Перевод: с баскского на английский

с английского на баскский


  • 1 hitzez hitz

    word for word

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > hitzez hitz

  • 2 berba

    iz. (B)
    1. word, term, expression; \berba batean in a word; berbaz berba word for word ; \berba jakin to know how to talk; \berbaz egon to be talking
    2. (esa.) andreak \berba hamar erantzuten zion the woman talked nineteen to the dozen in answering him \berbak handiak, ezkurrak txikiak big talk, little done; \berba ernari jibe, dig; \berba gozo joke; \berba eman to give one's word; \berba jan to go back on one's word; kontuz \berba jandako jendearekin! careful with people who back on their word; \berba oratu to take sb for his word; \berbatik oratu eta ez zeutsan laga ezkondu arte she took him for his word and didn't leave him alone until they got married

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berba

  • 3 atera

    du/ad. [from ate (door) + -ra]
    1. ( oro.)
    a. to take out ( -tik: of) ; giltzak sakeletik \atera zituen he took the keys out of his pocket ; txakurra kanpora \atera zuen he took the dog outside
    b. to get out, take out ( -tik: of) ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box
    c. ( tinko den zerbait, e.a. hortz) to pull out, draw out ( -tik: of)
    d. ( begi) to take out, pluck out
    e. ( p.) to take out ; paseatzera \atera to take sb out for a walk; i-r espetxetik \atera i. to get sb out of prison ii. ( ihes eginez) to spring sb from prison; harrika \atera dute herritik they' ll stone him out of town
    f. Kim. to extract
    g. ( arma) to draw ( -tik: from) ; ezpata \atera to draw one' s sword
    h. Fin. ( bankutik) to withdraw ( -tik: from)
    i. ( ezabatu) kendu, borratu
    j. ( arnasa) to take ( -tik: from)
    k. argitara \atera to expose to light
    2. (irud.)
    a. to get out ( -tik: of) ; datuak liburu askotatik \ateratakoak dira the information is gleaned from many books ; hitzik ere ez du \atera he didn' t {utter || say} a word; i-r bere onetik \atera to get on sb' s nerves; nondik \atera duzu ideia hori? where did you get that idea from?
    3. ( zikindura, tinta gune, e.a.) to get out ( -tik: of), remove ( -tik: from)
    4. ( soldadu, ordezkari) to withdraw
    5. (Josk.) ( janzki) to let out
    a. to get; harena behar du beti \atera he' s always got to get his way ; pobreek nekez \ateratzen dute beren bizia the poor struggle to {get by || make ends meet}
    b. ( dirua) to make, get
    c. ( titulua, ikastagiria) to get, earn
    7. ( gorputzatala) mingaina \atera to stick one' s tongue out; mingaina \atera zidan she stuck her tongue out at me
    a. ( soluziobide) to reach, obtain, get
    b. ( ondorioa) to draw; ondorioa \atera to draw conclusions |to reach a conclusion; hori \atera dezakegu ikusten dugunetik that we can infer from what we see
    a. ( produktu) to produce, make
    b. ( modelu berri bat) to come out with
    c. ( kanta, abesti) to make up, compose
    d. ( moda berri bat) to create
    e. Leg. to come out with; horren kontrako lege bat \atera zuten they came out with a law against that
    a. ( argazkia) to take; argazki bat \atera nahi zigun he wanted to take a picture of us
    b. ( kopia) to make, have made
    a. ( sari, loteria) to get, receive; horrela ez duzu ezer \aterako you won' t get anything that way; urtean enpresa honek 2.000.000 dolarretako mozkina \ateratzen du that company makes a profit of 2,000,000 dollars a year
    a. ( bete) to keep, fulfill, comply with; emandako hitzak \atera behar dira promises must be kept
    b. ( zorrak) to pay up, liquidate
    c. ( bekatu) to atone for
    13. ( frogatu) to prove, demonstrate; lana izango du bere errugabetasuna \ateratzeko it' ll be hard for him to prove his innocence | he' s got his work cut out to prove his innocence
    14. ( albiste) to let it be known ; {hil dela || hil delakoa || hil delako } \atera dute word' s gone out that he' s died
    15. Kir. ( pilota, baloi)
    a. ( tenis) to serve
    b. ( futbola) to throw in
    a. ( hartu) \atera gehiago help yourself to some more
    b. aizak, \atera beste hiru gorri waiter, we' ll have another three ros—s
    17. (Pol.) to elect, have elected da/ad.
    1. ( p.)
    a. to come out, go out; kalera \atera ginen we went out; ez \atera ez egon zen she couldn' t make up her mind whether to go out or not; nondik \atera zara? where did you {come || pop up} from?; zinetik \ateratzean ikusi genuen {on leaving the cinema || when we were coming out of the cinema} we saw her; hemendik \ateratzean egingo dugu we' ll do it on the way out of here; etxetik gehiago \atera behar genuke we should get out of the house some more ; noiz \atera zen espetxetik? when did he get out of prison?
    b. ( agertu) to appear, emerge
    c. (irud.) bizirik \atera to survive, come out alive; istripuan soilik bera \atera zen bizirik only he survived the accident; larrialditik \atera to get out of a {jam || fix}; komatik \atera to emerge from a coma | to come out of a coma; ez da bere eleetatik \ateratzen he' s sticking to his {guns || story}; mahaiburuaren kargutik \ateratzekoa da aurten he' s giving up the chairmanship this year
    2. ( gauzak b.b.)
    a. ( oro.) to come out ( -tik: of) ; ura hemendik \ateratzen da water comes out here
    b. ( ageri) to emerge, appear ; pikortak aurpegian \atera zitzaizkion pimples {broke out || appeared} on his face
    c. ( landare) to appear, come up
    d. ( aldizkari) to come out, appear
    e. Astron. to rise, come up
    f. ( eguzki) to come out, come up
    g. ( kale, karrika) to lead ( -ra: to) ; kale hori enparantzara \ateratzen da that street leads to the square
    h. ( etorri) to come out ( -tik: from), come ( -tik: from) ; ardoa mahatsetatik \ateratzen da wine comes from grapes
    i. ( hortz) haurrari hortz bat \atera zaio the child cut a tooth
    j. ( eraztun kendu, e.a.) to come off, slip off; eraztuna hatzetik \atera zait my ring has {slipped || come} off my finger; zapata \aterata daukazu your shoe' s {come || slipped} off
    k. ( albiste) to come out ; berri hori atzoko egunkarian \atera zen that piece of news came out in the paper yesterday
    l. (irud.) aurpegiari bozkarioa \atera zitzaion joy showed on her face
    3. ( ondorio izan; suertatu)
    a. to turn out; to be, prove, turn out to be ; ez zaio ongi \atera it didn' t work out for him very well; ehiztari \atera zen he turned out to be a hunter
    b. ( arrakasta) to turn out; garaile \atera ziren they turned out to be the victor ; azterketa ondo \atera zitzaion he did well on the test |he aced the test (USA) Lagunart.
    c. ( porrot egin) to come out; asmoa gaizki \atera zitzaien the scheme misfired | the plan went wrong on them
    d. ( prezio) to cost; oso garestia \aterako zaizu this is going to cost you | this is going to run into a lot of money
    a. ( p.) to leave, depart ( -tik: from) ; zortzietan hiritik \atera ziren they left the city at eight o' clock
    b. ( autobusa, trena) to leave, depart ( -tik: from)
    c. Naut. ( itsasontzia) to sail
    5. i-kin \atera to go out with, date; 3 urte dira \ateratzen direla they have been going out for three years
    6. ( bide) to lead ; nora \ateratzen da bide hau? where does this road lead to? ; Kale Nagusira \ateratzen da it leads to {Main Street (USA) || High Street (GB) }
    7. ( esankizun) to come out; eta orain honekin \atera da and now he comes out with this; esan ba! — ez zait \ateratzen! say it! — I just can' t!
    8. ( balkoi, leiho bat, e.a.) to jut out, project
    a. Tek. to become disconnected
    b. Trenb. trenbidetik \atera to leave the rails | to jump the track
    10. ( jokoetan, e.a.)
    a. ( xakejokoan) to have the first move
    b. Kartak. to lead; batekoarekin \atera to lead with an ace
    c. Kir. to start
    11. Inform. to exit, quit
    12. Antz. to come on, enter; harakin bezala jantzita \ateratzen da he comes on dressed as a butcher Oharra: atera duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila ezazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., argazkiak atera aurkitzeko, bila ezazu argazki sarreran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atera

  • 4 zintzo

    a. ( bertute moralaren araberakoa) good, faithful, honest, upright, sincere; kristau \zintzo {good || faithful || upright} Christian; gizon \zintzo eta egiati faithful and truthful man; mutil \zintzo eta saiatu horietako bat zen he was one of those upright, hard-working kind of boys
    b. ( bidezkoa) just, fair, forthright, scrupulous
    a. ( leiala) loyal, faithful, steadfast; aitortza \zintzo faithful confession
    b. ( benetakoa) true, sincere; abertzale \zintzo batek ez luke horrelakorik esango a true patriot wouldn't say such a thing
    a. ( testua) reliable
    b. ( ikertzailea, historialaria) reliable, accurate
    c. ( txostena) reliable, factual
    4. ( belarria) sharp, alert; jakin dezagun adimendu ona izatea ez dagoela bakarrik belarri \zintzoak izatean we should be aware that having a good mind is dependent on having sharp ears adb.
    1. faithfully, sincerely; agindua \zintzo betetzeko to faithfully carry out the order; legea \zintzo ez gordetzeko aitzakia bila looking for an excuse not to comply with the law faithfully; lana \zintzo egiten dutenak those who work for an honest living; hitzez hitz itzultzea edota mamia \zintzo gorderik translating it word for word or having faithfully maintained its essence
    2. fairly, honestly; \zintzo jokatu to be fair || fair and square

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zintzo

  • 5 alde

    a. side; \alde askotako multilateral; \alde bateko unilateral | one-sided; \alde biko bilateral | two-sided | double-sided; \alde biko kontrata bilateral contract
    b. ( eskualdea, lekua) place, area; \alde guztietan everywhere ; \alde batetik bestera from one place to another; alderik \alde from place to; aldez \alde from place to place
    c. Mil. flank
    d. ( disko, kaseteari d.) side; A \aldea side A
    e. (d iamanteari d., e.a.) side, facet
    a. ( itxura) aspect, angle, point; \alde batetik merkea da on one hand it' s cheap; \alde ongi dago baina bestetik oso gaizki on one hand it is correct but on the other it is very wrong; \alde honez from this point of view; hitz hori bi \aldetan aditzen da that word can be understood two ways
    b. ( auziari, eztabaidari d.) side, stand, position; nire \aldea hartu zuen she took my side; \alde bat hartu to take sides
    c. \alde batera once and for all
    3. - alde
    a. region, area; Durango\alde Durango region
    b. zone, area; mendi\alde moutain {area || zone}; hego\alde southern area
    c. leiho hau hego\aldera da this window faces south
    a. difference, disparity; zer \alde dago haien artean? what difference is there between them?; haien artean \alde handia dago there' s a big difference between them
    b. ( tartea) distance, interval, span, stretch
    c. advantage; i-i \aldea kendu to pull ahead of
    5. ( norbaitena) side; aitaren \aldeko ahaideak relatives on my father' s side
    6. (z.o.) jenderik onena \alde dute they' ve got the best people with them post.
    1. [+ -(r)en]
    a. for, on behalf of; asko egin dute euskararen \alde they' ve done a lot for Basque; gure osabaren \aldeko hileta our uncle' s funeral
    b. for, in favour of (GB), in favor of (USA) ; i-en \alde jarri to come out in favour of sb; "Nafarroa euskararen \alde" "Navarre is for Basque"
    c. on; zaldi horren \alde egin dut apustua I' ve bet on that horse
    2. [0] except for, with the exception of, barring; aita \alde beste guztiak all except for father
    3. ( -tik) away from; nire etxea herritik \alde dago my house is away from the town

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > alde

  • 6 etorri

    1. ( gaitasunari d.)
    a. ( oro.) talent, gift, flair
    b. ( mintzamenari d.) eloquence, gab, fluency; \etorri handiko hizlaria an eloquent speaker; laburra dut \etorria I'm at a loss for words
    2. ( idazleari, poetari, olerkariari d.) inspiration
    3. ( jitea) character, genius
    4. (e tekina) profit, product
    5. ( ur kopurua) flow; ibai baten \etorria the flow in a river; \etorri txikiko urlasterra shallow rapids; Zarauzko itsasoaren ur azpiko \etorri indartsua the strong undercurrent of the sea in Zarautz
    6. ( senipartea) inheritance da/ad.
    1. ( jin)
    a. to come (- ra: to | -tik: from) ; egunero etortzen da Zarautza she comes to Zarautz every day; Zarautza dator she's coming to Zarautz; Zarautza etortzekoa da she's coming to Zarautz | she's going to come to Zarautz ; betoz hona! let them come here!; etor bedi Zure erreinua Thy kingdom come; urrundik \etorri to come from afar; hator, hator mutil etxera! come, come home boy!; baserritik \etorri berria zen he had just come off the farm; gure etxera \etorri zen he came over to our house
    b. ( + - tzera) hona \etorri nintzen euskara ikastera I came here to learn Basque
    c. (+ -tzera) hona \etorri nintzen euskara ikastera I came here to learn Basque; bazkaltzera \etorri zirenak those who came for dinner
    d. datorrena datorrela! let the chips fall where they may!
    2. ( jatorri izan) to come (- tik: from) ; hitz hori gaskoitik dator that word comes from Gascon; nondik dator zure haserrea? how come you're angry?
    3. ( gertatu) to happen, befall; laster dator eguna the day is fast approaching ; egun ederra dator we're in for a splendid day ; arazo asko zekozkion a lot of problems befell him; zorigaitza \etorri zitzaion he ran into some bad luck
    4. ( bururatu) to occur, come; gero Mongoliara joateko ideia \etorri zitzaion then the idea of going to Mongolia {occurred || came} to him; logura \etorri zitzaion she was overcome by sleep; buruko min handia \etorri zitzaion she came down with a big headache
    5. ( denbora) orduak joan, orduak \etorri, Maritxu ez zen agertzen the hours went by and Maritxu didn't show up
    6. ( komeni izan) i-i ongi \etorri to suit sb fine; ez litzaiguke gaizki \etorriko it wouldn't do us any harm | it wouldn't be a bad thing for us
    b. ( arropa) to fit; berokia txiki samar datorkizu sorbaldetan the coat is rather small on you in the shoulders; soineko hori gaizki datorkio that dress doesn't fit her very well
    a. to correspond; batzarrean hitz egitea ez datorkit niri it's not (right) for me to speak in the assembly; zuri datorkizu hastea it's your turn to begin; hori ez datorkit niri that doesn't apply to me
    b. zure biziera ez datorkio zure hazierari your lifestyle is incompatible with your upbringing
    8. i-kin bat \etorri to agree with sb; zurekin bat nator I agree with you
    b. ( gauza) to match, go with; kolore hauek ez datoz {erara || ongi these colours don't {match || go well together}
    c. -(r)en esanera \etorri to give in to, condescend; besteren arrazoietara etortzeko to come to agree with the reasoning of others; ez nator haren esanetara I don't agree with what (s)he's said
    d. (hazi, ongi moldatu) to come along, be doing; landareak ongi etortzen dira the plants are coming along fine
    9. ( agertu, e.a.) to come; bilduta datoz they come wrapped up
    10. ( elkarrekin konpondu) ez datoz ondo elkarrekin they don't get on (GB) | they don't get along (USA) ; honekin gaizki nator I don't get on well with him; ederki etortzen gara elkarrekin we get on splendidly (GB) | we get along fine (USA)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > etorri

  • 7 nor

    izo. [ galderazkoa ]
    a. ( subjektua bada) who; \nor da? who is it?; \nor da hau? who's this?; \nor etorri da? who has come?; \nork daki? who knows?; \nork ikusi zituen? who saw them?; baina \nork gonbidatu \nor? Urrusolak Agirre ala Agirrek Urrusola? but who invited whom? Did Urrusolak invite Agirre or the other way around?
    b. ( subjektua ez bada) who, whom formala. ; \nor ikusten duzu? {who || whom formala. } do you see?; \norekin etorri zinen? who did you come with? | with whom did you come? ; \nori eman zenizkion liburu horiek? who did you give those books to? | to whom did you give those books? formala. ; \nortaz hitz egin zuten who did they talk about? formala.
    c. ( erretorika galderetan) who; \nor naiz, beraz, holako gauza eskatzeko? who am I to ask for such a thing
    d. ( zeharkako galdera) who; ba al dakizu \nor naizen? do you know who I am?; ez dakit \nork egin duen I don't know who's done it; badakite \norekin ari diren they know who they're dealing with; han egoten dira, \nor ageriko they're usually there waiting for someome to show up; \nor den begiratzeke without looking who it is; \nor den ere whoever it is; \nor datorren ere whoever comes
    2. ( bakoitza) each; \nor bere ostatu jakinean bezala like every one in his habitual tavern; \nork bere etxea babesteko for every one to protect their home | so that everyone can defend their home; \nori berea zor zaiona that which is due to each one; hiru lagun gonbidatu zituen aurkezleak, \nor baino \nor intelektualago three people were invited by the TV presenter with each one outdoing the other in playing the intellectual
    3. (I) Arkaismoa. bainan \nork begiratzen baitu Haren hitza egiazki, hura baitan Jainkoaren amodioa kunplitu da but in him who truly defends His word, the love of God is fulfilled
    4. \nor edo \nor somebody, someone; \nor edo \nor hiltzen denean when somebody dies; \nor edo \nork egingo du someone (or the other) will do it
    5. ( \nor ere)
    a. whoever; \nor ere beharretan baita whoever is in need; ezen \nork ere baitu hari emango zaio for if anyone has any, it will be given to him; \nori ere pot eginen baitiot, hura da if I'm going to kiss anyone, it's her; \nor gezurra erranen baitu, gaztigatua izanen da whoever lies will be punished; \nork bere laguna maite badu, laguntzen du whoever loves his friend, helps him
    b. \nor ere baitzara, adiskidea, barkatu whoever you are, my friend, forgive me
    6. \nor eta who but; \nor eta errege bera etorri zen the king himself came, no less | who should come but the king | the king, of all people, came; iraingarria da bere burua zibilizatutzat duen gizarte batentzat, \nortzuk eta zaharrek beren diru-sarrera urriak berdinduko dituen zerbaiten bila zakarrontzietan miaka ibili behar dutela jakitea it is insulting for a society that calls itself civilized to learn that old people, of all people, have to rummage through garbage cans in search of something that will supplement their meagre income

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nor

  • 8 eutsi

    a. to hold (- (r)i: on) ; \eutsi gogor! hold on tight!
    b. to grab; lapurrari \eutsi zion he grabbed hold of the thief; lepotik \eutsi zion he grabbed him by the throat
    c. (irud.) ( atxikitu) to cling; bereari \eutsia stubborn, obstinate; ez etsi, \eutsi! hang in there! | don't give up the ship!; \eutsi goiari! hang in there! ; \eutsi goiargiari! stick to your ideals! | cling to your principles!
    a. to hold, hold back, contain; ezin izan nion barreari \eutsi I could help laughing; logurari ezin dio \eutsi he can't help sleeping
    b. ( aurre egin) to withstand; zalduneria kosakoen erasoei \eutsi to {weather || withstand} Cossack calvary attacks; I fasted and prayed that I might \eutsi a particular temptation that had been bothering me barau eta otoitz egin nuen, kolkoan zebilkidan tentazio jakin bati eusteko
    3. ( sostengatu) to hold up; teilatuari eusten dioten habeak beams which hold the roof up
    a. ( iraun) to keep up, hold up ; \eutsiko ote du giro honek? will this good weather hold up?
    b. ( atxiki) asmo onean \eutsi to hope for the best ; fedeari \eutsi to hold on to hone's faith ; hitzari \eutsi to stick to one's word | to keep one's word
    5. ( eskaini) to offer
    6. (jasan, eraman) to bear up to, endure, hang on; \eutsi, mutilok! hang on, boys!
    7. ( ekin) to set; lanari \eutsi zion he set to work
    8. ( alboan egon) to be next to, be {contiguous || adjacent} to; bankuari deutsala dago gure denda our shop is next door to the bank; frontoiak elizari dautso the handball court is attached to the church
    9. (B) ( hartu) to take ; \eutsi! take it! | get it!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eutsi

  • 9 ez

    a. no ; \eza harria eta orma baino gogorragoa iza n liteke a no can be harder than the hardest rock ; lehenbiziko \ezean with her first refusal ; hari ere ematen diozu \eza you've also said no to him | you've also refused him
    b. (irud.) ; \ez zera! indeed not!; gaur ez dira etorriko — \ez zera! they're not coming today — what do you mean they're not!; ez dugu sekula horrelakorik egin — \ez zera! we've never done any such thing — like hell you haven't!; \ezaren ondo-ondokoa da it's next to nothing; besterik \ezean for want of something else; \ezetik baira bizi izan to live from hand to mouth ; \ezetik baira egon i. ( nekez bizi izan) to be living from hand to mouth ii. ( diruez ez) to be flat broke; \ezetatik \ezetara under no circumstance
    a. no; dirurik \ez no money
    b. ( falta, gabezia) lack, want beldurrik \eza the lack of fear ; damu dut nire hitz bete \eza I regret my inability to keep my word ; bere haurrik \ezak tristetzen zuen her {barrenness || not having children} saddened her ; gazte horrek ez dakit zer den \eza that young man doesn't know what going without is; gerra-garaian \eza zer den ikasi zuten during the war they learnt what going without was all about
    3. ( ukapena) denial adb.
    1. ( erantzunez) no; hau al da? — \ez is this it? — no
    2. ( + iz.) not; txerrikia jango genuke baina katukia \ez we would eat pork but not cat meat; ezer ere \ez nothing at all
    a. ( ingelesari dagokio-nez, aditz laguntzaile, moduzko aditz eta infinitoboekin) not; ez naiz Superman I am not Superman ez al naiz Superman? am I not Superman? | aren't I Superman?; ez nuke hori egingo I {would not || wouldn't} do that ; \ez dezaket hori egin I {cannot || can't} do that ez dut hori egingo I {will not || won't} do that ez duzu hori egin behar you {must not || mustn't} do that agian \ez dira etorriko they may not come ; ez dugu hori egin we haven't done that \ez gara hara joan we haven't gone there; hori egitera ez da ausartzen he dares not do that; \ez onartzea iraingarria izango litzateke not to accept would be insulting
    b. ( aditz arruntekin) do not, don't; does not, doesn't ( orainaldia, 3. p. s.) | did not, didn't ( lehenaldia) ; \ez dut erretzen I don't smoke; Kroftek \ez du erretzen Kroft doesn't smoke; \ez nuen erre I didn't smoke
    c. ( elipsian) gameluzopa jango nuke baina zuk \ez I would eat camel soup but you wouldn't ; gu etorriko gara baina haiek \ez we will come but they won't ni etorri nintzen baina Kristensen jauna \ez I came but Mr. Kristensen didn't; nik kafea edaten dut baina nire emazteak \ez I drink coffee but my wife doesn't
    a. \ez eta bai ari dira they're arguing about it; \ez bat eta \ez bi suddenly; \ez bat eta \ez bi agertu ziren they suddenly popped up; \ez hil bai hil dago he's on his death bed | he's about to die
    b. egingo \ez egingo dago he's on the verge of doing it junt.
    1. ez... ez neither... nor; \ez dira aktore onak \ez Miguel Bos— \ez Ronald Reagan neither Miguel Bos— nor Ronald Reagan are good actors; \ez ur \ez ardo neither water nor wine ; \ez non \ez han without further ado; \ez bat \ez bestea neither
    2. ( ezik) except, except for, save for; guztiak, Txirri eta Mirri \ez, goibel daude all, except for Txirri and Mirri, are sad
    3. \ez eta neither; ez dugu hori egiten, \ez eta haiek ere we don't do that {nor do they || and neither do they}; Afera ez zen indarkeria gehiegi erabiltzea izan, \ez eta sexu gehiegi ere. Horretarik ere izan zen, auskarki izan ere it wasn't a question of using too much violence or too much sex either. There was some of that too, even to a daring extent

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ez

  • 10 gose

    1. hunger; \gose min ravenous hunger; \gosez hil to starve to death; \gosea {hil || berdindu} to satisfy one's hunger; \gosea egin zaio he got hungry; \goseak amorratzen dago he's starving | he's dying for something to eat
    a. craving, urge, yearning, hunger; Jainkoaren hitzaren \gose eta egarri dutenak those who hunger and thirst for the word of God; jakintza hori ez du aginte-\goseak ekarri, jakin-\goseak baizik that knowledge did not result from a yearning for authority but from a yearning to know instead
    b. desire; aginte-\goseak eraginda driven by a desire for power; diru-\gose greed io.
    a. hungry, ravenous, famished; otso \goseen artean among ravenous wolves; \gose-mindua racked by hunger
    b. \goseari jaten eman to feed the hungry
    2. ( handinahi) ambitious

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gose

  • 11 jaso

    1. esteem, appreciation
    2. demeanour, conduct io.
    a. genteel, elegant, high-brow
    b. ( hizkera) formal, elevated
    2. reserved, serious du/ad.
    a. ( harria, e.a.) to lift, lift up, raise; harria zortzi aldiz \jaso du minutu batean he picked the stone up eight times within a minute
    b. ( lurrean dagoen gauzatxoa, e.a.) to pick up; sagarra lurretik \jaso zuen she picked the apple off the ground; \jaso ezazu paper hori! pick that paper up!
    c. ( hanka) to lift up
    a. ( eskutitza) to get, receive
    b. ( saria) to receive; lehen saria \jaso duen olerkia the poem which won first prize
    3. ( eraiki) to raise; bertan eliza bat \jaso zuten there they raised a church
    a. haurra \jaso to be a godparent to a child
    b. ( altxatu) to raise, life up; burua \jaso to raise one's head
    5. ( bildu, hartu) to collect; herriaren ahotik \jasotako esaerak sayings recorded from the lips of the people; bere bilduman \jaso dituen kantak songs recompiled in his collection
    b. hitzez hitz \jasoa recorded word for word

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jaso

  • 12 laŭvorte

    verbatim, word-for-word

    Esperanto-English dictionary > laŭvorte

  • 13 haragitu

    1. to embody, encarnate
    2. to fornicate
    3. haragitzeko diren abereak animals raised for their meat
    4. ( jabetu) to take possession of; ostutako telebista \haragitu zue n he took the stolen television for himself da/ad.
    1. to become encarnated, become flesh; eta Hitza \haragitu zen and the Word become flesh
    2. eder-ametsik ezinena \haragiturik! the most impossible of wonderful dreams come true!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > haragitu

  • 14 ilun

    [from *illun orfrom *iLun, cf. Aquit. ilun(n)] iz. darkness; \ilunak irentsi zituen they were swallowed up by the darkness io.
    1. ( oro.) dark; urdin \\ gorri \ilun dark blue \\ red
    2. ( eguraldia) overcast; zer egun dakar? — \ilun, jauna what weather are we in store for? — overcast, sir
    3. (irud.)
    a. ( melankolikoa) sombre, gloomy, dismal, glum; ai, ze berri \ilun tristea oh what sand and sombre news!
    b. ( gogoeta) sombre, dark, black; gure barrengo zoko \ilunak aztertzen baditugu if we delve into the dark reaches of our inner being
    c. ( etorkizuna) dark, dismal, dim, gloomy)
    d. ( ordua, kinka) dark; heriotzako ordu \ilunean at the dark hour of his death
    e. ( jatorria) mysterious; jatorri \iluneko hitza a word of {dubious || mysterious} origin
    f. ( aurpegia) sombre, grim, long
    g. ( hizkuntza) confused, obscure, muddled; neke du hizkuntza \ilun batek hizkuntza argi bati gogor egiten it is hard for an obscure language to resist a dazzling language
    h. ( idazlea) obscure adb.
    1. opaquely
    2. darkly; \ilun hitz egin to speak darkly

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ilun

  • 15 mami

    [from Rom. "m'ami"] iz.
    a. ( fruituari d.) pulp; e-i \mamia atera to pulp sth
    b. ( ogiari d.) middle part, heart; ogi-\mami puska bat a piece of bread from the middle
    c. ( haragia) \mami gutxikoa da he doesn't have much meat on him; zuretzat \mami gozoa eta hezurrak pobreentzat the fat juicy part for you and bones for the poor; hezur eta \mami jango nau he'll eat me bones and all; hezur handiak zituen \mami gutxirekin he had big bones and little flesh
    d. ( erhi, behatz, hatzari d.) tip; hatz\mami fingertip
    2. substance; zure asmo hori oraintxe bertan \mami bihurtuko da now you're going to pull off that plan of yours
    3. (irud.)
    a. essence, pith, core, substance; legearen \mamia the spirit of the law; hitz honen \mamia the essential meaning of this word;
    b. euskal \mami the essence of Basque-ness; eta \mamia euskal \mami garbi ez bada ere, euskal azal ederrez agertzen zaigu and even if its essence is not pure Basque, it is delightfully Basque on the surface
    b. ( mami hutsa, mami garbia) embodiment, quintessence, essence; hortxe datza buddhismoaren \mamia therein lies the essence of Buddhism
    c. (esa.) ; goazen \mamira! let's get to the heart of the matter!; \mami-\mamira joz gero, aldatzen da once we get to the very heart of the matter, it's different
    4. Sukal. curds io.
    1. ( adiskidea, e.a.) close, intimate, trusted; Txomin adiskide \mamia egin zitzaidan Txomin became my close friend; Erregeren ahokulari \mamia the King's trusted adviser
    2. ( lurra) deep; lur azalak eta \mamiak shallow and deep soils

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > mami

  • 16 nahi izan

    [ du/ad.]
    1. to want, wish (for); zein \nahi izan duzu? which one do you want? ; ez dut gehiagorik \nahi izan I don't want any more; zigarrorik \nahi izan al duzu? would you like a cigarette?; ezkon ezak seme \nahi izan duanean eta alaba ahal dagianean marry off your son when you want and your daughter when you can; \nahi izan duzun bezala as you wish | as you please; etorri \nahi izan duzunean come whenever you want ; \nahi izan eta behar dugu atsedena we want and need a break ; umeak zurekin \nahi izan du the baby wants you ; autoengatik zenbat \nahi izan dute? how much do they want for the car?; \nahi izan duenak \nahi izan duena esango du baina horrela da they can say whatever they want but that's how it is; hor dago nire arazoa: \nahi izan baina ezin therein lies my problem: I want to but can't; zer gehiago \nahi izan duzu? what more do you want?; ez da aski \nahi izan izatea wanting it is not enough; \nahi izan izatea ez da beti ahal izatea wanting to do it does not mean always being able to; edonor ia edonon bizi liteke, \nahi izan izan behar da anyone can live almost anywhere, it's a question of wanting to; nahi ez izatekoa da it's undesirable; Jainkoak hala \nahi izanrik God be willing; gaur jostailu hau \nahi izan du eta bihar beste horiek \nahi izanko ditu today he wants this toy and tomorrow he'll want those others
    2. ( + aditza)
    a. (+ era bukatua) etorri \\ joan \nahi izan dut I want to come \\ go; ikusi \\ egin \nahi izan dut I want to see \\ do it; eman \nahi izan dizut I want to give it to you; gizon horiek hil \nahi izan zaituzte those men want to kill you; Mongoliara joan \nahi izan nuen baina emazteak ez zuen \nahi izan I wanted to go to Mongolia but my wife didn't want to; hori egin \nahi izan izan dute they've wanted to do that; jakin \nahi izan nuke noiz etorriko diren I'd like to know when they're going to come; zurekin joan \nahi izan nuke I'd like to go with you
    b. (+ era bukatu gabea) haiek egitea \nahi izan dut I want them to do it; haiek egitea \nahi izan nuen I wanted them to do it; haiek etortzea \nahi izan dut I want them to come; haiek etortzea \nahi izan nuen I wanted them to come; zer \nahi izan duzu (nik) egitea? what do you want me to do?; nola \nahi izan duzu milaka urteko historia 10 minutu eskasetan azaltzea? how do you expect me to explain a history that's thousands of years old in a measly 10 minutes?; haiek joatea \nahi izan nuke I'd like them to go; ez nuke \nahi izan, inola ere, ohitura hori galtzerik I wouldn't want, by any means, that tradition to become lost; hori egia dela sinestarazi \nahi izan digutenek beste zerbait esango lukete those who would have us believe that is true would say otherwise
    c. (+ menpeko perpausa) zer \nahi izan duzu egin dezadan? formala. what will you have me do? | what do you want me to do? Oharra: ikus oharra want sarreran
    a. ez dut \nahi izan! I won't!; baina ez zuten \nahi izan but they refused | but they were unwilling
    b. ( ezkontzan) \nahi izan dut I will | I do; \nahi izan? — ez eskerrik asko want any? — no thanks; lagundu, ateak ez du ireki \nahi izan! help, the door won't open!
    4. esan \nahi izan izan [ du/ad.] to mean, zer esan \nahi izan du hitz horrek? what does that word mean?; horrekin zer esan \nahi izan duzu? what do you mean by that?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nahi izan

  • 17 ahalmen

    1. ( boterea) power; gauzak erabakitzeko \ahalmena the power to decide things; animaliak liluratzeko \ahalmena zuen she had the power to charm animals; \ahalmenez powerfully, mightily
    a. ability, capability, capacity; hitz baten adierazte \ahalmena the expressive ability of a single word; irudimena, margolariak beharrena duen gogo-\ahalmena imagination: the capacity of the mind that a painter needs the most; gaiztakeriarako \ahalmena ere badu gizonak man also has a capacity for evil
    b. Fis. capacity; bero-\ahalmen heat capacity
    c. ( mikroskopioari d., e.a.) power
    3. Leg. power, authority

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ahalmen

  • 18 berme

    [from Rom. "ferme" (cf. Middle Fr. ferm) from Lat. firmus] iz.
    a. guarantee, security; ordainketaren \bermetzat uzten da it is left as a guarantee for payment
    b. Leg. bail; gaitzes \berme involuntary bail; ones \berme voluntary bail
    c. urtebeteko \berme yearly warranty
    2. guarantor; zer da zina? \emdash Jainkoa bere hitzaren lekuko edo \berme hartzea what is an oath? \emdash taking the word of God as his witness or guarantor; egia honen lekuko edo \berme ene seme Joanes ematen dut I give my son Joanes as witness or guarantor

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berme

  • 19 bi

    [from *bia from *bida, biga] zenb. [ zehazt. ]
    a. two; bi gizon etorri ziren two men came; txakur \bi (B) | \bi txakur two dogs; \bi bitara two against two ; \bi ordu barru in two hours; \bi aldeko hitz double-entendre | ambiguous word; \bi bider twice | two times; \bi mila \\ miloi two thousand \\ million; \bi haritz handiren artean between two great oaks; \bi sailetan banatua split between two departments; hitz \bitan esanda in a nutshell
    b. (izenordain gisa) two; bat dugunean, \bi nahi ditugu when we have one, we want two ; \bi eta \bi lau two and two are four; arrautza batekin ala \birekin? with one egg or two?; \bitik bat one out of two; \birena egin to play a double role
    a. (+ -ak) \biak both; \bi mutil etorri ziren two boys came; \bi mutilak etorri ziren {both boys || the two boys} came; gazte haiek \biak both those youths ; kalearen \bi aldeak both sides of the street
    b. (+ -ak orduak adierazteko) ordu \biak two o'clock; ordu\bietan at two o'clock
    c. (+ -ak, izenik gabe) \biak both; \biak joan ziren both went ; \biak Oriokoak dira both are from Orio; alkateak eta \biak horrela dira both he and the mayor are like that; \biak \bietara egingo dute just the two of them will do it
    3. (+ -ok)
    a. (guri buruz) \biok joango gara {we both || both of us} will go |; we'll both go; Garikoitz eta \biok Garikoitz and me | Garikoitz and I formala. ; \biok \bitara egingu dugu just the two of us will do it
    b. (zuei buruz) \biok joango zarete {you both || both of us || you two} will go | you'll both go; Garikoitz eta \biok dakizue hori Garikoitz and you know that
    4. (esa.) hi eta ni \bi gaituk you and I are {on opposite ends || in opposite camps} | you and I are totally different ; \bien bitartean in the meantime |meanwhile; hitzak bat, eginak \bi words are one thing, acts another; berandu etorri eta neureak eta \bi entzun behar nituen I came late and was raked over the coals for it

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bi

  • 20 elkartu

    1. (H. Jak.) compound; hitz \elkartu compound word
    2. united
    3. Mat. associated du/ad.
    a. ( batu) to unite, join
    b. ( zatiak muntatu) to put together, assemble
    c. ( pilatu, bildu) to collect, gather, amass
    d. to combine
    e. ( filma) to splice together
    2. ( jendea) to unite, join together
    3. ( koloreak) to match da/ad.
    a. ( bateratu) to join, become united, unite, come together
    b. ( bi indar, alderdi) to join together, join forces (- (r)ekin: with)
    c. ( taldekatu) to group together
    d. to combine
    2. (Gram.) to agree, go together; hitz horiek ez dira elkartzen those words don't go together
    a. ( jendea) to get together
    b. ( etsaiak) to get back together, make up
    4. ( elkarrekin joan) to go together, go hand in hand; beldurra eta itxaropena elkartzen dira fear and hope go hand in hand
    5. ( koloreak) to match, blend
    6. ( iritziari d.) to join; i-en kausan \elkartu to join sb's cause | to define one's solidarity with sb's cause | to affirm one's support for sb's cause; haien iritziarekin \elkartu da he shares their opinion

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > elkartu

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Word of mouth — is a reference to the passing of information by verbal means, especially recommendations, but also general information, in an informal, person to person manner. Word of mouth is typically considered a face to face spoken communication, although …   Wikipedia

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