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со всех языков на все языки


  • 41 read

    1. I
    1) learn (teach smb.) to read учиться (научить кого-л.) читать; be (un)able to read (не) уметь читать; he can neither read nor write он не умеет ни читать, ни писать; I've no time (I haven't enough time) to read /for reading/ у меня нет (достаточно) времени, чтобы читать /для чтения/; I've finished reading я дочитал; did he speak extempore or read? он говорил [без подготовки] или читал?
    2) what does the thermometer (speedometer, etc.) read ? что показывает термометр и т.д.?, какая температура и т.д.?
    2. II
    1) read i n some manner read slowly (fluently, softly, intelligibly, indistinctly, monotonously, etc.) читать медленно и т.д.; read aloud out loud/ (просчитать вслух; read word by word читать слово за словом; read at sight читать с листа; read for some time read all day long читать весь, день напролет; she's learning to read now сейчас она учится читать; read far into the night читать /зачитываться/ далека за полночь
    2) read in some manner the sentence (the passage, etc.) reads oddly /queerly/ это предложение и т.д. странно звучит; the play does not read well эта пьеса при чтении не производит впечатления; the play reads hatter than it acts пьеса читается лучше, чем звучит со сцены; the passage reads thus вот, что гласит этот отрывок; read at some time how does the sentence read now? как теперь звучит /сформулировано/ это предложение?
    3) read in some manner you must read harder [next term] вам надо больше заниматься [в будущем /следующем/ семестре]
    3. III
    read smth.
    1) read a letter (a book, a newspaper, a manuscript, poetry, Shakespeare, etc.) читать письмо и т.д.; read English (German, etc.) читать по-английски и т.д.; he can read several languages он умеет читать на нескольких языках; on the ring one can read these words... на кольце можно прочитать такие слова...; read a will зачитывать завещание; read proofs print. читать /держать, править/ корректуру
    2) read a lecture (a report, a paper, a sermon, etc.) читать лекцию и т.д.
    3) the clause reads both ways статьи можно понимать /толковать/ двояко; а rule that reads two different ways правило, которое можно понимать и так, и этак; for "fail", a misprint, read "fall" вкралась опечатка: вместо "fail" читайте "fall"
    4) read hieroglyphs (Chinese characters, the clock, etc.) разбирать /расшифровывать/ иероглифы и т.д.; read the Morse system знать азбуку Морзе; read a map читать карту; read a piece of music разобрать музыкальную пьесу; а motorist must be able to read traffic signs автомобилист должен уметь разбираться в дорожных знаках; read a riddle разгадать загадку; read dreams толковать /разгадывать/ сны; read smb.'s fortune предсказывать кому-л. судьбу; read smb.'s thought читать чьи-л. мысли; read men's hearts читать в людских сердцах
    6) read a thermometer (a barometer, an electric meter, etc.) снимать показания термометра и т.д.; read smb.'s blood pressure измерять кому-л. кровяное давление; read an angle topog. измерить угол
    7) read history (physics, etc.) изучать историю и т.д.
    4. IV
    1) read smth. in some manner read smth. silently (easily, clearly, aloud, etc.) читать что-л. молча и т.д., read smth. over and over снова и снова перечитывать что-л.; read it out loud прочтите это вслух; he cannot read English or German fluently он не умеет бегло читать ни по-английски, ни по-немецки; she reads poetry very well она очень хорошо читает стихи; read smth. at some time I like to read books at night я люблю читать книги ночью; have you read your mail yet? вы уже прочитали свою почту?; few read this author nowadays в наши дни немногие читают этого писателя
    2) read smth. at some time can the child read the clock yet? ребенок умеет уже узнавать время по часам? || read music at sight читать ноты с листа
    3) read smth. in some manner I read it differently я это не так понимаю
    5. V
    read smb. smth.
    1) read smb. a letter (a story, etc.) (просчитать кому-л. письмо и т.д.
    2) read smb. a lesson (a [severe] lecture) прочитать кому-л. нотацию (сделать [суровое] внушение)
    6. VI
    read smth. in some state few will read it dry-eyed немногие прочтут это, не прослезившись
    7. XI
    1) be read the boy had been read the story of Cinderella мальчику прочли сказку о Золушке; be read to for some time the invalid is read to for several hours daily больному каждый день читают вслух по нескольку часов; be read by smb. this is largely read by young men эту книгу больше всего читает молодежь
    2) be read after the will had been read после оглашения завещания; read and aproved заслушано и одобрено (о протоколе, плане и т.п.)
    3) be read in some manner clause that may be read several ways статья, допускающая несколько толкований; his letters have to be read between the lines его письма следует читать между строк; be read as smth. my silence is not to be read as consent мое молчание нельзя считать согласием /принимать за согласие/
    8. XVI
    1) read about /of /smth., smb. read about a disaster (of smb.'s death, of heroes of other days, of his success, etc.) (про)читать о катастрофе и т.д.; I've just been reading about it я как раз об этом только что читал; read from /out of /smth., smb. read from /out of/ a book a) вычитать [что-л.] в книге; б) процитировать что-л. из книги; read from Shakespeare читать из [произведений] Шекспира; read to smb. read to the children читать детям; read to oneself читать про себя; read before smb. read before the class читать перед классом /всему классу/; read at (by) smth. read at meals (at night, etc.) читать за едой и т.д., read by turns читать по очереди || read between the lines читать между строк; read in some place read in bed (in trains, etc.) читать в постели и т.д., read in a certain voice read in a low (in a firm, in a sure, in a clear, etc.) voice читать тихим и т.д. голосом; read with (without) smth. read with [much] enthusiasm (with expression, with poetical rapture, etc.) читать с [большим] энтузиазмом и т.д., read with the lips читать [шевели] губами; the blind read with their fingers слепые читают с помощью пальцев; read without expression читать без [всякого] выражения; read without glasses /spectacles/ читать без очков; read for smth. read for amusement and relaxation читать для развлечения и отдыха; read in smth. read in smb.'s eyes (in smb.'s heart, in smb.'s face, etc.) читать в чьих-л. глазах и т.д.; read in some language read in some foreign language (in Spanish, in Turkish, etc.) читать на каком-л. иностранном языке и т.д.
    2) read to (in) smth. this ticket reads to Boston в билете сказано "до Бостона"; how does this passage read in the original (in translation)? как звучит этот отрывок в оригинале (в переводе)?
    3) read for smth. read for an examination (for a degree, for honours, etc.) готовиться к экзамену и т.д.; read for the law учиться на юридическом факультете; read for the Bar готовиться к адвокатуре; read (up)on smth. read (up)on a subject готовиться [к экзамену] по какому-л. предмету
    9. XVIII
    read oneself into some state read oneself hoarse (stupid, blind, etc.) дочитаться до хрипоты и т.д.
    10. XIX1
    read like smth. the book reads like a translation (like a novel, like a wild dream, like a threat, like a lie, etc.) книга читается /воспринимается/ как перевод и т.д.; this does not read like a child's composition когда читаешь это сочинение, то не возникает /не создается/ впечатления, что оно написано ребенком; the autobiography reads like a novel эту автобиографию читаешь, как роман
    11. XX3
    || the document (the letter, etc.) reads as follows... документ и т.д. гласит следующее...; the passage quoted (the telegram, etc.) reads as follows... в цитате и т.д. говорится, что...
    12. XXI1
    1) read smth. to smb. read a story to the children (a letter to one's brother, etc.) (про)читать детям рассказ и т.д.; read the letter to yourself прочтите письмо про себя; read smth., smb. in smth. read smth. in the newspaper (in a book, etc.) (про)читать что-л. в газете и т.д.; read an author in the original читать какого-л. автора в оригинале; read smth. with (without) smth. read English poetry with interest (with intelligence, with appreciation, with expression, etc.) читать английскую поэзию с интересом и т.д.; I can't see to read the name without a light без света я не могу прочитать фамилию; read smth. by (in) a certain light read smth. by candle-light (by noonlight, in twilight, etc.) читать что-л. при свече и т.д.; read smb. to some state read smb. (oneself) to sleep усыпить кого-л. (себя) чтением
    2) read smth. to smb. read a report to the meeting a) огласить отчет на заседании; б) сделать доклад на собрании; read a sermon to smb. прочесть кому-л. нотацию, давать кому-л. наставления
    3) read smth. by smth. read a telegram by code расшифровать /прочитать/ телеграмму с помощью кода; read smth. in smth. read smb.'s thoughts (smb.'s open nature, etc.) in his eyes (in his countenance, etc.) читать чьи-л. мысли и т.д. по глазам и т.д.; you can read a person's character in his face по лицу можно определить характер человека; read smb.'s future in tea-leaves = гадать кому-л. на кофейной гуще; read smth. instead of smth. read "of" instead of "for" print. вместо "for" следует читать "of" || read smth. between the lines читать между строк; I could read jealousy between the lines между строк явно проглядывала ревность [, водившая пером автора]; read smth. into smth. видеть что-л. в чем-л.; read sarcasm into a letter усмотреть в письме насмешку; you read too much into the text вы вычитали из текста то, чего в нем нет; we sometimes read our own thoughts into a poet's words мы иногда вкладываем свой собственный смысл в слова поэта; read a compliment into what was meant as a rebuke истолковать как комплимент то, что должно было быть /звучать/ упреком
    4) read smth. at smth. he's reading physics at Cambridge он в Кембридже изучает физику
    13. XXIII1 |
    || read smb. like a book прекрасно понимать кого-л., видеть кого-л. насквозь
    14. XXIV1
    read smth. as smth. read silence as consent (the dark and cloudy sky as the threat of a storm, etc.) рассматривать /считать, толковать/ молчание как согласие и т.д.
    15. XXV
    1) read when... (that...) he was reading when I called он читал, когда я позвонил; I've read somewhere that it's not true (that revenge is wild justice, etc.) я где-то читал /прочел/, что это неправда и т.д.
    2) read that... the paragraph reads to the effect that all men are equal в этом абзаце говорится /провозглашается/, что все люди равны

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > read

  • 42 sit

    1. I
    1) Parliament (the board, the committee, etc.) is sitting заседает парламент и т.д.; the court is sitting идет суд
    2) don't disturb hens when they are sitting когда курицы высаживают цыплят, их нельзя трогать
    2. II
    1) sit in some manner sit calmly (proudly, comfortably, awkwardly, upright, erect, side by side, back to back, etc.) сидеть спокойно и т.д.; sit closer together сядьте потеснее друг к другу, потеснитесь; he sat alone он сидел один /в одиночестве/; sit somewhere would you rather sit here? вам удобнее посидеть здесь?; you won't finish today if you just sit there вы сегодня не кончите, если будете сидеть сложа руки; let's go and sit out in the open пойдемте выйдем и посидим на свежем воздухе; sit at some time the hens don't sit this year в этом году куры плохо высиживают цыплят
    2) into some time sit far into the night (into the early hours of the morning, etc.) засиживаться до глубокой ночи и т.д. || sit at home сидеть дома, быть домоседом
    3) sit at some time the court sits next month заседание суда состоится в следующем месяце; they sit all the year round они заседают /у них проходят заседания/ круглый год; the committee sits regularly комиссия заседает /собирается/ регулярно
    4) sit in some manner the coat (the jacket, her dress, etc.) sits well (not too well, badly, etc.) пальто и т.д. сидит хорошо и т.д.
    3. III
    sit smb.
    1) she didn't know how to sit the guests она не знала, как рассадить гостей; our dining-room table sits [only] six people у нас за обеденный стол могут сесть [только] шесть человек
    2) sit a horse (a mule, a camel, etc.) сидеть /держаться/ на лошади и т.д.
    4. IV
    sit smb. in some manner sit a horse gracefully (well, badly, etc.) грациозно и т.д. сидеть /держаться/ на лошади
    5. XI 6. XIV
    sit doing smth. sit reading (looking at each other, writing, thinking, weeping, etc.) сидеть и читать и т.д.
    7. XV
    sit in some state sit silent (perfectly still, mute, alone, motionless, etc.) сидеть молча и т.д.; sit idle сидеть сложа руки: sit cross-legged сидеть, заложив нога на ногу; cheese sits heavy on the stomach сыр тяжел для желудка id sit tight coll. сидеть и не рыпаться
    8. XVI
    1) sit in (on, at, around, by, etc.) smth. sit in one's study (in the hall, in an armchair, in the middle of one's bed, etc.) сидеть в своем кабинете и т.д.; the birds are sitting in the tree птицы сидят на дереве; sit on the floor (on a.bench, on a branch, on the roof, on the platform, on the fence, on the throne, etc.) сидеть на полу и т.д.; sit [well] on horseback [хорошо] сидеть /держаться/ на лошади; sit on one's heels присесть /сидеть/ на корточках; the dog was sitting on its haunches собака сидела на задних лапах; sit at a table (at a desk, at a window, by the river, by the roadside, by his bedside, etc.) сидеть за столом и т.д.; they were sitting at the fire они сидели у камина; sit around the fire сидеть у /вокруг/ костра; sit around the room сидеть /рассесться/ по всей комнате; sit by /next to/ smb. sit by /next to/ one's wife сидеть рядом со своей женой
    2) sit oner / at/ smth. sit over one's books (over one's work, over the problem, at needlework, etc.) сидеть над книгами и т.д.; he sits for hours over each line он часами корпит над каждой строчкой; sit at tea (at dinner, etc.) сидеть за чаем и т.д.; sit over a glass of wine сидеть за стаканчиком вина; she sits a long time over her meals она долго сидит за едой, она медленно ест; sit over a pipe сидеть, покуривая трубку; sit through smth. sit through a long sermon высидеть всю длинную проповедь до конца; I could hardly sit through the play (through the performance, etc.) я едва высидел до конца пьесы и т.д. || sit by oneself сидеть в одиночестве
    3) sit on smth. the house (the city, etc.) sits [well] on the slope (on a hill, etc.) дом и т.д. [красиво] расположен на склоне горы и т.д.; the glass (the clock, etc.) sits on the table (on that shelf, etc.) стакан и т.д. стоит на столе и т.д.
    4) sit in smth. they sat in conference у них было заседание; sit at some time the committee sits on Thursdays комиссия заседает /собирается/ по четвергам; Parliament sits from August till October заседания парламента продолжаются с августа по октябрь; the House was still sitting at 8 o'clock в восемь часов палата все еще заседала; the judge will not sit on Saturday в субботу у судьи неприёмный день; sit on smth. sit on a case рассматривать /разбирать/ дело; а committee is sitting on the question по этому вопросу заседает комиссия; sit in /on/ smth. sit in Parliament (in Congress, on a committee, on a commission, on a board, on a jury, on court-martial, etc.) быть членом парламента и т.д.; sit for smth. sit for a constituency (for a borough of A, for Liverpool, etc.) представлять округ и т.д. (в парламенте и т.п.)
    5) sit for smth. sit for a portrait (for a photograph, etc.) позировать для портрета и т.д.; who sat for this statue? с кого лепили эту статую?; sit to smb. sit to an artist (to a sculptor, to a photographer, etc.) позировать художнику и т.д.
    6) sit for smth. sit for an examination (for one's finals, for a degree, for a scholarship, etc.) сдавать экзамен на что-л.
    7) sit on smb. her riding-habit doesn't sit well on her костюм для верховой езды сидит на ней не очень хорошо; her dress sits loosely on her платье на ней болтается
    9. XVIII
    sit oneself on (in, at, etc.) smth. sit oneself on the sofa (on a mossy bank, in a corner, etc.) усаживаться /устраиваться/ на диване и т.д.; sit oneself at my side сядьте рядом со мной; sit oneself beside /next to/ smb. he sat himself beside /next to/ me он уселся рядом со мной
    10. XXI1
    sit smb. in (at, on) smth. sit the visitors in the hall усадить посетителей в холле; sit one's guests at the table (a child in a chair, the baby in a pram, etc.) посадить /усадить/ всех гостей за стол и т.д.; she sat the baby on her knees она посадила ребенка на колени; sit smb. for some time the waiter couldn't sit us for half an hour официант целых полчаса не мог найти для нас места
    11. XXV
    sit when... they were sitting when we came in они сидели, когда мы вошли

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > sit

  • 43 TEE

    m; -s, Sorten -s
    1. tea; ( einen) Tee machen oder kochen make some tea, make a pot ( oder cup) of tea; einen Tee trinken have a cup of tea; schwarzer / grüner Tee black / green tea; zwei Tee mit Zitrone two teas with lemon; abwarten und Tee trinken! umg., fig. (let’s [ oder you’ll just have to]) wait and see; einen im Tee haben umg., fig. have had one too many, be (a bit) squiffy (Am. tipsy)
    2. nur Sg. (Teenachmittag) (afternoon) tea; er kommt zum Tee he’s coming to ( oder for) tea
    * * *
    der Tee
    * * *
    m -, -(s) (RAIL) abbr
    * * *
    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.) tea
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!) tea
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!) tea
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) tea
    * * *
    <-[s], -s>
    m Abk von Trans-Europ-Express TEE, Trans-Europe-Express
    * * *
    der; Tees, Tees tea

    [einen] Tee machen — make some tea

    * * *
    TEE m; -(s), -(s) BAHN obs TEE, Trans-European Express
    * * *
    der; Tees, Tees tea

    [einen] Tee machen — make some tea

    * * *
    -s m.
    tea n. -s Ei - er n.
    tea ball n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > TEE

  • 44 til

    at, for, into, till, to, until, unto
    * * *
    I. præp
    a) (i alm, især om sted) to ( fx go to London; return to England; keep to the right; write a letter to somebody; with my back to the fire; to my delight (, horror, despair, surprise));
    [ gå til møde (, selskab, fest)] go to a meeting (, a party);
    [ være til et møde (, et selskab, en fest)] be at a meeting (, a party);
    (se også ndf: j);
    b) ( ved arrive og arrival) at,
    ( dog foran navne på lande og store byer) in ( fx arrive at one's destination, in England, at Dover, in London);
    c) (om bestemmelsessted i forb med start, leave, depart etc) for ( fx
    start for Edinburgh; our departure for York);
    [ rejsende til Crewe] passengers for Crewe;
    [ tog til Hull] train for Hull;
    d) ( op imod, støttet til) against ( fx lean against a wall);
    e) ( tid: indtil) until,
    T till ( fx wait untill (, till) tomorrow);
    ( mellem to tidspunkter) to ( fx from ten to twelve o'clock; from 1770 to 1850);
    [ fra morgen til aften] from morning till night;
    ( om dato) up to and including,
    (am) through ( fx from Sunday through Thursday),
    (om sted i bog etc) up to and including;
    f) ( tidspunkt) at ( fx come at the same time; he gave me presents at Christmas and on birthdays);
    ( om arrangementer) for ( fx the ceremony was arranged for two o'clock; I have invited them for two o'clock; I have an appointment for two o'clock; come home for Christmas);
    ( førstkommende) next ( fx next Easter, next summer);
    g) ( senest, sidste frist) by ( fx we must have them by Friday); h) ( når " til" + styrelse = indirekte objekt) to ( fx give money to the poor; sell it to Peter); for ( fx buy a present for her; make a dress for her);
    i) ( bestemmelse) for ( fx here is a letter for you; a basket for potatoes; for use in the kitchen; your task for tomorrow; tickets for "Hamlet"; the boot for the left leg; what is that wheel for? it is good enough for her);
    j) ( i forbindelse med måltiders navne) ( for at få) for ( fx he came home for lunch; he stayed for tea; we were six for dinner);
    ( som man får) to ( fx he came to dinner; he stayed to dinner; invite him (, have him in) to dinner);
    ( om det man spiser) for ( fx we had chicken for lunch; they serve bacon and eggs for breakfast; what did you have for dinner?);
    ( sammen med) with ( fx drink wine with one's dinner; take tea with one's meals);
    k) ( samhørighed) of ( fx the author of the book; the key of the door; the mother of 5 children); to ( fx the heir to the estate); for (
    fx the boot for the left leg);
    l) ( pris, værdi, vurdering) at ( fx I bought 50 at 10 p. each (el.
    apiece); sell (, buy) something at cost price; value the house at £40,000; estimate (el. put) her age at 40);
    m) ( mellem 2 tal i omtrentlig mængdesangivelse) to, or ( fx 25 to 30 persons; 5 or 6 persons);
    n) ( forandring) into ( fx forvandle til change into; oversætte til
    translate into);
    o) ( som) by way of ( fx by way of answer, punishment); for ( fx I
    wouldn't like to have him for my father); as ( fx he had Smith as a teacher);
    p) (efter adj, der betegner (u)dygtighed) at ( fx good (, clever, bad) at history; he is great at football);
    [ til at] at -ing ( fx he is marvellous at interviewing);
    q) [ Udtryk]
    [ andre tilfælde:]
    [ den slyngel til Peter] that rascal of a Peter;
    [ til at] to ( fx too good to be true; not to be seen; not fit to
    [ for tung til at jeg kan løfte den] too heavy for me to lift (it);
    [ her er ikke til at være for fluer] you can't move for flies here;
    [ her er ikke til at være for varme] it is unbearably hot here;
    II. adv
    ( yderligere) more ( fx three more bottles), additional ( fx I bought three additional bottles), another ( fx another drink, another three bottles);
    (efter vb = energisk) hard ( fx run (, hit) hard), with a will ( fx
    hammer away with a will);
    (efter vb = fuldstændigt) up ( fx fryse ` til freeze up);
    [ad ( byen) til] towards (the town);
    [ én til] another, a second;
    [ én gang til] once more;
    [ en halv gang til så lang] half as long again;
    ( tilmed) even, into the bargain;
    (se også de vb hvormed til forbindes, fx blive, komme, være).
    III. conj until,
    T till ( fx wait till I come).

    Danish-English dictionary > til

  • 45 lay

    1. II
    lay in some manner lay well (again, etc.) хорошо и т. д. нестись
    2. III
    lay smth.
    1) lay a submarine cable (gas pipes, rails, etc.) прокладывать подводный кабель и т. д.; lay a floor настилать пол; lay a pavement мостить дорогу; lay linoleum (a carpet, a rug, etc.) класть линолеум и т. д., покрывать линолеумом и т. д.; lay asphalt покрывать асфальтом, асфальтировать; lay bricks класть./укладывать/ кирпичи; lay a bridge наводить мост; lay the table накрывать на стол; lay the cloth а) стелить скатерть; б) накрывать на стол; lay the plates (the spoons, the knives, etc.) сервировать стол (расставлять тарелки, раскладывать ложки и т. п.); lay the fire приготовить дрова, растопку и т. п., чтобы развести огонь (в калыме, печке)
    2) lay a snare (a trap, a net, etc.) ставить /расставлять/ силки и т. д.; lay an ambush устроить засаду; lay plans составить /разработать/ план
    3) lay eggs нестись, класть /откладывать/ яйца
    4) || lay a wager bet/ держать пари, биться об заклад
    5) lay the crops прибивать посевы;lay the rainstorm laid the oats ливень прибил /примял/ овес; sprinkle water to lay the dust побрызгай водой, чтобы прибить пыль /чтобы не поднять пыли/
    6) lay apprehensions (smb.'s foreboding. smb.'s fears, etc.) рассеивать чьи-л. опасения и т. д., успокаивать кого-л. и т. д.; what can we do to lay his doubts? как нам рассеять его сомнения?; lay a ghost spirit, a bogey/ изгонять духов
    3. IV
    1) lay smth. somewhere don't lay the book there не клади там книгу; he laid the scene of his last play abroad действие его последней пьесы происходит за границей
    2) lay smth. in some manner lay bricks quickly (the table artistically, etc.) быстро класть кирпича и т. д.
    3) lay smth. in some manner they laid their plans carefully, but failed all the same они тщательно разработали /продумали/ план, но тем не менее у них ничего не вышло
    4. VI
    1) lay smb., smth. in some state lay smb., smth. low flat/ повалить /свалять, опрокинуть/ кого-л., что-л.; he laid the tree low он повалил дерево; the blow laid him low удар свалил его /сбил его с ног/
    2) lay smth. in some state lay a region (a place, a country, a land, a district, etc.) waste опустошать район и т.д., lay land (a field) fallow оставлять землю (поле) под паром; lay a tract of land dry осушать участок земли
    3) lay smth., smb. in some state lay a way (an underground passage, etc.) open открывать путь и т. д.; оставлять путь и т. д. незащищенным; lay one's cheek (one's head, etc.) open рассечь щеку и т. д.; lay a plot open раскрыть заговор; lay one's heart (one's chest, one's secret, one's secret feelings, etc.) bare раскрывать /открывать/ [свою] душу и т. д.; lay one's plans bare раскрывать свои планы; lay oneself open to suspicion (to accusations, to criticism, to calumny, etc.) навлекать на себя подозрение и т. д., lay oneself open to attack подставлять себя под удар
    5. VII
    lay smb. to do smth. lay smb. to sleep /to rest/ a) уложить кого-л. спать; б) похоронить кого-л.
    6. XI
    1) be laid in some manner they are laid end to end их укладывают /кладут/ концами /конец к концу/
    2) be laid in some place a fire was laid in the grate дрова были положены в камин; the scene [of the story (of a play, of a tale, etc.)] is laid in London (in a small town in Germany, etc.) действие [в рассказе и т. д.] происходит /события [ рассказа и т. д.] разворачиваются/ в Лондоне и т. д. || be laid at smb.'s door свалить вину на кого-л.; the failure will be laid at your door ты окажешься виноватым в провале, вину за провал свалят /возложат/ на тебя /припишут тебе/
    3) be laid by smth. the oats were laid by the rainstorm (by the wind. etc.) овес побило ливнем и т. д., овес полег после ливня и т. д., be laid low by sickness coll. заболеть и быть вынужденным лежать (в постели), свалиться (от болезни), I've been laid low by influenza coll. грипп свалил меня; when he was laid low by typhoid fever... coll. когда он лежал в тифе...
    4) be laid before smb.'s smth. all facts were laid before the committee комиссии были представлены все факты
    5) be laid in some state the city was laid flat (in ruins) город был полностью разрушен (лежал в руинах); the country was laid waste страна была разорена
    7. XVI
    1) lay at some time lay in summer (in the morning, etc.) нестись /класть яйца/ летом и т. д.
    2) lay into smb. coll. he laid into us он набросился на нас (с кулаками), он начал дубасить /колотить/ нас
    3) || lay to one's oars налечь на весла
    8. XXI1
    1) lay smth. (up)on smth. lay smth. on a shelf (on the table, up(on) the bench, on the ground, etc.) класть /ставить/ что-л. на полку и т. д., lay one's hand on smb.'s shoulder (one's head on a pillow, etc.) класть /опускать/ руку на чье л. плечо и т. д.: no sooner did she lay her head on the pillow... не успела ее голова коснуться подушки...; lay colours on canvas накладывать /наносить/ краски на холст; lay one's cards on the table выложить карты на стол, говорить начистоту; lay smth. on smth.! smb. lay one's hopes on smth., smb. возлагать надежды на что-л., кого-л.; lay eyes on smth., smb. увидеть что-л., кого-л.; lay smb. on smth. lay smb. on his bed (the man on the ground, the poor girl on the bench, the wounded man on a stretcher, etc.) положить кого-л. на кровать и т. д., I laid myself upon the bed я улегся на кровать /разлегся на кровати/; lay smth. in smth. lay the body in the grave (the box in the hole, etc.) опустить тело в могилу и т.д., lay smth. along smth. she laid the flowerpots along the verandas (h) он it расставила горшки с цветами вдоль веранды; lay smth. at smth. lay the loot at her feet сложить добычу к ее ногам || lay [one's] hands on smth. coll. a) завладевать чем-л., присваивать что-л.; he will keep everything he can lay [his] hands on он не выпустит (из своих рук) то, что захватил; he is ready to lay hands on anything he sees он готов заграбастать все, что ни видит; б) найти; I can't lay my hands on it just now в данный момент я не могу этого найти; lay one's finger on smth. точно определить что-л. /указать на что-л./; lay попасть в точку; you always manage to lay your finger on the weak spot in my logic вам всегда удается обнаружить /раскрыть/ слабые стороны в моей аргументации / в моей логике/; lay hold on /of/ smth. захватить что-л., завладеть чем-л.; lay hold on /of/ the treasure (of the island, of their castle, etc.) захватить сокровище и т.д., завладеть сокровищем и т. д.; he laid hold of this idea он ухватился за эту мысль
    2) lay smth. on smb. lay blows (a stick, a whip, etc.) on smb. избивать кого-л., наносить удары кому-л.; lay one on smb. coll. дать кому-л. тумака /раза/; lay it on smb. coll. задать кому л. трепку, избить кого-л.; lay hands on smb. поднять руку на кого-л.; if you dare to lay a finger on her если ты только посмеешь пальцем ее тронуть /дотронуться до нее/; lay [violent] hands on oneself наложить на себя руки, покончить с собой
    3) lay smth. across smth. lay a plank across the ditch перекидывать доску через канаву; they decided to lay a bridge across this river они решили навести мост через эту реку; lay smth. with smth. lay a floor with a carpet застилать / покрывать/ пол ковром; lay the table for smth., smb. lay the table for breakfast (for dinner, for guests, for three, etc.) накрывать стол к завтраку и т. д.; lay smth. for /of/ smth. lay the foundation for /of/ smth. a) закладывать фундамент / основы/ чего-л.; this laid the foundation for his future success это положило начало его будущему успеху /послужило началом его будущего успеха/; б) приступать к чему-л.
    4) lay smth. before smth., smb. lay the information before the board (the facts before a committee, one's arguments before the lawyer, the plan before one's officer, one's ideas before one's friends, the scheme before them, etc.) представлять сведения комиссии и т.д.; lay the matter squarely before smb. честно /прямо/ изложить кому-л. дело /существо дела/; the lawyer laid his case before the court адвокат представил /изложил/ дело суду || lay [an] information against smb. доносить на кого-л.; he laid an information against them with the police он донес на них полиции
    5) lay smth. on smth. lay a tax (a duty) on wine (on cigarettes, on imported goods, etc.) облагать вино и т. д. налогом /пошлиной/; lay heavy taxes on tea and coffee обложить чай и кофе большим /высоким/ налогом; lay duty on tobacco обложить табак пошлиной; lay smth. on smb. lay this burden on him (an obligation on us all, a penalty on the man, etc.) накладывать это бремя на него и т. д.; lay a punishment on smb. наказать кого-л., наложить на кого-л. взыскание; lay smth., smb. under (on) smth. lay a conquered country (a town, the people, etc.) under contribution наложить контрибуцию на покоренную страну и т.д., lay smb. under [an] obligation наложить на кого-л. определенные обязательства; I laid myself under obligation to him я ему обязан, я у него в долгу; your conduct lays me under the necessity of punishing you твое поведение вынуждает меня прибегнуть к наказанию, ты плохо себя ведешь, и я вынужден наказать тебя; lay strict injunctions on smb. отдать кому-л. строгий приказ
    6) lay smth. against smb. lay a charge /an accusation/ against smb. выдвигать обвинение против кого-л.; lay an action against smb. предъявлять иск кому-л., возбуждать судебное дело против кого-л.; lay smth. on smb. lay the blame [for smth.] on smb. винить кого-л. [в чем-л.lay; they tried to lay the blame on me они пытались свалить вину на меня; lay smth. to smth. lay one's failure to smb.'s charge (one's misfortunes to smb.'s charge, the crime to smb.'s account, the blame to the account of smb., etc.) обвинять /винить/ кого-л. в своем провале и т. д. || lay the fault at smb.'s door обвинять кого-л., приписывать вину кому-л.; lay the blame at the right door обвинять того, кого следует, справедливо обвинять кого-л.
    7) lay smth. on smth. lay stress on this definition (stress on the event, weight on a word, emphasis on it, etc.) подчеркивать это определение и m. д.; he lays special emphasis on this fact он придает этому факту особое значение; he laid stress on the necessity for /of/ immediate action он подчеркнул необходимость действовать немедленно
    8) lay smth. on smb. lay bets on the runners делать ставки на бегунов; lay money on a horse ставить [деньги] на лошадь
    9) lay smth. in smth. lay a building in ashes сжигать здание до тла; lay a town in ruin (s) разрушать город до основания
    9. XXVI
    lay a bet that... I lay 10s. to one that he will not come ставлю десять шиллингов против одного, что он не придет; I am ready to lay a bet that you never saw a quicker horse (that they will win, that they will come, etc.) готов держать пари, что вы никогда не видели белее резвой лошади и т. д., I'll lay you a bet [that] he will never overtake us держу пари /давайте поспорим, готов биться об заклад/, что он ни за что не обгонит нас

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > lay

  • 46 zubereiten

    v/t (trennb., hat) prepare; das Essen zubereiten auch make (the) dinner ( oder lunch), prepare the meal
    * * *
    to dress; to prepare; to brew
    * * *
    zu|be|rei|ten ptp zubereitet
    vt sep
    Essen to prepare; Arznei auch to make up; Cocktail to mix
    * * *
    1) (to make (tea etc): She brewed another pot of tea.) brew
    2) (to prepare (medicines, especially prescriptions) for giving out.) dispense
    * * *
    zu|be·rei·ten *
    [jdm] etw \zubereiten to prepare sth [for sb]
    einen Cocktail \zubereiten to mix a cocktail
    * * *
    transitives Verb prepare <meal, food, cocktail, etc.>; (kochen) cook <fish, meat, etc.>
    * * *
    zubereiten v/t (trennb, hat) prepare;
    das Essen zubereiten auch make (the) dinner ( oder lunch), prepare the meal
    * * *
    transitives Verb prepare <meal, food, cocktail, etc.>; (kochen) cook <fish, meat, etc.>
    * * *
    to dispense v.
    to prepare v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > zubereiten

  • 47 be

    I. 1. v was, were, been
    pres p being, are, is, pl are
    pt. sing was were was, pl were
    pres subj be, past subj were
    2. гл. връзка
    he is a teacher той e учител
    the roses are beautiful розите ca красиви
    3. съществувам, живея
    I think, therefore, I am мисля, следователно съществувам
    he is no more той не e вече жив
    4. наличие, местонахождение
    there is a man in the garden в градината има човек
    the book is йп the table книгата e на масата
    5. случвам се, състоя се, съм, ставам
    that was yesterday това беше/се случи вчера
    tomorrow is the last session утре ще бъде/ще се състои последното заседание
    this will not BE това няма да стане
    it was not to BE не било писано (да стане)
    6. притежание, предназначение съм
    this book is mine тази книга e моя
    the flowers are for you цветята ca за теб
    7. приcъcтвue съм
    she was at the concert тя беше на концерта
    8. пребиваване съм
    I've BEeп here twice бил съм тук два пъти
    9. струвам
    this skirt is five pounds тази пола струва пет лири
    the oranges are three pence a piece портокалите са/струват (по) три пенса парчето
    10. причина
    this girl will BE the death of me това момиче ще ме умори
    you've BEen and bought that house! разг. шег. ти хем взе, че купи тази къща! who's BEen and taken my new ball-pen again? кой пак мие задигнал новата химикалка? for the time BE ing за сега, понастоящем
    BE that as it may както и да е, дори и да е така
    to let something BEне закачам/не бутам, оставям (на мира) нещо
    his wife-to-BE бъдещата му съпруга
    the to-BE бъдещето
    11. в съчет. с предлози и наречия и при съответните предлози и наречия
    be about налице/наоколо/наблизо съм
    what are you BE? какво правиш? какво си намислил? to BE about to каня се/готвя се да
    be after търся, преследвам
    they are still after the thief все още търсят крадеца, търся, стремя се (да получа, да се сдобия с)
    there are too many men after the same job твърде много хора аспирират за/гонят същата работа
    he is after the family silver той иска да открадне семейните сребърни прибори/предмети
    be around проявявам се, работя (в дадена област)
    съм, идвам (някъде), вж. around
    be at занимавам се с
    what is she at now? с какво се занимава тя сега? разг. пипвам, бърникам
    someone has been at my books again някой пак е пипал книгите ми, нападам, нахвърлям се на, разг. тормозя, врънкам
    to BE at a halt/standstill в застой съм, спрял съм
    be away няма ме, отсъствувам
    be back завръщам се, върнат/поставен съм обратно (някъде)
    be behind закъснял/изостанал съм, изоставам
    прен. крия се зад (за подбуди и пр.), be in вкъщи/в къщата/помещението/кантората и пр. съм, на мода съм, прибран съм (за реколта), намирам се, има ме по магазините (за стока), избран съм, на власт съм, горя (за огън, печка и пр.)
    to BE all in изтощен/капнал съм
    to BE in at участвувам в (пакост и пр.)
    to BE in for включен съм като участник/ще участвувам в
    кандидатствувам (за длъжност, пост), разг. предстои ми, очаква ме (нещо неприятно), to BE in for it изложен/застрашен съм, лошо ми се пише, нямам изход
    to BE in on участвувам в (план, сделка и пр.), осведомен съм за
    to BE (all) in with близък съм/имам връзки/дружа с, в добри отношения съм с
    be off тръгвам (си), отивам (си), заминавам (си)
    BE off! махай се! да те няма! be out не съм в къщи/помещението/кантората и пр., няма ме
    to BE out of (tea, etc.) нямам вече, свърши ми се (чаят и пр.)
    be over свършвам, преминавам
    winter is over зимата свърши
    be up на крак съм, станал съм, свършвам, минавам, изтичам
    time is up времето мина/изтече, свърши се, край! to BE up against someone /something изправен съм пред някого/нещо
    to BE up against it разг. ирон. добре съм се наредил
    it is all up with him свърши се с него, отпиши го
    II. 1. с pres р-за образовано на продължителните времена
    she was watching Т. V. тя гледаше телевизия
    2. с рр-за образуване на pаss
    the book was found книгата се намери
    he will BE informed той ще бъде уведомен
    3. с рр на някой глаголи-за образуване на перфектните времена
    you may go when you are finished след като свършнте, можете да си отидете
    she was gone тя си беше отишла
    4. с prеs р или inf-за изразяване на бъдещност, възможност, задължение, намерение и пp
    she is coming tomorrow тя ще дойде утре
    I was to BE there about noon трябваше да бъда там към обед
    the house is not to let it is to be pulled down къщата няма да се дава под наем ще я събарят
    where am 1 to come? къде трябва да дойда? nobody is to know никой не трябва да знае
    * * *
    {bi:} v (was {wъz. wъz}: were {wъ(:); been {bi:n}; pres p (2) аих 1. с pres р - за образовано на продьлжителните времена:
    * * *
    съм; съществувам; представлявам; be a farm-hand ратайствам; be a prostitute проституирам; be ablaze съумявам; умея; be about понечвам; имам намерение; be about to каня се; be absent отсъствам; be affected превземам; be affected - by пострадвам; be afraid страх; страхувам се; уплашвам; плаша; боя се; be after целя; натискам се; be amused развеселявам; забавлявам се; be an apprentice чиракувам; be an obstacle преча; be angry сърдя; be anxious безпокоя се; be ashamed срамувам се; свеня се; be at a loss недоумявам; be at war воювам; be avenged отмъстен съм; be awake бодърствам; будувам; be aware ясно; съзнавам; зная; be aware of знам; be benumbed схващам; be bewildered недоумявам; be bewitched урочасвам; be boiled увирам; be born раждам; be born anew прераждам се; be buried тъна; be content with задоволявам се; be crisp underfoot утайвам се; be due to {bi `dyu; tu;} дължа; be enough стигам; be enraptured захласвам се; be entranced прехласвам се; захласвам се; be excited вълнувам се; be exhausted изчерпвам се; be familiar with знам; be famous славя; be fine здрав съм; be fit ставам; be forthcoming предстои; be found срещам; be friends with другарувам; be furious разгневен; be going to ще; be good at удава ми се; be healthy здрав съм; be hypnotized хипноза; be impregnated зачевам; be in agony агонизирам; be in circulation котирам се; be in debt to дължа; be in demand търся; котирам се; be in good condition здрав съм; be in harmony хармонирам; be in mourning for негодувам; be informed {bi in'fO;md} знам; be jealous of завиждам; be late просрочвам; закъснявам; be located намирам се; be lucky сполучвам; be mashed on лудея; be missing липсвам; be moved разчувствам; be necessary трябвам; be obliged to длъжен съм; be off отивам си; be on светя; работя; be on a visit гостувам; be on guard карауля; be on the alert нащрек съм; be on the run дрискам; be open работя; be orphaned осиротявам; be out for натискам се; be out of breath запъхтян; be over свършен; свършвам; be paid дължим; be paralyzed схващам; сковавам; be passable ядва се; be present присъствам; be presumptuous самозабравям се; be realized сбъдвам се; be reflected оглеждам се; be related to родея се; be rife ширя се; be sad тъжа; be scared уплашвам; be seated седя; be sentimental сантименталнича; be sick and tired of схождам се; be situated {'sitSueitid} намирам се; be slow туткам се; закъснявам; изоставам; be sorry съжалявам; разкайвам се; be speechless занемявам; be started стряскам; be startled стъписвам; be struck поразявам; be stubborn упорствам; be taken aback изненадвам се; be taken unawares изненадвам се; be there седя; be thrilled with тръпна; be thunderstruck поразявам; be tight стягам; be transparent прозирам; be under a vow заклел съм се; be victim страдам; be victorious тържествувам; be worth чиня; струвам; be wrong сбърквам; греш
    * * *
    1. 1 в съчет. с предлози и наречия и при съответните предлози и наречия 2. be about налице/наоколо/наблизо съм 3. be after търся, преследвам 4. be around проявявам се, работя (в дадена област) 5. be at занимавам се с 6. be away няма ме, отсъствувам 7. be back завръщам се, върнат/поставен съм обратно (някъде) 8. be behind закъснял/изостанал съм, изоставам 9. be off тръгвам (си), отивам (си), заминавам (си) 10. be off! махай се! да те няма! be out не съм в къщи/помещението/кантората и пр., няма ме 11. be over свършвам, преминавам 12. be that as it may както и да е, дори и да е така 13. be up на крак съм, станал съм, свършвам, минавам, изтичам 14. he is a teacher той e учител 15. he is after the family silver той иска да открадне семейните сребърни прибори/предмети 16. he is no more той не e вече жив 17. he will be informed той ще бъде уведомен 18. his wife-to-be бъдещата му съпруга 19. i think, therefore, i am мисля, следователно съществувам 20. i was to be there about noon трябваше да бъда там към обед 21. i've beeп here twice бил съм тук два пъти 22. i. v was, were, been 23. ii. с pres р-за образовано на продължителните времена 24. it is all up with him свърши се с него, отпиши го 25. it was not to be не било писано (да стане) 26. pres p being, are, is, pl are 27. pres subj be, past subj were 28. pt. sing was were was, pl were 29. she is coming tomorrow тя ще дойде утре 30. she was at the concert тя беше на концерта 31. she was gone тя си беше отишла 32. she was watching Т. v. тя гледаше телевизия 33. someone has been at my books again някой пак е пипал книгите ми, нападам, нахвърлям се на, разг. тормозя, врънкам 34. that was yesterday това беше/се случи вчера 35. the book is йп the table книгата e на масата 36. the book was found книгата се намери 37. the flowers are for you цветята ca за теб 38. the house is not to let it is to be pulled down къщата няма да се дава под наем ще я събарят 39. the oranges are three pence a piece портокалите са/струват (по) три пенса парчето 40. the roses are beautiful розите ca красиви 41. the to-be бъдещето 42. there are too many men after the same job твърде много хора аспирират за/гонят същата работа 43. there is a man in the garden в градината има човек 44. they are still after the thief все още търсят крадеца, търся, стремя се (да получа, да се сдобия с) 45. this book is mine тази книга e моя 46. this girl will be the death of me това момиче ще ме умори 47. this skirt is five pounds тази пола струва пет лири 48. this will not be това няма да стане 49. time is up времето мина/изтече, свърши се, край! to be up against someone /something изправен съм пред някого/нещо 50. to be (all) in with близък съм/имам връзки/дружа с, в добри отношения съм с 51. to be all in изтощен/капнал съм 52. to be at a halt/standstill в застой съм, спрял съм 53. to be in at участвувам в (пакост и пр.) 54. to be in for включен съм като участник/ще участвувам в 55. to be in on участвувам в (план, сделка и пр.), осведомен съм за 56. to be out of (tea, etc.) нямам вече, свърши ми се (чаят и пр.) 57. to be up against it разг. ирон. добре съм се наредил 58. to let something beне закачам/не бутам, оставям (на мира) нещо 59. tomorrow is the last session утре ще бъде/ще се състои последното заседание 60. what are you be? какво правиш? какво си намислил? to be about to каня се/готвя се да 61. what is she at now? с какво се занимава тя сега? разг. пипвам, бърникам 62. where am 1 to come? къде трябва да дойда? nobody is to know никой не трябва да знае 63. winter is over зимата свърши 64. you may go when you are finished след като свършнте, можете да си отидете 65. you've been and bought that house! разг. шег. ти хем взе, че купи тази къща! who's been and taken my new ball-pen again? кой пак мие задигнал новата химикалка? for the time be ing за сега, понастоящем 66. гл. връзка 67. кандидатствувам (за длъжност, пост), разг. предстои ми, очаква ме (нещо неприятно), to be in for it изложен/застрашен съм, лошо ми се пише, нямам изход 68. наличие, местонахождение 69. пребиваване съм 70. прен. крия се зад (за подбуди и пр.), be in вкъщи/в къщата/помещението/кантората и пр. съм, на мода съм, прибран съм (за реколта), намирам се, има ме по магазините (за стока), избран съм, на власт съм, горя (за огън, печка и пр.) 71. приcъcтвue съм 72. притежание, предназначение съм 73. причина 74. с prеs р или inf-за изразяване на бъдещност, възможност, задължение, намерение и пp 75. с рр на някой глаголи-за образуване на перфектните времена 76. с рр-за образуване на pаss 77. случвам се, състоя се, съм, ставам 78. струвам 79. съм, идвам (някъде), вж. around 80. съществувам, живея
    * * *
    be [bi:] v ( was[wɔz]; been [bi:n]) pres sing: (1) am; (2) are, ост. art; (3) is; pl: (1, 2, 3) are; past sing: (1) was; (2) were, ост. wast, wert; (3) was; pl: (1, 2, 3) were; pres subjunctive: \be; past subjunctive, sing: (1) were; (2) were, ост. wert; (3) were; pl: (1, 2, 3) were; pp been; pres p being; imper \be; 1. съм (като свързващ глагол); today is Monday днес е понеделник; she is my mother тя е моя майка; 2. равнявам се на, съм; let x be 6 нека х е равно на 6; 3. струвам; the fee is 20 dollars таксата е 20 долара; 4. бъда, съм; съществувам, живея; he is no more той не е вече между живите; I think therefore I am мисля, следователно съществувам; how are you? как сте? are you in town often? често ли сте (ходите) в града? I was at the lecture бях (присъствах) на лекцията; I've been in Paris бил съм в Париж; 5. става, случва се, сбъдва се, книж. обстоятелствата се стичат, осъществява се; this will not \be това няма да стане, "няма да го бъде"; it was not to \be не би, не било писано; \be as it may да става каквото ще; 6. за образуване на всички продължителни времена със сегашното причастие на главния глагол; I was not listening не слушах; 7. за образуване на страдателния залог; the letter is sent писмото е изпратено; 8. за образуване на перфект на някои глаголи: he is gone отиде си, няма го; the sun is set слънцето залезе; I am done свърших; 9. в съчетание с инфинитива на глагола за означаване на задължение, намерение, възможност; they are to arrive on Monday те трябва (очаква се) да пристигнат в понеделник; the house is to let къщата се дава под наем; there is, there are има, намира се, среща се, фигурира, не липсва ( безлично); let \be! остави! let him \be! оставете го на мира; to \be o.s. държа се както винаги, нормално; to \be fair ( frank) ако трябва да бъда справедлив (честен); as happy as can \be напълно щастлив; if it wasn't for you ако не беше ти; \be that as it may както и да е, дори и така да е; the to-\be бъдещето; a has-been минало величие; I've been there разг. знам това, това ми е известно; Miss Smith that was бившата (по име) мис Смит; I've been and dropped the cake взех, че изтървах кейка; it was he who did it именно той го направи; would-\be poet набеден поет, поет в кавички; the \be-all and end-all крайната (заветната) цел; това, което има значение; важното;

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > be

  • 48 urn

    nome (ornamental) urna f.; (for ashes) urna f. (funeraria); (for tea, coffee) distributore m. di tè o caffè
    * * *
    1) (a tall vase or other container, especially for holding the ashes of a dead person: a stone-age burial urn.) urna
    2) (a large metal container with a tap, in which tea or coffee is made eg in a canteen etc: a tea-urn.) samovar
    * * *
    urn /ɜ:n/
    1 urna; vaso; (spec.) urna funeraria
    * * *
    nome (ornamental) urna f.; (for ashes) urna f. (funeraria); (for tea, coffee) distributore m. di tè o caffè

    English-Italian dictionary > urn

  • 49 suit

    1. I
    will the date (Thursday, the time, three o'clock, the proposal, etc.) suit? это число и т.д. устраивает /подходит/?
    2. III
    1) suit smb. it is hard to suit everyone всем не угодишь /не угодить/
    2) suit smb. I shall do it when it suits me я это сделаю, когда мне будет удобно; this house 'suits our family этот дом подходит для нашей семьи; the role /this part/ (the job, etc.) doesn't suit him он не подходит /не годится/ для этой роли и т.д.; suit smth. this food suits all tastes эта пища хороша на всякий вкус; this climate suits your health (apples and wheat, oranges and tea, etc.) этот климат хорош /подходит/ для вашего здоровья и т.д.; this food (meat, this dish, cold milk, etc.) suits you (doesn't suit you) эта еда и т.д. вам полезна (вредна)
    3) suit smb., smth. green (that colour, the blue bat, this short skirt, etc.) suits (doesn't suit) you (your age, her fair skin, your complexion, etc.) зеленый цвет и т.д. (не) идет / (не) подходит/ вам и т.д.; this manner does not suit an old man такое поведение не к лицу пожилоцу человеку
    3. IV
    suit smb. in some manner
    1) suit smb. well (best, exactly, admirably, etc.) хорошо и т.д. подходить кому-л.; which date will suit you best? какое числе вас больше устроит /вам удобнее всего/?; acting is what suits him best больше всего ему подходит театральная карьера
    2) the dress suits you perfectly платье очень вам идет
    4. VII
    1) suit smb. to do smth. it suits me to live here (you to start, him to read by candle-light, her to have a day free, etc.) меня устраивает жить здесь и т.д.
    2) suit smb. to do smth. it suits you to drawl вам идет говорить, растягивая слова; suit smb. to have smth. done it doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short вам не идет такая короткая стрижка
    5. XI
    be suited in some manner they are well suited они подходят друг другу; be suited to /for/ smb., smth. be suited to one another /to each other/ (to a warm climate, to the cultivation of oranges, etc.) подходить друг другу и т.д.; be suited to the needs of the times (to the occasion) соответствовать /отвечать/ требованиям времени (обстоятельствам); be suited for all the nations of Asia отвечать интересам всех народов Азии; the title of this book is well suited to its contents название этой книги полностью соответствует ее содержанию; it is suited to his character это вполне в его характере; be suited for such work (for /to/ teaching, for this role, etc.) подходить /иметь все данные/ для такой работы и т.д.; he is not suited for a teacher (for an engineer, etc.) он не годится в преподаватели и т.д., преподавателя и т.д. из него не выйдет; he is well suited for his place он вполне соответствует занимаемой должности; the premises are suited for an exhibition это помещение вполне можно использовать под выставку
    6. XXI1
    suit smth. to smth., smb. suit the punishment to the crime наказывать в зависимости от преступления; suit the action to the word подкреплять слова делом; suit one's conversation to one's hearers (one's style to the company, etc.) выбирать тему для разговора применительно к тому, с кем вы разговариваете и т.д.; try to suit the program (me) to the audience постарайтесь приспособить программу к уровню аудитории

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > suit

  • 50 thank

    1. I
    have oneself to thank быть виноватым; you have yourself to thank вы сами во всем виноваты, вам некого винить, кроме самого себя
    2. III
    thank smb., smth. thank you благодарю вас, спасибо; no more, thank you больше не надо, спасибо /благодарю вас/; there is [really] no need to thank me меня [,действительно,] не стоит благодарить; he (you) may thank himself (yourself) винить он (вы) может (можете) только себя
    3. IV
    thank smb. in some manner thank smb. heartily (formally, humbly, sincerely, warmly, effusively, volubly, etc.) сердечно /от всего сердца/ и т.д. благодарить кого-л.; I can't thank you enough я вам бесконечно благодарен, я не знаю, как вас благодарить
    4. VII
    thank smb. to do smth. in the Future tense, now usually iron. implying reproach1)
    I will thank you to shut /to close/ the door (to wipe your boots, to be a little more polite, etc.) будьте добры, закройте дверь, я бы попросил вас закрыть дверь и т.д.; I will thank you to hold your tongue (to mind your own business, to leave my affairs alone, etc.) не угодно ли вам попридержать язык и т.д.?
    have smb. to thank for smth. you have got John to thank for it благодарите Джона за это, во всем этом виноват Джон, вам некого винить, кроме Джона; I have only myself to thank for this mess я сам виноват, что заварил эту кашу
    5. XI
    be thanked Heaven God/ be thanked слава богу
    6. XXI1
    1) thank smb. for smth. thank smb. for the gift (for the beautiful red necktie, for the information, for the letter, for help, etc.) благодарить кого-л. за подарок и т.д.; please thank him for the trouble taken пожалуйста, поблагодарите его за заботу; I wouldn't say thank you for it вот за это я бы вам спасибо не сказал; he (you, etc.) may thank himself for it iron. благодарить за это он может только себя; thank you for nothing iron, спасибо и на том, благодарю покорно; thank smb. for smb. thank him for me поблагодарите его за меня
    2) thank smb. for smth. thank you for the salt, please передайте, пожалуйста, соль; I'll /I should, I win/ thank you for some more tea (for that book, etc.) нельзя ли мне еще чашечку чаю и т.д.?
    7. XXII
    thank smb. for doing smth. thank smb. for posting one's letters (for bringing the news, for including smb. in the party, etc.) благодарить кого-л. за отправку своих писем /за то, что он отправил письма/ и т.д.; did you thank him for coming? вы его поблагодарили за то, что он пришел?
    8. XXV
    thank that... he has only himself to thank that he is bankrupt ему некого винить, кроме себя, за то, что он сейчас банкрот
    9. XXVIII1
    thank smb. for what... thank smb. for what he has done благодарить кого-л. за то, что он сделал

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > thank

  • 51 take\ off

    1. I
    1) the handle of this door does not take off ручка [у] этой двери закреплена намертво
    2) the horses took off лошади тронулись; the plane took off самолет взлетел
    2. II
    1) the lid of this box takes off easily крышка ящика легко снимается
    2) she took off at a run она сорвалась с места [и побежала]; the plane took off beautifully (easily, quickly, etc.) самолет взлетел красиво и т.д.; take off at some time when does the plane take off? когда вылетает самолет?
    3. III
    1) take off smb. /smb. off/ take yourself off! уходите прочь!, убирайтесь!; he decided to take himself off он решил уехать /удалиться/; take the people off уведите этих людей
    2) take off smth. /smth. off/ take off the lid (the receiver, etc.) поднять /снять/ крышку и т.д.; take off everything унести /убрать/ все; the builders took off the roof строители сняли крышу; the wind took off the tents ветром снесло палатки
    3) take off smth. /smth. off/ take a day (two days, a week, etc.) off взять отгул на один день и т.д.
    4) take off smth. /smth. off/ I can't take off a penny я не могу снизить цену ни на один пенс; take off a leg отнять /ампутировать/ ногу; а cup of tea takes off the effects of weariness (seasickness, etc.) чашка чая снимает ощущение усталости и т.д.; breathing exercise for taking off fat дыхательное упражнение для похудения; take off the force of an argument сделать довод менее убедительным
    5) take off smth. /smth. off/ take off one's overcoat (one's gloves, one's hat, one's shoes, etc.) снимать пальто и т.д.; take off one's clothes раздеться, снять с себя все /всю одежду/
    6) take off smb. /smb. off/ the sniper took off the sentry снайпер снял часового
    4. VII
    take off smb. /smb. off/ to do smth. she took me off to see her garden она повела меня, чтобы показать свой сад
    5. XI
    1) be taken off the embargo (the ban, etc.) is taken off эмбарго и т.д. снято; be taken off at some time the train will be taken off next month со следующего месяца этот поезд будет отменен
    2) be taken off by smb., smth. the child was taken off by kidnappers ребенка украли [с целью получить выкуп]; the crew (passengers, children, etc.) were taken off by sailors (by lifeboats, by tender, etc.) команду и т.д. сняли или вывезли моряки и т.д.
    3) be taken off by smth. millions were taken off by the Black Plague миллионы людей погибли от чумы; he was taken off by apoplexy он умер от паралича
    4) be taken off to some place he was taken off to prison его забрали /увели/ в тюрьму
    6. XVI
    1) take off from some place the river takes off from this lake река вытекает из этого озера; he took off from here он начал с этого места
    2) take off from some place take off from the strip (from the ground, from the lake, etc.) взлететь со взлетной полосы и т.д.; take off from the deck взлетать с палубы; take off from Vnukovo (from Croydon aerodrome, etc.) вылетать со Внуковского аэродрома /из Внукова/ и т.д.; take off for some place take off for the South (for Algeria, for California, etc.) вылетать на юг и т.д.
    7. XXI1
    1) take aft smb. /smb. off/ to some place take smb. off to the station (the man off to jail, her off to the country, etc.) увезти кого-л. на станцию и т.д. ; take him off to the garden уведите его в сад; take off smb., smth. /smb., smth. off/ from smth. take off survivors from a wreck снять потерпевших с обломков корабля; take off current from the main line отвести электричество от магистрали || not to take one's eyes off smb., smth. не отрывать глаз от кого-л., чего-л.; she never took her eyes off me она не спускала /не сводила/ с меня глаз; take smb.'s attention (smb.'s mind) off smb., smth. отвлекать чье-л. внимание (чьи-л. мысли) от кого-л., чего-л.
    2) take off smb. /smb. off/ with smth. the sniper took the man off with one shot снайпер одним выстрелом снял солдата

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > take\ off

  • 52 put

    put [pʊt]
    mettre1 (a), 1 (c)-(f), 1 (i) dire1 (g) soumettre1 (h) placer1 (i), 1 (l) investir1 (k), 1 (l) miser1 (m)
    (pt & pp put, cont putting)
    put the saucepan on the shelf mets la casserole sur l'étagère;
    she put her hand on my shoulder elle a mis sa main sur mon épaule;
    put the chairs nearer the table approche les chaises de la table;
    he put his arm around my shoulders il passa son bras autour de mes épaules;
    she put her arms around him elle l'a pris dans ses bras;
    to put one's head round the door/through the window passer la tête par la porte/par la fenêtre;
    did you put any salt in? as-tu mis du sel (dedans)?;
    put some more water on to boil remettez de l'eau à chauffer;
    he put another brick on the pile il a mis une autre brique sur la pile;
    to put a coin/a letter/a gun into sb's hand glisser ou mettre une pièce/une lettre/un revolver dans la main de qn;
    she put a match to the wood elle a allumé le bois;
    to put an advert in the paper mettre une annonce dans le journal;
    they want to put me in an old folks' home ils veulent me mettre dans une maison pour les vieux;
    to put a child to bed mettre un enfant au lit, coucher un enfant;
    to put a man on the moon envoyer un homme sur la lune;
    he put the telescope to his eye il a porté la longue-vue à son œil;
    to put honour before riches préférer l'honneur à l'argent;
    to put a play on the stage monter une pièce;
    to put a guard on the door faire surveiller la porte;
    figurative I didn't know where to put myself! je ne savais plus où me mettre!;
    put yourself in my position or place mettez-vous à ma place;
    to put oneself into sb's hands s'en remettre à qn;
    put it out of your mind or head sors-le-toi de la tête;
    I had long put this thought out of my mind ça faisait longtemps que je m'étais sorti cette idée de la tête;
    we put a lot of emphasis on creativity nous mettons beaucoup l'accent sur la créativité;
    don't put too much trust in what he says ne te fie pas trop à ce qu'il dit;
    familiar put it there! (shake hands) tope-là!, serrons-nous la pince!
    he put his fist through the window il a passé son poing à travers le carreau;
    he put a bullet through his head il s'est mis une balle dans la tête;
    she put her pen through the whole paragraph elle a rayé tout le paragraphe d'un coup de stylo
    (c) (impose → limit, responsibility, tax) mettre;
    to put a ban on sth interdire qch;
    it puts an extra burden on our department c'est un fardeau de plus pour notre service;
    the new tax will put 5p on a packet of cigarettes la nouvelle taxe augmentera de 5 pence le prix d'un paquet de cigarettes
    you're putting me in an awkward position vous me mettez dans une situation délicate;
    I hope I've not put you to too much trouble j'espère que je ne vous ai pas trop dérangé;
    music always puts him in a good mood la musique le met toujours de bonne humeur;
    the new rules will be put into effect next month le nouveau règlement entrera en vigueur le mois prochain;
    to put sb out of a job mettre qn au chômage;
    to put a prisoner on bread and water mettre un prisonnier au pain sec et à l'eau;
    the money will be put to good use l'argent sera bien employé;
    to put sb to sleep endormir qn;
    euphemism the dog had to be put to sleep il a fallu piquer le chien
    (e) (write down) mettre, écrire;
    I forgot to put my address j'ai oublié de mettre mon adresse;
    what date shall I put? quelle date est-ce que je mets?
    to put an end or a stop to sth mettre fin ou un terme à qch
    (g) (say, express) dire, exprimer;
    I wouldn't put it quite like that je ne dirais pas cela;
    I don't know how to put it je ne sais comment dire;
    to put one's thoughts into words exprimer sa pensée, s'exprimer;
    let me put it this way laissez-moi l'exprimer ainsi;
    it was, how shall I put it, rather long c'était, comment dirais-je, un peu long;
    to put it another way,… en d'autres termes,…;
    he put it better than that il l'a dit ou formulé mieux que ça;
    you could have put that better tu aurais pu tourner cela un peu mieux;
    she put it politely but firmly elle l'a dit poliment mais clairement;
    as Churchill once put it comme l'a dit Churchill un jour;
    to put it briefly or simply, they refused bref ou en un mot, ils ont refusé;
    to put it bluntly pour parler franc;
    putting it in terms you'll understand… plus simplement, pour que vous compreniez…
    (h) (present, submit → suggestion, question) soumettre; (→ motion) proposer, présenter;
    to put a proposal to the board présenter une proposition au conseil d'administration;
    he put his case very well il a très bien présenté son cas;
    I have a question to put to the Prime Minister j'ai une question à soumettre au Premier ministre;
    Law I put it to you that… n'est-il pas vrai que…?;
    I put it to the delegates that now is the time to act je tiens à dire aux délégués que c'est maintenant qu'il faut agir
    (i) (class, rank) placer, mettre;
    I wouldn't put them in the same class as the Beatles je ne les mettrais ou placerais pas dans la même catégorie que les Beatles;
    I put my family above my job je fais passer ma famille avant mon travail
    to put sb to work mettre qn au travail;
    they put her on the Jones case ils l'ont mise sur l'affaire Jones
    (k) (devote → effort) investir, consacrer;
    to put a lot of time/energy into sth consacrer beaucoup de temps/d'énergie à qch, investir beaucoup de temps/d'énergie dans qch;
    she puts more into their relationship than he does elle s'investit plus que lui dans leur relation;
    to put a lot of work into sth/doing sth beaucoup travailler à qch/pour faire qch;
    Sport he put everything he had into his first service il a tout mis dans son premier service
    (l) (invest → money) placer, investir;
    she had put all her savings into property elle avait investi ou placé toutes ses économies dans l'immobilier
    (m) (bet) miser, parier;
    to put money on a horse miser ou parier sur un cheval;
    he put all his winnings on the red il misa tous ses gains sur le rouge
    to put the shot lancer le poids
    to put a ship into port rentrer un bateau au port
    Nautical to put to sea lever l'ancre, appareiller;
    they had to put back into harbour ils ont dû rentrer au port;
    we put into port at Bombay nous avons relâché ou fait relâche à Bombay
    3 noun
    (a) Sport lancer m (du poids);
    his third put son troisième lancer
    (b) Stock Exchange option f de vente, put m;
    put and call stellage m, double option f
    ►► Stock Exchange put band période f de validité d'une option de vente;
    Stock Exchange put bond emprunt m à fenêtre;
    Stock Exchange put option option f de vente;
    Stock Exchange put warrant warrant m à la vente
    (a) (spread → gossip, story) faire courir; (→ rumour) faire circuler;
    to put it about that… faire circuler le bruit que…;
    it is being put about that he intends resigning le bruit court qu'il a l'intention de démissionner
    to put a boat about virer de bord
    to put it or oneself about (be promiscuous) coucher à droite à gauche
    Nautical virer de bord
    (a) (communicate → gen) faire comprendre; (→ feeling) communiquer;
    to put sth across to sb faire comprendre qch à qn;
    I don't know how to put the argument across to them je ne sais pas comment leur faire comprendre cet argument;
    she knows how to put her ideas across elle sait bien faire passer ses idées;
    she's good at putting herself across elle sait se mettre en valeur
    to put one across on sb avoir qn, rouler qn;
    don't try putting anything across on me! ne me prends pas pour un imbécile!
    (a) (book, piece of work) mettre de côté, poser
    (b) (disregard, ignore) écarter, laisser de côté;
    let's put aside our differences of opinion for the moment laissons nos différends de côté pour le moment;
    put aside all gloomy thoughts oublie toutes ces pensées maussades
    (c) (save, keep) mettre de côté;
    we have a little money put aside nous avons un peu d'argent de côté
    (estimate) estimer;
    they put the cost of repairs to the bridge at around $10,000 ils estiment le montant des réparations du pont à environ 10 000 dollars;
    I wouldn't have put her (age) at more than twenty-five je ne lui aurais pas donné plus de vingt-cinq ans;
    what would you put it at? quelle est votre estimation?
    (a) (tidy) ranger; (return to its place) remettre à sa place; (car) garer;
    put your toys away! range tes jouets!;
    put your money/wallet away (I'm paying) range ton argent/ton portefeuille
    (b) (save) mettre de côté;
    I have a few pounds put away j'ai un peu d'argent de côté, j'ai quelques économies;
    to put something away for one's old age mettre quelque chose de côté pour sa retraite
    (c) familiar (lock up → in prison) coffrer; (→ in mental home) enfermer
    (d) familiar (eat) enfourner, s'envoyer; (drink) descendre, écluser;
    he can really put it away! (food) il a un sacré appétit!; (drink) qu'est-ce qu'il descend!
    (a) (replace, return) remettre;
    put that record back where you found it! remets ce disque où tu l'as trouvé!
    (b) (postpone) remettre;
    the meeting has been put back to Thursday la réunion a été repoussée ou remise à jeudi
    (c) (slow down, delay) retarder;
    the strike has put our schedule back at least a month la grève nous a fait perdre au moins un mois sur notre planning
    (d) (turn back → clock) retarder;
    we put the clocks back next weekend le week-end prochain, on passe à l'heure d'hiver;
    figurative this decision has put the clock back cette décision nous a ramenés en arrière
    (e) familiar (drink) descendre, écluser
    Nautical to put back (to port) rentrer au port
    (save → money) mettre de côté; (→ supplies) mettre en réserve;
    have you got anything put by? avez-vous un peu d'argent de côté?
    (a) (on table, floor etc) poser;
    put that knife down at once! pose ce couteau tout de suite!;
    put me down! lâche-moi!;
    put that down! laisse (ça)!;
    to put the phone down raccrocher;
    he put the phone down on me il m'a raccroché au nez;
    it's one of those books you just can't put down c'est un de ces livres que tu ne peux pas poser avant de l'avoir fini;
    I couldn't put it down (book) je l'ai lu d'un trait
    (b) (drop off → passenger) déposer, laisser
    (c) (write down) écrire, inscrire; (enrol, enter on list) inscrire;
    put down your name and address écrivez votre nom et votre adresse;
    she put us down as Mr and Mrs Smith elle nous a inscrits sous le nom de M. et Mme Smith;
    it's never been put down in writing ça n'a jamais été mis par écrit;
    I can put it down as expenses je peux le faire passer dans mes notes de frais
    (d) (on agenda) inscrire à l'ordre du jour;
    to put down a motion of no confidence déposer une motion de censure
    (e) (quell) réprimer, étouffer;
    the revolt was put down by armed police la révolte a été réprimée par les forces de police
    (f) (belittle) rabaisser, critiquer;
    he's always putting students down il passe son temps à critiquer les étudiants;
    you shouldn't put yourself down tu ne devrais pas te sous-estimer
    to have a cat/dog put down faire piquer un chat/chien
    I've already put £50 down on the sofa j'ai déjà versé 50 livres pour le canapé
    (i) (store → wine) mettre en cave
    (j) (put to bed → baby) coucher
    (k) (land → plane) poser
    (l) (close → umbrella) fermer
    (land → plane, pilot) atterrir, se poser
    classer parmi;
    I think they'd put me down as a mere amateur je crois qu'ils me classeraient parmi les simples amateurs
    inscrire pour;
    put me down for £20 inscrivez-moi pour 20 livres;
    I'll put you down for Thursday at three o'clock je vous mets jeudi à trois heures;
    they've already put their son down for public school ils ont déjà inscrit leur fils dans une école privée
    mettre sur le compte de;
    you can't put all the country's problems down to inflation vous ne pouvez pas mettre tous les problèmes du pays sur le compte de l'inflation;
    I put it down to her stubbornness je mets ça sur le compte de son entêtement;
    we'll have to put it down to experience au moins on a appris quelque chose
    (a) literary (sprout → shoots, leaves) produire
    (b) formal (state → argument, reason) avancer
    (a) (suggest → proposal, idea, hypothesis) avancer; (→ candidate) proposer;
    she put her name forward for the post of treasurer elle a posé sa candidature au poste de trésorière;
    to put one's best foot forward (walk faster) presser le pas; figurative se mettre en devoir de faire de son mieux
    (b) (turn forward → clock, hands of clock) avancer;
    we put the clocks forward next weekend le week-end prochain, on passe à l'heure d'été
    (c) (bring forward) avancer;
    the meeting has been put forward to early next week la réunion a été avancée au début de la semaine prochaine
    put in
    (a) (place inside bag, container, cupboard etc) mettre dans;
    he put the eggs in the fridge il a mis les œufs dans le réfrigérateur;
    to put one's contact lenses in mettre ses lentilles de contact;
    to put one's head in at the window passer la tête par la fenêtre;
    Sport (in rugby) to put the ball in remettre la balle en jeu
    (b) (insert, include) insérer, inclure;
    have you put in the episode about the rabbit? as-tu inclus l'épisode du lapin?
    (c) (interject) placer;
    her name was Alicia, the woman put in elle s'appelait Alicia, ajouta la femme
    (d) (install) installer;
    we're having central heating put in nous faisons installer le chauffage central;
    the voters put the Tories in les électeurs ont mis les conservateurs au pouvoir;
    they've put in a new manager at the factory ils ont nommé un nouveau directeur à l'usine
    (e) (devote → time) passer;
    I've put in a lot of work on that car j'ai beaucoup travaillé sur cette voiture;
    I put in a few hours' revision before supper j'ai passé quelques heures à réviser avant le dîner;
    to put in an hour's work faire une heure de travail;
    to put in a full day at the office passer toute la journée au bureau;
    you only get out what you put in on ne récolte que ce qu'on sème
    (f) (submit → request, demand) déposer, soumettre;
    they put in a claim for a 10 percent pay rise ils ont déposé une demande d'augmentation de salaire de 10 pour cent;
    to put in an application for a job déposer sa candidature pour ou se présenter pour un emploi
    Nautical relâcher, faire relâche;
    we put in at Wellington nous avons relâché ou fait relâche à Wellington
    we're putting him in for the 500 metres nous le présentons pour le 500 mètres;
    to put pupils in for an examination présenter des élèves à un examen
    to put in for sth (post) poser sa candidature pour qch; (leave, promotion) faire une demande de qch, demander qch;
    she put in for a transfer to Florida elle a demandé à être mutée en Floride
    put off
    (a) (drop off → passenger) déposer, laisser;
    just put me off at the corner vous n'avez qu'à me laisser ou me déposer au coin
    (b) (postpone → meeting, appointment) remettre à plus tard, repousser; (→ decision, payment) remettre à plus tard, différer; (→ work) remettre à plus tard; (→ guests) décommander;
    the meeting has been put off until tomorrow la réunion a été renvoyée ou remise à demain;
    I kept putting off telling him the truth je continuais à repousser le moment de lui dire la vérité;
    I can't put him off again je ne peux pas encore annuler un rendez-vous avec lui
    once he's made up his mind nothing in the world can put him off une fois qu'il a pris une décision, rien au monde ne peut le faire changer d'avis
    (d) (distract) déranger, empêcher de se concentrer;
    he deliberately tries to put his opponent off il fait tout pour empêcher son adversaire de se concentrer;
    the noise put her off her service le bruit l'a gênée ou dérangée pendant son service
    (e) (repel) dégoûter, rebuter;
    it's the smell that puts me off c'est l'odeur qui me rebute;
    don't be put off by his odd sense of humour ne te laisse pas rebuter par son humour un peu particulier;
    it put me off skiing for good ça m'a définitivement dégoûté du ski;
    it put me off my dinner ça m'a coupé l'appétit
    (f) (switch off → television, radio etc) éteindre
    Nautical déborder du quai, pousser au large;
    to put off from the shore quitter la côte, prendre le large
    (a) (clothes, make-up, ointment) mettre;
    put your hat on mets ton chapeau;
    to put on one's make-up se maquiller
    (b) (present, stage → play, opera) monter; (→ poetry reading, slide show etc) organiser;
    why can't they put something decent on for a change? (on TV, radio) ils ne pourraient pas passer quelque chose d'intéressant pour une fois?
    (c) (lay on, provide → train) mettre en service;
    they put on excellent meals on Sundays ils servent d'excellents repas le dimanche;
    they have put on twenty extra trains ils ont ajouté vingt trains
    (d) (gain → speed, weight) prendre;
    I've put on a few pounds j'ai pris quelques kilos
    (e) (turn on, cause to function → light, radio, gas) allumer; (→ record, tape) mettre; (→ handbrake) mettre, serrer;
    put the heater on mets ou allume le chauffage;
    he put on some Vivaldi/the news il a mis du Vivaldi/les informations;
    I've put the kettle on for tea j'ai mis de l'eau à chauffer pour le thé;
    (f) (start cooking) mettre (à cuire);
    I forgot to put the peas on j'ai oublié de mettre les petits pois à cuire
    (g) (bet) parier;
    I put £10 on the favourite j'ai parié 10 livres sur le favori
    (h) (assume) prendre;
    to put on airs prendre des airs;
    he put on a silly voice il a pris une voix ridicule;
    to put on an act jouer la comédie;
    familiar don't worry, he's just putting it on ne t'inquiète pas, il fait du cinéma ou du chiqué
    (i) familiar (tease) faire marcher;
    you're putting me on! là, tu me fais marcher!
    (j) (apply → pressure) exercer
    (k) (add) ajouter;
    the tax increase will put another 10p on a gallon of petrol l'augmentation de la taxe va faire monter le prix du gallon d'essence de 10 pence
    (l) (impose) imposer;
    new restrictions have been put on bringing animals into the country de nouvelles restrictions ont été imposées à l'importation d'animaux dans le pays
    it's hard to put a price on it c'est difficile d'en évaluer ou estimer le prix
    (n) (advance → clock) avancer
    could you put him on, please? pouvez-vous me le passer, s'il vous plaît?
    (help find) indiquer à;
    I'll put you onto a good solicitor je vous donnerai le nom d'un ou je vous indiquerai un bon avocat;
    she's put me onto quite a few bargains elle m'a indiqué plusieurs bonnes affaires;
    to put the police/taxman onto sb dénoncer qn à la police/au fisc;
    what put you onto the butler, detective inspector? qu'est-ce qui vous a amené à soupçonner le maître d'hôtel, commissaire?
    put out
    (a) (place outside) mettre dehors, sortir;
    have you put the dustbin out? as-tu sorti la poubelle?;
    I'll put the washing out (to dry) je vais mettre le linge (dehors) à sécher;
    to put a cow out to grass mettre une vache en pâture
    to put sb's eye out éborgner qn;
    you almost put my eye out! tu as failli m'éborgner!
    (c) (issue → apology, announcement) publier; (→ story, rumour) faire circuler; (→ new record, edition, model etc) sortir; (→ appeal, request) faire; (broadcast) émettre;
    police have put out a description of the wanted man la police a publié une description de l'homme qu'elle recherche;
    to put out an SOS lancer un SOS
    (d) (extinguish → fire, light, candle) éteindre; (→ cigarette) éteindre, écraser; (→ gas) fermer;
    don't forget to put the light out when you leave n'oubliez pas d'éteindre (la lumière) en partant
    (e) (lay out, arrange) sortir;
    the valet had put out a suit for me le valet de chambre m'avait sorti un costume
    (f) (stick out, stretch out → arm, leg) étendre, allonger; (→ hand) tendre; (→ tongue) tirer;
    she walked up to me and put out her hand elle s'approcha de moi et me tendit la main;
    she put out a foot to trip him up elle a mis un pied en avant pour le faire trébucher
    to put one's back/shoulder out se démettre le dos/l'épaule;
    I've put my back out je me suis déplacé une vertèbre
    (h) (annoy, upset)
    to be put out about sth être fâché à cause de qch;
    he seems quite put out about it on dirait que ça l'a vraiment contrarié
    (i) (inconvenience) déranger;
    I hope I haven't put you out j'espère que je ne vous ai pas dérangé;
    she's always ready to put herself out for other people elle est toujours prête à rendre service
    (j) (sprout → shoots, leaves) produire
    (k) (make unconscious → with drug, injection) endormir
    (l) (subcontract) sous-traiter;
    we put most of our work out nous confions la plus grande partie de notre travail à des sous-traitants
    (a) Nautical prendre le large;
    to put out to sea faire appareiller
    (b) American familiar (woman) accepter de coucher ( for avec);
    everyone knows she puts out tout le monde sait qu'elle est prête à coucher;
    did she put out? est-ce qu'elle a bien voulu coucher?;
    she'd put out for anybody elle coucherait avec le premier venu
    (spread → gossip, story) faire courir
    (a) Telecommunications (connect) passer la communication à;
    hold on, I'll try to put you through ne quittez pas, je vais essayer de vous le/la passer;
    put the call through to my office passez-moi la communication dans mon bureau;
    I'll put you through to Mrs Powell je vous passe Mme Powell
    (b) (carry through, conclude) conclure;
    we finally put through the necessary reforms nous avons fini par faire passer les réformes nécessaires
    (c) (subject to) soumettre à;
    he was put through a whole battery of tests on l'a soumis à toute une série d'examens;
    I'm sorry to put you through this je suis désolé de vous imposer ça;
    have you any idea what you're putting him through? as-tu la moindre idée de ce que tu lui fais subir?;
    familiar to put sb through it en faire voir de toutes les couleurs à qn; (at interview) faire passer un mauvais quart d'heure à qn;
    he really put me through it il m'en a vraiment fait voir (de toutes les couleurs)
    he put himself through college il a payé ses études
    (a) (place side by side → two objects) mettre côte à côte; (→ facts) rapprocher, comparer;
    he's more trouble than the rest of them put together il nous crée plus de problèmes à lui seul que tous les autres réunis
    (b) (kit, furniture, engine) monter, assembler; (meal) préparer, confectionner; (menu) élaborer; (dossier) réunir; (proposal, report) préparer; (story, facts) reconstituer; (show, campaign) organiser, monter;
    we're trying to put together enough evidence to convict him nous essayons de réunir assez de preuves pour le faire condamner;
    to put together a convincing picture of what happened reconstituer une idée convaincante de ce qui s'est passé;
    the programme is nicely put together ce programme est bien fait;
    I'll just put a few things together (in my bag) je vais faire rapidement ma valise
    (with drug, injection) endormir
    put up
    (a) (raise → hand) lever; (→ flag) hisser; (→ hood) relever; (→ umbrella) ouvrir; (→ one's hair, coat collar) relever;
    could all those going put up their hands? que tous ceux qui y vont lèvent la main;
    put your hands up! haut les mains!;
    familiar put 'em up! (in surrender) haut les mains!; (to fight) défends-toi!;
    I'm going to put my feet up for a few minutes je vais me reposer un peu
    (b) (erect → tent) dresser, monter; (→ house, factory) construire; (→ monument, statue) ériger; (→ scaffolding) installer, monter; (→ ladder) dresser;
    they put up a statue to her ils érigèrent une statue en son honneur
    (c) (install, put in place) mettre; (curtains) poser, accrocher; (wallpaper) poser;
    they've already put up the Christmas decorations ils ont déjà installé les décorations de Noël;
    the shopkeeper put up the shutters le commerçant a baissé le rideau de fer
    (d) (send up → rocket, satellite) lancer
    (e) (display → sign) mettre; (→ poster) afficher;
    the results will be put up tomorrow les résultats seront affichés demain
    (f) (show → resistance) offrir, opposer;
    to put up a good show bien se défendre;
    to put up a struggle se défendre, se débattre
    (g) (present → argument, proposal) présenter;
    he puts up a good case for abstention il a des arguments convaincants en faveur de l'abstention
    to put sth up for sale/auction mettre qch en vente/aux enchères
    (i) (put forward → candidate) présenter; (→ person, name) proposer (comme candidat);
    we are not putting up any candidates nous ne présentons aucun candidat
    (j) familiar (provide → capital) fournir;
    who's putting the money up for the new business? qui finance la nouvelle entreprise?;
    we put up our own money nous sommes auto-financés
    (k) (increase) faire monter, augmenter;
    this will put up the price of meat ça va faire augmenter ou monter le prix de la viande
    (l) (give hospitality to) loger, héberger;
    (m) (urge, incite)
    to put sb up to (doing) sth pousser qn à (faire) qch
    (n) archaic (put away → sword, pistol) rengainer
    to put up at a hotel descendre dans un hôtel;
    where are you putting up? où est-ce que tu loges?; (in hotel) où es-tu descendu?;
    I'm putting up at Gary's for the moment je loge chez Gary pour le moment
    (b) (stand → in election) se présenter, se porter candidat;
    she put up as a Labour candidate elle s'est présentée comme candidate du parti travailliste
    put up or shut up! assez parlé, agissez!
    (usu passive) to put upon sb (abuse) abuser de qn; (exploit) exploiter qn;
    you shouldn't let yourself be put upon like that! tu ne devrais pas te laisser marcher sur les pieds comme ça!
    supporter, tolérer;
    I refuse to put up with this noise any longer! je ne supporterai pas ce bruit une minute de plus!;
    we'll have to put up with it il faut l'accepter ou nous y résigner
    ✾ Book 'Put Out More Flags' Waugh 'Hissez le grand pavois'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > put

  • 53 knock off

    1. transitive verb
    1) (coll.): (leave off) aufhören mit

    knock it off!(coll.) hör auf [damit]!

    2) (coll.) (produce rapidly) aus dem Ärmel schütteln (ugs.)
    3) (deduct)

    knock five pounds off the pricees fünf Pfund billiger machen

    4) (sl.): (steal) mitgehen lassen (ugs.); klauen (salopp)
    5) (sl.): (copulate with) bumsen (salopp)
    2. intransitive verb
    (coll.) Feierabend machen
    * * *
    (to stop working: I knocked off at six o'clock after studying for four hours; What time do you knock off in this factory?) Feierabend machen
    * * *
    I. vt
    1. (cause to fall off)
    to \knock off off ⇆ sth/sb etw/jdn hinunterstoßen
    a low branch \knock offed her off her horse ein tief hängender Ast riss sie vom Pferd
    to \knock off sb's block off ( fam) jdm eins überbraten [o auf die Hörner geben] fam
    to \knock off sb off their pedestal jdn von seinem Podest stoßen
    2. (reduce a price)
    to \knock off off ⇆ sth etw [im Preis] herabsetzen
    the manager \knock offed £25 off der Abteilungsleiter ließ 25 Pfund nach
    I'll buy it if you \knock off off $15 ich kaufe es, wenn Sie mit dem Preis [um] 15 Dollar runtergehen
    3. BRIT (sl: steal)
    to \knock off off ⇆ sth etw klauen [o mitgehen lassen] fam
    4. ( fam: murder)
    to \knock off off ⇆ sb jdn umlegen [o kaltmachen] sl
    to \knock off off ⇆ sth (quickly) etw schnell erledigen; (easily) etw mit links machen [o aus dem Ärmel schütteln] fam; manuscript, novel, report, story etw runterschreiben fam; (on a typewriter) etw runterhauen fam
    6. ( fam: stop)
    to \knock off off ⇆ sth mit etw dat aufhören
    \knock off it off! jetzt reicht's aber!
    to \knock off off work Feierabend machen
    to \knock off off ⇆ sb jdn flachlegen sl
    8. ( fam: defeat)
    to \knock off off ⇆ sb jdn schlagen [o fam absägen
    9. AM ( fam: rob)
    to \knock off off a bank/a shop eine Bank/einen Laden ausräumen
    10. (in cricket)
    to \knock off off the total needed for victory die für den Sieg nötige Punktzahl erzielen
    II. vi ( fam) aufhören, Schluss machen
    let's \knock off off for today lass uns für heute Schluss machen
    to \knock off off for lunch Mittag machen [o Mittagessen gehen] ÖSTERR
    * * *
    1. vi (inf)
    aufhören, Feierabend or Schluss machen (inf)
    2. vt sep
    1) (lit) vase, cup, person etc hinunterstoßen; nose off statue etc abschlagen; insect abschütteln; high jump bar reißen; (off list etc) streichen

    the branch knocked the rider off ( his horse) — der Ast riss den Reiter vom Pferd

    somebody knocked the nose off the statuejemand hat der Statue (dat) die Nase abgeschlagen

    2) (inf: reduce price by) nachlassen (for sb jdm), runtergehen (inf)

    he knocked £5 off the bill/price — er hat £ 5 von der Rechnung/vom Preis nachgelassen

    3) (inf: do quickly) essay, painting hinhauen (inf); (with good result) aus dem Ärmel schütteln (inf)
    4) (Brit inf = steal) klauen (inf)
    5) (inf: kill) umlegen (inf)
    6) (inf: stop) aufhören mit; smoking, criticizing stecken (sl)

    knock it off!nun hör schon auf!

    * * *
    A v/t
    1. herunter-, abschlagen, weghauen: academic.ru/7547/block">block A 7
    2. umg aufhören mit:
    knock it off! hör auf (damit)!;
    3. umg eine Arbeit erledigen
    4. umg einen Artikel etc
    a) hinhauen
    b) aus dem Ärmel schütteln
    5. umg einen Betrag (von der Rechnung etc) nachlassen ( for sb jemandem)
    6. umg jemanden umlegen
    7. umg
    a) einen Gegner erledigen
    b) Essen wegputzen
    8. umg
    a) klauen
    b) eine Bank etc ausrauben
    9. sl ein Mädchen bumsen, vögeln (beide vulg) (schlafen mit)
    B v/i umg
    a) allg aufhören
    b) Schluss oder Feierabend machen:
    knock off for tea (eine) Teepause machen
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (coll.): (leave off) aufhören mit

    knock it off!(coll.) hör auf [damit]!

    2) (coll.) (produce rapidly) aus dem Ärmel schütteln (ugs.)
    4) (sl.): (steal) mitgehen lassen (ugs.); klauen (salopp)
    5) (sl.): (copulate with) bumsen (salopp)
    2. intransitive verb
    (coll.) Feierabend machen
    * * *
    abklopfen (Putz) v.

    English-german dictionary > knock off

  • 54 Löffel

    m; -s, -
    1. spoon; ein Löffel für Oma etc. beim Füttern von Kindern: a spoonful for granny etc.; man nehme drei Löffel Mehl in Rezept: take three spoonfuls of flour; den Löffel weglegen oder abgeben oder reichen (sterben) umg., fig. kick the bucket, Brit. auch pop one’s clogs, Am. auch buy the farm; er hat die Weisheit nicht mit Löffeln gefressen umg., pej. he’s not over-endowed with brains; der glaubt, er hat die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen umg., pej. he thinks he knows it all; mit einem goldenen oder silbernen Löffel im Mund geboren sein umg. have been born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth; jemanden über den Löffel barbieren oder balbieren umg. play s.o. for a sucker, take s.o. for a ride
    2. Pl.; umg., fig. (Ohren) ears, Brit. hum. lugholes; schreib dir das hinter die Löffel umg. and don’t you forget it; du kriegst gleich eins hinter die Löffel you’ll get one (a)round the ear in a minute!
    3. MED.: spoon; scharfer Löffel sharp spoon; (Kurette) curet(te)
    4. TECH. scoop, shovel (auch eines Löffelbaggers)
    5. Jägerspr. ear
    * * *
    der Löffel
    (Essbesteck) spoon;
    (Menge) spoonful
    * * *
    Lọ̈f|fel ['lœfl]
    m -s, -
    1) (als Besteck) spoon; (als Maßangabe) spoonful; (von Bagger) bucket

    den Löffel abgeben (inf)to kick the bucket (inf)

    mit einem silbernen or goldenen Löffel im Mund geboren seinto be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

    2) (HUNT) ear; (inf von Mensch) ear, lug (Brit inf)

    jdm eins hinter die Löffel geben (inf)to give sb a clip (a)round the ear

    sperr doch deine Löffel auf (inf)pin back your lugholes (Brit inf), listen properly

    die Löffel spitzen (inf)to prick up one's ears

    * * *
    1) (an instrument shaped like a shallow bowl with a handle for lifting food (especially soup or pudding) to the mouth, or for stirring tea, coffee etc: a teaspoon/soup-spoon.) spoon
    2) (a spoonful.) spoon
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    1. (als Besteck) spoon
    2. KOCHK (Maßeinheit) a spoonful [of]
    3. JAGD ear
    den \Löffel abgeben/wegwerfen (sl) to kick the bucket sl
    seine \Löffel aufsperren (sl) to pin back one's ears [or BRIT sl lugholes]
    jdn über den \Löffel balbieren (fam) to take sb for a ride fam
    ein paar hinter die \Löffel bekommen [o kriegen] (fam) to get a clip round [or on] the ears
    jdm ein paar hinter die \Löffel geben (fam) to give sb a clip round [or on] the ears
    mit einem goldenen/silbernen \Löffel im Mund geboren sein to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
    sich dat etw hinter die \Löffel schreiben to get sth into one's head
    * * *
    der; Löffels, Löffel
    1) spoon; (als Maßangabe) spoonful
    2) (Jägerspr.) ear

    jemandem eins od. ein paar hinter die Löffel geben — (ugs.) give somebody a clout round the ear

    * * *
    Löffel m; -s, -
    1. spoon;
    ein Löffel für Oma etc beim Füttern von Kindern: a spoonful for granny etc;
    man nehme drei Löffel Mehl in Rezept: take three spoonfuls of flour;
    reichen (sterben) umg, fig kick the bucket, Br auch pop one’s clogs, US auch buy the farm;
    er hat die Weisheit nicht mit Löffeln gefressen umg, pej he’s not over-endowed with brains;
    der glaubt, er hat die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen umg, pej he thinks he knows it all;
    silbernen Löffel im Mund geboren sein umg have been born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth;
    balbieren umg play sb for a sucker, take sb for a ride
    2. pl; umg, fig (Ohren) ears, Br hum lugholes;
    schreib dir das hinter die Löffel umg and don’t you forget it;
    du kriegst gleich eins hinter die Löffel you’ll get one (a)round the ear in a minute!
    3. MED spoon;
    scharfer Löffel sharp spoon; (Kurette) curet(te)
    4. TECH scoop, shovel (auch eines Löffelbaggers)
    5. JAGD ear
    * * *
    der; Löffels, Löffel
    1) spoon; (als Maßangabe) spoonful
    2) (Jägerspr.) ear

    jemandem eins od. ein paar hinter die Löffel geben — (ugs.) give somebody a clout round the ear

    * * *
    - m.
    spoon n.
    spoonful n.
    teaspoon n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Löffel

  • 55 empfehlen

    to suggest; to advise; to recommend
    * * *
    emp|feh|len [ɛm'pfeːlən] pret empfahl, [ɛm'pfaːl] ptp empfohlen
    1. vt
    [ɛm'pfoːlən] to recommend; (liter = anvertrauen) to commend (form), to entrust

    (jdm) etw/jdn empféhlen — to recommend sth/sb (to sb)

    empféhlen, etw zu tun — to recommend or advise doing sth

    jdm empféhlen, etw zu tun — to recommend or advise sb to do sth

    diese Methode/dieses Restaurant ist sehr zu empféhlen — I would recommend this method/restaurant, this method/restaurant is to be recommended

    ich würde dir Vorsicht/Geduld empféhlen —

    seinen Geist ( dem Herrn) empféhlen (liter)to commend one's soul to the Lord

    bitte, empféhlen Sie mich Ihrer Frau Gemahlin (form)please convey my respects to your wife (form)

    auch empfohlen
    2. vr

    sich für Reparaturen/als Experte etc empféhlen — to offer one's services for repairs/as an expert etc

    es empfiehlt sich, das zu tun — it is advisable to do that

    2) (dated, hum = sich verabschieden) to take one's leave

    ich empfehle mich Ihnen (am Briefende)please be sure of my best wishes (dated form)

    * * *
    1) (to praise: His ability was commended.) commend
    2) (to advise: The doctor recommended a long holiday.) recommend
    3) (to suggest as being particularly good, particularly suitable etc: He recommended her( to me) for the job.) recommend
    * * *
    < empfahl, empfohlen>
    I. vt
    [jdm] etw \empfehlen to recommend sth to sb
    zu \empfehlen sein to be recommended
    dieses Hotel ist zu \empfehlen this hotel is [to be] recommended
    jdm jdn [als etw] \empfehlen to recommend sb to sb [as sth]
    ich empfehle Ihnen diese junge Dame [als neue Mitarbeiterin] I recommend this young lady to you [as a colleague]
    \empfehlen, etw zu tun to recommend [or advise] doing sth
    jdm \empfehlen, etw zu tun to recommend [or advise] sb to do sth
    ich \empfehlen Ihnen, sofort zum Arzt zu gehen I recommend [or advise] you to go to the doctor at once
    2. (veraltend geh: anvertrauen)
    jdn jdm \empfehlen to entrust sb to sb
    er empfahl seine Kinder der Obhut seines Bruders he entrusted his children to the care of his brother
    \empfehlen Sie mich/uns...! (geh) give my regards [or form convey my respects] to...!
    bitte \empfehlen Sie mich Ihrer Frau Gemahlin! please give my regards to your wife
    es empfiehlt sich, etw zu tun it is advisable to do sth
    es empfiehlt sich immer, einen Experten hinzuzuziehen it is always a good idea to bring in an expert
    III. vr
    1. (sich anempfehlen)
    sich akk [jdm] als etw \empfehlen to recommend oneself [to sb] as sth
    er empfahl sich uns als Experte für Autoreparaturen he offered us his services as an expert in car repairs
    sich akk \empfehlen to take one's leave
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    jemandem etwas/jemanden empfehlen — recommend something/somebody to somebody

    1) (geh.): (sich verabschieden und gehen) take one's leave
    2) (ratsam sein) be advisable

    es empfiehlt sich,... zu... — it is advisable to...

    3) (geh.): (sich als geeignet ausweisen)

    sich [durch/wegen etwas] empfehlen — commend oneself/itself [because of something]

    * * *
    empfehlen; empfiehlt, empfahl, hat empfohlen
    A. v/t
    1. recommend (
    als as;
    zu for);
    jemandem etwas (wärmstens) empfehlen (warmly) recommend sth to sb;
    nicht zu empfehlen not to be recommended, not advisable;
    … ist sehr zu empfehlen I can highly ( oder warmly) recommend …;
    den Filter regelmäßig zu wechseln the filter should be changed regularly, we advise ( oder recommend) changing the filter regularly
    2. form:
    empfehlen Sie mich Ihrer Frau etc give my regards to your wife etc
    3. geh:
    jemanden/etwas jemandes Obhut/Pflege empfehlen commend ( oder entrust) sb/entrust sth to sb’s care
    B. v/r
    1. Sache: recommend itself; Verfahren etc: suggest itself;
    der Tee empfiehlt sich bei … the tea is recommended for …;
    Qualität etc
    empfiehlt sich selbst speaks for itself, needs no recommendation, is its own recommendation; unpers:
    es empfiehlt sich zu (+inf) it is advisable to (+inf)
    2. (seine Dienste anbieten) offer one’s services (
    als as)
    3. (weggehen) take one’s leave geh; beim Schlafengehen: retire, say goodnight;
    ich empfehle mich! Abschiedsgruß: (I’ll say) goodbye!
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    jemandem etwas/jemanden empfehlen — recommend something/somebody to somebody

    1) (geh.): (sich verabschieden und gehen) take one's leave
    2) (ratsam sein) be advisable

    es empfiehlt sich,... zu... — it is advisable to...

    3) (geh.): (sich als geeignet ausweisen)

    sich [durch/wegen etwas] empfehlen — commend oneself/itself [because of something]

    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: empfahl, empfohlen)
    = to commend v.
    to recommend v.
    to suggest v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > empfehlen

  • 56 stop

    [stop] 1. past tense, past participle - stopped; verb
    1) (to (make something) cease moving, or come to rest, a halt etc: He stopped the car and got out; This train does not stop at Birmingham; He stopped to look at the map; He signalled with his hand to stop the bus.) parar
    2) (to prevent from doing something: We must stop him (from) going; I was going to say something rude but stopped myself just in time.) parar
    3) (to discontinue or cease eg doing something: That woman just can't stop talking; The rain has stopped; It has stopped raining.) parar
    4) (to block or close: He stopped his ears with his hands when she started to shout at him.) tapar
    5) (to close (a hole, eg on a flute) or press down (a string on a violin etc) in order to play a particular note.) tapar
    6) (to stay: Will you be stopping long at the hotel?) permanecer
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stopping or state of being stopped: We made only two stops on our journey; Work came to a stop for the day.) paragem
    2) (a place for eg a bus to stop: a bus stop.) paragem
    3) (in punctuation, a full stop: Put a stop at the end of the sentence.) ponto
    4) (a device on a flute etc for covering the holes in order to vary the pitch, or knobs for bringing certain pipes into use on an organ.) registo
    5) (a device, eg a wedge etc, for stopping the movement of something, or for keeping it in a fixed position: a door-stop.) calço
    - stopper
    - stopping
    - stopcock
    - stopgap
    - stopwatch
    - put a stop to
    - stop at nothing
    - stop dead
    - stop off
    - stop over
    - stop up
    * * *
    [stɔp] n 1 parada, ato de parar, interrupção, obstrução, suspensão, interrupção. 2 obstáculo, impedimento, empecilho. 3 ponto, lugar de parada, estação. 4 Mech lingüeta, trava, alavanca, ferrolho. 5 Gram ponto. 6 Mus chave, registro (de órgão), buraco, furo (de clarinete, flauta, etc.). 7 fim. 8 Phon consoante explosiva. 9 estada, demora, permanência. 10 Opt diafragma. • vt+vi 1 parar, fazer parar. 2 pôr fim a, cessar, cortar. 3 interromper, paralisar, deter, suspender, prevenir, abolir, reprimir. 4 coll deter-se, hospedar-se, alojar-se. 5 cessar, desistir, pausar. 6 tapar, fechar (buraco). 7 arrolhar, encerrar. 8 bloquear, obstruir, tapar, vedar. 9 refrear, deter. 10 desligar. 11 obturar (dente). 12 estancar (sangue), pôr fim, acabar com. 13 pontuar, fazer uso da pontuação. 14 interceptar. 15 Mus pontear, fazer pausa. 16 reter, sustar, suspender (pagamento). 17 ficar, demorar-se. 18 aparar (golfe). • interj alto! pare! a badly stopped composition uma composição mal pontuada. dead stop parada total. he stops at nothing ele não respeita nada ou ninguém, ele não tem escrúpulos. full stop Gram ponto final. pit stop a) sl parada para ir ao toalete. b) Auto parada no box. stop it! pára com isso. they came to a stop pararam. they stopped for my husband ficaram para esperar meu marido. they stopped for tea ficaram para tomar chá. to pull all the stops out remover todos os empecilhos, fazer o melhor possível para que algo aconteça. to stop at hospedar-se em, deter-se em. to stop by fazer uma visita rápida. to stop dead ou short parar de repente. to stop down Phot fechar o diafragma. to stop in a) ficar em casa. b) Amer fazer uma visita rápida. to stop in bed ficar na cama. to stop off Amer interromper a viagem. to stop on permanecer por mais tempo. to stop out a) demorar. b) ficar fora (de casa) até mais tarde. to stop over Amer parar, fazer escala. to stop up a) ficar acordado. b) impedir, bloquear. c) preencher, obturar. we put a stop to it pusemos um fim a isto. we stopped his mouth tapamos-lhe a boca, satisfizemo-lo. whistle stop sl cidade pequena, vilarejo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stop

  • 57 spoon

    I [spuːn]
    nome cucchiaio m.; (for tea, coffee) cucchiaino m.
    II [spuːn]
    verbo transitivo (in cooking, serving)

    to spoon sth. into a dish — mettere qcs. in un piatto con il cucchiaio

    to spoon sth. up, out — tirare su, servire qcs. con il cucchiaio

    * * *
    [spu:n] 1. noun
    1) (an instrument shaped like a shallow bowl with a handle for lifting food (especially soup or pudding) to the mouth, or for stirring tea, coffee etc: a teaspoon/soup-spoon.) cucchiaio
    2) (a spoonful.) cucchiaiata, cucchiaio
    2. verb
    (to lift or scoop up with a spoon: She spooned food into the baby's mouth.) (prendere col cucchiaio)
    - spoon-feed
    * * *
    1. n
    2. vt

    to spoon out(sauce, cream) servire con il cucchiaio

    * * *
    I [spuːn]
    nome cucchiaio m.; (for tea, coffee) cucchiaino m.
    II [spuːn]
    verbo transitivo (in cooking, serving)

    to spoon sth. into a dish — mettere qcs. in un piatto con il cucchiaio

    to spoon sth. up, out — tirare su, servire qcs. con il cucchiaio

    English-Italian dictionary > spoon

  • 58 knock\ in

    knock in smth. /smth. in/ knock in a nail забить гвоздь; knock the cork (the top of a barrel, etc.) in протолкнуть пробку [в бутылку] и т. д. KNOCK OFF (II, III, XIV, XVI, XXI1)
    II knock off at some time coll. knock off early (a little later, soon, etc.) закончить работу рано и т. д. III knock off smth. /smth. off/1) knock off a price (an amount, the speed, etc.) снизить /сбавить/ цену и т. д., knock off weight сбросить вес 2) coll. knock off work прекратить работу; устроить перерыв XIV knock off doing smth. knock off smoking бросить курить XVI knock off at (for) some time knock off at three (at twenty minutes to seven, at eight, etc.) кончать работу в три часа и т. д.; knock off for today на сегодня закончить; knock off for an hour сделать перерыв на час; knock off for smth. it's time to knock off for tea пора сделать перерыв, чтобы попить чаю; knock off through because of smth. we were forced to knock off through sheer fatigue нам пришлось прекратить работу просто потому, что мы очень устали || knock it off! coll. прекрати!, перестань! XXI1
    1) knock off smth. from smth. knock off 10 cents from the price (a shilling from a bill, etc.) снизить цену на десять центов и т. д.; I asked him to knock off 10 per cent for cash я просил его скостить /скинуть/ десять процентов, потому что я платил наличными
    2) coll. knock off smth. for smth. knock off an article (some verses) for a magazine настрочить статейку (стишки) в журнал; knock off smth. in some time knock off an article in half an hour состряпать статейку за полчаса

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > knock\ in

  • 59 sugar

    1. noun
    (the sweet substance that is obtained from sugar-cane, or from the juice of certain other plants, and used in cooking and for sweetening tea, coffee etc: Do you take sugar in your coffee?) azúcar

    2. verb
    (to sweeten, cover or sprinkle with sugar.) azucarar, endulzar
    - sugariness
    - sugar-cane
    - sugar-coated
    - sugar-free
    - sugar lump
    - sugar tongs

    sugar n azúcar
    1 azúcar m & f
    do you take sugar? ¿quieres azúcar?
    2 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL familiar (form of address) cariño, cielo
    1 azucarar
    to sugar the pill dorar la píldora
    castor sugar azúcar nombre masculino extrafino
    sugar beet remolacha azucarera
    sugar bowl azucarero, azucarera
    sugar cane caña de azúcar
    sugar cube terrón nombre masculino de azúcar
    sugar lump terrón nombre masculino de azúcar
    sugar pea guisante nombre masculino mollar
    sugar tongs pinzas nombre femenino plural para el azúcar
    sugar ['ʃʊgər] vt
    : azucarar
    : azúcar mf
    azúcar s.m.
    azucarar v.

    I 'ʃʊgər, 'ʃʊgə(r)
    1) u c azúcar m or f

    how many sugars do you take? — ¿cuánto azúcar quieres?; (before n)

    sugar bowl o (BrE also) basin — azucarero m, azucarera f (esp AmL)

    sugar cube o lump — terrón m de azúcar

    sugar mill o refinery — refinería f de azúcar, azucarera f, ingenio m azucarero, central f azucarera (Per)

    2) (AmE colloq) (as form of address) cariño (fam), cielo (fam)

    transitive verb echarle or ponerle* azúcar a, azucarar
    1. N
    1) azúcar m or f

    how many sugars do you take? (in general) ¿cuánta or cuánto azúcar tomas?; (offering tea, coffee) ¿cuánta or cuánto azúcar quieres?, ¿cuántos terrones quieres?

    2) (US)

    hi, sugar! — ¡oye, preciosidad! *

    3) *

    oh sugar! — ¡mecachis! *

    VT [+ tea etc] azucarar, echar azúcar a; pill

    sugar basin N(Brit) azucarero m

    sugar beet Nremolacha f azucarera

    sugar candy Nazúcar m candi

    sugar cane Ncaña f de azúcar

    sugar cube Nterrón m de azúcar

    sugar daddy * Nviejo adinerado amante o protector de una joven

    sugar factory Nrefinería f de azúcar

    sugar loaf Npan m de azúcar

    sugar lump Nterrón m de azúcar

    sugar mill Ningenio m azucarero

    sugar pea Ntirabeque m, arveja f china

    sugar plantation Nplantación f azucarera

    sugar refinery Ningenio m azucarero

    sugar snap pea Ntirabeque m, arveja f china

    sugar tongs NPLtenacillas fpl para azúcar

    * * *

    I ['ʃʊgər, 'ʃʊgə(r)]
    1) u c azúcar m or f

    how many sugars do you take? — ¿cuánto azúcar quieres?; (before n)

    sugar bowl o (BrE also) basin — azucarero m, azucarera f (esp AmL)

    sugar cube o lump — terrón m de azúcar

    sugar mill o refinery — refinería f de azúcar, azucarera f, ingenio m azucarero, central f azucarera (Per)

    2) (AmE colloq) (as form of address) cariño (fam), cielo (fam)

    transitive verb echarle or ponerle* azúcar a, azucarar

    English-spanish dictionary > sugar

  • 60 harman

    "1. threshing. 2. threshing floor; threshing field. 3. stack of grain ready for threshing. 4. harvest, harvest time. 5. blending; blend (of tobacco, tea, etc.). 6. print. collating, gathering (of pages, signatures, etc.). 7. slang slightly high on hashish. - çevirmek to go around in circles. - çorman colloq. in utter disorder, mixed up, topsy-turvy, higgledy-piggledy. - dövmek to thresh grain. - etmek/yapmak /ı/ 1. to blend (tobacco, tea, etc.). 2. print. to collate, gather (pages, signatures, etc.). - makinesi 1. threshing machine, thresher. 2. print. collator. - savurmak to winnow grain. - sonu 1. the end of the threshing season. 2. residue of grain (mixed with stones and dust), gleanings. 3. remnants of a fortune or business. - sonu dervişlerindir. proverb The humble and patient get what is left over from the rich. - yeri threshing floor; threshing field."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > harman

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tea culture — is defined by the way tea is made and consumed, by the way the people interact with tea, and by the aesthetics surrounding tea drinking.Tea is commonly drunk at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these… …   Wikipedia

  • make room for tea —    to urinate    A jocular and almost genteel usage, although based on flawed physiology. You may also claim to be making room for it, another beer, etc.:     Knock that back and have another. I ll make room for it first if you don t mind. (Amis …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • tea — tealess, adj. /tee/, n. 1. the dried and prepared leaves of a shrub, Camellia sinensis, from which a somewhat bitter, aromatic beverage is prepared by infusion in hot water. 2. the shrub itself, extensively cultivated in China, Japan, India, etc …   Universalium

  • tea — n. & v. n. 1 a (in full tea plant) an evergreen shrub or small tree, Camellia sinensis, of India, China, etc. b its dried leaves. 2 a drink made by infusing tea leaves in boiling water. 3 a similar drink made from the leaves of other plants or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tea in Russia — Since 1638, tea has had a rich and varied history in Russia. Today it is considered the de facto national beverage cite book | last = Mack | first = Glenn | title = Food Culture in Russia and Central Asia | publisher = Greenwood Press | location …   Wikipedia

  • tea — noun 1 drink ADJECTIVE ▪ fresh ▪ There s some fresh (= just made) tea in the pot. (BrE) ▪ stewed (= very strong) (BrE), strong ▪ weak …   Collocations dictionary

  • Tea Party movement — This article is about the movement. For the protest events themselves, see Tea Party protests. For the U.S. Congressional caucus, see Tea Party Caucus …   Wikipedia

  • tea break — noun a snack taken during a break in the work day a ten minute coffee break the British have tea breaks • Syn: ↑coffee break • Hypernyms: ↑bite, ↑collation, ↑snack * * * n …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tea Party (mouvement politique) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tea Party. Le Gadsden Flag et sa devise libertarienne (« Ne me marche pas dessus ») figurent parmi l imagerie révolutionnaire de la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tea table — noun a small table for serving afternoon tea • Hypernyms: ↑table * * * noun 1. : a table used or spread for tea; specifically : a small table for serving afternoon tea 2. : the place of gathering or company at tea …   Useful english dictionary

  • tea is up — dinner/tea/etc is up spoken phrase used for saying that food or drink is ready Thesaurus: prepare food for cooking or eatinghyponym Main entry: up …   Useful english dictionary

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