb.67b ותַקְרִיבֶנָּה למעלה and let her offer it on top, (v. supra Kal); Kinn. III, 6 ויַקְרִיבֶנָּהוכ׳ Mish. (Bab. ed. ויקרבנה, corr. acc.) and he (the priest) must offer it Ber.6b כאילוה׳ תודה as if he had offered a thank-offering. Ib. 17a as long as the Temple stood אדם חוטא ומַקְרִיבוכ׳ a man sinned and brought a sacrifice; ואין מקריביןוכ׳ yet only its fat and its blood were offered; כאילו הִקְרַבְתִּיו לפניךוכ׳ as if I had offered it (my fat and blood) on the altar before thee; a. v. fr. Nif. נִקְרַב to be offered. Y.Meg.I, 70c top ונִקְרְבוּ מהןוכ׳ and from their contributions was taken the wood for sacrifices; (Y.Taan.IV, 68b; Y.Shek.IV, beg.47d וקרבי). Hithpa. הִתְקָרֵב, Nithpa. נִתְקָרֵב 1) to be brought near, be received. Num. R. s. 3 יש נבחר ונדחה ונ׳וכ׳ some are chosen and repelled (disgraced) and received again Sifra Tsav, Milluïm ידע משהשנ׳ אהרן Moses learned that Aaron was received again (in grace); Yalk. Lev. 515; a. fr. 2) to be offered, sacrificed. Y. Taan. l. c. שלא יהא קרבן מִתְקָרֵבוכ׳ that none but their contributions should be offered first. Pirké dR. El. ch. XXXI אותו האיל … ובא להִתְקָרֵבוכ׳ that ram … ran and came to offer himself as a sacrifice in place of Isaac ; Yalk. Gen. 101; a. e. 3) to claim relationship. Deut. R. s. 2 … אם קרובו עני … פלוני מתקרב לי if a mans relative is poor, he makes himself the main person and him subordinate, saying, this man claims relationship to me; Y.Ber.IX, 13b (in mutilated text) ההן פלן מתקרב לן.

    Jewish literature > קָרֵב

  • 122 שהי

    שהי, שָׁהָה, שָׁהָא(b. h. שאה) 1) to stand still, pause; to dwell, tarry. Shebu.II, 3 או שש׳ בכדי השתחוואה or if the unclean person stayed in the Temple long enough for prostration. Ib. 17a (mixed diet.) בדלא ש׳ when he did not stand still (but walked constantly though slowly). Yeb.VI, 7 נשא אשה וש׳ עמהוכ׳ if one married a woman and lived with her ten years without issue. Ib. רשאי השני לִשְׁהוֹתוכ׳ the second husband may live with her ten years. Ib. 36b כל ששהאוכ׳ a human birth that survived thirty days (although born in the eighth month) is not considered an abortion; Sabb.135b ששהה. Ber.V, 1 חסידים … שוֹהִין שעהוכ׳ the pious men of olden times used to tarry a while (in the synagogue) before prayer Ib. 32b היו שוהין שעה … וחוזרין ושוהיןוכ׳ they waited an hour, and prayed an hour, and tarried again an hour (at synagogue); a. fr.Esp. (ritual) to pause during the act of slaughtering (which makes the animal so cut unfit to eat). Ḥull2b שמא יִשְׁהוּוכ׳ they might pause, might press the knife, v. שְׁהִיָּיה. Ib. 12a; a. fr. 2) to delay, v. infra. Hif. הִשְׁהָה, הִשְׁהָא to cause delay; to detain, restrain. Nidd.31a sq. מהיך שמַשְׁהִין עצמןוכ׳ because they restrain themselves (retard effusion) Snh.76a המַשְׁהֶא בתווכ׳ he who retards (the marriage of) his marriageable daughter. Gen. R. s. 85 והן מַשְׁהִין אותןוכ׳ and they (the sons of Eli) caused them to stay away from their home one night. Lev. R. s. 37, beg. שנודר ומשההוכ׳ who vows (a sacrifice) and procrastinates the fulfilment of his vow. Ib. ע״י שנדר ושָׁהָה את נדרו (perh. שִׁהָה, Pi.) because he had vowed and was procrastinating Keth.61a הכל משהין בפני השמשוכ׳ you may postpone every dish before the waiter (keep him from eating while he is serving), except ; a. fr. Pi. שִׁיהָה same, to delay the use of, let stand. Y.Ter.VIII, 45c top אסור לְשָׁהוֹתוֹ ואם שִׁיהוֹוכ׳ (or לַשְׁהוֹתוֹ, Hif.) you must not let it stand, but if one did, and it turned into vinegar Ib. ואם שִׁיהָן and if one did let them stand; a. e. Hithpa. הִשְׁתָּהֶה, Nithpa. נִשְׁתָּהֶא, נִשְׁתָּהֶה 1) to be delayed. R. Hash. IV, 4 פעם אחת נִשְׁתָּהוּ … מלבוא once the witnesses (that had seen the new moon rise) were delayed from coming (were late). Nidd.27a מעשה ונ׳ הולד אחרוכ׳ it occurred that a twin child was born three months after its brother; a. fr. 2) to gaze, be undecided, deliberate Num. R. s. 57> מה אתה עומד ומִשְׁתָּהֶה (some ed. ומִשְׁתָּהֶא) why dost thou stand and deliberate?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שהי

  • 123 שהה

    שהי, שָׁהָה, שָׁהָא(b. h. שאה) 1) to stand still, pause; to dwell, tarry. Shebu.II, 3 או שש׳ בכדי השתחוואה or if the unclean person stayed in the Temple long enough for prostration. Ib. 17a (mixed diet.) בדלא ש׳ when he did not stand still (but walked constantly though slowly). Yeb.VI, 7 נשא אשה וש׳ עמהוכ׳ if one married a woman and lived with her ten years without issue. Ib. רשאי השני לִשְׁהוֹתוכ׳ the second husband may live with her ten years. Ib. 36b כל ששהאוכ׳ a human birth that survived thirty days (although born in the eighth month) is not considered an abortion; Sabb.135b ששהה. Ber.V, 1 חסידים … שוֹהִין שעהוכ׳ the pious men of olden times used to tarry a while (in the synagogue) before prayer Ib. 32b היו שוהין שעה … וחוזרין ושוהיןוכ׳ they waited an hour, and prayed an hour, and tarried again an hour (at synagogue); a. fr.Esp. (ritual) to pause during the act of slaughtering (which makes the animal so cut unfit to eat). Ḥull2b שמא יִשְׁהוּוכ׳ they might pause, might press the knife, v. שְׁהִיָּיה. Ib. 12a; a. fr. 2) to delay, v. infra. Hif. הִשְׁהָה, הִשְׁהָא to cause delay; to detain, restrain. Nidd.31a sq. מהיך שמַשְׁהִין עצמןוכ׳ because they restrain themselves (retard effusion) Snh.76a המַשְׁהֶא בתווכ׳ he who retards (the marriage of) his marriageable daughter. Gen. R. s. 85 והן מַשְׁהִין אותןוכ׳ and they (the sons of Eli) caused them to stay away from their home one night. Lev. R. s. 37, beg. שנודר ומשההוכ׳ who vows (a sacrifice) and procrastinates the fulfilment of his vow. Ib. ע״י שנדר ושָׁהָה את נדרו (perh. שִׁהָה, Pi.) because he had vowed and was procrastinating Keth.61a הכל משהין בפני השמשוכ׳ you may postpone every dish before the waiter (keep him from eating while he is serving), except ; a. fr. Pi. שִׁיהָה same, to delay the use of, let stand. Y.Ter.VIII, 45c top אסור לְשָׁהוֹתוֹ ואם שִׁיהוֹוכ׳ (or לַשְׁהוֹתוֹ, Hif.) you must not let it stand, but if one did, and it turned into vinegar Ib. ואם שִׁיהָן and if one did let them stand; a. e. Hithpa. הִשְׁתָּהֶה, Nithpa. נִשְׁתָּהֶא, נִשְׁתָּהֶה 1) to be delayed. R. Hash. IV, 4 פעם אחת נִשְׁתָּהוּ … מלבוא once the witnesses (that had seen the new moon rise) were delayed from coming (were late). Nidd.27a מעשה ונ׳ הולד אחרוכ׳ it occurred that a twin child was born three months after its brother; a. fr. 2) to gaze, be undecided, deliberate Num. R. s. 57> מה אתה עומד ומִשְׁתָּהֶה (some ed. ומִשְׁתָּהֶא) why dost thou stand and deliberate?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שהה

  • 124 שָׁהָה

    שהי, שָׁהָה, שָׁהָא(b. h. שאה) 1) to stand still, pause; to dwell, tarry. Shebu.II, 3 או שש׳ בכדי השתחוואה or if the unclean person stayed in the Temple long enough for prostration. Ib. 17a (mixed diet.) בדלא ש׳ when he did not stand still (but walked constantly though slowly). Yeb.VI, 7 נשא אשה וש׳ עמהוכ׳ if one married a woman and lived with her ten years without issue. Ib. רשאי השני לִשְׁהוֹתוכ׳ the second husband may live with her ten years. Ib. 36b כל ששהאוכ׳ a human birth that survived thirty days (although born in the eighth month) is not considered an abortion; Sabb.135b ששהה. Ber.V, 1 חסידים … שוֹהִין שעהוכ׳ the pious men of olden times used to tarry a while (in the synagogue) before prayer Ib. 32b היו שוהין שעה … וחוזרין ושוהיןוכ׳ they waited an hour, and prayed an hour, and tarried again an hour (at synagogue); a. fr.Esp. (ritual) to pause during the act of slaughtering (which makes the animal so cut unfit to eat). Ḥull2b שמא יִשְׁהוּוכ׳ they might pause, might press the knife, v. שְׁהִיָּיה. Ib. 12a; a. fr. 2) to delay, v. infra. Hif. הִשְׁהָה, הִשְׁהָא to cause delay; to detain, restrain. Nidd.31a sq. מהיך שמַשְׁהִין עצמןוכ׳ because they restrain themselves (retard effusion) Snh.76a המַשְׁהֶא בתווכ׳ he who retards (the marriage of) his marriageable daughter. Gen. R. s. 85 והן מַשְׁהִין אותןוכ׳ and they (the sons of Eli) caused them to stay away from their home one night. Lev. R. s. 37, beg. שנודר ומשההוכ׳ who vows (a sacrifice) and procrastinates the fulfilment of his vow. Ib. ע״י שנדר ושָׁהָה את נדרו (perh. שִׁהָה, Pi.) because he had vowed and was procrastinating Keth.61a הכל משהין בפני השמשוכ׳ you may postpone every dish before the waiter (keep him from eating while he is serving), except ; a. fr. Pi. שִׁיהָה same, to delay the use of, let stand. Y.Ter.VIII, 45c top אסור לְשָׁהוֹתוֹ ואם שִׁיהוֹוכ׳ (or לַשְׁהוֹתוֹ, Hif.) you must not let it stand, but if one did, and it turned into vinegar Ib. ואם שִׁיהָן and if one did let them stand; a. e. Hithpa. הִשְׁתָּהֶה, Nithpa. נִשְׁתָּהֶא, נִשְׁתָּהֶה 1) to be delayed. R. Hash. IV, 4 פעם אחת נִשְׁתָּהוּ … מלבוא once the witnesses (that had seen the new moon rise) were delayed from coming (were late). Nidd.27a מעשה ונ׳ הולד אחרוכ׳ it occurred that a twin child was born three months after its brother; a. fr. 2) to gaze, be undecided, deliberate Num. R. s. 57> מה אתה עומד ומִשְׁתָּהֶה (some ed. ומִשְׁתָּהֶא) why dost thou stand and deliberate?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שָׁהָה

  • 125 שָׁהָא

    שהי, שָׁהָה, שָׁהָא(b. h. שאה) 1) to stand still, pause; to dwell, tarry. Shebu.II, 3 או שש׳ בכדי השתחוואה or if the unclean person stayed in the Temple long enough for prostration. Ib. 17a (mixed diet.) בדלא ש׳ when he did not stand still (but walked constantly though slowly). Yeb.VI, 7 נשא אשה וש׳ עמהוכ׳ if one married a woman and lived with her ten years without issue. Ib. רשאי השני לִשְׁהוֹתוכ׳ the second husband may live with her ten years. Ib. 36b כל ששהאוכ׳ a human birth that survived thirty days (although born in the eighth month) is not considered an abortion; Sabb.135b ששהה. Ber.V, 1 חסידים … שוֹהִין שעהוכ׳ the pious men of olden times used to tarry a while (in the synagogue) before prayer Ib. 32b היו שוהין שעה … וחוזרין ושוהיןוכ׳ they waited an hour, and prayed an hour, and tarried again an hour (at synagogue); a. fr.Esp. (ritual) to pause during the act of slaughtering (which makes the animal so cut unfit to eat). Ḥull2b שמא יִשְׁהוּוכ׳ they might pause, might press the knife, v. שְׁהִיָּיה. Ib. 12a; a. fr. 2) to delay, v. infra. Hif. הִשְׁהָה, הִשְׁהָא to cause delay; to detain, restrain. Nidd.31a sq. מהיך שמַשְׁהִין עצמןוכ׳ because they restrain themselves (retard effusion) Snh.76a המַשְׁהֶא בתווכ׳ he who retards (the marriage of) his marriageable daughter. Gen. R. s. 85 והן מַשְׁהִין אותןוכ׳ and they (the sons of Eli) caused them to stay away from their home one night. Lev. R. s. 37, beg. שנודר ומשההוכ׳ who vows (a sacrifice) and procrastinates the fulfilment of his vow. Ib. ע״י שנדר ושָׁהָה את נדרו (perh. שִׁהָה, Pi.) because he had vowed and was procrastinating Keth.61a הכל משהין בפני השמשוכ׳ you may postpone every dish before the waiter (keep him from eating while he is serving), except ; a. fr. Pi. שִׁיהָה same, to delay the use of, let stand. Y.Ter.VIII, 45c top אסור לְשָׁהוֹתוֹ ואם שִׁיהוֹוכ׳ (or לַשְׁהוֹתוֹ, Hif.) you must not let it stand, but if one did, and it turned into vinegar Ib. ואם שִׁיהָן and if one did let them stand; a. e. Hithpa. הִשְׁתָּהֶה, Nithpa. נִשְׁתָּהֶא, נִשְׁתָּהֶה 1) to be delayed. R. Hash. IV, 4 פעם אחת נִשְׁתָּהוּ … מלבוא once the witnesses (that had seen the new moon rise) were delayed from coming (were late). Nidd.27a מעשה ונ׳ הולד אחרוכ׳ it occurred that a twin child was born three months after its brother; a. fr. 2) to gaze, be undecided, deliberate Num. R. s. 57> מה אתה עומד ומִשְׁתָּהֶה (some ed. ומִשְׁתָּהֶא) why dost thou stand and deliberate?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שָׁהָא

  • 126 שכן

    שָׁכַן(b. h.; v. כון, כנן) to dwell, rest. Ḥull.65a ש׳ עם הטמאים טמא a bird (of which you do not know whether it is clean or unclean) that nests with unclean birds, is unclean. B. Kam.92b (quot. from an unknown writing, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 7) כל עוף למינו יִשְׁכּיֹןוכ׳ every bird nests with its kind, and man with his like; Yalk. Gen. 116; Yalk. Jud. 67. Tanḥ. Noah 15 אין הקללה שוֹכֶנֶתוכ׳ (Gen. R. s. 36 הוָֹה) curse does not rest (take effect) where blessing has been pronounced; a. fr. Pi. שִׁיכֵּן, שִׁכֵּן 1) to cause to dwell, establish. Ber.12a מי שש׳ את שמו הוא יַשְׁכִּיןוכ׳ may he who caused his name to dwell in this house, let dwell among you love and brotherhood Ib. 16b שתְּשַׁכֵּן (or. שתַּשְׁכֵּן), v. פּוּר. Gen. R. s. 64 (ref. to שְׁכֹן, Gen. 26:2) שכֵּן השכינה בארץ let the Shechinah rest in the land (do not cause the Shechinah to move with thee to a foreign land); Yalk. ib. 111. Pirke dR. El. ch. XXXVI איני יכול לשַׁכֵּן שכינתי עליךוכ׳ I cannot let my Shechinah (holy inspiration) rest upon thee in a foreign land; a. fr. 2) to make prosperous. Num. R. s. 143> שבשבילו ש׳ה׳ לאדוניו because for his (Josephs) sake the Lord prospered his master; (Matt. K.; the Lord revealed himself to his master, v. Gen. R. s. 86, end).(Gen. R. s. 34 שיכן בזכות, v. שִׁיכּוּן. Hif. הִשְׁכִּין to cause to dwell. Cant. R. to V, 1 (ref. to Ps. 37:29) יַשְׁכִּינוּ לשכינהוכ׳ they cause the Shechinah to dwell on earth; ib. הצדיקים הִשְׁכִּינוּוכ׳ the righteous (Abraham, Isaac etc.) brought the Shechinah down to earth. Ber.12a, v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שכן

  • 127 שָׁכַן

    שָׁכַן(b. h.; v. כון, כנן) to dwell, rest. Ḥull.65a ש׳ עם הטמאים טמא a bird (of which you do not know whether it is clean or unclean) that nests with unclean birds, is unclean. B. Kam.92b (quot. from an unknown writing, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 7) כל עוף למינו יִשְׁכּיֹןוכ׳ every bird nests with its kind, and man with his like; Yalk. Gen. 116; Yalk. Jud. 67. Tanḥ. Noah 15 אין הקללה שוֹכֶנֶתוכ׳ (Gen. R. s. 36 הוָֹה) curse does not rest (take effect) where blessing has been pronounced; a. fr. Pi. שִׁיכֵּן, שִׁכֵּן 1) to cause to dwell, establish. Ber.12a מי שש׳ את שמו הוא יַשְׁכִּיןוכ׳ may he who caused his name to dwell in this house, let dwell among you love and brotherhood Ib. 16b שתְּשַׁכֵּן (or. שתַּשְׁכֵּן), v. פּוּר. Gen. R. s. 64 (ref. to שְׁכֹן, Gen. 26:2) שכֵּן השכינה בארץ let the Shechinah rest in the land (do not cause the Shechinah to move with thee to a foreign land); Yalk. ib. 111. Pirke dR. El. ch. XXXVI איני יכול לשַׁכֵּן שכינתי עליךוכ׳ I cannot let my Shechinah (holy inspiration) rest upon thee in a foreign land; a. fr. 2) to make prosperous. Num. R. s. 143> שבשבילו ש׳ה׳ לאדוניו because for his (Josephs) sake the Lord prospered his master; (Matt. K.; the Lord revealed himself to his master, v. Gen. R. s. 86, end).(Gen. R. s. 34 שיכן בזכות, v. שִׁיכּוּן. Hif. הִשְׁכִּין to cause to dwell. Cant. R. to V, 1 (ref. to Ps. 37:29) יַשְׁכִּינוּ לשכינהוכ׳ they cause the Shechinah to dwell on earth; ib. הצדיקים הִשְׁכִּינוּוכ׳ the righteous (Abraham, Isaac etc.) brought the Shechinah down to earth. Ber.12a, v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שָׁכַן

  • 128 שלי

    שְׁלֵי, שְׁלָא(v. שְׁלָה) ( to be lax, 1) to be at ease, quiet, unconcerned. Targ. Job 3:17. Ib. 25. Targ. II Esth. 4:14 (h. text החרש); a. fr. 2) to neglect, forget. Targ. Ps. 9:13 (h. text שכח). Targ. Job 8:13. Ib. 39:15; a. e. 3) to be unaware, err, make a mistake (corresp. to h. שגג, שגה). Ib. 6:24. Ib. 12:16. Targ. Ps. 119:67 שָׁלֵי (Ms. שָׁאלֵי); a. e. Af. אַשְׁלֵי 1) to let go, leave off; to abandon, neglect. Ib. 39:14. Ib. 9:18. Ib. 44:10. Targ. Prov. 1:30. Ib. 5:12 (ed. Lag. אַסְלֵי); a. fr. 2) to cause to err, let go astray. Targ. Job 12:16. Targ. Ps. 119:10. Ithpe. אִשְׁתְּלֵי. 1) to be abandoned, forgotten. Ib. 9:19. 2) to let ones self go, err, forget. Targ. Lev. 4:13; 5:18. Targ. Ez. 45:20. Targ. Jer. 29:26 (h. text משגע); a. e.Ber.53b אכיל וא׳ ולאוכ׳ he ate and through forget-fulness failed to say grace. Ab. Zar.72b דילמא מִשְׁתְּלִיתוּוכ׳ you may forget yourselves (or relax) aud throw the entire weight upon him. Yeb.115b אִישְׁתַּלּוּיֵי אי׳ (not אישתלוי) he may have been careless (or have forgotten, to wipe off the mark).

    Jewish literature > שלי

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