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  • 1 ȅzero

    ȅzero; ȅzerъ Grammatical information: n. o; m. o Accent paradigm: c Proto-Slavic meaning: `lake'
    Page in Trubačev: VI 33-34
    Old Church Slavic:
    jezero `lake' [n o];
    jezerъ (Zogr., Ass.) `lake' [Accm o]
    ózero `lake' [n o]
    jezero `lake' [n o]
    jazero `lake' [n o];
    jeźer (E. dial.) `lake' [m o]
    jezioro `lake' [n o]
    Upper Sorbian:
    jězer `lake' [n o]
    jȅzero `lake' [n o], jezèra [Nom p];
    Čak. jȅzero (Vrgada) `lake' [n o], jezerå̃ [Nom p];
    Čak. jȅzero?? (Novi) `lake' [n o], jȅzera [Nom p];
    jȅzēr `lake' [m o]
    ję̑zerọ `lake' [n o];
    ję̑zer `lake' [m o];
    jezer `lake' [f i]
    ézero `lake' [n o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: éźero
    ẽžeras `lake' [m o] 3b
    ęzęrs `lake' [m o];
    ęzars `lake' [m o]
    Old Prussian:
    assaran `lake' [n]
    Indo-European reconstruction: h₁eǵʰ-(e)r-o-
    IE meaning: lake
    Certainty: -
    Comments: In view of "Rozwadowski's change", the reconstruction of the anlaut offers a number of alternatives (*h₂e-, *h₃e-, *Ho-), but not if the etymon under discussion belongs to *ězъ `balk, weir', which in my opinion is the case. A cognate outside Balto-Slavic is Arm. ezr `bank, border, limit' < *h₁(e)ǵʰ- (-> *ězъ for the semantic apects of the etymology). Note that the short initial vowel of *jȅzero requires the reconstruction of an aspirated velar anyhow (Winter's law). The connection with the Greek mythological river Α χέρων is dubious.
    Other cognates:
    Arm. ezr `edge, border, bank' [r]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > ȅzero

  • 2 ȅzerъ

    ȅzero; ȅzerъ Grammatical information: n. o; m. o Accent paradigm: c Proto-Slavic meaning: `lake'
    Page in Trubačev: VI 33-34
    Old Church Slavic:
    jezero `lake' [n o];
    jezerъ (Zogr., Ass.) `lake' [Accm o]
    ózero `lake' [n o]
    jezero `lake' [n o]
    jazero `lake' [n o];
    jeźer (E. dial.) `lake' [m o]
    jezioro `lake' [n o]
    Upper Sorbian:
    jězer `lake' [n o]
    jȅzero `lake' [n o], jezèra [Nom p];
    Čak. jȅzero (Vrgada) `lake' [n o], jezerå̃ [Nom p];
    Čak. jȅzero?? (Novi) `lake' [n o], jȅzera [Nom p];
    jȅzēr `lake' [m o]
    ję̑zerọ `lake' [n o];
    ję̑zer `lake' [m o];
    jezer `lake' [f i]
    ézero `lake' [n o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: éźero
    ẽžeras `lake' [m o] 3b
    ęzęrs `lake' [m o];
    ęzars `lake' [m o]
    Old Prussian:
    assaran `lake' [n]
    Indo-European reconstruction: h₁eǵʰ-(e)r-o-
    IE meaning: lake
    Certainty: -
    Comments: In view of "Rozwadowski's change", the reconstruction of the anlaut offers a number of alternatives (*h₂e-, *h₃e-, *Ho-), but not if the etymon under discussion belongs to *ězъ `balk, weir', which in my opinion is the case. A cognate outside Balto-Slavic is Arm. ezr `bank, border, limit' < *h₁(e)ǵʰ- (-> *ězъ for the semantic apects of the etymology). Note that the short initial vowel of *jȅzero requires the reconstruction of an aspirated velar anyhow (Winter's law). The connection with the Greek mythological river Α χέρων is dubious.
    Other cognates:
    Arm. ezr `edge, border, bank' [r]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > ȅzerъ

  • 3 netopyr'ь

    netopyr'ь Grammatical information: m. jo Proto-Slavic meaning: `bat'
    Page in Trubačev: XXIV 143-145
    Church Slavic:
    netopyrь (RuCS) `bat' [m jo];
    nepъtyrь (RuCS) `bat' [m jo]
    netopýr' `bat' [m jo], netopyrjá [Gens];
    nétopyr' (dial.) `bat' [m jo]
    netopýr `bat' [m o]
    netopýr `bat' [m o]
    Old Czech:
    netopýř `bat' [m o]
    netopier `bat' [m o]
    nietoperz `bat' [m jo];
    niedoperz `bat' [m jo]
    Old Polish:
    nietopyrz `bat' [m jo]
    Upper Sorbian:
    njetopyŕ `bat' [m o]
    netopír `bat' [m jo], netopírja [Gens] \{1\}
    Comments: What makes this etymon interesting, is the fact that it may contain * neto- < *nekwto- `night', with e-grade as in Hitt. nekuz `at night'. Vaillant (Gr. I: 83, IV: 655) reconstructs original o-grade, however. The second element is often interpreted as * pyrь `flier', with a lengthened zero grade (-> * pariti, * pьrati). A reanalysis * ne-topyrь seems only possible for East Slavic (Ru. ne `not', topýrit' `bristle'). According to Vaillant (l.c.), * pyrь has replaced original * pirь under the influence of the suffix *- yrь, which originated in borrowings from Greek (cf. Ru. psaltýr').
    \{1\} Pleteršnik mentions a large number of variants: natopír, nadopę́r, matopír, matofír, letopír, latopír, dopír, dupír, nadopir (Meg. 1744).

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > netopyr'ь

См. также в других словарях:

  • Zero-based numbering — is numbering in which the initial element of a sequence is assigned the index 0, rather than the index 1 as is typical in everyday circumstances. Under zero based numbering, the initial element is sometimes termed the zeroth element, rather than… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero (disambiguation) — Zero is the name for both the digit 0 and the number 0.Zero may also refer to:Mathematics*Zero (complex analysis), in mathematics, a root of a holomorphic function *Zero element, in mathematics, a generalization of the number zero to other… …   Wikipedia

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  • Zero-forcing precoding — Zero forcing (or Null Steering) precoding is a spatial signal processing by which the multiple antenna transmitter can null multiuser interference signals in wireless communications. Regularized zero forcing precoding is enhanced processing to… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-point energy — is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero point energy, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero waste — is a philosophy that aims to guide people in the redesign of their resource use system with the aim of reducing waste to zero. Put simply, zero waste is an idea to extend the current ideas of recycling to form a circular system where as much… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero suppression — is the removal of redundant zeroes from a number. This can be done for storage, page or display space constraints or formatting reasons, such as making a letter more legible.Examples: *00049823 49823 *7.678600000 7.6786 *0032.3231000 32.3231… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-copy — describes computer operations in which the CPU does not perform the task of copying data from one memory area to another.Zero copy versions of operating system elements such as device drivers, file systems, and network protocol stacks greatly… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero plural marking — is the absence of the plural markers s and es occurring in some nonstandard dialects of English, such as Caribbean English. The plural is instead marked by an article or number. This leads to sentences like: I have two cat (I have two cats)In… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero Zero (comic) — Zero Zero is an alternative comics anthology that was published by Fantagraphics Books from 1995 to 2000. It was notable among comics anthologies for the number of serialized works that appeared in its pages, including Richard Sala s The… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero seek — is a mechanical engineering design component of most computer controlled data storage devices, including floppy disk drives, tape drives, and early hard drives. Most early data storage devices were controlled primarily by stepper motors, which… …   Wikipedia

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