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с португальского на английский


  • 1 sketch

    [ske ] 1. noun
    1) (a rough plan, drawing or painting: He made several sketches before starting the portrait.) esboço
    2) (a short (written or spoken) account without many details: The book began with a sketch of the author's life.) esboço
    3) (a short play, dramatic scene etc: a comic sketch.) cena
    2. verb
    1) (to draw, describe, or plan without completing the details.) esboçar
    2) (to make rough drawings, paintings etc: She sketches as a hobby.) desenhar
    - sketchily
    - sketchiness
    - sketch-book
    * * *
    [sketʃ] n 1 croqui, esboço, desenho rápido. 2 projeto, plano. 3 declinação. 4 história curta, descrição resumida. 5 sketch TV, Radio, Theat cena, ato cômico. • vt 1 esboçar, fazer croqui. 2 traçar, projetar. composite sketch retrato falado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sketch

  • 2 so

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tão/tanto
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) assim
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) isso/que sim/assim, etc.
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) também
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') de facto
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.) de modo que
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far
    - so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak
    * * *
    [sou] n Mus sol.
    [sou] adv 1 assim, deste modo, desta maneira, desta forma, conforme foi mostrado. so it is true? / é verdade, então? I think so / penso que sim. 2 como consta. 3 naquele estado, naquela condição. 4 tão, de tal modo, de tal grau. it is so fine a day / está um dia tão bonito. 5 muito. 6 por esta razão, então, por isto, portanto. 7 igualmente, também. are you hungry? so am I / está com fome? eu também. 8 mais ou menos, aproximadamente. he stays a week or so / ele permanecerá mais ou menos uma semana. • conj 1 de maneira que, para que. there was nothing to be done, so I went away / não havia nada que fazer, portanto fui-me embora. we left the book on the table, so that he’d find it / deixamos o livro em cima da mesa, para que ele o achasse. 2 sob a condição de, se. • interj 1 bem! 2 certo! 3 é verdade? é assim? • pron o mesmo, a mesma coisa. and so forth e assim por diante. and so on e assim por diante. be so kind as to give me... tenha a bondade de me dar... ever so much muito. if so nesse caso, caso que, se... is that so? é verdade? realmente? just/ quite so assim mesmo, bem assim. Mr. so-and-so fulano. Mrs. so-and-so fulana. not so pretty as não tão bonito como. so far so good até aqui, muito bem. so help me God! que Deus me ajude! so much for that! chega disto, basta! so much the better! tanto melhor! so so assim, assim, mais ou menos. so? so what? e daí? the more so tanto mais. why so? por quê?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > so

  • 3 sketch

    [ske ] 1. noun
    1) (a rough plan, drawing or painting: He made several sketches before starting the portrait.) esboço, croqui
    2) (a short (written or spoken) account without many details: The book began with a sketch of the author's life.) esboço
    3) (a short play, dramatic scene etc: a comic sketch.) esquete
    2. verb
    1) (to draw, describe, or plan without completing the details.) esboçar
    2) (to make rough drawings, paintings etc: She sketches as a hobby.) fazer croquis
    - sketchily - sketchiness - sketch-book

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sketch

  • 4 So

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tão/tanto
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) assim
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) isso/que sim/assim, etc.
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) também
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') de facto
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.) de modo que
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far
    - so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak
    * * *
    abbr south (Sul, ao sul, para o sul).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > So

  • 5 for nothing

    1) (free; without payment: I'll do that job for you for nothing.) de graça
    2) (without result; in vain: I've been working on this book for six years, and all for nothing!) para nada
    * * *
    for nothing
    de graça, em vão.
    for nothing
    de graça, gratuitamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > for nothing

  • 6 question

    ['kwes ən] 1. noun
    1) (something which is said, written etc which asks for an answer from someone: The question is, do we really need a computer?) questao
    2) (a problem or matter for discussion: There is the question of how much to pay him.) questao
    3) (a single problem in a test or examination: We had to answer four questions in three hours.) questao
    4) (criticism; doubt; discussion: He is, without question, the best man for the job.) dúvida
    5) (a suggestion or possibility: There is no question of our dismissing him.) possibilidade
    2. verb
    1) (to ask (a person) questions: I'll question him about what he was doing last night.) perguntar
    2) (to regard as doubtful: He questioned her right to use the money.) questionar
    - questionably
    - questionableness
    - question mark
    - question-master
    - questionnaire
    - in question
    - out of the question
    * * *
    [kw'estʃən] n 1 pergunta, questão. he did without question / ele o fez obedientemente, sem questionar. 2 inquérito, exame. 3 disputa, discussão, debate. 4 dúvida. I call it in question / tenho minhas dúvidas a respeito. 5 tese, assunto. • vt+vi 1 examinar, indagar, interrogar. 2 duvidar, desconfiar. 3 disputar, debater, altercar. at question questionável. beyond question sem dúvida. in question em questão, em consideração. it is a question of é uma questão de. out of question indubitavelmente, sem qualquer dúvida. question and answer column coluna em jornais e revistas que publica cartas de leitores e respostas da redação. that’s open to question isto é questão de opinião. the book in question o livro em questão. there is no question of doing it é impossível fazê-lo. to pop the question coll pedir em casamento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > question

  • 7 for nothing

    1) (free; without payment: I'll do that job for you for nothing.) de graça
    2) (without result; in vain: I've been working on this book for six years, and all for nothing!) para nada

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > for nothing

  • 8 so

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tão, tanto, muito
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) assim
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) isso
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) também
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') de fato
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.)
    - so-so - and so on/forth - or so - so as to - so far - so good - so that - so to say/speak

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > so

  • 9 reprint

    1. [ri:'print] verb
    (to print more copies of (a book etc): We are reprinting his new novel already.) reimprimir
    2. ['ri:print] noun
    (a copy of a book etc made by reprinting the original without any changes.) reimpressão
    * * *
    [r'i:print] n 1 reimpressão, reedição. 2 separata. • [ri:pr'int] vt reimprimir, reeditar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reprint

  • 10 rest

    I 1. [rest] noun
    1) (a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc: Digging the garden is hard work - let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems - I'm going to take a week's holiday.) descanso
    2) (sleep: He needs a good night's rest.) descanso
    3) (something which holds or supports: a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.) apoio
    4) (a state of not moving: The machine is at rest.) desligado
    2. verb
    1) (to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy: We've been walking for four hours - let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.) descansar
    2) (to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired: Mother is resting at the moment.) descansar
    3) (to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something: Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.) descansar
    4) (to relax, be calm etc: I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.) descansar
    5) (to (allow to) depend on: Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.) depender de
    6) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) pertencer
    - restfully
    - restfulness
    - restless
    - restlessly
    - restlessness
    - rest-room
    - at rest
    - come to rest
    - lay to rest
    - let the matter rest
    - rest assured
    - set someone's mind at rest
    II [rest]
    * * *
    [rest] n 1 descanso, repouso, folga, trégua, tranqüilidade, paz, sossego. 2 sono. 3 lugar de repouso, sanatório. 4 abrigo, albergue, pousada, parada. 5 suporte, apoio, pedestal. 6 Mus pausa. 7 Poet morte, túmulo. 8 inércia. the matter rests with you / o caso depende de você. 9 Poet cesura. • vt+vi 1 descansar ( from de), repousar, fazer uma pausa, estar parado, não se mover, ficar quieto. I shall not rest until this matter is settled / não descansarei até este assunto ser resolvido. 2 estar calmo, sossegado ou despreocupado. you can rest assured that we will do all we can / você pode ter a certeza de que faremos tudo que pudermos. 3 dormir. 4 estar morto, jazer. 5 não ser aproveitado, cultivado (terras). 6 ser espalhado. 7 ser apoiado ou apoiar-se (on, against sobre, em), basear-se ( upon sobre), motivar-se (in em). 8 depender (on de), confiar (in em). 9 parar, cessar de mover-se. 10 deixar pendente. 11 dirigir, fixar (os olhos). our eyes rest on the book / nossos olhos estão fixos no livro. 12 Jur interromper voluntariamente a apresentação de provas. a day of rest dia de descanso. the fault rests with you a culpa é sua. to be at rest a) estar dormindo. b) estar parado. c) estar despreocupado, livre de aborrecimentos. d) Euphem estar morto. to give a rest deixar em paz, não amolar. to lay at rest sepultar, enterrar. to lay/ put ( an idea) to rest provar que é falso. to let something rest deixar de lado. to let the matter rest dar o assunto por liquidado. to put/set someone’s mind at rest tranqüilizar, apaziguar. to rest on/ upon a) apoiar-se. b) basear-se. to rest up coll descansar. to set at rest acalmar, aquietar. to take a rest descansar. without rest sem descanso, sem folga.
    [rest] n 1 resto, restante, sobra, resíduo. 2 saldo, reserva. 3 Ten série longa de trocas de bola. • vt+vi 1 restar, sobrar, sobejar. 2 ficar, permanecer. among the rest entre as outras coisas. and all the rest of it e tudo o mais. and the rest? e quem mais? for the rest demais, além disso. the rest os outros, os demais. you may rest assured that você pode ficar certo de que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rest

  • 11 reprint

    1. [ri:'print] verb
    (to print more copies of (a book etc): We are reprinting his new novel already.) reimprimir
    2. ['ri:print] noun
    (a copy of a book etc made by reprinting the original without any changes.) reimpressão

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > reprint

  • 12 crack

    [kræk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) break partly without falling to pieces: The window cracked down the middle.) rachar
    2) (to break (open): He cracked the peanuts between his finger and thumb.) quebrar
    3) (to make a sudden sharp sound of breaking: The twig cracked as I stepped on it.) estalar
    4) (to make (a joke): He's always cracking jokes.) dizer
    5) (to open (a safe) by illegal means.) arrombar
    6) (to solve (a code).) resolver
    7) (to give in to torture or similar pressures: The spy finally cracked under their questioning and told them everything he knew.) quebrar
    2. noun
    1) (a split or break: There's a crack in this cup.) racha
    2) (a narrow opening: The door opened a crack.) fenda
    3) (a sudden sharp sound: the crack of whip.) estalo
    4) (a blow: a crack on the jaw.) golpe
    5) (a joke: He made a crack about my big feet.) graça
    6) (a very addictive drug: He died of too much crack with alcohol)
    3. adjective
    (expert: a crack racing-driver.) perito
    - crackdown
    - cracker
    - crackers
    - crack a book
    - crack down on
    - crack down
    - get cracking
    - have a crack at
    - have a crack
    * * *
    [kræk] n 1 fenda, racha, fresta, ruptura. 2 estalido, estalo, estrépito, estrondo, pancada. 3 coll golpe, soco que produz um estalido. 4 tiro de arma de fogo. 5 abertura estreita, fresta. 6 instante, momento. 7 craque: esportista de excelente qualidade. 8 droga à base de cocaína. 9 arrombamento. • vi+vt 1 rachar, fender(-se), quebrar, rebentar. the plate is cracked / o prato está trincado. 2 estalar. he cracked his fingers / ele estalou os dedos. 3 crepitar. 4 estourar. 5 bater. 6 ficar áspero e agudo, falhar, mudar de voz. 7 sl ceder, entregar-se. 8 contar (piada). 9 arrombar (cofre). 10 abrir (garrafa) e beber. they cracked a bottle / eles beberam uma garrafa. 11 falhar, falir. • adj excelente, brilhante. • interj zás! crack of doom prenúncio do juízo final. in a crack num instante. to crack a crib sl arrombar uma casa. to crack a crust viver modestamente. to crack a joke contar uma piada. to crack a tidy crust viver bem. to crack town a) Amer fazer ou dar uma batida policial. b) tomar medidas severas. to crack up a) exaltar, elogiar. b) sofrer um colapso mental. c) despedaçar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crack

  • 13 delay

    [di'lei] 1. verb
    1) (to put off to another time: We have delayed publication of the book till the spring.) adiar
    2) (to keep or stay back or slow down: I was delayed by the traffic.) atrasar
    2. noun
    ((something which causes) keeping back or slowing down: He came without delay; My work is subject to delays.) atraso
    * * *
    [dil'ei] n 1 demora, paragem, detença, retardamento, atraso, adiamento, protelação. 2 dilação, prazo. • vt+vi demorar(-se), dilatar, adiar, retardar, atrasar, procrastinar, deter(-se).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > delay

  • 14 easily

    1) (without difficulty: She won the race easily.) facilmente
    2) (by far: This is easily the best book I've read this year.) de longe
    3) (very probably: It may easily rain tomorrow.) provavelmente
    * * *
    ['i:zili] adv facilmente, comodamente, sossegadamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > easily

  • 15 fair

    I [feə] adjective
    1) (light-coloured; with light-coloured hair and skin: fair hair; Scandinavian people are often fair.) claro
    2) (just; not favouring one side: a fair test.) justo
    3) ((of weather) fine; without rain: a fair afternoon.) bonito
    4) (quite good; neither bad nor good: Her work is only fair.) suficiente/razoável
    5) (quite big, long etc: a fair size.) um certo tamanho/algo grande
    6) (beautiful: a fair maiden.) belo/formoso
    - fairly
    - fair play
    II [feə] noun
    1) (a collection of entertainments that travels from town to town: She won a large doll at the fair.) feira
    2) (a large market held at fixed times: A fair is held here every spring.) feira
    3) (an exhibition of goods from different countries, firms etc: a trade fair.) feira
    * * *
    [fɛə] n 1 feira. 2 feira de amostras. 3 Amer bazar de caridade. the book faira feira do livro.
    [fɛə] n Poet mulher formosa. • vt+vi 1 Mech acabar (uma peça). 2 fazer ou tornar-se propício. 3 aclarar, desanuviar-se (tempo). • adj 1 regular, satisfatório. 2 uniforme, suave. 3 proporcionado, formoso, belo. 4 claro, límpido. 5 claro, louro (cabelo, face). 6 limpo, íntegro. 7 desimpedido. 8 sereno (céu). 9 bom, favorável (vento). he is in a fair way to succeed / ele tem boas perspectivas de êxito. 10 prometedor, auspicioso. 11 cortês, amável, agradável. 12 oportuno, plausível. 13 sólido, com base (esperança). 14 considerável, amplo. 15 nítido, legível (letra). 16 legítimo, justo. he has a fair chance / ele tem uma oportunidade justa. 17 honesto, franco (jogo, luta). • adv 1 de modo justo, favorável. they played fair / eles jogaram honestamente. the wind sits fair / o vento está favorável. 2 em cheio. 3 diretamente. a fair share uma parte justa. by fair means por bem, sem violência. by fair means or foul de um modo ou de outro. fair and softly goes afar devagar se vai ao longe. fair and square honesto, justo. fair field and no favour possibilidades iguais para todos. fair water água límpida. fair wear and tear Tech desgaste justo: dano ou desgaste causado aos bens em conseqüência de uso normal. the belly is not filled with fair words palavras bonitas não enchem barriga. the stone hit him fair in the head a pedra caiu-lhe diretamente na cabeça. to bid fair to prometer, ser auspicioso. to give someone fair warning avisar em tempo. to have a fair livelihood ter para viver comodamente. to stand fair for ter esperanças. to stand fair with a person estar em bons entendimentos com alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fair

  • 16 only

    ['əunli] 1. adjective
    (without any others of the same type: He has no brothers or sisters - he's an only child; the only book of its kind.) único
    2. adverb
    1) (not more than: We have only two cups left; He lives only a mile away.) apenas
    2) (alone: Only you can do it.)
    3) (showing the one action done, in contrast to other possibilities: I only scolded the child - I did not smack him.)
    4) (not longer ago than: I saw him only yesterday.)
    5) (showing the one possible result of an action: If you do that, you'll only make him angry.)
    3. conjunction
    (except that, but: I'd like to go, only I have to work.) mas
    * * *
    ['ounli] adj 1 único. 2 só. 3 solitário. • adv somente, unicamente, apenas, simplesmente. not only intelligent but also honest / não apenas inteligente mas também honesto. • conj exceto. if only I should succeed quem me dera ter sucesso. I was only too glad to leave fiquei mais que satisfeito em sair. not only but não apenas, mas também. only child filho único. only if desde que. only just now há pouco, agora mesmo. only yesterday a) somente ontem. b) ontem mesmo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > only

  • 17 phrase

    [freiz] 1. noun
    1) (a small group of words (usually without a finite verb) which forms part of an actual or implied sentence: He arrived after dinner.) sintagma
    2) (a small group of musical notes which follow each other to make a definite individual section of a melody: the opening phrase of the overture.) frase
    2. verb
    (to express (something) in words: I phrased my explanations in simple language.) expressar
    - phrasing
    - phrase-book
    - phrasal verb
    * * *
    [freiz] n 1 Gram, Mus frase. 2 expressão, locução. 3 fraseologia, dicção, elocução. 4 expressão usual, expressão idiomática. • vt 1 frasear, expressar, exprimir. 2 Mus dividir em frases. to speak in simple phrase exprimir-se em termos simples.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > phrase

  • 18 price

    1. noun
    1) (the amount of money for which a thing is or can be bought or sold; the cost: The price of the book was $10.) preço
    2) (what one must give up or suffer in order to gain something: Loss of freedom is often the price of success.) preço
    2. verb
    1) (to mark a price on: I haven't priced these articles yet.) pôr preço
    2) (to find out the price of: He went into the furniture shop to price the beds.) apreçar
    - pricey
    - at a price
    - beyond/without price
    * * *
    [prais] n 1 preço: a) custo. b) prêmio, recompensa. c) valor, valia. I do it at any price / vou fazê-lo a qualquer preço. 2 oportunidades, esperanças. • vt 1 apreçar: a) fixar o preço de. b) colocar o preço em. c) coll perguntar o preço de. 2 estimar, avaliar. at a high price por alto preço. at any price a qualquer preço, custe o que custar. cut price preço reduzido. retail price index índice de preços no varejo. to price oneself out of the market cobrar mais que o mercado. to set ou put a price on pôr um preço em. what is the price of this? quanto custa isto?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > price

  • 19 rhyme

    1. noun
    1) (a short poem: a book of rhymes for children.) poema
    2) (a word which is like another in its final sound(s): `Beef' and `leaf' are rhymes.) rima
    3) (verse or poetry using such words at the ends of the lines: To amuse his colleagues he wrote his report in rhyme.) rima
    2. verb
    ((of words) to be rhymes: `Beef' rhymes with `leaf'; `Beef' and `leaf' rhyme.) rimar
    * * *
    [raim] n rima, verso, poesia. • vt 1 rimar, fazer versos, versificar, versejar. 2 fig estar de acordo, harmonizar. eye-rhyme rima imperfeita. head-rhyme aliteração. internal rhyme rima interna. nursery rhyme canção de criança, canção de ninar. rich-rhyme rima rica. without rhyme or reason sem pé nem cabeça.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rhyme

  • 20 from memory

    (by remembering; without using a book etc for reference: He said the whole poem from memory.) de cor

    English-Portuguese dictionary > from memory

См. также в других словарях:

  • Without book — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • without book — phrasal 1. : without authority 2. : from memory or by rote * * * without book 1. From memory 2. Unauthorizedly • • • Main Entry: ↑book …   Useful english dictionary

  • without book — 1. By memory, from memory, without notes, without reading. 2. Without warrant, without authority …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Book — (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and Germans… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book account — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book debt — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book learning — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book louse — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book moth — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book oath — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book post — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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