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  • 121 платежи

    (Статья контракта.)

    1. Все счета-фактуры подлежат оплате без каких-либо скидок в фунтах стерлингов в течение 28 дней с даты подписания Контракта [или на дату подписания или до наступления даты, указанной в контракте] в помещении Компании, указанном в счете-фактуре, и Покупатель ни при каких обстоятельствах не вправе производить отчисления или удержания из платежа по какой-либо причине. — 1. All invoices are payable without discount of any kind in pounds sterling within 28 days of the date of [or on or before the date stated on] the Company's invoice at the Company's premises stated on the invoice and in no circumstances shall the Customer be entitled to make any deduction or withhold payment for any reason at all.

    2. Срок платежа имеет существенное значение для контракта. Без ущемления любых других прав Компании, если Покупатель не оплачивает цену по счету-фактуре в надлежащий срок, Покупателю не предоставляется скидка, указанная в счете-фактуре [и он платит проценты по любой просроченной сумме, которые начисляются с установленной даты платежа до даты фактического производства платежа (до вынесения судебного решения или после него) каждый день по ставке 4% годовых сверх базовой ставки, которая время от времени указывается ООО Банком ] и Покупатель возмещает Компании все издержки и расходы (включая судебные издержки), произведенные при взимании любой просроченной суммы. — 2. Time for payment shall be of the essence of the Contract. Without prejudice to any other rights of the Company if the Customer fails to pay the invoice price by the due date the Customer shall not be allowed any discount given in the invoice [and shall pay interest on any overdue amount from the date of which payment was due to that on which it is made (whether before or after judgement) on a daily basis at a rate of 4% p.a. over the base rate from time to time quoted by the Bank p.l.c.] and reimburse to the Company all costs and expenses (including legal costs) incurred in the collection of any overdue amount.

    Russian-English Dictionary "Microeconomics" > платежи

  • 122 цель

    1. aim; 2. target; 3. purpose; 4. object; 5. objective; 6. goal; 7. end; 8. point
    Русское существительное цель многозначно и относится как к физической, так и к интеллектуальной сферам деятельности, не указывает на конкретные причины, называющие цель и желаемый результат. В английском же языке эквиваленты, напротив, содержат в себе указание на причины, характер самой цели и желаемый результат.
    1. aim — (существительное aim многозначно и соответствует двум значениям русского слова цель): a) цель, прицел, прицеливание, линия прицела: to take aim — прицеливаться; to miss the aim — промахнуться/не попасть в цель; to hit the aim — попасть в цель My aim wasn't very good and the ball went over the fence. — Я плохо прицелился, и мяч улетел через забор. What part of the target are you taking aim at? — В какую часть мишени ты целишься? Не quickly regained his balance, took aim, and fired. — Он быстро вновь обрел равновесие, прицелился и выстрелил. b) цель, намерение, план, планы, стремление, замыслы (то что вы надеетесь достичь, приложив усилия): sinister aims — зловещие замыслы; ambicious aims — честолюбивые планы The aim of the project is to help patients to be more independent. — Цель этого проекта — помочь пациентам стать более самостоятельными. The group was committed to achieving its aims through peaceful means. — Группа стремится к достижению своих целей мирными средствами. The council's aim is to improve services and cut costs. — Цель комитета — улучшить обслуживание и сократить расходы. The course's aim is to train students to develop their communicative skills. — Цель курса — помочь студентам развить их коммуникативные навыки.
    2. target — (существительное target многозначно; используется в прямом смысле как объект атаки/нападения, а также и в метафорическом, переносном смысле: цель деятельности): a) цель, мишень (при стрельбе, в спорте, игре), объект для нападения, объект для критики, объект для насмешек и т. д.: Few players managed to get their shots on target. — Мало кто из игроков смог послать мяч в цель./Мало кто из игроков смог послать стрелу в цель. Foreigners have become targets for attack by terrorists. — Иностранцы стали объектом нападения террористов. The house was left vacant and therefore a target for vandals. — Оставленный пустым дом стал объектом нападения вандалов./Оставленный пустым дом стал объектом нападения хулиганов. His war records became a target for his enemies. — Его военные заслуги сделали его мишенью для нападок недоброжелателей. b) заданная цель, поставленная задача ( часто выраженная в деньгах): prime target — приоритетная задача; to set a target — ставить цель/поставить задачу; to meet a target — достичь цели Target for the appeal is $20.000 for children's charities. — Цель обращения — собрать двадцать тысяч долларов на благотворительные цели для нуждающихся детей. The magazine has a target readership of half a million people. — Журнал ставит своей целью достичь полумиллионного тиража. We think teenagers are a prime target for the anti-smoking campaign. — Нам кажется, что основным объектом кампании против курения являются подростки.
    3. purpose — цель ( предполагает получение желаемого результата путем конкретных действий): specific (definite, unchanging, common, essential, temporary) purpose — особая (ясная, неизменная, общая, основная, временная) цель; in/with didactic/educational (patriotic, propagandistic) purposes — в воспитательных (патриотических, пропагандистских) целях; the sole purpose of doing it — единственная цель этих действий; to pursue a purpose — преследовать цель The author's purpose in writing this book was to draw attention to the problems of homeless children. — Автор написал эту книгу с целью привлечь внимание к судьбе/проблемам бездомных детей. The purpose of his tour is to attend the conference. — Цель его поездки — участие в конференции. The purpose of this dictionary is to help students of English. — Цель этого словаря — помочь изучающим английский язык./Задача этого словаря — помочь изучающим английский язык. Her sole purpose in being here was to kill some time. — Единственной целью ее прихода сюда было убить время. You must decide which method suits your purpose best. — Вы должны решить, какой метод наиболее соответствует вашей цели.
    4. object — цель, конечная цель (нечто, что вы планируете достичь, особенно труднодостижимое; употребляется только в единственном числе): the object of the exercise — цель ( любого) действия His object was to gain time until help could arrive. — У него была одна цель — выиграть время, пока не придет помощь. The object of the research is to find a cure for this illness. — Цель этого исследования — найти средство от этой болезни. In this game the object is to score as many points as you can in the time given. — Цель этой игры — набрать как можно больше очков в заданное время.
    5. objective — цель, задача, стремление (конечный результат, на который направлена вся деятельность; употребляется в основном в ситуациях, связанных с бизнесом и политикой): key objective — основная цель; primary/prime/principal objective — основная цель/важная цель; overriding objective — первостепенная цель/ приоритетная цель; ultimate objective — конечная цель; to accomplish/to achieve/to attain an objective — достигать цели; to fulfill/to meet/to reach one's objectives — выполнить задуманное/выполнить за планированное/ довести задуманное до конца/достигнуть цели I am not sure I understand the objective of this exercise. — Я не совсем понимаю цель этой деятельности. The main objective for unions should still be to safeguard the wages and conditions of their members. — Основной целью профсоюзов должны оставаться недопущение понижения зарплаты и ухудшения условий труда. One of the objectives behind the current advertising compaign is to increase sales overseas. — Одна из целей проводимой рекламной кампании — увеличение продаж за рубежом. This company is constantly failing to achieve its objectives. — Эта фирма почти никогда не добивается своих целей.
    6. goal — цель, задачи, планы, стремления, перспективы на будущее ( обозначает планыличные или общественныекак ориентир для дальнейшего развития, даже если на достижение их потребуется длительный период): definite (ultimate, desired, stimulating) goal — четкие (конечные, желаемые, стимулирующие/придающие мотивированность деятельности) планы/четкие (конечные, желаемые, стимулирующие/придающие мотивированность деятельности) задачи/четкие (конечные, желаемые, стимулирующие/придающие мотивированность деятельности) цели; veiled (vague, illusory, mysterious) goal — неясные (туманные, иллюзорные, загадочные) цели/иеясные (туманные, иллюзорные, загадочные) перспективы; luminous (glittering, common, traditional, selfsame) goal — сияющие (манящие, обычные, общепринятые, неизменные) цели/сияющие (манящие, обычные, общепринятые, неизменные) планы/сияющие (манящие, обычные, общепринятые, неизменные) задачи; to achieve/to attain (to cherish, to gain, to realize) goal (s) — достигать (лелеять, добиваться, реализовать/воплощать) цели Our goal is to provide a good standard of medical care. — Наша цель — добиваться высокого уровня медицинского обслуживания. You should set goals for yourself at the beginning of each school year. — Ежегодно в начале учебного года следует ставить перед собой цели на этот год./Ежегодно в начале учебного года следует продумывать, чего ты хотел бы достичь в предстоящем году. More motivation can be created if the children have definite goals toward which they can work. — Если перед детьми стоят ясные цели, их работа может быть более мотивированной./Если перед детьми стоят ясные цели, их работа может быть более осмысленной. Our goal is to radically reduce unemployment within five years. — Наша цель — радикально сократить уровень безработицы в течение следующих пяти лет./Наша задача — радикально сократить уровень безработицы в ближайшие пять лет.
    7. end — конечная цель (в данном значении end употребляется только во множественном числе, предполагает корыстные устремления/ цели/интересы, часто нечестные средства их достижения): selfish (personal, sordid/dirty, petty, shameful, disastrous) ends — эгоистические (личные, грязные, низменные, постыдные, губительные) цели/эгоистические (личные, грязные, низменные, постыдные, губительные) интересы/эгоистические (личные, грязные, низменные, постыдные, губительные) устремления; political (commercial) ends — политические (коммерческие/торговые) соображения/политические (коммерческие/торговые) цели The demonstrators' ends do not justify their means. — Цели демонстрантов не оправдывают используемые ими средства. Racial tension in the country is exaggerated for political ends. — Напряженность расовых отношений в стране преувеличивается в политических целях./Напряженность расовых отношений в стране раздувается в политических целях. She used people for her own ends. — Она пользовалась людьми в своих корыстных целях. Business manipulates political issues for commercial ends. — Бизнес тенденциозно манипулирует политическими вопросами для достижении своих коммерческих целей.
    8. point — цель, задача, смысл (в данном значении используется только в единственном числе; употребляется для разъяснения стоящих задач, смысла деятельности): crucial (focal, fundamenial, important, key, main) point — решающая (центральная, основная, ключевая, важная, приоритетная) цель (чего-либо); to illustrate one's point — пояснять свои цели/проиллюстрировать смысл своей деятельности; to prove one's point —доказывать смысл своей деятельности/доказывать цель своей деятельности The point of these events is to raise money for children in need. — Цель этих действий — собрать деньги для нуждающихся детей. What's the point in keeping all these clothes that the children have grown out of? — Какой толк хранить всю эту одежду, из которой дети давно выросли?/Какой смысл хранить всю эту одежду, из которой дети давно выросли?/Зачем хранить всю эту одежду, из которой дети давно выросли?/ С какой целью хранить всю эту одежду, из которой дети давно выросли? I'm sorry, I just don't see the point of doing this. — Простите, но я не понимаю, зачем надо это делать./Простите, но я не вижу смысла, зачем надо это делать. I see no point discussing this any further. — Я не вижу смысла обсуждать дальше этот вопрос/Бесцельно обсуждать дальше этот вопрос./Бессмысленно обсуждать дальше этот вопрос. What's the point? — Зачем?/С какой целью? цивилизованный civilized см. культурный(о стране или обществе)

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > цель

  • 123 activity based costing

    Fin, Gen Mgt
    a method of calculating the cost of a business by focusing on the actual cost of activities, thereby producing an estimate of the cost of individual products or services.
    Abbr. ABC
    An ABC cost-accounting system requires three preliminary steps: converting to an accrual method of accounting; defining cost centers and cost allocation; and determining process and procedure costs.
         Businesses have traditionally relied on the cash basis of accounting, which recognizes income when received and expenses when paid. ABC’s foundation is the accrual-basis income statement. The numbers this statement presents are assigned to the various procedures performed during a given period. Cost centers are a company’s identifiable products and services, but also include specific and detailed tasks within these broader activities. Defining cost centers will of course vary by business and method of operation. What is critical to ABC is the inclusion of all activities and all resources.
         Once cost centers are identified, management teams can begin studying the activities each one engages in and allocating the expenses each one incurs, including the cost of employee services.
         The most appropriate method is developed from time studies and direct expense allocation. Management teams who choose this method will need to devote several months to data collection in order to generate sufficient information to establish the personnel components of each activity’s total cost.
         Time studies establish the average amount of time required to complete each task, plus bestand worst-case performances. Only those resources actually used are factored into the cost computation; unused resources are reported separately. These studies can also advise management teams how best to monitor and allocate expenses which might otherwise be expressed as part of general overheads, or go undetected altogether.

    The ultimate business dictionary > activity based costing

  • 124 χάρις

    χάρις, ιτος, ἡ (Hom.+) acc. quite predom. χάριν, but χάριτα Ac 24:27; 25:9 v.l.; Jd 4 and pl. χάριτας Ac 24:27 v.l.; 1 Cl 23:1 (Eur., Hel. 1378; Hdt. 6, 41; X., Hell. 3, 5, 16; ins, pap; Zech 4:7; 6:14; EpArist 272, pl. 230.—B-D-F §47, 3; W-S. §9, 7; Mayser 271f; Thackeray 150; Helbing 40f; Mlt-H. 132.—It seems that χάρις is not always clearly differentiated in mng. fr. χαρά; Apollodorus [II B.C.]: 244 Fgm. 90 Jac. says in the second book περὶ θεῶν: κληθῆναι δὲ αὐτὰς ἀπὸ μὲν τ. χαρᾶς Χάριτας• καὶ γὰρ πολλάκις … οἱ ποιηταὶ τ. χάριν χαρὰν καλοῦσιν ‘the [deities] Charites are so called from χαρά [joy], for poets freq. equate χάρις with χαρά’. Cp. the wordplay AcPl Ha 8, 7 χαρᾶς καὶ χάριτος the house was filled with gaiety and gratitude.).
    a winning quality or attractiveness that invites a favorable reaction, graciousness, attractiveness, charm, winsomeness (Hom.+; Jos., Ant. 2, 231) of human form and appearance παῖς λίαν εὐειδής ἐν χάριτι an exceptionally fine-looking and winsome youth AcPl Ha 3, 13. Of speech (Demosth. 51, 9; Ps.-Demetr. [I A.D.], Eloc. §127; 133; 135 al.; Eccl 10:12; Sir 21:16; Jos., Ant. 18, 208) οἱ λόγοι τῆς χάριτος (gen. of quality) the gracious words Lk 4:22. ὁ λόγος ὑμῶν πάντοτε ἐν χάριτι let your conversation always be winsome Col 4:6 (cp. Plut., Mor. 514f; s. also HAlmqvist, Plut. u. das NT ’46, 121f; Epict. 3, 22, 90). τὸ πρόσωπον αὐτοῦ χάριτος ἐπληροῦτο MPol 12:1 can also be placed here in case χάρις means nothing more than graciousness (s. 4 below); prob. also GJs 7:3 (s. 3b).
    a beneficent disposition toward someone, favor, grace, gracious care/help, goodwill (almost a t.t. in the reciprocity-oriented world dominated by Hellenic influence [cp. e.g. OGI 669, 29] as well as by the Semitic sense of social obligation expressed in the term חֶסֶד [NGlueck, Das Wort ḥesed in alttestamentlichen Sprachgebrauche etc. 1927]. Of a different order and spirit is the subset of reciprocity known as Roman patronage, in which superiority of the donor over the client is clearly maintained)
    act., that which one grants to another, the action of one who volunteers to do someth. not otherwise obligatory χάρις θεοῦ ἦν ἐπʼ αὐτό Lk 2:40. ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ (cp. τῇ τοῦ θεοῦ Κλαυδίου χάριτι OGI 669, 29) Ac 11:2 D; 14:26. τοῦ κυρίου 15:40.—Esp. of the beneficent intention of God (cp. χ. in reference to God: Apollon. Rhod. 3, 1005 σοὶ θεόθεν χάρις ἔσσεται; Dio Chrys. 80 [30], 40 χ. τῶν θεῶν; Ael. Aristid. 13 p. 320 D.; 53 p. 620; Sextus 436b; likew. in LXX, Philo, Joseph.; SibOr 4, 46=189; 5, 330; Ezk. Trag. 162 [Eus., PE 9, 29, 12].—χ. to denote beneficent dispensations of the emperor: OGI 669, 44 [I A.D.]; BGU 19 I, 21 [II A.D.] χάρ. τοῦ θεοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος; 1085 II, 4) and of Christ, who give (undeserved) gifts to people; God: δικαιούμενοι δωρεὰν τῇ αὐτοῦ χάριτι Ro 3:24. Cp. 5:15a, 20f; 6:1; 11:5 (ἐκλογή 1), 6abc; Gal 1:15 (διά A 3e); Eph 1:6f (KKuhn, NTS 7, ’61, 337 [reff. to Qumran lit.]); 2:5, 7, 8; cp. Pol 1:3; 2 Th 1:12; 2:16; 2 Ti 1:9; Tit 2:11 (ἡ χάρ. τοῦ θεοῦ σωτήριος; s. Dibelius, Hdb. exc. after Tit 2:14); 3:7; Hb 2:9 (χωρίς 2aα); 4:16a (DdeSilva, JBL 115, ’96, 100–103); 1 Cl 50:3; ISm 9:2; IPol 7:3. ἐν χάρ[ιτι θεοῦ] AcPl Ha 7, 23 (restoration uncertain). κατὰ χάριν as a favor, out of goodwill (cp. Pla., Leg. 740c; schol. on Soph., Oed. Col. 1751 p. 468 Papag.) Ro 4:4 (opp. κατὰ ὀφείλημα), 16.—The beneficence or favor of Christ: διὰ τῆς χάριτος τοῦ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ πιστεύομεν σωθῆναι Ac 15:11. Cp. Ro 5:15b; 2 Cor 8:9; 1 Ti 1:14; IPhld 8:1. On Ac 2:47 in this sense s. TAnderson, NTS 34, ’88, 604–10.
    pass., that which one experiences fr. another (Arrian, Anab. Alex. 3, 26, 4) χάριν ἔχειν have favor 3J 4 v.l. πρός τινα with someone=win his respect Ac 2:47 (cp. 2a end; cp. Pind., O. 7, 89f χάριν καὶ ποτʼ ἀστῶν καὶ ποτὶ ξείνων grant him respect in the presence of his townfolk as well as strangers); παρά τινι (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 89 §376) Hm 10, 3, 1, cp. 5, 1, 5. εὑρεῖν χάριν παρά τινι (Philo, Leg. All. 3, 77, end) Lk 1:30; Hs 5, 2, 10; ἐνώπιόν τινος Ac 7:46; GJs 11:2 (JosAs 15:14). ἐν τοῖς μέλλουσι μετανοεῖν among those who are about to repent Hm 12, 3, 3. Ἰησοῦς προέκοπτεν χάριτι παρὰ θεῷ καὶ ἀνθρώποις Lk 2:52 (an indication of exceptional ἀρετή, cp. Pind. above). Cp. Ac 4:33; 7:10 (ἐναντίον Φαραώ); Hb 4:16b.—ποία ὑμῖν χάρις ἐστίν; what credit is that to you? Lk 6:32–34; s. D 1:3; 2 Cl 13:4. Cp. 1 Cor 9:16 v.l. In these passages the mng. comes close to reward (s. Wetter [5 below] 209ff w. reff.).—Also by metonymy that which brings someone (God’s) favor or wins a favorable response fr. God 1 Pt 2:19, 20.
    In Christian epistolary lit. fr. the time of Paul χάρις is found w. the sense (divine) favor in fixed formulas at the beginning and end of letters (Zahn on Gal 1:3; vDobschütz on 1 Th 1:1; ELohmeyer, ZNW 26, 1927, 158ff; APujol, De Salutat. Apost. ‘Gratia vobis et pax’: Verb. Dom. 12, ’32, 38–40; 76–82; WFoerster, TW II ’34, 409ff; Goodsp., Probs. 141f. S. also the lit. s.v. χαίρω 2b). At the beginning of a letter χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη (sc. εἴη; New Docs 8, 127f) Ro 1:7; 1 Cor 1:3; 2 Cor 1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2; Phil 1:2; Col 1:2; 1 Th 1:1; 2 Th 1:2; Phlm 3; Rv 1:4; without ὑμῖν Tit 1:4. χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη πληθυνθείη 1 Pt 1:2; 2 Pt 1:2; 1 Cl ins. χάρις, ἔλεος, εἰρήνη 1 Ti 1:2; 2 Ti 1:2; 2J 3 (on the triplet cp. En 5:7 φῶς καὶ χάρις καὶ εἰρήνη).—At the end ἡ χάρις (τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ etc.) μεθʼ ὑμῶν (or μετὰ πάντων ὑμῶν etc.) Ro 16:20, 23 (24) v.l.; 1 Cor 16:23; 2 Cor 13:13; Gal 6:18; Eph 6:24; Phil 4:23; Col 4:18; 1 Th 5:28; 2 Th 3:18; 1 Ti 6:21; 2 Ti 4:22; Tit 3:15; Phlm 25; Hb 13:25; Rv 22:21; 1 Cl 65:2. ἔσται ἡ χάρις μετὰ πάντων τῶν φοβουμένων τὸν Κύριον GJs 25:2. ὁ κύριος τῆς δόξης καὶ πάσης χάριτος μετὰ τοῦ πνεύματος ὑμῶν B 21:9. χάρις ὑμῖν, ἔλεος, εἰρήνη, ὑπομονὴ διὰ παντός ISm 12:2. ἔρρωσθε ἐν χάριτι θεοῦ 13:2.
    practical application of goodwill, (a sign of) favor, gracious deed/gift, benefaction
    on the part of humans (X., Symp. 8, 36, Ages. 4, 3; Appian, Bell. Civ. 1, 49 §213; Dionys. Hal. 2, 15, 4) χάριν (-ιτα) καταθέσθαι τινί (κατατίθημι 2) Ac 24:27; 25:9. αἰτεῖσθαι χάριν 25:3 (in these passages from Ac χ. suggests [political] favor, someth. one does for another within a reciprocity system. Cp. Appian, Bell. Civ. 1, 108 §506 ἐς χάριν Σύλλα=as a favor to Sulla; ApcSed 8:1 οὐκ ἐποίησάς μοι χάριν=you did me no favor). ἵνα δευτέραν χάριν σχῆτε that you might have a second proof of my goodwill 2 Cor 1:15 (unless χάρις here means delight [so in poetry, Pind. et al., but also Pla., Isocr.; L-S-J-M s.v. χάρις IV; cp. also the quot. fr. Apollodorus at the beg. of the present entry, and the fact that χαρά is v.l. in 2 Cor 1:15]; in that case δευτέρα means double; but s. comm.). Of the collection for Jerusalem (cp. Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 42 §173 χάριτας λαμβάνειν=receive gifts) 1 Cor 16:3; 2 Cor 8:4, 6f, 19 (DdeSilva, JBL 115, ’96, 101). Cp. B 21:7.—Eph 4:29 may suggest a demonstration of human favor (cp. Plut., Mor. 514e χάριν παρασκευάζοντες ἀλλήλοις), but a ref. to the means by which divine grace is mediated is not to be ruled out (s. b below).
    on the part of God and Christ; the context will show whether the emphasis is upon the possession of divine favor as a source of blessings for the believer, or upon a store of favor that is dispensed, or a favored status (i.e. standing in God’s favor) that is brought about, or a gracious deed wrought by God in Christ, or a gracious work that grows fr. more to more (so in contrast to the old covenant Mel., P. 3, 16 al.). God is called ὁ θεὸς πάσης χάριτος 1 Pt 5:10, i.e. God, who is noted for any conceivable benefit or favor; cp. B 21:9.—χάριν διδόναι τινί show favor to someone (Anacr. 110 Diehl; Appian, Ital. 5 §10): τὸν δόντα αὐτῷ τὴν χάριν GJs 14:2. ταπεινοῖς δίδωσι χάριν (Pr 3:34) Js 4:6b; 1 Pt 5:5; 1 Cl 30:2; without a dat. Js 4:6a (Menand., Epitr. 231 S. [55 Kö.]). Perh. καὶ ἔβαλλε κύριος … χάριν ἐπʼ αὐτήν GJs 7:3 (but s. 1 above). The Logos is πλήρης χάριτος J 1:14. Those who belong to him receive of the fullness of his grace, χάριν ἀντὶ χάριτος vs. 16 (ἀντί 2). Cp. vs. 17. τὴν χάριν ταύτην ἐν ᾗ ἑστήκαμεν this favor (of God) we now enjoy Ro 5:2 (Goodsp.).—5:17; 1 Cor 1:4; 2 Cor 4:15 (divine beneficence in conversion); cp. Ac 11:23; 6:1; Gal 1:6 (by Christ’s gracious deed); 2:21; 5:4; Col 1:6; 2 Ti 2:1; Hb 12:15; 13:9; 1 Pt 1:10, 13; 3:7 (συνκληρονόμοι χάριτος ζωῆς fellow-heirs of the gift that spells life; s. ζωή 2bα); 5:12; 2 Pt 3:18; Jd 4; IPhld 11:1; ISm 6:2. Christians stand ὑπὸ χάριν under God’s gracious will as expressed in their release from legal constraint Ro 6:14f, or they come ὑπὸ τὸν ζυγὸν τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ 1 Cl 16:17 (ζυγός 1). The proclamation of salvation is the message of divine beneficence τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ Ac 20:24 or ὁ λόγος τῆς χάριτος αὐτοῦ (=τοῦ κυρίου) 14:3; 20:32. Even the gospel message can be called ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ 13:43; cp. 18:27; MPol 2:3. τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς χάριτος the Spirit from or through whom (God’s) favor is shown Hb 10:29 (AArgyle, Grace and the Covenant: ET 60, ’48/49, 26f).—Pl. benefits, favors (Diod S 3, 2, 4; 3, 73, 6; Sb 8139, 4 [ins of I B.C.] of Isis; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 190) 1 Cl 23:1.—Nelson Glueck, Das Wort ḥesed etc. 1927, but s. FAndersen, ‘Yahweh, the Kind and Sensitive God’: God Who is Rich in Mercy, ed. PO’Brien/DPeterson ’86.
    exceptional effect produced by generosity, favor. Of effects produced by divine beneficence which go beyond those associated with a specific Christian’s status (ins μεγάλαι χάριτες τοῦ θεου: FCumont, Syria 7, 1926, 347ff), in the congregations of Macedonia 2 Cor 8:1 and Corinth 9:14; cp. vs. 8; in Rome AcPl Ha 7, 8. The Christian confessor is in full possession of divine grace ISm 11:1. Paul knows that through the χάρις of God he has been called to be an apostle, and that he has been fitted out w. the powers and capabilities requisite for this office fr. the same source: Ro 1:5; 12:3; 15:15; 1 Cor 3:10; 15:10ab (for the subject matter cp. Polyb. 12, 12b, 3 αὐτὸν [Alex. the Great] ὑπὸ τοῦ δαιμονίου τετευχέναι τούτων ὧν ἔτυχεν=whatever he has received he has received from what is divine. [For this reason he does not deserve any divine honors.]); 2 Cor 12:9; Gal 2:9; Eph 3:2, 7f; Phil 1:7.—The χάρις of God manifests itself in various χαρίσματα: Ro 12:6; Eph 4:7; 1 Pt 4:10. This brings into view a number of passages in which χάρις is evidently to be understood in a very concrete sense. It is hardly to be differentiated fr. δύναμις (θεοῦ) or fr. γνῶσις or δόξα (q.v. 1b. On this subj. s. Wetter [5 below] p. 94ff; esp. 130ff; pap in the GLumbroso Festschr. 1925, 212ff: χάρις, δύναμις, πνεῦμα w. essentially the same mng.; PGM 4, 2438; 3165; Herm. Wr. 1, 32; Just., D. 87, 5 ἀπὸ χάριτος τῆς δυνάμεως τοῦ πνεύματος). οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ σαρκικῇ ἀλλʼ ἐν χάριτι θεοῦ 2 Cor 1:12. οὐκ ἐγὼ δὲ ἀλλὰ ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ σὺν ἐμοί 1 Cor 15:10c. αὐξάνετε ἐν χάριτι καὶ γνώσει τοῦ κυρίου 2 Pt 3:18; cp. 1 Cl 55:3; B 1:2 (τῆς δωρεᾶς πνευματικῆς χάρις). Stephen is said to be πλήρης χάριτος καὶ δυνάμεως Ac 6:8. Divine power fills the Christian confessor or martyr w. a radiant glow MPol 12:1 (but s. 1 above). As the typical quality of the age to come, contrasted w. the κόσμος D 10:6.
    response to generosity or beneficence, thanks, gratitude (a fundamental component in the Gr-Rom. reciprocity system; exx. fr. later times: Diod S 11, 71, 4 [χάριτες=proofs of gratitude]; Appian, Syr. 3, 12; 13. Cp. Wetter [below] p. 206f) χάριν ἔχειν τινί be grateful to someone (Eur., Hec. 767; X., An. 2, 5, 14; Pla., Phlb. 54d; Ath. 2, 1; PLips 104, 14 [I B.C.] χάριν σοι ἔχω) foll. by ὅτι (Epict. 3, 5, 10; Jos., C. Ap. 1, 270; 2, 49) Lk 17:9 (ERiggenbach, NKZ 34, 1923, 439–43); mostly of gratitude to God or Christ; χάρις in our lit. as a whole, in the sense gratitude, refers to appropriate respone to the Deity for benefits conferred (Hom., Pind., Thu. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; Jos., Ant. 7, 208) χάριν ἔχω τῷ θεῷ (POxy 113, 13 [II A.D.] χάριν ἔχω θεοῖς πᾶσιν.—Epict. 4, 7, 9) 2 Ti 1:3; foll. by ὅτι because 1 Ti 1:12 (Herm. Wr. 6, 4 κἀγὼ χάριν ἔχω τῷ θεῷ …, ὅτι; Jos., Ant. 4, 316); χάριν ἔχειν ἐπί τινι be grateful for someth. Phlm 7 v.l. (to humans). ἔχωμεν χάριν let us be thankful (to God) Hb 12:28 (the reason for it is given by the preceding ptc. παραλαμβάνοντες). Elliptically (B-D-F §128, 6; cp. Rob. 1201f) χάρις (ἔστω) τῷ θεῷ (X., Oec. 8, 16 πολλὴ χάρις τοῖς θεοῖς; Epict. 4, 4, 7 χάρις τῷ θεῳ; BGU 843, 6 [I/II A.D.] χάρις τοῖς θεοῖς al. in pap since III B.C..—Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 309) Ro 7:25; MPol 3:1. Foll. by ὅτι (X., An. 3, 3, 14 τοῖς θεοῖς χάρις ὅτι; PFay 124, 16 τοῖς θεοῖς ἐστιν χάρις ὅτι; Epict. 4, 5, 9) Ro 6:17. Foll. by ἐπί τινι for someth. (UPZ 108, 30 [99 B.C.]) 2 Cor 9:15. The reason for the thanks is given in the ptc. agreeing w. τῷ θεῷ 2:14; 8:16; 1 Cor 15:57 (cp. Jos., Ant. 6, 145; Philo, Somn. 2, 213). Thankfulness (Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 15 §51 πρός τινα=toward someone) χάριτι in thankfulness 10:30. So prob. also ἐν τῇ χάριτι in a thankful spirit Col 3:16 (Dibelius, Hdb. ad loc.). πλησθῆναι χαρᾶς καὶ χάριτος AcPl Ha 8, 7. S. εὐχαριστέω, end. Also PSchubert, Form and Function of the Pauline Thanksgivings ’39.—OLoew, Χάρις, diss., Marburg 1908; GWetter, Charis 1913; AvHarnack, Sanftmut, Huld u. Demut in der alten Kirche: JKaftan Festschr. 1920, 113ff; NBonwetsch, Zur Geschichte des Begriffs Gnade in der alten Kirche: Harnack Festgabe 1921, 93–101; EBurton, Gal ICC 1921, 423f; WWhitley, The Doctrine of Grace ’32; JMoffatt, Grace in the NT ’31; RWinkler, D. Gnade im NT: ZST 10, ’33, 642–80; RHomann, D. Gnade in d. Syn. Ev.: ibid. 328–48; JWobbe, D. Charisgedanke b. Pls ’32; RBultmann, Theologie des NT ’48, 283–310 (Paul); HBoers, Ἀγάπη and Χάρις in Paul’s Thought: CBQ 59, ’97, 693–713; on 2 Cor 8: FDanker, Augsburg Comm. 2 Cor, 116–34; PRousselot, La Grâce d’après St. Jean et d’après St. Paul: SR 18, 1928, 87–108, Christent. u. Wissensch. 8, ’32, 402–30; JMontgomery, Hebrew Hesed and Gk. Charis: HTR 32, ’39, 97–102; Dodd 61f; TTorrance, The Doctrine of Grace in the Apost. Fathers, ’48; JRenié, Studia Anselmiana 27f, ’51, 340–50; CRSmith, The Bible Doctrine of Grace, ’56; EFlack, The Concept of Grace in Bibl. Thought: Bibl. Studies in Memory of HAlleman, ed. Myers, ’60, 137–54; DDoughty, NTS 19, ’73, 163–80.—B. 1166. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > χάρις

  • 125 zona

    1 zone, area (espacio).
    ¿vives por la zona? do you live around here? (por aquí)
    ésta es la zona de copas de la ciudad this is the center of the city's nightlife
    zona catastrófica disaster area
    zona comercial shopping area
    zona erógena erogenous zone
    zona de exclusión exclusion zone
    zona euro euro zone
    zona de guerra war zone
    zona de libre comercio free-trade zone
    zona peatonal pedestrian precinct
    zona residencial residential area
    zona verde park, green area; (grande) lawn (pequeña)
    2 key.
    3 zona.
    * * *
    1 area
    2 (fronteriza, militar) zone
    1 MEDICINA (herpes) shingles
    zona azul parking meter zone
    zona edificada built-up area
    zona fronteriza border zone
    zona glacial frigid zone
    zona templada temperate zone
    zona tórrida torrid zone
    zona verde green zone
    * * *
    noun f.
    area, district, zone
    * * *
    1) [en país, región] area

    las zonas más ricas/remotas/deprimidas del país — the richest/remotest/most depressed areas o parts of the country

    la zona norte/sur/este/oeste de la isla — the northern/southern/eastern/western part of the island

    comimos en uno de los restaurantes típicos de la zona — we ate in a restaurant typical of the area, we ate in a typical local restaurant

    zonas costerascoastal areas

    zona montañosa o de montaña — mountainous area, mountainous region

    zonas ruralesrural areas

    zonas urbanasurban areas

    zona de conflicto — (Mil) conflict zone

    zona de libre comercio — free-trade zone, free-trade area

    zona de peligro — danger zone, danger area

    zona fronteriza[gen] border area; (Mil) border zone

    zona militar — military zone, military area

    zona roja Esp Republican territory

    2) [en ciudad] area

    zona azul Esp (Aut) pay-and-display area

    zona comercial[para negocios en general] commercial district; [solo de tiendas] shopping area

    zona de copas, ¿dónde está la zona de copas? — where do people go out to drink?

    zona marginada CAm slum area

    zona roja LAm red-light district

    zona rosa Méx partly pedestrianized zone, so called because of its pink paving stones

    3) [en edificio, recinto] area

    zona ancha — (Dep) midfield

    zona de castigo — (Dep) sin bin

    zona de penumbra, zona de sombra — (lit) shaded area; (fig) area of secrecy

    zona oscura, las zonas oscuras de la personalidad — the hidden areas of the personality

    las zonas oscuras de la políticathe shady o murky areas of politics

    4) (Geog) zone
    5) (Anat, Med) area
    6) (Baloncesto) free-zone lane
    * * *
    1) (área, región) area
    2) ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area
    * * *
    = area, zone, bit, radius, area, service area, tract.
    Ex. The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.
    Ex. But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.
    Ex. The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.
    Ex. The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.
    Ex. Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.
    Ex. The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = El estudio analizó al uso relativo de las diferentes zonas de la biblioteca.
    Ex. Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.
    * biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.
    * biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.
    * ciencia de las zonas polares = polar science.
    * de la zona de entre mareas = intertidal.
    * dividir en zonas = zone.
    * en la zona de = in the land of.
    * en + Posesivo + zona = in + Posesivo + neck of the woods.
    * ser zona prohibida = be off limits.
    * una zona de = a stretch of.
    * usar sobre la zona afectada = use + topically.
    * zona abierta = open area.
    * zona activa = hot spot.
    * zona alejada = reaches.
    * zona alveolar = alveolar region.
    * zona bélica = war zone.
    * zona béntica, la = benthic zone, the.
    * zona central = midsection [mid-section].
    * zona central de un Lugar = heartland.
    * zona cero = ground zero.
    * zona climática = climatic zone.
    * zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.
    * zona con aparatos electrónicos = equipment area.
    * zona con césped = grassy area.
    * zona costera = seafront, coastal area.
    * zona de amortiguamiento = buffer zone.
    * zona de aterrizaje = landing site, landing area, landing area.
    * sitio de aterrizaje = landing area.
    * zona de bienestar = comfort zone.
    * zona de captación = catchment area.
    * zona de carga = loading dock, loading bay.
    * zona de columpios y pistas deportivas = playground.
    * zona de comodidad = comfort zone.
    * zona de confort = comfort zone.
    * zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.
    * zona de descanso = rest area.
    * zona de desempleo = pocket of unemployment.
    * zona de estudio = study area, study facilities.
    * zona de exclusión aérea = no-fly zone.
    * zona de guerra = war zone.
    * zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].
    * zona del euro, la = euro zone, the, euro zone, the, euro area, the.
    * zona del interior = hinterland.
    * zona de los tres estados = tristate area.
    * zona de no fumadores = non-smoking area.
    * zona de ocio = leisure facilities.
    * zona de ocupación = zone of occupation, occupation zone.
    * zona de pasto = feeding ground, grazing area.
    * zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.
    * zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.
    * zona de recogida de lo sobrante = overflow area.
    * zona de recreo = playground.
    * zona desnuclearizada = nuclear-free zone, nuclear-free.
    * zona despejada = open area.
    * zona de transición = buffer zone.
    * zona dolorida = sore point, sore spot.
    * zona entre mareas = intertidal zone.
    * zona geográfica = geographical area.
    * zona gris = grey area [gray area].
    * zona habitable = living area.
    * zona húmeda = wetland.
    * zona industrial = industrial area.
    * zona interior despoblada = backcountry.
    * zona junto a la playa = beachfront.
    * zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.
    * zona limítrofe = fringe area.
    * zona marginada = deprived area.
    * zona menos favorecida = less favoured area.
    * zona neutral = buffer zone.
    * zona pantanosa = marshland, marsh, marshy area, fen.
    * zona para casas móviles = mobile home park, trailer park.
    * zona para sentarse = seating area.
    * zona peligrosa = no-go area.
    * zona penumbrosa = twilight zone.
    * zona problemática = problem area.
    * zona prohibida = no-go area.
    * zona protegida = safe haven, safe harbour, protected area.
    * zona pública = public area.
    * zona residencial = residential area, suburban area, estate.
    * zona rural = country, rural area, hinterland, countryside, rural region.
    * zona sin cultivar = wildland.
    * zonas inhabitadas del interior = back country.
    * zonas más alejadas = outlying areas.
    * zonas salvajes del interior = back country.
    * zona suburbana = suburban area.
    * zona tampón = buffer zone.
    * zona tectónica = fault zone.
    * zona templada, la = temperate zone, the.
    * zona tórrida, la = torrid zone, the.
    * zona urbana = urban area.
    * zona verde = parkland area, grassy area.
    * * *
    1) (área, región) area
    2) ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area
    * * *
    = area, zone, bit, radius, area, service area, tract.

    Ex: The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.

    Ex: But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.
    Ex: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.
    Ex: The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.
    Ex: Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.
    Ex: The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = El estudio analizó al uso relativo de las diferentes zonas de la biblioteca.
    Ex: Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.
    * biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.
    * biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.
    * ciencia de las zonas polares = polar science.
    * de la zona de entre mareas = intertidal.
    * dividir en zonas = zone.
    * en la zona de = in the land of.
    * en + Posesivo + zona = in + Posesivo + neck of the woods.
    * ser zona prohibida = be off limits.
    * una zona de = a stretch of.
    * usar sobre la zona afectada = use + topically.
    * zona abierta = open area.
    * zona activa = hot spot.
    * zona alejada = reaches.
    * zona alveolar = alveolar region.
    * zona bélica = war zone.
    * zona béntica, la = benthic zone, the.
    * zona central = midsection [mid-section].
    * zona central de un Lugar = heartland.
    * zona cero = ground zero.
    * zona climática = climatic zone.
    * zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.
    * zona con aparatos electrónicos = equipment area.
    * zona con césped = grassy area.
    * zona costera = seafront, coastal area.
    * zona de amortiguamiento = buffer zone.
    * zona de aterrizaje = landing site, landing area, landing area.
    * sitio de aterrizaje = landing area.
    * zona de bienestar = comfort zone.
    * zona de captación = catchment area.
    * zona de carga = loading dock, loading bay.
    * zona de columpios y pistas deportivas = playground.
    * zona de comodidad = comfort zone.
    * zona de confort = comfort zone.
    * zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.
    * zona de descanso = rest area.
    * zona de desempleo = pocket of unemployment.
    * zona de estudio = study area, study facilities.
    * zona de exclusión aérea = no-fly zone.
    * zona de guerra = war zone.
    * zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].
    * zona del euro, la = euro zone, the, euro zone, the, euro area, the.
    * zona del interior = hinterland.
    * zona de los tres estados = tristate area.
    * zona de no fumadores = non-smoking area.
    * zona de ocio = leisure facilities.
    * zona de ocupación = zone of occupation, occupation zone.
    * zona de pasto = feeding ground, grazing area.
    * zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.
    * zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.
    * zona de recogida de lo sobrante = overflow area.
    * zona de recreo = playground.
    * zona desnuclearizada = nuclear-free zone, nuclear-free.
    * zona despejada = open area.
    * zona de transición = buffer zone.
    * zona dolorida = sore point, sore spot.
    * zona entre mareas = intertidal zone.
    * zona geográfica = geographical area.
    * zona gris = grey area [gray area].
    * zona habitable = living area.
    * zona húmeda = wetland.
    * zona industrial = industrial area.
    * zona interior despoblada = backcountry.
    * zona junto a la playa = beachfront.
    * zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.
    * zona limítrofe = fringe area.
    * zona marginada = deprived area.
    * zona menos favorecida = less favoured area.
    * zona neutral = buffer zone.
    * zona pantanosa = marshland, marsh, marshy area, fen.
    * zona para casas móviles = mobile home park, trailer park.
    * zona para sentarse = seating area.
    * zona peligrosa = no-go area.
    * zona penumbrosa = twilight zone.
    * zona problemática = problem area.
    * zona prohibida = no-go area.
    * zona protegida = safe haven, safe harbour, protected area.
    * zona pública = public area.
    * zona residencial = residential area, suburban area, estate.
    * zona rural = country, rural area, hinterland, countryside, rural region.
    * zona sin cultivar = wildland.
    * zonas inhabitadas del interior = back country.
    * zonas más alejadas = outlying areas.
    * zonas salvajes del interior = back country.
    * zona suburbana = suburban area.
    * zona tampón = buffer zone.
    * zona tectónica = fault zone.
    * zona templada, la = temperate zone, the.
    * zona tórrida, la = torrid zone, the.
    * zona urbana = urban area.
    * zona verde = parkland area, grassy area.

    * * *
    A (área, región) area
    ¿por qué zona viven? what area do they live in?
    en la zona fronteriza in the border area o zone
    zonas montañosas mountainous areas o regions
    por esa zona no hay servicio de autobuses there is no bus service in that area
    fue declarada zona neutral it was declared a neutral zone
    zona de influencia sphere of influence
    [ S ] zona de carga y descarga loading and unloading only
    ( Esp) limited-time parking zone, pay-and-display area ( BrE)
    disaster area
    ground zero
    commercial district, business quarter o area
    penalty area
    combat zone o area
    crisis zone
    boarding area
    ( Esp) area of new development
    line of scrimmage
    exclusion zone
    no-fly zone
    war zone
    war zone
    free-trade zone
    maximum security zone o area
    danger area o zone
    test site, testing ground
    departure lounge o area
    nuclear-free zone o area
    red-light district
    erogenous zone
    duty-free zone
    industrial park, industrial estate ( BrE)
    military zone o area
    ( Esp) ( Hist) Nationalist-held territory
    nuclear-free zone o area
    buffer zone
    pedestrian precinct o zone o area
    ( AmL) (zona de prostitución) red-light district; ( Esp fam) (durante la guerra civil) Republican-held territory
    ( Telec) dead zone
    buffer zone
    temperate zone o region
    tropical zone o region
    park, green space
    B (en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area
    * * *


    zona sustantivo femenino
    1 (área, región) area;

    ( on signs) zona de carga y descarga loading and unloading only;

    zona de castigo penalty area;
    zona industrial industrial park;
    zona peatonal pedestrian precinct;
    zona roja (AmL) ( zona de prostitución) red-light district;
    zona verde park, green space;
    zona cero ( en Nueva York) ground zero
    2 ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area
    zona sustantivo femenino
    1 zone
    2 (de un territorio, gran extensión) area, region
    zona de obras, work area
    zona de operaciones, operational zone
    zona militar, military zone
    zona verde, park, green space
    3 Dep zone
    ' zona' also found in these entries:
    - antinuclear
    - arrasar
    - barrio
    - cabaña
    - ciudad
    - comisionada
    - comisionado
    - concurrida
    - concurrido
    - construcción
    - contingente
    - deprimida
    - deprimido
    - desalojar
    - este
    - expolio
    - franca
    - franco
    - francófona
    - francófono
    - glacial
    - huerta
    - milimétrica
    - milimétrico
    - oasis
    - pacificar
    - peinar
    - peinada
    - peinado
    - rastrear
    - rastreo
    - riego
    - sombra
    - teatro
    - urbanización
    - vecindario
    - vinícola
    - apartado
    - azucarero
    - bajío
    - cabezón
    - campo
    - carga
    - cargue
    - combate
    - comercial
    - concreto
    - conflictivo
    - desértico
    - belt
    - busing
    - clearance
    - coastal
    - compound
    - country
    - danger area
    - decline
    - demonstrate
    - disaster area
    - enclose
    - enclosure
    - enter
    - grey area
    - industrial area
    - local
    - pedestrianize
    - precinct
    - scour
    - seal off
    - smokeless zone
    - stricken
    - testing ground
    - unemployment
    - waterfront
    - well-known
    - zone
    - area code
    - around
    - canvass
    - catchment area
    - district
    - diverse
    - division
    - extreme
    - -free
    - green
    - ground
    - high
    - incoming
    - industrial
    - inner
    - locally
    - neighborhood
    - no-fly zone
    - off
    - out
    - pedestrian
    - red
    * * *
    zona nf
    1. [espacio, área] zone, area;
    una zona montañosa/turística a mountainous/tourist area;
    la zona norte/sur de la isla the northern/southern part of the island;
    en las zonas más aisladas/pobres in the most remote/poorest areas;
    ¿vives por la zona? [por aquí] do you live around here?;
    ésta es la zona de copas de la ciudad this is the centre of the city's nightlife
    zona azul [de estacionamiento] restricted parking zone;
    zona de carga y descarga loading bay o US zone;
    zona catastrófica disaster area;
    zona centro Br city centre, US downtown;
    zona cero [en Nueva York] ground zero;
    zona climática climatic zone;
    zona comercial shopping area;
    zona conflictiva trouble spot;
    zona de conflicto [en guerra] war zone, battle zone;
    zona edificada built-up area;
    zona erógena erogenous zone;
    zona euro euro zone;
    zona de exclusión exclusion zone;
    Com zona franca free-trade zone;
    zona de no fumadores no-smoking area;
    zona glacial glacial region;
    zona de guerra war zone;
    zona húmeda wetland area;
    zona intermareal intertidal zone;
    Meteo zona de inversión thermal o temperature inversion zone;
    zona de libre comercio free-trade zone;
    zona de marca [en rugby] in-goal area;
    zona militar military area o zone;
    Esp zona nacional [en la guerra] = the area controlled by Nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War;
    zona peatonal pedestrian area o precinct;
    zona protegida [natural] conservation area;
    zona residencial residential area;
    zona roja Esp [en la guerra] = term used by Nationalists to refer to Republican-controlled areas during the Spanish Civil War;
    Am [de prostitución] red-light district;
    Zona Rosa [en México DF] = elegant tourist and shopping area in Mexico City;
    zona de seguridad [entre países] buffer zone;
    zona templada temperate zone;
    Am Anticuado zona de tolerancia red-light district;
    zona tórrida tropics, Espec torrid zone;
    zona de urgente reindustrialización = region given priority status for industrial investment, Br ≈ enterprise zone;
    zona verde [grande] park, green area;
    [pequeña] lawn
    2. [en baloncesto] [área] key
    3. [en baloncesto] [violación] three-seconds violation
    * * *
    1 area, zone
    2 en baloncesto: parte del campo key; violación three-seconds violation
    * * *
    zona nf
    : zone, district, area
    * * *
    zona n
    1. (área) area
    2. (militar, geográfica) zone

    Spanish-English dictionary > zona

  • 126 cerrado

    closed, locked, shut, not open.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: cerrar.
    * * *
    1→ link=cerrar cerrar
    1 shut, closed
    2 LINGÚÍSTICA close, closed
    3 (acento) broad, thick
    4 (curva) tight, sharp
    5 (ovación) thunderous
    6 (barba) bushy, thick
    7 (noche) black, dark; (cielo) overcast, dark
    8 figurado (oculto) obscure, hidden
    9 figurado (persona introvertida) uncommunicative, reserved
    10 figurado (intransigente) intransigent, unyielding
    11 familiar figurado (torpe) thick, dim
    a ojos cerrados figurado with one's eyes closed
    ser cerrado,-a de mollera familiar to be pig-headed
    * * *
    (f. - cerrada)
    1) closed, shut
    * * *
    1) (=no abierto) [puerta, ventana, boca] closed; [puño] clenched; [curva] sharp, tight

    "cerrado por vacaciones" — "closed for holidays", "closed for vacation" (EEUU)

    ¿está el grifo bien cerrado? — is the tap turned off properly?

    puerta 3)
    2) (=apretado) [barba] thick, full; [bosque] dense, thick; [ambiente, atmósfera] stuffy
    descarga 3)
    3) [cielo] cloudy, overcast; [noche] dark, black
    4) (Ling) [acento] broad, strong; [vocal] closed

    hablaba con cerrado acento gallegohe spoke with a broad o strong o thick Galician accent

    5) [persona]
    a) (=intransigente)
    b) (=torpe) (tb: cerrado de mollera) dense, thick *
    c) (=reservado) reserved
    6) (Com) [precio] fixed
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) <puerta/ventana/ojos/boca> closed, shut; <mejillones/almejas> closed; <sobre/carta> sealed; < puño> clenched; < cortinas> drawn, closed
    b) < válvula> closed, shut off; < grifo> turned off
    2) <tienda/restaurante/museo> closed, shut

    cerrado por defunción/reformas — closed owing to bereavement/for alterations

    a) <espacio/recinto> enclosed
    b) ( cargado) < ambiente> stuffy
    c) < grupo> closed
    d) (Mat) <serie/conjunto> closed
    4) (Ling) < vocal> close, closed; <acento/dialecto> broad
    5) < curva> sharp
    7) < barba> thick
    8) ( enérgico)
    a) (poco receptivo, intransigente) set in one's ways

    estar cerrado a algo: está cerrado a todo cambio his mind is closed to change; el país ha estado cerrado a influencias externas — the country has been shut off from outside influence

    b) ( poco comunicativo) uncommunicative
    c) (fam) ( torpe) dense (colloq), thick (colloq)
    10) (Esp) (Fin)

    apartamentos de lujo, precio cerrado — apartments, price guaranteed

    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) <puerta/ventana/ojos/boca> closed, shut; <mejillones/almejas> closed; <sobre/carta> sealed; < puño> clenched; < cortinas> drawn, closed
    b) < válvula> closed, shut off; < grifo> turned off
    2) <tienda/restaurante/museo> closed, shut

    cerrado por defunción/reformas — closed owing to bereavement/for alterations

    a) <espacio/recinto> enclosed
    b) ( cargado) < ambiente> stuffy
    c) < grupo> closed
    d) (Mat) <serie/conjunto> closed
    4) (Ling) < vocal> close, closed; <acento/dialecto> broad
    5) < curva> sharp
    7) < barba> thick
    8) ( enérgico)
    a) (poco receptivo, intransigente) set in one's ways

    estar cerrado a algo: está cerrado a todo cambio his mind is closed to change; el país ha estado cerrado a influencias externas — the country has been shut off from outside influence

    b) ( poco comunicativo) uncommunicative
    c) (fam) ( torpe) dense (colloq), thick (colloq)
    10) (Esp) (Fin)

    apartamentos de lujo, precio cerrado — apartments, price guaranteed

    * * *
    = closed, static, enclosed, bolt-on.

    Ex: In order to be able to calculate due dates, DOBIS/LIBIS must know what days the library is open so that it does not make a book due on a closed day.

    Ex: The list or thesaurus cannot be static.
    Ex: Book clubs need not be enclosed, much less ingrown = Los clubs de lectores no deben ser cerrados y cuanto mucho menos conservadores.
    Ex: These may be perceived as unimportant ' bolt-on' courses about irrelevant systems.
    * aprobar con los ojos cerrados = sail through + exam.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * con olor a cerrado = musty [mustier -comp., mustiest -sup.], mousy [mousier -comp., mousiest -sup.].
    * curva muy cerrada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en lugares cerrados = indoors.
    * espacio cerrado = closed space.
    * formando un circuito cerrado = looped.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * pregunta cerrada = closed-ended question.
    * puño cerrado = clenched fist.
    * recinto cerrado = walled garden.

    2 = cliquish, insular, cliquey [cliquy].

    Ex: Book clubs do not have to be cliquish, pretentious, stuffily self-inflated, or bolt-holes for ethereal literary spirits.

    Ex: Within that chummy, insular world of imperial elites, Senator Jaguaribe recoiled in horror at the prospect of a permanent pauper class supported by public funds.
    Ex: She worked at a local clothing company for a while and found the other staff and managers to all be very cliquey, bitchy and rather shallow.
    * círculo cerrado de gente = clique.
    * coto cerrado = closed shop.

    3 = bushy [bushier -comp., bushiest -sup.].

    Ex: Whether short and thin or long and bushy, applying a fake mustache is often the best solution to create the look of a character.

    * * *
    cerrado -da
    1 ‹puerta/ventana› closed, shut; ‹ojos/boca› closed, shut; ‹mejillones/almejas› closed
    tenía los ojos cerrados she had her eyes closed o shut
    el frasco no está bien cerrado the top ( o lid etc) isn't on properly, the jar isn't closed properly
    un sobre cerrado a sealed envelope
    las cortinas estaban cerradas the curtains were drawn o closed
    normalmente tenemos la mesa cerrada we usually keep the table closed/down
    2 ‹válvula› closed, shut off
    los grifos están cerrados the taps are turned off
    B ‹tienda/restaurante/museo› closed, shut
    [ S ] cerrado closed
    [ S ] cerrado por defunción/reformas closed owing to bereavement/for alterations
    1 (confinado, limitado) ‹espacio/recinto› enclosed
    2 (cargado) ‹ambiente› stuffy
    3 ‹grupo›
    un círculo de amigos muy cerrado a very closed circle of friends
    un club de ambiente cerrado y snob a club with a very exclusive and snobbish atmosphere
    4 ( Mat) ‹serie/conjunto› closed circuito
    D ( Ling)
    1 ‹vocal› close, closed
    2 ‹acento/dialecto› broad
    tiene un acento andaluz cerrado he has a broad o thick Andalusian accent
    E ‹curva› sharp
    1 (nublado) overcast
    (referiéndose a la noche): ya era noche cerrada cuando salimos when we left it was already completely dark
    G ‹barba› thick
    (enérgico): lo recibieron con una cerrada ovación he was given an ecstatic reception
    mantienen una cerrada pugna por el título they are engaged in a fierce fight for the title
    I ‹persona›
    (poco receptivo, intransigente): son muy cerrados y no se adaptan a estas novedades they're very set in their ways and they won't adapt to these new ideas
    no lo vas a convencer, es muy cerrado you'll never persuade him, he's very stubborn o he's very set in his ways
    estar cerrado A algo:
    está cerrado a todo lo que signifique cambiar his mind is closed to o he's against anything that involves change
    el país ha estado cerrado durante años a todo tipo de influencias externas the country has, for years, been shut off from all outside influence
    2 (poco comunicativo) uncommunicative
    3 ( fam) (torpe) dense ( colloq), thick ( colloq)
    es muy cerrado de mollera he's very dense ( colloq), he's as thick as two short planks ( BrE colloq)
    ( Esp) ( Fin): [ S ] apartamentos de lujo, precio cerrado luxury apartments, price guaranteed
    * * *


    Del verbo cerrar: ( conjugate cerrar)

    cerrado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    a)puerta/ventana/ojos/boca closed, shut;

    mejillones/almejas closed;
    sobre/carta sealed;
    puño clenched;
    cortinas drawn, closed;

    grifo/llave turned off
    2tienda/restaurante/museo closed, shut
    3espacio/recinto enclosed;
    curva sharp
    4acento/dialecto broad
    5 persona› ( poco comunicativo) uncommunicative;

    cerrado a influencias externas shut off from outside influence
    cerrar ( conjugate cerrar) verbo transitivo
    a)puerta/ventana to close, shut;

    ojos/boca to shut, close;

    b) botellato put the top on/cork in;

    frasco to put the lid on;
    sobre to seal
    c)paraguas/abanico/mano to close;

    libro to close, shut;
    puño to clench
    d) cortinas to close, draw;

    persianas to lower, pull down;
    abrigo to fasten, button up;
    cremallerato do … up
    e)grifo/agua/gas to turn off;

    válvula to close, shut off
    a)fábrica/comercio/oficina› ( en el quehacer diario) to close;

    ( definitivamente) to close (down)
    b)aeropuerto/carretera/frontera to close


    b)caso/juicio to close

    c)acuerdo/negociación to finalize

    d)acto/debateto bring … to an end

    verbo intransitivo
    1 (hablando de puerta, ventana):
    cierra, que hace frío close o shut the door (o window etc), it's cold;

    ¿cerraste con llave? did you lock up?
    2 [puerta/ventana/cajón] to close, shut
    3 [comercio/oficina] ( en el quehacer diario) to close, shut;
    ( definitivamente) to close (down)
    cerrarse verbo pronominal
    a) [puerta/ventana] to shut, close;

    b) [ ojos] to close;

    c) [flor/almeja] to close up

    2 ( refl) ‹ abrigo to fasten, button up;
    cremallerato do … up
    3 [acto/debate/jornada] to end
    cerrado,-a adjetivo
    1 closed, shut
    (recinto) enclosed ➣ Ver nota en cerrar
    2 (intransigente) uncompromising, unyielding
    (a las novedades, etc) narrow minded
    3 (tímido) reserved
    4 (un acento, una forma de hablar) broad
    5 (curva) tight, sharp
    6 (tupido) bushy
    ♦ Locuciones: a puerta cerrada, behind closed doors
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to shut, close
    (con llave) to lock
    (un grifo abierto) to turn off
    (el ordenador) to turn off, switch off
    (subir una cremallera) to do up
    (un sobre) to seal
    (los puños) to clench
    2 (un negocio temporalmente) to close
    (definitivamente) to close down
    3 (un trato, un acuerdo) to finalize
    (liquidar una cuenta bancaria) to close
    4 (un acceso, un servicio de transporte) to close
    (bloquear) cerrarle el paso a alguien, to block sb's way
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to close, shut
    2 (un negocio temporalmente) to close
    (definitivamente) to close down
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar cerrar el pico, to shut one's trap
    ' cerrado' also found in these entries:
    - cal
    - cerrada
    - concesión
    - cuadriculada
    - cuadriculado
    - defunción
    - herméticamente
    - reforma
    - cuadrado
    - estacionamiento
    - mollera
    - televisión
    - tufo
    - closed
    - hermetically
    - musty
    - secure
    - sharp
    - shut
    - small-minded
    - to
    - broad
    - enclose
    - insular
    - loop
    - narrow
    - repair
    - small
    - stock
    - unlock
    * * *
    cerrado, -a
    ver cerrar
    1. [puerta, boca, tienda] closed, shut;
    [con llave, pestillo] locked; [puño] clenched; [sobre] closed;
    la botella no está bien cerrada the top of the bottle isn't on properly;
    todos los grifos están cerrados all the Br taps o US faucets are (turned) off;
    en esta habitación huele a cerrado this room smells stuffy;
    cerrado por obras/vacaciones [en letrero] closed for alterations/holidays;
    cerrado los fines de semana [en letrero] closed at weekends
    2. [curva] sharp, tight
    3. [circuito] closed
    4. [aplauso, ovación] rapturous
    5. [lucha] bitter;
    una cerrada lucha por el liderazgo a bitter leadership struggle
    6. Ling [vocal] close
    7. [acento, deje] broad, thick;
    habla con un acento gallego cerrado she speaks with a broad o thick Galician accent
    8. [mentalidad, sociedad] closed (a to);
    tiene una actitud muy cerrada she has a very closed mentality;
    es muy cerrado he's very narrow-minded;
    está cerrado al cambio he is not open to change
    9. [tiempo, cielo] overcast;
    la noche era cerrada it was a dark night
    10. [rodeado] surrounded;
    [por montañas] walled in;
    no se adaptan a espacios cerrados they aren't suited to living in confined spaces;
    una terraza cerrada a glazed balcony
    11. [vegetación, bosque] thick, dense;
    [barba] thick
    12. [poco claro, difícil] abstruse;
    su estilo es muy cerrado his style is very abstruse
    13. [introvertido, tímido] reserved;
    le cuesta hacer amigos porque es muy cerrado he finds making friends difficult because he's very reserved
    14. [estricto] strict;
    el colegio tiene criterios muy cerrados de admisión the school has very strict entrance requirements
    15. [torpe] dense, stupid;
    es un poco cerrado, hay que explicarle todo varias veces he's rather dense o stupid, you have to explain everything to him over and over again;
    ser cerrado de mollera to be thick in the head
    16. [obstinado] obstinate, stubborn
    fenced-in garden
    * * *
    1 closed;
    oler a cerrado smell stuffy
    2 persona narrow-minded
    3 ( tímido) introverted
    4 cielo overcast
    5 acento broad
    curva cerrada tight curve
    * * *
    cerrado, -da adj
    1) : closed, shut
    2) : thick, broad
    tiene un acento cerrado: she has a thick accent
    3) : cloudy, overcast
    4) : quiet, reserved
    5) : dense, stupid
    * * *
    cerrado adj
    1. (en general) closed / shut
    2. (con llave) locked
    3. (acento) broad
    4. (curva) sharp
    5. (persona) reserved / shy [comp. shier o shyer; superl. shiest o shyest]

    Spanish-English dictionary > cerrado

  • 127 Empire, Portuguese overseas

       Portugal was the first Western European state to establish an early modern overseas empire beyond the Mediterranean and perhaps the last colonial power to decolonize. A vast subject of complexity that is full of myth as well as debatable theories, the history of the Portuguese overseas empire involves the story of more than one empire, the question of imperial motives, the nature of Portuguese rule, and the results and consequences of empire, including the impact on subject peoples as well as on the mother country and its society, Here, only the briefest account of a few such issues can be attempted.
       There were various empires or phases of empire after the capture of the Moroccan city of Ceuta in 1415. There were at least three Portuguese empires in history: the First empire (1415-1580), the Second empire (1580-1640 and 1640-1822), and the Third empire (1822-1975).
       With regard to the second empire, the so-called Phillipine period (1580-1640), when Portugal's empire was under Spanish domination, could almost be counted as a separate era. During that period, Portugal lost important parts of its Asian holdings to England and also sections of its colonies of Brazil, Angola, and West Africa to Holland's conquests. These various empires could be characterized by the geography of where Lisbon invested its greatest efforts and resources to develop territories and ward off enemies.
       The first empire (1415-1580) had two phases. First came the African coastal phase (1415-97), when the Portuguese sought a foothold in various Moroccan cities but then explored the African coast from Morocco to past the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. While colonization and sugar farming were pursued in the Atlantic islands, as well as in the islands in the Gulf of Guinea like São Tomé and Príncipe, for the most part the Portuguese strategy was to avoid commitments to defending or peopling lands on the African continent. Rather, Lisbon sought a seaborne trade empire, in which the Portuguese could profit from exploiting trade and resources (such as gold) along the coasts and continue exploring southward to seek a sea route to Portuguese India. The second phase of the first empire (1498-1580) began with the discovery of the sea route to Asia, thanks to Vasco da Gama's first voyage in 1497-99, and the capture of strong points, ports, and trading posts in order to enforce a trade monopoly between Asia and Europe. This Asian phase produced the greatest revenues of empire Portugal had garnered, yet ended when Spain conquered Portugal and commanded her empire as of 1580.
       Portugal's second overseas empire began with Spanish domination and ran to 1822, when Brazil won her independence from Portugal. This phase was characterized largely by Brazilian dominance of imperial commitment, wealth in minerals and other raw materials from Brazil, and the loss of a significant portion of her African and Asian coastal empire to Holland and Great Britain. A sketch of Portugal's imperial losses either to native rebellions or to imperial rivals like Britain and Holland follows:
       • Morocco (North Africa) (sample only)
       Arzila—Taken in 1471; evacuated in 1550s; lost to Spain in 1580, which returned city to a sultan.
       Ceuta—Taken in 1415; lost to Spain in 1640 (loss confirmed in 1668 treaty with Spain).
       • Tangiers—Taken in 15th century; handed over to England in 1661 as part of Catherine of Braganza's dowry to King Charles II.
       • West Africa
       • Fort/Castle of São Jorge da Mina, Gold Coast (in what is now Ghana)—Taken in 1480s; lost to Holland in 1630s.
       • Middle East
       Socotra-isle—Conquered in 1507; fort abandoned in 1511; used as water resupply stop for India fleet.
       Muscat—Conquered in 1501; lost to Persians in 1650.
       Ormuz—Taken, 1505-15 under Albuquerque; lost to England, which gave it to Persia in the 17th century.
       Aden (entry to Red Sea) — Unsuccessfully attacked by Portugal (1513-30); taken by Turks in 1538.
       • India
       • Ceylon (Sri Lanka)—Taken by 1516; lost to Dutch after 1600.
       • Bombay—Taken in 16th century; given to England in 1661 treaty as part of Catherine of Braganza's dowry for Charles II.
       • East Indies
       • Moluccas—Taken by 1520; possession confirmed in 1529 Saragossa treaty with Spain; lost to Dutch after 1600; only East Timor remaining.
       After the restoration of Portuguese independence from Spain in 1640, Portugal proceeded to revive and strengthen the Anglo- Portuguese Alliance, with international aid to fight off further Spanish threats to Portugal and drive the Dutch invaders out of Brazil and Angola. While Portugal lost its foothold in West Africa at Mina to the Dutch, dominion in Angola was consolidated. The most vital part of the imperial economy was a triangular trade: slaves from West Africa and from the coasts of Congo and Angola were shipped to plantations in Brazil; raw materials (sugar, tobacco, gold, diamonds, dyes) were sent to Lisbon; Lisbon shipped Brazil colonists and hardware. Part of Portugal's War of Restoration against Spain (1640-68) and its reclaiming of Brazil and Angola from Dutch intrusions was financed by the New Christians (Jews converted to Christianity after the 1496 Manueline order of expulsion of Jews) who lived in Portugal, Holland and other low countries, France, and Brazil. If the first empire was mainly an African coastal and Asian empire, the second empire was primarily a Brazilian empire.
       Portugal's third overseas empire began upon the traumatic independence of Brazil, the keystone of the Lusitanian enterprise, in 1822. The loss of Brazil greatly weakened Portugal both as a European power and as an imperial state, for the scattered remainder of largely coastal, poor, and uncolonized territories that stretched from the bulge of West Africa to East Timor in the East Indies and Macau in south China were more of a financial liability than an asset. Only two small territories balanced their budgets occasionally or made profits: the cocoa islands of São Tomé and Príncipe in the Gulf of Guinea and tiny Macau, which lost much of its advantage as an entrepot between the West and the East when the British annexed neighboring Hong Kong in 1842. The others were largely burdens on the treasury. The African colonies were strapped by a chronic economic problem: at a time when the slave trade and then slavery were being abolished under pressures from Britain and other Western powers, the economies of Guinea- Bissau, São Tomé/Príncipe, Angola, and Mozambique were totally dependent on revenues from the slave trade and slavery. During the course of the 19th century, Lisbon began a program to reform colonial administration in a newly rejuvenated African empire, where most of the imperial efforts were expended, by means of replacing the slave trade and slavery, with legitimate economic activities.
       Portugal participated in its own early version of the "Scramble" for Africa's interior during 1850-69, but discovered that the costs of imperial expansion were too high to allow effective occupation of the hinterlands. After 1875, Portugal participated in the international "Scramble for Africa" and consolidated its holdings in west and southern Africa, despite the failure of the contra-costa (to the opposite coast) plan, which sought to link up the interiors of Angola and Mozambique with a corridor in central Africa. Portugal's expansion into what is now Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (eastern section) in 1885-90 was thwarted by its oldest ally, Britain, under pressure from interest groups in South Africa, Scotland, and England. All things considered, Portugal's colonizing resources and energies were overwhelmed by the African empire it possessed after the frontier-marking treaties of 1891-1906. Lisbon could barely administer the massive area of five African colonies, whose total area comprised about 8 percent of the area of the colossal continent. The African territories alone were many times the size of tiny Portugal and, as of 1914, Portugal was the third colonial power in terms of size of area possessed in the world.
       The politics of Portugal's empire were deceptive. Lisbon remained obsessed with the fear that rival colonial powers, especially Germany and Britain, would undermine and then dismantle her African empire. This fear endured well into World War II. In developing and keeping her potentially rich African territories (especially mineral-rich Angola and strategically located Mozambique), however, the race against time was with herself and her subject peoples. Two major problems, both chronic, prevented Portugal from effective colonization (i.e., settling) and development of her African empire: the economic weakness and underdevelopment of the mother country and the fact that the bulk of Portuguese emigration after 1822 went to Brazil, Venezuela, the United States, and France, not to the colonies. These factors made it difficult to consolidate imperial control until it was too late; that is, until local African nationalist movements had organized and taken the field in insurgency wars that began in three of the colonies during the years 1961-64.
       Portugal's belated effort to revitalize control and to develop, in the truest sense of the word, Angola and Mozambique after 1961 had to be set against contemporary events in Europe, Africa, and Asia. While Portugal held on to a backward empire, other European countries like Britain, France, and Belgium were rapidly decolonizing their empires. Portugal's failure or unwillingness to divert the large streams of emigrants to her empire after 1850 remained a constant factor in this question. Prophetic were the words of the 19th-century economist Joaquim Oliveira Martins, who wrote in 1880 that Brazil was a better colony for Portugal than Africa and that the best colony of all would have been Portugal itself. As of the day of the Revolution of 25 April 1974, which sparked the final process of decolonization of the remainder of Portugal's third overseas empire, the results of the colonization program could be seen to be modest compared to the numbers of Portuguese emigrants outside the empire. Moreover, within a year, of some 600,000 Portuguese residing permanently in Angola and Mozambique, all but a few thousand had fled to South Africa or returned to Portugal.
       In 1974 and 1975, most of the Portuguese empire was decolonized or, in the case of East Timor, invaded and annexed by a foreign power before it could consolidate its independence. Only historic Macau, scheduled for transfer to the People's Republic of China in 1999, remained nominally under Portuguese control as a kind of footnote to imperial history. If Portugal now lacked a conventional overseas empire and was occupied with the challenges of integration in the European Union (EU), Lisbon retained another sort of informal dependency that was a new kind of empire: the empire of her scattered overseas Portuguese communities from North America to South America. Their numbers were at least six times greater than that of the last settlers of the third empire.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Empire, Portuguese overseas

  • 128 впоследствии

    * * *
    Впоследствии -- subsequently (обычно с past & perfect); in the sequel, thereafter (ниже, дальше, в 6удущем); at a later time
     Subsequently, the knife blade material was changed to 17-7 PH stainless steel.
     It will be obvious in the sequel that a given paper will often fit into a number of the classes.
     If contamination is within limits, change filter after the first week of operation and monthly thereafter. (... а впоследствии ежемесячно)
     Part of the memory of the computer allows you to save your files and review them at a later time.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > впоследствии

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